How to make Honey Garlic Snack Stick, Honey Garlic Pepperoni Stick

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all right there guys so we're going to dive right into the honey garlic snack sticks this version of the honey garlic snack stick i'm going to do in a pepperoni sized casing and we're going to run it through the smokehouse so it's going to be a ready to eat snack stick you can do this recipe in a fresh sausage in a 29 32 millimeter something you do up in a cast iron skillet or out on the grill you're just going to want to subtract the cure and sodium erythrobate when we get to that step but this one here it's gonna be a fully cooked smoked snack stick i'm making mine out of all beef but you can do this with pork this is actually a really great venison recipe we do lots of that during hunting season if you are doing it out of venison you want to make sure you get your fat percentage kind of at least 15 and you know up to 25 for a smoked product so it's a little juicier a little more flavorful but today like i said i'm using beef i have it's a lean beef that i finished on a three millimeter or 1 8 plate lean ground beef um so i mean it's got 15 fat in it approximately plus or minus a little bit which is nice you really kind of it's tough to do anything less than 10 because it gets quite dry in the smokehouse so we got a 15 percent fat it's gonna be a little bit on the leaner side but that's okay we're going to stuff it into 22 millimeter mahogany casings run it through the smoke house the equipment you'll need uh for doing this one is obviously you'll need a smokehouse you need a sausage stuffer you'll need a grinder you don't have if you don't have a grinder you can just pick up some ground beef from your local butcher or grocery store and just run it through your stuffer with all that taken care of then i will give you the recipe for the honey garlic snack sticks this one isn't quite like a traditional pepperoni you know traditional pepperonis kind of got paprika cayenne a nissan it this is a bit this is a snack stick so it's a little bit different it varies just a little bit because we're going to have kind of a a sweet garlic so it's kind of like a sweet and savory sausage at the end so starting at the top and all sausages we got salt and i use salt at 14 grams per kilogram it's a little bit on the lower side i usually try and end up with 21 grams of salt in the final product so this one's a little bit lower because it's going to help bring forward that sweet flavor that you're looking for in honey garlic then we're going to add black pepper 2 grams per kilogram ginger 1 gram per kilogram garlic granulated garlic 10 grams per kilogram which is a little bit on the high side but in honey garlic that's pretty much your main seasoning your main flavor so we got granulated garlic at 10 grams per kilogram golden brown sugar where you get the sweetness from at 20 grams per kilogram i'd recommend using brown sugar not white sugar brown sugar kind of just adds a little more overall flavor then we're going to use binder everyone always asks me what binder do i use i use soy protein isolate but you can use a whey protein basically anything protein related deheated mustard is a good meat binder there's all sorts of them i got more in my how to make a sausage recipe video if you want more details on binders then we'll use sodium erythrobate which is a cure accelerator you could also use a sorbic acid at half a gram per kilogram you also don't need to use it but if you're smoking it right after you stuff it you have to or i really strongly suggest use it if you can let it sit overnight you can skip the cure accelerator then we're going to use cure number one at three grams per kilogram water and this isn't doesn't have the most culinary flair here but it really helps bring out that honey garlic flavor i use honey garlic sauce with the water because it just really provides a nice honey garlic flavor so i use 35 grams of honey garlic sauce per kilogram of meat and i just picked uh my favorite one it's a real thick real thick sweet garlicky sauce and that's really gonna add your flavor i mean uh it's not like like i said it doesn't have the most amount of culinary flare but when we're making lots of batches of sausage we don't you know have time it's a small crew of us to you know stand over top of a pot or a kettle and make honey garlic sauce from scratch it's just pretty convenient pretty easy to crack one of these measure it out and add it to our sausage and it makes a great sausage at the end you know if it's easy and good give it a go if you guys do have a great honey garlic sauce that you make at home just use that at 35 grams per kilogram but this is convenient and it makes a really nice sausage at the end i like a thick and sweet one so i've got my meat here 2.4 kilograms five pounds of lean ground beef i've measured out all my spices here ahead of time got the brown sugar pepper ginger garlic i've got my thick honey garlic sauce measured out so guys that's 35 grams of that thick honey garlic sauce and i usually add 10 percent water to my meat block so that'd be a hundred milliliters of water total but since i have 35 grams of this which is kind of like a liquid i've dialed the water back down to 65 grams per kilogram in this recipe so i'll measure that out and then we'll add that to our see or to our meat block and season it up all right guys got that measured out spread this out here and add my seasonings to the do a big drop for you guys don't want to be spilling it outside of my container though then we'll just get it tossed in there a little bit yeah so that ginger and garlic comes across it's kind of got like a little bit of an asian flavor influence i guess all right break them cubes of brown sugar up make sure you get it all spread out you don't want to hit just a big wad of sugar add our water that'll help start those spices melting and or dissolving into our meat block i should say and you guys are just going to mix this i got the honey garlic sauce to add yet but you guys are going to just mix this until it's real good and sticky so i'll throw in this honey garlic sauce oops good thing i didn't spill make sure you get every little bit add that honey garlic sauce and i'll continue to mix here for the next couple minutes guys until it's real sticky and i'll show you what you're shooting for okay guys so i've been tossing this around for a little bit here there's the meat block it's good and sticky grab a handful and it sticks to your hand that's what you're shooting for you can really smell that garlic a little bit of molasses from that honey garlic sauce it's going to be good i've made it lots of times so now i'm just going to load this into the sausage stuffer you can also use a stuffing horn attachment for your grinder if that's what you got and then take it and you really want to jam it in there and push out as much of the air pocket as you can take a little bit of time doing this step and we'll start stuffing them when it's all loaded all right there guys so i took a couple moments i got this good and stuff that honey garlic snack sticks good and packed in there we got the 22 millimeter mahogany casings they just slide on the horn my horn's a little bit small so they had to feed them on but these guys here that's how they come you don't have to soak them in water ahead of time they're fine just the sleeve right on the horn and get started this way they kind of look like they have a real nice smoky flavor when they come out but what i do is i just pull a couple an inch or whatever off the end and i pinch at the end of the horn using the tv changing tv remote channel changing technique so i put a couple fingers right on the end of the horn at the bottom and the pressure with your thumb on the top controls how firm the casings are and these ones you can fill them right up we're not going to twist them we'll cut them after and there we go guys just crank her away letting every once in a while you know when you first start you should check make sure it feels fairly firm you don't want to be able to squeeze any more than an eighth of the way through with these guys i'll reload and we'll do it again okay we're reloaded there's the end of the horn there i just pull a little bit past the end of the horn pinch right at the end of the horn carry on okay so this should be fine i'll pull here on our honey garlic pepperonis not very much left in the upper boom found the end all right so now the next step is to cut them get them prepped for the smokehouse and i'll do get that ready right now all right guys we got them all stuffed and if you've seen any of my videos before i hang all mine over my smoke sticks you can twist them up every however many inches you know five to ten inches or whatever you want but i do find this way especially when you're doing big batches is the quickest and easiest and you get the most consistent size but for me you got to figure it out for your smokehouse or if you're using a trager it doesn't really matter or try or pellet grill i should say but for me my smoke sticks work out to be the perfect size so i start at the bottom run them up to the top of my smoke stick and come back down and run them to the bottom this one's a little small so it doesn't matter a little bit longer one here so i start at the end take it bottom my smoke stick go to the top on this end come back down around and cut it i'll get these all ready for us and i'll show you them in the smokehouse okay guys pretty small load for my smokehouse but this is kind of how you want to space them out if you're doing them at home you want to leave a boat of pepperoni space in between each one that allows the air to circulate between all of them and you'll get a nice even color it'll allow that humidity to escape from between each sausage while you're smoking them otherwise if they're rolled up and they're touching one another like this right in here you're gonna get pale opaque spots sometimes you know i've read some of your guys's uh troubleshooting problems and like hey mine kind of have like these sweaty casings and they they want to peel away from the meat that might be one of the reasons why you get that the sausage casings are too close together and on our final cook step the humidity isn't able to escape you also want to make sure there's a little bit of clearance from the bottom of your heat source so they're not right against there even with mine like i hang them at that length from the bottom maybe one inch gets a little bit wrinkly a little bit dry but we cut those off and save them just for platter nubs and stuff like that so that's kind of how you want to hang guys you want to space them out if you're doing them on a tragger it's the same idea just lay them out and make sure that there's that kind of even spacing behind each one so for the steps guys and use this as a rough outline because everybody's smoke house is a bit different but step number one we're going to dry them these casings are already pretty dry and stuff but we're just gonna let a little bit of humidity out of the smokehouse and step number one at 150 to 155 for one hour with the dampers wide open our second step is going to be smoking i'm going to throw a pan of hickory chips in there you can use whatever chips you want i smoke just about everything with hickory because it has an antioxidant effect and it's a great flavor everybody loves the hickory so i'm going to smoke it with hickory on step two at about 155 to 165 for an hour to an hour and a half and then final step is going to be a cooking step i'm going to take my meat probe here i'm going to place it into the center of the biggest sausage and we're going to cook them at about 185 fahrenheit it's going to take you know about an hour to an hour and a half until the internal temperature hits 72 degrees celsius 160 degrees fahrenheit then i'm going to take them out and i'm going to put them in the cooler lots of times i get questions like you guys said that i put mine in a quick water bath or i put mine in an ice bath and again the casings were you know they were sweaty looking or there was a layer of liquid between the or gel between the meat and the casing if you're gonna do an ice bath i'll maybe do a couple to show you guys do it super quick because they're really small casings and then pop them in the fridge it's going to knock you know 30 or 40 degrees fahrenheit off them if you throw them in a quick water bath almost immediately so those are step guys and on that final cook step you want to have the damper just about all the way closed you know open just a little bit so it doesn't become a sawn in there it doesn't get really steamy but allows a bit of humidity to escape so step one dry 150 155 step 2 smoke 155 165 step 3 cook 185 dampers just about closed so i'll show you guys what they look like when they're done the smoke cycle in about four hours okay guys the dinger just went off here so we're gonna pull these guys out of the smoke house there they are get you in for a nice close-up while they're in the smokehouse so guys in regards to that kind of sweaty casing look where they're peeling away and whatnot this is really what i'm looking for when they come out of the smokehouse they got just a little bit of wrinkle on them uh they got a nice even mahogany color it's not pale it's not opaque and yeah like if there was too much humidity they'd be kind of that sweaty look it'd be really plump you want just a little bit of wrinkle you're going to lose a little bit of weight when you're smoking pepperonis i'm just going to take those guys from there and pop them into these two buckets here as you can see this one here is going to be ice water i'm going to kind of ruin a pair of pepperonis to show you guys and this one's just going to be a dry tub that's how i usually do them i just air chill them overnight there we go guys nice juice coming out of them beef honey garlic sticks so i'm going to lay these guys in there they'll cool down overnight now guys if you're going to water bath your pepperoni sticks i don't really recommend it it's not really necessary they'll be fine but if you don't want to lose any weight i got a couple sets of sticks here it doesn't take long well you don't even need like a minute or two like that's nice cold water pop them in there pull them out let them drip that's going to knock off a couple degrees easily right there bada bing do that again just boom if you get a whole bunch ready once you can drop them all in there at the same time this is immediately going to stop the cooking it's immediately going to suck the heat out of there keep them in there too long though i got a feeling that's where some of you guys are running into problems so plop them guys in there you could hang them back up to dry if you're putting them in a water bath or an ice bath and trying to chill them but these guys we'll leave in there for a while like a couple minutes and we'll see what the result is i've never done that before i've always just air dried them but yeah these guys here they got like a little gloss from sitting in the water there you could uh you could pop them pop them back up to dry i'll leave these guys in here for a couple minutes guys and i'll tie a string around them or something pop them back in that tub and then we'll show you them you guys could package them as soon as you're as soon as they're cold but i'm going to leave them in there for at least a couple hours and then we'll come back and package them and taste them okay guys so i left them in this water bath for about three minutes and actually they don't look too bad so we'll see how they look in the morning though they definitely are a lighter color but hey there guys so what's the next day our honey garlic sticks have cooled down out of the smokehouse and i learned something today i thought that one we submerged in that ice bath for a couple minutes was going to have that casing that kind of slips off and separates from from uh the meat but it did not here it is i'll bring it up close and i'll show you some of the other ones just for comparison all right there we go so this one here i don't know what side of the screen that's going to be for you this one here is the one i submerged in the ice bath and it uh you know it's a little bit lighter color you might not be able to tell in the video there than the one over here but uh yeah no that casing didn't peel off and become sweaty and pale and opaque like i thought it was going to so that must mean that if that does happen to you it's because there's too much humidity during the cooking step in the smokehouse i guess if you get them nice and dried like this and then pop them in an ice bath and let them air off overnight they'll stick and you'll still get that nice mahogany color i never do that i always just let them air dry so i learned something today all right guys the last step is super easy i just line them all up on the table the ones that were hanging across the meats uh smokestick first then you just zip these ends here right at the peak then you've got a whole bunch in a line here and you just cut them down to whatever length you want so here we go here's some kind of four or five inch snack sticks boom it's way easier that way than linking each one individually and bring them in here show you guys a cross section of how they look all right so there they are guys those nice beef snack sticks uh good protein extraction it's not crumbly you can see a little bit of fat in there they're not too dried out you're gonna have lots of flavor real yummy units so there they are so guys like i said works good with venison great little party treat yep nice and sweet lots of honey garlic flavor there so guys thanks for watching i appreciate you guys putting the requests in there's the honey garlic snack snack i hope you make it i hope you enjoy it take care
Channel: Duncan Henry
Views: 20,005
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Keywords: how to make honey garlic snack stick, duncan henry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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