Chicken Adobo Recipe - Filipino Recipe - Pai's Kitchen

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I grew up enjoying adobo more or less the way this woman makes it, but i have to say i much prefer chef john's technique when it comes to making this dish. I think the browning of the chicken and subsequently browning the onions in the built up fond is a little bit easier and consistent in CJ's method, and mainly i recommend adding chicken broth and sambal to this recipe. Braising and then reducing the final sauce with broth in realy adds tremendous depth to this dish.

Holy fucking shit i love me some adobo, god damn.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GrapeJuicePlus 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2016 🗫︎ replies

I prefer more traditional filipino style than the way this is done. The Chicken is not dark enough either IMO for it to have been given the right mixtures but hey what ever each person likes. The one thing with adobo is it is never done the same way.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bacon_n_beer 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2016 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone welcome to PI's kitchen today we are making Filipino chicken adobo when I first launched Pais kitchen I actually got a request for my version of this recipe and I was super excited because I love Filipino food I feel like Filipinos and Thais or brothers and sisters from another mother and so I'm going to show you my version of this recipe but if you've got your own recipe and you do things differently would love to see how you do it so don't forget to let me know in the comments alright let's get started so the two main ingredients of chicken adobo is soy sauce and vinegar so we're going to start by marinating our chicken in those two ingredients so I've got here some soy sauce now this is Filipino soy sauce now you don't have to use Filipino soy sauce you can use Chinese or Japanese soy sauce but I wouldn't use Thai soy sauce that's the one thing I wouldn't do because I notice that Thai soy sauce is so much lighter than the Filipino version that it will it won't have as rich of a color and flavor so this is the one I got that's available at my local store Filipino fans let me know which friend you like and whatnot I'm sure other people would love to hear about it as well so this is Filipino cane vinegar as you can see it's a little bit cloudy it looks kinda like coconut water if you can't find it or you don't want to buy whole new vinegar I would use apple cider vinegar or something that's a little milder and smoother because this one is cane vinegar and if you taste it straight up it's way smoother than white vinegar so my rule of thumb would be use a vinegar that you can actually taste straight up and it doesn't make you you know go bad and now I'm gonna go in with tons of black pepper and so this recipe is going to be salty at zingy and tender braised chicken mmm mmm so good alright so I'm going in with my chicken bone-in skin-on chicken thighs and it's very important that you do bone-in because the bones as a chicken brace will make the sauce really rich and now I'm going to let this marinate for about 20 minutes basically what I do is I do this first and then I go and chop my vegetables and do the rest of it and by the time I'm done with those these are ready to go all right the first thing I'm going to do is saute the onions now I know that not every adobo recipe uses onions in fact I think most doable recipes don't call for onions but I really feel that the natural sweetness of the onions balance out the salty and the sour zing you could also just add a little bit of sugar if you want but I just think you know adding onions make the sauce a little bit richer as well so I'm going to get that sauteed until it's soft and browned caramelize and sweet now you want to keep the heat quite low because you don't want the onions to burn before they have a chance to really soften and if you get a lot of brown bits on the bottom before the onions are soft like they're still quite stiff right now I use deglaze it with a little bit of water and that'll help the onions soften and then it'll prevent anything from burning to the bottom of your pan all right so once the onions are almost done you want to go in with the garlic so I've got lots of chopped garlic here there you go and just cook the garlic just for a couple minutes until it's softened a little bit you want to get the flavor from the garlic infused into the oil my chicken still has a few minutes to go for the marinade so I'm just gonna turn this off and you know turn it back on when it's ready and definitely this is something you can do you don't have to wait for the chicken to be done before you get this all started alright so the chicken is ready to go so I'm going to turn this back on what I'm going to do this is also my trick I'm going to push the onions aside and make room so I can sear the skin of the chicken a little bit this step is optional but browning meat as a little extra level of flavor so you know you get a chance to do it why not write these squeeze bottles for oil so useful it really helps you control the amount quite well you want to shake off the marinade as much as you can you don't want to get too much liquid in at this point I love the sound of that sizzle and you run out of room and you got a redistribute the onions you go you do what you got to do so when you choose a pan for this choose a pan that's large enough so that the chicken will be can live in one layer I'm gonna let the chicken sort of sear just for a minute I've got some nice browning going on on my chicken so you know I'm good to go and now I'm gonna pour in all of the marinade ooh and turn the heat down down down down I'm gonna flip the chicken actually because I want the meat to be submerged and I'm also going to add a little bit of water just to bring the level of the sauce up to about right under where the skin is and now I'm going to bring this to a simmer just a gentle simmer just like that and then I'm going to cover it okay you want so you wanna a pot or skillet with a tight-fitting lid let that cover I'm going to turn heat lower a little bit and now we're going to let this go for 30 minutes or until it's fork-tender at about halfway through I'm going to flip the chicken so the top gets as much love as the bottom all right it's been 30 minutes let's take a look mmm by the way while you weren't looking I added some bay leaves which I forgot to add in the beginning but yes bay leaves that's a nice flavor so now flip the chicken back over and reduce the sauce because right now there's a little too much sauce and the sauce is a little too diluted so I mean technically you could eat it like this if you want it turn this on high so I'm going to let this reduce for a few minutes basically until I like the look of the sauce and you know I'll also come and baste it every once in a while because I think it helps with the color of the skin as well and the sauce is going to get darker and richer as we reduce I like the look of that see how it's now luscious and the bubbles are a little bit thicker now I'm going to taste it now in the times that I've made a Drobo I've never actually had to adjust anything but it's always good to taste mmm that's good nice and zingy but it's well balanced all right I'm ready to eat all right this is totally my size I coming through but I am going to sprinkle on a little bit of chopped cilantro you can do green onions but I really like the flavor of cilantro I think that freshness really works well with the richness of the sauce all right this one looks pretty good and always always have this with rice I find that the zing enos of the vinegar really needs some aromatic jasmine rice to mellow it out mmm that's fork-tender so good it's exactly what I need right now mmm it's zingy from the vinegar but not it's not vinegary either it's a kind of brightness that works perfectly with the rich dark meat chicken the onions a little bit sweet balancing everything out oh my god I mean this was so easy very short ingredient list definitely a weeknight dinner material so I hope you give this a try and when you do don't forget to send me some photos Facebook Twitter Instagram the recipe will be on hot Thai Kitchen calm and as I said earlier if you have your own recipe of adobo I would love to see how you make it you know it's always fun for me to see you know what else you guys do so I hope you enjoy the show and I will see you next time for your next delicious adventure
Channel: Pailin's Kitchen
Views: 1,554,477
Rating: 4.8901734 out of 5
Keywords: Hot Thai Kitchen, Pailin, Pai, Chongchitnant, Cooking, food, Thai food, Thai cuisine, Thailand, Thai cooking, recipes, demonstration, cooking show, educational, recipe, chicken adobo recipe, chicken adobo, filipino food
Id: aFzYOLfmYgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2016
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