China And The End Times (Prophecy Points)

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okay so in some ways i think as we look at our culture today we look at what's going on in the world today and someone says these are signs of the times they say oh give me a break i've heard that before they've been saying jesus is coming forever and nothing has really changed no actually a lot of things have changed i believe we're living in the last days and then there's the emergence of china uh make no mistake about it not only is china an economic superpower they are now a military superpower as well and they're becoming more aggressive and will be even more so in the future you can count on that they just launched massive navy drills with 40 ward ships in the south china sea so add to russia and china these rogue nations now like iran and north korea threatening the world then there's the ongoing threat of islamic terrorism and there's all these advances in technology that are not being used for good things everything we do is recorded now we've always known that but i think we become more aware of this especially in light of the fact that facebook reported the data of 87 million people improperly shared we realized people can get into our information hack our information and someone with sinister motives could use that for some very bad things and one day that person will come on the scene he's known as the antichrist then there's the weaponization of space many of china's space capabilities are designed to counter us military advantages and that's why our country recently launched a space war center to counter threats from space that has been militarized by nations like china and russia we are literally headed to star wars in a very technical sense maybe this is why the famous doomsday clock was moved forward in january of this year and because of all of these threats and new developments they say it's now two minutes to midnight the closest it's ever been in other words this group of atomic scientists are saying because of the level of threat and recent developments were two minutes till an all-out nuclear exchange so that's not theologian saying it that's atomic scientist saying it and then there's the ongoing conflict in the middle east so we scratch our head and we say what in the world is going on ready for the answer we're racing toward armageddon it's like everything is being sped up moving rapidly toward what the bible calls the end of days or the last days jesus compared it to labor paints and you girls know who've had children that as you got closer to the moment of delivery your labor pains got closer together right and jesus said that's how it would be in the end times there would be these warnings these things that would remind us it's coming but as we got closer to the actual unfolding of prophetic events these labor pains are these warning signs we get closer and closer together and i think we're seeing that happen before us right now so what are we supposed to do remember jesus said when you see these things begin to happen freak out right have you read that verse yeah i haven't either he said when you see these things beginning to happen do what look up look up for your redemption is drawing near what does that mean it means look to heaven and be reminded of this that god is in control and because of this we need to know what is happening in our world this is also called eschatology the study of end times events some would say you really can't understand all of that it's far too complex i could not disagree more in fact jesus said when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet will define what that is later he says let the reader understand isn't it interesting so he's talking about a prophetic event that is still in the future and jesus says let the reader understand why would it say that if i couldn't understand it and what does the word revelation mean it means unveiling the unveiling so it is god's desire to reveal not to conceal it's to put in plain view not to hide from us so we don't have to be afraid of this topic and in addition there is a special blessing in revelation promised to the person who reads the things in the book hears the things that are in the book and keeps the things that are in the book it says blessed is he who reads and hears the words of this prophecy and keeps the things in it because the time is near and i think what is true of studying revelation is also true of studying bible prophecy in general
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 179,446
Rating: 4.8582492 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, Harvest Christian Fellowship, Greg Laurie Sermons, bible study for me, bible study, youtube sermons, Greg Laurie, Greg Laurie Live, China And The End Times, bible prophecy, Prophecy Points, gods judgment, book of revelations explained, end times bible, end times 2021, is china in the end times, is china bible prophacy
Id: lZLrfXlOccU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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