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time to take my three friends to school in a Pokémon quiz with wrong answers in every classroom boys let me introduce you to cold trap Elementary School AK in my real life elementary school that is is this a picture of culture know let's go you can fun fact about this school it is not there anymore it is a field so who cares but who cares now it's Pokemon University refurbished for all of your Pokémon needs and just so you know for this quiz two points per correct answer so we can have one point for a snow achiever point however if a snow achiever Point happens on a question it's only going to happen once so we don't overload I like that students your classes are math English history art science geography the school library what a nice subject to learn CL Library sign language and everyone's least favorite class the tension and yes I said the tension because the tension's there and the tension yeah I took that one as an elective this is laid out so everybody gets to pick three classes that being said Peter go ahead and go to your first class all right I want to get math done and out of the way it's time for math with Professor Plusle everybody let's get down to gr I've never heard anybody so excited for math class Slowpoke plus shelder equals what Josh go ahead what's your guess uh slow King that is incorrect will what's your guess slow bro that is also incorrect Peter what's your guess those were both my guesses so I'm just going to say sh gone I mean all good guesses all incorrect the correct answer was of course a Salamon because this is a salamander inspiration and the shelled underbelly everybody are we putting back together the puzzle pieces of how these quizzes go odish plus odish equals what Josh what's your guess no dish huh two Nega Peter what's your guess is it just odd it is not odd will what is your guess okay so an odd number plus an odd number equals an even number so is it even is will that is absolutely correct it is even will did you give him a little extra Leaf there too even and I am going to give the snow point to Josh for no dis if Magna might weigh a ton how much does a Magna ton weigh will what's your answer I don't actually 2,000 lb incorrect Peter what's your guess does it weigh as much as three magnemites I can't I can't confirm or deny it might Josh what is your answer less than a magnone I also can't confirm or deny that all good guesses all incorrect the correct answer is just 132.0 lb this we know we only know that a Magna might weigh a ton this quiz is not set up to make you feel good at math yeah I I failed slow pocon omics I feel stupid too grug has 20 Phantom s douge has none grug promises to give douge a phantom for every three push-ups douge does in comparison to every one push-up grug does if grug does 23 push-ups and douge doeses 149 push-ups how many fan tub does dogey now have Peter what's your answer I'm going to say none because grug is selfish and I don't want to do math Josh what's your answer clearly it is one Kyogre wow interesting mathematics will what's your guess would give away them all but he's supposed to give him 42 is what I counted but he can't cuz he only has 20 to give away so 20 I'm going to give will the snow for achiever point for doing the math but I am I mean but I am I am going to give the two points to Peter because you're accidentally on the money it is none they would have all evolved into Trevenant via trade oh nice okay makes dang it if it takes Chef Ratatouille 8 hours to create a perfect Feast that consists of 88 Entre 144 desserts and 51 secondary options for those who have dietary restrictions how long would it take an alolan Rattata Peter what's your guess twice as fast because they work at night because they're dark type oo okay okay Josh what's your guess I'm going to say six because that mustache gives him Chef Vibes I guess that's well what's your guess I'm going to say chefer toui can't make any of it it's the person he's controlling that makes it all good guesses all incorrect the correct answer is of course uh no time because Chef for tatatu is already repaired everything okay oh yeah of course well okay y okay I like how the hat is three-dimensional to that's a nice wait wait wait wait that's a Pillsbury Doughboy hat you took that off the Pillsbury Doughboy I was contemplating who to give the snow achiever Point too but now I got to give it to Wills yay honestly not a bad looking Point board to start out the quiz will go ahead head to your next class I would like the class of school library please you want to go you want to go learn about school library with us come on to me everybody into let's go to learn about the book place with Lou the librarian oh no are you kidding bad librarian shut up everybody this is a who's that Pokemon sounds like quiz this is me mimicking some Pokémon and I need you to take some time and listen who's this Pokemon you guys need that on the boss one more time oh one more time for the boys back home Josh what's your guess I say d caddy if that was Dell Caddy's voice I would be a little Disturbed I will say Mr mime I can absolutely hear Mr mime in the tone of that voice Peter you got a guess I think this is Elum interesting I see where you came from too all good guesses all incorrect though the correct answer here is is Metapod wow what is this these are definitely the Japanese anime voices oh no so that they are not easy to guess who's this Pokemon hold on do it again I do it one more time man I know this it is absolutely not Le chunk very bad guess in compar to what it is Peter what is your guess is this nitan it is not nitan what you got to guess I'm going to guess grum Pig interesting two Pig options all all good guess is all incorrect this is not a pig in fact this is wailmer yeah this boy doesn't say AA he says sweet that's him playing in the water who is this no that's Zayn's dying breath Peter what's your guess I'm just going to send Granda oh I I I wish it was Will what's your guess I'm guessing Magmar no that is not correct Josh what is your guess hit mon Le mid hit oo all good guesses all incorrect the correct answer here we were looking for was fous beached Feebas I don't I don't remember I think he is in someone's arms in this but he's not flailing around that's just that's the only sound I could find him making anywhere uh who's this coming I got Josh go for it Goku oh oh no unfortunately that is not a Pokemon Peter what is your guess is this Blazin ooh will any guesses um Kangaskhan this is not correct all good guesses all incorrect the correct answer here is blast toys coming coming wow oh okay it is a big boy making some big sounds who is this Pokemon go go no no good time oh yeah one more time Josh what's your guess okay I think it is Wiglet popping out of the ground oh gross will Peter got a guess I mean sounds like he's saying go Goosey Ducket interesting okay you you're going off you literally think that they're saying Goosey Goosey Goose in English in the Japanese anime okay I just realized yeah I'm gonna be so pissed if if it's Jose no I was going to say zangus but will do you have a guess Zan Goose I think it's B you're going with B nobody was even remotely close the correct answer on this one is asley excuse meyy Goosey Goosey gooy that isy that is Gastly in the Japanese anime which baffled me because I remember him being like gly which is which is very opposite end of the spectrum yeah that was hard the number one subject that I'm failing in school is the library Josh go to your next class give me science it's time for science with Ray quazer yes o what's the largest planet in the Pokémon solar system Peter what's your guess is it Jupiter that is incorrect you have a really good thought process though Josh what's your guess someone's got to dive on that mine maybe they consider the son of Planet the sun maybe they don't that is not what I was looking for a will what's your guess I'm going to say in this world there's only one planet and it's the one they're on so do they live on earth that's a good I'm pretty sure they live on earth all right Earth my answer all good guesses all incorrect Peter you were so close it wasn't Jupiter it was duper how many staries are there in the night sky Peter what's your guess man a think a ton a think a ton oh that's a pretty guess goodness Josh what's your guess I'm also going on the ton route and I'm going to say Magnemite because there's a ton oh wow I feel like we I feel like we missed out on an Evolutions name on that will do you have a guess oh one interesting interesting thought process I will give Peter thought process I'm going to give Peter the snow point because I did really like the tinon pon the correct answer is because they're the ocean none yes because they're in the ocean they're they do come from space but they come from space doesn't mean they're visible in the nice Sky they live in Ocean shabby ugly and useless thanks to tion Feebas can change this by becoming Josh what's your answer Bailey's favorite a that's a pretty good answer is not what I'm looking for but that's a pretty good answer will what's your gu is it is it melodic it would be nice if that was correct because obviously it should be right Peter do you have a guess by becoming gorbis ooh that's also pretty good logic Josh I am going to give you a snow point because you're absolutely not wrong but the correct answer here is of course Feebas can change this by becoming King and ruling over all those who would make it feel bad about itself cuz now it's in control the cool thing about King feas is now he gets to make all the laws and all the and he gets to decide which crime is legal King does King Feebas relate to science because he decides what science is obviously King phoebus's word is law scientific law I get it exactly his word is science his word King fee's word is science which Pokemon would Grace the cover of Pokemon appetite just like they do Sapphire Ruby Emerald appetite is a gem which Pokemon would cover Pokemon appetite Peter what's your guess I'm going to guess Snorlax I 100% understand that Pokemon appetite he's got quite an appetite Josh what's you guess yeah ramar it definitely has some sort of appetite I also thought hard about this one is it Belle there you go there's an a mispronounced Pokemon bisel buzel bzel oh weasel I get it the correct answer here of course was Ditto because appetite comes from the Greek word appetitos or appetitos which means to deceive everybody ah yes ah so we're in Greek class now yes yes yes and I'll let that sit for a second and that's extra credit to the audience if they caught it because then that means the correct answer is actually zeror because he is the most decep full Pokemon got you oh okay and that's science for you I'm being fed science straight from the source which is King Feebas his word is science he likes crime too so it's that's another thing he likes crime too King takes a bite out of crime and he likes it the bigger the crime the juicier so he likes big crime and he punishes small crime because it's not juicy enough you are what you eat right you are what you eat then he so he is crime on crime his word is science and his body is crime crime thanks to cast form's quick changing Behavior we know climate change is real but what Pokemon can put a stop to cast form's even worse crime Peter what's your guess is this AB bra to cover up them Bitties I'm so proud of you for being so quick such a wise kid in the classroom that is absolutely correct that is in fact a br to cover up them Bitties I don't care if it's front butt back boobs whatever it is but they got to be covered come on knock on the door we have these points for you Peter go ahead head to your next class oh I feel like I just got to pick art I got a little news about art it seems that somebody has been messing with the paintings in the art room of Sir smeargle so there's something that's very minorly off about these Pokemon I need you to tell me what's a little bit off about these Pokemon let's go your first art question is what's wrong with this Pokemon Peter what's your guess missing the hair this is a lan Diglett he is absolutely right come on dude why what is wrong with this Pokemon Josh what is your guess there's like eyes on the big one that are messed up or something that is not correct will what is your guess the face is not turned enough on the small one that is incorrect Peter what is your guess the little one's right eye is not an eye that is correct of course thank you smart pass Peter for finding out the there was a false eye what's wrong with this Pokemon will what is your guess finish something off with the fire on his tail something about the fire is wrong and so that was a Josh's guess too wow uh that is incorrect so Josh what is your brand new guess on the spot brand new guess is the eye color wrong that is not wrong Peter what is your guess does Charmander have bottom teeth Charmander does have bottom teeth the incorrect thing here everybody is that them feets got cloged oh what's wrong with this Pokémon will what's your guess there's a line in between his two teeth that is incorrect you're thinking of Timmy Turner Josh what is your guess he's got a ubila guess that he's got a ubila I think the the shell color is wrong Josh your guess is incorrect Peter what is your guess are we missing an extra line on the belly an extra line on the belly is also wrong I love that this is getting Stumpy the correct answer here is of course the unibrow he doesn't have two eyebrows one little brow what's wrong with this Pokemon good luck everybody what is your answer the tongue looks weird the tongue does look weird but the tongue is correct will what is your guess his eyes are supposed to be uh facing in in opposite directions that is incorrect Peter what is your guess I'll be honest it looks pretty good to me but I'm just going to go for the meme answer and say that that's actually fee bass's mouth that is no that is absolutely weeping Bell's mouth the thing missing from uh weeping Bell on this one everybody was them legs oh everybody I was actually the first thing I thought of was like maybe I'll just say something stupid cuz I have no idea and I was actually thinking of saying he's supposed to have legs okay now that we're about halfway through all of the classes I do have to announce that it is time for lunch but we got to be super fast everybody this is the lunch rush I'm going to start a timer for 60 seconds and I'm going to award a point for every quality Pokémon food pun I get within the 60 seconds so this is a quick little Mario Party mini game for you guys to try and catch up on points everybody ready 60 seconds on the clock time to get your food puns in Ready set go Peter give me a Pokemon spinner R CIT very good Josh Pokemon chocolate Ric cake nice will Pokemon I don't know pass all right Peter Pokémon do doo nuts nice Josh go ahead pika pika chunky chili like that a lot will go ahead Victory B Peppers nice okay good work cover Peter Dash buns nope I'm not counting that that's just a Pokemon Josh go ahead need pasta you stuck to your guns I'll give it to you will go ahead pater tots fine enough Peter go ahead fight Donuts no you already used Donuts Josh go ahead wait that was an established what is this V peanut butter and jelly no I'm not going we'll go ahead L turn ups nice Peter go ahead y on megal Peter if it's molasses I will give it to you Josh go ahead jiggly puff pastry nice will go ahead here across buns yes I'll count that because that is the right way to use buns and not just using it as a Pokémon so after that whole mess this is how we have spiced up the points will go ahead go to your next class let's do geography we're going to geography with ZL it's time to explore the world I need you to tell me what Pokémon has traveled to these little for me okay who's in Portland I know he he I'll never tell except on the next slide XO Josh what's your guess speo that is not speo Peter what's your guess I don't know is this ladyb this is not ladyb will what is your guest wait wait wait wait wait is this cadle is this that is not cladal I'm curious how you got to you can kind of see it all good guesses all incorrect the correct answer is Octillery okay man to my tentacles and my a face who's in Key West you look like a man haggling for fish from the boat Josh what's your guess maybe it's Gengar will what's your guess uh is it samur it is not samarat Peter do you have a guess uh is it Blastoise it is not last toys I think smaller everybody the correct answer here was Gibble my other hand is missing cuz I was holding up the fin but when I tried to I kept trying to crop the photo over and it kept cutting the fin out who's on Mount Everest will what's your guess I mean is this Timber it is not Timber Josh what's your guess is it Tinka tin Josh very good it is absolutely Tinka Ting oh my gosh expression who's in Paris will what's your guess gimme ghou gimme ghou gim me yes that's very is it nice and lastly who's in Newland will what's your guess I know it I know it is my guess is it Donan will that is that is very correct this is Donan that is Donald fan right there just for the newes out there new inv mention you know since I'm in last I feel it only appropriate for me to go to detention I guess maybe it is time for detention with Mrs Bailey these are going to be Pokemon that are in detention and you're going to see the Pokémon and I asked Bailey why are they in detention and so she gave me she gave me reasons that they're all in detention question number one oh sorry somebody was just leaving detention let me just skip ahead real quick all right F Coco's in detention oh no why is f Coco in detention Josh what's your answer somebody was sharing a really sad story and Foy Coco just could not stop smiling Peter what's your answer he kept getting distracted by a Butterfree out the window and he would not pay attention in class oh like an adorable little guy he is Will what's your guess tax fraud I mean so someone's playing the opposite end of the field Josh your answer hit me for a snow point I'm might give it to you I like the idea he was smiling through a sad story and someone turned it was like send him to the principal's office he won't stop he won't stop liking this Bailey's answer here was of course uh he double dog dared a kid to self-combust oh my go Sarah ledge why is Sarah Ledge in detention everybody Peter what's your reasoning he wouldn't stop running with his edges h oh wow very clever right on the money Josh what's your guess he ran with scissors in his hand I see that's just mine but said in a different way but okay no you didn't what do you mean r with his edges I see same thing blades his scissors you know scissors all right very good so somebody hopes that that's the correct answer okay well what's your guess he tried to do his homework but he could not pick up the pencil A he could not pick up the little poor little guy all good guess is all incorrect I do like your answer Peter and Josh but I did say only one snower point per round I can't give it to both of you give it to Peter for edging Sarah the answer that Bailey throughout there was of course that he backed into a teacher's car 72 times and I'm starting to believe it's not an accident what drpa why is drpa in detention Peter what's your guess he's here to pick up play Coco No that's really cute I like that answer a lot that's really wholesome well what's your guess I was just going to say he's just like fatally high oh no yeah I see it fatally high they put him in detention instead of the nurse he smoked the bully's house Josh what's your guess I'm going to say he burned the school down interesting all good answers all incorrect fatally high off of the off the bully's house that he smoked I think that that does deserve the snow Point here I'll give that to will the answer that Bailey threw out here of course was uh pretended to be the school's music teacher for the past 6 years even one teacher of the year in year three way why is CLA in detention will what's your guess he gave a kid a swirly I can sense that vibe from CL Josh what's your guess he was reaching for the top shelf and knocked over all the books oh I can see I can see he does look like he'd be reaching for that top shelf Peter are you refusing to answer the question uh I'm going to say that clf went to detention for and can you just put a really long beep here like I'm saying a lot of stuff awesome and I'm sure by the way that I put the beep in there the exact way that you wanted me to God damn it the correct answer here of course uh he told Little Billy he is in fact the reason for his parents divorce why is Mr Ryme in detention why are there so many he's not supposed to be within 300t of a school so they just sent him to detention to be in the school gross that's that's got to be Josh's answer Josh are you going with that I yes I am going with that literally nothing better F sure we'll go with that then Peter what's your guess I'm guessing that he's here to pick up draa Will what's your guess I think he is the music teacher that draa put in a box for the last six years you're sensing some Camp llo Vibes here that this is the real teacher all V all good guesses all incorrect I am going to give this snow point to will because I did not make the connection before the correct answer from Bailey's perspective of course was he forged the president's signature oh yes no no that's a that's a pretty big no no when I was in fourth grade and I did that they definitely gave me a white slip my name is Mr Ryme my body is crime now I Forge the president's signature and I'm doing time was that Mr Rhyme or was that Grandpa that was Grandpa he's really bad at it why is Josh in detention cuz he chose it chose to be here chose to attend class every time he was tardy they would send him to detention but he was always tardy so he was never had detention you know Josh after school you can go home you don't have to come to detention every day no I go detention I've been bad I am now I thought bad thoughts myself I will now punish myself I was in I was in lunch and I sat next to my friend and my friend had a Hot Wheels car and I thought man I want to take that Hot Wheels car I stood up I W myself right to detention I should not be think about stealing I thought about murder and now I sit in the tension wait Josh that's a pretty serious offense and also the Hot Wheels thing all right it's time for everybody to attend their final classes Peter go ahead choose your class I'd like to see what sign language is all about it's time for signs with the dead mind should one of the biggest signs of all is is that it's probably not good it's probably not good buzz buzz saying Buzz Peter's are you literally buzzing yes okay go for it I found the hidden zumel oh hey look at that little guy no it's time for emojis to make a return everybody turn your brains back off let's get back back into it who's this Pokémon Peter what is your answer dblade that is incorrect Josh what is your answer uh it's Sarah ledge again cross his hands I can see that it is not Sarah ledge will do you have a guess matang you said that not bad all to be fair that do look like the sound that two swords would be making clanging together matang I'll give you a snow point for it because they do matang when they hit each other why not the correct answer is of course the other correct answer by sharp because two sharp blades y who's this Pokemon stop it will what's your guess sirfetched that is incorrect Peter what's your guess is it in Poon oh wouldn't that be well Josh what's your guess ice CU cuz head head it's got a big head all good answer is all correct the correct answer here of course was Articuno because penguins live in cold ice type are and then Articuno is a part of the trio and that thing has and it it does and that's not even intentional very good catch on the I totally meant for it next Pokemon everybody who's this Pokemon will what's your guess reiv room that is absolutely incorrect not that easy man not that easy Josh is sitting in the corner in his chair smoking a cigarette and been like yeah Peter what is your guess this is macargo Fe that is absolutely correct because when I drive my car go yes who's this Pokemon will what's your guess is this two crusts has seen from above standing next to each other interesting Peter what's your guess I'm going to guess that this is bold door and I'm saying that because uh you actually did make the text here bold but we can't tell because of the Emoji I actually can't confirm or deny if the text is bold right now and if it is that I feel like deserves to be right but it's not what I'm looking for Josh what's your guess it's mimikyu because the little guy is such a closed door and he never opens up a Josh you know what I'm going to give you the point all good guesses all incorrect of course this is a Garbodor because a door that's attached to nothing is garbage that door is Garo go to detention Garbo door man you do nothing for us final Pokémon here uh this one is actually student submitted by retro gamer boy who is this Pokémon I'm going to guess Mantine cuz man t-shirt and Clementine wow oh okay I was thinking something similar we'll go for it but I was trying to man shirt and orange together and I got something along the lines of musara mush Musa okay from the similar lines Josh what's your guess maybe he'll use a little more brain maybe that's a dumb idea but it's a little orange circle it's got a face and it's kind of like a shirt so I'm going to go with minor orange core wow you were a little bit wrong on one thing Josh and that's that you thought that maybe they used Too Much brain and of course they are a fan of the channel so they used zero brain everybody this is of course ZL because speak it's just man and orange so good hey hey hey Retro Game Boy detention detention Retro Game Boy will go ahead and choose your class history it is hey why don't we do some history it's time for history class with dark past y mask oh no oh no this guy knows history better than anybody this scene is how this Pokemon received its name Peter what's your guess Venusaur that is very quick and clever Peter Venus is in fact s that is the origin of venusaur's name next history question everybody this Pokémon sailed the ocean blue and believes it found some land and first Josh what's your guess Lapras interesting definitely does sale definitely not what we're looking for here I think the obvious answer here is something along the lines of Christopher columber that's exactly what I'm thinking Christ columber but I actually think it's leaf on Ericson interesting clever that's a really good twist Peter do you have an answer we'll just go with like cricet ton Columbus or something I am actually going to instead of giving the snow point to Peter for being close I'm going to give the snow point to will for being incredibly on the nose with being cheeky because the correct answer here is Christopher columbusin but it was actually I got the it was actually discovered by Bay Lee ficon Yes you didn't get the right Pokemon but you did Snow achieve by realizing that it should be Lee ficon instead of Christopher columus I'm very proud of you big leaf ficon guy big leaf that one episode of SpongeBob all right next history question this Pokémon was the first to rule over the land as the leaders we know today Peter what's your guess I think we all know him we all love him this is King Igglybuff yes that's certainly that's certainly the happiest Society leader Josh what's your guess George Washing Machine Ron wow oh wow I love that guess I do want to hear Will's guess what guess give it to him Josh I'll do the same as last you didn't get it right but I'm definitely going to give you the snow achiever point for being as close as you possibly could have been the correct answer here of course was George Wishy Washington no way this Pokemon was considered by many to be Unsinkable is this the Titan nickit well that is a very very very very solid guess Josh what's your guess it's not really funny but is it Del eyes that's pretty good I mean it did reach its DM eyes there's no denying Peter do you have a guess is it a High run tick incorrect will I have to give you the snow achiever point it was between two options and I asked Bailey which one she liked more and the one that you gave me as an answer was not the one that she picked and the one that you just texted me was it Titans that was actually the correct answer oh shoot like you actually wow this Pokemon walked on the Lunatone was Buzz Buzz Peter is it Buzz wool Aldren I am absolutely the very first one I thought of but I like you know what I'll take anybody in the Aldren family so yes absolutely buzzwell ald the Buzz Aldren or manand the Buzz Aldren but yes buzzwell Aldren was my first choice here for sure last class of the day everybody we're going to English you ready everyone oh wait hey I thought it was Josh's turn to pick oh sure okay okay my bad my bad that was that was very rude of me Josh go to detention give me my ABCs and not one 123s I'll take English I was going to say it's time for English with Mr Mewtwo these should be very simple to understand so it's just a couple of very simple questions inquire what do we do Peter what's your guess we sing a nice little cricet ton interesting Josh what's your guess do do Ry also not what I'm looking for will what's your guess we chat thought I understand the thought process to bring in the music bird Peter you're absolutely getting a snow achiever point because not only that makes sense but you did accidentally say the Pokemon's name in your answer oh the correct answer is simply we Zing why can I not join military Josh what's your guess uh because I take too many King gambits in battle Peter what's your guess I can't sign up for the military cuz I'm too dpy I understand what you're going for will what's your guess I'm too young goose technically there's a part of me that wants to give the snow point to you because Top Gun the nickname Goose he was just saying he was too young but then you pulled the goose reference out well I mean he did say shut up Josh I bet that the correct answer here of course was because I have fla Fe what you can't join the military with fla Fe what happens when I take food off stove Peter what's your guess you pan pour the pasta into the strainer ooh that's a pretty nice answer will or Josh you got an answer it starts to get ice Q old yeah Will what's your guess when I take it off it gets tent toool hey hey you want to know something real fun will that is that is the correct answer no no I was on the right track I just didn't have the right Pokemon it tend to cool when it stopped getting hot it tend to cool what does paper Shredder for Spirits do Peter what's your guess I think that it leads to their Delise that's a pretty dang good answer I'm going to keep that one in mind will what's your guess does it annihilate them oh my God I hate you guys Josh what's your guess I don't know man it gets shred injured oh wow that's they're all arguably better than mine and or the same paper shredder for Spirit what does it do it tear up a ghost oh that's amazing that's way better that's really good you talking about it annihilates them it takes them to their Delise and I can't even remember Josh's cuz it's so late that's how you know it was good what do Josh and I have in common will what's your guess both in detention your guess is that we're both in your guess was that the detention bit was going to happen in this video and that I Peter what's your guess assuming that this is Professor y mask that said this uh Josh and Y mask both have an s in the name I like but it is wrong so Josh what do you and I have in common all that comes to my mind is just Squirtle you're just going to say Squirtle it is not Squirtle Josh the thing we have in common is our K dude stop the final tally of points 20 a 12 and will at 20 oh goodness you're joking oh will we get to share yes they get to share oh I've never been so excited to share with you will if only that was the end of class because boys it's time for a pop quiz everyone's favorite part of school 10 questions on this pop quiz ready number one what was Josh's answer to the second question in English gosh what was the second question in English Pop Quiz well what shred ininja no it was not Shred ininja dang it Josh what's your guess was it ice Q old it was not ice Q old did did he not have an answer for that one did one of us get it first he did have an answer for that so people just so you guys were aware the correct answer for that was too many King gamits on the field next question number two uh how many zumel popped up throughout the quiz will what's your guess we found only one I I'm going to guess one all right that is incorrect pet what is your guess no wait there were three there was the professor there was the answer to the fan submitted question and there was the teacher that is absolutely correct there are in fact only three very good question number three how many leaves did evish have Josh go ahead oh no I hit Josh you said six yeah Josh that is correct even if did have six leaves yes sir question number four what what year did draa win teacher of the year oh God wait there was a year I thought it was just I thought it was just how many well what's your guess that would be year three will that is absolutely correct he did win it in year three Oh I thought it was that he won it three years question number five who was the answer next to Christopher columbusin will what's your guess that would that would be bayy Fon that is in fact bay leaf Erikson very good huge Leaf Erics guy number six what was Will's first guess of the quiz I don't know oh my gosh what was the first question I don't even remember Happ out Peter what's your guess he actually did the math and got a snow point for it that is not the first thing that he said as an answer third will what's your guess wait was it evish it was not evish you did have an answer on the question before that Josh what's your guess oh shoot I don't have a guess I straight up don't so nobody got the right answer there that was Will's first guess of the quiz was was slow bro oh right it was that question sler Yeah question number seven how many quizzes including this one have we done on the YouTube channel oh boy will what's your guess I think this is number six that is incorrect Josh what's your guess five that is incorrect Peter what's your gu oh this this is number seven that is also incorrect you guys were getting closer I don't think you were counting the three impostor quizzes that we have on the channel the answer I counted is 11 11 is how many videos including this one on the channel have quiz in the title question number eight yes or no will what's your guess no that is incorrect Joshua's your guess or uh that is incorrect right dang it Peter what's your guess yes I mean yeah that's correct no we gave it to him say or I was also let's go Josh for for guessing or instead of yes or no go to detention we'll do right question number nine how many windows does the school visibly have this one's a bit tricky cuz I don't know if I counted the windows behind trees I don't know if I counted the do a wind I don't know if I counted wind where like you could see half of them but not like the glass so what we're going to do is we're just going to go off of the number that I wrote down whenever I counted this I'm just going to say that is the number I'm going for here will what's your guess it was 16 that is not what I counted Peter what's your guess 16 is also what what I counted but I'll guess uh 17 just because that is what I counted Peter I am giving it to you that is and last question question number 10 of the pop quiz what was Peter's guess for the first question of of the pop quiz oh my gosh quiz Peter do you remember your guess for the first question of the pop quiz all I'm remembering is that I literally could not think of an answer but I feel like I threw something in at the last second just to have an answer but I'm going to lock in that I didn't have an answer you did technically have an answer will do you have a guess I don't remember what his answer was I I believe it was Krabby Peter of him I I wish it could have been a more solidified answer for you but Peter did in fact guess thinking that Josh had not answered and instead that you or Peter had answered first oh my gosh that was what you said oh my goodness you're right that's insane but unfortunately that did barely give Peter the upper hand as will finished with 22 Josh finished there and Peter finished wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I know I got Josh got one I got an Oddish Point all right now that don't bully me you go to detention yes I know I'm being a big bully Josh go to detention go to detention that being said Peter are you ready to see your prize yeah I guess so all right Peter you have won free cleanings for life at gar Chompers woo that's going to keep your health nice and healthy that's that's his smile yeah yeah I know it took me a while a Mas yeah no trust me I had a real hard time looking at it as multiple things and then I finally I was like my brain eventually saw that as a smile wait what's that on the bottom oh God I got to read the bottom text if you're going to point it out the bottom text does say I mean it's a Garchomp guys yes the cleaning is always free but the cleaning your teeth at speeds equal to that of jet planes could get give you teeth burn bad face ouch mouth no teeth lip burn whisker chafe worse breath danger eyes tongue loss or even more cavities oh God teeth burn sounds horrifying what is a teeth burn bad face sounds awful go bad face gets right to the punch Z if you been trou to get the funds for these prizes it seems like they've gotten worse over time you know I really push to get this quiz done today and couple hours and for that Josh got the detention I hope that taking care of the MIM was to your satisfaction in terms of crime trust me I'm a man of crime oh trust me you did not disappoint well crime is something that runs in my family's veins my father knew crime my father's father knew crime you could say our family knows crime down to a science oh you and I are going to get along great together if there's anybody who understands crime and science it's me
Channel: ZaneGames
Views: 123,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trivia but all answers are wrong, pokemon quiz but all answers are wrong, impossible pokemon quiz, funny pokemon quiz, pokemon but only wrong answers, pokemon wrong answers only, pokemon quiz wrong answers only, pokemon quiz hard, pokemon quiz hard funny, zanegames, zanegames pokemon, zanegames funny, funny zanegames pokemon, funny zane pokemon quiz, the hardest pokemon quiz ever, the hardest pokemon quiz in the world, guess the pokemon, pokemon university, snom boss
Id: 6XAGvxy7yVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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