SZECHUAN Seafood EXTREME - INSANE Chinese Seafood TOUR in Chengdu, China - SPICY CHINESE SEAFOOD!!!

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- Here we go guys into the deep dark slippery dungeons. We've got a huge seafood feast tonight. And this is going to be our dinner tonight guys. We're in Chengdu, Sichuan, and we're gonna get this (foreign language) with Sichuan flavor. You can only get this here in Chengdu. Look at this, we got Dungeness crab, beautiful. Probably from Canada or northwestern USA, and then we've got a Vietnamese, look at that. That's a colorful, beautiful lobster. We're gonna get that fried in Sichuan spice. Alright, check it out guys, this is Trevor James. Today we are in Chengdu's largest seafood market and today's video is an ultra special occasion. We are gonna to be having a Sichuan seafood tour. Let's check it out. (upbeat jazz music) - [Narrator] get ready for seafood like you've never seen, cause today we're bringing you for a rare look at what Sichuan seafood is like. Thousands of kilometers from the sea. And bringing you to two different style Sichuan seafood joints. First exploring the local seafood market, and frying up a lobster and crab in tons of Sichuan spice. And then going for a massive frog, prawn and meat tower at a local Chengdu restaurant. Let's eat! - Look at this guys. We are in Chengdu's largest seafood market. Oh, (foreign language) shrimp, lots of shrimp here, and we're gonna keep exploring. This video is so special to me. I've been looking forward to making this video for so long because we are in Sichuan. All the seafood is flown here from across Asia and China. We are so far from the ocean, but only here you can get seafood cooked with real Sichuan spice, and that's what we're going to be doing tonight. Oh, look at these, and Look at these guys. We have (foreign language), crayfish. This is going to be cooked Sichuan style, (foreign language). So here it is guys. We're gonna get some seafood tonight. - [Trevor] and hopefully get a good size one. Oh, they're energetic. Let's see how much that weighs. So this is the biggest lobster in the joint here. This is almost 1 kg. It's a little bit small, but that's because these are all flown in from Vietnam. - [Trevor] Oh yeah, here we go. Look at these nice Dungeness crabs. Okay, and we just left that lobster and crab with the joint. We're gonna see what else we can get here. And we're also gonna get some nice hairy mitten crabs. So you can see these are the (foreign language), the hairy mitten crabs. You can actually see a bit of hair on their claw there, and I think we're gonna get that in Sichuan flavor. We might as well have a Sichuan flavor theme today, get everything (foreign language). Here we go guys. And we're gonna go into the (foreign language), into the kitchen, and see how they (foreign language) it up. Okay, here we go guys, into the deep, dark, slippery dungeons. Oh, where they (foreign language), where they fry. It's slippery. We've got a huge seafood feast tonight. So we are deep in the kitchen now guys and our (foreign language) are in the steamer, and there's tons of action going on with these woks. - [Trevor] Look at that, everything is (foreign language). Oh, look at how red that is. Beautiful. Oh, very beautiful. Oh, and that looks like abalone. Look at the color of those shells. Amazing. And before we knew it, the lobster was in the wok with tons of dried chilies, broad bean paste and peppercorns. So strong that it burns your throat to breathe, but that's how you know that it's gonna be good. It's just bubbling. Wow! Look at that lobster, Oh, look at the color in there. - [Trevor] that is incredibly (foreign language). Look at that bubbling lobster. (laughs) And our hairy mitten crabs are just finished now too. That is crazy. Sichuan style hairy mitten crabs. And this is our Dungeness crab here guys. Look at the color of that. Wow, that hits the lungs. And there's potato. Whoa, look at that mountain of Dungeness crab legs. That is intensely potent. - And this is it here guys. We just got the beautiful Vietnamese lobster, oh look at that color. It's full of Sichuan peppercorns, chilies, onions. Oh, beautiful. And then we got the hairy mitten crabs here, and these are both Sichuan spicy style. Here's the Dungeness crab guys. It's got potato in there. It's just a mountain of Dungeness crab legs. Look at that. That hits the lungs. Oh, here we go. Look at this guys! Look at how red all of this is here. Incredible. We've got a beautiful beautiful Vietnamese lobster cooked in tons of chilies and onions and garlic and peppercorns. (laughs) Look at the chunk of lobster flesh there. Oh, that is so potent. This whole table just hits your lungs and your nostrils with intense chili aroma. And that lobster flesh is just steaming hot with Sichuan flavor. Now look at this guys. We've got a beautiful Dungeness crab. Nice Dungeness crab claws and legs. Ho ho, look at that here. Oh wow. Those are gonna be full of juicy Dungeness crab flesh and they also fry it up with some nice potatoes. And then over here, (foreign language) hairy mitten crabs. We got this Sichuan style. Oh, all of the color on this table is just so red and bright. First thing we're gonna get is a nice big bite of that lobster flesh. That is so spicy. Wow, and the lobster flesh is sweet. Sweet from the onions. Oh, and the flesh itself is actually a little sweet as well. And it's muscular, tender and juicy. - [Trevor] oh yeah, and look at this nice big chunk of flesh here. Let's pull that out. Whoa, look at that. Look at that huge chunk of lobster tail flesh. (laughs) Look at that, that's one piece of lobster flesh there. - Let's take a bite. Oh. - [Trevor] now look at this guys. We got a big mountain of Dungeness crab claws and legs. Let's just rip that open. Oh, look at that claw. Oh, look at that guys. Huge Sichuan Dungeness claw. (laughs) - Look at that. Just like a popsicle and you can dip it. Let's dip it in that Sichuan chili oil. Chili and garlic, Sichuan peppercorn, oh. Look at that. We're just gonna get it saturated. Mmmm. Oh, yes. Oh, it's sweet too. That is so delicious, hot and steamy, sweet Dungeness crab flesh. Spicy, aromatic, oniony. - [Trevor} Oh, look at the claw there. Oh, and you can just pull it out like a popsicle. And you can just dip that right in to that juicy Sichuan oil with tons of chili. - [Trevor] and here we go guys. Next up we're gonna try the (foreign language). Look at that. Oh, the hairy mitten crabs. Oh, and this right here, all that dark brown stuff is the (foreign language), the eggs, and that's the delicacy. We have this in our Guangzhou seafood aquarium video, but today we've got it Sichuan (foreign language). Oh, so much spice and we're gonna dip it into the oil from the lobster there. Look at that. You can only get that in Sichuan. Oh, wow. This is so delicious and you can see there's also a ton of different seafood that you can order here. But we went right across the market to get the big stuff and have this beautiful meal. Bye, bye. That was incredible. We're gonna keep on exploring and going for more. - [Trevor] and next up, the next evening we went for a huge seafood tower to finish off our Chengdu seafood adventure. - Awesome guys, and next up we are going for a giant seafood tower. Big seafood tower. Next item on the big seafood journey and it's right up here, (foreign language) We just came and asked permission and we are gonna get into the kitchen and see how they make it. Here we go guys. - That's the (foreign language). Here we go guys, and we are getting in to the kitchen, and we're gonna see how they make this massive seafood tower. - [Trevor] oh, and look at this guys. We've got a big-- We got a big crate of frog here. - So we are gonna eat a big bunch of frogs here. - [Trevor] Look at this guys. ( crowd yells) Oh, we got-- - [Crewman] Trevor, grab that! Grab it, grab it! - So we just opened the frogs. Here we go guys. It's frog, quail egg and we're gonna watch how they make it. Whoa! Look at that. It's just like a big wok full of bubbling frog. So it's a quick deep fry, and then we're gonna empty the oil out, and fry it and chili (foreign language). So all these spices here are gonna go into that wok. - [Trevor] oh, and look at that guys. That is pure chili paste. Oh, That is so aromatic. Oh, and there goes the frog. Look at that. That is beautiful. Oh, and it smells so good. And it's done. (laughs) - [Trevor] Look at-- That burns, that burns, that just burns the nostrils as soon as you smell that. And that is gonna be so delicious. - Look at these four layers. This is just crazy guys. Look at this massive tower. - [Trevor] and so the first layer is shrimp, and this is all done in (foreign language) style. So numbing and spicy and fragrant and (foreign language). And you can actually see, they load up Sichuan peppercorns on there. That is gonna be so succulent, springy, juicy, spicy and delicious. And then there's chicken, oh, beautiful slices of chicken. They've got whole cloves of garlic, and (foreign language), which is Chinese celtis, asparagus, lettuce. And that actually looks like its got some fresh chili in there as well, so that is gonna be super spicy and aromatic. And then look at this guys. This is the layer that I'm really looking forward to because it looks like it has tons of onions and beef. So that actually smells sweet and spicy, and numbing. This is the final layer down here. We got frog, and frog is really, to me, like upgraded smooth chicken. It's ultra tender and this is just overflowing. That just looks incredible. - [Trevor] that frog is incredible. Frog is one of the most tender meats you'll ever get, and look at that. All that oil is actually dripping down into the bowl here. Everything is overflowing. Next up guys, lets try that beef. Just dip it into that, that looks fantastic. - Oh, wow! That beef is so delicious. Actually it tastes just like a red braised beef, but actually, maybe slightly sweet. It is so tender and it melts in your mouth, and there's a lot of onions in there. I think that's giving a lot of sweetness. Mmmmm. That is beautiful. Little fruit bowl with mango, watermelon, dragon fruit? Mmmm. - [Trevor] oh, that is so fresh, and it really goes perfectly with all the beef and the shrimp and the frog. Really nice. It was awesome guys. I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Those two joints are gonna be in my blog post down below. If you're coming to Chengdu you can check it out. Next up we're going to Guangzhou. We're meeting my parents, we're taking them for a street food tour, and then we're going to Sri Lanka, to eat a ton of delicious street food. Can't wait, thanks so much for watching guys. - Bye, bye. Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: The Food Ranger
Views: 1,098,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the food ranger, trevor james, food ranger, food, street food, seafood, chinese seafood, chinese street food, chinese food, street food in china, sichuan food, china street food, best street food, chinese cooking, street food videos, china food, food in china, food ranger chengdu, chengdu food, spicy food, sichuan street food, giant lobster, seafood feast, lobster, crabs, fried lobster, fried crab, crab eating, food ranger china, street food china, sichuan
Id: y4ZxRvbY32s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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