Chicken Marsala

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hi [Music] [Music] is take the chicken breast and a sharp knife you gotta have sharp knives if you don't have sharp knives talk to your local butcher maybe you can pay him to sharpen them but anyway take the chicken breasts and with your hand flat you've got to keep your hand flat or your sliced fingers off especially with the cherry well hopefully not with a sharp knife and then you just want to open this chicken breast up and cut it in half then what we're gonna do to get a nice even thickness is put it together or put it in between two pieces of saran wrap or wax paper something like that and then with a meat pounder or if you don't happen to have a meat pounder use a bottle use a wine bottle wine bottles work great just don't use your Chateau Lafite could be a little crazy to screw that bottle of wine up anyway then what you're gonna do is just pound these ever so slightly so that you have an even thickness on the chicken breast and I'm gonna do the same with this one and then what we're going to do is saute these we're gonna dredge them in a little bit of flour seasoned flour which is going to just touch just a little bit of salt and pepper in it and then they're gonna hit a pan go into a pan over medium-high heat with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil that's so that the chicken breast will take the heat and a little bit of butter that is so that big will Brown nicely and that adds a little bit of flavor now what we want to do into this all-purpose flour doesn't have to be anything fancy we're going to put a little bit of salt we're going to put a little bit of fresh cracked pepper actually quite a bit I love it's great stuff and then we're going to mix that up well and then you can do this kind of in advance not really too far in advance but take your chicken and just ever so slightly charge it I have two pans in back of me that these are going to go into so it won't take too long if you do these too far in advance the flour will turn the glue for sure so you have to do this flowering part last-minute but this will go together really quick and because things are pounded on the thin side they won't take more than a couple of minutes on each side so I'm going to make sure that I have a nice hot pan but then I'm going to show you how to pan sauce out of that ooh and Chloe's saying she wants some chicken marsala well it just so happens that I have an extra piece except for my little love muffin she loves chicken so she's patiently waiting alright so I will meet you at the stove and show you how i saute these and then how we're gonna make pen sauce are you we are at the stove and chicken marsala I'm gonna put it in the pan when it's done I'm going to show you how to make the wonderful sauce so what I have in the pan is a little bit of extra-virgin olive oil that got me good hot and to that I'm gonna add about a tablespoon of butter and each pan I am going to wait for this to melt a little bit and see how it says lemon melting really nicely and I'm doing this in two pans just to step up the process a little bit now what I wanna do is put in chicken dress I don't want to crowd the pans so I'm gonna put them in so that they barely cut the TLX sizzles really nice you can't put this into his mother backbone chicken I'm gonna put the heat up to almost tight I don't want this to cool down too much and what you don't want to do is put the chicken into a cold pan it will not work so if you get a nice color on it this cool down off we flip back up these up on high heat now and then I'm going to put some in the back and we're gonna give this just a couple minutes on each side and what I'm going to do is brown the nicely on top of the stove and I'm going to finish in the oven so I'm going to put them in an oven food casserole as gonna get a little color on the month-old side and then they'll go into a 400 oven for about three or four minutes so what I have ready for the sauce is a little chicken stock some chopped saved some shallots some mushrooms and I am using some Marsala and then we'll finish this sauce after it reduces and I have everything off the bottom then finish it with a little butter to emulsify it right there we won't brown on color on them they're about 90% done so what I'm going to do is overlap them just slightly in my bacon this will also serve as my serving tea these are looking great they smell nice too what the flower does want to chicken though is it will have to stick in the sauce ever so slightly I'm not trying to make a really thick gravy I'm just trying to make a really nice pear sauce and what's left are the flour in the pans will help that and what time is chicken will help thicken up quite a bit I'm going to spread these out a little bit another one okay so now that the chicken is done what I'm going to do is add to the pan I'm going to utilize both tenses I don't want to waste any the brown bits off the bottom one this footpath myself in the back hands and the other half in the front pans and at the same time I am going to put mushrooms all right so I have the mushrooms in the pan and I added just a little bit more butter because the mushroom is acting like sponges sucked up the little bit of olive oil and butter that was left in the pan and I want these nice and browned so these are back up i they're browning nicely and I was gonna add a little bit of olive oil but I really don't have to so I'm going to put these right there will be worried wonderful all right now what I want to do is now the things are nicely brown I want to deglaze this pan with a little marsala you can buy sweet marsala and you can buy dry marsala for savory dishes I use dry or sweet dishes like zabi honey and stuff like that I use the sweet now what you want to do this is really important if you don't want to burn your house down alcohol it will flame what I like to do especially because I have gas burners yes I am going to add this marsala off the flame swirl it around for a little bit and hopefully get that alcohol just a little bit of it to throw it off before it's put it back down and I'm going to do the same with the back pan if you put this right on the burner I guarantee it will flame up and the flame quit go in your hood and it could be a whole different you could be eating out rather than dining in if you know what I mean at the fire department so anyway now that's back on and I'm going to reduce that slightly and what I'm going to add to this is because I want the flavors to pick up a little bit of sage chopped sage this is fresh safe don't use dry and rub sage that you buy in the grocery store get some fresh and chop it up it's a lot better that dry rub sage is weird it's like a powders I don't know I personally don't like it now what I'm also going to do is combine these two pans turn my back pan off and let this reduce down a little bit look everybody loves sauce so I always make quite a bit extra and then what I'm going to do is you can see that this is starting to thicken just ever so slightly not a lot but the flour helped that thicken it's not quite like water and it's just a step under heavy cream then after that we're going to add some chicken stock to the pan a cup or two and we'll keep that on high heat to reduce it and also what we want to do that we could do at this point is to taste adjust it it's probably gonna be a little bit of salt and pepper is my best and it does for sure but it's tasting pretty good and so I won't add whoops that's way too much a pinch of salt and some fresh cracked pepper actually quite a bit of pepper I love my pepper be pretty city and then we'll swirl this around a little bit and mix it and I'm gonna taste it again Oh perfect that was on so we're gonna reduce this just a little bit because I wanted just a little bit thicker not a lot for just a little bit thicker and then I'm gonna finish this with a tablespoon of butter actually they'll probably be two tablespoons the butter is going to make it just a little bit creamier and it's going to make it just a little bit more multiplied without turning it into a Brady and I'm gonna have the butter it is a nice cold butter which is nice to use because that will help emulsify this a bit just being bold and add it in smaller pieces as opposed to one huge chunk and then we're going to swirl that around and what I'm going to do is finish this with a little bit of fresh chopped parsley just before I serve it just to add a little fresh color but you can see now we have plenty of sauce for sure and it's thickened to a nice pan sauce the flour from the chicken breast will thicken that just over a little bit more so this is going to go on into a 400 oven for about five seven minutes tops because these like I say are about 90 95 percent done and then they'll come out of the oven it's time to serve what you would want to do if you if you wanted to make this in advance like you can do this the day before then what you would want to do is take it this far and put the sauce on the side and put your chicken breasts on the side warm the sauce warm the chicken breast and then just before you serve put the sauce on the chicken breast and that's how you can do it in advance for a party and get it done the day before alright so up for actually I'm going to pour this a chicken I'm going to observe a little bit on the side too because everybody loves the stuff and by keeping a little bit on the side that will give everybody an extra spoonful exactly they serve themselves alright so this will go into the oven and then before we serve it I'll show you what its gonna look like actually I'll show you what the whole dinner is gonna look like thanks for joining me in the kitchen we'll see you in a couple minutes okay we're here with sinner it's time to eat for sure definitely but where's your having fun anyway I made some polenta with some Parmesan Reggiano on top the chicken marsala I made a salad with port wine vinegar and some extra virgin olive oil that should be good some garlic it's wonderful little extra sauce and some green beans and sweet peppers with garlic so this should be a pretty good dinner then we'll come back after this course and have some creme brulee
Channel: Diane Rogers
Views: 296,709
Rating: 4.7146616 out of 5
Keywords: syd and dianes, recipes, chicken, marsala, mushrooms, cooking, boneless skinless chicken breasts, comfort food, italian food
Id: Djjyn_9xV9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2016
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