Jeff Sokol Uncut

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what you see being edited behind me you can see nowhere else it is more compelling and disturbing than virtually anything you can watch on tv today it is my complete interview with jeff sokol he surfaced in our predator investigation in fairfield connecticut a little bit of it aired on my syndicated show crime watch daily but now here on hanson versus predators you'll see the whole thing sokol came with food and an appetite for sex he left after a very aggressive interview with me in handcuffs yeah over here you can come in this way sorry about that come on [Music] how are you good how are you do you find the house okay no it's really dark out so how long did it take you to get here i don't know i think two and a half hours that's a long drive yeah all right sorry really nervous oh you're gonna be hot no i'm sorry sorry are you okay yeah i'm okay i'll settle into it okay so kind of peachy matches um the um the small pizza is like almost as big as the uh big one so i i didn't know that like you said small i thought it would be like a really small one yeah are you are you okay yeah i'm fine um i am i'm fine i've just never done this before i know have you no not really i mean are you telling me the truth i mean i've met girls online but i i don't like come like this far to like meet someone i don't know why you know it's kind of crazy huh it is crazy yeah why did you let me come if you're so nervous it seems like a good idea and you seem nice why do you think i came i think i know it's not the only reason it's not the reason what's the reason i'm not just you know been talking to for a while and you seem like really cool to hang out with and you know someone that i'd like to meet and i wanted to check out the situation you know well here we are yeah so let's deal with this whole contract thing because i'm just going to be thinking about it the whole time until we get that out of the way this document was something sokol put together after some research on the internet to protect himself from getting in trouble for having sex with a 13 year old girl he talked about it in the chat along with a lot of other graphic topics it didn't work um let's let's eat and we can like talk about it okay there's plates behind you can you grab one there's plates behind you do you want a water or anything okay man well i got this for in case we've already i'll yeah i mean yeah i expected it to be like two and a half hours so you're from the boston area yeah can i wash my hand yeah some family that lives up there it's pretty nice yeah i've been to a kingdom hall it's a wicked confusing i'm sorry i'll try to be cool that's okay we'll work on it i mean you look great thanks you just look different than what i didn't like in the pictures i don't know maybe i don't know i expected you to have dark hair did you my hair just it lightens up in the summer and no i'm not saying i mean you like it i think you look great i'm just saying like you you look different yeah then i thought yeah but uh nothing wrong you never can tell with online things you know what about me do i look different i mean you look different i'm not saying better or worse just different all right i have cupcakes too let's see did you make them look at those do you think i need those yeah if you want to use plates whatever you want we're pretty casually here i'm like too nervous to eat well you already ate didn't you yeah i did i was just i was wondering if you were gonna be like how how would you be like would you be nervous would you be like totally like like like you've done this before you know definitely haven't done this before like i don't know you just seemed very very like you didn't seem nervous at all uh when i talk to you and just you know it's different when you're talking to someone online versus like personally coming to their house and meeting them i just gotta take take something uh this isn't drugs it's just a uh yeah no by all means it's something that i take before i eat in the middle of it all sokol pulls out a medicine bottle you can see it on the video he takes a pill apparently in preparation for what he thinks is going to be a big night ahead what you've been doing all day i'm just hanging out watching tv netflix and stuff we have tonight who's this i'll get to that in a minute who are you who are you you tell me first you're jeff right yeah and what are you doing here tonight jeff hanging out hanging out with whom with her who's her i i i want to know who you are i want to know a little bit more about you first can i eat first sure go ahead how many who you are is you know a didn't know there would be other people here well what did you expect to happen didn't have any expectations no expectations whatsoever no so you drove two and a half hours sure did from boston who are you to come here and your dad to meet a young girl are you already i will get to that in a minute huh go ahead have a bite i haven't done anything wrong how old are you why does it matter i'd like to know haven't said anything wrong coming to meet somebody what's wrong with what is that coming to meet a young girl yes against a lot it is after this chat how [Applause] did you bring some kind of a contract with you some sort of marriage conflict let's see if any of this sounds familiar while you enjoy your pizza i should come see you on saturday well since your mom isn't home it's the best time to do it i would but only if you want me to you say i can't go to jail my life would be ruined right could be locked up for 20 years yeah and then you say do you trim your blank okay now you know that this girl is 13 right i wasn't sure she's told you well if that doesn't and you're what 37 that doesn't mean anything you're 37 how old are you just tell me because i can find out like that who are you can you tell me who you are first i will tell you that in a minute because you know now you're you're making me nervous and you're 44 years old right right as a 44 year old guy i shouldn't be talking to 13 year old girls like this yet i want to what am i supposed to make of that sorry i'm paranoid for me to me no potentially having sex but that is where the breaking the law comes from right punishable up to 20 years did you bring condoms with you tonight well they plan on having sex do you have them in your car no i'm gonna find out so you might as well tell me now i don't check the car you will never tell anyone about us having sex are you sure okay i could be there saturday afternoon explain explain it to me just wanted to come hang out and it's looks like here you wanted to come here and have sex with a 13 year old girl okay is there is that against the law to like to have sex with a 13 year old girl when you're 44 yes it's against the law to meet a girl that's all i've done you see how this looks okay but but but you also see that i was pretty apprehensive about the whole sex thing well wouldn't you be wouldn't anybody be if they're not going to try to have sex with a 13 year old girl to be honest with you you're not going to believe me but i don't know who you are but i'm sure you're like you know law enforcement but you think i'm law enforcement well i mean that's what it sounds like i was thinking about this on the way down right you know two and a half hours to think about it and and um and i i wasn't gonna i'm not gonna risk it that's that's what i said it's not normal for a 44 year old guy to drive two and a half hours to hang out with a 13 year old i wanted i wanted to hang out see how she was see if a 13 year old girl how often do you do this sort of thing never done that you've never done it so tonight you just decided okay i'm gonna drive two and a half hours oh yeah down i-95 from boston yeah they're talking about this long island seemed cool to hang out with i mean with that can't find any older girls i can but nothing else going on so you decided you just come out and hang out with a 13 year old girl yeah you can clearly you can clearly see that i'm very apprehensive let's say we meet and really like each other and want to continue seeing each other how would we do this like i said as long as you're under 16 age of consent parenthetically nobody can know about it i just can't take that chance what it sounds like here is you're grooming her testing her to make sure it would be okay if you had sex with her so no one would find out to be honest with you like i said when i was on the way down right i was thinking about the whole thing and and even before i left right i was thinking i'm not gonna have sex with her unless it's legal so you talk about a plan to make it legal to marry her right yeah not like not in two seconds i mean like so if you liked her like next week or the week after you'd marry a 13 yogurt not next week no so after just a few days worth of chatting you decide you love her no you want to have sex with her i don't know do you want to marry her what do you mean you don't know she's 13. i don't know i was just throwing things out like you know just in case maybe i did like her maybe it was you know so thank you for marrying a 13 year old girl because she's really cool and you could have sex um after a while if it worked out yeah after a while yeah well like three years of dating i don't know a romantic courtship maybe maybe so you're cool with all this you just think this is just fine marching here to this whole see i know see i know i know what you i know what you're you're well what else am i supposed to think so i mean do i seem like a like a like a dishonest dirty person i mean do i seem like it to you this chat seems like it it seems like someone who is 44 years old showing up is showing up and guess what jeff you showed up at a home where you knew a 13 year old girl would be alone after a sexually charged conversation online you come in oh i want to hug you yeah the little girl is nervous you do with everybody yeah you do that every time you meet a 13 year old girl i i do it when i meet somebody for the first time but this somebody is not an adult she's 13. please tell me who you are i'll tell you i'm trying i'm trying to be nice here okay i'm so am i but you're not answering all my questions i will can you just tell me who you are i'm chris hanson and this is an investigation called hanson versus predator so if there's anything else you want people to know anything you want to say now would be a good i time believe this happened did you bring any sort of a marriage contract yeah so what was all that talk about i don't want to i don't want to talk anymore you could leave on camera you can leave i mean i can leave you can leave and then what that's not up to me it's not up to me you didn't have to come here you know what do you do for a living john i don't want to talk anymore that's insurance business right cameras rolling insurance i don't want to talk anymore all right as i said you're free to can leave shut it off i cannot show it i mean what is this it's an investigation for a television program called hanson versus predator where we investigate grown people who go online and try to create inappropriate illegal relationships with underage children so unless you have something else to say now would be a good time to go i don't have anything else to say all right you can take your pizza if you like you want a slice i'm good thank you very much so the cops here we'll see okay or the if they're here just bring them in it'd be best if you went out that way [Applause] grab a jacket it's not for the garage sokol was sentenced to seven years in prison serving a mandatory 30 months he is eligible for parole in june
Channel: Walls
Views: 8,202,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: to catch a predator, hansen vs predators, hansen vs predator, crime watch daily, mista gg, john dupee, dupee, john dupee uncut, have a seat with chris hansen, dateline, dateline nbc, chris hansen, hansen, josh colon, joshua colon, pedophile, plumber predator, jeff sokol, sokol, jeff sokol uncut, pizza predator
Id: Gj48xUT0k44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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