Choose Your Starter Pokemon Only Seeing A Body Part

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if I showed you this image could you tell me what Pokémon this is oh of course you could it's a Charmander but what if we took things up at Notch who is this yeah not so easy now is it well today we're choosing our starter Pokémon without seeing them we only get to see a random part of their body and after we have a full team of six Pokémon we're going to battle my pterodactyl is louder than yours mine is like a high pits newborn yours has like got this girth to it like the daddy protector really girthy Daddy yeah super thick today we're looking at anything brother we might see Pokemon penises on screen today you ready for this I was going to say my fingers crossed but I spinning around I will take the lead first all right that's fine sure it's your video don't even ask me would you look at these starters I'm going to be honest with you Shady P not a great start for you oh great thanks how should we do this if you guess one Pokemon correct you get to pick any move or should we do you have to guess all three for every correct answer you get an additional move so you can get a maximum of three illegal moves I like it here's your Pokémon all the way to the left I'm so angry at you looks like a sideways music note if I've ever seen one are these body parts are they in the same direction that they normally would be on the Pokémon if I saw them in game you know I wish I could tell you cool all right here is your Pokémon in the middle ooh wait I think I actually no I can't know there's no way I actually know it is it a hand is it a tail is it a head antenna I hope it's not a tail cuz the Pokemon I think it is it doesn't have a tail oh would you look at that and then finally your as this as we label it is this that one I actually have no clue I literally this these are feathers these are or fingers could be fingers finger feathers I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to try I'm fingers all right so anyway I think the top one is gimme ghoul the second one tattering the third one rufflet okay you got two out of the three which one are you picking give me G of aus a golden go right I'm going to go ahead and go with gold and go two moves of my choice do your thing the option that you did not guess right was an oricorio you were actually telling me the truth all I do is speak the truth all right and that's why you should subscribe to Vendo because I'm always dropping nuggets of truth you're looking great today viewer that's watching this right now I'm spinning around to see your first round the fact that these three Pokemon are on the screen at the same time is actually crazy I got to unzip these give me yep give me one unzip the files it's like I'm working with an amateur why do you never read the pamphlets that I send you you didn't even read it yourself this time brother who messed up you or me I had them unzip how many times in your life and be honest I want you guys to be honest in the comments as well how many times have you guys actually used the little hole in the boxers are you talking about the the hole that you can pee out of yeah how many times honestly have you used that I use it more often than not stop that if I'm at a restaurant I'm using a Ural I don't pull everything out I'm full out every time the only time I use the hole is when I'm in dress clothes and I can't untuck the shirt okay to be fair I did immediately go to like a nice restaurant in my head where I was wearing slacks right you're at the gym no no shot then you're just out right why is it there for like casual for slacks fair enough dude your first Pokémon doesn't wear slacks here you go oh wow yeah so we got an i and then like a little bit of extra it's a very pretty eye this one I wish you the best that's the candy that's uh that's what are those things called yellow box Charleston shoes huh noish oh I just had it oh I know what you're talking about Milk Duds holy crap that's a Milk Dud if you choose that one you got to name it milk Dud now 100% your final Pokémon starter what that is insane I think you're editors are are pulling a fast one on you I think that first one is a bask Legion okay I'm going to guess that the middle one do Duo and I'm going to guess the last one Spirit tomb it's crazy you said Spirit tomb cuz it is a ghost type but no no but you did get basy Legion correct the other two were incorrect I want the middle one just because I really want to name it milk Dud I honestly respect that so much you missed that Bas Legion all the way to the right was Miss magus's mouth that's it mouth in game it's a little open but in the official art it is Clos well we only use official art over here on this channel come on now the milk thud is a paland oh my God yo when they're HD when they're 4K enhanced you never know what you're going to get you really don't so Palos San with any move huh palan any move and you had three ghosts basul Legion paland Miss Mages bro you know I stay creepy spinning around all the way to the left I love it when we have the feet because it takes me back to my roots the feet dude I mean this is a bird foot but there's so many birds in this video game here's your middle Pokémon what is that is that a toe oh is that a um hold on what's the little ice B what's his name how do we do this if I get the line what's up how how you doing we'll give it to you and then over here we got uh I almost just said what the Pokemon was wa those eyes are very similar to Tyranitar I don't know if it's actually Tyranitar we got brav Ari we have I'm going to say vanillite I'm going to say that the one of the right is Tyranitar all right you got every single one wrong which one are you picking you know that's hard to do I'm going to go with the last one all right you got a Golem congratulations oh my god dude that's a dog water mom stop that I love go also this Golem might be shiny I'm making it shiny then and on the left you had a Talon flame uh I mean at the end of the day it's a bird and you know what at the end of the day it's night you're actually spinning I and then guess what it is the next day morning when the rooster crows from left to right the first body part you're staring at right here is literally the body part right here what would you describe this as this is like a fin a hand what are we thinking wait I'm I have to give you in I have to no I'm just you know from gentlemen to gentlemen we both have mustaches technically yours is shed to by a beard but you still going this Pokemon has no fins or hands they're not even existent that's the best hint I can give you very interesting development your second Pokemon has an eyeball that looks like this and I don't see how you get this wrong no is that my boy I think it's literally your guy I'm going to leave that one for now okay and then your final Pokemon has a piece of its body that look like this this is Free by the way this is literally free oh that's actually so free at first I was thinking Mega Alakazam cuz of the long like Odin style beard but that is a honchkrow in the middle I'm going to guess one of the charmanders the Charmander Charmeleon Charizard line okay come on let's get the trifecta I'm going to say lilan it's crazy cuz you were like let's get the trifecta and you just had to dig deep you didn't even get two right the middle one's not Charmander you said he was my guy you said I think that's my boy and I said he might be your guy BR the fact that you just led me down misleading Lane is insane this is everyone's guy when you when you you pick your Pokemon give me the one in the middle I guess so on the left that's our box chesticle no way it's chesticles or symmetrical the symmetrical chesticles that's got my testicles shaking up a bit okay well I mean that was low hanging fruit you know what I mean that's on the right was the Hans cro W and then you chose Arcanine I mean I have no choice but to accept that I guess both my Pokemon have any move don't worry I'm taking notes oh you need notes to defeat me brother I literally do Vinnie you've been cracked lately listen they call me snap crackle pop Rice Crispy you know what it is bro I've been boxing I don't know if I told this guy has told me about boxing by the way every day just so you know I'm going to spin around now here we go I love this okay oh it's a dog water round here we go here's your first one brother oh no what is that what is that is that someone's like leg this next one is just evil bro there's no shot I'm almost tempted to say I'll give you a million dollars if you're able to get that one that's ridiculous crazy and then finally you have this ooh it's very colorful round I got to say oh wait I might be able to Pop N no way the top one is weird it's giving me licky licky Vibes but I don't know what part of licky licky that would be H I'm going to go ahead and say the hdus has just made it weird I'm going to say Clefairy and that's like clef's like swirl or something okay you want me to reveal now or when you're done guessing all of them no don't I'm scared I think the bottom one has a good chance of being crar so I'm going to go ahead and lock crar on the blue it's an orange disc that glare would not be there if it's an eyeball so it's not an eyeball wow he's looking at the lighting Clues that's insane there's a hole for a pupil no there's a hole on top wait a disc is a sphere no voltor is red but his his his his voltor or one of those million bro that's actually insane that you dissected that and got it right I'll tell you this you got two of the three which one are you picking two of the three you know what you kind of backed me up yesterday with an electrode give me thean Electro yeah you want to make it shiny like I did in your video too yeah oh yes I do absolutely do it brother do it your other options were a crar ant that was correct and your first Pokemon was a Jigglypuff oh I said Clefairy I'm so stupid so close dude it was on the tip of your tongue I'm pretty sure Vinnie fights one of these guys regularly when I go to boxing because I'm a boxer now word yo if you're a fellow boxer comment down below how long you've been training what's your favorite combination I'm a big fan of the 1123 body body the 112 2 three one one two three and then we'll throw some this is your first Pokémon's body part if that ain't a Kangaskhan foot and that's not my official guest but I'm just going to talk out loud with my boy right now if that ain't a Kangaskhan foot I might have to give myself a body shot brother that's curries you're going to plenty of body shots this weekend here we go your second Pokémon's body part looks like this I don't even know what the some of these are like expert mode what is that this is just your microphone that's my microphone that's insane fair enough and what's my third one this one I think you'll get because I know you're familiar with this Pokemon this is your final Pokemon's oh yeah that's Stone Jer I don't even have to think about it I know you know that guy I know I'm going to guess Stone Jer at the bottom all the way to the right all the way to the left we're going to go with a Kangaskhan in the middle I guess maybe ROM that's a really good guess it is incorrect though you got one of those right wow okay so I got the stone Jer huh give me the one at the top the the little the little pointy toes are getting me excited you got yourself a hitmon Lee hitmon Lee has a little yellow nub there reveal the middle to me please the middle was a ly so not your style really he's just got straight up Orange Minecraft eyes that's actually bananas well more like an orange what's your favorite fruit my favorite fruit is a plum strong pick when plums are in season you can't even find me I'm just eating plums and in a corridor when plums are in seasoned you can't even find me is insane I'm spinning around wow you really just love these little uh these little ice sculptures here huh your first at least I know it's not a rud ice right in the middle I think you can get this brother that's your middle one I do know that I do know that I know that and then this is all the way to the right oh I know both of those dude you got a lot of like shapes you know let me think about some other ice type Pokémon avalo in the first slot okay iron Valiant in the second slot okay and Grim snarl in the third slot you got two of the three you know what Grim is my guy I'm going to lock in the third one and hope that it's Grim snarl all right yes you did indeed get a grim snarl the one that you got wrong was in the middle the bergmite was correct at the top the middle is an iron leaves oh let me send you the full image just to make you feel even worse right there brother yep oh yeah yeah that's iron leaves 100% time you know what I'm really glad though that I didn't go with iron Valiant since it wasn't there you make your own destiny in this world bro dude you cannot spell destiny without d e s t i n y that is how it is spelled you literally can't listen I turned around by the way while doing that and I'm going to tell you bangers on my screen ooh I like it your first Pokémon's body part looks it's like this it's got to be a tail it's got to be a squiggly tail or one of those curly straws dude I haven't drank from a curly straw in a long time you just unlock I have like a whole collection upstairs That's crazy cuz I've been to your house at least two times and I ain't never been offered a curly straw I didn't know if you wanted one you know you don't have any for yourself I can tell when I look at a man I can tell how many curly straws he's got I'm going to show you a picture of my uncle and you tell me how many curly straws he got number two Pokemon this is a body part that looks like dung from a dung beetle and I'll leave it at that for now well there is a dung Pokémon so you're kind of spitting your final Pokémon looks like this and I think he got this one unlocked okay that is oh what the flippity jibit is his name I'll literally let you describe the Pokemon in the region it's from and I don't care I think it's gen 7 it's The Rock he comes with multiple colors he spins around is that your official guest yeah I just don't remember his name bro his name is minor minor it's minor minor yeah the top one is Le Chun and in the middle I'm going to guess that that's the dung beetle the rabska line you got two of those correct so I didn't get the L chunk e all right give me the top one you got yourself a l chunk was L you had it on point your middle one was a Marie tail oh my God so I get a lunk with two moves two moves let's just say things are about to get Shifty up in here wa Shifty that's a very specific word to use here's your first thing look at this thing isn't it neat I don't like this man that could be an Eevee ear looks very easy ass this is your second Pokémon's thing okay I think you ain't getting that oh Tor no broom's tail keeps going and has a thing on it it can't be broom and then finally you got that the heck is that see vel's not in the game I'm just going to go with my gut I think the first one is Eevee I think the second one is axu and then the last one bombarder oh great Heavens you got them all wrong which one would you select I want the one in the middle the middle you got a chest bin that's its tail on the left you had a shift tree that's why I said things were getting Shifty I thought you were just baiting me but I was still CL as hell and on the right right you had a what the hell is this guy's name k Esquire this first one is very easy here you go your first starter's body part looks like [Music] this exactly yep right right down the pipe yep I should beware of this cough oh that's crazy you are in a silly mood you know it the second Pokemon's body part is an eyeball IE box what the I feel like I know what that is but I don't the final body part looks like this that looks like a flattened out egg it does what the hell I just want one round where you don't get all three you know I want to say that first one is a beware ear I could get like love dis alola mola Vibes but I will stick with beware the middle one feel like it's like a monkey screw it I'm just going to throw out Arch Ops bro and then that last one I mean toad scroll so this was the round where you got none right for once oh man dude all right you got to give me the top one you chose the best of the bunch W in the middle that you didn't get was just a pineco I thought pineco had more rectangular eyes but I guess if you were just drawing that yeah and then on the right you had that's weeping Bell's forehead what I need to see what we're looking at here ain't no way that is so insane dude Abal Abol toxic plurp what the plurp you know what the only thing that we can do right now oh I can tell you your your actual Choice oh actually yeah that would help before we start singing yeah so you have a raw that's the fin on top of its head as a boxer I am flabbergasted I am kled as you should be I am singing with my boy SK [Applause] he's boxing he's boxing all the way to the left it's your first one oh my gosh what is that dude that is eyeball or it's a mouth I couldn't tell you which that was I'm going to be honest in the middle this is what you got oh wait I actually don't know this one go ahead and finally you have that wait but I already have that Pokémon that's what you think you don't know for sure I yeah but you don't know for sure but it's confusing cuz now I don't know if I should guess what I really think that that's impidimp if this is what you believe then you should go for it in boxing they always say don't think just do but this is trickery because normally the randomizer does not allow species duplication well you're assuming I'm on the most updated version which let's be honest I don't update I'm going to go ahead and I'm I have to lock that in as impidimp okay if I'm right and I do choose it do I get the bring two Grim snarl to this battle Yeah if you want whatever you're feeling I love Grim snarl if it is a grim snarl if it is the one on top I actually do know because I had a very annoying battle against this Pokemon I forgot against which Creator it was that's over quill now the one in the middle I already said burer once but I'm going to say it again I'm going to say The Middle's burer great Heavens you're wrong again but you did get two so I got overing Grim snar the question is do I want two grimn you want them Grim snar we going to find that I do want two grimn you know what do it pop off King and then the one all the way at the top you got it right it was the freaking over Quil very impressive in the middle that was actually a lyan rock dusk form that was a spike give me the full image absolutely bro asking you shall receive it's a spike and the main that's so toxic that one caught everyone off guard if you actually got that right honesty is the best policy let us know in the comment yeah that's crazy if you did I think you have a very good chance of getting all three of these you ready all right let's Pop Let's pop your first Pokemon to the left has a body part that looks like this this beat is my recital I think it's very vital to rock a around that's right on time that one is really chck here we go second one your second one looks like this eyeball right in his head no clue what that first one is what it's a beautiful eyeball it's cotton candy eyeball no yeah that's gorgeous I love the little shine you ever had the cotton candy ice pop of course of course bro I've been to a block party in Long Island come on then I forget you're from Strong Island come on we're going to meet in a bouncy house then after that we're going to get the cotton candy he's spitting and your final Pokémon has body part looks like this due to the nature of the non-updated randomizer I'm going to assume that last one is a hatum the middle is a can you tell me what color the Pokémon's body is is that is that asking too much that's a crazy request all the way to the left is Haunter okay and the middle is a freaking Tatsu giri you said you Tatsu giri yeah you actually got none of them [Music] right so fuing mean dude correcting the way I said his name and then proceeding to follow it up you got none right is actually so crazy all right give me the one in the middle damn it this is probably broken I just remembered so on the left was a ganble that's an under bite oh my God all right on the right was a flaffy was I thought you were spitting when you were like due to the nature of the randomizer but that's a fluffy fluff on his head bro that's insane yeah and then you got a Palin I still have the mod in that keeps him hero yeah I know you get a hero yeah you're just going to cheat again that's fine no big deal I'm a cheat but I am going to win now it's time we're doing one battle win or take all whatever happens happens five gifted on the line you didn't even consult me you're just literally going to take I know you're good for it dude I feel like you owe me gifted that never happened that may be true but that's neither here nor there you sent out Brock don't worry at lanister always pays his debts wa look at us we're the same I am you you are me there ain't no way you're about to click Stealth Rock in this battle I promise you I'm killing this right now you can get up your little Rockies that's fine you think going to take me I'm a boulder bro I got that Scorch insane super effective you got no special you got no special attack I'm not going to lie that burn is massive watch this is going to do nothing now it's going to tickle my nuts wow that's nothing remember when I could pick any move I wanted I decided to give him toxic spikes that's what you chose yes sir don't look all surprised you knew what was coming you're going out to a poison type aren't you do you have a poison type I don't have no poison types I got a forehead who's forehead who's forehead I don't know how this interaction works so let's find out wa that is a cool shiny baaka I was hoping my Misty s would proc first and keep me from being poisoned that's actually insane what you're no because you listen you put toxic spikes on my side of the field and rocks if I don't sweep right now I'm not first of all you're not going to sweep that's number one number two and more importantly you're on a timer number three and furthermore I'm Mr hazards you know this you've always known this and you need to accept this apple acid that's one of my illegal moves baby get out what does that do he chews on an apple and spits in your face thank God you're on a timer and I rock protect on every one of my Pokémon that is true you probably did go toxic spikes protect Miss Wolf's in the building dude are you convinced that an e takes me out I am not convinced you could switch out though I'm going to switch out right in this remember the more you switch the more hazards will take that toll that's true that's why I'm just going out the Brock who I you know who I think should go down all right so just going right out to the Brock huh good strategy now your attack is heaved so I could take advantage of the fact that you want me to kill this right now that's true but you don't have any setup on this thing I do is this an illegal move any that is indeed an illegal move yes well I have no illegal move so I'm just going to get out of here anyway cuz I didn't want you to set up on me the good news is this shouldn't kill me cuz I have a bulk up and your attack is HED W if you didn't burn me you were gone 100% I was gone also the explosion is crazy and I had analytic so it was boed I don't like what you're doing over here you know what I like cups from Gamers subs. use code Vinnie for 10% off baby look at that shady actually don't look at that you're a married man that's a golden go this is all I can potentially hope is that you are slower because golden go actually has pretty good speed oh this is bad did you Terra as well cuz this is me going right now oh that's you oh no it's you you're faster I just hope that you went for that ghost move I took a gamble baby I didn't go for ghost a did you go for that stupid coin move dude I thought I cooked I thought I cooked dude I'm I'm going to be so sad if I don't get to use this Pokemon now so you did go for a ghost move all I'm saying is I'll be sad if I didn't get to use this Pokemon now let's see what happens okay I should this obviously now I eat this you should eat this that's not eating that's hardly eating please don't miss origin p no I swear it's when you battle me you miss everything dude yeah game of Subs old vny golden go was one of the coolest sets I've ever built by the way and it's just gone yo how you going to take out this normal espeed bulk up boy over here dude I lose Pokemon battles based on Hacks I also lose sometimes cuz I misplay you have spiky Shield okay good no never mind I don't have spiky shield and I don't think this is going to take you out no oh the rocky helmet hey a little bit of Rocky helmet still oh I'm dead it's a flare Blitz and the rocky helmet took me out radical red you love bacon eh oh no you still have two Erin jagas is one Aon and the other's Jager yeah that's clever dude victory dance My Illegal move yeah I know he doesn't get victory dance that's Lan's move now the good news is oh that's gross I also set up and I know you're a physical attacker I know it to be true why do you run iron defense what do you mean this is literally the radical red set baby it is the radical red set but it's also uncool well actually in radical red it didn't have iron defense I swapped that out as one of my illegal moves didn't have any illegal moves though huh I'm just kidding okay I I just pulled up my notes and said the Chun two moves I was like wait am I cheating right now you literally guessed like a little e another oh damn you pain that though with a victory see Eed was a move I didn't think of East speed was not a move that crossed my mind W you got to stop with this right now I don't think I'm in a swell spot here you got the two victory dances up I do have two victory dances I got a little drain punch it's a nice and neutral hit non stab that's actually insane okay so you're regularly faster interesting things are going to happen I feel like I need to crit or I just cry crit or cry crit or cry dude oh you should put that on a shirt get your Critter cry shirts today I think I should eat oh barely dude oh you oh no not like this we got the figgy berries got the figgy pudding dude I can't break through the pig I can't break through the pig you might bring this back I need a I need another crit I need a crit I don't get a crit is it Christmas bro bring me the figy pudding D look at the bright side though you still have a whole another Grim snarl that is true and I did bring the same exact set so but it's really funny watching the evolve form of lch I don't even know it's name oink colone oink alone oink alone I mean oink colone is great honestly in that battle and ride red I actually the Oink tilts me I'm sorry to bring that back to you on Thursday evening dude is there any I survive this oh I don't oh my God oink alone I did expect to survive that all right is Aaron your last line of defense this is my last pocket monster yes all right I'm going to assume you're also going for victory dance with this thing you don't know anything about me you also might have screens I just get a berry just a little citus citruses are awesome they're great a drain illegal move that's my illegal move baby just wanted to show it all I think what I want to do is get revenge cuz we did a video on your channel where I had this thing and brother got Bodied my other Grim SN has dry skin so it was literally a 50/50 on which Grim SN I went out into and I went out into the physical one
Channel: Vintendo
Views: 100,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pdIMTxhVE6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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