China Doesn't Like That I'm a Single Woman, Here's Why | Op-Docs
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Channel: The New York Times
Views: 1,164,003
Rating: 4.8551254 out of 5
Keywords: what is it like being single?, what is it like being single in china?, why is there stigma against single women?, what is sheng nu?, what are leftover women?, why do women have to get married?, why do we get married?, what is the one-child policy?, what is the role of women?, single women, single women in china, leftover women in china, chinese propaganda, dating, marriage, sheng nu, leftover women, the new york times, the new york times video, op-docs
Id: 4mCVS20gj_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
A few other documentaries about China touch on this.
These women are called "left over women" and in some provinces even 27 is too old.
It's why a lot of people don't marry for love, they marry to.... Marry.
You'll see lots of married couples who met at university, because they don't know where else after they will have time find someone.
All through highschool and university their parents will pressure them to not have relationships, focus on education, don't waste time with a boyfriend/girlfriend... Then soon as they're out of university the parents and grandparents switch to "Why aren't you married yet? Why don't you have a boyfriend?".
Can't win. I just hope these 30 something's living now will remember how it felt when they have their own children and will allow them a good study/life balance, and to be happy in themselves rather than bow to archaic social pressure.
My man Zhang Xu rolling up to the date in a track suit - baller
She has a Twitter , I checked and she's in Europe now. I wish her the best.
This is cut from a longer documentary. What they are not showing here is that she moves to France.
That woman interviewer in the beginning is a Bitch with a capital C.
Her facial expressions are amazing. "Dominant?"
What I don't get is: how can the men be so picky, when there are a bunch of dudes and only a handful of women. Does the natural law of demand and supply not apply over there?
I heard somewhere that she moved to some part of Europe and married someone.
At work the Chinese ladies who are unmarried are always asking me to set them up with my friends. Iβm 28 ish and so are they. Theyβre objectively beautiful women, smart, good jobs. Jokes on them, I have no friends.