Chorizo Fundido - Hot Chorizo Sausage Cheese Dip Recipe

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I love how chef John will still release videos in which he makes mistakes so he can say "don't do what I did".

Easily my favorite YouTube cooking channel.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RXL 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with chorizo fundido that's right football seasons here and with it the need for new and exciting snacks and what I was trying to do with this little experiment was created cheese dip with meat but what happened instead is I actually created a meat dip with cheese and while too much meat in a dip is not necessarily a bad thing I'm not exactly convinced yet it was a good thing either but anyway we'll analyze and discuss all that at the end Bob before we can do that we have to begin and we'll do that by tossing some trees Oh in a dry cold pan and yes that is a lot that is one pound of trees Oh pork sausage and generally for a dip this size I would use about half that but I bought a pound to decide to see what would happen if I used it all and then to that we will add some green onions mostly the white and light parts and we'll reserve the green tops for the garnish and then we're also gonna add a whole bunch of diced peppers and I went with three different kinds some red bell pepper which are sweet some beautiful dark green poblano chilies which have a little bit of heat to them and then last but not least some fairly spicy jalapeno which always worked wonderfully in any kind of dip involving cheese and what we'll do at this point is turn our heat down to medium high and is this mixture comes up to temperature what we'll do is break up our sausage into very small pieces using of course a smileyface wooden spatula and if you're wondering what the deal is with this it's actually kind of a funny story but anyway like I said we're going to go ahead and break up this meat and because generally chorizo has a good amount of fat in it we didn't need to start with any oil to begin here in fact depending on what sausage you use you may actually have to drain fat so like I said we'll go ahead and break this up into very small pieces or at least that's what I like to do if you want to leave these and bigger crumbles go ahead that's certainly your right you are after all the Tito Jackson of your Fondy no action but for me personally texture wise I think the smaller the better and then what we'll do once that's all broken up as shown just simply cook it stirring until it's browned and our peppers are just barely cooked through all right I don't want to fall apart I want a little bit of texture and then besides the crumblin and the cookin we'll also want to check to see if we need to drain any grease but as you can see I really didn't have that much so I skipped that step but something to pay attention to and it's never a bad idea to give it a taste because depending on how salty the sausage is we may or may not want to add some salt but mine was nicely seasoned so I'm going to use this mixture as is and then once we're happy with this mixture we simply turn off the heat and set that aside while we move into final assembly which I'm gonna do in this nice big stainless steel bowl which I'm using not only because it gives me plenty of room to mix everything but also because it's so dinged up it shows that I've been cooking for many many years in a way it's sort of like a boxer's face at least a bad boxer but anyway what we'll do at this point is toss in a half a pound of cream cheese which really does not look like cream cheese but that's because I'm fancy and live in San Francisco so I had to use an artisan hipster brand which was extremely dry and crumbly very delicious but just not as creamy as that stuff from Philadelphia which is probably what you should and will use then what we'll do is go ahead and transfer our warm sausage mixture over the top which will help soften that up and make it easier to mix at which point we can go ahead and add the rest of the cheese which for me with some sharp cheddar either orange or white it really is the exact same cheese this one is just colored with annatto if for me makes for a little better looking dip and then we'll go ahead and finish up with a whole bunch of Monterey Jack and by the way yes of course I shredded that cheese myself as you all know only a crazy person buys pretty shredded cheese and then once we have all this together all we need to do is give it a mix oh by the way I should have mentioned by now I did not invent the word fundido just because I thought it sounded cool it's a term that simply means some kind of melted or molten cheese but for the record if it hadn't existed I eventually would have thought it up and then what we'll do once this is mixed until just combined just go ahead and transfer it into some kind of heat proof dish because we're gonna finish this under the broiler or in a very very hot oven and that's it once that's been transferred in and distributed evenly our dido is ready for the heat oh so let's go ahead and pop that in about six inches under our broiler which is set to high and we'll cook that for about five or six minutes or until it looks like this it should be nicely browned possibly bubbling and look like something you want to eat very badly and obviously something this gorgeous could be served as is but I decided to dress mine up a little bit with some diced tomato as well as some sliced green onion from the tops we saved and that's it our fundido is finito no I'm not getting tighter that so let me go ahead and grab a chip and go in for a taste to see how this experiment worked out and I decide to use a spoon since I didn't know how firm it was and I thought it would be a bad look breaking a chip on the first bite although as you can see the spoon didn't work out that much better and it was right about here when I realized I might have put too much meat in this since it was not as ooey and gooey as I had hoped I mean it was still incredibly delicious and zero people at your party would complain but it really wasn't a cheese dip with meat like I said earlier it was more of a meat dip with cheese although it did actually pass the ultimate dip test is this soft enough to scoop up with a chip and not have the chip break which it was but as with all edible experiments we can and will make adjustments which you'll read about on the blog all right I'm gonna recommend we go with about half the amount of sausage and quite possibly even mixing a little sour cream but anyway that's enough spoilers I will just finish up by reiterating despite the copious amounts of chorizo this was extraordinarily delicious and would make a very welcome addition to your gameday buffet and as far as culinary experiments go this fundido was fun indeed oh and with a few slight modifications I really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 450,199
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Keywords: Chorizo, Fundido, Sausage, Cheese, Dip, Recipe, spread, snack, appetizer, party, food, chef, john, foodwishes, mexican, spanish, peppers, chile, cooking, recipes
Id: qtghRT0K7-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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