O.J. Speaks: The Hidden Tapes | Full Documentary | A&E

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DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you recall having any conversation about killing Nicole, even if you didn't mean it seriously? None, absolutely none, ever. NARRATOR: OJ Simpson, forced to testify for the first time about his role in a brutal double murder by the grief stricken father of one of the victims. Ron and Nicole were butchered by their client. Do any of you believe otherwise? NARRATOR: Simpson is grilled-- DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): If she fell when she was outside it's because you made her fall, right? No. NARRATOR: --in Fred Goldman's relentless quest to find justice for his son, Ron-- We've waited a long time to have an opportunity to ask the hard questions. NARRATOR: --this time, in a civil trial. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever strike her? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever hurt her? Yes. NARRATOR: The odds were against Fred Goldman. We already knew the power of OJ Simpson. He had unlimited resources, fame, fortune, people who adored him. NARRATOR: Simpson had already beat the murder rap in criminal court, giving his civil lawyers a roadmap to victory. The Goldman family, they weren't rich people. Fred had a real job. NARRATOR: And the attorney chosen by the Goldman family to bring Simpson down had no experience in pursuing this kind of case. I had never handled a wrongful death case. In fact, I had never litigated a personal injury case. I was a business litigation lawyer. I don't think we had any comprehension of what was going to be involved. There was a mountain of evidence that showed Mr. Simpson's guilt. And you all know as well as I what that evidence is. NARRATOR: The deposition tapes of OJ Simpson testifying will be broadcast at length. And viewers will be able to hear Simpson try to account for his actions when challenged directly by the lawyers bringing the civil suit. He would lie about every important fact. NARRATOR: A new trial-- Good luck, man, best of luck. NARRATOR: --a new attorney-- I said, you just put your fists up, is that what you did that night? NARRATOR: --and damning new evidence. It was proof that he had the shoes on his feet, that he owned them. I would have never won those ugly ass shoes. MICHELLE CARUSO: Even with the evidence being as good as most murder cases could ever hope for, no one knew if it would be enough. [music playing] OFFICER (ON VIDEO): Would you raise your right hand, please? You do solemnly swear that the testimony you shall give in this deposition will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God. I do. OFFICER (ON VIDEO): Thank you. DANIEL PETROCELLI: Good morning, Mr. Simpson. Good morning. DANIEL PETROCELLI: My name is Daniel Petrocelli. I represent the plaintiff, Frederick Goldman, in this lawsuit against you. We wanted some justice. And we wanted that to come from a court. And it didn't come from the criminal trial. Ron got zero justice. I will forever be proud of my son and my family. Thank you. And when we discovered that there was another avenue, a civil trial, we thought of that as the only way we're going to ever have a chance at justice. DANIEL PETROCELLI: Can you tell me what you told Vannatter and Lange where you were between 10:00 and 11:00? Whatever they asked me, I told them. Whatever they asked me, I told them. I recall that, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI: What I want to know is what answers you gave. To what? Ask me the question like they asked me, and I'll give you an answer. DANIEL PETROCELLI: Where you have between 10:00 and 11:00? I don't know if they asked me that question. I was home. OK, if they did ask you, what did you say? I don't recall if they asked me, so I don't know what I said. Why don't you ask me? DANIEL PETROCELLI: I just did. Where were you-- Why don't you ask me? [music playing] All right, Mrs. Robertson, do you have the envelope with the sealed breakdowns, please? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LANCE ITO: All right, would you give those to Deputy [inaudible]? I was convinced beyond any doubt that he was going to be found guilty. JUDGE LANCE ITO: All right, Madam foreperson, you've had the opportunity to review the verdict forms. FRED GOLDMAN (VOICEOVER): Every piece of evidence pointed to one person and one person only. FOREPERSON: We, the jury, in the above entitled action, find the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder. When it ended the way that it did, it felt like a slap in the face because the halls of justice, that's where you get justice, that's where everything balances out. FOREPERSON: --in violation of Penal Code section 187A, a felony upon Ronald Lyle Goldman, a human being as charged in count two of the information. FRED GOLDMAN (VOICEOVER): For us, it was the smack across the face and head of finding out that Ron just got nothing, just received no justice at all. Two lives were gone, one nearly decapitated, my son stabbed 33 times. That meant nothing. It was theatrics at its finest. And a murderer walked free. MICHELLE CARUSO: When they panned to the family, Kim was sobbing. It was like being stabbed in the heart with a knife to see it and know, for us, it was a bad verdict, for them, the person who killed their loved one was going to walk out and throw a party. Last, um, June 13, '94, was the worst nightmare of my life. This is the second. [chatter] MAN: The [inaudible] criminal courts building for the prosecution, whose conference is about to begin. NARRATOR: For the Goldmans, it seems any hope for justice is gone. They had taken on a media Goliath, and lost. FRED GOLDMAN: When we discovered that there was another avenue, a civil trial, I don't think we had any comprehension of what was going to be involved, what it was going to take, how it was going to happen. It was just something that we learned about and said, this is a second chance at justice. No one had really heard of civil cases back then. It didn't feel right because we were suing and the only punishment was money, so it was very confusing, just kind of the internal debate of whether or not we wanted to do that. MANNY MEDRANO: In a legal system, there's two ways to proceed in a case. If you're charged criminally, you're in the criminal justice system and 12 jurors have to unanimously agree-- 12 to zero-- beyond a reasonable doubt that I committed the crime. Starkly different in a civil case, you get 12 jurors in the box, but you only need nine to rule in your favor. And it's a lesser standard, what's called a preponderance of the evidence, just a little past 50%. If the jury finds that, they can find liability. NARRATOR: Many in Los Angeles are outraged over a system, they believe, can't deliver justice. Paul Marziano, the founder of the Los Angeles based clothing manufacturer, Guess Incorporated, is among them. I followed the case. I followed the fact. I followed evidence, blah, blah, blah. And the verdict come, and it's like-- that case was about the incompetence, the incompetence of the district attorney's office. NARRATOR: To pursue a civil case, the Goldmans will need an attorney. Marziano believes his lawyer is perfect for the job. His name, Daniel Petrocelli. And I said, Dan, this thing that happen in our city is crazy. This is wrong. And he said, Dan, you must take this case. I said, what are you talking about? He goes, you must take this case, the country needs someone like you. They need to have this verdict turned around. And I said, I would like you to do that case. And he said, I've never done one criminal case in my life. DANIEL PETROCELLI: I don't do those kinds of cases. I've never handled a criminal case. In fact, I had never litigated a personal injury case. I was a business litigation lawyer. I said, you have to do it, not for you, for everybody in this city. A lot of people cannot understand or comprehend what's happened. At least that someone will bring a sense of justice here. DANIEL PETROCELLI: I was quite sure that what I was going to do was explain to Fred why I really couldn't take his case. But when I opened the door, there was like a transformation that took place. He was almost like a television character to me, up to that point in time, someone I had seen on television. Ron and Nicole were butchered by their client. Do any of you believe otherwise? But when I saw him in person for the first time, the reality set in. And I could see the loss and the pain etched all over his face. And when he ushered me into the living room, furniture was in different places, pushed to the side. And it was dark. And there was this very deep, thick sadness that immediately enveloped you. It had the smell of death. KIM GOLDMAN: We sat with him and we had our list of questions. And we interviewed him. And something just clicked. It was just-- it sounds kind of hokey, but it was kind of kismet. FRED GOLDMAN: Dan made a comment to us that if we chose him to be the attorney, he would want us to be involved. And we kind of all chuckled, you know, because there was not a chance in living hell that, um, we weren't going to be involved. And we talked and we talked and we talked. As we spoke through the wee hours of the morning, the reality of his loss became real to me. It was raw. It couldn't help but affect you. And you know, as a lawyer, I've been representing companies and wealthy individuals, and here was a chance to represent a father fighting for his son. Before I knew it was 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. And by then I knew I was going to do this. REPORTER: Are you good? I'm good. NARRATOR: Petrocelli warns the Goldmans their case will not be easy. But in a civil case, they will have some advantages. DANIEL PETROCELLI: In the criminal case, Simpson had the Fifth Amendment right not to testify. In the civil case, I explained to Fred, he would have no such choice. If he refuses to testify, he will lose the case by default. In fact, he would be required to testify long before the trial in a pre-trial deposition. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever strike her? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever hit her? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever physically hurt her? - Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever bruise her? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you cause bruises on her body through acts of violence by you towards her? I believe the bruises that were on her body, I was responsible for. If she got them from me being physical with her or if she got them when she fell when she was outside, I was responsible for it. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): If she fell when she was outside it's because you made her fall, right? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Because you were hitting her, right? - No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You were pounding her? No, that's incorrect. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You made her face black and blue, didn't you? If her face was black and blue the next day, about two days later, I was responsible for it. No matter how it happened that day, I was the person responsible. [music playing] REPORTER 1: KFWB news, time 4:28. Well, the father of the late Ron Goldman, Fred Goldman, announces a new attorney to take on OJ Simpson in civil court. REPORTER 2: The Goldman family hires a business-- REPORTER 1: The attorney, Dan Petrocelli, says he hopes to depose OJ Simpson for the civil action suit. NARRATOR: In October 1995, news that the family of murder victim, Ron Goldman, hired little known civil litigator, Dan Petrocelli, to represent them in a wrongful death lawsuit against OJ Simpson, spread like wildfire. The next day, I checked my voicemails. And on a typical day, I might have, you know, two or three voicemails. And I had 25 or 30 voicemails. And they were all from members of the media, all asking, you know, for interviews. I was terrified listening to this, like what have I gotten myself into? I had never spoken to a reporter before. I remember walking to this bank of microphones, and seeing this sea of reporters. And I had this complete out of body experience, like what am I doing here? This is like a scene in a movie. I had a full scale anxiety attack. I felt myself choking. I couldn't swallow. I just wanted to get through this alive. We think that when all is said and done, we will find a jury to conclude that Mr. Simpson was the man responsible for the death of Ron Goldman. We already knew the power of OJ Simpson's money and his team. We knew that he could get any expert, any attorney-- he could have 10 attorneys if he wanted to-- investigators, he had unlimited resources, fame, fortune, people who adored him despite a mountain of evidence showing that he was a double murderer. And here was the Goldman family, sad, broken. They weren't rich people. Fred had a real job. They didn't have tons of money. They couldn't just reach out and say, we want the biggest team of civil litigators. They weren't in that position. They were just heartbroken people who had been terribly wronged by the criminal justice system, and they had one last chance to try to get some kind of justice. To my surprise, my colleagues and my partners at the law firm were immediately supportive that we would take this case on, and we would not charge Mr. Goldman, and that we would do it as a public service. NARRATOR: Pursuing the case could potentially cost millions of dollars. DANIEL PETROCELLI: Mr. Goldman, for his part, helped raise money to defray certain costs of doing the case. We had to hire experts. We had to create a war room for the course of the trial. We had all sorts of travel expenses. People started sending money to help with our case. It was expensive. And people wanted to help and people wanted to be part of our journey and our-- and our mission and our path to justice. When we started getting responses, it was really mind boggling to open up these letters. There was one that was a little card from a child, that in very noticeably child handwriting, said something about, we love Ron, et cetera. The letter was in crayon from a child, saying, I just want to-- I just want to help. And it was a dollar bill. You know in your heart that mom and dad had something to do with that. But it was gut wrenching. DANIEL PETROCELLI: The support we received from our clients and from the community, in general, was quite extraordinary. NARRATOR: Day one, Petrocelli is David against Simpson's Goliath. Time was of the essence. A trial date is set for October. DANIEL PETROCELLI: We had to do a virtual autopsy of what transpired in the criminal case. We got access to all the evidence. I personally immersed myself in everything that transpired in that case, including reading every book that had been written about that case. Once the plaintiff's team assembled itself, everybody went to work 24/7. NARRATOR: Much of the work had to be done prior to depositions, which in turn, had to be accomplished before the trial. One of the things that's a little bit different about a civil case and a criminal case is you're allowed to take discovery. And that means, in this case, we could take the deposition of Simpson before the civil trial started, and see what his answers were going to be to the questions we were going to ask him on the witness stand and at the trial. And then you can try to find out what his story is going to be, what his excuses are going to be. We call that process of confronting a witness with a contrary, prior answer, impeachment. I knew going into this deposition that the whole objective was to gather as much impeachment evidence and impeachment ammunition as I possibly could for use later on when Simpson was examined at trial. NARRATOR: Petrocelli's plan to trap Simpson is simple, prove that he was capable of physically abusing his ex-wife, prove that the physical evidence in the case pointed only toward him, and prove that on June 12, 1994, Simpson had motive to kill his ex-wife, Nicole, and a young waiter named Ron Goldman, who in a tragic twist of fate, was returning a pair of glasses that had been left at the restaurant at which he worked by Nicole's mother. He was simply at the wrong place, at the wrong time. DANIEL PETROCELLI: I knew that he wasn't going to confess to the murders. So I knew that everything, or just about everything he would say, would be a lie. MICHELLE CARUSO: Once Dan Petrocelli got the case, he embraced it 1000%. Some people would look at the Simpson case and say, too many details, don't get lost in the weeds. But in this case, the devil is in the details. DANIEL PETROCELLI: Much of the work I did on this case was to try to understand, deeply, the motive for these killings, what happened in that relationship, what went wrong in that relationship, what went wrong on those particular days leading up to the murder, what happened on that day, and not only understanding, but being able to then prove that he was capable of doing such a thing, to separate the persona from the person. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): In this conversation, do you recall saying that you would kill Nicole? Absolutely not. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you recall having any conversation about killing Nicole, even if you didn't mean it seriously? None, absolutely none, ever. [music playing] DANIEL PETROCELLI: The Court was very concerned about protecting the fairness of the trial process. The date, time, and place of Simpson's deposition were kept a secret. When I arrived to my office where the deposition was going to take place, it was ringed with television trucks, cameras, crews. FRED GOLDMAN: There was all kinds of media. We couldn't figure out how it ever got out. But frankly, the assumption was that their side must have let it out because we certainly didn't have any reason to want to let it out. And it was, here we go with the circus again. We've waited a long time to have an opportunity to ask the hard questions and have questions answered under oath. And I think, out of it, will come a lot of very interesting things. DANIEL PETROCELLI: When I first met Simpson and was escorting him into my offices for his deposition, he was very friendly, wanted to chit chat. And part of me wanted to jump right in, and talk with him, and ask him, how did he dodge that tackle against UCLA. And then I had to have a reality check, and say, wait a second, I'm here representing my client and he killed my client. STEVEN FOSTER: So we are in the internal conference room on the 10th floor of our building. And this is where the majority, if not all of the depositions in the Simpson civil case, took place. Mr. Simpson sat in this chair when he was grilled for 11 days. The court reporter would tend to sit here and transcribe the deposition. And then you would have Fred Goldman, typically would be somewhere around the middle of the table towards the back, never wanting to really get too close to the killer. DANIEL PETROCELLI: We had discussions with Fred and his family about preparing themselves to be in the same room with OJ Simpson, to sit across a conference room table no more than 3 or 4 feet from Simpson. It was difficult for him. And he told me not to worry. He goes, you know, I'm not going to blow up, I'm not going to do anything rash. But a lot of people in the media were always questioning, you know, whether Fred would come in with a gun, for example, because of how raw Fred's feelings were. As much as I would like to have grabbed him by the throat and strangled him, knowing that it was on camera, and knowing that ultimately he was probably going to be exactly the same in the courtroom, I was fine. Let the son of a bitch hang himself. He, by choice, murdered two people-- by choice. And, uh, he should never be left alone for that reason. Again, he belongs in jail and death row. NARRATOR: Besides the Goldman family attorneys, also in the room are attorneys for Sharon Rufo, Ron Goldman's birth mother, who had been estranged from Ron for 15 years, and the attorney representing the family of Nicole Brown, John Kelly. Mr. Simpson can go out there and speak for himself. My client, Nicole-- Mr. Simpson knows this better than anybody-- cannot speak for herself right now. NARRATOR: Simpson is represented by the well-known trial attorney, Bob Baker, who has 25 years of civil litigation experience, and Bob Blasier, who was also a member of Simpson's legal dream team during the criminal trial. STEVEN FOSTER: Simpson would come through the door to the north. Fred would enter on the south side of the room. We tried to keep them apart. Simpson was a pretty arrogant guy. And you knew when he was in the building. There were times when I could hear him coming from floors away, laughing and joking. He was very obnoxious. He felt invincible after scathing by in the criminal trial. He was just very pompous and very arrogant, and walked in and tried to own the place. We all wanted to protect Fred from that. FRED GOLDMAN: And then the deposition started. And we had another opportunity to see the killer and his arrogance at work. He was in a chair that allowed him to lean way back. And he would lean way back with his arms behind his head, like this. And as Dan was asking him questions, he would go, yeah, yeah, or he'd mumble. And sometimes he put his head down on the table. He just didn't give a crap. It was as simple as that. It was just a big bother to him. I'm sorry. The deposition was wide ranging, not just, you know, where were you on the night of June 12, but going through his entire history, and particularly, the history of his relationship with Nicole Brown Simpson. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And you cut her lip, didn't you? That's incorrect. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You hit her with your fist, and you caused her lip to split open. Is that right? That's incorrect. Because these murders happened for a reason. This wasn't a random drive by shooting. This wasn't a robbery. This wasn't a rape murder. This was a rage killing, motivated by the intense personal feelings between Simpson and his recently estranged ex-wife. We were convinced that we had to establish motive. You know, we had to show that there was a reason why he would commit this murder because he was, you know, a rich and famous guy. He was already separated from Nicole. So what would drive him to do this? We did have to dig deeply into the relationship between the two, and to the obvious anger that he had towards Nicole. We all knew, on our side of the case, that he would lie about every important fact. That was no mystery. He wasn't going to admit to killing Nicole and Ron. He was taking that to his grave. And so his whole story was going to be one big lie. We knew that. He knew that. I believe his lawyers knew that. I believe everybody knew that. So this was going to be an exercise in getting as many lies as possible on the record, and then later on showing to the jury that, in fact, they were all lies. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): How do you account for the finger marks on Nicole's throat, Mr. Simpson? I don't know. I don't know. I never saw them, so I can't account for them. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And you caused scars on her face, didn't you? Uh, that's incorrect. We spent a fair amount of time trying to prepare him. Um, but he-- he still has a bad habit of volunteering stuff and trying to explain things. I'm wrestling her and I'm holding her. It's pretty tough not to have a person around their shoulders and their necks and their bodies. We were wrestling. And, um, it-- it could have happened, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What could have happened is that you could have had your fingers around her throat and caused those marks. Is that what you're saying? His narrative was to say that they wrestled and pushed each other around. He would not admit that he struck her in any way, shape, or form. DANIEL PETROCELLI: With Simpson, I remember it was quite easy to get him to talk. And he was a good talker too. I mean, he could talk to a post. You ask him a question, he would go on and on. He would spin his side of the story. But the more he spoke, the easier it was for us to later on attack it and show that he was lying just about every single important fact in the case. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And you remember choking her? No, I know I didn't choke her. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You remember having your fingers cause marks to be left on her neck? OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): Not specifically. I think any marks that's on her, I take full responsibility for. I don't know what else you want me to do. I take total responsibility for it. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Why? Because I shouldn't have handled the situation the way I did. All my life with Nicole, no matter what was going on, I handled it without being physical with her. And that time I got physical with her. And I'm ashamed of it. I wish it not had happened. And I-- I-- I make no excuses for it. It came across as being a little bit disingenuous for OJ to say he was responsible, but then not-- not acknowledging what they claim he did. FRED GOLDMAN: Maybe I was responsible, but I-- I never hit her. And then he would always somehow or other try to blame her. It was her fault. She would argue with me, or she would start all these arguments. It was her fault. And I would never hit her. I don't know how she would get black and blue. And you know, he-- he-- he never owned anything. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): I'm not asking you about the moral or other responsibility. I'm asking for what happened, OK? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You had your fingers around her throat, correct? Uh, I could have touched her neck, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What do you mean you could have touched her? I could have-- DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): This was a violent episode, wasn't it? It was-- yes, it was. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You were enraged when you had this act of violence towards her, weren't you? Mm, I don't know if that's totally true. But I was angry, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Very angry, right. Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And rage is a fair description of your-- your state of mind, correct? No, it's not. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Not? Anger? - Anger, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Intense anger. Anger. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Angry enough to hit her. No. [music playing] NARRATOR: For 11 days in early 1996, attorney, Daniel Petrocelli, interrogates OJ Simpson about his possible role in the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and a young waiter named Ron Goldman. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever meet Ron Goldman? Not that I know of. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever talk to Ron Goldman? Not that I know of. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you ever see Ron Goldman? Not that I know of. During the entire time of the criminal case, Simpson, of course, was incarcerated. And he spent his time reading every single thing he could get his hands on about the case. We knew that he had committed to memory what every witness had said. I remember deliberately deciding that I would almost question him randomly and in a sort of haphazard manner so that he could not keep linear track of everything in his mind as he had memorized. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did Nicole say to you in May or June of 1994, if you really want this marriage to work out, you're going to have to go to therapy to control your anger? No. So just to give you a very simple example, rather than have him explain to me, you know, what he did, chronologically, from the moment he boarded that plane to go to Chicago late in the evening of June 12, I, for example, asked him, Mr. Simpson, what were you wearing when you were flying back to Chicago? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What clothing did you put on when you left Chicago to go back to LA? BOB BLASIER (ON VIDEO): We've been through all of this. I started off with some jeans and I ended up in [inaudible] and black pants and a white shirt and whatever. DANIEL PETROCELLI: So then I might have gone on to an entirely different subject. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Now, when you were a youth, were you involved in any gang fights? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Were you a participant? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you use a knife in any of those? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What weapons did you use? Fists. So I would jumble up the story so that he couldn't just give it back to me in the way that he had memorized it. I think it was very effective because you could see his mind racing. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Tell me about pulling the Bronco in. You walked out the door and went out to Ashford. Yeah, I went out on Ashford. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And what did you do? I pulled the Bronco in, took the golf clubs off. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you, have any reason to believe it's not yours? OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): Well, I know that-- I don't know-- DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And you believe you're on the Bundy property at-- OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): [inaudible] I recognize [inaudible] DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Are those your socks? OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): I have no way of knowing. FRED GOLDMAN: We certainly weren't going to just accept his answers. He was going to get drilled. And the more we drilled, the more uncomfortable he became. And that's a wonderful sight to see. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): When you were half dressed, you came down and dropped the suit bag on this golf bag, correct? I don't know if was on it, but in the same place, yeah. NARRATOR: Petrocelli's peppering of questions including the status of his relationship with then girlfriend, Paula Barbieri. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You had a monogamous relationship with her at that time. Is that right? With who? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Paula. Monogamous? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Yeah. I'm a little confused by the question. But if sh-- she's the only girl I had sex with from-- for the-- probably the previous four weeks. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you say something in a message to the effect that, uh, hi, this is OJ, I'm unattached for the first time in my life? Possibly. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Was that true? Mm, possibly. Dan's an effective cross examiner. And like all effective cross examiners, he'll use different paces at different times. At times, he'll go fairly slowly, allow the person to fully answer, think about the next question and go on to that. At other times, you want to push the person a little harder. You want to ask staccato questions. You want to make sure that you're throwing them off guard and getting the truth out of the person. He knows exactly where he's trying to take the witness, what answers he's looking for, what facts he's trying to establish and lock in. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): She said that you, uh, were screaming and yelling and using profanity at the table. Was that true? I don't believe so, no. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And she said you followed her down to the ladies room. No, that's wrong. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): She said you barged into the ladies room, kicking the door open, going inside. That's wrong. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): That you made a big scene in front of the patrons and the restaurant manager. That's-- uh, she-- she said that, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Yeah, is that true? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Can you think of any other brand names of shoes that you have worn? No. ROBERT BAKER (ON VIDEO): You're not go try to trip him up by asking the same question 15 times. It's not appropriate conduct at this deposition. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): I'm trying to get the truth. I'm not trying to trip him up. If he's telling the truth, he won't be tripped up. Petrocelli obviously wanted to get into some of the things that would help his case more. Bob Baker didn't want OJ talking a lot. He would keep telling OJ, don't answer that, don't answer that, don't answer that. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): How many times during the entire time you lived with her at Rockingham were you unfaithful? How many-- how many extramarital relationships did you have? Well, he said they had a great relationship. I'm entitled to examine him about that. You don't want to answer that question? DANIEL PETROCELLI: The evidence amassed by the LAPD was sufficient to have convicted Simpson many times over. They had his blood evidence. They had DNA evidence. They had hair fiber evidence. They had clothing fiber evidence. The one piece of evidence that they did not have was the shoes that the killer wore. The scientific investigation division of the LAPD discovered that this footprint left at the crime scene was left by a Bruno Magli shoe. It's a distinctive kind of footprint. And it's an expensive, not common pair of shoes. DANIEL PETROCELLI: The impressions were measured. They were size 12. 9% of the population wears size 12. Simpson wears size 12. TOM LAMBERT: The police tried to find if Simpson had a pair of those shoes. And they were never able to locate them. And Simpson denied that he ever had. When I questioned him in his pre-trial deposition about whether he owned Bruno Magli shoes-- DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you ever buy shoes that you knew were Bruno Magli shoes? No. --I said, why would you never own those shoes? You own lots of shoes. Because I know if Bruno Magli makes shoes, that would look like the shoes they had in court that's involved in this case, I would have never worn those ugly ass shoes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You thought those were ugly ass shoes? Yes. I said, well, why are they ugly ass? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Why were they ugly ass shoes? Because in my mind, they were. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What about them was ugly, Mr. Simpson? The look of them, the style of them. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What-- what about the style? I don't know. They were ugly to me. Aesthetically, I felt that they were ugly. And I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And to me, they were ugly shoes. NARRATOR: Little did Simpson know, his words would come back to haunt him. [music playing] REPORTER 1: Nicole Brown Simpson's friend, Faye Resnick, says she-- REPORTER 2: Faye Resnick's testimony has raised a lot of questions about Simpson. NARRATOR: Lawyers in the OJ Simpson civil case traveled to New York City to take the deposition of one of Nicole Brown's close friends, Faye Resnick. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You were a friend of Nicole Brown Simpson. Is that right? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You may have to speak up a little bit so that the people at the end of the table can hear. Yes, I was. Faye Resnick is a woman who had been very close to Nicole and had written a book about her. So she was deposed in order to kind of find out what she knew about what had happened to Nicole. TOM LAMBERT: She knew a lot about the relationship between Simpson and Nicole. And she-- she was one of our witnesses to the relationship and how Nicole feared him. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Miss Resnick testified under oath that you called her on May 2 or May 3, had a telephone call with her. Do you recall that? No. Not particularly, on. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): This telephone conversation that you just described, Miss Resnick, was this the first time that you had ever disclosed to OJ Simpson your knowledge of his prior abuse? Yes, it was. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did he say anything to you about the abuse when you brought it up in the conversation? Yes, he did. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Apart from expressing to Faye your concerns over Nicole, did you-- do you ever express or vent any anger about Nicole? No, not any anger, not to-- to the degree that you mentioned earlier, no. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What did he say? He said that he doesn't beat her anymore. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): He used the words, "anymore"? Mm-hmm. Yes, he did. And I reminded him that he had just told me that he would kill Nicole. And he reiterated that he had no option, essentially, that she was bringing it on herself. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): In this conversation, you told Faye that you would kill Nicole. Do you recall saying that? Absolutely not. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you recall having any conversation with Faye Resnick about killing Nicole, even if you didn't mean it seriously? None, absolutely none, ever. FAYE RESNICK (ON VIDEO): He was aggressive. He was out of control. He was spewing with anger. It was-- it was frightening for me to be on the other end of the phone, having even the distance of our homes. I was afraid. OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): I don't know about angry. I was, um, concerned about what the heck was going on with Nicole. I know I had expressed to Faye, and I expressed to the Browns. Our objective was to show that he would lie and lie and lie over and over and over again, and convince the jury that if he were a liar, he were a murderer. The pregnancy beatings, where he used to kick her in the stomach and tell her that she was worthless. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You know whether she ever suffered any injuries while she was pregnant? No. FAYE RESNICK (ON VIDEO): And she said that, um-- she said that Sydney saw some of them. And she, um-- can I stop for a minute, please? Faye Resnick was able to kind of describe how fearful Nicole was and some of the stories of him being abusive towards her. She painted a very clear picture of how he and Nicole's relationship was. NARRATOR: Another friend of Nicole's, an LAPD officer who was retired at the time of the civil trial, specialized in domestic violence cases. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did members of the LAPD frequent your house from time to time? One individual, uh, had used my pool, I think when he was still with the LAPD. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Who was that? Uh, Ron Shipp. I've known OJ since-- at this time, since I was 16 years old. Never seen him mad. I've been over his house a million times. I've never heard him, you know, moaning and groaning, oh, that son of a-- you know. I mean, he-- he would complain about some people, you know. And you know, but not really bad. One day Nicole asked me to sit down with her and talk. And as we got into the conversation, she started talking about him. She started crying. Now, Nicole-- everybody that knows her-- she's a pretty tough woman. I had never ever seen her like that, ever. And I looked at her face. And I could tell-- she had heavy makeup on-- there was marks, bruises on her face. She got real serious. And she just said, you know, Ron, he did it to me, and brought down a bunch of pictures of the past when he had beaten her. And I was like, you got to be kidding me? Every ounce of respect that I ever had for him kind of went out of the window. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And if Nicole said you did those things to her, she would not be telling the truth-- Correct. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Is that what you're saying? That's correct. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): She would be lying? Yes. But she would not tell that lie under oath. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): She would tell that lie when she's not under oath. Is that what you're saying? Possibly, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): She would lie to herself even? I leaned over, and-- and I hugged her. And she-- she put her head on my-- on my, you know, my right-- my right shoulder or my chest, around that area. And then she just laid into me. She just told me everything that happened between them and how I didn't really know him. She started asking me about the domestic violence, the class that I taught. She looked at the lesson plan. And she said, do you think there's any way that you could have this conversation with him and let him read this? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Going back, what happened with Shipp a couple of days later? He came by. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And what did he discuss with you? Well, he wanted to discuss what-- I don't know if he wanted to discuss what was happening. He tried to talk to Nicole. He came in and talked to me. Um, and, um, he said that he had some expertise in this field. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): The field of domestic violence? Yes, and he made some suggestions. I told him, when he was trying to figure out what he should do, and I said, man, what I think you should do, I think you should, uh, say, you know, you had a problem, you're going to get help, and admit that you did you did what you did, you know, because there's no getting around it. I said, the woman's battering groups, they'll probably embrace you. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What did he suggest to you? He wanted me to make some public statement. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): About? About the incident. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And you said no. Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Why? Because I don't want to. OFFICER (ON VIDEO): Do you swear that the testimony you shall give in this deposition will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Yes, I do. OFFICER (ON VIDEO): Thank you very much. NARRATOR: Perhaps one of the most dramatic moments in the deposition process comes when Simpson's best friend, Al Cowlings, testifies. Cowlings drove his white Bronco with a suicidal Simpson in the back seat when Simpson was on the run from police five days after the murders. When we went down to the hospital, I stood by her. And when-- when the nurse asked her what had happened, Nicole looked at me, and I said, Nicole, you've got to tell them. And she told them that she was hit. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): By? By OJ. I don't know-- I don't know if she said OJ, but she said she was hit. They ashed her, how did you sustain your injuries or whatever like that, and she said, I was hit. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): OK. DANIEL PETROCELLI: It was clear that he was deeply conflicted about the case because he was very close to Nicole Brown Simpson. He was almost like a brother to her. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): Was there any doubt in your mind as to whether or not Nicole loved you as a friend? AL COWLINGS (ON VIDEO): We had a good friendship. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): OK, do you think she loved you? She never told me she loved me. But I know we had a good friendship. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): OK, did you love her? Yes. Al Cowlings was a very good friend of Nicole's, as well as OJ's. So he was obviously very upset about what had happened with the homicide. NARRATOR: Cowlings was even a groomsman at OJ and Nicole's wedding. This is to OJ and Nicole with all my love. I wish you nothing but the best. BOB BLASIER: It became a big issue for him in terms of how he dealt with the fact that Nicole was murdered and OJ is his best friend. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): Mr. Cowlings, I'm going to ask you to look at this picture. It's been previously marked as exhibit number 45. My take on Cowlings was that Simpson had ducked a life sentence in the criminal case, the civil case was just about money. He loved Nicole also. And he wasn't going to lie about anything. And you know, if Simpson got whacked with a judgment or something, he just didn't care. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): I'll ask if you recognize that picture. STEVEN FOSTER: We confronted AC Cowlings with photographs of Nicole, the battered photographs with the black eyes and things of that nature. And AC Cowlings started to cry. And it was heartfelt. I remember clearly, him breaking down and crying. I think he said, I loved Nicole. And it was genuine. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): Then who do you recognize that to be? Nicole. [music playing] NARRATOR: Late January and early February 1996, the weeks long deposition of OJ Simpson continues in the civil case brought against him for the wrongful deaths of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. In his criminal trial, in which he was acquitted, Simpson's attorneys had accused members of the LAPD of being racist and having planted evidence at the crime scene and at Simpson's home in order to implicate Simpson in the slayings. His attorneys in the civil trial attempt the same strategy. [music playing] DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): As of June 17, Mr. Simpson, did you have any information that caused you to believe that you were being framed or set up by the LAPD? No. The whole defense was-- was they were trying to say either that all of this incriminating evidence against Simpson was planted or that somehow all of the incriminating evidence against Simpson was contaminated by incompetent police officers, that some of the officers were incompetent and couldn't do the job and other ones were tricky and sneaky and could go behind the scenes and plant evidence without being caught. And they expected you to buy both of those arguments because either one alone could not possibly prove that he was not guilty. NARRATOR: Simpson was examined by the police, and then members of his defense team immediately after the murders. He told detectives he could have cut his hand while packing for a trip to Chicago the night of the slayings, and that the wound had nothing to do with the stabbing deaths of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. Though he originally told the police he cut himself at home and reopened the cut in Chicago, he now changes his story. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you tell the police, hey, I cut myself last night, maybe that's from me? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you offer any explanation, at that time, with respect to those blood drops? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you conclude, in your own mind, that perhaps those blood drops were left by you because you had cut your finger-- No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): --the night before? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You have no thoughts one way or another how those blood drops got there? I didn't think about blood drops. I was thinking about Nicole, my kids, and why was I handcuffed. NARRATOR: Over the course of several days of depositions, Simpson says that he cut his finger in his Chicago hotel room after learning of Nicole's death. I broke the glass in the process of going back and forth to the phone and trying to get packed. I cut myself trying to move the glass out of my way, somewhere in that-- that happened. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you remember cutting your finger? I remember bleeding. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you remember cutting your middle finger on-- No, I remember bleeding, and then seeing that I was bleeding, so. When Dan asked him, well, you say you might have cut your finger in Chicago, how? How did you do it? How did you break the glass? Was it with your left hand, your right hand? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And exactly how did you cut it with the glass? I was, um, trying to scoop the glass into the sink with some toilet paper and, uh, I believe a towel. TOM LAMBERT: At the crime scene, there was not only the blood of Ron and Nicole, which of course, you would expect because they were murdered there, but Simpson's blood was there too. And Simpson's blood was on the glove that was found at his house and it was in his car, mixed with the blood of Ron and Nicole. And he came back from Chicago with a big cut on his hand. So obviously those all tied in together. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You weren't aware of any cuts on your left hand prior to coming to Chicago, right? No. And I was-- no, I n-- I never-- no, I never saw a cut on my hand. No, I haven't, no. That's correct. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): That's correct. That's correct. NARRATOR: Armed with a tape from the police, Petrocelli knows Simpson is lying. And he continues to hammer away at the former football star as part of his strategy to lay a trap for Simpson when they go to trial. You can't just go in a deposition and say, tell me what happened that day. You have to know what happened and target your questions to make sure you get that person on the record, on the very exact piece of information that you want. It's like surgery with words. And Dan was a master of that. Obviously Petrocelli did not think that it really happened that way. And that's why he was peppering him with questions after question after question because he wanted to try and show lack of credibility on OJ's part in terms of his explanation of what happened in Chicago. FRED GOLDMAN: Dan just kept asking the question. If he didn't get an answer, he'd ask him again. Of course, the killer was always getting frustrated that he didn't like things not going his way. But ultimately, he was pushed to answer. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you cut it on one of the broken pieces of glass? He went for detail. And Simpson got more and more distraught the more the cuts were talked about. Yeah. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): On what peace? Can we take a break? ROBERT BAKER (ON VIDEO): Yeah, sure. Jesus Christ. [music playing] DANIEL PETROCELLI: A young lawyer came into my office. She was on our legal team. And she plopped down the paper of record in the Simpson case, which was the "National Enquirer." Every day they wrote a story about the Simpson case. Right there was a picture of Simpson walking in the end zone at Rich Stadium in Buffalo as an NBC TV announcer, with a pair of shoes that looked like the Bruno Magli shoes. But then there was a blow up of one of them. And it clearly was a Bruno Magli shoe. I would have never worn those ugly ass shoes. It was a big deal. But it was the "National Enquirer," right? So who's going to believe them? They don't have a lot of credibility. We hired a photographic expert. He was former FBI, you know, one of the top photographic experts in the world. And he analyzed the photo. This photo was not doctored. This photo was real. DANIEL PETROCELLI: We ran the photographer down. He was living in Buffalo. His name was Harry Scull Jr. Merry Christmas, the guy had like the camera equipment he used to take the photographs. He had the negatives. He had his ticket to the game. He had everything. He was a string photographer. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And that is a picture of you, looking at exhibit one, correct? It appears to be me, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And the jacket you're wearing, could you describe it? No. Do you remember owning that jacket? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you remember wearing that jacket? No. And that's your face, right? Yeah, that's my face. And that's your shirt, right? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What about the shirt? OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): Looks like a white shirt. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): OK, nothing stands out about that white shirt? Uh, no. I like the collar, though. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): OK, what do you like about it? I don't know. It looks nice. I remember him looking at the collar of the shirt he had on. Yeah, that's a nice shirt or a nice collar or something. You know, we're talking about a murder case. And he's talking about, oh, I like the way that-- that looks there, that's very nice. DANIEL PETROCELLI: And those are your shoes, aren't they? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Looking at the close up of the shoes, do you believe that those were shoes that you owned at that time? No. I said, well, that's you, isn't it? He goes, yeah, that's me, but they are not my shoes. KIM GOLDMAN: There was no way those pictures were doctored. It was proof that he had the shoes on his feet, that he owned them. But we also had blood evidence that only pointed to one person. And we still couldn't get a jury to find him guilty. So now I'm thinking, oh, now you put him in shoes, I don't know that that was going to be what was going to make this jury think that he was the killer. I wasn't totally prepared to put all my faith in it yet. NARRATOR: Photographs of shoes similar to those worn by the murderer, dozens of pieces of evidence from the crime scene, proof of continual domestic abuse from police reports and friends, the plaintiff's attorneys had their legal guns loaded going into trial. But would it be enough to beat OJ Simpson? [shouting] Everyone wondered, would these civil lawyers be able to do something that had seemed impossible? Could they surmount the fact that OJ Simpson was a famous person? And many, many people just simply could not see him as a murderer. No one knew. No one knew if it would be enough. [music playing] DANIEL PETROCELLI: The civil trial took place in Santa Monica, three or four blocks from the Pacific Ocean, where the courthouse is located. The reporters and members of the media were fond of calling it OJ by the Sea. I remember saying to the firm that I didn't think there would be much publicity about the case, that the press and the public were certain to lose interest. [chanting] He's a murderer! We love OJ! Boy, was I wrong. How come you can't deal with the facts? I could not walk into the courthouse without being followed by throngs of reporters all the time. OJ Simpson was very arrogant. He was jovial. And in the morning when he'd drive in with his bodyguards, he tried to engage the media. Best of luck. The best of luck, man. The best of luck. - You're the man. We love you. MICHELLE CARUSO: He was back to being, you know, OJ of the Hertz commercials. That doesn't look like me. How did it go? He's the greatest. MICHELLE CARUSO: I think he was very confident. I beat the first trial, I'm going to beat this one too. NARRATOR: Because there are no cameras in the courtroom, there is no video or audio record of the trial. However, many of the questions and answers from the depositions in the case are similar to what went on inside the courtroom. OFFICER (ON VIDEO): Would you raise your right hand, please? You do solemnly swear that the testimony you shall give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? I do. OFFICER (ON VIDEO): Thank you. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Good morning, Mr. Simpson. DANIEL PETROCELLI: The testimony of Simpson was much like a deposition in the sense that we all knew he was not going to confess to killing two people. And the exercise was really one designed simply to show that he would lie about his involvement in these murders. The idea being that if the jury concluded that he was a liar, then he was a murderer. When I confronted him in court, in front of a packed courtroom, no more than 3 or 4 feet from him. But I was a little nervous. I remember starting my examination of him at trial, by confronting him with his vicious spousal abuse of Nicole Brown Simpson, including beating her face almost to a pulp on New Year's Eve, 1989. We had photographs that she had saved from that beating that we displayed to the jury on a big screen television that sat on the stand right next to Simpson while he was on the witness stand. And when I confronted him about causing all the injuries, you know, her bruised and battered face, he tried to avoid answering by saying, I take full responsibility for what happened to her. Yes, I saw her bruised. And I felt responsible for those bruises. If it came from me or if it came when she fell outside, in any event, I was responsible for it. That was his mantra. He had said that repeatedly from the time he had gotten out of jail and a lot of his public statements, I take responsibility, I take responsibility. And I remember saying, I didn't ask you about whether you take responsibility. I said, it's the jury's job to decide if you take responsibility. One of the things Dan did, and did very effectively, was he did get Simpson on the ropes. And he did get under Simpson's skin, and did show Simpson's true colors. DANIEL PETROCELLI: I found myself, believe it or not, in competition with him, a person who had no athletic ability up against one of the greatest athletes of all time. And here I am, in combat with this guy. Simpson is a confrontational guy. He's also a very competitive person, as is Dan. And it was a battle. I mean, the two of them were battling. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What did you do to her? I wrestled her. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What does that mean? That means I had my hands on her, and I was trying to force her out of my bedroom. We wrestled. MICHELLE CARUSO: Simpson is up there, talking about wrestling. Well, we wrestled a little. We-- we tussled. We pushed back and forth. Did you ever strike her? No. Did you ever slap her? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): If she fell when she was outside it's because you made her fall, right? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Because you were hitting her, right? OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You were pounding her. No, that's incorrect. And the pictures, in living color of Nicole's bruised and battered face, were flashing by. FRED GOLDMAN: He couldn't even go so far as to say, I made the mistake of my life that day, I hit her. He couldn't do that. You know, that-- that wasn't-- that wasn't part of his persona. It was always somebody else was to blame, never him, never, never, never, never. MICHELLE CARUSO: You could see him starting to lose that mask, the happy OJ Simpson mask. It started to fade. He, at one point, put up his hands and said, I tried to like push her away. And he put up both fists, like balled up like this. I said, you just put your fists up. Is that what you did that night? [music playing] REPORTER: OJ Simpson's attorney, Robert Baker, was all smiles when he arrived at the courthouse. But inside, he started to build his case by tearing down Nicole Brown Simpson, basically putting her on trial. Baker told the jury it was Nicole who was the pursuer in the months before the murders, trying to shoot down the theory that Simpson was a jealous, obsessed ex-husband. In fact, Baker said it was Simpson who wanted to end the relationship because of Nicole's mood swings. NARRATOR: Simpson's attorneys attempted to defend him by attacking the lifestyle of his former wife. I had found out that things were going on. And that was essentially what I was yelling about. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): But that wasn't about drug use by Nicole. Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): In what sense? In the sense that I was told that day about them all doing drugs at a place called a Monkey Bar. One of the strategies for the defense was to cast Nicole Brown Simpson in the most negative light they could, trophy wife, married a high profile athlete because of all the attendant benefits related to that, party girl. I mean, the list went on and on. There was a lot of information that she was into drugs and that she was into a lot of different guys. We had to try and show that it was not all a one-sided situation. NARRATOR: The defense also questioned the credibility of Ron Goldman. In the criminal case, the defense tried to make my brother out to be like a drug dealer and, you know, this loser. And in the civil case they tried to do the same thing. They talked about that he didn't finish college and he had credit card debt, and-- he was a kid. He was 25 years old. And he was just kind of finding his way in his life. And I think that Dan did a really good job of just bringing that to the courtroom so that people could get to know my brother and to just see him for this beautiful human that tried to save his friend. And I think that's the legacy that got left. FRED GOLDMAN: They wanted to bring in racism. They wanted to bring in planting of evidence. It was the same crap over and over again. But this was a trial in which the judge just wasn't going to allow game play. It was going to be a legal proceeding. It was going to be about the law. The defense perpetrated this idea that the police planted evidence, which was literally impossible in the circumstances of the case, if you understood exactly what happened and when things happened. And so I asked Simpson about that. I said, well, you know, we heard in the criminal case that you think the police planted evidence. I mean, what proof do you have of that? He couldn't explain anything. How did the victim's blood get in his Bronco? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you know why the blood on the console of the Bronco is consistent with a mixture of Ron Goldman's and Nicole's blood? OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): No. How did the victim's blood get in his bedroom? DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you know why the blood on the socks in your bedroom matched Nicole's blood? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you know why the shoe prints found at Bundy matched Bruno Magli shoes? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You have no knowledge about any of these things? Mm, other than what I heard in court, no. There were no answers to any of these questions. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you know why the blood in the foyer of your house matched your blood? No. I remember distinctly thinking of myself, finally you have a lawyer in the courtroom who knows what he's doing. It was a thing of beauty. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you know why the glove found at Rockingham had fibers matching Ron Goldman's shirt? I mean, I have no-- no, I don't. I have no knowledge of any of this that you're saying. I'd actually feel bad for OJ Simpson because I knew that the evidence was mounting. And I knew what Petrocelli was doing. He was teeing things up, his mountain of evidence. [music playing] NARRATOR: One of the key pieces of information that the plaintiff's attorneys hammered home, was that Simpson was further enraged on the day of the murders because he received a voicemail from his then girlfriend, Paula Barbieri, that said she was breaking up with him. MICHELLE CARUSO: On the morning of June 12th, Paula Barbieri called OJ Simpson, got his answering service, and left a breakup message. It was quite detailed. Basically things weren't working out. It wasn't what she'd hoped for. It was a clear breakup message. NARRATOR: Barbieri did not testify at the civil trial. But lawyers played the tapes of her deposition. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You left the message for Mr. Simpson at 7 o'clock in the morning on his Bentley voicemail, saying basically the relationship was over, right? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you get a message from Paula Barbieri? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you receive any message from her before you left? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Did you receive any messages back from him at any time on June 12th? Um, yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): What were the messages that you picked out? What did they say? Um, sort of what was wrong now. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You didn't get any phone messages from her that day? I don't believe I ever retrieved any messages from her that day. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): In other words, from the content of the messages he left, you understood that he had already received your message. Is that right? Yes. MICHELLE CARUSO: We know OJ Simpson received that message because the phone records show that he did call in for his messages and he did receive that particular message. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Message Manager, do you see that? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): It shows a call of eight minutes. Do you see that? OJ SIMPSON (ON VIDEO): Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): You picked up your message at that time? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Do you know what that entry is for? No. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): No idea? At the time, I don't have any idea, but I'm assuming-- oh, you told me not to assume. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Well, do you now know what it is? I can only assume now what it is. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Tell me. I'm assuming it's a message from Paula. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Following your breakup with Mr. Simpson, did there come a time when your relationship began again? Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): And when was that? Um, while he was in jail. MICHELLE CARUSO: The reason it becomes significant is that Simpson steadfastly maintained in his depositions and in his trial testimony that he never heard Paula Barbieri's breakup message. So you ask yourself, of all the damning evidence in the case, he's worried about and lying about that message. So why is that important to Simpson? I believe that he did not want anyone to know his frame of mind on June 12th. MANNY MEDRANO: Probably what put things over the top for OJ Simpson was Nicole Brown finally deciding that she was going to finally extricate herself from this relationship with OJ Simpson. And I think the evidence established that that did not sit well with OJ. He did not react well to that. MICHELLE CARUSO: His daughter, Sydney, had a dance recital that evening. Simpson attended the recital. But when it was over, he expected to maybe join her and her family and his daughter, Sydney, for the post recital dinner. But Nicole Brown Simpson publicly shunned him. She told him to get lost, I don't want you there. Then Paula, his new big hope, she dumps him on the morning of the murders. So he's lost both. He was excluded from this family outing. He's lost that family. And he also lost the girlfriend that was hope for his future. And he is a man, left sitting in his living room, fuming. [music playing] One of the most powerful moments of the civil trial was when Fred Goldman was on the stand. I was questioning him about the loss of his son and the relationship that they had. A few days before, I had Fred come to my house. And I said, Fred, you know we're going to call you this week, and we need to prepare your testimony. I started to get all these papers that I had ready to go through various questions with him. He goes, we're not going to prepare. I said, what do you mean we're not going to prepare? He goes, I don't need any preparation to talk about my son. Just ask your questions and I'll answer them. STEVEN FOSTER: This was Fred's first opportunity to really tell Ron's story from Ron's position. And it was Earth shattering. It was extremely emotional. DANIEL PETROCELLI: He was speaking with such raw, honest emotions about the loss of his son and how that will affect Fred and his family, you know, for the rest of their lives. FRED GOLDMAN: I couldn't have been more thrilled, my first child to be a-- a boy. He was an amazing kid, just a super nice, loving, happy kid. And then as he grew up, of course, three years later, my daughter was born. Ron was the consummate big brother. Wherever they went, he would hold her hand, not because I asked them to, because that's what he did. If there was ever a time during the trial that I lost it emotionally was when I was talking to Fred. And I say talking to him rather than questioning him because that's what it was. It was just a talk about Fred and about the loss of his son, Ron, a person I never knew, a person I never met, but a person I grew to know almost like he were my own son. MICHELLE CARUSO: Fred was on the witness stand. And they ran a picture. And it was Ron and Kim. They couldn't have been more than five, seven. The two of them were in these snow jackets with the little hoods. They were tromping off together in the snow. I was overwhelmed with emotion, seeing it. That was the only time I almost ever lost it. I cried during Fred's direct examination. I think everybody cried, with possibly one exception. And that was Simpson and maybe some of his defense attorneys. It was a very moving moment in the trial. The jury felt Fred's pain. Obviously this is your older brother. Um, we're not going to spend very much time together so I'm very glad that I was able to be here and spend this time with you because God knows where I'll be in a year. So, um, best of luck to you-- There was a videotape shown of the family, Fred and Ron clowning around together. In November of 1993, my stepsister had a bat mitzvah. It's the last images that we have of him. [music playing] Go, Ron! Go, Ron! Go, Ron! Go, Ron! Go, Ron! Go, Ron! Go, Ron! KIM GOLDMAN: We were all together. And there was this great scene with my dad. One of his favorite songs is "Old Time Rock & Roll" by Bob Seger. [MUSIC - BOB SEGER, "OLD TIME ROCK & ROLL"] BOTH: (SINGING) In ten minutes I'll be late for the door. I like that old time rock and roll. In the video, my dad and my brother were standing next to each other, and they were kind of like doing the thing next to each other. BOTH: (SINGING) I like that old time rock and roll. Rock and roll. Music just soothes the soul. My brother just had the most electric smile on his face. And it was just cool to see my dad and my brother be in that moment. DANIEL PETROCELLI: It was almost unbearable to watch. And I remember, at the very end, we froze it on a frame depicting both Ron and Fred, just loving each other and loving life. It was devastating to look at that and say they will never have that again. We finally saw the destruction of a family at the hands of a murderer. [music playing] REPORTER: OJ Simpson smiled as he came to court for the first time in the new year, facing new incriminating evidence. Fred Goldman's attorney came armed with 30 newly discovered photos of Simpson allegedly wearing expensive Italian shoes similar to the ones worn by the murderer. One picture even appeared in the "Buffalo Bills" newsletter in November of 1993. JOHN KELLY: I hopped on a plane and went to the Bill's practice facility. One of the PR people pulled out the November 1993 newsletter from the Buffalo Bills Booster Club, and showed me a picture of Simpson in this newsletter in the Bruno Magli shoes. I said, who took these photos? And he said, talk to this guy, EJ Flammer. He had 30 color photographs that he had taken of Simpson that day, just perfect photographs. You could tell exactly what the heels were, and the make, the color, the size. It was the aha moment. And like a fingerprint, put Simpson at the scene that night. DANIEL PETROCELLI: Do you know whether the pants that are shown in exhibit one are pants that belong to you? They look a little big on me. So I would-- normally I'm pretty fastidious about my clothing. DANIEL PETROCELLI: Looking at the close up of the shoes in front of you, can you believe that those were shoes that you owned at that time? No. Those aren't my shoes, even though you have a photograph showing me in those shoes. So do you believe him? If-- if-- if he's lying about one thing, he's lying about the other. By that time, I think all the jurors were looking at their shoes. They didn't believe a word that he was saying. But I mean, he was caught red handed. FRED GOLDMAN: He's in the shoes, same exact shoe that he wore when he murdered Ron and Nicole. DANIEL PETROCELLI: He was confronted with all the evidence that showed that he was lying, whether it be a cell phone record that showed that he made a call at a certain point. I'm assuming it's a message from Paula. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): That was made to your message manager? - Yes. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Is that what you're saying? That's what it is. Whether it be the diary of his slain ex-wife, who wrote about brutal abuse that she suffered at his hands in the last weeks and days leading up to her murder. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): She would write in her diary that you hit her when it wasn't true? She never had a diary. DANIEL PETROCELLI: --impeached by witnesses who came to the witness stand and testified to things that Simpson said or did. JOHN KELLY (ON VIDEO): What was she saying? About how bad she felt and how OJ, um, hit her, and that she wanted him to, uh, pay for it. --and, of course, impeached by all of the forensic evidence. DANIEL PETROCELLI (ON VIDEO): Was the blood found in the Bronco at Rockingham your blood? I don't know. DANIEL PETROCELLI: --and then ultimately impeached by photographs, showing that he wore the shoes that the killer wore. Because I know if Bruno Magli makes shoes that look like the shoes they had in court that's involved in this case, I would have never worn those ugly ass shoes. OJ Simpson was crumbling on the stand. When it got into the details, the blood, the cuts, the specifics, he was crumbling. I think I named and labeled Dan's deposition outline, early in the litigation, as the initial ass kicking. And my recollection was I named his final closing argument the final ass kicking. And it really was. It felt like we kicked the defense's ass every step of the way. [music playing] DANIEL PETROCELLI: We got a call very late in the afternoon that the jury had reached a verdict. The judge did not want to hold the verdict over until the next day. And so everybody had to be corralled and gathered and marched on over to the courthouse. And by the time all that happened, it was like 6:30 and courts usually close at 4:35. There were just masses of people. And even though we were just across the street, we had to be escorted by police. And there were chants and demonstrators, people saying, Petrocelli for president, and people saying, this is a crooked case, it's an illegal case. I mean, you know, on both sides. FRED GOLDMAN: Certainly, we hoped, in every way possible, that the jury was going to find him responsible, and that they were going to see through all the lies and all the games and all the bull [bleep].. We were sitting in the courthouse by then, waiting. And the air conditioning was turned off because it automatically goes off in that courthouse. So it's getting hot and it's getting stuffy. And we're all jammed into the courtroom. DANIEL PETROCELLI: And I remember how hot it was. And maybe I was just a lot hotter than the actual temperature. I was a nervous-- nervous wreck at that point. It was almost like do we want to hear it, do we not want to hear it? But we were going to hear it no matter what. Everybody was on pins and needles. The jury funneled into the box. And Judge Fujisaki asked them, have you reached a verdict. The foreman said, we have, Your Honor. These moments are like etched in my memory, forever. You don't have very many of them in your life when, you know, something is about to happen that you know is going to impact your life. But this was one of them. [music playing] MICHELLE CARUSO: The jury found Orenthal James Simpson responsible. You could hear people breathing, you know, gasping. I think the emotions just exploded when we heard that they held him responsible. Then I started hearing sobbing of Kim and other family members. It was very emotional. My dad was doubled over, crying. We were all holding something, like each other. It was outstanding, wonderful news. It was some verification of our wish for justice. REPORTER: After the verdict was announced, Simpson walked out of the courthouse, showing little reaction even when greeted by catcalls. SPECTATOR: Guilty! KIM GOLDMAN: When we exited the courtroom and we opened up the door, there were just thousands of people standing there with cameras and cheering, just cheering for us. And that was-- I didn't expect that to be the scene. I had no idea what was going on out there. There were people that were just so proud. And you could hear them yelling, you know, we support you, we love you, Goldmans. And that it was finally on the record. All that effort that we had put in, that it was finally written somewhere that he was responsible. And I wish a camera had been in the courtroom. I think the world needed to see OJ Simpson on the stand. The world needed to see that a worshiped sports icon, in fact, was capable of brutally murdering two people. I'll never forget Fred raising his right arm with a fist punching and yelling victory. I'll never forget that. I was standing right next to him and Dan. It was an unbelievable experience. And it just was epically rewarding. We were victorious. We had gotten the court to acknowledge the killer had committed murder. He was responsible. I grabbed Dan by the shoulders and shook him. It was kind of like, my God, do you see what we've done? Today is 2 and 1/2 years-- a little over 2 and 1/2 years-- and we finally have justice for Ron and Nicole. If it weren't for all these wonderful attorneys, whose passion, whose belief, whose willingness to put in 24 hours a day for all this time, is proof of the kind of people they are. And I think that's part of the reason why we're where we're at today. Our family is grateful for a verdict of responsibility, which is all we ever wanted. And we have it, thank God. Relief-- relief was the single most active emotion that I felt, just relief that we had won this case for Fred, and that all these expectations that were on us had been met. What an extraordinary honor and privilege it has been to represent this man and his family. They have conducted themselves with extraordinary grace and dignity throughout this entire unspeakable tragedy. And as I told Fred earlier, just a few moments ago, Ron would have been proud. Ron is proud. Ron is proud. We did this for Ron. I want to go tell him. OK, that's going to be it. [cheering] REPORTER: Mr. Goldman, what's your reaction? Your reaction? Wonderful! KIM GOLDMAN: I know I'm going to be Debbie doomsday, but that moment didn't last forever because the killer left the courtroom just like us, and was driving around, and went to have ice cream, and then he went about his life. And he was a free man still. It was bittersweet because Ron Goldman was dead, Nicole Brown Simpson was dead, and here we were, celebrating. [music playing] That judgment was a piece of paper, a piece of paper that's only as good as the paper it's written on. And that the court offers you no assistance in getting-- getting the judgment honored. And that's when we decided that we were going to continue to go after him for the rest of his life. Despite all of his wealth and luxury and privilege, he has not paid one dime. He has refused to honor this judgment. And we intend to enforce it. [music playing] KIM GOLDMAN: When he went to jail, I sent him a card that said, "congratulations on your new home." And then in the inside, I wrote, "I hope you enjoy your new digs, the Goldman family." My dad was very proud of me. FRED GOLDMAN: At the end of the book that we wrote, "His Name is Ron," we wrote the last chapter. And it reads-- if I can get through it-- "the psychopathic coward who murdered my son, the desire to confront you, to tell you exactly what I think of you has simmered and burned in me since it became so obvious that you were guilty of taking away from me forever the opportunity to hug my son and share his life and laughter. You took from Ron, the opportunity to have children, and to be the most unbelievable, wonderful father this world could imagine. You took from Ron the opportunity to share the rest of his life with Kim, his sister. You took from Ron, the love of Patti, more of a mother to him than he ever had before. You took from this Earth, the kind of man you never were, never have been, and never could be. There is nothing more to say. You are not worth any more of my words. You are not worth any more of my energy. You are not worth any more of my passion. You are not worthy to walk in Ron's shadow." I had almost forgotten that.
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Length: 86min 35sec (5195 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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