- And look at how thick that is. Oh, green chili, sesame,
broad bean paste, fat, chili oil soaked noodles. Alright, check it out
guys, it's Trevor James. I'm here with Ting. We are in Chengdu, China, the
land of extremely delicious Sichuanese spicy food and today
is a super special occasion. We're gonna be bringing you to
a ton of different locations in Chengdu, delicious spicy
hot pot, amazing spicy noodles, Sichuanese deserts and more. It's gonna be a ton of fun. Let's go check it out. Get ready for spicy Sichuanese
street food of your dreams. Today, we're bringing you
deep to four special locations in Chengdu, China, the
land of Sichuan spicy and mouth numbing cuisine and
we're pinning the locations on a map for you as well
on the foodranger.com, link down below. First up, we're going for the best bowl of noodles you'll ever eat. Alright guys, next stop is
one of the most delicious, incredible rare bowls of
noodles, deep in the backstreets of Chengdu, the Huiguorou
twice-cooked pork noodles. Oh, look at this guys. Ni hao so look at all the empty bowls here. So, there's sesame paste. So, we've got the lard
here and that's going in and it's giving it extra flavor. And here's the secret, sesame chili oil. Look at that, we're just topping it up. This is one of the most
amazing things to watch. So, what we've just stepped
into is absolute noodle heaven, so much aroma here. You can smell the chili,
you can smell the sesame. Oh, it's gonna be so good. And we're gonna order up
twice-cooked pork noodles. So they're gonna add
twice-cooked pork on top and it's gonna be so good. (crowd chatter) Ah, that's amazing. And over here, you can see it's the most beautiful bowl of Huiguorou. This is it, right here. So we've got the twice-cooked pork. This is gonna go over the top of the ... You can see there's
green peppers in there, so it's gonna be spicy, fragrant. It's cooked with broad bean paste. Oh, and they're gonna add it right on top of the bowl right here. That is amazing. And we are just gonna go
into the back and take a look at how they're frying the Huiguorou. Oh, we just added in fermented
broad bean and chili paste. Oh, look at that. That is what gives it the Xiang, the fragrance, the aroma. Incredible. Oh and look at all these green chillies. Whoa! It has to be fragrant,
so he's adding in tons of fresh green chillies. Look at that, that is one of the most fragrant things you will ever smell. Oh, this is gonna be perfect. Let's go try a bowl. Oh, yeah! You can see they just add
that beautiful Huiguorou on top of the noodle. Let's go try it out. Here it is guys, the Huiguorou,
twice-cooked pork noodles. Oh look at that! Mix that up, mix that chili oil in. This is such a rare beauty in Chengdu, at Shang-tru-mian-guan, one of the best old lao-at-hao classic shops. Oh! And look at how thick that is. Oh, green chili, sesame,
broad bean paste, fat, chili oil soaked noodles. Just look at how thick that is. Look at all those chili oil
sesame paste soaked noodles. We're gonna try it out. Oh! Mm Oh wow! That is so flavorful and thick, the ultimate bowl of noodles. This is one of, if not the best bowl of noodles you'll ever eat. The noodles are just
soaked with that chili oil, that sesame paste, spicy,
smoky, fragrant, slightly sweet and there's a depth of flavor in there, from that broad bean and sweet bean paste and the pork is lean, it's not fatty. And it's just the most
soothing, comforting, spicy, hitting you in the soul bowl
of noodles you'll ever taste. And this right here is
worth flying to Chengdu for, Bye-bye, bye-bye. That's just one of the best
bowls you can ever eat. We're gonna pin this joint
because you've gotta come here if you're in Chengdu. Added to the map and keep going. And next up, before going to a hidden home-made wanton joint, we're going for a classic Sichuanese
dessert, the Tangyou Guozi and today, at the most
famous joint in Chengdu, to have the taste with he
two brothers who run it. Alright guys, next up, we're going to one of the most classic
Sichuan dessert here at dung-vi-shi-ni-dai Tangyou Guazi Oh! Look what we've got here. Tangyou Guozi Look at his guys. So, we've got sticky rice balls. so we're with Dung-lao-ban,
the two brothers here. So we've got these beautiful
Nuo-meez sticky rice balls and they've puffed up. We just saw them putting them in and then he's gonna pour this ultra-sweet,
dark brown molasses in and they're gonna put them on a stick ans they're chewy, crispy and delicious. We just turned it off and
now, we're gonna put in the dark brown ultra-sweet molasses. Whoa, that is true sweet, sweet heaven. Oh, yeah, here we go. Look at that, oh, wow! That is right from the market. Deep in the oil, deep in the oil, awesome and we've got a huge
crowd gathering around because everyone loves
the hometown Tangyou Guozi (crowd cheering) Number one (laughing) Number one - [Crowd] Number one - Whoa, that is real heaven. You can smell that aroma. This is incredible. - You can see that they're getting crispy. The oil is slightly cooling down. They're getting crispy and
soaked in that dark molasses, sweet dark molasses. Oh, look at that look at that. Beautiful. Oh-ho (upbeat music) Oh, yeah, that is incredible. This is incredible. So, we're just at the back of
the line waiting now, guys. I'm guessing about a 20,
30 minutes wait here. This is gonna be so delicious. Here we go. So, we just got the
beautiful Tangyou Guozi. The real secret with Tangyou
Guozi, is you want these to actually get a little
cool so the outside is crispy and the inside is soft and gooey and then it's just covered
in that ultra-sweet molasses. Mm, oh wow! That is perfectly crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside. The molasses has that
super-rich sweetness. And the sticky rice is so gooey. We're gonna pin this joint,
keep going for more food. And next stop before going
for a deep local style hot pot in a hidden alleyway in Chengdu, we're going to a popular,
yet secret home-made ultra-luxurious wanton joint
run from a home in Chengdu. Alright guys, right up
here is one of the best, if not the best wanton joint in Chengdu. It's in a local little
neighborhood and they have extremely plump and delicious
and spicy custom-wantons. We're gonna go check it out. Here we are, guys. Gan-hao-xao chow-sho,
best chao-sho in Chengdu. They've got such variety and here we are. Look at this guys, we've
got exclusive access here to the ultimate Chow-shan wanton joint. We're gonna take a look how they make them and then have a big plump bowl. Beautiful, that is gonna be so flavorful and then also over here, there's the classic just pork filling
and these are all one by one as you can see, they've
got the wanton sheets and those are just one by one filled with plump plump filling. So this is the place that
invented this ultra-combo. But apart from these beautiful
wantons that we're making, we've also got this whole
table of wantons already made and these are all gonna go to the cauldron and after watching the bowls
get filled with chili oil and secret ingredients, the
wantons were ready to put in the cauldron. Here we go guys. Oh, they're going right in. Look at that beautiful
wok full of chow-sho and you can see as we're
making these, it's all about the stock that
goes with the wantons. So, we've got the real king right here. This is the caterpillar fungus,
bamboo fungus chicken stock. Oh, that is gonna give it
so much umami and depth. Whoa, here we go. Look at those. Beautiful wantons. Oh, that's just a massive platter. Oh, yes and here we go. We're just plating them. We've got dried chilies going in. That's the Gan-ban, that's
the Gan-ban style right there. Look at what we've got here. So, we got their specialty. These are the Gan-ban how-zo chow-sho. So that chili oil, that thick
chili oils in the bottom. They covered it in sesame, green onions. You gotta mix those up. Oh, look at those. Those are the most plump,
beautiful dumplings of your dreams. And then look at these. These are the most
luxurious, plump dumplings in all of Sichuan. It's all about the stock
and the add-ons here. So, we've got that classic
plump-filled shrimp and crab and pork and then the stock is actually chicken with ... Oh, look at this. This is the bamboo fungus and then the orange is the caterpillar fungus. And then look at this beauty here. These are pure pork with Song rong. These are Matsutake mushrooms. These are the most pricy,
yet the most elegant and flavorful wantons you'll ever taste. First thing I wanna try
is the gan-hai-zao here. Mmm, oh wow. (crowd laughing) That is incredible. You can see the line out there. Oh, this place is so yum. Oh, yeah, there we go. Just look at how plump that is. Let's go in. Hmm, that's awesome. Look at that. Look at the shrimp in
there and those crab eggs. Those pop in your mouth. What a mouthfeel that is. It just pop in your mouth. Oh, it's got that seafood shrimp flavor. You can really taste
the depth in that stock. So you can just load
up all of that fungus, all caterpillar fungus,
bamboo fungus and go right in. That is luxury, that is
elegant, that is upgraded. Those were super wantons and the stocks to these soups are so elegant. No wonder you pay a
high price tag for this. Each of these bowls is like $4, which is way way above average. Let's just try that stock first, The Matsutake mushroom stock. Oh, that is perfect for winter. It just has this super umami, rich rich mushroomy earthy flavor. That was just amazing guys
and we're gonna pin this joint and keep moving to the next street food. Next up, to finish the
day, we're bringing you into one of the deepest, most local style hot pot joints in Chengdu, with so many chilies bubbling,
that when you walk in, it feels like you're
walking into a chili sauna. Alright guys, next up for the final meal, we are going for a really
really deep local hot pot joint. Super spicy, super delicious
in this local neighborhood and we're gonna be
pinning this on the map, so if you wanna come here,
you can check it out too. It's right up here. Let's go check it out. Look at this, guys. The ultimate local style hot pot joint. Oh, and here's our pot. Look at the color here. Wow, ni hau. Wow, look at this guys. wow, look at that, the ultimate hot pot and you can see she just
put a bunch of stock in. There's this condensed
beef lard with chili in it. A few different varieties. This is just pure and
then these two have chili and you can see it's just so much Sichuan peppercorn in there. Let's take a look. All the raw ingredients are on the bottom. Look at that, oh. Look at the color there. So this here is all pure beef fat. Oh, and there's this
chili infused into it. We're got pure, we've got
the purer version here and then we've got a brick of it here and she just out the heat on
so this is gonna slowly melt and this is all gonna become
the ultimate spicy broth. Let's just sink it in and it's
gonna get redder and redder and spicier and spicier and
you can see the bottom there. It's just like a pure sphere, a pure disc of condensed beef lard and chili. Oh, and this is gonna
slowly melt into this beautiful, beautiful pot
and it's just incredible, the flavor and the aroma in this place. Okay guys, so the first
step to any hot pot ... And we're gonna be reviewing and visiting a few hot pot joints
in this Chengdu series that we're doing for you to
show you all the good spots. And so take your dasuan. Take this garlic and put it
into your bowl, just load it in. Take as much as you like. Let's just take the whole
thing and then you wanna put a little bit of this
Xiang-yo sesame oil in. Oh, yeah, oh beautiful. That is incredible. You also gotta add xiangcai,
little bit of cilantro, some green onion, chopped green onion. One way to reduce the
heat of the hot pot is to add cu, black vinegar, it
really takes the heat down. If you really don't
want it to be too spicy, add a bit of cu, add a ton of cu. For me I'm just gonna add a little touch. So, the food just arrived. We're just gonna add a touch
of shou-mi-laf, fresh chilies and then you've got to add a
touch of Hou-yo oyster sauce. You can see the beautiful
pot is starting to boil. It's turning red and it's
gonna get brighter red and even more xiang as we go. We've got delicious lamb,
we've got ruan niurou soft beef we've got fatty beef,
we've got chicken wings, we've got Chinese
salt-es, we've got shrimp and then we've got oh,
lord-es-ru and the pot. Oh and look at that, it's really boiling. Oh, it's all coming together. The heat is on pretty high now. We're gonna reduce that a bit. Oh, it's so red, all the chilies. You can just see all the chilies in there. Okay so the shrimp is in and
now we're just gonna drop a bunch of this ruan niurou, soft soft beef right in the pot. Look at the color there. Oh, look at that, the beef is ready. Beautiful and you can see
it's just covered in those dried red chilies but this right here is what dreams are made of and
we're just gonna dip it in, get a ton of garlic and cilantro on it, take it for a swim. That is pure beauty right there. Mm. Oh yeah. That is absolutely the best
hot pot you will ever eat. Oh, the shrimp is so
tender, slightly springy and when you dip it into
this sesame oil with garlic, it's got a perfect burning garlicy joy and as you eat this, you can just keep scooping out delicious pieces. Your mouth gets spicier and spicier and all the chilies in
here, the dried chilies, the intense spice from them
starts to infuse into that oil even more and by the end, you're burning. So hope you guys are enjoying
these new style of videos. We were pinning locations. Check them out on the foodringer.com. They're gonna help you find
locations when you travel. I would also love to hear from
you in the comments below. Let me know what you think. Make sure you subscribe
and hit that little bell of notifications by so you
don't miss any of these videos. And thank you so much for watching.