Chief Keef - Love Sosa
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Channel: DGainz
Views: 186,061,672
Rating: 4.8975878 out of 5
Keywords: dgainz, dgaines1234, dgainz1234, chief, keef, young, chop, dont, like, love, sosa, gucci, kanye, west, king, louie, lil, durk, reese, boss, woo, chicago, 3hunna, 300, dj, kenn, aon, pretty, in, pink
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2012
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he really changed the game at such a young age
Insert Love Sosa intro here
he brags about killing lil jojo on one of the biggest hits of that year, surprised they didn't bobby shmurda him
greatest song of all time
Sosa changed the game
front page this bitch
Young Chop's toms are placed with such exquisite minimalism in this song. Truly a masterpiece. Get the loudest loud out.