18 Hong Kong STREET FOODS Across Hong Kong!! DIM SUM, CANTONESE Meat + DAI PAI DONG Seafood

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[Music] welcome to chopstick travel i'm luke martin and today i have another compilation style video for you this time from hong kong this is the top 18 street foods to try in hong kong one of the top destinations for food in all of asia hong kong's famous sports meats for its dim sum and some unique dishes as well it's gonna be a great episode so make sure you stay tuned until the end enjoy the video [Music] so we're sitting down in the restaurant now this place as i mentioned is called yatlock and you come here for one thing and that is the roast goose it is absolutely the best roast goose we've ever had we've been coming back here uh every year for the last three years so you can see we've got ourselves a plate of a quarter of the goose with the drumstick so i definitely recommend the drumstick however they do sell out early it's actually the least busy i've ever seen it in here and this place has been michelin recommended every single year since 2015 all the way until this year 2019 and it's really the magic comes from that skin so super crispy delicious oily goose skin we also are served a sauce this is like a plum sauce and it's a little bit sweet and then on the side here we've also got ourselves a lemon iced tea so this is just like my ultimate favorite meal here in hong kong every single time i come here i have to have it so let's dig in so this piece here has a massive bit of skin on it and i gotta go for a bite of that first this goose is to die for guys it is the most oily meat i've ever tasted the skin is crispy but it's not hard or crunchy it's actually very like saturated with oil yet retains sort of this really unique texture that i've never tasted in another roast meat before the meat itself is just so oily it's all just so juicy logan we are sitting down at our next restaurant and this place is super cool it's called kung woo bean curd factory they specialize in all things soybean so we have tofu they have tofu pudding they have soy milk and we've ordered one of their specialties which is this here the fried tofu stuffed with fish paste so you can see it's been fried to a golden crisp and there's fish paste that has been stuffed right inside there and i also got myself a sugar-free soy milk so i'm definitely gonna put a little bit of sauce on this uh fried tofu here so let me just put it on one piece and i gotta try this this place is super cool over 50 years old all kinds of different soybean products that is simply delicious really high quality tofu you can just tell it is velvety silky smooth and then a thin crispy layer on the outside with a little bit of a crunch and there's not actually that much fish paste inside just a small layer i really like it with that sweetened spicy chili sauce it goes really nicely and let's wash it all down with a little bit of the sugar-free soy milk here oh yeah oh man wow that is just strong soy flavor oh okay what do you call this okay yeah let's start first with the xiaomi this egg wrapper dumpling that has been stuffed with pork they're kind of sticking together here but check that out you can see that crab row on top too and these look really good oh nice so that's almost just like a pork meatball because the wrapper on the outside is so thin you can't really even taste it and then a slight seafood flavor from that row that's on top very delicate in texture though so let's try the beef meatball next these look super juicy and it looks like there's a little bit of tofu skin kind of hanging on the bottom here [Music] oh yeah so next up is the chong fun which is this steamed rice flour noodle roll and then i ordered this with shrimp so you can see there's some fresh shrimp in there you could also order dried shrimp which i thought was pretty interesting and then it's just completely smothered in soy sauce [Music] the flavor of that chong fun is very light there isn't much of a shrimp flavor and then the rice by itself doesn't really taste like anything of course last but certainly not least i saved my favorite and that is the cha cha bao these steamed pork sweet pork buns you can see all that chashu kind of pouring out the side there make sure you rip the wrapper off the bottom oh yum that is always my favorite for a reason the flavor of that juicy pork inside just completely soaks into that super spongy fluffy bun on the outside and honestly i can say with full confidence that this is definitely the best version of shot shot valve that i've ever had what's up guys i just want to interrupt today's video to thank this video's sponsor nordvpn if you're not already using a vpn i strongly recommend nordvpn it's just an added security whenever using public wi-fi if you're working from a cafe or traveling and using the airport wi-fi you really should be switching on nordvpn for that added safety and security and that peace of mind i'm always switching on nordvpn on my phone and on my computer now it's like a habit i've built just to protect myself 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yeah i think what makes this one so unique is it's got some coconut flavor in there i'm not sure if they're using coconut oil or coconut milk but it is really good it's almost got like a little bit of a tropical flavor going on there and this spot is really cool they're pumping them out super popular so i definitely recommend trying this spot if you're ever in hong kong [Music] our first dish is a cantonese favorite this is the clams with black bean chili sauce so stir fried just like everything is pretty much here you can see these nice juicy looking clams here and then also we've got some green peppers red peppers and some onions and it is just all smothered in that black bean sauce let's try one of these oh man oh wow so fresh it's all about that sauce it's a little bit spicy but more of like a black pepper kind of spice and it's really saturated into that clam a little bit um sweet and a little bit salty but it's really just all about that black bean flavor really good man those clams are fresh this is one of their signatures this is the beef with uh fried potatoes in black pepper sauce huge chunks of beef i'm really surprised at the portion sizes that they're giving here and just the quality of this uh the ingredients here and then this is some nice huge chunks of uh deep-fried potato so let me try to find a piece of beef here and we'll try that first and then chase it with a potato oh man wow [Music] that is seriously tender beef wow a nice sort of almost sourness from that black pepper sauce a little bit of a spice let's chase that with one of these potatoes oh man this is so good oh man awesome so here we have their main dish which is the snake soup so you can see bits of snake meat there's also it looks like some wood ear fungus and maybe some mushrooms in there and it's very thick so they probably use some sort of a starch to thicken that up i'm gonna make sure i get a nice big piece of snake meat for my first bite so there you can see look at that it almost looks like halfway between fish and chicken so let's try that definitely no gaminess which i was sort of expecting because i've never eaten snake before but it's very um tender almost like fish like a white fish just completely falls apart in your mouth the flavor of the broth is very ginger heavy but there's all kinds of other ingredients to contrast that snake because the snake is so tender and soft some of these funguses and mushrooms in there are kind of crunchy it's going for one more bite wow that is that is not what i expected people i think it would be hard not to like this dish [Music] our sweet almond with sesame soup has arrived we ordered it hot but i guess you can also order it cold and i'm just gonna stir this around that looks absolutely beautiful it looks really really creamy and you can see all that black sesame starting to soak into the white almond soup i've never had anything quite like this before but it smells incredible oh wow i thought it was going to be a lot sweeter than it actually is so it's not very sweet but it is very creamy a slight sesame flavor but actually the almond flavor is stronger than the sesame it's almost got like a slight fruitiness from that almond just look at the texture of this it's like velvety super super silky oh man that is a nice little treat we spotted this cafe that was just packed out with all these old timers reading newspapers and drinking hong kong style milk tea so we thought we'd stop by and check what's up so we we've got ourselves here uh hong kong famous egg tarts now these are actually portuguese in origin and macau which is close to here is more famous than hong kong for their egg tarts and what makes them different is that the hong kong egg carrots are sort of glossy on the top instead of actually being slightly boiled on the top and crispy and then we've got ourselves of course a hong kong milk tea just black tea with condensed or evaporated milk and you can see the cup here black and white is just like the famous brand for the condensed or evaporated milk and i really love the mugs really cool atmosphere in here and the food looks really good so i can't picture any better way to end our day here in hong kong so let me start with one of these egg tarts i can feel that they're really crispy on the outside and they still feel a little bit warm so let's try that oh that's lovely the outer shell is very brittle and almost flaky completely falls into pieces in your mouth but then there's a super smooth velvety smooth custard on the inside with like a little layer of almost like gelatinized custard on the top you can see this like really vibrant yellow layer on the top is a little bit harder but then underneath you've got that super silky smooth custard man that is seriously good okay let me chase that with a little bit of hong kong milk tea here one of my favorite drinks give it a little stir super creamy looking [Music] oh yeah no sugar added it's like almost a little bit gritty you can feel those little pieces of tea in there but it's also very creamy and whenever i drink this all i can think about is hong kong it just screams hong kong to me i really like it so our breakfast sandwich has arrived this place is famous as i mentioned for their beef and scrambled egg look at that that is just some seriously juicy looking beef and scrambled eggs in there let's pull this back so we can see so it's sort of like an omelette with the beef inside quite a lot of egg so that is just packed full of strips of beef very very tender and then it's all bound together by that scrambled egg it is ridiculously juicy very beefy just check that out that is like the perfect breakfast sandwich so juicy look at that oh man and i really am excited to show you guys what i have here in front of me so this is something that's really interesting we are at a type of restaurant here in hong kong called cha chan which basically means a tea house but that's the generic name and they all kind of serve the same thing and that is this sort of british influenced chinese food so let me show you what we've got on our plates here so this is very very common at these cha-chan tanks and that is a kind of plain macaroni that has been topped with a ton of this sort of shredded ham so it kind of looks like spam it's a chinese ham and as i mentioned you know this was influenced by the british when the hong kong was under british rule so it was sort of marketed as cheap western food i don't know the proper name for this so if you guys know make sure to leave me a comment down below and let me know but i guess you could just call it macaroni with ham so let's take a big bite with a bunch of that shredded ham and macaroni wow that's actually surprisingly good it's really kind of subtle in flavor it's a little bit salty from that broth and that ham and then that macaroni is cooked perfectly um there's not much to it but it is satisfying here we have a steamed fish in black bean sauce so you can see some black beans on top there there's a light black bean sauce on the bottom a little bit of oil looks like some ginger and some green onions and this guy looks so beautiful i am totally ready to devour this so i'm just going to go in right with my spoon this has been steamed for a while so it should be nice and soft and let's see oh yeah oh yeah check that out oh man there is a lot of meat underneath there okay i'm gonna get some of these black beans some green onions maybe a little bit of sauce over here and i'm just to try the meat just by itself wow that is that is incredible that has such an amazing kind of natural seafood flavor but at the same time it's really complemented with the kind of sweetness and a little bit of a sourness from those black beans just check this out it's really an interesting dish it's just the rice flour uh with a little bit of water and then it's steamed and then rolled up like this and then they cover it in all these crazy sauces so let's try that oh yeah oh man it's almost like a little bit peanut buttery a little bit of a savory hint from that soy sauce and that chili but it's really nutty and a little bit sweet too lots of sesame flavor going on in there too and then the texture of that chong fun is not like toki it's not like mochi where it's really really chewy it's actually very soft and almost like a big fat noodle that falls apart in your mouth wow really an interesting dish and really delicious too this as i mentioned is a halal friendly restaurant and what they're serving is or what we ordered anyway is beef curry and generally when i think of hong kong i'm not really gonna think of curry right away but man this stuff looks seriously good so they also serve a mutton version but this is the beef version and there's just huge chunks of cartilage beef meat and then it's all just swimming in curry and it smells incredible served with a side of rice of course and man my mouth is watering i've also ordered up a lemon iced tea hong kong style lemon iced tea which will go nicely with this so let's dig in okay i'm gonna try a piece of the beef by itself first oh man that is ridiculously tender okay let's mix that with some rice maybe a little bit of meat get some rice i can see some chili flakes in there but it didn't taste too spicy to me i'm gonna get a little bit more curry if i can this is like sloppy servings but that is the way i like it let's try that it's not a spicy curry whatsoever it's just really really beefy tasting there is a little bit of that like curry leaf curry flavor and it's got a little bit of an oiliness to it too very creamy that is comfort food at the bottom of the bowl here we've actually got a little bit of potato or actually i should say a big chunk of potato so let me put that on the rice i'm gonna break that in half if i can oh man this curry is mouth watering let's try that a little bit more curry soft potatoes and i think those were fried first too that is really good it's awesome so we found this really cool stall selling all kinds of different roast meats and we are sitting in this little alleyway to enjoy a box of beautiful looking meat that we have ordered up so this spot is really cool he's got all kinds of different things you can get the classics like the cha chao and the roast pork belly but he's also got pig like piglets suckling pig and also roast goose all kinds of different things and it just all looks amazing and it smells even better we have two of the classic cantonese roast meats this is called tsuyuk which is the roasted pork belly with the extremely crispy crispy skin so that is like a salt crusted skin pork belly and then roasted at a very high temperature to get that amazing crispiness going on the outside and then perhaps arguably the most famous of all is the cha chao and that is this this is also pork that has been marinated for hours in a mixture of different cantonese spices some five spice some honey all kinds of different beautiful looking things some shaoxing wine okay i'm going to start with the classic cha chao and that just looks amazing i love that red color kind of seeping into the meat and let's just try it without the rice you can see a little bit of a burnt part there from the roasting but let's try that that is amazing next i'm going to try the which is the pork belly roasted and this looks like he's kind of drizzled a little bit of sauce on there it's probably a soy sauce but man i'm excited to try this crispy skin oh man that is also phenomenal that one doesn't have as much of like a flavor of the cantonese but it really is all about that super super crispy skin so this is glutinous sticky rice that has been wrapped in a lotus leaf and then packed with all kinds of interesting ingredients i try to figure out how i can open this up here it's kind of difficult there's two layers of lotus leaf it looks like and then oh yeah there it is it has been steamed in those classic dim sum bamboo steamers and there it is it is some sticky rice and there should be some preserved meat in here some chinese sausage right there and all kinds of good-looking stuff and let me tell you that just smells amazing a piece of chinese sausage there i'll try to get a big chunk of rice and try it with that sausage it also looks like there might be some shrimp in there and this smells awesome so let's try that out nice big bite oh man okay that sticky rice is phenomenal that might be the best thing we have here on the table that has such an amazing essence from the lotus leaf it almost tastes like a green tea flavor and then a big chunk of that sweet chinese sausage and the rice is just really really sticky glutinous hearty meal for breakfast so we're sitting down now at the restaurant this place as i mentioned it's called mankey cart noodle it's sort of reminiscent of a traditional street food cart noodle stall but now they've got this indoor section that we're sitting down in so the way that it works is you can pick between i think four or five different types of noodles you tell them what kind of noodles you want and then you pick your different ingredients they have all kinds of different things grazing away stewing away and then you can pick your level of spiciness so we went pretty simple but i just really wanted to taste the natural flavors of the broth so we went with this sort of flat noodle here and then also with the roast chicken wings so it comes with two nice big chicken wings also with this white radish over here and then you can see the spicy pepper chili paste and i'm gonna kind of mix it into my broth here and just infuse that into the flavor of that broth and this is really good looking and it's quite cheap really popular with the locals okay let's try this out here so i can definitely taste a slight flavor of fish broth so i think they're probably using some dried fish ingredients the noodles are quite soft but also a little bit bouncy at the same time let me try one of these white radishes that have been just stewing away in this broth it's not too spicy we asked for medium spicy but i think i could have went with the big spicy but let's try this wow that's soft so there's only one more ingredient left and that is the chicken wing pretty big size chicken wing this looks good oh man that's meaty actually that is quite sweet and the flavor of the broth hasn't really gone into that it just tastes sort of like a braised stewed chicken wing very sweet though it's very cantonese flavored a little bit of like five spice and a little bit of like star nice flavor so the next restaurant we are at is a very typical hong kong style cha chan tang which is like a breakfast but it's also an all-day restaurant you can just come here and order comfort food we ordered the triple egg on rice with uh rose pork underneath there that chashu the famous hong kong roast pork and these three beautiful egg yolks which i'm going to break individually right now oh man this is one of my favorite things to see when i'm sitting down at a restaurant is uncooked egg yolks oh man yes that is going to be so good so there is quite a bit of rice underneath here i'm going to try to get a little bit of the chashu definitely some egg egg yolk and rice for my first bite [Music] wow that is really really good i honestly thought it was going to taste really rich with all that creamy egg yolk but it isn't the rice is really fluffy and light underneath and then the egg yolk completely soaks into it and then that pork that chashu it's extremely extremely tender this is an absolute thing of beauty honestly i could see myself at 2 am after a couple drinks coming here and getting this [Music] so we're at this really cool little noodle shop right here in central hong kong island that's where we're going to be spending our whole day today on the island of hong kong this restaurant is called and they are famous for their wonton noodles and apparently the original owner of this restaurant served these same wonton noodles to chiang kai-shek himself back in the day so pretty incredible but since then there has been a lot of different branches within the family and we're at the one that's now owned by the eldest son so you can see our beautiful looking wonton noodles here we just have those nice little egg noodles and one thing that these guys are popular for is their tiny little bowls that they serve they're wonton noodles in and then you can see that super delicate wonton and that is packed with i think it's just shrimp but we will find out so let me just i gotta try some of these noodles i'm absolutely starving let's try these the noodles are really thin but they have quite like a bite to them because they're really not overcooked whatsoever and they hold the broth surprisingly well considering how thin they actually are the broth is like a little bit of a kind of a fish stock i believe let me try now the real reason we're here for one of these wontons i'm just gonna try the whole thing by itself it's almost like a fish ball because of that qq like bounciness to that wonton and it's a little bit salty too and the wrapper you couldn't barely even tell there was a wrapper it's so delicately thin oh man this is just comfort food here in hong kong thanks for watching guys that was the top 18 street foods to try in hong kong leave a comment down below and let me know which country you'd like me to do a compilation video of next and stay tuned because my filipino series starts next episode make sure to subscribe if you haven't already and hit the bell icon so you're notified and i'll see you guys on the next episode of chopstick travel bye
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 282,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hong kong, food, street food, Luke martin, chopstick travel, Luke Martin hong kong, luek martin, hong kong food, Hong Kong street food, chopsticks travel, dim sum, hong kong dim sum, cantonese, cantonese food, travel hong kong, hk, chinese, Chinese food, Chinese street food, roast meat, dai pai dong, street food in hong kong, seafood, waffle, stir fry, cantonese recipe, chee cheong fun
Id: 5lAoesYKOE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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