Chicken and dumplins

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hi everybody Laurie here let's get to cooking we making today we're making chicken and dumpling so y'all stay around you let's make some chicken and dumplings guys we're gonna make the dumplings and I've got two cups of all-purpose flour and I've got two and a half two and a half teaspoons of baking powder and I'm gonna put two teaspoons of baking I think it's too well one teaspoon of baking soda and then a half a teaspoon of salt we don't start the dry ingredients up real good now don't be intimidated by making dumplings it's easy if you can make a little pan abyss that you can make dumplings no big issue so just stir the dry ingredients up real good and we're gonna take it some Crisco now sometimes I keep the butter flavored Crisco and that makes really good dumplings in pie crust but I don't have any today so how many years anywhere from one and a half to two tablespoons of shortening in my dumplings and I'm just gonna work the shortening that you would if you were making biscuits just work them into that flour too like oh like pea-sized pieces in there I think I'm gonna do two two tablespoons that would be good someone worked two tablespoons of shortening into my flour mixture just work it in good the dumplings are not hard to make last night I put her my chicken in my slow cooker and it made a big slow cooker full of broth really nice broth I put butter and seasoning in mine in there I put poultry seasoning a little bit of salt and pepper and probably about a half a stick of butter in there and a slow cooker with my with my hand and I just let it cook all night so this morning before charge you know my chickens rage my broth is ready and all I got to do is whip up these dumplings so we'll have chicken dumplings after church so I think this is mixed up pretty good it looks good now I usually use buttermilk and my dumplings and at this point you can also put you a couple of what might be a half a teaspoon or poultry seasoning in here and that's real good too and with your dumplings and I usually use buttermilk I'm out of buttermilk but I do have some powdered buttermilk so I'm gonna except I've got about a cup that buttermilk mixture that I've mixed up here I'm gonna put just a little bit and I'm gonna stir a little bit I don't want to pour it all in there at once just a little bit of time because sometimes you're all in there and it'll be too too wet too sticky so just a little bit at a time and just keep a stirring because it'll all come together for you just like like I said just like if you were making biscuits at all it'll all work up together and come together good I'll pour a little bit more we love chicken and dumplings now you can double this recipe and it'll make a huge pile of dumplings if you're taking it to feed a bunch of people one big hand and doubling this dumpling recipe would make a big pot of dumplings I'm gonna start to work this together now mmm just like making pie crust or dumplings you don't want to work this too much just enough to get it mixed up pretty good and I think that's probably plenty of liquid yeah it's coming together real good you see how it's coming together is holding its held together now so that's good no more liquor so we're get everything ready to to roll the dumplings out okay I'm gonna start rolling these dumplings out no I've got a board flour good and I'm I've floured my rolling pin good you want to keep plenty of flour on you when you're rolling pin and on your dough and I'm gonna roll this out to probably about 1/4 of an inch thick and I feel like a thick dumpling you can do them thicker and this recipe makes quite a bit of dumplings but if you were to double this recipe you'd have to roll it out twice I don't think you could roll that much out at a time because this right here is gonna roll out and make a lot you just got to keep things lightly floured keep them from sticking and my little little tea towel here this is what I roll out on all the time and I just keep me a little bit of flour on it and nothing ever sticks to it just it's really handy so I'm just gonna roll this out good I love making dumplings it's so much fun I'm ever doing this that's a little girl I remember I don't know if I was playing with play-doh or what I was doing when I was always rolling like I was rolling dough out all the time so you're gonna just go ahead and roll it out like I said 1/4 of an inch thick I think anything thinner than that would be too thin so just keep a rolling I think that's about it I think about got it I'm gonna take my knife and I'm gonna cut some strips now you can do this with a pizza cutter and I do use pizza cutters it's a lot faster I'm gonna do it the old-fashioned way like we always do never still use a knife got me some strips down through here and I'm gonna cut them about I don't know probably about an inch wide and then when I go back third I'll cut them about two inches long but you can cut them in any length or width that you want to you don't want to get them too too wide because they are gonna kind of fluff up in your broth with that baking powder and baking soda and salt in them they're gonna it's gonna cause them to fluff up and be they'll be really light tender dumplings now if you were making dumplings with the out the baking powder and baking soda it would be more of a noodle it would be more of a noodle texture so with this heaven your ingredients in it that makes it rise a little bit it's come very more tender don't fine so you get all this cut up like I said we'll go back through and I'm gonna cut about two inches wide I know this looks like a lot of a lot of dumplings and this is gonna make like a medium heart full dumplings and I would say if I was feeding my whole crew my whole family I'd have to double this and make a bigger part but they're not all gonna be here today so I don't need a huge father complex today just keep her cutting to get them all cut they don't have to be perfect you can turn with your hands like this to just tear apart it's all yet to do you know you need to cut them I couldn't find my pizza cutter because that's what I'd be using right now just take it don't take that long you know it seems like it does but it's it's not hard it's not a hard process at all just rip them mr. chairman faces like that there you go I'm going to take some flour and I'm just gonna sprinkle over my my dumplings first I forgot sound I'm gonna tear these up I missing but I did just tear them up and face us now you want your flower you'll sprinkle some a little bit of flour over your dumplings because it's gonna help dry mouth a little bit like if you were making noodles you'd let them sit and dry just a little bit and what else is gonna do is this flour is gonna help thicken your dumpling profit and make it a really rich thick broth so I'm just gonna kind of like toss these surrounding the flour and let them dry I'm settled it see that wasn't hard that's an easy process and really and truly it's a lot of fun I like squirrel and dumplings chicken and dumplings we don't make much squirrel anymore though and I guess in our older age we like to sit and watch them play in anymore engine trees used to to feed our family we're done when out turn put some in the pot now I've got my broth my chicken broth is simmering put it in a pot and simmering and you just want it to be at a low simmer you don't want to be at a hardball if you bring it to a carpool and you put your dumplings in there your dumplings are going to cook up and cook it plumb out of the pot you're go try to start your dumplings and there won't be no dumplings in there if you click on them and it's such a hard bowl so you don't want to do that so just a little bit of a simmer and just keep it at that simmer at that at that tent don't put your chicken in you you'll put your chicken in last dumpling is a good time to fight a big family because if you got flour and baking powder and salt and some chicken broth you can feed a family pretty cheap I'm pretty quick never be intimidated by making dumplings okay I've got my broth up - just a slow simmer and I'm gonna start dropping my dumplings in just doing one at a time and they'll start coming to the surface you see how they're already puffing out in the last the list that you mess with your your dough the lighter the dumpling will be it won't be a touch dumpling and these are always light good laughs so just keep putting your dumplings in now the one thing you don't want to do and you're going to want to so bad as you do not want to stir the dumplings just keep just keep putting them in there now you can take a spoon and you can kind of dunk your dumplings just like that just dunk them a little bit but do not stir them and just keep them at a slow simmer and just keep adding just keep adding to it not Donna a video on grape dumplings it was one of my some of my first videos I made and it was pretty much the same dumpling dough recipe but you used a little bit of grape juice in your dough for your your liquid instead of better milk and then I stuck them dumplings and simmering grape juice and it was so good grape dumplings y'all have to see that video if you haven't watched it yet but just just kind of stick them in there just kind of Duncan minder if there's something you don't think there's any room there's plenty of room under there so just keep putting them in there your pot to get full I promise okay I've got my dumplings in there they're simmering and now I am turn my chicken pieces up I'm just gonna layer my chicken up here on top and you can use a whole chicken cuz that's what I done I cooked a whole chicken and slow cooker or you can use just breast meat or you can use all dark meat it doesn't matter just make sure you put plenty of chicken in there I usually try to put a whole chicken now why everybody gets chicken chicken and dolphins are so good they're just they're such a good comfort food I usually don't make very many chicken dumplings in the summertime I don't know why to me I guess I think it's just a something you eat in the wintertime I don't know why it's kind of like chilly how come we only chili in the wintertime I like chili all the time I guess cuz it's so hot so I'm gonna get the rest this chicken here we are guys the dumplings are done they're good and tender I put up just a little bit of sweet milk in there just to make a little bit creamier and I'm gonna um simmer just I'm light simmer for just about five more minutes let everything kind of thick you know but that's a quick pan of easy chicken and dumplings just remember don't start too much so don't be intimidated by making dumplings it's really easy like I said if you can make a little pain a biscuit you can make dumplings the only thing you have to watch is that you don't wall unto death and boil and plum out apart but there you go I hope you liked this recipe thanks for stopping and watching guys if you like this video give me a thumbs up y'all come back and God bless everybody
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 133,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken and dumplins
Id: 6gLUzDCt8TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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