I Fused Every Pokemon With Frogs

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there are over 200,000 fusions in Pokemon infinite Fusion but only two lines of frogs to fuse with and I'm going to show why frog fusions are the absolute best as I beat the game only using them some people try to say Bulbasaur is not a frog very much a frog the first frog even whatever I find I'm catching and I'm fusing with Bulbasaur what do we got I said what I said so here we go I think we got a little bit of work to do before we find the right bulbs or Fusion definitely time to go buy more DNA splicers wait where where did you come from puku I'm going to trust the process here don't let me down come on a potato looks like a potato frog you wanted to battle earlier but I didn't have a frog Fusion but now I have the perfect frog Fusion you're not even ready for it you see it's quite simple I throw the potato at Doug and then that's that's Doug if the rumors are true I can catch a wag here as long as it's dusk there it is let's see if we can find any more there we go back to back I'm going to have an army oh no dusk is over I think I have to do this I want to fuse Tyrogue with a Poliwag and that looks real promising over there what do we got guys what do we [Music] got no that's perfect I kind of want to see ho ho he's got the little wings these two are ready to evolve into the most fearsome frogs you ever done seen just you wait I don't know if I agree with you but want to know what's not a scam Play dasm more. Store Playmore just had a brand new drop including this shirt I'm wearing a brand new sweatshirt and of course we still got some of the old classics that being said I think it's time to take on the very first gym maybe I didn't need all of the frogs in the world we got our two frogs and that's what matters wait a second I think I need to give a bwag rock arms but get that rock arm bird out of my face I think it's time to bring out the big guns oh wait a second that Tail's got a nose and last I checked noses go on faces is this four times weak to this that was easy it doesn't actually do that if you buy one of these I got to come clean all right we got to go and do a wonder trade and then it's poly wag o clock Nicholas [Music] Cage no I do appreciate Nicholas Cage my favorite time of day oh wait I actually love that so much more than the fusion I did let's get poly whoot and we're just two frogs away there we go okay that's what I'm talking about ah got to wait for dusk again if I want to get a sixth Poliwag but I think I do want to do this Fusion frogs love bugs right I kind of love it now this is what's going to get us pass Misty I already know it frogs and the mascot of Pokémon together that right there is an electric tadpole tadp boo time to get the final Poliwag and there it is it doesn't look happy to exist the reason this Poliwag is so important is I'm not just trying to beat this game only using frog fusions because a little bit ago someone dm'd me on Instagram and said they were going to make a pm7 inspired Fusion but as we wait to create the ultimate frog Fusion I have another temporary idea what do you got for me Poliwag what do you got science Rules oh no has science gone too far wait I actually really like this one he's shiny and happy the tadpole tadpole Pokémon I think it's time to take on a few trainers wait this guy gets me poly hoop it be nice to see something original but you know what they say imitation is the sincerest form of flatulate I don't think that's this could be an even bigger potato wait a minute even bigger potato Pika puff ooh Pika Puff versus pewag yeah that's right get out of here peeka puff wait a second I wasn't expecting this at all egg I probably should have expected it to look exactly like that oh God why would you make that that thing doesn't want to exist you thought fusing three Pokémon together into one was foolproof if you're going to Triple fuse Pokémon you have to throw a Poliwag in there ideally three of them trade you a grass type Pokémon for your Squirtle I don't need this thing anymore some people say Squirtle was the first Pokemon Fusion I mean after all it is a turtle and a squirrel put together so it' be pretty cool to fuse this fusion with a Poliwag and see what happens it's incredible yes let's see what this full team of frog fusions can really do against someone like Doug my fearless leader leading the troops squirt melon maybe this isn't the challenge this team needed and there it is Scrat that already looks incredible wait a second oh I love that the shell kind of looks like it has a six pack this is the most exciting Evolution yet all Tyson what are you tur it into wait where is his arms the whole thing with him punch head is he punches people how is he going to punch people you're bulbed ha we can get another Bulbasaur wait I can't believe this let's go can I unfuse it no oh you're always going to be rat frog what do you got for me rat frog what do you got cooking up in the rat frog lab I like this a lot more this isn't even rat Frog's final form Evolution 2 Electric Baloo what do we got a potato I had no idea you evolve now poly hoot so many Evolutions it's exciting this this one hi this one isn't as exciting as the other ones there has to be something better I just believe there's got to be something on the other side that we like more ho ho look at that I think this team's ready to take on Misty I think this is the duo if this doesn't work I always have a second potato to Huck at Misty oh what why why does it have like a trunk on its head a come on no no no no no no okay come on pag you got to you got to wake up you got to there we go p wag there we go audu that's the ace Pokemon oh we can deal with an audu I think this might be the final battle for this guy I think I'm ready to fuse this with new Pokémon see what else there is in this big wide world of fusions and poat last Harrah we do have an electric gym coming up I got a good feeling about this yeah no no I I got a good feeling about this yeah this is going to be great I thought this wasn't going to be custom wait I'm here for this yeah there's one Pokemon I have to catch while I'm here there it is winking at me for some reason something's getting fused with Diglett let me tell you that right now why did someone make this child you have no idea what I've seen you have no idea what Horrors I've seen this could actually be the move we'll see if I get rewarded for that what is this that right there is the exact frog I need to take on Lieutenant surge mour we wee bugets avalange cross I bet you're real embarrassed now Doug it's finally time for the first poly world and what's that first Poli World Evolution going to look like the stomach's kind of freaking me out I'm going to be honest I know it's stupid but I just feel like I got to use this you might be a lud denant but I got a major frog on the squad and major frog is actually like the perfect Fusion for vbe I'm sorry about that sir who needs a lieutenant when you got a major come on Ray buzz you tried your best surge just like that major frog going to its next form General frog ooh I I actually really like that wait a second this one's a little bit more frog like though so I like to see Dig Dug I like to see Dig Dug wonderful I got to see what this thing looks like reverse I just have a good feeling about this it's time to stop it's time to stop ah okay yeah that makes more sense just need something that's not fused something something cool I'm cool wait what I actually got a frog Fusion in the wonder trade going to have to train it up a decent amount but this thing actually works for the next gym I think we're getting pretty close to getting a Machop on the squad and that's honestly really exciting I've been waiting for this I've been waiting for this that is the wisest little frog I ever seen all of these guys ready to evolve but what are they going to look like what do you got for me is that what you got for me I kind of love this Bambi we can get an elephant frog yes wait a second I can diffuse my two favorite animals together let's go and I just know it's going to be a great Fusion I just know this is going to be special come on oh no this is so adorable it's so adorable what are we going to get here the big elephant frog I don't know how to feel about that bingo bango another evolution is this both Pidgeotto and poir or is it just the Poliwag Pidgeotto nope I got to at least see what it looks like when it's reversed I I have to yeah I think we're going to keep it this way in this cave we're going to find Machop and once we have Machop we're just a few levels away from the ultimate frog Fusion wait a second Machoke oh that is so worth it come on over Machoke you are on the squad buddy yeah once we get this Fusion done we're only two Evolutions away I don't know what this looks like though I got to deal with this before we can get to the Machamp poly toad really no I think frog Pokémon are the cutest I feel like that should be obvious you think that's cuter than this come on I'm kind of intrigued to give this guy the the fun feet in the tail I think it might actually be worth it going to have to train this guy up but but I I think it could be worth it this is going to be a pretty big moment of truth you're kind of important to move it forward SP man yeah wait a second I can work with this oh I love the stars on the belly I think it's about time we got to this next gym no that's not important what do you mean you couldn't do anything you're the next gym leader and if I do beat him and you couldn't beat him do I just get the gym badge if I'm not leaving this battle with a gym badge I'm at least leaving with an evolution finally time to get a Venusaur oh that is so sick that's a real elephant frog it only feels right to have this Evolution before the next gym I can't unfuse these guys so this is the final resting spot of rat frog I still don't understand why I have to battle you if I beat the guy that beat you but Eggo I feel like this was the right choice ooh that's fine fantastic start T ape oh you got nothing on me come on there we go only one left Erica only one left vile bell all right slow it down it's already slow that's fine ooh but then the fire Fang gets stronger oh this is easy I spent so long getting those flying frogs ready for this battle I even need to use them I think it's definitely time we move on from the double bird Squad could be nice to evolve Pika world I want to see what happens when we evolve it that's incredible oh my God I love that oh I love that so much who are you Dennis wait a second that is a brand new Fusion oh yeah since I played this last new fusions have been updated into the game that is the only explanation but that does mean they're making brand new frog fusions ooh that could be something we use in the next gym a little cuone action that's definitely custom it's definitely custom I love that this thing evolves next level too this thing's going to evolve it's going to keep the big club and then whack koga's going down I see the vision surely it can't get worse right like surely it can't be worse I don't think pwac is lasting on the team too long wait a second I have an idea we are fusing this with a frog immediately [Laughter] all right Snorlax you look incredible and I'm going to need you to bring that with you as you fuse with poly worldl 10 out of 10 no notes if every Poli whirl evolves at level 37 we're about to get to Evolution POA I think it's finally time it's not going to evolve into the bm7 fusion but we can fix that just you wait or I could be wrong though wait a second that's just poly toad Machoke there's no Machamp here here I thought they'd both evolve at the same time I'm going to get this bm7 Fusion at some point oh another polytone it's time wa wait wao wao what is going on here you're a wizard Harry that's amazing a frog wizard on its Lily Pad what if this thing evolves in Alakazam and the fusion gets worse I mean I can't not let it evolve right this is where I start to get a bit worried cuz I love that Fusion does it really get better than that no it doesn't this is why we have reversers wait a second I see a top hat that's promising I was completely wrong about that but it's so silly jumbo yeah Jumbo's going to crush Koga just you wait you're not ready for my strategy I promise you right now wait is that somebody's Fairy Godmother and then we're going to belly drum yes jumbo yes and then boom boom take it out oh I'm not worried about this at all I'm not worried about this at all you just got to live this next hit jumbo come on no only two times only two times yeah jumbo yeah how did that work and they're switching wait yes jumbo the jumbo sweep that was so satisfying I think it's about time we go into the Safari Zone and I've Been Told my little birie that there's at least one Pokemon I need to fuse with a poly Toad and there it is sometimes things just work out nice Scyther 2 we're going to have some pretty cool new fusions to take on Sabrina we did pretty good getting some Pokemon in the Safari Zone I think it's time to fuse them all together I really want to know what this thing's going to turn into You Are My Sunshine oh hey they got Greninja in the game I'm pretty sure I was told to make this for this it wasn't for this let's see you and Gengar together I'm a tree you got to be something special come on don't disappoint me I don't know about that one are you doing a little dance over here is he doing a dance I'm all in wait oh my go why is it so cute final one for now oh no I'm worried I'm going to to be disappointed Oh I thought this one could be crazy cool I really did and it is it is what the little poly wag I think this team's going to destroy Sabrina but first I need to get this Evolution we saw we have to beat a frog to get the ultimate frog finally I don't think this is going to be the fusion we're looking for but when we go and look a bm7 fusion is going to be an option and there it is yo what one of my favorite Pokemon fused with a frog the champ gets the Frog hat with the shiny Beast it's absolutely perfect imagine looking at that fusion and then not subscribing to the channel we're getting close to a million and I know a lot of you guys who watch these aren't actually subscribed so if you enjoy what you're seeing click the button would make my die I think it's time we go back and deal with Team Rockets where we'll finally see what this thing evolves into little Swift action no shade to Taylor not worried about the Swift hey wow and it was scientist Taylor wait a second why you got to be soan the Moment of Truth I've been so worried for this moment oh no no there's only one thing that can be done in a time like this it was so cool before come on I really need this to work all right I actually love that oh there it is we're back oh I was so worried but we're back baby all right Doug it's time to put our differences aside and take gone Mr Giovani oh I ran into a chair you didn't see me run into that chair did you Gengar Kangaskhan is crazy at level 47 no his man boom there we go the real Greninja taking things down Doug what is this this isn't even a Fusion Doug I think we bring in our own Gengar Fusion this might not have been my smartest decision but that's okay that's what I'm talking about Doug maybe you aren't that bad after all wait is there a master ball for me I really want a master ball yeah okay we got at least one it's finally time to take on the very next gym leader and it might not be my smartest strategy ever but we're leading off with the pm7 Frog fusion and we're getting at least one kill quick claw I don't care how hip that mime is you're going to jab that thing full of poison yes and the poison this is best case scenario I don't know how that worked out so well but it doesn't matter cuz it did qdp with a little skip and a hop let's xes are this clown Gengar Alakazam all right we got the speed drop that's all we needed nothing you can do about that we just need to get the speed drop we got our own Gengar Fusion a Gengar frog there we go what else you got what are you holding I don't want to know what's going on over there Fork over the gym badge Saina it's time to make a fusion or two and I feel like it's time we make a a Venusaur Fusion I see the vision here Dino frog dino water dude turn into that's exactly what I was looking for all right here we are s of our Islands that's what I'm talking about we might as well revive all of the fossils we got a a few fossils that are looking pretty cool wait a second wait what it's a shiny I got a shiny from Reviving The Fossil yeah we have to do this we have to do this and it has to work out this has to be a good Fusion your try it still has to evolve I really need this to work out I really need this to work out and I think it might yes wow does he have a blast Shield that's so sick and with this Evolution working out so well there's only one more thing left to do before we have our team for Blaine it's finally time we got a Poliwrath Fusion yeah he looks really angry that I hadn't made a Poliwrath Fusion until now I my bad I'm ready for greatness I'm ready to be astounded I'm ready for it to barely look different it's just a tiny po wrap with a shell you are a star Buddy why are you in the corner Blaine don't answer answer that question never answer that question nobody wants to know I am sorry I asked let's get this over with glue Dash I do not like that one bit get that glue dash out of here chactl it's time for my Superstar get that rain dance going we got Swift swim and now it's time to end this magdon thank you wait a second how are you outspeeding it has to be witchcraft Up Is Down and Down is up I don't understand the fossils didn't do what they needed to but no one's taking down fizban and the John guy let me tell you no one wonder trade we're going to get a frog yeah wonder trade we're going to get a frog no way you actually sent me a frog and this thing could now turn into a Poliwrath Fusion there's no way that just happened I just got the gri I need to see your final form I need to see your true [Music] and there it is it's Grimace it actually might be good to have a grass ice type now wait a second this might be the move ooh wait a second I absolutely love that I have an idea it might take a second to get done but I have an idea you're not going to tell me that Golem isn't ready to make an incredible frog Fusion because this has to be the right one oh my God that looks okay oh my gosh we need to have the ground type I'm so excited for this oh I think I cooked with this one yes I absolutely nailed it oh we're putting you on the squad what is going on here they made four master balls I I still got one of them if I can just Chuck this far enough and hit the mol Trace before he gets to it I save the world all of this oh no no I at least I didn't throw it into lava what is Frogman trying to achieve not much really I just want to fuse some frogs with those big old birds so could you hand them over you may have three legendary birds all fused together but I got a bunch of frogs and no surf you thought no one could stop your three legendary birds fused together think again the bird is acting up my legendary frog Dreams they're still alive mol Trace is just right there I guess it's time to use this thing right I'm going to fuse you with a frog there you are yeah I'm putting a little guarantee down we got this two down one to go the five final legendary bird all three legendary birds caught it's time to fuse them with frogs but I need to find the perfect combination we got Zapdos from a power plant it's time to turn it into a power plant come on it's beautiful the very first legendary frog and it's perfect I feel pretty confident about this actually I haven't done as many poth fusions as I should have but this can make up for all of the ones we've missed out on and it absolutely does who knew the only thing poly wrath was missing was a beak and then there were just two Articuno and poly Toto I've made a lot of poly Toto fusions but hopefully this is going to be the best of them all Bazinga no this has to be good it just has to be there's no other option come on come come on what's up brother no I thought I had the ultimate three legendary frogs ready to go I'll figure these out but first let's go take care of business and get that final gym badge Sandstorm yeah that's not a problem for me at all what are you switching into wait a second this is my ground Pokemon what are you doing what is going on what is this hi Bart you're the worst Fusion going to brought to this gym and you're still going to pick up at least one kill as fun as this has been Giovani I got some legendary frogs to fuse let's try this again I'm kind of intrigued by this and who's really worried about a four times ice weakness oh wait a second that kind of goes crazy I think we got to go with this I think we got to go with this thing the moment of truth that I finally figure this out come on this has to work soda there it is that is the final legendary frog zephrine ragnos FAO storm the John guy and of course fizban the fraud in my humble opinion the six greatest fusions the world's ever seen but it's time to put these guys to the test and see how they do against the elite 4 are you ready ribbon Jack I want you to draw me like one of your French girls I don't know how to feel about that but we're setting up stuff Ste rocks immediately on the protect take this thing out with a Stone Edge and let's see what else you got MMO bro what did they do to my guy MMO swine ah burn this place to the ground and let's move on to the next Elite for member you ever face the might of a frog wizard get ready cuz it's not going to be pretty for you show them how it's done uhoh they're going to heal up you're going to call mind and we're going to sweep watch this what 1 2 3 4 didn't even break a sweat why is Professor Oak catching any Strays what's going on here Agatha I don't understand what you're talking about but I'm ready for this one no Destiny B John guy don't do it no this isn't going the way I thought it would snar only one more Pokemon Agatha bobar you're going to try to end this with a destiny Bond if this is what you want oh you heard all about me have you you heard all about the most powerful frogs hippity hopping through the lands who are you trying to fool man that's not a fusion that's just a giant dragon a that's a Dragonite with a TOA kiss his head not exactly what I wanted to see phos I think you are our guy and that does so much damage it's not looking good ragnos ancient power that did five damage but they switched into porra we can take that thing out with with a focus blast okay we just have to hit we just have to hit come on ragnos all right we're back in this it hasn't been pretty but we're back this is back we just got to live one and we do with the poison jab poison no but it did get confused okay FS ban if you can outspeed we still got a chance boom there it is okay two Pokémon left tyranid dactyl if that thing outspeeds it's going to oo us we can't stay in that thing outspeeds it just one shot us we just got to Surf and we get the quick claw there we go oh with Brave Bird we're going to be able to kill we need the quick claw we got the quick claw let's go oh my God and we can take this thing on are you kidding me oh come on come on it doesn't even matter it doesn't matter and the W it wasn't pretty but we're on to the champion I don't know how you got here Doug let's do this Doug let's do this you haven't changed a bit have you I got to get the stealth rocks up Ah that's fine that's fine we're not worried about that but they switch into this monstrosity when they Zig weag get in AR agnos what are you doing over there zig zag zig zag Zig zig zag Zig and a crit on top of it that's fine you do that all you want Doug I'm going to start call minding up you let fizban the Frog set up what are you going to do about it here comes the you don't have a worst Pokemon to send in Doug that's a little scary I'll be honest if we outspeed there's still a chance there's still a chance oh I don't like that I do not like that let's go they got greedy it might just be over not even good enough to have a Venusaur Fusion there's only one way to finish this and it's with the pm7 Frog Fusion ignore the fact that that is a Alakazam on the other side of the field it's time to finish this are you sure about that it's time to pretend like the pf7 Frog Fusion successfully took that thing down there we go we are champions of this game storm phos zephrine the John guy bban the Frog and ragnos can I beat Pokemon infinite Fusion if I only fuse Pokémon with frogs yes yes I can now do me a favor and click this video if you don't click the video I I'm stuck here in the Frog hat for the next few seconds and it's it's it's not super comfortable I I need to go eat dinner just do me a favor come on just just click it
Channel: PM7
Views: 466,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pm7, pokemon challenge, pokemon randomizer, pokemon but, infinite fusion, pokemon fusions, pokemon infinite fusion, pm7 infinite fusion, pm7 pokemon, infinite fusion challenge, pokemon fusion, fusing pokemon, shiny pokemon, pm7 shiny pokemon, infinite fusion pm7, i fused every pokemon with frogs, pm7 fused every pokemon with frogs, pm7 frog only, pm7 frogs, pm7 pokemon challenge, john pm7, infinite fusion frog only, frog pokemon fusions, frog, frog pokemon, frogs
Id: 9H-fsNJq27o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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