What to expect at the police academy

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[Music] my patches keep falling off the wall i'm gonna have to hot glue them or something but we need more yeah the police academy good times good times so you probably clicked on this video because well you're either going into the police academy or considering going to the police academy and i'm here to fill you in on what it's going to be like so let's start from day one still got a little ptsd from that day i'm just kidding it's not that bad but your first day if you're like me i was very young not really sure what the heck i was doing next thing i know i'm in this classroom in this uniform and holy crap it's going down right i'm here it's it's happening i'm in a police academy something i never thought i'd do when i was growing up has become a police officer kind of just said i want a life of action and i don't want to sit at a desk so here i am so anyways day one you're sitting there you got your nice uniform on you know i talk about all of these things and previous videos guys and as i come across similar things i'm going to link those videos up here so if you want to jump over to those videos and come back perfectly cool yeah that way you get all your information if you have any questions and if i miss anything in any of those videos leave me a comment down below and i'll be happy to answer it for you so you're sitting there day one in class nervous as hell because you don't know what to expect well i'm here to give you a little bit of insight it's gonna be very straightforward very serious at first nobody knows each other it's just like school it's just like when you go to school a new school for the first time you're sitting in class you don't know anybody and you have no friends unless you're lucky to go to academy with somebody you know that's going to be helpful but i didn't know anybody but by the end you're going to make good friends you're going to make enemies but you're going to make friends don't worry you'll you'll associate with some people maybe the whole class now i'm trying to just recall most of this stuff from memory now it's been over nine years since i've been to a police academy so bear with me oh this is just how my academy worked it could work slightly different for other academies but i think it's going to be very similar this is paramilitary so you are going to get yelled at you are going to have to click keep a crisp uniform and that means like little threads on uniform you make sure you snip those off make sure it's nice and ironed you're gonna have to do that for every day but you're sitting in class don't know anybody you get into basically introductions right off the bat they're gonna make you stand up and introduce yourself at least they should oh and backtracking before you get to class make sure you're not late don't be late ever the whole time the academy don't be late but especially on day one if you're late on day one see you later you're out of the academy get there an hour early before you actually have to be there now if you're trying to say that a crash happened or something like that remember that these instructors are also law enforcement officers and they're all connected to the law enforcement grid and they'll find out if there was actually a crash there and if there wasn't bye-bye cause lying's not gonna be tolerated either all right so don't don't mess up the first day get there plenty of time to spare and on time so you guys know is not on the time you're supposed to be there it's 10 minutes or more earlier so anyways we're back in class your whole class is a team and everything in this academy is team effort so if somebody's not following the rules which you'll get the list of rules day one right if something doesn't follow those rules everybody feels the consequences of those i'll give you an example we have a specific rule about cell phones during certain times of class right can't have your cell phone one of the students had their cell phone out at the incorrect time and got busted we all had to pay for it and an example of paying for it will either be physical or a memo memos are there for you to write and justify reasons of why you did something why you were late or why that other person did this and how it could be improved now this time we had to do something physical we were in our nice white uniforms we had white shirts black pants and we all had to go outside and the grass was still dewy and wet and we had to hold planks we held hold planks for a long time and it sucked and it's all because of one person so don't be that person follow the rules pay attention if you really want to be a police officer stay focused and you'll do just fine it gets a little more relaxed towards the end you guys all start to get to know each other you get familiar with the instructor i mean it's still going to be pushing you it's still going to be you know hard work studying and everything but you will get to know each other a little better and it kind of gets a little bit more relaxed towards the end okay so in the mornings you're going to be working with this book this is i think last year's model they think they actually just updated it but it's gonna be very similar it might just look a little different inside don't fear same concepts apply that i'm gonna give to you each section is gonna be covered differently there's some sections that are gonna be covered with just your your standard instructor your main instructor who's going to be with you through the entire part of the academy all right that's like your teacher in school it's not really like high school or anything where you like rotate out to different teachers unless it's a different subject so let's say first aid for example your instructor is not going to teach your first day they're going to bring somebody in from the outside to teach that so you're going to have somebody come in who signed up to be an instructor in first aid for that place academy and they're going to teach you first aid same thing with your firearms and your vehicle lofts right those are going to be kind of outside people that you don't really see every day so on the note of firearms and vehicle ops your schedule throughout the academy should be like eight to five it could be oh it could be altered it could be seven seven to four depending on where you're at but standardly it's like eight to five monday through friday switches when you go to a firearm so you go to firearms you're gonna have to have a night qualification so one of those nights you're gonna probably be there from like two to ten and you're gonna have to drive to wherever the location is that they're doing the firearms so you need to give yourself some time to get there same thing with vehicle ops you're gonna have to have a nighttime driving course at the collapse as well so most of the times when you're in the day but then you're gonna have one day that's gonna be falling into the night so you know how to drive night those blocks are typically just a week long now this book is is going to be like your bible and this one too but we'll get to this in a minute you need to pay attention to everything in this book and don't think like i did that the first test is is gonna be easy i mean how hard could it be really that's what i thought and i failed the test and just so you know i think you can only fail one test so you only get one retake throughout the entire academy and there are several tests throughout the entire academy so you can only fail once and you get one retake you can save that retake you know throughout the whole time to wait till the end or you can use it right away if you fail once again you have to complete a memo to see if they'll let you retake that test you can't retake that test and they don't let you you will have to come back and re-certify later on so say you complete the academy but say you didn't pass vehicle ops well you'll have to come back to the next academy class just for that block of vehicle ops to pass it we had somebody come in i think it was a vehicle ops for firearms i think it was vehicle ops had to come in and do that and and and go to class with us we're like who the heck is this kit you know he's been here the whole time he just comes in and does vehicle ops but this is the holy grail you have to pass your tests okay so don't fail any of them and how do you do that is by paying attention and reading okay this is how i did it i thought i knew what i read i thought i was like you know what this doesn't seem too hard let's just take the test and it didn't study that much well i failed that test and that sunk me and i was like hey this is for real i can't mess this up i really want to do this gotta stay focused so i did i switched my whole thing up and i studied and what i ended up doing is just reading and reading and reading so i would take the chapter the sections that we we were gonna go over and i would just read it the entire thing and then i would read it again came to a point where like i was taking the test and it was verbatim out of the book and i could just recall it from the book or what i read but another thing you could do to really help you is all the the test questions are typically brought forth from the objectives in the book so if you can answer the objectives and understand all these objectives there's a good chance you're going to do just fine on the test here's the objectives here in the new books it's still gray but it's actually like throughout the chapter instead of like right in the beginning it's kind of helpful in a sense because you read that chapter and then you read this little gray area you're like okay that's something that i really need to understand and know so pay attention to those objectives nobody's going to do this stuff for you nobody's going to give you the answers you need to study what i recommend is understand those objectives but also read the chapter at least twice uh other things that's going to happen is you're going to get assigned team leaders some academies rotate these team real team leader roles out some just assign them when i went through they were just assigned so we signed team leaders and then you signed a team captain who's like head of everybody right these roles are taken into effect on certain parts of the class pt you're going to be in front of the class as a team captain and you're going to be guiding people through the stretching exercises and everything like that to get everybody warmed up i didn't do any of those roles i was like you know i don't want any of that responsibility i just want to make it through okay i just want to survive and so i didn't really opt to to be a team leader or anything like that that just wasn't me at the time now i would certainly do it i've totally gone a long way since the academy but somebody else did it and they did a phenomenal job uh doing that and they were also responsible for making sure everybody in the class was staying in order things like that right remember that academy is going to be stressful it's made that way all right they're going to yell at you it's going to be strict it's made to to stress you out and see if you can handle it because if you can't handle the academy it's going to be hard for you in the real world anyways very very important that you pay attention and study okay good high liability all right so this is going to be part of like your pt so your pt is going to be like running running and running and more running you're going to have to run a lot so if you're not doing that now start running i recommend running three miles at least three times a week to get you warmed up because you're going to run a lot at least we did in my academy every day so usually you're going to start off with that run well you start off with stretches your classes will stretch and then you're going to go out and you're going to run and then you're going to jump right into some other things you're going to jump into push-ups so you're going to jump into doing the oh course of course there's an obstacle course walls fences things you got to jump over monkey bars things you got to climb now if you can't do any of those things and you struggle it's going to be very hard for you if you're hanging in the back of the pack when the runs you're gonna get yelled at a lot your team might suffer for if you're way behind the time and after you've done all your pt tired and exhausted you're gonna get into your high liability stuff a lot of this is gonna be dt moves and so forth like it's got little pictures in here some of these might have some written tests with them can't remember if they all had written tests or not they may they may not but i do remember that these tests were a lot easier and most of them were just actually physically doing it showing that you're competent in it like so say like a knife graph with a slight block of knife this is how you you rotate and turn it and all these different things you just have to show proficiency in those areas to pass but it's going to get to a point eventually towards the end of the academy where you're actually going to fight put pads on and gloves and you're going to fight each other i mean you might have pads and gloves on but you're fighting you know not like play fighting like you're actually fighting some people got knocked out some people got bloody noses so yeah that's that's real world stuff they're trying to get you prepared for the real world and that's that's stuff that's gonna happen could happen right so while you're fighting you have to complete these moves so like the one i just talked about like the knife move so he's gonna throw a knife into the fight a person's gonna drive grab the knife and you have to try to disarm that knife in that person and showing proficiency in the move that you learned throughout the academy that sucked because i had to go back in a second time not for my fault for somebody else's fault because nobody else wanted to fight this dude because he was ridiculous yeah had to go back in and fight him again just so he can complete the moves and pass that guy never became a cop by the way so not only dt going to be part of high liability but it's also gonna be like firearms like you know how firearm operates how do you stand and everything like that but it's full of good information breaks down all five like how firearms operate how you know ammunition operates because if you've never dealt with a firearm before and you're getting a law enforcement it's really good to to know these things uh teaches you proper handcuffing everything like that so you're not just going to read the book and know how to properly handcuff and however properly handle a firearm you're actually physically going to do these things you need to physically show that you can do these things not just know that you understand them in a book because if they do that put you out into the real world that's not benefiting you whatsoever that's going to get you hurt so on the note of your physical training you need to make sure that you you're having a good diet one of the mistakes that some people made i made is in the beginning is i i would you know go get something to eat and it was crappy but i learned really quickly that that affected your performance substantially and it made you feel sick or you got sick so i started packing my lunches and i started packing healthy lunches like i would just have a clean sandwich like peanut butter and jelly or something like that a salad or something on the side get rid of like greasy foods heavy foods don't eat that stuff because you will notice that it will affect you and your performance will get a lot better if you start eating a lot cleaner that's what i noticed what else hmm lots of running planks all right anyways enough of that let's talk about firearms week which is also spray week it was for us okay it might be different for you but at some point in the academy you are going to get sprayed and depending on your academy you might get tased as well now these things happen again once you get hired at a police department which sucks but you just got to get through it so let me tell you a little story about when i got sprayed you do it you do it at firearms for us because it incorporated actual live shooting after you got sprayed directly in the eyes clear glasses put them on your face tilt them down and they spray directly in your eyes i mean your eyes are closed they wouldn't spray directly in your eyeballs that's not good don't do that and then you have to handcuff somebody get down handcuff somebody and you have to double lock the handcuffs double locking is mixing so they don't continue to pinch down and you're like this trying to do this and it sucks man your face is on fire it's it's miserable then you gotta get up from that and you gotta fight off somebody right this person has a pad you have to find a baton that's on the ground pick it up and hit the bag then i had to run over grab eyes and ears right so put my eyes and ears on run over and grab a shotgun combat loader shotgun combat load is taking around loading it right there and firing out a steel target yeah with pepper spray in your eyes yeah it's great hit the target you have to go over and then you have to do a sequence of three targets two rounds and each target load it two rounds you're out gotta reload two rounds out reload two rounds right so after you do that you gotta sprint down to the finish line not the finish line is a hose pouring ice cold water out of it and you're like yes this is it i'm done let me wash this stuff off my face get over it right well i'm to tell you a little secret that nobody told me is that when you put that water on your face everything locks up and you cannot breathe it's the weirdest feeling but it's a you can't you can't breathe it sucks so you're trying to wash your face off and then you got to pick it away take a couple reps because this is after you just sprinted and done all this stressful stuff i give you some dawn soap and another tip i'm going to tell you because this is why it was one of the worst days for me is that you need to be very careful about rubbing your eyes so if you take that dawn soap gently put it over your face don't rub your eye because i ended up scratching my eye yeah so that that sucked afterwards you run over to a big giant fan that i have there so hopefully they have some kind of fan and we were just like sitting there like this trying to just get some relief and that was the best feeling ever was sitting by the fan but unfortunately since i scratched my eye i couldn't open it it was annoying and painful i ended up actually going home and then i got home and my eyes like okay we need to take the house we'll get your get your eye checked out because we don't know what you did but sure enough that's where i found out that i scratched it they put dye crap in my eye they poured milk in it which felt incredible but yeah there was that and then you have to come into a classroom the next day and it's funny because everybody his eyes are bloodshot you're just sitting in class like this the bright lights on i swear they do it on purpose so yeah getting sprayed sucks man it sucks but uh you'll get through it all right and if you listen to my tips you won't scratch your eye vehicle ops was a real fun time there's a point in it where you actually go into what they call blacktop they pour a bunch of water on it and you lose control of the vehicle and you have to regain control they want you to know what that feels like so you don't lose control out in the field and crash really badly and that was a lot of fun because you're just spinning out of control and the instructors had a good time with it as well yeah that's pretty much the academy in a nutshell pay attention to the rules good diet make sure you're working on your physical ability now don't slack off don't be late stay focused keep everything just focused on the academy during that time don't go out and party and stuff a little tidbit we had somebody go out and do this they were out like a club or something one night and then some kind of argument took place and he like flashed his academy badge like who the hell are you right well that person's gonna recognize that accounting badge most likely because they're gonna be in that area and they're gonna call up the head of the academy and say hey uh we just had this guy flash his academy badge at us after getting in a fight or being involved in some kind of altercation at the bar so yeah that that's not good that's a good way to get yourself kicked out of the academy be responsible guys it's not a time to party it's a time to focus it's a time to pretty much change the course of your life because if that's the life you're living now you go out and party a lot and things like that it's gonna change and it needs to change if you're gonna want to do this so that's that's what to expect guys in the police academy i hope i covered enough i hope this video wasn't too long and not boring and try to keep it interesting but yeah if you guys have any questions comments concerns you know what to do leave them down below in the comment section and i'll see you guys in the next video peace you
Channel: Just.that.officer
Views: 36,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QTaJi5lwx7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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