Chris Hansen: To Catch a Payday

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Well, nothing new to me. Except him taking 10k to smear a political candidate. I am a bit surprised that Investigation Discovery would make a deal with him, back into MSM. We will see.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DeVeelvraat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It really does depress me that this happened to him. I watch old eps of TCAP and then all you think about is how terrible he is today.. god, he never had any integrity

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PhotonTH πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Repost: keep spreading the word about this dumbass con man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

ewww is right

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is funny:

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DeVeelvraat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hansen worshippers: Well who made him do these things?! It's not his fault!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ToxicToastee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œ10 Racks” they say β€œin da hood”.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ToxicToastee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
previously on the chris hanson chronicles i detailed the downfall of disgraced nbc journalist chris hanson how he was exiled from the entertainment industry due to a scandal and how he tried to make his way back in with a kickstarter to reignite his former glory but his house of cards came crashing down when he was exposed for scamming his backers out of rewards that he had promised them these broken promises signaled serious money problems and chris was arrested in 2019 for issuing a bad check over some shirts and mugs and the public attention revealed that he was over 1.5 million dollars in debt his return to youtube was a desperate blatant cash grab filled with missteps and inexcusable mistakes but yet his loyal fan base still trusted him to bring one of youtube's most egregious deviants to justice after all that why does chris hansen continue to maintain an air of credibility in the little while i'll reveal more shocking truths about chris from how he's willing to sacrifice his professional dignity for almost any amount of money to how his scheming and conniving has eroded his own community's respect for him so why don't you guys take a seat and will investigate the fascinating case of the internet fraud chris hanson the number of internet powered home-based businesses has nearly doubled in the last 20 years opportunity abounds but the new economy has also spawned a new breed of criminal looking to make a quick buck at your expense i just wanted to tell you all that i've seen this amazing new smartphone called the escogar fold tube i was thinking about an old quote today that seems particularly relevant when the debate is lost the loser resorts to slander think about that for a minute [Music] [Music] if there's a common trend with washed up youtubers is that they have one subject that they revisit to maintain relevancy chris hanson is a perfect example of this having cashed in almost exclusively on the onuseon drama and that is where the second part of our story commences his coverage was by far one of the most involved that had ever been seen before on youtube encompassing direct interviews with victims law enforcement and other individuals in the psychology field to give an insight into the youtube psychobrep known as onision at this point there was no turning back onision was the only thing that could keep his channel alive so chris did the biggest stunt he could think of and flew to washington state with controversial lawyer mike morse and a camera crew and knocked on a nissian's door 911 what are you recording hi uh there's a person who's been stalking me online and they just showed up to my house okay and they're outside now yes they're knocking on my door okay they have a bunch of camera people like they're youtube stalkers and the one that's knocking on your door is he the main one that you said has been stalking you yes he's a stalker he's yelling things at me through the door right now okay and what do we know his name what it's chris hanson this set the internet into a frenzy and eaves of youtube commentary channels hopped on the story only further increasing the publicity around onision and more importantly chris hansen i myself had some questions regarding why chris would do this as it was very unlikely that onision would agree to an interview under those circumstances as well as the last time chris showed up to someone's house with the camera crew it ended in a man's death it seemed to me like a grasp to maintain relevancy but i couldn't really say anything because of his visceral fan base that attacked anyone for being remotely critical of hansen and his actions but the number of people in support of hansen would drop significantly over the subsequent months and it all started when journalist stephen asarch dropped a bomb on chris's investigation near the end of january 2020. sarah was one of the victims of onision interviewed by chris hansen on his show she gave a very compelling testimony and her strength in coming out about her experiences paved the way for others to give their stories as well in these conversations it came out that she had possession of a laptop and cell phones that apparently had some explicit images of onision's once wife now husband kai sent to sarah when she was still under age chris hanson told her he had fbi contacts and that she could send the devices to him and he would make sure it got safely to the fbi i mean why wouldn't multi-time emmy award winner chris hansen not have fbi contacts so on chris's direction she sent the laptop and mobile phones to chris's incompetent web producer vincent nakotra okay interesting move to leave them in the hands of someone like vince i guess but this is chris hanson i'm sure he knows what he's doing right right on the 22nd of january 2020 journalist stephen asarch dropped a bomb on chris's investigation in relation to vince's mishandling of evidence according to asajj sarah thought that her laptop and phone was with the fbi for months but in reality it was sitting in the office of the useless vincent nicotra the package was shipped on november the 7th to vincent's address under chris's name and vince claims that chris hansen told him not to touch it and wait for further instructions the package sat with vincent unopened for months apparently sarah didn't know what was going on at all and after conversations with chris and vincent her devices were shipped back to her chris said that he called the fbi immediately but didn't want to ship it around without knowing the proper chain of custody time went by and he didn't hear anything back you can play the blame game here for hours but at the end of the day chris was the one who bungled this laptop he told sarah to ship it to vincent and didn't give vincent any extra information on what to do with it on top of this vince said the original plan was to copy the contents of the hard drive and then ship it to the fbi huh like what you can't do that that's tampering with evidence any competent criminal defense lawyer would get this thrown out immediately that's the level of amateurish conduct we're seeing here and make no mistake it was all because of chris hanson this event sparked a revolution of sorts in the community the vast majority of comments under steven asarj's post were in agreement that hansen's operation was an absolute trash fire and this is where chris's house of cards started to fall over time chris started to run out of people to interview on his show all the reasonable choices had been exhausted so he decided to go out and scrape the bottom of the barrel and out came this woman holly hayes holly hayes runs a tumblr blog about anissia wait what yes you heard me right big famous tv journalist chris hanson is now interviewing tumblr blogs we came across a woman named holly hayes who has a site called and over the last couple years it's amassed a database virtually a people who have been impacted by onision oh this is going to be great right i can feel the knowledge entering me already how did you first become aware of onision yourself so i log on youtube one day in like 2011 or something and i see a picture it's it's a thumbnail of shiloh and some guy standing beside her and then i looked at the guy next to her and i i kid you not the every hair on my body stood up on end i just immediately got vibes of like there's something so so wrong with this person and ever since then i've been following his career it's like you know when someone has a fever and you can you put your your hand up to the forehead and you could feel the heat coming off them it was like that but darkness now if you thought that an alarming and hair-raising darkness emitting from thumbnails was crazy enough holly goes on to tell chris that onision has confirmed kills on the more severe side i have literally had people starve themselves to death because of onision and his rhetoric on youtube now when you say starve yourself to death people didn't actually die no they died you have cases where somebody died in relation to starvation yeah now when met with this basis accusation live on air to thousands of people what would a proper reporter do maybe ask for proof evidence maybe say this hadn't been confirmed tell me about that kids um so the sister he just let her keep talking live to thousands of people now the reason this girl looks so out of it is because she was actually high on xanax while doing the interview great job chris really credible people that you're bringing on literally interviewing tumblr blogs to make more money it couldn't possibly get any worse could it coronavirus coronavirus coronavirus coronavirus in march the coronavirus pandemic took the world by storm and rightfully so at the time of recording there are over 13 million confirmed cases and over 600 000 deaths worldwide due to covet 19. so with such a shift in focus and a hot topic like this what do you think chris hanson will do good evening and welcome to have a seat with chris hanson you are now on the front lines in a battle against a predator called covid19 yes folks chris hansen former host of to catch a predator is now producing streams on the coronavirus pandemic for his first very insightful stream he interviewed a company that claimed to have one of the greatest inventions in scientific and technological history a pandemic ending vapor for commercial applications that they claimed would kill the coronavirus for up to 70 to 90 days a representative for nanovapor biotech the company in question went on chris hanson's show as a medical expert but started rattling off about his product about halfway through the stream as you know many household cleaners are quite good at killing various microbes the issue is is that once you've cleaned if someone touches that surface five seconds later or a minute or an hour later you've infected that same surface our company monovapor biotech has come up with a solution we have a non-toxic water-based no residue product that can be applied to any surface and not only does it immediately kill the virus but incredibly our research is showing that it will kill the virus for up to 70 to 90 days 70 to 90 days if it seems like these people were born yesterday that's because they probably were the website domain for this revolutionary product was registered the day before the stream on chris hanson's channel the website was as you can see very well crafted i mean look at the resolution of these pictures here the twitter account for this miraculous yet uncertified coronavirus killer had five followers according to an archive a few days after the stream and to this day only has two tweets up on the account a tweet telling people that the product had been showcased on chris hanson's show and a retweet from chris hanson telling people about the product the facebook page was equally barren with two likes a banner that looked like it was made in microsoft powerpoint in 10 seconds using the default calibri font and the only post being another promo for the hansen stream this is a molecule that forms these bonds that when sprayed on a surface using proprietary nanotechnology will create if i can put it in lay terms almost like spikes that point up those spikes can stay into place for months and years again this is perfectly safe you can even put this on your hands and your hands would kill the virus for up to 24 hours so it's a very safe product now if we go back to the website for a minute it does actually have a case study linked that is supposed to measure the effectiveness of their product in a real life setting the study in question is two pages long with large type font and was done in private medical clinic yes the clinic who provided the premises for the study didn't even want their name attached to the product nanovapor biotech the coronavirus killer can prove itself in just two pages of research absolutely amazing this is the panacea that will save all of humanity right well since the stream nano vapor biotech has removed all mentions of it being a coronavirus killer from their branding probably because the only place it was ever tested was for a short amount of time in a regional new jersey hospital where the chief of surgery is literally the dude who went on chris hanson's show from what i can see there is no proof the product actually worked at all chris hansen not only allowed these people to come on his show to promote this product with no valid research to back up their fantastic claims but was also most likely paid for this integration and if he wasn't he should have been because he does a nice shameless ad read for it in the middle of the stream so this is technology that for instance was used to clean a fuel tank of some sort using this and correct me if i'm wrong dispersion type system but it also has an application to disperse and and effectively use antibacterials antiviral chemicals to kill this virus for 70 to 90 days so this is nanotechnology just a few weeks ago the stream was removed from chris hansen's channel by youtube for violating their community guidelines no doubt for spreading misinformation about the coronavirus so if you needed any more proof that this was a scam there it is despite all of this chris even tweeted it out why would he promote a product that there is literally no information on well he seems to have done it quite a lot do you guys know pablo escobar hey guys chris hanson here of hanson vs predators and to catch a predator i just wanted to tell you all that i've seen this amazing new smartphone called the escobar fold 2. it appears to be the best phone out right now i've been looking at the transcripts so have a seat check it out and remember i'll be watching you know colombian drug lord of narco terrorists who is the founder and sole leader of the melodyne cartel dubbed the king of cocaine the wealthiest criminal in history monopolizing the cocaine trade into the us in the 80s and 90s and was also responsible for the death of over 3 000 people yeah him well the brother of the late pablo escobar roberto escobar the former chief of assassinations decided to take the family name and capitalize on a new market smartphones escobar inc says it's releasing an advanced smartphone with a foldable screen i'm not new to electronics i'm a person that has liked electronics for a long time and we wanted to come out with the telephone that was different than all others in the world swedish entrepreneur olaf gustafsson is ceo of escobar inc the best technology in the world is to have a foldable phone right now we are changing things we are the new steve jobs and we are trying to get some fresh air into this business we saw headlines of another new escobar fold phone it was it was the escobar fold 2. and once again there were articles there were headlines there were even some videos of this new thing a 400 escobar folding phone that looks like this it's uh it's looking kind of familiar again oh that's that's just a samsung galaxy fold you take a bit of that gold off of the hinge on the back and right underneath is that samsung logo right where it's supposed to be okay you may be thinking why on earth are we talking about pablo escobar and how on earth does this link back to chris hansen well chris did a little promo for this phone that escobar used on their website and youtube channel to advertise their product hey guys chris hanson here of hanson vs predators and the catcher predator i just wanted to tell you all that i've seen this amazing new smartphone called the escobar fold 2. it appears to be the best phone out right now i've been looking at the transcripts so have a seat check it out and remember i'll be watching take care it boggles my mind that chris hansen will promote anything with the name escobar attached to it but this whole story becomes even more inexcusable when you find out that the escobar fold phones were really just a scam to steal money from innocent people but the galaxy fold costs eighteen hundred dollars and the escobar fold two costs four hundred dollars so how are they pulling this off my theory is that they are going through orders finding the names of youtubers or just people in tech media or people who they think will talk about the phone if they get it and shipping those and then just not shipping the rest since then the clip has been copyright struck and removed from escobar's channel hanson definitely didn't have the rights to that either he doesn't know the copyright to his face but hey we'll just gloss over that as you may have realized by now this chris hanson clip came from cameo cameo is a site where you can pay celebrities various amounts of money to record a video message for you normally it would be a personalized birthday message or something of that sort but unlike most people chris hansen does no research into the things he's paid to say on cameo and as a result he will promote just about anything if you pay him fifty dollars chris hanson here of hanson versus predators to catch a predator and have a seat with chris hanson i'm gonna need everyone to have a seat because honey milk has finally created an only fans daily uploads and direct communication now i'm going to need you tim to have a seat right over there that's right right in the front seat of that plane in which you're going to be training very cool son congratulations i hear you've gotten into the epstein pilot program before even finishing high school this clip is probably the best 50 i've ever spent the idea that chris hansen completely lacking self-awareness congratulates a kid on getting into the epstein pilot program before finishing high school and doesn't pick up on any of the jokes there is mind-blowing to me he will even go as far as to shout out one of his biggest detractors chris hanson here of hanson vs predators to catch our predator and have a seat with chris hanson i'd like to give a big shout out to nicholas diorio he's a great youtuber he's never doxed or harassed anyone as far as i can tell nick paid for this clip just to rub it in shiloh's face and remember shiloh is one of the alleged victims that chris hansen is representing who also initiated his targeted harassment campaign against nick for no reason at all i covered that whole situation in my onision video but just think a bit more about this if chris is willing to say all of this for fifty dollars just what will he say for a more significant amount these cyber grifters and others like them lurk in every dark corner of the web the good news is with a little healthy skepticism they're easy to avoid if you learn how to spot the warning signs of a scammer you have to do your research no matter what i personally believe it starts with knowing who you're working for this is a clip from a series that chris hanson was a part of called scam report if you've never heard of it i don't blame you it was only published at the beginning of this year and you could only really get to it from a direct link to a website that other people have to send to you as part of a massive pyramid scheme run by fake guru john christani you can do this even if you have no experience you can do this even if you have no tech skills even if you don't even have a computer or if you're not even 18 years old now what is john krastani uh telling these kids to do well uh to sell his product to tell his fake guru system search for my last name because the product we're gonna be selling is actually my product so what he does is he says hey he posts a bunch of videos about how to make a hundred dollars a day on twitter instagram what's up whatever it is and then he tells you sell my product now i get these messages all day long that ask me to sign up for different business opportunity programs via text message and this is the same sort of message that you want to use for your message that you're gonna send out via twitter according to this video this scam report episode was sponsored by pendragon labs anyone guess who owns pendragon labs yup john christani i personally believe it starts with knowing who you're working for if you just trace it back is there a person that i can identify that is behind this company that is the easiest thing you can do at first so do your research you should spend a couple minutes looking up the company looking up the founders looking up who you're going to be working for why wouldn't you do a little bit of research i guess chris hansen didn't know who he was working for since john christani is a well-known scam artist with countless videos made exposing his scummy actions ironically handsome is brought on to promote a book which is said to help you protect yourself from scams but uh the book is actually a scam itself john christani's statements contrasted with the extremely shady website that this video links to doesn't really make a lot of sense either there are more scams out there on the internet than there are legitimate opportunities by far just because it's marketed is free and easy and it can make a ton of money don't just fall for any shiny object that's thrown your way cristani's revolutionary book is advertised as costing only one dollar but when you go to their payment section it adds a magic 40 monthly fee on top for a subscription to their service it's hard to over emphasize the importance of research when embarking on a work-at-home business and this book is a great place to start it's filled with the wisdom john christani gleaned from years of trial and error and is available to you now so essentially chris hansen was given a sum of money to promote a make money from home scam that used his name reputation and influence to draw in unsuspecting victims to john christani's den of deception i'd like to introduce you to my friend benjamin and his friend benjamin and his friend benjamin and benjamin and benjamin and benjamin and benjamin this is what's called 10 racks as they say in the hood there are more scams out there on the internet than there are legitimate opportunities by far despite this being a massive scam john christine does say some things that i think chris hanson should take to heart i personally believe it starts with knowing who you're working for i just wanted to tell you all that i've seen this amazing new smartphone called the escobar fold 2. it appears to be the best phone out right now you should spend a couple minutes looking up the company looking up the founders looking up who you're going to be working for i've been looking at the transcripts why wouldn't you do a little bit of research so have a seat check it out and remember i'll be watching it but surely this is the only scam that chris hanson has promoted right this is obviously a a one-off thing he just made a mistake okay chris just don't do it again but while i was scrolling through hanson's twitter in research for this video i came across a tweet from february showing hansen in a studio we know that chris has promised new investigations for ages so was this finally proof he was working on something fresh hold on what's that there on the floor let's enhance wait this isn't a new investigation this is another scam hansen's branding is all over this website called debt relief secrets where you can pay 40 to have a book sent to you that is supposed to give you the key to dramatically reduce your debt the website screams scam and it gets even worse when you get to the testimonials section because the scripts they gave to the different actresses to promote this book are pretty much identical this taught me so much about creditors this taught me so much about creditors i finally feel in control of my finances and for the first time i finally feel like i'm in control over my own money and i will never be taken advantage of again i will never be taking advantage of again everyone should read this really you guys you want to read this oh my gosh that's bad but i do remember something from john christani though i personally believe it starts with knowing who you're working for luckily for all of you at home i did find out who chris hansen was working for the website is apparently copyrighted by finance dream team llc and if you look at the business filing for this company its founder is listed as anthony sarandrea who's another guru focusing on internet marketing ironically he only has 66 subscribers on his youtube channel and although his company site flood is apparently a large digital advertising agency and has led him to consulting several fortune 541 000 companies on branding sales and direct marketing strategies he only has one testimonial listed and the articles he uses to establish his credibility are either from years ago or from janky sites i've never heard of his instagram has an engagement rate of 0.35 percent which is one of the lowest i've ever seen and he's all around an extremely questionable individual the fact that hanson would sacrifice his name and professional reputation for a product like this is mind-boggling to me keep in mind this was in february in the middle of his peak on youtube but mistakes happen and when you're in the fast-paced world of online media production it's easy to commit even a second serious error in judgment but surely chris hasn't done anything else to compromise his integrity for a few dollars right there's no way he would let's say take ten thousand dollars from a dark money political group to star in an ad to smear a candidate running for congress as a semi based off no conclusive evidence whatsoever oh he actually did that her screen name is aunt valerie plane valerie claim i'm gonna need you to have a seat right over there she promoted material from our pete site at least nine times and you won't believe what she's doing now i'm running for congress it says few people on tv should be labeled like a bottle of rat poison valerie plame is a pretty troubled character loaded with baggage and controversy due to her being the center of the cia leak scandal known as the plane affair back in 2003 but she's not an ultra nationalist right winger she's a democrat running for congress in new mexico the situation in this ad happened two years ago she deleted the tweet two hours later she apologized and it later came out that she actually has jewish heritage and that she's a member of the local synagogue my great-grandfather was a rabbi in the ukraine but i when i researched i've always been drawn to that aspect of my jewish heritage and so it led me a lot you know to temple best shalom in santa fe what do you do with the temple i mean this is also new to me i didn't know you were involved in the community um i am a big fan of the rabbi but you're a member of the for example wow now how do i know hanson has paid ten thousand dollars oh it's because there's an fec filing for it this man will do literally anything for money even taking 10 grand from a group that doesn't disclose their donors to smear a candidate based on a tweet that was up for two hours this ad isn't just inaccurate but it's downright defamatory the fact that hanson would agree to this is legitimately concerning is he really that desperate besides chris hansen promoting these extremely sketchy products and groups he also peddles a culture of false hope when it comes to the people he investigates on his youtube channel namely to do with onision after all this time chris hansen was still plotting along with his aimless onision investigation but the heat was eventually put on chris after months of rejecting hansen with onuseon asking for an absurd amount of money to do an interview the youtube psychobat himself agreed to do an interview with chris hanson at no cost onision invited him on his channel for a conversation and chris declined thinking that onision was inviting him to do a show on only fans this probably won't come as a shock to most of you but i will not be going on greg james onisions the youtube psychobrad from washington state's members only paid porn channel serenision agreed to go on chris hanson's show on one condition disable or monetization chris rejected that request saying that there would be no conditions he got severe flak for this and 30 minutes later he caved and said he would demonetize the interview you would think that right now everything would be set up but no chris's lawyer alerted onision that the interview would now be pre-recorded which makes no sense at all onision said yes to this condition as long as he could live stream the conversation on his channel to ensure that nothing would be taken out of context in fact what of the conditions for a nissan being interviewed by keemstar is that nothing could be cut out so it's not unreasonable for chris to be held to the same standard but chris rejected it again even after onision agreed to do it pre-recorded it's become clear to me now that there's no way to do an interview with him at least at this point without him trying to exploit a live version of that interview so in the meantime it appears there will be no interview unless he can actually sit down and do a real interview where he actually answers to the allegations in the meantime i'll remind you of something i said a while back i was a reporter before he was born i'll be a reporter after he goes to prison hopefully where he won't have a lot of access to making those videos on the internet but what makes this go from insane to absurd is that chris was willing to ambush onision in his own home for the upper hand and he wouldn't consent to a live debate on an even playing field he still argued the only way to have a fair conversation is to stack the narrative in his own favor chrissy is scared to interview onision don't forget this and as it turns out so is the rest of the community who makes videos on him he also basically lied before this twitter video went up onision dropped the emails where he literally said fuck it and agreed to do it pre-recorded with no catch hours before this twitter video went up making that entire last two minutes completely irrelevant because onision was actually willing to sit down with chris hanson i've heard the going rumor that chris's lawyer middleman just didn't check his email but forgive me if i'm inclined not to believe him so just to summarize chris said he wouldn't go on a nissian's channel and then onision compromised chris said he wouldn't do a live stream and onision compromise to say onision has played games here is wrong and he compromised far more than chris did in this situation it's just a fact and now a break from our regularly scheduled programming we have my good friend cordwitt to talk about chris hanson's [Music] emmy so [Music] [Music] now i'm sure that at this point in the video you're probably getting very angry with this chris handsome bloke and you want to tell him how you feel about his actions well funny enough he can't take criticism hello there i'm your friendly john swan ripple if you've seen me around on twitter you might have noticed that in my bio i have the words blocked by chris hanson in there i can proudly say that i was one of the first to be blocked yes that's what makes me sleep at night well done if you're wondering i was indeed blocked by him for making a harmless joke as well come on man have a heart it was funny nowadays you say anything remotely negative towards him it's an immediate block it's blocked an enumerable amount of people at this point i'm not against blocking people obviously but you're meant to be an investigative journalist mate i think this was mostly apparent when he was completely messing up this whole thing about interviewing anision which never happened by the way when somebody called him out for not even accepting an interview offer from the person he had been investigating you know what he did he posted a picture of his emmy he flat out got angry enough to respond to somebody with an image with no caption on the internet i think this was the point where the majority of people turned around and started laughing at chris of course this image alone became a pretty decent meme in the anti-chris group and you can see why it was just so passive-aggressive this was not the only incident of chris not only blocking but also deflecting criticism his video response to part one consisted a bunch of bad takes and even saying that john is just somebody that does a bunch of google searches whereas chris doesn't even do that that video was mostly about his cameo as well talk about focusing on the wrong thing mate personally i don't like just being mean to somebody because of their actions but chris is really not acting like a journalist journalists don't deflect criticism they use it to their advantage thank you cordwidth i highly recommend you all subscribe to him he makes some great stuff and his link is in the description please do show him some love after chris hansen rejected the interview many people actually called it a win for onision which is something i thought i would never say chris really couldn't continue to talk about onision forever so he needed a new target and he got just that with darvey vanity i don't know much about this situation so i can't really speak on it but apparently there are many concrete examples of david vanity being predatory towards miners and police reports have been filed so at least something is going right there despite this new target he kept on updating the audience on onision at the end of every single stream you can guarantee that we will continue these two investigations into onision the youtube psychobrat from washington state and david vanity much more to come a lot of work on the part of law enforcement but it's happening there was a lot of talk today yesterday about the youtube psychobread in washington that investigation is far from over we're staying on top of the onision investigation a lot of these things take time and i know people want a revelation every week especially when it comes to onision as you all know this has been a place where we also investigate onision and it is very much moving forward so we are expecting to see some results in the very near future before we wrap up i want to let you know that we've been doing a little bit of reporting on the onision james greg jackson youtube psycho brat from washington state story we will as i said continue this investigation and our investigation into greg james jackson onision we'll continue with our onision investigation and as i mentioned dobby vanity and many more in the works does this man ever give up over the past 35 minutes or so i've exposed the true motives of chris hansen money this man will do literally anything for money a cameo to promote a phone created by the chief of assassinations in the escobar international cocaine trafficking crime syndicate check a congratulatory message to a person being accepted into the epstein pilot program which bears the name of one of the most prolific predators in history czech promoting a coronavirus killer that has almost no scientific research to back it up check starring in an infomercial created by one of the most well-known scam artists on the internet check using his name and image to promote a debt relief secret scam check taking ten thousand dollars from a dark money political group to smear a person of jewish faith isn't sean might check make no mistake chris hansen's investigations are nothing more than a cash grab which as we'll learn about next time is just a stepping stone to getting back into mainstream television so now i think it's time for chris hanson to take a seat right over there [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] you
Channel: John Swan
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Id: Q8ZzriCRhrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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