A Day In The Life | Feat. Officer Sergio Machado

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okay so uh typically what I do my way to work is kind of my preparation time driving to work so super important to me take the time to kind of put my head in the right the right space I take my job very seriously today is my Monday which is uh Saturday actually and um I get to go to work I don't have to go to work which is super cool I used to work for an agency in Southern California here I was there for about five years um in relateral to Almani about two years ago been loving it ever since it's one of the best kept secrets in L.A County could still be a cop do cool things work with great people um yeah it's kind of where I put my head together and [Music] uh purposeful intent for the day make sure that I'm not gonna put myself or my partners in a position that we got to do things that are kind of outside the scope of what we should be doing potentially dangerous things job is inherently dangerous as it is so don't typically listen to any music just kind of drive to work drink for coffee all right right here at the station gonna get all my gear and get ready for the day [Applause] [Music] all right foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this one a four day class by far the best one so yeah a lot of good takeaways a lot of stuff to work on so we set up uh set up the car everything comes down to tactics at the end of the day I need to be able to work in and around my gear to ensure that we're able to effectively and expeditiously respond to calls for service you never know which call you're gonna get so as we can see this is kind of like my War bag which normally be in the front seat uh we've got shotgun shells got tape things to clean the car I got all my documents map um citations somebody work issued phone and all the good stuff incessities it's important to make sure that you wipe everything down considering that we deal with dirty things that are potentially contagious and uh infectious so it's pretty important to be able to wipe down everything so that you're not cross-contaminating your own equipment cell phone uh hand mics things like that so been a police officer for approximately six seven years but the cool thing is I've been a police officer here at El Monte for just under two years and I was able to earn a spot onto the SWAT team last November so very rewarding just goes to show that not only does the agency recognize everything that I brought to the table with my military experience and past law enforcement but they validated the the fact that you know I'm able to offer something to the team and hopefully I can continue to do so and continue earning my spot every single day so I'm on what we call day watch starts at 6 a.m goes to about 6 30 P.M I work Saturday through Monday day shift I've been on day shift now for about the past two years at my previous agency I spent the majority of my time graveyards so quite different in terms of Anton station um movement uh around the city traffic types of calls uh Pro uh proactivity so during day shift typically what I'll do is for about the first half of the day I'm pretty proactive by trying you know make traffic stops and you know look at stuff but right around noon because the city has a natural tendency to kind of get busier towards the end of the day I stay available for calls for service because things can pop off at any time infestation unit 20. so we have approximately 12 square miles in the city of El Monte our city is broken down into five different areas of responsibility called Beats currently we are on the border of beat one and B2 going Southbound on Peck we cover not only the El Monte Airport but uh various areas into the Temple City bordered area as we're kind of driving around we're suddenly listening to the radio today our call sign is 35. or overall responsible for beat five which is predominantly a commercial area in that commercial area we have a lot of various businesses not a high population area a high traffic area so beat five today typically ends up being a cover car which essentially they're going to use me to back other officers on calls our department has approximately 120 sworn which is really cool to to know that a good portion of our sworn officers and employees of the city have grown up here in the city of Omani it's on the 47 41 4741 theater yeah power pole is on fire next to our residents we're gonna go check it out looks like the uh call for service says it's a telephone pole of some sort power line on fire so typically to pause like this we will on a roll code three which is full lights and Sirens the reason we do that is we want to get there is quickly and safely as possible the fires are kind of a big deal when it comes to the safety of our residents anytime we approach an intersection we don't want to just blow it just because we have lights and Sirens you can see it's a red light we do not have the legal right way to go um so there's an exception to the vehicle code that allows us to roll in a black and white vehicle marked as a police vehicle with our lights and Sirens we just gotta do it in a manner that is safe so we're coming up to a red light again right now we'll slow down there's my siren enough traffic is clear right traffic is also clearly yeah where is it at home is this pole is it on fire or just sparking myself okay so it's not actively on fire right now okay no it's an Edison pulse you see the number oh yeah yeah I make you smell it but it smells like plastic one yeah is there a way to access that will be on private property it does have an Edison phone number unable to access the property this time right it appears that one of the power lines was down I'd be a live wire right now we're at a location here in our city uh the call was the telephone is on fire it appears as though the power line leading from one of our power line poles going to the house has somehow broken off and so the power line is sparking and a little bit of a problem we're trying to get a hold of an homeowner as well as Edison they can assist us in this it looks like Edison says Uh there's no juice going to that power line so they'll handle it later so it's pretty cool getting to work next to our fire department here we have a L.A County Fire Department [Music] serving our city with three different stations we end up responding uh to several different types of calls with them unresponsive persons deceased persons fire calls anybody needing any kind of a medical assistance I mean looking at the fact that we have first aid capabilities on hand Within minutes of any call is definitely a huge asset to have not only as a city but law enforcement as well right now we're going to do a quick extra Patrol of one of our local hotels in our city a lot of vehicles are found in hotel parking lots that are stolen embezzled broken into a lot of vehicle burglaries so I like to just drive around and make sure I don't see any broken windows or suspicious persons just kind of hanging around 35 extra Patrol so we got a car right here typically what we end up finding a lot of homeless people will sleep in their car any telltale signs are they're always parked in the back alone so right now we rolled up on this car it appears uh unoccupied uh possibly a stolen vehicle primarily because if you look over here we have a steering column is all broken apart right here wires are hanging out you can't see it on the other side but it appears that the ignition has been tampered with show you on the other side looks like there's a broken key or something we're going to do a quick search of the vehicle just want to make sure there's no Contraband any weapons done anything that shouldn't be in this vehicle before we end up Towing it um I'm going to tow this vehicle for safekeeping until we figure out what's going on because it was unsecured obviously if it's not a stolen vehicle not illegal to break your key off in the ignition I don't know if it's not a stolen vehicle what we'll end up doing is just storing it for safe keeping so that the owner can come pick it up at their earliest convenience I definitely don't want it to be burglarized or things stolen we always check the ignition or the engine compartment it appears this engine has been stripped as you can tell it's probably not going to run we have tools in here that's not normal we have a bunch of tools right here the entire top of this engine has been removed so it looks like whoever wanted to strip this car has done so successfully this is not going to be a running vehicle we got the vehicle now towed pictures taken and I need to write a quick report documenting where why and how we took this vehicle and then we're done I saw that you bought me cookies it was very nice of you I'll eat them all make sure you get hurt Miss harigi all right so that's our Dispatch Center those are two of our finest dispatchers uh we work very close uh close with our dispatchers I need something they need something we worked pretty hand in hand so it's pretty cool to be able to just kind of walk in there and be able to put uh faces to the voices in the radio one of the things I absolutely love about the city of El Monte is the fact that regardless of how the shift is going whether it's slower or faster or kind of in the middle it could fall apart in a moment's notice right now it seems pretty mellow let's go get some quick lunches right now they had a call for service regarding uh unknown fire smoke scene in the area I'm listening to where my partners are at or their location where they're coming from what calls of service they're on any call is potentially dangerous and could turn into something regardless of what it originally was reported as the most part if it seems a little more serious we're going to we're going to stop this blow right through the stop signs right in front of me 35 traffic registration Group Insurance please [Music] we just concluded our traffic stop uh my partner just pulled traffic pedestrian I'm gonna go ahead and back them up for now because he's another literally right here so whatever 35 code 14 advised 97 on the pet check all right he's getting Cassandra I want to make sure he wasn't injured or he didn't want medical he's okay who offered him some resources food and water he said he was fine so he's gonna pushed up okay thank you sir so my partner corporate ended up conducting a welfare check on a person who is laying on the sidewalk he ended up offering him Outreach Services to see if he needed any medical attention or housing [Music] individual declined and we're on to the next call we got a male we're walking westbound he's got a former president hay for him he's on Valley North side of the street he's going to be hitting the uh foreign did a area check of this abandoned lot I'm gonna try and make contact with him right now as soon as he saw me he started taking off it should be popping up right about here yeah make contact with uh a male on the property property's been a uh a problem area for local homeless I observed the uh male subject with a machete he was trying to conceal it for me ended up going out on the street I uh assisted or I requested the assistance of other officers in locating him I'm gonna pull him right here we saw he was right where I had last seen him wearing the exact clothes that he was wearing when I saw him last he had ditched the machete at that time and officers were able to locate it so right now we're going to do a records check on using his name and date of birth and figure out what we got foreign [Music] just finished our booking we 'd uh to uh felony violations uh completed our arrest welcome to my dining table or lunch table as you will makeshift spot so that I can put down some Chow in between calls a five minute power snack all right um I can't even say that with the straight face that was my five minute power snack okay [Laughter] all right so got called into uh let's go to the range we meet in Corporal hotagi down there myself and uh Detective kids are going to be getting ready for the swap qualification um so that's what we're going to do right now it's gonna be pretty cool [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign these are all good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God's got me if God's always getting you here coffee 148 units respond code so happy all right let's do this I'm gonna cut us up real quick peasy so as we were on our way to go get some food uh we got uh a one of our officers got held by citizen basically wanted to report something moments later handling officer advised that they were in an active fight but suspect and the suspect was attempting to flee the location upon arrival I end up seeing a handful of officers in a wrestling match with one of the suspects and so I went to assist in apprehending the suspect in handcuffs and was without further incident he's on his way to the hospital to get medically cleared to book I think that's all she wrote [Music] foreign and a half hours roaming around the city of El Monte we have come to the last hour of the shift we are filling up our vehicle not to go back to the station to accept the last of my report and all not a bad day very successful everybody was safe we got into a little scuffle with one of the Suspects on a with nobody was injured there luckily well that's the end of the shift thank you for joining me today and I gotta unload my uh my vehicle and uh we'll call it eow have a great day [Music] thank you
Channel: El Monte Police Department
Views: 261,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police, el monte, el monte police, el monte police department, empd, officer, cop, cops, 911, a day in the life, virtual ride along, ride along
Id: m8GgVant6bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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