Flying a $495,000 Human Drone

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[Music] I flew 15 hours to a secret location in Texas for a historic reason to become the first ever YouTuber to fly himself in an aircraft man that was freaking insane man with absolutely zero flying experience it is kind of small I don't need to lift almost anybody can fly the hexa with less than an hour of training regardless of experience my flight training took around 40 minutes and most of that was just getting briefed but all the controls right here on that one hand that's it that's it man that's it in terms of actual flying practice I jumped inside the virtual reality flight simulator and in less than 10 minutes I felt fully confident in playing the real deal Tom Cruise all right looks like a great day to fly by drone what do you guys think behind me is the hexa by Lyft and I'm about to fly it for real I can't even believe it that they're letting me fly this thing if you look closely everything is carbon fiber and that's because they wanted to make it as lightweight as possible this entire drone like hexa weighs less than a motorcycle it weighs less than the Ducati imagine a Ducati next to this this is lighter it's super lightweight I mean look at this ready ah okay I mean look I'm not a bodybuilder not a power lifter but it is pretty light I shouldn't be able to even lift that right I have a couple of things first of all this piece right here is 3D printed titanium and that goes right there by 3D printing this with titanium what they've done is they've saved 200 grams per piece which seems like not that much but there's 18 propellers so you get about 3.6 kilos in total of save weight this is absurdly lightweight these are the propellers this is also carbon fiber but it uh I don't know it's pretty cool feels like a weapon you know you can like cut up some cucumbers you know it feels like uh someone wants to come into my house I don't have a gun but I got a propeller and this right here this doesn't save weight it saves lives this is a ballistic parachute and this is installed in the center of the top of the hexa in order for this to like deploy you have to be at about 12 meters or more if you do it anything under 12 meters you're not going to make it down here what are these these aren't Wheels you have six buoyant legs because this can land on water it'll completely float the way you hop on is you put your foot here and then you just pull yourself up like this very easy and I got my single seeder what you have is an iPad Pro and you see this is the Airfield where we're going to take off from it already has that Geo fencing so that basically means that there's areas I can't go past if I want to go too high it'll block me if I want to go too far it'll also stop me which basically is what lets newbies and beginners like me fly this this is how you control the entire thing right there's nothing on this side it's one hand and this is a three axis kind of joystick this is your take off button very easy this is your Landing button very easy that's a helipad button we are not using that today this is your up and down so if you want to climb you pull it up and if you want to descend you pull it down behind that's your rotation on the y-axis so if you pull it right the entire thing is gonna rotate like this on an axis and you pull the left same on the other side you want to fly right you pull it like that want to fly left the other way you want to go forward forward and go backwards backwards [Music] foreign [Music] this is it we got the space we're on location and only 20 people have ever flown it before I'm gonna be one of the first people to ever fly this drone this is probably the easiest to learn flying craft in the world right now here they are 18 lightweight batteries we're going to clip them on that's all you need super fast all 18 will take about five minutes to clip on very easy very simple you just you just put this up here lock it in and push it forward and it's locked on that took like less than five seconds yep and then that tells you so was that Morse code yeah actually it is Morse code and it tells you that it's uh it's ready to go and then this goes in there yep and then Pusher back now yes and Shove It Forward there you go you got to get that final seat oh that's it that's it that's it pretty easy yeah I can fly this on my own almost really not that bad foreign yeah so this is we're we're seeing every all the details that you can't see on the iPad about every single battery every radio every sensor on board the aircraft so so the flying itself is heavily assisted that's why it's so simple to just let me an unexperienced pilot go on and fly it there's a lot going on behind the scenes so basically this will protect me in case the unlikely event where something bad happens [Music] all right time to fly oh yeah got an important mission Tom Cruise all right I'm here with Matt this is the founder the creator of all this and nobody's ever flown this right you're the first okay all right anyways for five years all right sounds good awesome all right so yep I'm just gonna get you buckled here and you guys can hear me right over there awesome ah I hear you loud and clear and if anything goes wrong I do the little oh yeah [Music] this is surreal yes all right let's go apologies for screaming in your ear man cool takeoff is right here okay let's go [Music] wow oh my God man wow oh my God holy crap man we're up high now [Music] oh yeah turn it around freaking nuts man [Music] holy crap laughs that was freaking nuts man I can't even believe that that's real like you're just you're just flying up and it's like you're completely uncontrollers this is crazy man that was the first flight now I'm gonna get to do a second one a little bit more intense so that was up and down now I'm gonna go uh forward and backwards okay so let's let's do it all right you gotta step back all right ready all right take it off [Music] thank you oh my God man [Music] this is freaking nuts man look look I'm turning I'm turning I'm actually starting to get the hang of it [Applause] look at this all right full circle going up going up [Music] all right let's land this thing all right I'm gonna land this thing going down all good all right touchdown in three two one [Music] man that was freaking insane man I I cannot believe what just happened that was Unreal I can't wait for this to actually like come out in public I just flew a drone man I've never flown anything else in my entire life one hour ago I had zero training I just flew this thing this is already coming out in public by the end of 2023 different cities around the world uh this is this is nuts man this is the future yeah this is the future that was awesome man that was freaking awesome so glad to have you out here yeah dude that was awesome that was amazing real isn't it yeah yeah that was amazing just just having the just having the air moving around you yeah dude it's it's you you can't you can think about it yeah yeah yeah you think you're ready and then and then you do it and it's just different yeah you've just been like yeah it's amazing you can step here you can kind of just do the jump out if you want to Hero it yeah wow that was freaking insane all right anyways huge thanks to Lyft for making this possible one of the most memorable experiences of my entire life I'm going to remember this forever that was crazy I cannot wait for this to be public what do you guys think you guys excited there's a waiting list of 15 000 people you can be one of them anyways like the video subscribe to the channel and we'll see you guys next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Supercar Blondie
Views: 1,519,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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