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I knew in my heart that some nerd and pajamas could whoop my ass Lu you and one of the best boxers in the world right now in the room [ __ ] him up exactly that's what I'm saying people oh man should I be a$ like absolutely not my first paycheck was you know 500 check yeah he Che you get paid I remember Ray Borg rayor right oh my God ah thanks brother that Miami one I was in a different place I had to like tap into some Darkness I was different I was different I was like ain't no way this motherucker beat me four times when you beat him the final time you your couch and you walk off and then I ain't going lie when you went like this hey son boom you did that enough Petty bro I just knew what I wanted to do in the in the back locker room I was like I'm going to hit him with his but now it's my this one for you son of a [ __ ] how dare me I wonder what I was like what's this salon for on a he got a whoops you got me oh it's 15 time world champion simp Tris Johnson you're listening to the Money [Music] cast sir how you brother nice to meet you man I think we met prop no we haven't I met him like I know you though I did Brother this way um welcome brother um you're sitting right here not yet not yet right now do I say B now barkeep barkeep barkeep yeah yes sir but yeah it's Vegas I think we leave on Sunday or Monday so it's a hard and fast inet yeah cuz you went to California first yeah LAX real quick bro the the most quiet I've ever been in LAX really immigration nothing it was dead went through cuz normally it's 2 and 1/2 hours of standing Little Steps Little Steps Little Steps okay cut the line Little Steps so the most quiet ever and I was just like thank you thank you I'm excited to talk to you cuz I've never like no I totally agree too he's he's like oh make sure I was don't I worri about no UFC 300 I don't worried about all that [ __ ] I was like I want to get to know the man I want to talk about like I think you know what funny as well that one time when I was texting you and then like little misunderstanding mhm oh yeah but again you the way you handled that the way you handle it is how a real man does cuz you didn't even like give me [ __ ] or anything and then I was like no no no no I me I I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry and I was just like [ __ ] ID nah I think that's the biggest thing in in our line of work no ego that's the thing ego some other people would have handled it differently absolutely like oh what the he trying to say ra yeah and it could have me something else but then you were just like hey bro yeah sorry my bad I oh no no my bad bro you I was literally just like is real like was I high was Dr going on here mistakes happen N I don't think it was a mistake I think it was just miscommunication yeah right congrats again bro thanks baby that right there and the way you set it up as well and then you Swang your leg over and just like the momentum rotated in is it Bon Arrow Bon Arrow yep cor [ __ ] bro it's been a while since I being the G yeah well I know B I was like yo and the way you set it up and swept him I was just like he's a brown belt as well yeah yeah yeah he wanted he wanted his division that day so it was you know can I ask one thing how come you never um what's the guy Brandon shar's friend I'm Bradley Martin Martin yeah are you guys rolling right now cuz this is good ass no no yeah I've been I've been rolling well I'm I'm going to do it ladies and gentlemen welcome to the mighty cast we got a special guest today our only guest we in Vegas Izzy adna the FK and style Bender always been a big fan of this gentleman when you when you when you were fighting like is it get your black ass up is he no is he no and I was like he's too black he's too fast I was like he said he's too black I was like God damn right he's too black so thank you so much for giving a time to have you here so appreciate it man we've already been vibing out ladies and gentlemen apologize but um yeah um you said why oh Bradley Martin you know I look at Bradley Martin as a gentleman who is looking for a clout and he's saying these things right and for me I've been about that life I just proved I am about that life of course right for free nobody if you know you know exactly right if you know you know and when you said it uh I can't maybe on on your show you said like yeah I'll fight him and you said it to him and it still but I'm too 60 though yeah it's funny you know what's funny when I was at um when Jake fought Nate Robinson I commentator that fight Mike Tyson fought Roy Jones and I watch that live then blah blah blah blah meet Jake Paul at the hotel invites me to his house get there crazy this is during Co times M social distancing but crazy times we were in the house and then at one point there's a ring in the backyard and I got word through SE that oh this guy's trying to get Izzy in the K in the ring yeah and I said nah I'm just here to have fun I ain't doing none of that and it was him but I don't know the guy like that but then again anytime I see him with a fighter and tries to like oh how would I no like stop that it's just just he said stop that no no for me I'm like for me personally some people aren't even mad enough to watch the jocks we figh in yeah they're not even manad enough or worthy enough to step in a ring or in a cage with us cuz you're about that life and when they oh how would I fear how would I I'm like stop that's not but when I saw what he did to that guy again Kudos respect man that's why you prove and I said this earlier on what someone said about AI Alan Iverson I think Kobe said if Alan Iverson was 66 or 64 it's a rap for everyone yeah if you were six foot yeah 6ot bro honestly I swear to God it's it's over thanks man the whole game is over mat Matt said that one time he goes Mane he goes [ __ ] man if you were like 6264 we would be [ __ ] millionaires because you know the flyweights ain't making no money right no but that's [ __ ] though cuz I I respect what you guys do and I love when you guys fight just the the pace the the system you guys operate at it's fun to watch but a lot of plebs noobs casuals they can't keep up y they watch it it's like what's happening stand them up why they it's like it's too fast for them yeah too fast and there details even when you fight for so long whenever I watch you fight there details you do and I'm just like this [ __ ] is it yeah he's that guy I think it was even kid Yamamoto you fought him uh rest in peace yep yep rest in peace rest in peace at one point and then when he was attacking you I think in the third round you dropped and the shot you hit him with bro it was like a bullet thank you little moments like that and I'm just like man this guy's fat anyway respect appreciate appreciate okay now now now this is I'll take it now what's going on boys this video is sponsored by priz pick now prize pick is a daily fantasy sports game ladies and gentlemen the NBA playoffs are going on right now 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match with the $100 your deposit ladies and Gentlemen let's make our Sports watching more enjoyable make the right pick at the right place which is price pick shout out to price pick for sponsoring this video let's get back to my boy Izzy the style bner Aria you don't know this the very first time I got introduced to you was I was Leaving Las Vegas and I met your brother in an elevator he he came in the elevator and he goes hey man a big fan I I think I was going he came in we're going down we're sharing the elevator going down he goes hey man my brother's fighting um his name is Izzy and I was like oh he goes are you going to watch him I was like dude I'm about to jump on the flight and head somewhere else and I was like but I'm sure he's going to be fine like I I'm sure he's going to be good so I jump on the and I said hey it's very nice to meet you I think your mom and dad were there too I could be wrong but um I was like hey um wish you guys some luck but I'm much jump on a flight so I jump on the flight and I'm watching it's when you fought Brad tarz ah Vegas yeah Vegas yeah that was my first main event and uh that was my maybe sixth month in the UFC okay yeah well it's just crazy cuz I look at the time frame I'm like oh my God I was almost on my exit out of the UFC cuz 2018 that's when I F Henry and I left and then you were just getting in and I'm like God it's crazy how fast time goes but I remember saying hi to your brother meeting your mom and dad and then I jump on the plane I'm sitting there watching and and I remember you did that imari roll uh first round at the end of the first round that should be 5 but I think one judge gave it to him because of that moment but again but Jud the judge don't know the [ __ ] they like right you never know what they're watching right [ __ ] those guys um but I saw I was like oh wow he's very fast he understands distance I was like oh he's not scared to try things you did the oll and I was like okay okay then ever since then I was I was like okay I keep an eye I'm GL remember that thear r i missed I missed the the grab I didn't catch up properly but I was trying I tried and then he kind of flurried on the way up I was like come [Music] on land um so that was the first time I got introduced to you um but your background so extensive in kickboxing and you've done boxing as well what and you're a beautiful uh beautiful dancer I see you you know popping and doing your thing I see doing it where did you start in martial arts like when cuz I feel that story has never been told that I haven't been able to see I haven't watched your documentary yet because it has game on you know in the states or whatnot or I haven't had the opportunity shout out to Greed that's why who is it greed don't worry about it yeah everybody's trying to get but it's all good it's a beautiful documentary um but dancing oh well for me my where did it start for martial artsarts walk me through like when you first cuz I'm assume you started dancing first in like Elementary or what Taekwondo as a kid in Primary School in Nigeria um but Jackie Chan was my guy everyone you know Bruce Lee's a man but Jackie Chan was my guy yep cuz whenever he fought he always seemed like he was having fun and he was clowning people and then um from there I did ta window as a kid got to yellow belt that my mom pulled me out cuz I started kicking everything in the house broke my arm yeah oh no I broke yeah broke my arm and a lot of stuff and then eventually um around the age 17 I watch onak Tony jar yep then this looks really cool I found a Muay Thai gym in my local town I was at and within six weeks I had my first fight wow I remember again it was one of those moments where I was like holy [ __ ] this was just I knew like this is it cuz the the thrill I got beating this guy who was not 80 kgs he was probably like 92 smoker shows yeah so I was going to ask so it was a smoker show it wasn't a pro fight and you just went straight into mu Thai and they got already he's in prison now actually he's in prison like I would have beat him now he's in prison now but um yeah so when I was fighting him I I think I dropped him with a te in the first round and I got my confidence just rising and I don't remember the fight cuz I was just buck wild I was crazy I was like a like a wild horse a stallion yeah and then people were like man you're this you're amazing you're that and I was like okay yeah like all right and then slowly but surely it just it happened over time and then I remember when I watched UFC nighty on pay-per-view Sil versus cotay yep and I remember thinking like man I could be the best in the world at this just watching silver fight cot and something I just related to him I already knew silver before that cuz I was watching the DD the DVDs you know back in the day Blockbuster Video but that was the one that stuck in your mind like [ __ ] he's he's successful I he's skinny and black I'm skinny and black I can whoop these [ __ ] and then from there it just uh I think I just knew I always say from fight number four I said I was the best in the world even though I didn't know I was like Ali said I said I was the greatest before I knew I was I just felt it yeah yeah and then over time it transpired into what it is now M so that's crazy so you went from Taekwondo mhm and then you had a long break because your mom pulled you out of it I'm sure you're doing stuff outside of it dancing was my like uh I guess will get street cred okay okay dancing and then you join a m tight gym six months after that you do six weeks six weeks excuse me yeah six weeks had my first fight you had your first fight smoker fight and then from on it just took off from there and at one point I decided I was I was in this little town called wanganui and then I just realized you know I need to move out of this town cuz it was the same thing same people every weekend that kind of vibe and I was like no I need to get the [ __ ] out of here and I did and I moved to Auckland and that's where I met Eugene who's now my coach and amazing coach by the way yeah thank you and he just saw okay what I like though he never tried to make me anything else yeah he just like okay this is what we have and he worked with it he never tried to like make me try and fight like him or his stock because you know some coaches do that yeah but if I was like he just made me just be me yeah and just fundamentals the basics just hammered it in even things like whenever I was in the in the ring anytime you get on the on the ropes break to the center to the center every single time it's like ingrained in me to the center straight away so little details like that he he instilled in me from the GetGo so that way I just had that as my Foundation Goa okay so you went from there now you had a long kickboxing career and then you've done some boxing matches as well what side quest yeah what was the it was like uh tournaments right yeah I did no I did one uh no two tournaments and a couple fights okay yeah so what was the transition for you going to you see it all the time people do kickboxing your background is a kickboxer and mov Tai guy right then they make the transition from that to mixed martial arts you even seen like rting he's dipped his feed in um MMA stamp faex John hager's talking about fighting for br and jge for the belt you made that transition what why did you make that that transition so for me I knew in my heart that some nerd and pajamas could whoop my ass well well you think about it if you're in because you look at the you know some of the greats in kickboxing arar host Roman Deckers I mean delicious goes on those guys never made that transition do you have guys like croop Mark hun um Al or they make that transition so you're saying a gentleman a nerd pajamas in a g could just okay in a g okay kimono okay gotcha gotcha gotcha you know grab you and [ __ ] you up yeah yeah yeah so for me I just know in my heart like I'm not well-rounded and I knew it's even now like say how do I say this it's it's how people pretend you know I love fighting I love boxing but if you want to fight mhm if you want to fight like Lu you and one of the best boxers in the world right now in the room oh I'm [ __ ] him up exactly that's what I'm saying it's like we know what's going to happen but why we pretending it's like say okay how do I say this without you say it hey in this podcast okay no what yeah I am Israel I did I am a Hot Blooded male even if I decided I identify as a female and I'm going to go box chicks and F for Olympics mhm I am I a female no you're not you exactly exactly even even if I chopped it off I am still a male so why are we pretending that a guy who only uses their hands can fight someone who uses their hands feets knows how to Grapple all that so that was for me my moment where I was like N I have to humble myself yeah and throughout while I was kickboxing I was always training Jiu-Jitsu so I have to humble myself and realize I need a and that's a hard thing a lot of people even shout out to uh Shields clct the shields she's one of the only ones that actually did that she humbled herself and said I'm going to fight MMA I'm going beat these [ __ ] up Y and a lot of these boxers they can't do that no cuz they feel like they want to be at the top King of the castle all that kind of stuff but I'm like nah humble yourself learn a new skill you'll suck at first but you'll get better y I think lomachenko and um uh Terence Crawford they're probably two of the only people I can say that I know Terence can wrestle and so lomachenko if they wanted to fight MMA they could yeah but they're athletic enough they have their mindset we like hey wrestle they know like the the details of certain things so they can keep the distance sprawl and then BR knock [ __ ] out but again for me that was that was my M I was like no I I just know my heart like even if I'm a kickboxer I could have done that whole thing but I was like but I just know some nerd in pajamas can choke me you know I just know as a man like in an Alleyway you know it could happen so I was like N I need to be able to just be be anyone anywhere yeah yeah so that's what made you transition to mixed martial arts and then pursue fighting at MMA made just so you can be well-rounded also I like the gloves as well like the big gloves in boxing or kickboxing you can hide behind those you can just shield and MMA it's hard it's hard and also when I hit people I was like I can find the spots easier yeah pop pop game over yeah you want a shot yeah why not so is shout out teramana I know you're a big fan of WWE what you think of WrestleMania The Rock so I haven't finished it I only found out was on Netflix and I try to download it on the way here flight so wouldn't let me download it but I watched the highight of the Rocks fight I watched Logan Paul versus uh Randy um and yeah I'll finish the rest of it but yeah [ __ ] still real to me Dam hey brother thank you sir appreciate you man cheers hey always cheers man well breakfast yes okay so you make your uh Transit into mixed Marshal Arts you go on a tear you become the champion be I work at a a a gym called UFC Fit they're always PL of highlights and where do you live where's your um yeah so I live in Washington State uh not DC not not DC Washington State in Seattle Seattle suburbs from Seattle um been there pretty much to second grade MH and I jumped into mixed martial arts After High School met up with Matt Hume um I always like that picture of you as a brick layer yeah cuz even me I I never I I don't celebrate my birthday yeah yeah why not every other [ __ ] week's my birthday this you know what I mean he woke no but like it's always about me in my life even I'm sure on yours as well so for me I'm like I don't birthday every [ __ ] I don't need another day that's all about me but if my mom and dad want to celebrate me people load me sure but September 4th every year cuz September 4th 2013 was the last day I left my last 9 to5 m remember that day forever next day I was on play to China I plan to leave that job three times and I failed and then that day when I finally made it then I I set it up properly then the next day I was on a plane to China yeah and I lived there for 11 months and I fought about 24 times damn one month I fought every weekend but I fight smart so I'm not one of these guys who's Rock suck you're you're defensive two Knockouts as well that month so that month it was fight fight fight fight and that got me my experience as in like XP points yeah absolutely you can't buy that [ __ ] you cannot you got to do it you got to and I was I was there to again they I was there to make them look good then when they realize oh oh [ __ ] yeah cuz they like oh we bring this black guy over kick his ass and like [ __ ] I'm a journeyman okay okay let's bring him on outside so yeah um but yeah uh I love that yeah you celebrate you don't celebrate your birthday you celebrate the day that you left you quit your job and you tried to quit it three times you gone back and you believe in yourself right like I love that story because a lot of athletes people like oh man should I be a$ like absolutely not because it's a long road it's it's you your first paycheck you know obviously times are different now my first paycheck was you know 500 show yeah he you get paid you get paid I I think my first paycheck was uh cuz I went to Australia F and I came back I think maybe 1,200 or a th000 yeah and yeah that was my first paycheck out I fought in Melbourne yeah kickboxing and I was like oh this is nice but then when I started going to China and fight cuz I go f fly to China fight their comeback a few times before eventually I was like right I didn't get the [ __ ] up out of here cuz again life was just life was lifing yeah and you know when life puts pressure on you was like God excuse me God trying to like make make me move make me make a difference and I was like I need to get the [ __ ] up out of here and I knew China had an opportunity for me and forever grateful forever grateful for those moments cuz again it was an experience point you got XPS and also a lot of fun stories Roo dogs man [ __ ] love that okay you become a champion the UFC like what was that experience like like you finally you you celebrate you know when you quit your day job you become the champion best in the world knock a [ __ ] out highlight you're the man what was that like coming from the background where you first started in tawo mu Thai and you jumped in and mix my shirts because you thought somebody in pajamas could [ __ ] you up up now you're the world champion what was that like you finally made it what did that feel like felt regular so 221 Perth was my UFC debut and I remember like someone was walking around with the old belt and I was like yo let me see that and I was holding I was like yeah one day I'm going to get this and I always I always knew I was going to be Champion yeah don't ask me why or whatever and I just knew like even now you know what's funny when when fans go like man I hope you get that belt back I'm like you don't need it [ __ ] the belt my heads I've always said the belt means nothing so when I got the belt finally I beat gasum shout out to him always remember that I remember just being like H the same I felt no difference cuz I always felt like the champ yeah I always did t i unified it my first defense with Rob Whitaker MH in Melbourne still to this day the biggest gate love that [ __ ] oh man and also you too what I love you emote oh that's life bro people don't understand that bro like when I do that kind of stuff I'm doing it for me cuz I like to be creative but then all these guys like Ray Rod snatching snacks they get so much to work with Y and they just [ __ ] and it's also you living out your cuz I know you're a big anime fan right you're also living out that inner child where you're like ninja camoi you on that ninja Kami ninja kamami you watch that's on um I watch on n n nine anime oh no Adult Swim it's on Adult Swim Al those swim I haven't seen it yet all you I think we're Eight Episodes in maybe nine you would love that okay I just I just finished solo leveling I um um I just watched a bit where he fought uh what did he fight in the cave um oh the the stealth guy who he kills people yeah it's good like that's the thing about before you leave I got to get the one you just finished ninja I'll send that's the [ __ ] is it okay I'm been looking for some new stuff cuz I I finished solo leveling and then you know how it is it's like I got I got two more years three years so you I just read the whole [ __ ] what about an invincible it's not it's not anime but you watch that I haven't watched it yet you got to in oh bro you have to watch Invincible that's on Amazon Prime right yeah on Prime and that follows the story kind of like um boys book yeah like kind of like the boys yeah it is but so the first the first epod sik s to sadik is fighting this weekend he put me on to it okay when I first watched the first episode the end of the first episode I was just like what the [ __ ] one of the best fight scenes I've seen in the in a cartoon okay I'm sold say no more say no more say less okay good story as well EXC me good and then even recently X-Men 97 so I'm waiting for all the good time I heard every you have kids yeah understand you have Al you know you got understand I get it I get it now but X-Men 97 even watching I was like man it feels like I'm back in the '90s but they made it smoother and even Cyclops like they I was just upset when they did I was just upset when they did the uh rog's butt like Rogue you know her ass was all nice and juicy like two [ __ ] peaches sitting right there know this day and age so [ __ ] mad I was like why you do that man give me your heart when I watching 97 I'm like yeah that like that yeah so I'm I'm going to try to watch it but yeah uh X-Men 97 and Invincible I've been seeing all them and there's just so much good content right now we're blessed bro yeah that's a good what a time to be live right sitting in front of one great one of the greats right here you I you you you know see this pumps I swear to God honestly like we haven't met properly but I always felt like I I knew you CU I love what you do love how you reference like anime even in your life your fights the way you emote the way what you stand for everything cuz me I always tell people look I am no one's [ __ ] Guru I'm Not Your Role Model raise your own damn kids yeah I've always said that but you are a guy that the way you held yourself even fighting from you know from where you came from to where you were and then you left I felt you left on top I thought you won that fight as well oh hear me I mean you guys are cool now whatever I thought you won that fight that but that was me I'm being biased it was bro that I remember Ray Borg oh my was it rayor rayor R through oh my God that was like the showtime kick for me oh yeah those moment I remember exactly where I was when I watched that and again you know how D when that happened I got up ran outside ran back ran outside rewind it rewind play it again and like what and then I saw the breakdown later on how you like oh I practice all the time yeah well [ __ ] like suplex boom ah thanks brother just technique bro beautiful just [ __ ] masterful man yeah it was um it was a good time I mean I don't I don't regret I don't regret the fact what I chose to do when I got traded to one Championship because it gave me the opportunity to I feel all the great you know you fought in China you fought All Around the World in kickboxing boxing I've only fought in the US under one organization so you got to experience all that but now you do that now I I I've been able to do I I've done that right and I've done a movie Tie fight you know mix rules whatever um that was so cool and you survived the beginning cuz I was bro the beginning I was h i Ain going lie I was going to hurt I was just like oh [ __ ] oh no and then when it was round to I was like oh here it comes I can see the change and then he was backing up and I was like welcome to my world my boy I'm the C now look at me I'm the cting now oh you took him and it's like oh [ __ ] F cuz I was nervous man I was like 4 o gloves and then he [ __ ] slangs too man oh my God he slangs like a [ __ ] he he has been the only other person that hit me and I'm like oh [ __ ] like oh I I felt it like when he hit me he Bop hit me I was like oh [ __ ] grab the [ __ ] and I grabbed him and then he elbowed and I was like then I started to get my cuz it's mu Tha is different it's you go right in MMA it's like you're moving measuring distance elevation change you're measuring the void and so with that he just clocked right off the start and I was like holy [ __ ] and then it just became a fight and then obviously in the second round my boy James shout out to my boy James he goes he goes look at him he's [ __ ] running now and I was like get him and I was like things have changed right and um again it's a real fight it's a real fight bro let go back on there but this is exactly what we talking about it's a real fight oh now I can grab you I can throw you ground you ain't going come up in my face and [ __ ] punch me I'm going to grab you and slam you right and that's that's one of the things I love about mixed martial arts right but see here's the thing though like I love that I try to be a purist in my mind but it also second makes me second guess it because when I watch you you can I feel you can wrestle I feel you can clinch and you move so good and you you you show and you kick and the way you throw and you show your faints and how you as well I like that yeah well cuz I watch you and I study and I'm like Jesus Christ I'm like so fast and you're athletic and then I'm like I know he can do it he's athletic enough he can do that stuff and there's a part of me it's like well he doesn't have to he doesn't need to not yet not yet right and that's why I told people Everyone trump card yeah exactly right until somebody get you there I'm like but put me on my back watch what happened example even the the Brad tarez uh I think I had him in a triangle at one point and in the end of the fight fifth round I had him in a guillotine but I didn't cinch it up properly so it wasn't really tight gasum I had him in a triangle y um what else do you feel that you don't use that because you don't have to that you're every fight STS on the feet y I'm the best here I'm like cool I'm like take me down and show me then I can use it against you but again I can wrestle yes I love how these [ __ ] casuals think how do you it's not just it's not just them I I I should I'm like okay if I was to be is how did I do it with everybody even do it myself I was like I'm going to if I was to fight myself I'm going to wait outside well I'm outside and try to get me frustrated going to fight me exactly I think about that as well like how would I beat me exactly right so like I would [ __ ] Russell [ __ ] I I'm like Izzy here I come and try to take you down but then I'm like well he can wrestle he can also have great takedown events the hardest thing is get into Izzy how do I get how do I get the bridge is the gap how do I cross that void without getting slept right that's the dilemma and you keep people there yeah right and so I sit there and I think and I was like like I said before this is why I I had that struggle my in I was like well if he doesn't have to people have to go get him and if he's mastered that distance and that void and drop people there's no reason for him to change I'm still learning but you're still learning right learning you're still learning right even on the stand up there's some stuff we and my team are working on right now as a team cuz we we're great on the outside yep you're you're M you've mastered outside the one in Miami I remember telling e in the camp I think four weeks out I was like yo I'm going to stress you out this fight cuz that fight were working mid-range y so that's why in Miami you see I was in the space a lot yeah I was trying trying to get at him but he was so long and able to evade that eventually when he hurt my leg I was like right you know what I'm going to bring him to me but I told you I was like I'm gonna stress you out cuz I'm he like no he's like okay yeah he's like oh good he let you cook yeah exactly he he lets me cook you know what I mean so yeah when it came to that moment I was and again about a year ago this time a year and three days ago M you know what I found funny normally the USC they like their on this day type post oh yeah on this day type post on not not not this time because so I was like if they a going to celebrate me I'll celebrate yeah you did I saw that I saw that I thought going to come but I was like oh nothing I was like oh of course you know why you they're about to try and sell a whole bunch of pay-per you got to make him seem like he's man know but I got to I got to remind them I got to remind them just for my own self because [ __ ] the fights don't even about to fight cuz people they so [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] about you this guy fight in China I thought I won anyone who's watched the fight these casuals don't these plebs don't I thought I won even he thought I won till he got his hand raised okay cool second fight I'm beating his ass you're talking about Alex Alex yeah of course alanan I can't say his last name right so I just call Hima Pera okay yeah but um second fight again I'm beating his ass and he gets me and again New York y beating that rocked him took him down held him down beat him and he gets me yeah well see here's the thing you weren't even out you didn't go out cold you're you're you're moving trust me I was I was like get you ezzy you know watch this I I was waiting for him to throw the knee so I can grab yeah but then same ref sh GED yep let Jamal hill almost kill and same ref let um what's name Kelvin gastam against me in the fifth round like how many knockdowns yeah so I'm like I was fine I was fine I was fine and then for me I just knew I can beat this guy yeah it wasn't about proving it to anyone else it was about myself I know I can beat this guy so that last that Miami one I was in a different place I was I had to like tap into some Darkness yeah for that camp people who knew me yeah I was different I was different I was like ain't no way this [ __ ] beat me four times and it's about the story so now I beat him once H ironic I beat him once but then watch this if I fight him again I knock him out what's that what are you going to say oh you did that oh it's 32 yeah no best out of seven I'm like bro I'm I'm 34 man I've only got certain more fights left why am I going to fight the same guy how many times I just want to prove to myself that you can do it and it was like you said that the second the second the second the first MMA fight you he was he was almost he was at at the Bell boom and then the hook ah he jump got I jumped in right then I swear he just walk and he can recover well man yeah of course cuz he's done his whole career from kickboxing he recover well I think so not not even just physiologically I think spiritually there's something behind him that's why his whole ritual and stuff like bro that I had to tap into my own ancestry micro doed a little bit for that camp I'll be in the shower cuz the shower I think is the most honest place on the planet how so you're naked okay a lot of white space you've got the element of water running over you and you can you can like manifest and create a lot of stuff in the shower so that camp I was in there just like yeah I made some things happen and I just energized myself and I tapped into my my spirit and I think for him as well he's always doing that so I was again I take inspiration from it so I was let me tap into my my ancestry find out who I am yeah and that that really helped me in that fight like I was just I remember I was walking out I don't even know I had a dog call on from um Jet Lee yeah unleash was it CR to Jet Lee but D unleash un movie so my [ __ ] house let's go and then you know it's funny when you walk out do you ever look at your eyes and be like who the [ __ ] is that guy something like that yeah a little dark place for myself yeah yeah when I when I watch my fights back I look in my eyes I'm like oh you don't recognize that person I'm I know he's there yeah yeah but it's there he is yeah it's izy now I'm fun but when it's time to go you're like like don't when people meet me they're like oh my God you're a lot nicer than I thought you're a lot taller than I thought You' be hey I ain't going to [ __ ] lie to you dog when I when when I saw coming I was like Jesus [ __ ] Christ I was like I'm not getting I'm not getting close to him we fight that's not going to happen everyone says that I'm like yeah I don't know what the TV does maybe shrinks me or whatever but same just next to someone who's average not excuse me not average but the same height and then me being 53 things look a lot different right so and they always like you're a lot nicer than I thought I'm not trying to fight you yeah exactly it's different if I'm fighting you then it's a different mentality yep yeah I [ __ ] love it man yeah man one second how much more time does he have we can just go forever I'll just have to do some signings that's I want to make sure I I want to be respectful appreciate that see that's why I [ __ ] with you man ah we got time let's do another 20 we got another yeah easy um okay no I I loved uh when you when you beat him the the final time you [ __ ] your couch and you walk off and then I Ain going lie when you went like this hey son boom you did that know I'm Petty bro I'm Petty bro hey at least you're honest about it right I know but I remember and you know when you walk out you see everything cuz you're so hyper aware I saw everything I knew where it was a trump Kid Rock and Mike Tyson next to Dana I knew where my family was I knew where his family was so as soon as it happened cuz I got up and I again yep I just knew what I wanted to do in the in the back locker room I was like I'm going to hit him with his [ __ ] but now it's my [ __ ] manif yeah exactly so and then I walked around I like where are they where where are they hey hey I'm sure I'll see him this weekend he's around cuz I'll be at the this weekend I know you guys are cool I'm cool no I like Alex it's the it's the poor Todds that they're [ __ ] you know as usual you know where they are yeah no I respect him and honestly he's a special fighter he's a special human being what he's done in this game in fighting and for his life as well and I'll always respect him and I I'm grateful for those moments because for me it it taught me so much about myself and where I can go yeah s like the Kevin Gaston fight yeah and let me know your limits you're like [ __ ] die like let's go and then that one I was ready to die yeah but this one I just know I was like there's no [ __ ] way this guy I swear to God man I would die both times the TR both time and then I got it done then I knew like nah Israel these levels you can go more you can go more so stay tuned I I can't wait I remember I it's going to take like another seven years before I get Strickland stay tuned you watch he you watch whoever you fight next whether it's Strickland DDP whoever it is you know my black sitting there watching rooting for you um I'm me uh take a little curve real quick service would you like another shot sir why not give me another shot it's early early we're in Vegas I know you got a big party on Saturday so I'm try to get you you know condition yourself I call this the last hang bander me Dan hangman you love him never yeah oh he's he's the man he's my boy he's [ __ ] he's got the way he fights too I can't remember that one fight he was fighting somebody and he was [ __ ] just going ham I think it was Dustin second round bro I thought that was over man cheers brother shout out to you oh do you smell what The Rock is cooking the final boss that hits it okay now another question I want to talked about was I love I feel as an athlete in mixed martial arts there was a point in time that you know they would do the UFC summon they'll tell you hey you got to invest your money you got to do something because it's a rain it's you know you're not going to be able to fight forever yep and you see a lot of Champions in our past that you don't really have a lot of it you know you look at Spencer fiser granny who was never Champion the list just goes on those guys never have nothing to show up for themselves but I see you and your family are building the the the projects of not the projects but you know project not American projects not American projects but actual projects yeah housing projects housing projects thank you um tell me about that like when I saw that like see for me what I love about doing the mighty cast is like I want to truly genuinely get to know who you are what makes you tick right I don't I don't give a you're going to fight you're G to become you're G to fight DDP sh I don't give a [ __ ] about that I want to know what makes you tick what made you oh it's cool to see your parents like come on I got to invest your money son I want to make sure when you're when everything's done and said you have a wife you get your kids and you're like I ain't got to [ __ ] work I'm I'm set I I got to go to Walmart greet [ __ ] ain't happening not for me tell me about this project you and your family are doing so you haveen it made even to side note there's one picture I I even have it on my phone somewhere in the screenshots it was H you in the cage with Mighty wife and it was you had the post boom oh yeah sir that right there beautiful I think I even text you about though I send you a I was like yo you real [ __ ] right now oh bro beautiful those moments cuz me it's it's hard now cuz you've been with her for how long [ __ ] almost married for 12 years she was there from the jump from the jump second amate fight where go she was with you shooting in the gym she was with you shooting in the gym so again for me I don't have that cuz now it's different like any [ __ ] that comes to my life they know they getting they know no they think it's this is like their [ __ ] happily ever after and I have to be like nah baby like this is not that but everything I do is for my future wife and my future kids I want to set this up so when I'm done yeah I can just be like again those years 0er to what 87 before they start thinking they're cool and with their friends I want to be there cuz I've seen the difference when you're there in your kids life I've seen my like Camille and Bobby fro and Chris they've raised them he's a producer so he's being in their life they are I think two or one and a half and four now excuse me so polite respectful very self-aware and very caring about everything around them because their parents are in their lives not like these kids who they get sent to [ __ ] daycare and then kid they come home babysitter and then dad comes home around like 8:00 p.m. barely sees their kids so I want to I'm doing all this [ __ ] right now so I can be in my kids life like raising them yeah so everything I'm doing is for that and also you look at guys like say Michael Jordan uh khabib you know rest in peace to uh his dad he's in this in his camp in his Corner my father is a ched account he can't be in my corner like that so I always say this the UFC know what I get paid but they don't know what I'm worth yeah and that shout out to my dad cuz my dad is quadrupled my net worth and when I came back from China I had like six figures right damn but you weren even in MMA no Noam yeah I was the highest paid Foreigner in China like the highest paid contract for Foreigner and then my dad's like Moi wish you invest in the in a house this and that D I want to buy a house cuz I didn't know what it was yeah so I thought like I don't need that responsibility so I go there buy this chain buy these shoes i' go broke and I make money again through fighting and then I you know I mean I just even when I didn't have money I just I was very giving very caring and I just knew money is just [ __ ] tokens you make it back comes it goes and then when I go in the UFC I realize right Israel every time you don't listen to this man you lose your money how about just pay attention for ones so my first UFC paycheck first thing I bought is my first house M and then now we've grown the uh portfolio quite largely and that's all thanks to my dad cuz he saw the vision and again it's not for me it's for the his kid his his grand kids and who else would you rather have in your corner cuz without him bro i' would have been [ __ ] ripped off so many times man I'm not uh I wasn't the best kid in school or student yep I'm uh I Won't Say I'm illiterate but I'm dislexic So reading contracts for me and my [ __ ] well they have all this different language in there where it's my dad will read them and startop [ __ ] like we're going to change that we like highlight it we need to change that amend this amend this send it back and make him bring it back so having him in my corner and my brother as well David I'm grateful my dad is the OG and he's in there just constantly Like an Eagle watching just watching making sure everything's like all dots eyes all te's crossed yeah that's what's up because there's a lot of athletes who don't have that right they they win I remember when I got my first uh WC D was like I'm going to give $65,000 whoever gets that I was like oh I'm about to buy me I'm about the B give me a [ __ ] watch I'm buy me a car Matt Turn Around Goes you're going to buy a [ __ ] house you're Matt have so good lad my I didn't my dad till uh I was 30 years old true wait you didn't know him I didn't know him oh damn you know you know my mom just doing her thing you know [ __ ] four men for yeah classic classic right so um I didn't have a father figure Matt was kind of my father figure and he was like no you're going to invest so my whole entire career I would fight and win and then I would just invest invest invest invest and then so because when I'm all done I don't want to be like [ __ ] I go work somewhere else right so um when I saw you doing that I was like it's such a breath of fresh air right because you don't have to invest your money you just like no I'm going to keep on fighting and buying jewelry and all that stuff and you got to treat yourself right cuz love my [ __ ] I'm shiny I love my [ __ ] you know how it is got she got the sky on okay this a gift shout to Turkey his Excellency it was a gift from um the guy from Saudi Arabia his Excellency yeah bro over there have you been there I have not man I think in the next 5 to 10 years that'll be bigger than like the UAE you think so cuz I've been invited four times damn so the first time I got invited there women only just got allowed to start driving I know damn like that was 2019 I think or 18 they only got allowed to start driving the second time I went there there was a lot of traffic now [Laughter] jokes they all [ __ ] act like you see you see your Excellency that's why don't let these [ __ ] Drive no so I've be invited four times but every time I go back the trais see it's not even traffic it's just like the the buildings everything the production gets leveled up leveled up leveled up and then yeah I can just see like they he's really passionate turkey is and he's the guy that's just I think of unlimited funds like you see the [ __ ] trailers they do for their fights oh yeah they Clint Eastwood all these [ __ ] I'm like yo this is a Hollywood actor and they fly them in do a production for a [ __ ] trailer I'm like that's just the trailer for the fight the fight go to the fight itself production like the one I went with Francis for the no no um another what name Fury bro the production was crazy I had little baby performing someone else this Eminem was there I'm like what the [ __ ] yeah see that's like for me right now I'm in a period where you got to go they'll invite you turkey will invite you I think you you need to go cuz yeah it's a it's a Vibe over there okay no I would love to go for me I feel when they do those big Mega fights it's like it gets me excited cuz look how much how many people are showing up to see an amazing event right where now you know it was funny you talk about like the trailers for fights now I feel the only only organization in the business right now that does Banger trailers and they don't even have to is ryzen ryzen dream and pride have always done Banger ass uh trailers [Music] like like like I'mma [ __ ] him up it's like it's act you who those really good ones stay hydrated That's my boy right there stay hydrated from freestyle Bender so he he's the one freestyle B he does all the edits and stuff and anytime I need like for my fights I like to conceptualize things so trailers but I got on to him cuz he made a highlight of me it's on his YouTube it was like maybe 40 something minutes long damn a movie this off off stuff you got off the internet uhhuh and I watched it I was like yo this kid is the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah and I remember hitting him up being like yo you we got to work and eventually now he works for me awesome that's my story exactly that's boy he's the man and he does real great trailers yeah but he does he does great trailers man he does great produc see so they can see you I wish I had the same story with my my buddy Michael but he wants you right here yeah right here right here all right here so you can see round Applause round Applause thank you than you yes right n but you I'll tell you like all the stuff you see on my on my YouTube shout out to d as well cuz I was like and also even you've got your YouTube pumping up as well but cuz me again I was just like YouTube that's too much work I'm stubborn bro my mom used to call me a Rebel Without a Cause when I was young why you acting a fool you ain't got no [ __ ] reason to be acting a fo I don't want to do YouTube David was like just just shut up just be there I'll do everything and again now we've done this got over a million subscribers congratulations it's it inspires us I wanted to go on only fans yeah this is when only fans was like oh sex work yeah yeah and I knew I was like yo I did the calculations I was like if I get maybe $2 $3 a month subscribers and I get this many Subs I was going to be a Vilan year yeah but then UAE China a lot of African countries it was banned because of the connotation with sex and I listen to the name this is this is before everyone I'm the first male UFC athlete or fighter to be on only fans without showing my dick yeah first month I think I made about seven Grand damn then I made it for free cuz I was like okay I'm not really I didn't want to rip people off of course but I saw the name only fans that has nothing to do with sex work and I know this right here is only fans it's only for fans what is going on guys welcome to my only fans page I'm going to be posting exclusive content some of the content I'm going to be posting nobody has ever seen before like my archives of all the training videos I've done in my whole TI career also me posting about my diet my recovery and some back fining of my jju and when I go to competition make sure you guys subscribe we're going be posting exclusively on only fans and I was like if someone's going to talk [ __ ] about me Y at least they paying so then when I realized okay it's Bing all these count let's go to YouTube and YouTube's done well like David's got a [ __ ] AMG that he bought off YouTube money so hey do you think buide so I'm like you know what we're doing well off YouTube but yeah um only fans would have been the one though yeah but I think what you're doing with the YouTube I think it's also showing a different side of you and and building your brand right yeah because when I first started on a YouTube space it was all about gaming because that's something I love to do bro P what you call pub [ __ ] pubg Pub P du [ __ ] pubg yes you play hell divers I have I saw that thing you uh that's my I saw you did it was like as a hell diver why yeah now something I saw online I just I'll repost that but now hell divers right now is the thing that got me on like back into gaming I guess I sit there I'm just like it's fun it's stressful yeah stressful it's aess yeah it's fun what level are you on Hell divers what level are you at the moment oh [ __ ] 13 13 I am I think 19 or 18 at the moment okay yeah could get better but it's just yeah but you're traveling you have so much with the kids I'm sitting I'm like got to take out this [ __ ] bugle Dad I need my daughter oh she was like Dad you're not listening I was like [ __ ] it I'm come take care of you yeah um okay I only got too much time left um L everything You' done and I can't wait to see oh thanks man I appreciate it always man mean this is this is cool are you going to be are you going to be at the show on there no I'm not going to be the show we're going to uh Saturday we're going to try to find something to do after um we going to sit here and watch the live reaction and okay live reaction here live reaction and then we're going to try to find off camera is you [ __ ] but why don't you at the show you don't I want to be you don't want to be I like to be in the shadows I mean I I love mix Mar DJ man the Mighty Mouse you could easily if you want to I know if I wanted to but I like to be behind a show I've been there it's it's those guys time the T-shirt yeah no I just um I don't I think eventually I will be back you know go in the shows that Stu and it's you know honestly I only have a select few people I like to watch right you're one of them right like can I fight live someplace you got to watch me live I wish I I wish I could watch you live at one point in your career also even BT Watson I wish he was around when I missed him yeah it's time to go if it Ain Peter Bell jelly k Why jelly why we do it he goes don't fight here fight that's get love the energy like and I love Heidi shout out to Heidi he the best that's auntie we love her but again I love to what you this one for you son of a [ __ ] how dare me I wonder what I was like what's this salon for oh that's the other one [ __ ] he got that's my whole phone he was like a [ __ ] this was whoops you got me yeah I got God damn it he tell me over there mother he always tell me what to [ __ ] do I hate that so much I got two you need that you need that yeah um I'm excited see what's next I know you I remember we were trying to get you on earlier you say hey I want to say off because I want to work on my craft and get myself ready for the MMA for your next fight super excited to see it um this is your opportunity to tell the fans where they can find you to find me find me on what Instagram style Bender uh the Twitter X style Bender Tik Tok freestyle Bender YouTube freestyle Bender what else uh [ __ ] you don't know where I live you can't find me I should have a stalker do you really but she's gone now oh I had to tell take care of her yeah no no I did oh it's kind of hot though well one second ladies and gentlemen I let you know when when I he got here he was on 5 minutes out somebody comes into the studio and I'm like who the [ __ ] this guy and he goes oh I'm P I'm his a scoter I was like you got a security guard I like God it must be nice have a security guard I have them not like for me I don't need I could have come for myself but they like to this an experience no but it's an experience for them like come to see DJ hang whatnot but for me having them around is more about fans cuz last year allegedly I might have clapped two people yeah take a warm hand to their face because I'm a human being yeah absolutely and I have my fuse is long yep but I'm a human being some days you got to respect him you got to respect my f is short some days and I told you about the one before where I was just walking through and the guy was excited in a crowd I think it was at U Larry jun's concert the shout Larry Jun numbers and then let's go champ boy you hit me like a horse like on my back like like a I'm like what the [ __ ] and I just took a back hand straight away like boy what the and he looked shocked yeah and then eventually I bought him a shot and then said bro I know you're excited but don't do that again and he was just like it was I'm a fan I'm sorry I'm like yeah but don't let's go yeah I'm you know what I mean like I'm like bro yes and I think sometimes cuz I I'm a fighter or whatever you actually for you it'll be worse because you're 53 and I'm sure there's guys sometimes who think ah this is DJ and they're trying to do this [ __ ] to you and then you have to be like [ __ ] I like please I don't want no problems problem this [ __ ] bro honestly I like I don't know how you deal with it but I'm sure you be like [ __ ] I Dro in your hair right now you son of a I just see you right now I'm 620 I'm 220 or whatever [ __ ] hey I appreciate you so much man appr you're the [ __ ] man bro I'm glad we got to connect and link up absolutely yes sir ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed this uh podcast with my good man Izzy make sure you leave a like and also subscribe to the channel we drop another fing Banger below we out baby easy we're got to go forever bro oh I know I know there's so much stuff I didn't get to ask you guys we'll do it again but this time hey you gotta uh where's David come on my show we do freestyle abely I won't be able to get to New Zealand when I'm here like somewhere somewhere I'm still somewhere else in the L again maybe next fight like that's the thing like you know I I love turn the cameras off be like okay welcome to the mighty cap like he just like hey Zo you got just got done like there's a [ __ ] enery got done having isra adna welcome to the mighty recap as we recap everything and we digest what we just had with our guest and we just had Israel adania on the channel channel on the channel but on the podcast did three shots of teram shout out to the Rock um man what an amazing human being oh here is my host he's finally back from Thailand ladies and gentlemen welcome back Michael how was Thailand it was awesome brought home a gold medal yeah he did yeah my f my first ever pro boxing win he said pro boxing that was fun yeah yeah um so first what an amazing human being for like him giving back to the the project him and his family were doing to provide housing for people in his hometown I believe he didn't really uh be specific where he's building the projects at but absolutely amazing for him to do that and just a dope ass down earth guy right like super super super chill super good energy very humble no ego um I love every bit of it no I I was going to say that was my favorite part too is not necessarily a moment of like oh when he said this or that but it was more of like the mutual respect the second he walked in the door because I'm not going to name names but we've had times where we're like man that was weird like that just F like that we might as well have been just like two journalists and not Demetrius Johnson but you could tell right away there was actual respect and not fake respect and you you say it all you weren't just saying it to him either he's one of maybe maybe your favorite fighter if he's fighting like I'm going to watch this if if if Izzy's fighting I'm watching right like when he lost to Sean Strickland and obviously he's about to fight whoever is next Sean Strickland or DDP I'm always going to watch and you know I just always appreciate his style because he's honest he he he cuts the mold of like what people were to say you know obviously he's from New Zealand so when he's saying the nword all the stuff where in in the states people will get offended right but for me I grew up in the '90s so if you call somebody the f word not [ __ ] the the the you know the term when you like men or whatever it may be and we even talked about you know oh it's okay like that's the era that I grew up in right like if you called somebody this it's fine I'm not going to bat a eye you do it now it's like I can't believe you said that shame on you right maybe I'll edit it out of no look at him look at him I try to edit [ __ ] out um but it was just cool and and that's one thing I love about this journey that we're on right is like we are podcast and I'm not worried about his next [ __ ] fight obviously we're going to cover it I'm not worried about I'm not trying to get the first scoop of like oh man you're about to fight who who you going to fight next who you going to fight next who you going to fight next I'm more we I actually care about like I didn't know he started in karate right he did Karate then his mom pulled him out of karate and then the next thing he did was mu Thai and then 6 weeks from his mu Thai debut at the gym he has a [ __ ] smoker fight like that's absolutely crazy he didn't wrestle in high school I didn't ask him he play rugby right there was enough time for me to figure out so I'm assuming he just did Taekwondo and then he danced and then he joined a m Tai Jim and he had his first smoker fight in six weeks like that's [ __ ] crazy yeah yeah and to break to fourth wall a little bit it's so we did this interview 9:30 a.m. UFC 300 morning y so no it was it was awesome of him to come here he was doing aerial help W after this so he he had he was you know he's going to probably do another hour interview but he was still thought it was worth it was a good call on his part of being like we got to do it in person if you did it even with and by the way shout out to his amazing crew that was that were also here and and that's why I wanted his Editor to be on camera cuz sometimes those guys don't get the credit but I'll say it right now 100% we're influenced by them I'll send the invoice um after this no no they're not s of your cut not my cut okay no no but really like their their YouTube is just that's the way to to do like an MMA YouTube in my opinion everything is so interesting when whenever they post it's like I got to see this like don't post too often but when they do super high level work um so I can't say enough and and it's funny when you when you talk about the YouTube I actually go there and watch the videos I give them man a like I like his thing and then I go right now at free freestyle Bender go right now even though we don't need to say it that dude's I think he's I think he's past he needs to do it for us we got to get that milon I think in the YouTube space you know I don't know how many people actually go and watch YouTube I don't know that actual number but I'm sure it's some [ __ ] astronomical like 8 billion or whatever it may be but you know we have you know 500,000 subscribers and maybe 10% of those subscribers don't know about I arisna right because I'm also in a gaming space so if you guys aren't uh subscribed to Izzy ARA freestyle Banner go do yourself a fing favor and go subscribe to him but I always go to his videos and like him and also comment as well just because I want to show love to him and I love what he's been able to do and like when I saw the YouTube video of him and his father talking about like I don't want Izzy to be broke when he's done fighting right like to hear somebody in his Corner say that and then build those housing projects in his hometown or wherever they're building at I was like this is absolutely amazing yeah and one thing I want to talk about cuz we didn't as you said we didn't really care to ask about oh you're fighting draus dupy but I do want to ask you right now that's going to be the next fight for the middleweight title what what are your thoughts without giving away too much cuz I know I know you're going to be team isra asna nothing against Dr I actually hope we get him on the mighty cast but you're going to be rooting for Izzy so I I will say this before off camera before you know before he left we went outside we started chopping it up that's what I was referencing yeah yeah I'm yeah we started chopping it up and we we just discuss a little bit I'm a lot more happier I don't know if that's even a correct way to English term I'm a lot happier what we just discussed out there than I was after you got that fighting Sean Strickland right I think his head space him taking the time off and being in the scene in mixed martial arts and him being ready coming back out and talking about like hey I'm ready to fight again I'm a lot happier where he's at now than where he was before if that makes sense and what I say that is because we're exchanging words out there and he can wrestle he's a purle B Jitsu he knows when I was actually shocked when he says you hit him with the bro and arrow and I was like yes I did and I was like I'm actually shocked that you knew what that was right because there's a lot of guys in mixed martial arts if you ask Kevin uh Calvin G gasum who's a black beltan Jitsu if you ask him hey what was the move that DJ hit the heavyweight division guy on he'll be like oh I don't know after this I'm gonna I'm GNA send we'll send it to Kelvin and we'll I'll show the text on no no no no you got to do it like no no do don't don't send him T oh do when I have him in studio have when you do in studio idea hey what movie is this that did you hit on him right but when he said that I was like you are knowledgeable you are but then like this is where I love about myself um and my mind how I think because you know I can't sit here and say you know Josh brette just had was just on the Aro haani podcast and he say you know you don't see a lot of true mixed Marshal artists nowadays right you see a lot of guys who are good and one spot in mixed martial arts and they don't have to deviate from their what they're good at to to display if they are true mixed Marshal artist right and when I look at when I look at is arisna I can't say that he's not a true I feel that if I'll say izy arisna is not a true mixed Marsh artist I feel that that's a lie because he does know how to wrestle he does know how to Grapple he has amazing stand up he has amazing M Tha he just doesn't choose to use it to his benefit when he's fighting right Josh Manet says well Izzy is not a true MMA guy because he never looks to take somebody down he never looks to submit them he never looks to do X Y and Z but that's why I had to ask him on the podcast I was like well you can do that but you choose not to or you don't have to right obviously when he fought Sean strikland I think if he would use his wrestling I think the outcome of the fight could have been different but you know that's why I find myself struggling because I feel as I talked to Izzy he knows he knows the curriculum of Brazilian Jitsu he knows the curriculum of wrestling he knows the curriculum of a full mixed martial artist to where a lot of people out there don't so um it was kind of interesting to ask him about that and when he says yeah you hit him with a bone arrow I was like Jesus Christ I didn't know you [ __ ] know that no no I I was surprised to hear that too and and I think that's my overall thing is it there's it's crazy the similarities first of all between you two but then almost have you seen Shaun of the Dead where like yeah where they meet the crew and there's like a parallel you know what I'm saying that is exact you guys didn't get to see behind the scenes but it was even like our crew like his his brothers kind of plays my role and then we have oh yeah Nick you have to get in the hey l i want you guys introduce you guys to Nick this is our good man Nick he makes all the nice videos when it's like when we're break it down we just did the final predictions of USC 300 obviously this going to be posted whatever but when you see uh the b-roll of all of the athletes coming into the video that I'm talking about smooth editing the smooth editing that is our good man there's any like editing that's not basic of me just trying to get it done it's it's going to be Nick so they they also have a guy where it's more of a dynamic of his brother his name's David right um David I believe yeah so his brother is more of like the producer the the filming everything and then they had an editor with them who's super tent he's like I don't know how to film anything I don't I just I'm purely an editor and and it's even cool I know he's taking care of them that they're even out here like his [ __ ] boy got an AMG from the [ __ ] YouTube money where's our [ __ ] AMG where's ni after this after this this better get a [ __ ] million at least at least a million and then right after that I'm gonna buy I'm GNA buy like a nicer chain I'm I'm gonna get look look at your what watch is that again this is a otoma p here in this this one this is at utop Pate this is uh 18 karat uh yellow gold right here it's a black ceramic um I love watches watches uh for me when I got into mixed martial arts uh my good friend pan Willie was like dude you got to be able to you know accentuate your outfit so n I'm [ __ ] you know can you can you describe uh what watch did H have and how much would you estimate that it was worth yeah so it is he had on a yellow uh uh yellow two-tone it's stainless steel two-tone uh Sky dweller Rolex um that is uh rolex's most sophisticated movement because it's a two time zone it's also a calendar uh watch so all these watches when they get to the higher Echelon of the brand it does multiple things where usually Watchers just tell time but when you have a sky deller it can tell you time of two time zone it also tell you the date and also tell you what year it that we're in excuse me that year but what month it is so if a rough estimate I would say retail um which is authorized dealer will probably be around about 222 $25,000 um probably aftermarket and especially since it's is the adna and it was gifted to him by uh his excellencies even like you have to look at the theme when I look at stuff as that this is my watch right this is Dem Johnson Mighty Mouse this is my watch I got it brand spanking new from Happy Jewelers I'm the only person who's ever worn this watch so there's a little more value so for his watch to be gifted from you know your excellencies it's going to have more value than you know your standard third party market so if anything it could be $35,000 watch that he has on all in all I think absolutely amazing uh mighty cast with Izzy um I wish we go even longer I'm going jump on his show hopefully we can continue the same Vibe I almost feel like I want to fly out to his [ __ ] New Zealand to do the mighty do his show with him you know just because it's just funny we'll switch it's like Sha of the Dead all over again yeah I know right Nick Nick add add the Shan of the Dead b roll so that add the scene so they know what I'm talking about but we'll switch r like we'll go there and I'll get the behind the scenes and then they'll have the sick badass set up like this and uh no I'm down let's do it let's get let's volkanovski right now let's see let's call out volkanovski we want him on the mighty yeah you look in there and tell vow volosi I want you on the mighty cast I don't give a [ __ ] about your fighting career I want to talk about your [ __ ] uh rugby career also your [ __ ] cooking stuff I actually love it when you're doing your cooking stuff and and obviously you have uh a beautiful wife beautiful children and talk about a couple things you said about in your mixed career like if you're not competing you're going crazy so I would love to have you in the mighty cast and Just Vibe out man my friends yeah so well ladies and genten once again um another amazing episode with Izzy arisna uh style Bender go give him a follow on YouTube and on his Instagram and you know as always we appreciate every single one of you guys watching it 500,000 24 subscribers at the time of filming here um very proud of my man Michael W over very proud of Nick we've been everything you guys see that we do we do it out the passion and the love of covering the sport of mixed martial arts and not just mixed martial arts but just in combat in general and making a Content all this stuff you know we spend our our own money to be able to provide the best content uh to you guys so leave a like subscribe uh I am your host and my co-host Michael W over I am your host de Johnson Michael W over and our one of our editors Nick make sure you like subscribe also hit the for Bill to know when we go live we're out Che well damn don't edit that out that he's like you
Channel: Mighty
Views: 434,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Demetrious Johnson, UFC, Demetrious, Demetrius Johnson, Mighty Mouse, Breakdown, Reaction, podcast, UFC 300, Max Holloway, Alex Pereira, Dana White, Israel Adesanya, Kickboxing, MMA, Interview, Bradley Martyn
Id: 9aFctg7KTfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 26sec (4286 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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