Old-Fashioned Greek Burgers - Biftekia | Akis Petretzikis

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[Music] hello people of youtube welcome back to my kitchen i'm so excited for the recipe we are making today old-fashioned greek burgers or bifteka the most succulent burgers enhanced with aromatic fresh herbs and baked in the oven with tender potatoes until perfectly golden [Music] and let's begin i love this recipe because at the end of this video i will share this lovely dish with my friends this is one of the most most most most classic dishes greek dishes that you can find in a restaurant this is biftekia we call it buffeke it's classic with potatoes and actually parties with minced beef i love this recipe and it's very easy to make everything will be here in the pan so first we have to prepare the sauce for the potatoes i need some oregano here some garlic one clove of garlic here the juice and the zest of one lemon first the zest and the juice this is the most classic lemony potatoes greek recipe again we love this recipe this is a classic garnish for all our dishes but for this recipe everything in autopilot the potatoes and the bifteka the patties at the same pan and i need some mustard this is a mild mustard but you can use also a hot one if you like one tablespoon two tablespoons if you use an english mustard or a dijon mustard you have to reduce the amount in half then i will add my water salt and pepper and pepper and mix mix everything so this is the bath for the potatoes the only thing that's missing from this sauce is the olive oil extra virgin extra greek and i will leave that on the side it's time for the potatoes i need the chopping board and my knife and you can cut them in wedges or cut them any shape you like the classic greek recipe needs this shape so i will carry on and if you want to use any kind of potatoes you can sweet potatoes you can but the classic greek recipe need this kind of potatoes skin off the classic white ones and i'm carrying on as you can see we have a lot of potatoes because we want the garnish to be inside this pan the potatoes goes in now we want to make sure that this lovely marinade will go everywhere now i will add a little bit of olive oil i'm not stingy because we need some good fat with the potatoes and now it's time to mix and mix i will use my hands and then i will wash them because this is the best way to cover all this marinade or potatoes and almost ready now i will leave that on the side and i will bring my meat from the fridge [Music] so i have two varieties of meat i have ground pork and ground beef the classic recipe needs both but if you want only to use ground beef you can do that or ground pork you can do that it doesn't matter because we will add a lot of herbs and the taste of the beef or the pork is not so important all the taste inside the patties will take it from all the other ingredients okay like this okay now it's time to start our recipe and first we have to soak our bread into milk i have six slices of toast bread and i will add my milk this is something probably seeing for the first time right because we are not using bread inside your minced meat but we do that a lot in greece because we want to take more amount of patties and of course to be more soft and juicy on the inside this is the secret for that now i will leave that on the side and i will take another bowl and i will start adding ingredients here first i will add my ground pork then i will add my ground beef and it's time to add the rest of the ingredients first we have to add mr onion and as you can see i have a bowl here with a towel and i have a cheese grater here and i will grate my onion to make sure that is completely smashed you can chop chop it but to make sure that the patties will not be oniony you will squeeze the onions after to take off all the excess water this water is acidic and actually destroying the flavor of the patties so i will wear my clothes because if i do this procedure without clothes then probably my hands will smell onion for two to three days so please use some cloves and grate the onion the easiest way to squeeze off all the excess water of the onion good so my onion is ready and i will use also the grater for my garlic is already very dirty so i will take advantage of that yeah of course it's an easy way for some people that doesn't want to use the knife or they don't have the skills to use a knife which is something impossible because everybody can chop chop a garlic but anyway if you don't want to use your knife this is the easiest way to chop chop your onion and your garlic now squeeze the onion and the garlic and as you can see this water is probably the number one enemy for our patties because this water is so acidic and actually will take off all the flavors of the herbs and the meat from our patties and we don't want that now and you can see this paste is just simple onion and garlic without water add this onion here and i will carry on using my gloves because i want to mix everything together and i will add the rest of the ingredients first oregano we love oregano and you have to use oregano more to your recipes if you want to make greek recipes then i'm coming here and i will add my salt in this point you have to be very careful because the salt is very important for the patties if the salt is under then the patties will not be tasty if the salt is very high then probably your patties will be salty and we don't want that a normal amount for patties is about 10 grams per kilo for salt okay 10 to 12 grams how much is 10 grams 10 grams is about a spoonful of a teaspoon okay now the salt we need for this recipe is about that maybe a little bit less not spoonful a little bit less than spoonful and you have to add the salt now if you don't add the salt now then probably you will not be able to add after and i add also my pepper and i will come again here i will add my eggs one egg i will add my bread as you can see the bread soaked all the milk and i will squeeze it a little bit to take off all the excess milk just a little bit yeah this way and now i will add also my bread into the mixture now i have few more ingredients and probably i have to change my gloves so the olive oil the olive oil is very important we have to use about 75 ml of extra virgin greek olive oil because we want all these taste of the olive oil and we want to make sure that the patties will be fluffy and sexy if you don't add any oil the fluffies will be tasty will be fluffy but they will not be perfect we want perfection so add some extra virgin greek olive oil and of course it's time for the the last ingredient i have some parsley here we're using a lot of parsley ingredients because we want this lovely green color and of course we want the taste of the parsley the parsley maybe it's not so tasty here but if you use it in a big amount you can take some taste take example the tabula tabula is full of parsley and it's actually tasty when we're using parsley in a big amount so i want big amount of parsley here if you add the pinch of parsley makes no sense my friend likes you understand that you have to add a big amount of it and of course mr mint at the opposite side mint is very flavorful so we don't have to use a lot but we have to use it okay if you want to make bifteka you have to use fresh mint if you don't use mint you are not making biftekia this is the classic herb for beef taker you can take off parsley you can take off many ingredients organo but you cannot take off mr mint mint is very very very important and time for mixing mixing my friend like i love this recipe this is a time saving recipe we're preparing the whole tray the previous day and we'll cook it the next day and actually everything working better because all this marinade will work on the meat and actually the food will be more tasty in this case today i will cook it straight away but if you have time prepare the whole dish the previous night and cook it the next day and you will have better results look at this lovely lovely lovely all these flavors at this point if you are making first time the recipe and you are not sure for yourself you can take a small pan can you help me caterina please please please because my hands are quite dirty yeah a pan a small pan thank you catherine is helping you put it on heat high heat and you can go ah just a drop of olive oil please a drop yeah thank you yeah thank you now um this is my testing pan i will take a small amount of my mixer here i will make the smallest patty ever and i will cook it just to taste it because if it's not salt enough then i can add now but if it's not and that will cook the whole tray inside the oven then i cannot add it after you cut it but for this recipe i'm sure that i'm very expert so i don't have to do that i will carry on with the patties but you will do first this you will try it and then you will carry on making the patties so now as you can see i need about ten patties one two five yeah six seven eight nine [Music] and i will flip over my patty and it's time for baking one two aluminum foil cover it very well and my oven is preheated to 190 degrees celsius set to fan i will bake with aluminum foil for about 40 minutes and then i will uncover and i will carry on the baking for about 20 to 30 minutes until my patties are golden and my potatoes are sexy and crispy and everything is perfectly cooked now this bad boy goes in and this bad boy will come here for tasting [Music] and my beef taker are ready look at this oh my god guys this is grease if you want to say that you actually cooking greek recipes this is the recipe that you have to start with because it is so greeky this is the most classic comfort food in greece [Music] you are going to your mother probably your mother will tell you come on come on hunkys i have some beef taker waiting for you and this is the moment that actually you will leave everything on the side and you will go straight to your mother because you want to taste this recipe this is grease guys if you try it once then you will understand exactly what i'm talking about this is absolutely stunning and very comfort easy and and actually nutrition wise it's quite full because we have the protein from the meat we have the carbs from the potatoes and we have some extra virgin greek olive oil for fat so it's absolutely complete and amazing i will add some extra virgin greek olive oil to the very end and of course some lemon if somebody wants to squeeze some on the meat and this is it simply tasty and amazing [Music] it's time to taste some this lovely beef oh my god this is so hot for the moment but i don't care i don't mind [Music] actually the patties evaporates even my taste so but it's so so nice so fluffy as you can see caramelized on the outside and the potatoes look at this you can just smash them they are soft like butter and so tasty so sexy so lemony i will take a bit of everything [Music] guys try this recipe you will love it it is a success in any point that you will see this recipe flavor the speed because it's an easy recipe and very quick it's cheap recipe because you don't have to use very expensive ingredients everything is in this tray and you have to try it don't forget to comment under the video please don't forget to share this lovely recipe with your greek friends or not greek it doesn't matter and see you next time bye bye just as i will carry on my beef taker and probably i need some fat also so see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Akis Petretzikis
Views: 74,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akis kitchen, easy recipes, recipes easy, recipes, greek chef, food recipes, food videos, recipes videos, akis petretzikis, akis greek chef, akhs petretzikhs, akis petretzikis kitchen, Old Fashioned Greek Burgers Biftekia, Biftekia, Old Fashioned Greek Burgers, Greek Burgers, greek burger recipe, greek burger, biftekia recipe, biftekia, biftekakia, greek traditional recipes, greek traditional recipes akis, traditional recipes, akis traditional recipes, biftekia akis
Id: E0Voq5qLOAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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