Agents of Transformation Pt 2 || Apostle Orokpo Michael

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hallelujah praise the lord are you respectant tonight yes tonight god will do us good i'll bring the word of the lord for a short period of time and will take time to pray and trust god for a mighty outpouring of his spirit praise the lord just lift your hands toward heaven and talk to the father one more time just whisper something from the depths of your heart the spirit of man is deep the bible said he has put eternity in our hearts we can host god in our spirit that means the boundaries of our hearts are deeper than the realms of eternity the ways of man are deep the heart of man is deep god fabricated that way that he will be able to host dimensions that are only locked in christ jesus and it's our duty as creatures of eternity to explore those dimensions of god and to maximize their potentials in time these things are not meant to be discovered in eternity in time men can be like god it's a possibility and there are many that walked like that in time and so this evening we want to look at scriptures and find out some of the mysteries that makes for these possibilities as we trust him to engage these dimensions and to walk in them the most miserable thing that happens to a man is only to breathe oxygen as he walked past time there are many men that walked on earth and lived like creatures of heaven john said i was among the captives in the isle of patmos and i heard the sounds of a trumpet and as i turned i saw seven golden lampstands the man was walking with mortars but in the days of captivity when men were crying he was trafficking heaven as though the corridors of zion were connected to time by what means did he enter into those dimensions ezekiel said i was among the captives by the river kabar and i saw visions of god he saw elohim sit on his throne full of majesty and he began to explain to us the creatures that walk in the presence he said i saw the cherubims and with with four wings he said we twain they covered their faces we twained they covered their feet and we trained they flew men walking in time but were giving us descriptions and specifications about the throne of god they were looking into dimensions that mortal men could not fathom by what means the dead journey into so much depth in eternity john entered heaven bodily and books were open he read them and they said don't tell men about this story he said i heard the voice of the seven thunders and as i wanted to write down they say don't write these things they are not for men paul was the one that said whether i was in the body or out of the body i do not know but i know a man many years ago he was carried to the taught heavens and he didn't only go to heaven they said he went to hadees and he saw things that were unlawful to be altered among men why we go to bed to sleep there are many men that journey to zion because to them earth is not only an envelope it's a gang we into eternity and we have no power until we know how to traffic those dimensions that is when life we count if all we have is oxygen then we are creatures we are like the beast of defeat that perishes it's a man in honor that lord not is like the beast of the field that perishes the beast is the man that lives for his appetite there is something we pursue is the atmosphere of heaven because it's possible to walk with god while you are in time enoch said i please god he was on earth but he knew and the day when his time on earth was expired he said god will carry me god will carry me he professed it as a testimony and when that hour came god took him how what did they know there are forbidden knowledge there are hidden knowledge they are mysteries that are locked into envelopes of reality and only men that are joining god can find them this is how we rule in time there is something a man can find and his story can turn around this is why we explore god because apart from this truth then life has no meaning there's a blessing god that men must come into moses said show me thy glory with the staff he brought down egypt what he said show me thy glory i know there are knowledge there is a dimension of knowledge that is beyond time show me that knowledge and he said there's a place by my side and i will place you by the cleft of the rock and i will cover you and all of my goodness will pass by you men exploring god in the secret place no wonder he entered there in 40 days was like four hours all the goodness of elohim passed by passport you don't know who elohim is eternity cannot contain him he took 40 days for the goodness of god to pass and moses was looking at dimensions of glory he was looking at dimensions of light it was looking at dimensions that cannot be fought on there were many stories that moses had that he couldn't write down because they are not for mortal men so when he was old the bible said moses the king of jesus he sat down and he said i saw the lord coming from the mountains of bahrain i saw the holy one descending from mount sir with ten thousand of he said he was telling us the story of the last days when time is about to be rolled away like a canopy these are the things that will happen god himself will march on the plains of time god we walk on earth and the elements of this world we melt he saw it in zion he saw it [Music] it's a possibility for every one of us but we have the hunger to press can you ask the lord tonight open my heart open my heart open my heart i want to show up certain pillars that makes for power [Music] [Music] but be full of the spirit the natural man thinks there is there is no pleasure like wine but he said we know how to drink god they drink god like water he can bring the holy ghost like liquid water because that was how adam survived in eden ethan did not live in eden by prayer he was sucking god like water and he said there were several rivers with seven heads he was looking into things that were beyond the normal he said we drink god don't be drunk with wine wearing his accent god can become like water he will be called liquid and you will commune with him he will drink of that water and alignment will be achieved a resonance will take place in the spirit and we walk like the angels among men stephen was about to be stoned to death but he had drunk something and he said when stephen looked up he said i see the lord standing by the right hand of god and when they looked at him he said his face began to shine like the angel he's not [Music] you know [Music] one of the most precious things you will have as a human being is hunger for god hunger hunger if god blesses a man with hunger he can bring down the civilization the things that are intangible they make the tangible to appear a man begins to die when he loses hunger for god it's as deep as life [Music] ask god to talk to you tonight i'm not speaking for long i just came to provoke something in your spirit i came to provoke something that is already there but you have not explored yeah oh thank you father thank you precious lord jesus we give you praise we give you glory this morning will ask that you pour yourself upon us at rest reign on us take all the praise make all the glory in jesus precious day in the precious name of jesus who have time to pray i want to show you some some pillars that you will build your life upon say from the days of thy youth thou have known the holy scriptures which is able to make the wise unto salvation there's a dimension of wisdom that can only be articulated when a man encounters truth from the days of thy youth thou have known the holy scriptures so the holy scriptures is not for the adults that's why i have the liberty to teach what i teach whether they are pastors or children because the spirit of man is not a child these children there are people at their age that are awkward grandmasters they handle have hefty spiritual knowledge in darkness they are children at the age of four that have killed countless they can conjure spells some of them are sorcerers some of them are astrologers they can conjure the moon if if a sorcerer wants to enchant a city they have to manipulate the constellations so sometimes they conjure the moon and bring it down we don't know the powers that be and sometimes they are children they teach them from when they are children come out by 12 the moment is 12 look directly to the moon and chant a particular incantation and the moon will be summoned and they will speak to the moon and the moon will emit despair on the territory and as the day dance despair will fall on the people and you will not know it's a boy of seven years that did it and the one will come to church you say we teach them bible story that's why they are bored they don't want to hear bible story god wants the kind of cartoons they hear they know about aliens they know about intergalactic battles they know how forces can come from another galaxy to alter the energy balance of this realm these children you know we need to be taught mistress so that we can be strong because the way of a spiritual man is hard but he must commit himself to it else this world will subdue him because nothing is as it seems what you see is what you are made to see the reality is locked at the back and only men that journey past darkness can see the realms of light i want to share with us four pillars of spiritual power because i told us yesterday the agency of transformation is power without power there can be no transformation transformation is not a function of language paul said i brethren when i came unto you came not with excellency of speech declaring unto you the council of god i choose not to know anything among you save christ and him crucified he said i was with you in fear and in trembling but i did not alter my speech in human wisdom but it was in the demonstration of spirit and power that your faith will be built in the power of god and not in the wisdom of man it was a demonstration of spirit and power without power there can be no transformation and this is why it's important to know the things that makes for spiritual power because oftentimes believers have many information but they have no power that is why the world laugh at us people can come to church out of respect but when they have problems they know where to go to they know don't be deceived they know they can listen to you they can respond to you they can't respect you because they were raised from religious background but the moment they say crisis they know what to do because they know the solution to the world is hinged on power and until we lay hold on power we have no message for our generation to third of jesus ministry was a demonstration of power to ted he did more than he ever speak in fact the bible said if all that jesus did was written no volume of books in this world would have contained it they didn't write half of what he did it was only manifestation of power but there are mysteries that powers hinge on and if we don't know it and commit ourselves to it we will be swallowed up before we begin i began sharing with us yesterday and i told us it's not just to receive mantles it's not just to receive you know authorities not just to receive positions it's not just to have access every realm a man receives has a consent on consecration that that realm rests on if you lose that consecration that realm will vanish i traveled in pursuit of the anointing all the big men of god i went for their meetings i made a way to meet them and sometimes they impart me i come back and in two weeks anything i see happen and i notice after two weeks the thing vanishes it vaporizes from my head it just vanishes i now realize it's not enough to be imparted there is a consecration that every dimension restaurant so paul said to timothy this charge give eye unto thee timothy that you will find to flame the gift of god that was put on you by the laying on of the hand of the presbytery you have received the gift but you must keep it by walking it through consecration and the life of the normal believer has nothing to do with consecration he moves by the rhymes and the rhythms of his emotion so if he feels like sleeping he begins to sleep if he wakes up he wakes up if he's hungry he goes to eat he's just ruled by his senses ruled by his emotion this is why we can never be agents of transformation there is a courtesy for the presence there is a consecration for hosting dimensions and these things must be learned and they must be practiced and it is better practice from the days of your youth it is not for the elderly the fathers you see manifesting today you think is normal they started when they were young and if they tell you what they did to enter what they entered you'd be amazed i thought these things were about english language i spoke english language for a long time until god taught me that these dimensions they are locked they are locked you must knock until it is open and when it became anyone that opens to me i rest i was in the place of prayer for a very long time fasting very stretched and on one of the days my eyes opened and i saw an eagle bigger than a building the eagle flaps once and it's in another state if it flaps it's in another state what is this i woke up and in three weeks i had invitation to more than 15 states i now realize that that was a transport model in the spirit it was a mode of transporting the spirit so traveling from place to place has nothing to do with flyers and be bored it's an announcement in the spirit i didn't know i thought it was english language i had pages on the internet nobody knew me but when that door opened it became natural so sometimes in one week i have 30 invitations 365 days in a year i have 400 invitations i can't travel even if i were to preach every day is not possible how did it happen it was a dimension where it happened nobody was there but if it is done in the spirit it manifests naturally in time that's how power works it's beyond people falling down if god announces someone he can come to a meeting and say god bless you that you saw him in a meeting you are satisfied i didn't know why i went for meetings and fathers would just come and smile and i would go home and not be able to sleep i shook hands with bishop abueli and for four days i was laughing what is this i didn't know that there are places in the spirit there's a place in the spirit called the room of perfume if you enter there you carry a fragrance anywhere you go people love you they don't know why the man giving you a seed has neighbors that need it the man giving you a seed have cousins that are needed sometimes they even call them they say these things money no day and the next day they package the same seed and give to somebody else and the person just say god bless you and they are happy when they say fragrance so long as that perfume is flowing they just they rest they rest but they enter their first there are things that makes for power i'm not just talking about falling down i'm not talking about falling down i'm talking about the ability to rule the elements of this world i'm talking about the ability to make the princes in darkness to bow because if we don't have such authority we can't change anything when you see things happening in the territory there are princes regulating them when you see things locked in the territory there are gates that must open these things are not jokes they are not stories they are reality but there is something a man must enter to be able to unlock them this is what makes you an agent of transformation else you will have your accurate doctrine you will speak your good english but nothing will change nothing will change nothing until you become frustrated the way is real i was sharing with my friend this afternoon we said the labor of the foolish ecclesiastic 10 15 weird every one of them because they know not how to enter the city you don't enter the city by laboring you enter the city by knowing how there is a how to enter the city and if you don't know the how the gates will be locked you will do the same thing somebody else did your results will be different you will watch him do everything carefully and you will do the same thing the way he did it but your result will be different the reason is because he has access in the spirit what happens in time is commanded but you don't have the voice that is upon his head in the spirit so it's not by sin that's why the children of israel they knew the acts of god moses knew the ways of god muslims know how the miracles are invented they watch the way the miracles perform so you can come and lay hand on the person's head nothing happens somebody has listened something happened he knows the way you know the how you know the what but you don't know the how he knows both the how and the what and it's a process it's a protocol it's a strategy it's a lay down format in the spirit and believers must know these things and commit themselves to it else we will be powerless and if we are powerless we can't change our world if we are powerless we can't shift things in our world do you think a harlot will stop the business because you spoke english you know what do you know what has happened to her the condition that led her into her life to this one the spirit that she's now a slave of is another and then the the the neurological psychological biochemical processes that have already been activated is another you think is english language that will stop her from it the brain has been remodified there are hormones being secreted at certain hours of the day now because that thing has become an appetite when that time comes even if there is no customer she may want to manipulate herself to feel the sexual because the brain has been conditioned and even if you treat the brain the spirit is still there and when you deal with the spirit the circumstance that led her to have not rested there you think his english language that can change that is power god doesn't send anybody without power he said parry in jerusalem until you are endured with power you have been my disciples for three and a half years but it's not enough i know you saw it i know you learned the principle but wait if power doesn't come your word will swallow you he has never sent men without power power is the code of life power is what unlocks a generation to their potentials in god and until we become candidates of power we have no gospel we have no message for our generation that's why paul said i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is the power is the power it's not the explanation of the ways of god is the power of god unto salvation and power has no regard for age if you know it you know it if you have it you have it so a boy of five years can have power a man of 80 years can have power at the end of the day who has power is the one that caused the shot but christians don't know the way the labor of the foolish he wears every one of them they know not how to enter the city how do we walk into power so that we become agents of transformation i will show you four pillars of power just fall and then we pray and after this meeting if you end your journey in life without power it's not god's fault it's your fault because now you will know because these things walk anywhere any day anytime i prayed with somebody on the phone two days ago kovit 19 tested positive already dying and i commanded the spirit over the phone he left it became strong check the next day was healed and called me from the u.s i was not there we transmitted through phone waves before we came this afternoon my friend called somebody heart palpitation for over 14 years he said you devil get out and the person was he didn't stand so you rang you when shenzhen young's king caddo you are mighty on your throne [Music] you run you run you run you run you are mighty on your troll i know you have a title i don't argue it i know you preach the bible i don't argue it but do you have power because when he say who is your god that i should obey him he's not asking you for explanation he's asking you for power who is your god is not english language his power he's asking for you can speak from monday tonight if power doesn't show up you're on your own not many days from now you shall receive the holy ghost and power i know you have the holy ghost but do you have power how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and power i know you speak in tongues do you have power the evidence that you have the holy ghost is not speaking in tongues it's power it's not written anywhere that the evidence for the holy spirit is speaking in tongues the evidence that a man half the holy spirit is power and philip full of wisdom and faith and the holy ghost was ordained a deacon and philip full of the holy ghost and power did many signs and wonders he migrated from faith to power because power is kinetic my friend told me this one he said every time you hear about the holy ghost he's always moving either he's a wind or his water or his fire because it's always moving he's already ready to walk it's a kinetic dimension it's not a story it's a manifestation nobody will know you as a christian until you have power to prove it that's why jesus himself said these signs shall follow them that believe he didn't say talk about me these signs shall follow them that believe he didn't say explain to the world about me he's saying my name they shall cast out devils so when you see people casting out devils you know they are believers they don't need to explain [Music] they shall lay hands on the sick they will recover even if they drink any deadly thing it shall by no means it shall but it didn't say when they pray about it he didn't say when they bless it before they drank it it didn't say when they closed their eyes sanctified before they eat it even when they eat it unconsciously because they are creatures of power but there's a way to get into the city the baptism of power has protocols and many believers don't know it if you know the way of a spiritual do you know why the habit is leaving the bush because you can't combine with spirituality with anything in the flesh if you are spiritual you are spiritual whether you are banker or you are a lawyer or you are a doctor or you are a lecturer if you are spiritual you are spiritual because you are a spiritual man walking in the bank you are a spiritual man walking in the hospital it is your spirituality that overrules and overrides every other thing if you become partnership you are not and you will see that the system will swallow you he said they had no occasion against daniel except in his walk with his god but there are secrets that these men know and i want to show you from scripture if you apply it and it becomes part of your life power will become a by-product because power is actually a by-product of a reality that you have with god we don't struggle with manifestation the manifestation is actually the proof that we are what we say we are the first pillar of power the first pillar of power is what we call spiritual altars spirits are light on altars and altars are the convergence point of spirits a man without an altar will remain a storyteller all his life every time power was wrought in scripture there was an altar backing the one that commanded power if there is no altar in a man's life forget it it's a story i will show you what an altar is but let me show you two scriptures very quickly that validate this position in first samuel chapter 7 verse 12 to verse 14 the philistines were making a mess of israel israel began to live in tremble the armies of israel where we were rendered helpless in the face of the prevailing circumstances and somewhere realized something he said there is a way to unlock the spiritual dimension of israel israel is not only natural because he said who are the israelites he said unto whom patented the covenant the giving of the law the promises in romans chapter 9 verse 4 israel is not only natural if israel wants to take advantage of only his natural side he will be vulnerable so the only way israel will prevail is to unlock the supernatural side and what is the way to unlock it he say he hewned a rock and he planted it as an altar and he called the name of the rock ebenezer and he said the hand of god was perpetually against the philistine and he said the philistine ran back and never returned all the days of samuel how did somebody invoke power by erecting an altar every time an altar appear a spirit is commanded the integrity of a spirit responds to altars because authors are the enlightened spots of spirit if a man can erect an altar that man can command the presence of a spirit the way to someone and to keep spirits walking with you is by the authors that back you up without all that there will be no power and i tell you the truth there are many christians without all tasks i'm not talking about going to raise a stone i will tell you how to raise an altar in this dispensation the hand of god was perpetually god decided to become by us so long as you have another god is on your side the bible said god commanded israel to wipe out the sons of ammon and they were destroying them utterly the king took 700 of his finest soldiers he tried to break through the garrison of israel it was impossible and then he carried his son who was heir to the troll smashed him on the wall and made an oblation to god instantly he said the indignation of god turned against israel is a mystery the moment a man understands the role of an altar he can summon a spirit this is what happened it was god that told this right to kill the king but the king knew something because spirits are legalistic creatures spirits are legalistic beings the moment you know the way of spirit you can manipulate the spirit and one of the way to manipulate spirit is by altars if a spirit sees an altar it becomes impossible for that spirit to stay in one position the author regulates him the way of man of power is the way of altars in genesis chapter 12 when somewhere came to an end of his life israel wanted the king he said that's not the will of god but since that's what you said i will show you that it is god you have sinned against not me and he said it is not time for the wheat that means it's not raining season but i will call on the name of the lord and god will reign from heaven now what kind of man is that what gives that level of audacity see audacity in the spirit is not in your size it is in what you know the guy knows a mystery and not so long as that mystery stands every time he speaks god will respond so even in dry season he can manipulate nature because he knows where he's standing he's standing on the premise of a mystery if i speak now god will respond and he commanded rain to fall in dry season and the bible said god turned that from heaven and reigned he didn't consult with god first go and read the scripture he didn't consult with god he told the people why we do it it will happen because he knows the mystery meanwhile christians are begging hoping that things will change hope who told you spirits are ready the devil comment not vote for to kill to steal and to destroy nothing happens by chance if you hope and hope is all you have you will die with it there is a way to rule is the way of the authors god spoke to abraham he said get thee out of thy country out of thy kindred and out of thy family and come to the land that i will show you in blessing i will bless you genesis chapter 12 from verse one to three abraham had god but it doesn't mean anything will change the moment abraham entered murray in genesis 12 6 he said he raised an altar to the lord that appeared to him abraham migrated from murrell and came to better genesis 12 7. he said he raised an altar to the lord genesis 13 to 18 abraham came to memory he raised an altar to the lord he knew the secret of power and when you see this man commanding things without thinking you think is by mimicking them if you wear a white suit and you don't have an altar you'll be in trouble it's not an act it's a life in the spirit he had an author and abraham did so many terrible things that you can't explain with english language in genesis chapter 14 verse 14 to 15 they took lot abraham's cousin and all five kings attacked a nation took abraham's cousin and the bible said abraham took 318 trained servants of his household and he did something he said abraham divided himself among them where did he learn it from because on all tasks we learned mysteries abraham was the one that had the covenant he said abraham divided himself among them so there were 319 abraham and one abraham is a nation so it was now 319 nations against five nations there is no way you can win he landed on the altar he divided himself abraham is a nation and they became 319 abraham so 319 against five how can you win so he came back with points there are mysteries they know they are mistress this men do because they decided to commit their lives to waters you know sometimes when you read scripture you approach it and say it's bible so you read it religiously the things this man did close the bible sit down and meditate upon it in your time yeah we know that we are not we are not spiritual men we are talkers we are talkers meanwhile the same dimension we are talking about is preserved in the negative supernatural the guys in the demonic can simply go to a herbalist and carry out a simple sacrifice come out shoot them it will not enter they know it's not trying error is there is not they will do that thing they do they carry a gun shoot them it will not enter how are they able to preserve these powers in so much potency and they can replicate it any day anytime and when it comes to the church history if they are if you go to the village today and you have a barrier they can move the rain they will move the cloud it's not it's not it's not something to look at it's normal and if you don't set to them they will they will move a cloud from two kilometers and bring that cloud to where your venue is and the rain we fall exactly where your venue is and it's not a testimony it's a normative because they know the way of power we know language what are the altars in your life and then you come and say we will change this world will we take over this world how how are you not psyching yourself nothing will happen this thing will not come to pass take this word talk us so you have 10 million christians they can't change anything but bring five herbalists to one location if they say night we come now it will come and we have a thousand times more authority than these people one christian not a preacher one christian can subdue two thousand herbalists if he knows the life of the spirit but unfortunately we don't we don't know how the rain work [Music] daniel went to but jacob joshua went to battle and joshua was fighting and it was about to to get lit and he stood and said this song should remain there the moon should remain there is that no mama is that a normal person and it's the same christianity you are now practicing we even have the holy ghost if you read this bible and you pay attention to it you will cry if you check your life you will cry but the reason it looks as if we are helpless is because our life is committed to nothing an altar in its most simplistic sense is commitment to deity in the new testament context is not a pillar of stone it's commitment to deity god will make a demand of you and you will be committed to that demand as though you swore an oath by two immutable things in which god cannot lie there must always be an oat so every demand god makes on your life becomes an altar if you keep to it god will be committed so there are many of us today that we don't even remember the demand god makes of us after three days there are certain people god came to them and said don't be defied until you get married and god told them when they were in secondary school but they didn't know it was an altar so they let go they thought what is about this virginity they say they are not a wise person yeah i look up you have lost the secret of your power if you lie go for 1000 impartation service you have lost something you will never recover from it there are certain people god comes and tells them every time money comes to your hand give me thirty percent it's not written anywhere in the bible that you give thirty percent but your life belongs to god so everything you own belongs to god but the person doesn't know is is an author so he's looking for the doctrine that validate it why should i give him is he not ten percent i've given my ten percent now that's why your life will look powerless because what god is trying to do is to give an excuse to always respond to you regardless of the circumstance because an altar is a divine excuse for intervention you come home you are listening to circular song he said no more you don't know it's an altar and then once in a while i say oh boy this is no easy oh this annoys you those loopholes you open is what the devil will exploit god shows up he said for you no more twitter no more instagram no more facebook and then after three days okay what did that person say there you delete facebook for your phone but you are looking at it in somebody else's phone you don't know it's an altar and when an author is erected a spirit is watching a spirit is watching and that you don't know why you are crying and making demand and nothing happen you will not be powerful because you violate the demands of all time the road to power is not so difficult but is is will you keep the demands of power go and check your life every time you had a conspicuous shift there was something you will be hit every time because these are not the reason why god gives you the power in the first place but it's a sign of commitment that you are mature to handle it because you don't cast precious things to swine they will jump on it because they don't know their value the secret to power when we rise up it's our consecration that speaks not our voices because when we talk the spirits know they see through the canopy of darkness they know what god told you and they know whether you kept the demands of that covenant that's why we are numerous but we are not strong we are weak many are infantile he gathered 32 000 people but at the end of the day only 300 were ready for war our strength is not in our number our strength is in our stature and the statue of iman is the depth of his commitment to the spirit that he pays allegiance to what is the level of your commitment christians are not committed to nothing nothing and even when god puts his word in the mouth of his servant and tells them because they have a wrong mindset they think you want to exploit them and that's why their life is not working meanwhile the people that are making an impact they don't have any problem he's the poor man and the weak man that is always checking whether he is about to be robbed what do you have the guy who tried to charge things you want to take his money but the guy who flew a private jet before you say it he has responded does it not occur to you that there is a knowledge they know there is an understanding they have that you don't have you that all you have in your account is three thousand you are the one who thinks they want to steal your money but the guy that has a billion is not complaining and you don't know why he keeps having more he said the one that has more and wants to have even what even the one that has nothing but does not want to have more the little he has to be taken from him and giving to the one that has more and what will have more my friend says divine partiality say lord in the spirit we will struggle for a long time until we become committed this thing is not about whether i'm sinning i'm not sinning sin is for children in the kingdom his children are seen it's for children when we are talking kingdom we're not even talking sin it's for children it's for the immature is our right unto you children because your sins are forgiven he said in all little children if anyone sings a sin among you you have an advocate to the father when it comes to my choice say the word of the lord is in you you have overcome the evil one and you are strong when he came to the father he said you have known him that from the beginning we don't talk sin in this context we are talking matters of legislation we are talking matters of responsibility for those who can handle inheritance the air so long as he's a child different nothing from his server that's why the child seems like a sinner what we are talking about is not seen we are talking covenant they are businesses of altars sometimes it's even your sleep it shows up and say don't sleep between 12 to 3 and you will do it for six months nothing happened you didn't know that you were watering your heaven and when the clouds were full of rain to empty itself upon the earth because that thing you did is for the day when he will send you to afghanistan and so while others are falling by bullets and blight you walk as if you are invincible because he went ahead of you and he provided your insurance but that time you were praying you prayed you didn't see an injury you heard that somebody else prayed after one month he saw an injury and because he didn't see an injury he said i won't pray in the night again what is this what is this he is he avoid this thing you have to rest you don't know that the habitation of the earth is full of darkness that's why they have respect unto the covenant for the dark places of the earth is the habitation of cruelty it is all tasks that makes us invincible i give my friend this microphone now he can call your name call the names of everybody in your family and he will tell you who your ancestors are what they did he would just be talking as if he's reading it but there was a time when god said tie your face for three days don't open it i now say ah if somebody is fasting should he tie his eye they are mistress the secret of the lord is with them that fear him he will show them his covenant orders when we see mighty people do things go and hear their stories i read the story of great men because i know their secret is locked in their stories i know it is locked in their stories the same thing you are doing sweating somebody else comes and said i went for a meeting with reverend dr mark white this in february this year before they covet inuyo i preached and charged sweated everywhere to get god to move small and the man of god came he stood he leaned on the water and he said this what they did when i went to that village what's the name of those foolish people and i said really we fall for 21 days and rain was falling when you feel it before you crave for man to find out the covenants you don't know the life these men live they are dead men god have demanded everything for them and they commit to that in all their life i went to ibadan last three weeks ago for a wedding one of the purpose they held us the man was about he wanted to cross the road and the cars wouldn't stop and he was like ah yes don't they have respect for grey and i got annoyed and did like this and crossed the road so the man stopped the car so when he left the guy wanted to own the ignition the car didn't on again the engine knocked because the man did like this the engine knocked if not only the driver that saw him the engine heard it they heard the daylight and when they battled and couldn't do anything they now said what happened now is that this one bubba that stopped me saying what does it look like what did they explain say kai you should have told us since now why you aligning our stress ourselves when the noun called baba baba says you turn the ignition to the left [Music] the car listen the car is not designed to turn to the left what do you mean to the left that means when the man speak even iron obey and when the guy turned the car to the left the engine started and the car moved but this man every time he stands like this god told him your left ear is for me your right ear is for men and he has done that thing for 40 years it's not a doctrine it's consecration it's a way of alters it's god that knows your desire and he knows the instruction he has given you over the years how many have you violated that's why you are powerless [Music] is the first law of power attendance to altars many christians live lawlessly they live by our emotions when you wake up that's when you wake up when you sleep that's when you sleep when you are hungry you eat whatever i feel like eating you eat and you think you can be anything spirits are not like that they are governed by laws and if we must change our world we must become creatures of the altar because all tasks is what make men powerful even if you are not part of the covenant if you know the mystery of water you can prove vulcan intervention in acts of the apostle chapter 10 he spoke of and a man who is of the italian band that's a gentile he was not entitled but he knew something he said his prayers and his arms giving have risen to heaven as a memorial and god himself an angel was sent to him the angel was sent to peter peter wanted to resist he commanded peter to go there why peter was here talking the holy ghost fell on them the lord becomes urgent upon your intervention why do you think he says some men why they are yet thinking god answered before they alter their voice god respond is the covenant they have those covenants are all chances in zion it rises to heaven as a memorial before they talk their covenants have made an announcement did you not read about about ebay he said his blood rules up to heaven and brought petition before god in the courts of heaven even while he was dead his blood speak from the ground why he brought a more excellent sacrifice than cain [Music] the power of altars when you see men shaking the world they have something it's not a it's not by chance god is not a respecter of persons god responds to your altar and the potency of your altar is a function of the quality of your commitment to the laws and the demands god makes on your life from the days of thy youth thou have known the holy scriptures which is able to make the wise unto salvation [Music] why do you think many men live as if the devil doesn't exist he said give a person to seven give a person to it you don't know the evil that will come upon the earth what does it mean even if they hate crumble there are people who will survive in the midst of war in the midst of earthquake they leave us if nothing happens white people are begging for palliative during covet 19 some people who are living in luxury because even if evil come on the earth they will survive because they have engaged a mystery if they cry heaven will obey and how beautiful it is when children begin to do these things when children children begin to do these things because out of the mouth of waves and sucklings you have ordained strength it is possible at what age was david when he killed the bear [Music] early teenagers rotting wonders but you read it you say well his bible day is his bible you approach it religiously you didn't know that that guy was 14 years a 40 year old person killed a lion before 17 he killed a bear but you read it casually because you don't think on the world some of us are already too old for this generation we're already too old it's in our 30s we are manifesting and we say we are young oh my god they do something what 13 persons in the old covenant we're doing at the age of 17. we are doing after 30 years we see we are doing how we are shaking this wall everywhere because we didn't have regard for the covenant all tasks were not part of our lives what is it that god has told you to do that you have violated that's the key to your power you will read all the scriptures some power you will understand the doctrine of power but you'll be shocked because the spirit will not be a witness the bible said something in isaiah 53 from verse 5 he said he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him by his tribes we were healed we are healed he came in first peter chapter 1 verse 2 verse 24 and he said he brought our sicknesses on himself by whom strife we were healed but the way came to pass was the response of jesus in matthew chapter 8 16 he said that it might be fulfilled so the scripture is one thing the faithfulness of god is another thing so you can know the doctrine but if you don't attend to god you may not see the faithfulness of god because when god reached out to you you shut yourself out the reason that scripture came to pass is because god responded [Music] is when we are in danger that we want to provoke intervention and that's why most times it doesn't work because we don't know the key to power the second pillar of power is the mystery of energy balance god flows as energy if you don't know how to conduct god you may never see result because spirits they flow like energy so when the power of god is trapped in a man the conduction of that power is very important if you don't master the mystery of energy you will keep choking or diffusing the energy you generate so a man can generate enough energy but he will deplete it it's possible for you to fast for 40 days and you have regenerated an energy that will raise the dead but five second gossip will diffuse energy of 40 days so when he said don't gossip he's not just talking about serving god he's teaching you how to rule on it it's a mystery when he said don't backbite when he said don't keep malice he is telling you these things are the plato's of the soul it corrupts the soul so everything you absorb remember he said in ephesians 3 20 god is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think according to the power that is at walk within you when you steer that power through whatever means and there are many means of staring power it could be speaking in tongues it could be worship it could be by giving it could be by responding in sacrifice whatever it is that is consistent with your desire but after you have generated power what you do matters is a mystery of energy balance because the energy you generate you must use it if you don't apply it you will waste it and whether you apply it by faith or you waste it by a sinful life is your choice so three people can fast for 40 days one of them will become a champion the other two will end up as prayer warriors and every time you meet them they will tell you they have been fasting for 30 years now it's not a record because it's what you did with that fasting that benefits human humanity he said is the manifestation of the spirit that prophet i've been in church for 25 years oh you know when we came here that time christianity was not popular thank god but we are the fruits we are the fruits of your labor most times they waste it this is why every time you leave a spiritual place god becomes strict with you there are times when you come out of the place of prayer your friends are coming they say don't talk to them you don't know the way of a spiritual man people will be hot but you are guiding something did you read the story of manuela's wife when she was pregnant with something he said don't drink any strong wine you become consecrated unto god if you drink any strong one you will violate the nazarite so if you like bihar mother if you like be her father if you like have a wedding event if she comes there she will not drink you can be offended it's not her fault she's preserving something she's incubating something men of power they can manage energy they can cut your energy they can cultivate energy they can keep it that's why spiritual men don't talk it's not an act they are keeping something they are preserving something when you see men so it's not an act because it's a mystery you carry it like pregnancy you can diffuse it in a moment and the salvation of another man you wasted by careless talk so god can't commit much to you why do you think we do a lot of things but we don't see results we don't understand what makes it work some time for you to generate this energy god can give you an instruction we're sharing this morning is is the secret of balance it's a law of nature when something leaves something comes for something to come something leaves so god checks the the balance is in the spirit and he tells you to do something take it three days fast as you take that three days fast and your body is dead it's deadened your spirit man opens and god fills you so what you are doing is that you are emptying your body to be spoken with god sometimes you say take it ten days ten hours thongs that ten hours tongue has nothing to do with time he has checked the gauge of your soul he wants to saturate you and as you pray after 10 hours your soul opens up and god fills you that's the way you created a space for bala he said they lifted their voices and as they prayed the place where the word was shaken and they were filled with the holy spirit and they speak with goodness what happened to them they depleted goodness from their spirit when they threatened them never preached in the name of this man again so the little button as they carry diffused from their soul so they went back to the place of prayer if you drink any strong wine you will violate the nazarite so if you like bihar mother if you like be her father if you like have a wedding event if she comes there she will not drink you can be offended it's not her fault she's preserving something she's incubating something men of power they can manage energy they can cut your energy they can cultivate energy they can keep it that's why spiritual men don't talk it's not an act they are keeping something they are preserving something when you see men so it's not an act because it's a mystery you carry it like pregnancy you can diffuse it in a moment and the salvation of another man you wasted by careless talk so god can't commit much to you why do you think we do a lot of things but we don't see this all we don't understand what makes it work sometimes for you to generate this energy god can give you an instruction we're sharing this morning is is the secret of balance it's a law of nature when something leaves something comes for something to come something leaves so god checks the the balances in the spirit and he tells you to do something take it three days fast as you take that three days fast and your body is dead he's deadened your spirit man opens and god fills you so what you are doing is that you are emptying your body to be stuck with god sometimes you say take it 10 days 10 hours talk that 10 hour storm has nothing to do with time he has checked the gauge of your soul he wants to saturate you and as you pray after 10 hours your soul opens up and god feels you that's the way you created his space for bala he said they lifted their voices and as they prayed the place where they were was shaken and they were filled with the holy spirit and they speak with protests what happened to them they depleted goodness from their spirit when they threatened them never preached in the name of this man again so the little goodness they carried diffused from their soul so they went back to the place of prayer they were generating goodness they knew what they came for is a transact check matthew chapter 8 he said jesus went to the mountain prayed all night when he saturated himself with energy he came down the first person he saw his hand was withered and he said master if you are willing you will make me who you say i'm willing stretch thy hand and the hand stretched he went to peter's mother-in-law she was taken with fever he rebuked the fever that same evening he went out the moment he had energy he wanted to do everything that time he knew he wanted to do everything he healed the man with the withered hand he went to peter's mother-in-law he left without but i know he went straight to a crusade and he went to the crusade he said he healed every one of them that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by zionist the prophet the land of zebulun the land of naphtali by the way of the sea beyond jordan gallery of the gentiles the people that sat in darkness have seen a great night how did he do it he went to generate power and when he saw that the power of this was depleted the people were still there he sneaked out through the back door and went to the mountain they said the people are seeking this the man has gone to the mountain he knew that this thing is power the one i came with is exhausted they don't know in luke 6 19 he said they touched him and virtue left him and healed them all he was feeling himself to dispense and when he was on top of that mountain he prayed to you the dead watch in the morning and the people had entered the boat they were going he came walking on water he had generated fresh energy so he can defy the law of floatation he knows how it works every time he is refueled he does a wonder he came walking on water and as if that is not enough let's go over to the other side he healed the gathering maniac when the city came he ran away again and then you think his english language ah god is good lord touchdown touch his virtue leaving you and one day peter james and john they wanted to understand how this thing worked and now they come with me and they carried them to the mountain matthew 17 verse 2 and as he prayed the fashion of his countenance was all tied his limit that's where he refused himself so every time he comes from the mountain he does something this is why spiritual men ask us we don't live with everybody it's not because we don't like birthday parties it's not because they don't like to go shopping it's not because they don't like swimming but they they need to keep generating energy constantly why do you think people who marry spiritual people suffer because most times they are depleted so the guy comes from a crusade everything you say he's just quarreling and then you are like my husband is an angry man no he's not an angry man virtue has left him when he's refilled he becomes loving again and if he wants to maintain other he needs to constantly reveal many people are depleted too many times so the same thing god did yesterday he don't see today and you are wanting lord did i say no you didn't see him but he didn't come with energy [Music] if you generate energy you will see it every day that's why it looks as if jesus lived on the mountain moses lived on the mountain somewhere lived in ramah he generated so much energy in first psalm 19 so came he sent soldiers to kill him the bible is strange david was a warrior so came for him he ran to a prophet because he knows the prophet knows something that defies guns arrows and bulls and when he came somewhere carried him to nahut ramah naot rama where he generates energy and they stayed there the soldiers were coming the bandwidth had covered the environment the energy generated became a radar and when the soldiers entered into the radar they began to professor nobody imparted them nobody called them a prophet they began to prophesy they sent another batch they showed up they began to prophesy and so thought they were foolish and so came himself in his own case that time the energy level have gone so high so he prophesied naked all night the place of incubation you are not powerless but you don't take advantage of what you use to generate energy yours may be tongues porn his own was speaking in tongues so paul didn't spend too much time in worship meetings he said i speak in tongues more than all of you because he knows his own gauge his tongues there are some other people that is worship if what charges you is worship kill yourself there worship from morning to tonight night to morning morning to night after day after you pray with the intercessors for three hours leave the intercessors and begin to worship because when we pray for some time all of us enter our elements and when we enter our elements there are prophets that minister by sound so they begin to look for the sound the moment the sound come they are transported there are other prophets that move with noise so that prophet sometimes it is it lives it goes to a mechanic village where people are talking as people are talking he's walking around he's looking for inspiration because when that noise comes he helps him to harmonize his energy there's another prophet that hides in a quiet place so when he's tired he goes to a solitary place when he's there he begins to see vision know your dimension and when you know it live there the secret place is not behind closed door the secret place is where your spiritual dimensions are activated [Music] it is worship carry carry your head clear everywhere you go even if you are traveling put it there you are your secret place you are touching yourself constantly and there are men that charge themselves themselves even when they die their bones raised the dead energy was there energy they had extra energy they left this world they kept the reserve of energy in their bones you think they are normal men they know they know you come around some people i had i had i went to to check on barbarous people six am brahm prayer begin one hour nine a.m brahm prayer one hour 12 noon they kept the prayer gates every day for more than 40 years because he knows his power is hinged on prayer so if you're in that house prayer goes on every day there are 12 12 there are eight gates of time in the day he watches all of them for more than 40 years so the minimum time of prayer in babylon's house is eight hours [Music] and then the supernatural is natural because the energy is there i heard the story of the moravians they went to a cave and stayed there and they prayed in tongues every day for 100 years see today if you go there you have encounters the players have turned to a gate too much energy have been downloaded so you see angels going up and down jesus was the one that told nathaniel is it because i told you these things what you will see angels are sending and descending but because there's a place that i will enter and i will generate so much energy that i will become the gate of heaven that's how these men walk they are not come on i came for me to hear four years ago i sat somewhere at the back there praise praise and worship was going on it was an anointing service when the poor nature came in we were all dilating suddenly looked as if everywhere was quiet and i i said what's happening and the next thing i thought the man of god walked close i was not looking god blessed me with this because he passed by me he passed very close i didn't even see him naturally if you see him you bought the quiver that entered me it's as if he came with eternity an evangelist organized a crusade that the wf kumu you came and shook him well done and he began to cry he cried for three days you know why wires melt the voltage is being superior to the capacity that's what happens there are some men that generate so much energy when they walk near you you fall down the reason you fall down is because you are interacting with the voltage that's superior to your capacity that's why when we say lord taught pastors hardly for because they are used to that voltage they are used to that voltage they can conduct that voltage but most of the young believers they don't they have not journeyed that far so when i say holy ghost move the wire we just melt [Music] they can't undo voltage it's like carrying a 2.5 volt and connected to high tension wire it will melt now that's why they demonstrate your house you say in the name of jesus get out get out get out it's not how many times you say get out if you say once it's enough [Music] now the man of god that generates more voltage is the one that keeps it more the person that is generating 1.2 volt if he generated 1.2 vote in two weeks revival meeting he now comes out and we gossip he diffuse it and then he ends home with 0.5 vote but we will receive spiritual things we wasted we waste it we waste it and the more you waste the more difficult it will be to receive and if the devil wants to deceive you it deceives you with your english language and your component so when you carry the microphone you look at people and then you say there are three things that will change your life and then you lower your voice you will do it for a long time a long time because the spirit will not thunder over your utterance third pillar of power is the ability to discern times the moments of the spirit many never discern times there is a season of your life that every advantage is in your favor if you lose it it will take another cycle to get there we are not at the same place at the same time all the time the bible said in first chronicles 12 32 the songs of asaka is that they had understanding of times and seasons and they knew what is there ought to do when you know the times the proof is that you know what ought to be done there is a season of your life where you should read if you don't read at that time you have already lost because the day when god wants to announce you is the books you read that should be your testimony but you didn't read there is a season of your life when you should pray the season of reading is not the same season as praying there is a season of your life when you should give if you don't discern these times you can never rule among men not let alone spirits in ecclesiastic chapter 3 from verse 1 he said to everything they say ceasing and they see time for every purpose on the face of the earth men who rule in this world they are masters of time they know when the movements in the spirit have changed and they align accordingly if the vibrations change they change their reading this is why they rule so they become like the wind that blew it and you listen from once it comes or where it goes because their migration is us unto the spirit he said in matthew chapter 20 that at the first hour of the morning the man went out and recruited people and then he left the second hour he left and then he went at the third hour he left the fourth hour he left the fifth hour he went at the sixth hour he left the seventh hour the eighth hour he went at the ninth hour why is recruitment at specific times because there are purposes allocated to every time some of them are over a stretched period of time and some of them are in every day of your life if you don't discern the vibrations in the spirit and align to it you will wonder why everything about you is difficult because certain advantages are allocated to time there's a scripture that moves my spirit so much he said at a certain time the angel of the lord went down and troubled the water whoever gets in first god knows there are many sick people but is the one that enters first that has the right to healing there are moments in the spirit this is why we must watch and pray this is why we must gather our spirit so that we can know the reading there are certain things about your destiny that will not come every day if you miss when they come you will wait for another cycle have you started your life very well some people receive destiny encounters after four years the first time you had an encounter you were 12. the next time you had you were 16 the next time you had you were 20 the next time you had you were 24 and now you are about to be 28 you are still not wise did you know occur to you that every four years a door open but many will never discern the moment this is why men become strategic and circumspect in their walk in time because you study your spiritual calendar you know and when the time of harvest comes the demons are aware the warfare on your life becomes strong i keep sharing this humorously the guy is fasting every day for one year no problem but when he enter the second year in the sixth month again now wakes up from nowhere and say you have thrown me away where were you you have thrown me away was i carrying you on my shoulder or the lady is pursuing god with chastity but when she's about to get married then a nonchalant comes and how you are very beautiful and begins to distract her but because she doesn't know this is a moment she wasted men who guard their destiny are men that are discerning they know the movements of the spirit and when that season comes they will not lose it for anything you become a watcher a god but the way to master it is to master the daily watch if you don't master the daily watch you can master the seasonal watch because the daily watch is easier to discern there are eight gates of time every day i don't have time to break it but i'll mention it six a.m in the morning is the hour of communion early in the morning mark 1 35 he went to a secret place there he prayed 6 a.m but many people will never know god because they never commune with him it's when he's in the market that he's trying to read two verses of the bible and he knows his mind is not there 9 a.m is the hour of transformation and at the third hour jesus was crucified so you want to deal with flesh that's the hour that's why the greatest activity of the day is between nine and twelve they know that's when the greatest strength of man is at work 12 is the hour of evangelism and intercession for nations at the sixth hour peter went to the top to pray and then a vase was descended from heaven he said rise kill and eat that was when the door opened to the gentile at the sixth hour he was at the well and he saw the samaritan woman and he ministered to her and she was saved at the ninth hour three pm is the hour of mercy that's when oblations rise to heaven it's also called the hour of prayer at this at the 12th hour in the evening is the hour of communion again that's when they gather together for supper see many people don't know the significance of time so their life is not gutted and because they don't keep they are not conscious of the deadly watch they cannot keep the seasonal watch the way a kingdom is preserved is by the watches so the century officer he stands on top of the house of the of the kingdom the gate of the kingdom so that he can see fire foresight is a function of the watches that's when a man can tell the reading of his destiny and he knows that in three years time god wants to do something and because i have seen it this is what i need to do now to be qualified in three years he is a watcher because if you don't keep the watch you can't descend the enemy far and your life will always be invaded by darkness we know we know these things that's why we prosper the bible said three times every day daniel prayed facing jerusalem daniel prayed in the morning to deal with his flesh that's why he could not be corrupt then he had prayed by 12 to intercede for israel that's why israel will be saved and daniel prayed in the evening at the hour of oblation that's why he's powerful did you not read about elijah he said at the hour of the evening sacrifice he began to erect the altar that time fire can come down from heaven because at the hour of mercy you can move the hand of god men don't know so they don't keep the watch 12th midnight is the hour of warfare it's the hour of government everything that challenges your destiny that's when you stand up to fight but many never fight that's why they don't win he say paul and silas at midnight they prayed and they sang and the angel of the lord came down and the foundation of the gate were altered and the gates opened on their own accord they knew why did they not pray by nine why did they not pray by 10 they knew the hour of warfare at that time warring angels are left loose the angels you partner with in the morning they teach you the ways of god the angels you partner with by 12 midnight they come to fight so if you know you will have results it's about watching it's a mystery of power when they get open the god wanted to kill himself say no don't hurt yourself we are still here that was when the god knew that these are not men they are gods and i say what should i do to be saved that's how men change the award you know what to do at the right time and you're always a champion but many times when they should make the decision of their destiny many persons when they should make the decision of their destiny that's when they sleep so the devil doesn't need to bother himself with them they will always be asleep at the right time and they say if you a little sleep a little folding of hand your enemies shall come like a thief at night so their destiny is robbed from them but he said i work thou that slipped and christ will give you light if you don't wake up you'll not have light arise shine thy light is come if you don't arise you will not shine it's a mystery of watches can you descend the times can you descend the moment sometimes some people are in the service they are dancing and playing until when the hour of impartation comes that's when they throw out of the church and they come to church for 10 years but they never see anything in their life they are in church when god wants to move that's when they go out to drink water so the demon of destruction is enough for their destiny river flow let eternal river flow in your church once again let eternity be seen if you know what you carry you will apologize to your generation most of the things we are calling on high quarters to answer some of the answers are with men the bible said the people had not eaten for three days and jesus said where are we going to get food for these people the 70 years wages would not be enough but there was a little boy that had fish and bread the answer of the people was with a small boy you don't need the governor to answer it a little boy had the answer if you know the answer you are pregnant with for this generation and you have not reason you will apologize to your generation who told you the answer will come from united nations like my prophet friend will say who told you the governor has the answer sometimes the answer is with david at the back of the desert and when he shows up he can't even wear the armor of soul so he said keep it there's something i know i have walked in the spirit of yahweh elohim so he has respect unto the covenant have you seen the men that shook the award they don't look like it but they are secrets they know they say you are a woman how much can women do one check about god acts of the border go and ask of army senpai mcfassie go and ask of catherine kumar go and ask of maria with whatever and then you will discover that gender is not a factor he said he made them male and female who did he make male and female man god made man in his image male and female he created them both so male and female is man because the word man is the word ish it means a specie who told you gender is a disadvantage where have you gone in the spirit there's a place you will enter and you will come like the brightness of the heavens and your generation will bow the border journey so deep in god that she came and said i am a mother in israel israel doesn't only have fathers he has mothers too i'm a mother in israel and when she fought he said the stars fought with her from their courses you have no disadvantage just travel deep because they journey to the deep they see the wonders of god in your church once again led eternity vision river florida flow let it all river flow in your church once again let it turn it baby god didn't call you to live by your salary so your salary is not a disadvantage in the first place it's a seeker first the kingdom all other things will be added your potentials your giftings will generate more for you than your salary the owner of the job did not even plan for you to succeed that's why the moment you begin to succeed they begin to prove you how come because your success was not part of the equation even the government did not plan for you to succeed the moment you begin to succeed beyond number they start probing you they sent me a they sent me hard currency from the u.s an access bank i jacked my account because they don't expect a youth in benue to receive heart currencies on a weekly basis but i don't work for a government i walk for a spirit they check could this boy be a yahoo boy how come what does he do when they check they now went to do a profile a profiling on me and the first thing they checked on youtube is that i have 100 000 followers they now realize that kai is not normal what can you check in the spirit do you know your season do you know your season or are you struggling in another man's season do you know your moment of visitation many don't know nothing you have can change your world but do you know your season when you know your season you seize it and then things change the last pillar of power is yieldedness to authority in matthew chapter 8 verse 9 the centurion said to jesus i am a man under authority i have many soldiers under me i said to one go he goes i said to another come he come i know you are man under authority you are doing what you are doing because you have authority and jesus said this commandment have i received from my father i have the power to lay down my life and to take it so everything he did was a commandment from his father he said the works that i do it is my father that is in me that during the works the worst i speak is my father that is in me that do where the walks so why jesus is talking the father is walking because there is harmony in authority you can't be rebellious and rule because the desolate places are for the sons of rebellion the man that received instruction will dwell in the congregation of the dead when you see men fruitful they are submitted to a government they are submitted to an authority and every time they speak that government backs them up a generation of power is a generation of authors a generation of power is a generation that knows the mystery of the balance of energy a generation of power is the generation that discerns their moments and a generation of power is a generation that have respect for authorities this is how we rule you want to enter into power it's time to pray rise up and pray let the thunder river flow in your church once again let it i want to give you an opportunity to pray for five minutes because your hunger is a proof that you qualify for it he said the expectation of the righteous will never be cut short you want to vocalize your expectation as a prayer go ahead and pray the prayer point is one lord baptize me with power see we are tired of english language we are tired of talkers we are tired of titles we are tired of people we are in suit lord baptize me with power [Applause] [Music] once again [Music] flow [Music] [Music] hello foreign yes it's time it's time to receive from the lord is yes in the name of jesus [Music] just become just place your hand on your chest [Music] please i beg you don't be distracted now something will come on you some of you twitch what it will do for some of you is that it will promote you against all odds whatever the circumstance is it won't stop it [Music] there are no stories your results will tell you i prayed casually for a young lady like this she was in london for 16 years without a job so it's not just about falling is to change the affairs of your life 16 years in london no job after two weeks she got a job with an official car and they're about giving her a house now that pays very well it's not coincidence it's power [Music] some of you it will shift you it will shift you some of you to empower you to bring change in the life of others some of you it will make you a generational marker it will be like a joke but your results will tell you you have shifted and it has nothing to do with age father in the name of jesus [Music] i ask that you stretch your hand and bring them a baptism of power [Music] everyone whose heart is open tonight just become don't pray you are afraid already just become don't try to shake yourself don't get emotional don't get emotional just become if this thing happened to you you don't struggle you don't struggle to breathe if you start struggling it means you are sick something is wrong but just don't be distracted i want to ask the lord to touch some of you just as a sign that something i've rested and then i'll be out of your way as i pray some of you will start crying as i pray some of you the hand of god will come upon you and overwhelm you as i pray some of you begin to speak in tongues as i pray some of you your hands or your legs will begin to burn in a moment all of that will happen precious jesus the hour has come we ask that you trouble the waters and bring us impartations of power lord from the left to the right from the front to the back touch let the wind move now let the wind of the spirit move let the wind of the spirit move touch a baptism of power please don't be distracted please please i beg you touch is a wind in the spirit lord those who are shifting and promoting begin to move them i break the siege i break the seed i break the seed that has had them but just move them forward the spells are breaking the spells are breaking [Music] the lord is anointing a young lady now your hands will feel oily and your heart will become heavy it's an impartation of power precious holy spirit i release that impartation now i release that impartation now i release that impartation now i release that impartation now i release that take it in the name of jesus [Music] i'm sensing a yoke leaving somebody's head that yoke has been on your head for many years now it's like a word placed upon you and as i speak now i come by the road of a higher priesthood and i command that yok believed her in the name of jesus [Music] somebody's struggling with his breath you are struggling with your breath it's like an asthmatic condition i come against that spirit i said take off your hands take off your hands take off your hands get out in the name of jesus i command pains to leave your joints your waist your knee your hands your ankle [Music] your joints have been locked by pain threatening your mobility right now i come against that word i say black i lose the joints i lose the bones pains glow in the name of jesus oh you see trump letters are about to arrive god will respect that his word will be on their mouth the utterance of the spirit will come upon you mightily trumpets man that we carry the mandate of zion to the ends of the earth not by power not by might but by the spirit might take a party a server [Music] somebody is about to receive a baptism of fire if we begin to burn for god like the set of things like the set of things of glory the baptism of fire as i speak now i stared at dimension and i said born bone oh oh oh in the name of jesus the hand of god is about to come on some of these children there's people on colors here at least three of you is about to receive a thought from god you don't have to be a child father i bring them a fresh a fresh baptism a fresh baptism and i said the ones you want to use for your glory arrest them by power lord touch those ones touch them [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] nation [Music] there's somebody here you are struggling with your breath you are struggling with breathing you know it's as if you're breathing there's some there's something choking your breath who is the person come quickly you're about to be healed come just breathe in three times and the power of god will come upon you for healing [Music] that's right touch and free her get out you devil [Music] just breathing out now that devil is going that devil is going out in the name of jesus i command that spirit out liver now out [Music] check out try to breathe in and out you'll discover the struggle come try to breathe in and out you were you were having a choking sensation around your chest check it you discover it's been lifted check it i'm sensing a woman there's there's so much pain at the back in your lower back it's not difficult for you to even walk especially when you sit down for a while [Music] this with a lady where's the person please come quickly quickly quickly [Music] check you will discover the sensation you are free now you can breed normal please check you discover you can breed normal help the brother to come up you still have the pain there just put your hands there put your hands there now you devil of pain you devil afflicting them with pain i command you out [Music] out pain go from her in the name of jesus go from her in the name of jesus i lose that chain out you devil i break the yoke of pain go [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus it's lifted it's lifted you can't stay you can't stay get out i break that yoke [Music] i'm seeing somebody have a challenge you are chewing and it's as if you can't swallow you are having difficulty swallowing is that a challenge you just came recently if that person here you are having a challenge swallowing is there anybody like that quickly it just came recently those of you in front come come come check the pain check check just try to bend down is the pain gone it's gone right it's gone is the pain gone check it it's gone right glory to god those of you who couldn't breathe can you check how does it feel [Music] how are you doing you're good [Applause] [Music] what's wrong okay you are the one having challenge swallowing i command you pain get out now i break that chain pain go from him you are free because he who the son of man sets right through indeed [Music] pain go you can't stay in the name of jesus try to swallow the same challenge come come come come i didn't pray for formality try to swallow and see if the pain is still there no be sure don't try to help god what happened you are feeling chest pain now out i command the yoke to lift from your chest i command it to be broken of you free in the name of jesus what happened to you you're having difficulty with swallowing two check it just swallow three times it's cleared in the name of jesus it's cleared in the name of jesus how do you feel it's gone it's gone just try to check please don't try if it's there still say it we can pray again but just be sure you're not trying to help god how do you feel is the pain still there no the baby is gone glory to god how do you feel the pain sit there the pain is gone glory to god if the pain sitting on your chest be sure it's gone god bless you
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 16,645
Rating: 4.8488665 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: qbbjj2bCZ6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 58sec (6598 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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