Chiefs 7 Greatest Feats - Lore and Theory

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the spartan know something better the master chief returns i know you can hear me will you die with honor good [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome back to installation zero zero and today we're discussing john 117 and seven of his greatest physical feats and exploits admittedly it isn't an exhaustive list and there is a huge amount of feats that we can call upon this is at least seven feats i believe demonstrate the sheer strength of a spartan the master chief is the quintessential spartan he is average joe spartan so to speak he isn't the tallest nor the shortest the strongest nor the weakest the fastest nor the slowest i get that these terms are somewhat nonsensical based on perspective given that he is a spartan and practically everything about spartans is bigger better more powerful and faster than an average human but the fact remains he is considered the average quintessential median mean middle ground run-of-the-mill spartan where chief differs however is that he's also the most famous spartan he's the spartan that humanity looked to he's the spartan that has saved humanity time and time again he is the spartan that the member races of the banished and the covenant fear so much so to kick off this list of seven feats of notoriety the chief has attained let's start with number one a fool from space [Music] they let me pick did i ever tell you that choose whichever spartan i wanted [Music] you know me i did my research watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be like the others you are strong and swift and brave a natural leader but you had something they didn't something no one saw but me can you guess at the start of halo 3 we see the master chief jump from the anodyne spirit the four on a key ship at the center of high charity that truth had flown to earth using a door as something of a heat shield the chief jumps from the ship two kilometers above the surface of earth while traveling at hypersonic speeds through the atmosphere as indicated by the fact that the anodyne spirit is literally on fire from the atmospheric heat generated by the air being incapable of moving out of the way of the ship fast enough we know it's two kilometers because one of the marines asks how far did he fall two kilometers easy stay sharp and from this we can deduce some basic calculations chief's terminal velocity can be calculated by taking his surface area his mass the influence of the acceleration of gravity at 9.8 meters per second per second and the drag coefficient of a human shaped object being somewhere between 0.7 and 1 and when calculated that gives us a terminal velocity of 68 meters per second or just over 150 miles per hour meaning chief hit the floor 30 miles an hour faster than a normal human being in freefall and well anybody who knows anything about falling from a great height survival rates aren't immensely high that being said there are instances of people falling from great heights and surviving especially if they land on soft terrain or impact other objects thus increasing the duration of time that the impact takes as again on average if you double the time for an object coming to a stop it usually huffs the force and ultimately isn't the falling that could have killed chief it's the sudden stop at the end that would have messed him up that being said he does punch through very thick jungle canopy and smashes into the floor the floor being what looks to be very viscous and thick mud given that it is in the middle of a jungle and creates a crater approximately two and a half meters in length his angle of impact was also quite shallow given that he had fallen from two kilometers he could somewhat steer himself and make it so he doesn't hit the floor directly downwards but instead skips along it at an angle this meant that rather than going from 150 miles an hour of terminal velocity to a complete stop in basically an instant he actually went from 150 miles an hour to a complete stop in approximately 69 milliseconds generating an average force of 444 kilonewtons luckily chief is heavily augmented and wears the mjolnir-powered exoskeleton which itself has a hydrostatic gel layer designed specifically to mitigate impact in this circumstance but nevertheless a fall from two kilometers and surviving is still a hell of a feat and before you ask no this doesn't lessen the falls that the other spartans had in their mark v armour above reach when they fell effectively from space and it doesn't lessen the fall that chief has in halo 4 when he falls from outside of requiem to inside of requiem from space to the surface of requiem inside we'll cover that in a future video chief including some other spans has been witnessed as being able to dodge bullets in some occasions however a more impressive instance is when he dodged a scorpion air-to-surface anti-tank fire and forget guided missile and although we don't know the exact specs of a missile like this we do have some modern day analogues that are extremely similar one in particular is the agm-114 hellfire missile which itself is an air-to-surface guided missile specifically designed to be anti-tank in nature although it has been reappropriate to drone strikes and generally speaking a missile like this will detonate within one meter of the target this very closely matches many of the characteristics of the scorpion missile that we see in the book the fall of reach the hellfire just so happens to travel at mach 1.3 or 1 601 kilometers an hour this means that the very first time master chief was testing out the mjolnir mark v platform alongside cortana he was able to move so quickly as to jump clear of an air-to-surface anti-tank guided missile allowing it to get close enough that it couldn't course correct and catch him but maintaining enough of a distance from the missile to avoid it exploding directly in his face he used his arms reaching out to guide the missile and slap it away slightly more than the meter distance and all of this happening while the missile itself was travelling to him faster than the speed of sound don't get me wrong the missile exploded but it exploded far enough from him to not kill him outright as would have been the case should it have hit its target instead there was a two meter crater left on the floor nearby he was thrown clear and he did suffer some internal injuries but he lived the next feat directly followed the attack of the scorpion missile and by directly i mean literally directly afterwards after being thrown to the floor and being severely injured by the detonation of the scorpion missile the chief stood up and sprinted half a kilometer in 17 seconds this gave him the average sprint speed of 65.2 miles per hour or 104.9 kilometers per hour he also didn't get away from this without injury he tore his achilles tendon clean off of the bone in the process and yet still maintained his sprint most human beings alive would to the floor if they sprained an ankle while they were sprinting chief tore his tendon straight off of the bone and just kept going it's hard to say if this injury was directly as a consequence of the immense speed in which he sprinted or if it was kind of a knock-on effect of being blasted clear by a scorpion missile moments before and then immediately sprinting on it but nevertheless he outsprinted the world record sprint speed by well over double while wearing a half ton of armor and with a completely severed achilles tendon in the shadows of reach the chief punched a banshee in flight causing it to spiral away apache weighs two and a half tons and travels 135 kilometers per hour with an estimated kinetic energy of 1457 kilojoules or a momentum of 93 750 kilograms per meters per second i did a video a good while ago about the punching strength of spartans and using calculations based on immediately after master chief was augmented and he had his run-in with the odsts in the gymnasium i calculated that should master chief had had the mjolnir mark vi platform at that time he would have had a punch force of 20 419 kilograms of force and would have been able to throw that punch 133.5 meters per second so in that regard it's not at all surprising that you could punch a two and a half ton vehicle traveling 135 kilometers an hour and cause it to spiral away from him it's ungodly it really is at the end of halo 3 the forward unto dawn accelerates away from the arc and installation 05b as it's getting ready to fire at the maximum possible speed to avoid the effects of the halo and to get to the portal back to earth before it collapses this acceleration was so hard and so fast that the chief was actually pulled off of his feet and had to hold on to a data terminal on the deck of the ford under dawn's hangar bay just to avoid being thrown out of the back of the ship that being said he did lose his grip and as he fell he made one last ditch attempt to find a handhold when he couldn't find one he made one it's widely accepted that most unsc ships are made predominantly of titanium and while yes there was some titanium grating that looked like the deck plates on the floor in the hangar bay there were also some solid titanium deck plates he punched his hand cleaned through it and dragged it down through the metal until it stopped his fall after which he began to climb back up towards cortana again and when the handholds were no longer available again he made some he's seen punching the deck plate to put his fist through it so he could grab hold of the material and keep himself in place titanium has a shear strength of 760 megapascals that equates to 110 000 pounds per square inch that's 7.7 tons of force per centimeter squared in a ditch attempt to save his own life chief put his fist through titanium deck plates with a force of 7.7 tonnes per square centimeter just to make handholds to survive the composer is a foreign technology that is neurophysical in nature it can convert organic matter and beings into digital form in an instant and once activated and targeted at a species or entity to be composed it destroys their physical body at the atomic scale rendering their entire body a pile of ash while it simultaneously converts their biological form into digital code that can then be reappropriated to be somewhat of the soul so to speak within promethean knights to be reformed into the endurances within monitor carapace being the mind of the monitors or just be held in something of a holding pattern nothing survives the effect of a composer well nearly nothing the erdied act put himself through a series of mutations to try to make himself invulnerable to the flood the knock-on effect was he made himself immune to the effects of the composer there is only one other being in the known galaxy that has this immunity to the composer and that is the master chief it was a gift unlocked in his jean song by the librarian during his time on requiem meaning that if chief were targeted by a composer as he was on ivanov station along with the rest of the civilian population and scientists there he won't be affected while everyone else around him is it's still unknown exactly what degrees this goes to the master chief as we know that the died act did eventually fall victim to the combined effects of several composers firing simultaneously and that was enough to apparently compose his biological form it remains to be seen if chief has a similar vulnerability nevertheless it's a feat that no other human being is known to possess and only one other being in the galaxy did and that was the aerodyne act and finally well it had to be this scene didn't it giving the covenant back their bomb now in and of itself it's immensely improbable to be able to actually accurately hit a target without thrusters in space i mean he literally lined up that shot completely by eyeballing it given that he was dealing with immense velocities of the ship and himself traveling through space with the ship being able to change course or change its velocity at will and him being basically helpless as he floats through space he effectively eyeballed it while he was still in the hangar bay completely estimating the velocity of the ship its distance from him and how long it would take him to close that distance and then jumped and let fate take its course even then it was completely fortuitous that longswords would actually manage to punch a hole through the hull of that ship to allow him passage through and into the chamber where the pinch fusion reactor was located if it hadn't had done that he would have just ended up as paste on the carrier's shields or on its hull surface luck plays a big role in that but the real interesting factor is what happens after he reactivates the bomb and jumps clear of the carrier he flies clear and just so happens to land directly on an amber clad now at least from the cut scene i've roughly estimated at the moment that the camera pulls back revealing in amber clad he is approximately an entire frigate ship length away from an amber clad and closes that distance in a fraction over one second that means he's approximately moving at 500 meters per second in space that's 1118 miles per hour around 1800 kilometers per hour and he smashes into the top of the frigate at that speed with a momentum of 250 000 kilograms per meters per second and an energy of 62.5 megajoules of kinetic energy and the only thing that johnson has to say to that for a brick he flew pretty good i mean i can't i just can't so there we have it seven immense physical exploits and physical feats that the master chief has achieved over his long and highly decorated career as i said the list is long this is just seven that i thought were particularly interesting and there are many more that i could look at so if you do want me to look at some more let me know in the comments down below and in the meantime thanks for watching commenting liking and subscribing i just want to give a quick shout out to my patrons and youtube members spartan10148 to my mettak dylan falcon x003 kenwood irrefutable justice leon nick and remiz my monitors alvin andrew brand brian cameron chris darion devon flaming halo green blood kyle legion's lost michael prophet bear spartan and wolf my sub monitors my fleet of stratos sentinels my diligent enforcers and all the other awesome people that have jumped aboard to support the channel over at patreon another shout out to todd morrison my transcentiant youtube member and just one quick reminder to support us on all major social media channels including discord much love from zero zero take it easy everyone and find peace in the domain you
Channel: Installation00
Views: 70,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Lore, Theory, Gaming, Xbox, Spartan, Master, Chief, Master Chief, MJOLNIR, Most, Detailed, Most Detailed Breakdown, Installation00, Installation 00, Installation, 00, Cartographer, Classified, Materials, Armory, Seven, Chiefs, Greatest, Physical, Feats, Exploits, Moments, Fall from Space, Dodging Bullets, Scorpion Missile, Sprint, Sprinting Speed, Composer, Immunity, Average, Covenant Back their Bomb, Return to Sender, Punch holes, Punch, Powerful, Banshee
Id: lHmpga2r0ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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