Hungarian Potato and Sausage Soup - Food Wishes

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This one looks so delicious and I don’t generally like sausage.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hayleycreates 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with Hungarian potato and sausage sooo that's right when the going gets tough the tough makes soup and while pretty much all soups would be considered comfort food with only a few exceptions sorry gazpacho there are certain recipes that comfort the body mind and soul and even a more profound way and this amazingly delicious and hearty soup is in that class so with that let's go ahead get started by adding a nice big hunk of butter to this soup pot placed over medium heat and yes olive oil would work if you want to make this animal free and then once that melts we'll go ahead Brown up some Hungarian sausage which we've sliced into rounds or if we can't find Hungarian sausage a sausage we can find from a country as close to Hungary as possible which for me was Poland so I'm using some beautifully smoky pork Polish sausage but really for a soup like this pretty much any sausage will work so that will be up to you I mean you are after all the goose Gossage of how to use sausage and what we'll do is cook this stirring for a few minutes or until it's lightly browned and if you want you could just stir this and not worry if each side is getting a perfect browning but if you're really into it and that kind of stuff bothers you you could take the time to flip these pieces over individually which I did to a few until I lost interest and decided that was not a big deal but anyway like I said we'll go ahead and cook that stirring until lightly browned at which point we will remove tool Bowl with a slotted spoon leaving behind what's basically a sausage infused butter and by the way protip if you know you're gonna remove sausage from a pot with a slotted spoon just start with a slotted spoon and use that to stir it while it cooks see because now I have to wash two spoons which is unfortunate but anyway we'll go ahead and remove that and reserve it until needed at which point we will toss a diced onion into that gloriously flavored fat along with a nice big pinch of salt and we will cook those stirring still on medium heat until they just start to turn translucent and even though it kind of looks like it we're not really browning these see what's happened is the salt is drama moisture out of the onion which is deglaze those caramelized meat juices from the bottom of the pan giving it this fairly well browned appearance so I'm just pointing that out so you don't think you have to cook these for a long time until they get browned and then what we'll do once our onions do turn translucent and start to soften is stir in a couple tablespoons of flour which by the way is a little bit unusual for a potato soup okay generally we'll just mash or crush or puree some of the potatoes in when it's done and use that to thicken it but this time we're not going to all right we're gonna leave our potato cubes intact and rely on this a little bit of flour to help give the soup its body so we'll go ahead and cook that flour stirring for about two or three minutes at which point we will add some minced garlic and a nice big spoon of Hungarian paprika or any paprika all right I think everyone would agree that Spanish paprika would work just as well but regardless once that's in there we'll go ahead and cook that stirring for just about one minute all right just basically to take the ride off the garlic and we don't want to go too long because if we happen to burn that paprika we will ruin the soup so like I said just about a minute or so should be perfect and then once that set we can go ahead and pour in our chicken broth and give that all a nice stir well at the same time raising our heat to high and we're doing that of course because we want this to come up to a simmer and while that happens because this does have flour in it we do want to give it the occasional stir to make sure none of that is sticking to the bottom and forming lumps which it most likely will not be but do it anyway all right half the fun to make it a homemade soup it's turned in once in a while and then what we'll do once this does come to a simmer is toss in the secret ingredients a couple cups of chopped green cabbage and if you can try to get all of it in the pot and we will stir that in and let it cook for about two minutes or until it just loses its stiffness and by the way even if you don't think you like cabbage be sure to add it to this all right when you simmer cabbage in a soup like this it gets beautifully sweet and really helps elevate all the other ingredients so that's what I did and a few minutes later my pot looked like this and at this point we can add a couple large russet potatoes that we peeled and cut into cubes and please know you can cut your potatoes into any size you want but there are two things you should consider all right number one the pieces should be small enough to fit on a soup spoon and then also they should all be about the same size and that's just so they all get soft and tender in about the same amount of time so we will stir those in and then wait for this come back to a simmer and while we're waiting for that we can add the rest of our seasonings which will be some fresh the ground black pepper some cayenne + 1 bay leaf + if you think it needs it and I did another splash of broth or water and obviously that will depend on how thick you want your soup and you can if you want just add it later once you see how things are going since that is just you cooking but I felt like I needed another little splash so I added it now and then what we'll do once all those tough decisions have been made and our soups come back to a simmer is we will give that a stir and then lower our heat to medium low and we'll let that simmer for about 30 minutes stirring occasionally or until our potatoes are very very soft and tender and if you're not sure go ahead and try to smash one against the side of the pot and if it easily matches you're done but if it doesn't you're not so let it cook and that's it once our taters are tender we'll go ahead and stir our sausage back in and then once that's been accomplished we will add the other secret ingredient and that would be a couple tablespoons of white distilled vinegar which is generally what we add when we want to increase the acidity of a dish without adding any additional flavors but having said that some apple cider vinegar would work or maybe a white wine vinegar but no matter what you use once that stirred in we will simply let this simmer for another 10 minutes and that's it our Hungarian potato and sausage soup is done as soon as we check her for salt alright I know we put some in earlier Bob potatoes soups are famous for needing more salt so I gave mine a taste and it did so I stirred in a little more and of course that will depend on how salty your sausage is which is why we don't add a lot earlier but once it's done you always want to taste and adjust and we'll give it one last taste to make sure and as soon as you love it we can go ahead and turn off the heat and grab a ladle and serve this up and as you can see even though we didn't mash or puree any of the potatoes in that little bit of flour actually thicken this up beautifully and of course some of the smaller pieces of potato will fall apart and add a little bit of additional starchiness to this but the vast majority of those potato cubes are intact and at this point we can go ahead and serve it up and then to finish this properly we have two we must garnish the top with some sour cream and not just a little all right I'm gonna go ahead and put on - nice dollops okay if you're not slightly embarrassed by what you're putting on it's probably not enough and then for a final touch we can do some sliced green onions or chives or parsley or dill they all would be fine and then I finished up with one last shake of cayenne and that's it I'm gonna go ahead and grab a spoon and dig in and above and beyond being an incredibly Hardy and comforting this is just an incredibly delicious and flavorful soup okay we have the obvious savoriness from our sausage but also we have that earthy sweetness from the onions and the cabbage balanced perfectly and elevated by that little splash of vinegar and the sour cream and of course making all this possible are soft and tender potatoes so I really do absolutely love everything about this and probably the only way this gets any better would be eating this with a nice big hunk of crusty buttered bread so if you're on one of these new trendy high carb diets give that a try otherwise feel free to enjoy this as is and I think you'll agree it's one of the best soups you've had in a long time so for all those reasons and more I really do hope you give this a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amongst a principle written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy you you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 433,699
Rating: 4.9641871 out of 5
Keywords: Hungarian, Potato, Sausage, Soup, easy, cheap, fast, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, recipe
Id: 38eZJV6yqMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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