Chicago CUBS at San Francisco GIANTS 6/10/72 Original NBC Broadcast (Kinescope)

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[Music] it is a cool and first day in san francisco california where the baseball fans are wondering what has happened to our giants nbc sports presents baseball's game of the week today from candlestick park the game between the chicago cubs and the san francisco giants number 10 in your picture there is ron santo the captain of the chicago cubs handing in the lineup for manager leo deroser and uh charlie fox of the san francisco giants hospitalized recently with kidney stone problems apparently all over those his kidneys are now clean and he's able to return to take over the ball club handing in his lineup for the giants the umpires for today john kibler will be behind the plate nick pelosi during the off-season is a may today in a new york restaurant is at first base dave davidson is down at second base and ed sudall is at third base the chicago cubs and giants have not played each other this year and santo and company are taking a look tony at for the first time at the completely artificially turfed infield and outfield and the terp is a little bit slick they had some rain last night here in candlestick san francisco the game was postponed they had a sprinkle out around the pitcher's mound there are some dark spots and talking to kessinger and popovich some of the cub infielders there you see those dark spots they were saying the ball is really skittering off the infield getting to them much more quickly right now also jim they're going over some ground rules there are some corners in this ball park 330 down both lines 335 in left field but the bullpens are down on the field and of course any ground rule that pertains to a ball hitting a player down there gets stuck in the bench is being to explain now to ron santo the visiting ball club captain and i don't recall tony whether or not the cubs have played here with this completely enclosed as it is now they were doing a lot of construction work here all last year and the chicago cubs by the way were unable to win here last year they had a very poor record against the giants of san francisco but remember the giants of san francisco as we said won 50 ball games at candlestick last year one of the best in the league only the pirates did better but this year they have really run into trouble they've won only six and lost 26. now the umpires are the ball players alike everybody here candlestick park listen to our national anthem [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] it is really a picture book afternoon in san francisco the temperatures to be in the mid 60s only white fluffy clouds in the sky lots of blue no chance of rain the chicago cubs meeting for the first time here is their lineup leading off and playing it shortstop is don kessinger now at second base because glenn becker does quote a hamstring marshall is paul popovich odd and left fields the sweet swinger billy williams batting cleanup today and playing first base carmen fanzone batting fifth in center field rick mundy who used to play for the oakland a's jose cardenal having a great years out in right field ron santo is at third base the captain randy huntley is back in catching all this year for the cubs and ferguson jenkins who has won six and lost five and in 12 starts has had 10 complete ball games all of those in a row is the pitcher as a matter of fact fergie last year had 30 complete ball games he is quite a pitcher the owner usher in the dugout there he is the one with the jacket on defensively for the san francisco giants as you watch steve's stone warm up mccovey's at first 20s at second spirit short kingman of third anderson in left maddox in center bonds and right dave rader behind the plate and tony here is steve stone and he is quite a young pitcher for the giants stone has been the most effective pitcher for the giants thus far this year we saw him pitch a couple of weeks ago against the atlanta braves he pitched a whale of a ball game jim only to get beat late in the ball game by a three-run home run by earl williams their fine young catcher he has a good fastball although don mcmanus pitching coach says he isn't using it as often as he should he changes speeds very well on his breaking pitch and this seems to be a success thus far this year his curveball now here comes don kessinger hitting a 255 kessinger switch it or gets better from the left side of the plate hitting at 263. not a long ball hitter i think everybody that watches baseball knows that the cubs going to the fake feigning spells anytime don does connect for our home run good lead off man former basketball player at ole miss sometime coach of basketball at ole miss a fine shortstop teaming with becker who is injured today right now you mentioned that stone does not use his fastball that seems to be one of the marks of many youngsters when they come in with the fastball they try everything else he's got it he just uh hasn't had callers to use yet he's been successful without it blue one by kessinger then at throwing [Applause] two zone a youngster next month you'll be 25 years old [Music] something is loose on the field and nick colossi the umpire looks like a loose ball that got out of the bullpen they're throwing it back to the bench and pelosi returns to first base elbows two strikes to kessinger who's the leadout batter cubs are going good they started out losing nine of their first 11 and have won 23 out of 34 cents wasted the fastball outside heard dick dozier say that if there's a problem with the cubs it is he feels they lack motivation we'll talk to dick a little bit later on there's paul popovich today and kessinger strikes out [Applause] that'll bring up popovich he's only been up 22 times 136 average and paul like kessinger's switch hitter this telecast presented by 30 major league baseball intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission rather use of the pictures descriptions of the counts of the game without the express written consent commissioner baseball is prohibited ground ball fuentes at second base going on to mccovey at first and stone has trouble [Music] we're in the top of the first steve stone out on the mound has had quite an athletic career he was a ping-pong champion of the city in south youth at lynhurst ohio that was in 1960 the next year he won singles and doubles tennis championships at kent city was on the championship bowling team and the championship volleyball team here is billy williams hitting at 288 leading the club in home runs with seven and in hits with 53. inside ernie banks is telling us tony what uh billy's problem was getting off to the slow start as you would say getting out in front which means getting off on that front foot getting your weight committed too far forward and you're way ahead of those braking pitches and then the fastball seems to get in on your fist your rhythm is off your timing is off same way it can happen to a pitcher and infielder and feeling a ground ball and throwing a baseball he's out in front on the front foot too soon one ball one strike we've got two out on the top of the first is no score and changed on that and it's low and away and it's two in one on deck is the filler out of the red sox system doing very well for the chicago cubs carmen fan zone plays baseball plays the trumpet [Music] up high three balls one strike the billy williams you know jim when williams is in the slump it's not like the normal 260 hitter when he's in the slump they go over four over five billy still manages to pick up a hit he'll go one for four just to maintain his average drive to right field bobby bonds with all that speed takes it at knee high level runs hits or errors and we'll be left with the bottom of the first in a moment well we thought we'd give you a real good look at the giants bobby bonds will lead it off and play in right field today getting at 276 there's chris spyer he'll be playing shortstop inspire having a good year at the bet ken henderson a switch hitter one of the young outfielders will be out in left field today and welcome back to willie mccovey came back a week ago and hit a home run here on nbc he's playing at first base in batting cleanup batting fifth is the catcher dave raider like doug raider no relation they call him the rooster there's dave kingman who leads the club in homeruns with 14 as 38 rbis he'll be at third base today gary maddox the sensational speed burner out in center field pretty good power playing there today batting seven tito fuentes is back after an injury now on that second base this afternoon and of course the pitcher is steve stahl and we've seen him at work in the top of the city bonds hitting at 276 eight home runs 31 rbis leads the team in hits with 59. remember that 30 30 club one year more than 30 home runs more than 30 stolen bases not too many have done that five all together and out there is ferguson jenkins six and five ten straight complete games breaking pitch and it's strike one five times in a row jenkins has won 20 or more ball games in those five seasons where his first five seasons as a regular outside one ball one strike and here's jenkins tony if you see a typical ferguson jenkins game you're going to see a real operation always on the black part of the plate never seems to throw a ball down the middle round ball kingman or rather santa over at third base throwing on the fan zone at first buddy jenkins is well back in 1967 his first year as a regular starting 120 120 and 68 then he went 21 22 and 24 and i'm sure you know that he was the shy young award winner last year here's chris fire having a great year in power six home runs 24 rbis youngster he had eight all last year 157 games and six so far this year all outside it's ball one we're in the last of the first one out there's no score spire will be 22 later this month born very near here lives very near here in alameda california in this giant ball club as you've probably noticed is in the midst of a real transformation from a rather slow running ball club with a lot of power that goes from the beginning to a lot of speed they have a lot of potential on this team a bunch of youngsters who are now making mistakes they're losing because they're making mistakes base running in the outfield defensively not getting runners over but basically this is a potentially great team spire with a count of 3-0 and jenkins who very seldom walks anybody got that one over it's three and one on deck is ken henderson last year jenkins went 14 complete games without walking anybody so he had spire 3-0 now he's got him three and two imagine 14 games without walking a soul to get back to the subject as tony was talking about at the young ball club ada rookies six or second year man and willie mccovey told us as everybody's seeing the making mistakes they're making mistakes not only with the glob drawing to the wrong base but mental mistakes are not where they should be valley had spire 3-0 and struck him out for the next three pitches well jenkins just doesn't put anybody on there here switch hitting ken henderson hitting at 205 but in the last 10 games ken has been hitting at a 382 face well 205 becomes very misleading right well let's see 1969 the mets won it all in the 1970 didn't do too well in 1970 cincinnati went to the world series and collapsed in 71 1971 the giants made it all the way to the national uh league playoffs and here they're playing the worst ball percentage-wise of any team in the league they've only won 31 percent of their games two balls one strike to count to henderson with big willie mccovey on deck speaking of that 69 season remember atlanta they were in those playoffs with the mets and lost to the mets and atlanta collapsed to fifth in 1970. two balls two strikes well like henderson is one of the faster men one of you talking about the speed of a bobby bonds and the unusual speed for a big man of dave kingman anderson adds to that speed jimmy look at the first three men in the giants line of bonds spire and henderson all potentially are 30 base plus base dealers kingman can steal you a lot of bases it already has us your maddox and fuentes can give you 25 or 30 stolen bases that's a fair ball gobbled up by fanzone who beats anderson in the race for the bag and jenkins has a one two three no one sits and no errors and none left and at the end of one chicago nothing and san francisco nothing as we go to the top of the second inning here's carmen fanzone hitting at 258 four home runs and 20 rbis no score steve stone the giants pitcher [Music] that's right i think i told you that uh fanzone plays baseball and also the trumpet he teaches and plays trumpet professionally in the off-season and his own teammates blew the whistle on him the other day that's outside one-on-one down in los angeles billy williams and jc martin called the hotel and said they someone was playing a trumpet in their hotel the manager checked army fan zone down low through the legs of dave rader two balls one striker let's take a look at the youngster and center field for these giants eliot maddox he has a power header out but i don't know if you can tell from that shot but he plays a very shallow center field i think he said ali gary maddox [Applause] they say he can really go back he knows how to play the fences here and candlestick knows when he hits that dirt track he's got a couple more steps before the fence due to the count found off well speaking of maddox here's one of the mistakes they made sam mcdowell pitching a fine ball game on thursday uh maddox is out there you can see the dirt track tony was talking about maddox was out there line drive hit at him and with all that speed maddox got there but he did forgot to do one thing catch the ball and right by him for a bases loaded triple and that's one of the ways the giants have lost ball games that's hit off the fists foul territory over comes dave kingman looking up into the sun and has it as i see a lot of the white showing but kingman holds onto it rick monday the batter monday used to play across the bay for oakland says now about playing in the national league not only does he not know the pitchers in the national league because he's seeing him for the first time around but also he doesn't know how to play the hitters so he's got to look at williams or cardinal and say which way do i move youngster one of the many out of arizona state inside leo de rocher it has been a legend that he has been looking for a center fielder for his ball club for some years now they gave up kenny holtzman for the a's to get monday and he is not disappointed here's the strike change up one ball one strike monday hitting as you saw 298 five home runs 18 rb office al deroser will agree that this is the best outfield all around his head with the cup since he's been here he also has hitler who can play it north opposite field maddox over henderson over maddox was playing him over there and look at that he was playing money to hit to the opposite field and tony has set it up who knows how to go back there and climb up and get it let's look at it again there you saw him he hit the track and that one glanced at knows he is approaching the fence you can see the poles all padded as he goes into his lead the right hand touching the fence so he doesn't jar the fence and acts as a cushion but he will not bounce off the fence and lose the ball a fine running catch until we saw something else the difference in candlestick park ordinarily before the park was completely enclosed that wind would be blowing in a gale from left field this one kept drifting out toward left field here's jose cardenal 264 hitter and he lashes this one in the left field henderson is there and backs up and takes it on one hop that is the first base hit off snow well maddox he said the other night forgot to get the low line drive there and plenty of time this time makes a great catch but that's what happens with you cardinal has been uh doing extremely well for the cubs ron santo when was the last time you can remember ron santa with all of that car hitting number seven in the lineup double this year with a fractured right hand but he is back and that right wrist is still very much slowing cardinal can fly he can steal bases cousin of a great base field anthony campaneris they beat santa a lot of breaking balls so cardinal could get a good pitch to steal on inside with the fastball two out in the second car nailed it first there's no score that's mccovey holding cardinal on good to see stretch back he broke an arm with both arms as a kid playing different sports football and ice skating i think fractured an arm lookout fractured an arm earlier this year i have to take a guess jim and say this is an excellent pitch for cardinal stilon like to get in scoring position for santa with one out [Music] a bluff going the cubs have not been stealing too many bases this year they are not a base stealing ball club as opposed to the giants who were not either but are this year thanks to the presence of bobby bonds anderson and big dave kingman arnanelle has done about all the stealing that has been done by the cubs this year going on there he goes the ball is cut on lifted to the left side kingman glasses down again looking for a second foot out of the inning and gets it runs one hit nowhere is cardinal stranded between first and second base to go to the last of the second inning score remains chicago nothing in san francisco nothing here's what he would cover only been the bat 30 times and everybody pulls way around and cardinals almost left the ballpark he was playing against the screen but that is fan zone to make the put out on the system dave raider next 239 while we were away tony i noticed something again and reminded me again that ferguson jenkins is one of the few pitchers that when he comes out of the dugout sprints to the mound to begin his warm-ups he does it juan maricel also does it to the giants i don't know if juan's still doing with the worst showing he's had thus far this year was he two and nine yeah what are they saying about maricho what is his problem has he lost anything is he running the bad luck or what they say he's pitching fairly well uh he had a bad outing the last time out but generally speaking most of his games and talking to the other pitchers have been pretty good games he's been hurt by lack of runs and by defensive lapses by his uh defense he strikes the count can you imagine danny mclane down in the miners can you imagine bob gibson now going well being oh and five before he wins his person and juan mayor's show being two and nine nearly incredible well the bro birds of texas the blind evans of minnesota steve stones of the giants putin's of chicago they're going to turn things around tough chance here for papa and it's under his glove raider looking for the extra base does not get it so randy hundley backing up there give it to the artificial surfacing i just kept just kept rolling by him popping looked like he was going to get it [Applause] playing very deep ranging to his left but the ball just picks up speed on the artificial surface well here are the big man's averages 232 14 home runs johnny bench has 15 and 38 rbis he leads the team in home runs and rbis and also in strikeouts with 53 kingman a big swinger lots of speed for big man lashes santo's got it throws across the first there's a almost easy double play man was off the bag but fanzone had to take the low throw from central and tag the bag so kingman lashes into a double play no runs one hit no errors and none left we've gone two full innings now and it's still chicago nothing and san francisco nothing jim simpson along with tony kubeck from candlestick park in san francisco steve stone taking his warm-ups he's going to face randy hundley who has been injured so much he has had two major knee operations in the last couple of years played only nine games all last year is not hitting well this year 197 and then talking to him and talking to the cubs it's tough on him tony when you've had both these operated on to be a catcher and have to crouch down and get up and down and up and down all the time it really takes the toll hundley has had quite a few bases stolen on him so far early in the year and a lot of people are saying because of the weakness in his knees coming back of almost a year and a half of inactivity has really kept him from being able to spring out of that crouch especially on the low pitch and get something on his throws it comes a little something different a number right in the center of i don't see any other team with that and it reminds me of a basketball uniform only was in the giants farm system for six years and he is a real team leader and he gets a high hard one up under the chin talking to some of the cubs tony they said that the manufacturer of these nifty looking double knits here put the number there instead of offsetting it is on most uh uniforms when they got it back to the chicago cubs front offices some of the people back there looked at and said i like it so they kept it there but they have no number at all on their front of their at-home jersey only on the away and it's in the center i have not seen that anyplace else three balls no strikes to hundley no score we are in the top of the third that's a strike and they couldn't believe it john kibler behind the plate over at the third base here that's pete rieser red-based coach one time great any banks is that the other one and that is off the glove of kingman with those knees does not have great speed and there's the off speed throw and he is still in with a double kingman almost came up with a whale of a play jim he's six six and has pretty good quickness and agility at third base although he's still just learning the position he played first base of course when mccovey was out with a wrist injury and at six six he just barely got the tip of his glove on that line smash outside young award winner of last year ferguson jenkins is up and last year aside from winning all those ball games and completing 30 he hit six home runs burst kingman has sneaked into the edge of the artificial grass figuring that in this scoreless ball game they would love to move hundley over to third and give kessinger and popovich a chance at getting him home there's a bunk but it's popped up in the air nobody can get to it well it's the old saying when you're pitching to a man that wants to bunk you want to keep the ball high so he'll pop it up that ball was up almost in the eyes of jenkins he popped it up but nobody could get to it kind of a difficult thing especially now with nobody out and the man on second base and jenkins swings the bat fairly well if you get the ball up in the strike zone which is where you want it in a bunch situation you've got to make sure you get something on it usually these pitchers are high ball hitters and if you just try and get up in the strikes and with nothing on he's like we'll take a swisher that's pardon me tony that's kingman on the upper left-hand corner there getting ready to charge in that's a strike and now with two strikes on him jenkins takes a look down to pete research [Music] cubs are well in this race in the national league to win again whereas the giants are well out of the race you believe the giants only winning as we said a little bit better than 31 of the game 17 and 37 but in the national league east is only five and a half out after losing nine of their first 11. they've been hot since they're five games above the 500 mark and with about four months of the season to go don't count out chicago raider going out to earnest pitcher stone of the possibilities right here he's probably telling me listen even with two strikes he still may bump so put something on the wall and by no means with that man in scoring position do not let the pitcher hurt you in this situation when you've got two strikes on them let's make a good pitch he's swinging and missing [Applause] second strikeout for young steve stone and that'll bring up kessinger who is his other strikeout to lead off the ball game [Music] only let off with the devil off kingman's glove had not dave been 6'4 tony i don't think would have had any play on [Music] kessinger one of the players who has had his switch getting exploits uh somewhat successful as has tito fuentes of the giants well back i don't know if you remember this tony but it was six years ago last month you and i were doing a game in wrigley field chicago and that was the first day that kessinger switched it in the major leagues and did that make a different hitter and an all-star shortstop out of this young man well he was on the verge of being sent back down to the minor leagues there's no telling what would have happened this is bad on the ball he plays that third base and gets him charging for a bunch slaps it by him that ball is foul not as good a don is at making contact with the ball a fella that usually bats right behind him glenn becker does something special he very seldom strikeouts has led the league for years and years and striking out least but as we said he pulled a hamstring in the thursday game and is out and popovich is on deck now in his place as paul what a star he was in basketball at the university of west virginia score top of the third only with one out is off second [Music] now the kickoff play and look out he's back in plenty of time but it looked as though steve stone was about to throw the ball in the center field maddox hustling in to back him up a lot of times uh jim the value of that pickup plays over long he wasn't even posted but still hallelujah a little bit closer those outfielders may just have a little bit better shot with kessinger not a not a hard hitter up at the point they may have a better shot for hundley at home plate just by holding them a little closer to the faith throwing a throw two strike pitch is up by and away one ball two strikes [Music] now times change steve stone of course last year did not have a great year at all he was three in uh in 1971 five and nine record that ball's out of play had a four point plus earned run average he was down with phoenix and up with the giants this year he's doing one nine two as an earned run average had a personal three-game winning streak going until he lost the last time out only last you only played in less than ten ball games as we said nine bad knees look out two balls two strikes kessinger was great basketball played ole miss southeastern conference all-conference and we said coach there and they wanted to play pro basketball just a couple years ago this is the left field only will have to hold up as henderson comes over near the line in fair territory and now wings them all back to second and just back in time is unleashed here's popovich that's hundley down at second base talking about paul playing basketball in west virginia one of his teammates there was a fellow the name of jerry west who finally played for a championship team in what a season the lakers had popovich is now up for the 23rd time hit the first pitch last time up and grounded the 20s at second base [Applause] only time popovich has gotten his three hits all in one game against the mets about two weeks ago three for three that day ten feelers now with two outs and that runner and scoring position should have one thing in mind a ball that they can get near to try and knock it down you can play a little bit deeper to prevent that run from scoring keep the ball in the infield if you can 0-2 speaking of that tony puentes has backed up along the lines that mark the infield he is playing short right field and softball he'd be the tenth man on the field he'd be playing right short stop seeing back there back of the line wants to make sure estonia said that keep the ball in play off of it's pretty quick but they don't want hundley to come all the way in on ball two strikes [Music] bright bright sunlight yesterday afternoon here in san francisco we had pretty much rain it was very cold temperature about 51 or 2 and they called last night's game and then we had a bad forecast for today suddenly last night cleared and the day is just beautiful aperture in the sixties well stone had him on two it has moved the ball inside and outside and now high inside and there's one up with a three two count two out her space is open so we'll watch to see what hundley does do from second base does not mean that he's going to be going they may have him running he is not running there's a ground ball there's mccovey over mccovey flips the stone and stone and the giants are out of the inning oh we have now gone two and a half innings the score remains chicago nothing and san francisco nothing here's gary maddox who made the great play out in left center field hitting a 255 three home runs 18 rbis lotta speed start of the year with phoenix called up it's one ball one strike bobby bonds was talking about this matic speed and we all know how well bobby bonds runs well bond says from home plate to first base or from home to second base maddox can beat him right field and cardinal is there chasing a little bit in the wind and has what a job as we said jose has done for the cubs this year leading them in several offensive departments here is tito fuente hitting at 257 three home runs 13 rbis switzer has not been playing too much lately because he has been injured but is back in the lineup strike i was thinking talking to willie mccovey notice about how times have changed i can remember jim ray hart at third base al and near at shortstop and they're playing some second base ron hunt down at second base mccovey of course was the first howler behind the plate maze in the outfield this ball club has really turned around the giants i have a hunch gym that the second half of this year the giant team is going to come alive and some of these kids are going to get their feet on the ground and they're going to have cause some trouble in this national league by the way tony you're the hitter not me but when i get out of the shot again of 20s there no that's not the weight normally most people stand because they need to be closed the tendency would be to pitch inside as you see jenkins doing because those hips are locked you've got that right hip and your back facing the pitcher but the smarter hitters and tito finis has learned this he learns to pull that right front foot out of the way and get those hips opened up and there's one second base hit up ferguson jacob steve strong no matter now with one out let's see if they're up there to move the man over with one out and that he was up at 34 times last year without a hit here is tito fuentes again you got a breaking ball from jake as you can see hardly there's any striding at all on that one just lifted that right heel up kind of breaking ball a little bit down in the strike zone and pull it in the hole now they're looking for a bunk jim there's the butt good looking bug tagged by fan zone but he has done the job wendy's is in at second base and this will give a shot at bobby bond [Applause] here's bonds thrown out by santo in the giants first scoreless game and for the first time now the giants have a man as far as second big with two albums bonds who has 31 rbis seems strange for a leadoff batter but remember bobby has not been leading off all season long he prefers to lead off because of his speed as you can see he's got a lot of runs he's a little man 120 first in the national league then and he's been second the last two years he's an excellent lead-off battle because of other problems [Applause] something interesting about bonds that came up in the game that kurt and i had done uh earlier this year is bobby bonds at this stage of his career is ahead of statistics in a lot of departments over where willie mays was rbis batting average stolen bases elbows bobby's the first to hit when i do it over a stretch in about 20 years then i'll start stopping my cat so there'll never be i see where they gave uh an organization in new york city gave donald grant of the mets an award for bringing willie mays back for doing something for the city of new york bringing a fellow back where he started his career to finish his career in appreciation wendy's at the second two outscored this ball game last of the third ferguson jenkins ten straight complete ball games to his credit this year 30 last year on the mound for the cuffs left field back goes williams looking [Applause] out [Music] [Applause] on the board out in left field is expression bye bye baby as bobby barnes has hit his ninth home run of the year and bye-bye baby for those of you in new york and more recently in san francisco remember used to be away russ hodges the late broadcast of the giants used to signify that giants have hit a home run it's two to nothing the 52nd home run for the giants who lead the major leagues here's spire who struck out hit this one off the fists out in the short center field rick monday comes in and has it and so the two out home run by bonds has put the giants out in front by the score to the novel well jim before every fight to hear muhammad ali come up with a little verse and ernie banks another man who is noted for his poetry comes up with a little verse about the fortunes of the cubs each year let's hear the verse for this year something old something new the cubs will win in 72. does a bunch of offer our club right now is playing real good baseball we have balance hitting good pitch in and our defense is picked up very very well so we feel right now that we're ready to go and win a string of ball games now you want it's been said a lot of times before tony but everybody in baseball if everybody everywhere in all sports your walks of life could be like ernie banks what a world it would be to live in here's billy williams lying to barnes made a fine running catch on him fouls this one back and toward us well there is williams on your left and there is willie mccovey on your right and why do we show them together well they used to play in a summer recreational league down in mobile alabama about 18 years ago both of them came up to the national league the cubby was rookie the year in 59 and williams did it two years later 1961. speaking of mobile alabama we got to recall every time he mentioned that place the senior bowl televised by nbc and all of the blind sports fans down there here's billy williams and his record against the giants last year count on him as one ball one strike giants trail two nothing on the home run by bonds the mets now lead houston five to two after six cincinnati and montreal were postponed atlanta philadelphia pittsburgh and los angeles and sem st louis san diego all tonight california and boston have gone two innings with no score cleveland has gotten five against woodson and now leave minnesota 4-1 after eight oakland which has won seven in a row leads detroit and mickey lowlich who is now out of there replaced by miller three to one after six milwaukee trailed chicago five to nothing after six baltimore texas tonight new york at kansas city also tonight count us all the way three and two to williams will lead off better in the cubs four struck him out [Applause] third strikeout for steve stone armand van zone the batter bow to kingman in the second inning hits this one off the fist it's foul out of play hands only did a lot of talking about his trumpet playing and i think i mentioned that he started out in the majors playing for the red sox 1970s then he only played 12 games with the cubs in 71 and i was getting a full shot here in 1972 in the major leagues [Music] fan zone's hitting style will remind you a little bit and his body structure also reminds you a little bit of joe torre did not have a real smooth swing it's more brute force he's very strong stockily built oh beautiful change one ball two strikes mentioning tory i think he's done more for weight watchers of america than any diet ever devised or any advertisement he's hitting 342 this year after winning it all last year after going on whatever diet he was on to lose all that weight so as someone reaches for an extra bowl of suds as they watch us you might have that and the chippy's down for the moment you know maddie lou seemed to be changing places almost daily in that hitting late internationally stone took something off that pitch and fanzone was way out in front we're in the top of the fourth two to nothing giants lead on bobby bond's home run in the last of the third with two out look at those top five hitters in the last leg four of the five are names you'd expect to see maddie lou torrey sanguine and poland bill buckner the dodger sitting at 324 off to a real fine start american league pinella of kansas city at 335 rudy 330 allen and white sox 327 braun of minnesota a surprise at 312 and vader pinson 307 call out on strikes fourth strikeout for steve stone is second in a row and here is mundy and when mundy was up in the second inning gary maddox played him around and left center field as he is playing him now monday hit a long ball towards the fence might have cleared the fence maddox climbed the fence put his right hand on that fence out there left center field and made a fine grab and as you can see even now maddox is pulled around to left center field for the left-handed hitting monday monday is the only major leaguer with three home runs in one game this year he went four for five three on ones and a single in philadelphia in mid-may monday's one of those fellas tony that's gonna have you and i and everybody looking to allow us once he decides to hang him up he's very intelligent he is very good looking and he sounds like every deep voice announcer you ever heard on a soap opera he is going to be some kind of performer on radio and television if he decides to and he would like to fouls this out of play are you a little bit worried about all the talks coming in tommy seaver now look at the turquoise they got long careers ahead of them i'm worried [Applause] outside it is three and one to monday monday with a great eye at the plate too he has 31 bases on balls he really looks them over carefully oops there's number 32 that is the first walk given up in the ball game and now the cubs and the tying run to bat cardinal who single to left field has a chance now he does have six home runs and 29 rbis to get the cubs on the board 11 years ago cardinal was playing in the giants organization as a third baseman came up to the majors mostly in american league as you saw has been quite a base [Music] deal only five hits in this game giants have three of the men they call it first base mundy has picked off what a fine move by steve stove well that's what rick was saying he doesn't know the pitchers in this leg and stone caught him watch his quickness monday just leaning to his right picked off foot tagged by mccovey with two runs down it's not the time with a potential home run hitter at the plate in cardinal not the time you want to get picked off the base let's say something about that the run zitzer and mundy is not left on base last to the fourth we go two to nothing san francisco leads chicago ken henderson who grounded the fan zone in the first inning up for the second time this one is down the line and foul jim as you mentioned i think the baseball fans are aware of it but it's very important that some of these players having good years in their home towns their name can be written in that dave kingman for instance here with the giants whose name is not on the ballot having a fine ear billy barkowitz wasn't it a couple of years ago who made the all-star team strictly in writing it was like a spellis name they finally put down billy g didn't they all i know is speaking of that he said that if he spreads his arms they can't see the g or the z in his name on the back of his uniform he's got to kind of hunch forward so he can read around his shoulders from left to right if he spreads his arms you miss the g and he missed the z two balls two strikes to henderson the switch hitter cleveland has defeated minnesota 4-1 wilcox out pitched uh dick woodson twins have now lost three in a row seven of their last nine this is fouled upstairs and of course they're in hot pursuit of a club by the name of oakland which has won its last seven in a row in oakland this afternoon is doing very well thank you beating mickey lowitz at the moment five to one after seven big willie mccovey stands on deck as the count of two balls two strikes to henderson ferguson jenkins six and five to show you the kind of picture is six and five with ten complete ball games [Music] they play henderson pretty deep six home runs 14 rbis watch when mccovey comes up caught on as i said he'll let's leave the ball apart al fanzone's going to get the chance to do the same thing he did before retire henderson mccovey who suffered that broken arm uh collision with john jeter on april 18th returned last week on nbc so i made a home run at a double and four times at bats since then it has gone oh for 15. but cardinal almost well now he's even backing even farther toward that path out in right field if mccovey hits one even there won't do him any good mccovey can hit him upstairs giants are out in front of the strength of a bombs home run to nothing you know jim in the past some managers against mccovey have actually used foreign outfields they've taken their third baseman left the left side of the field completely open and moved them out to right center field and that's not a bad idea just as soon give them a cubby that entire left side of the infield and concede a single well if willy new seldom does should hit one to left to toward third base he can make it see the man over there at shortstop is really the third baseman ron santo now as we swing around take a look at where cardinale is he keeps backing up and backing up and backing out a deep right field something else going on the other side of the field third base umpire ed sudall i think he is being uh talked to by members of the uh giants charlie fox he has to look at the baseball as jenkins moved off the pitching surface there's pseudo the third base umpire he thought maybe a little forced substance applied to it your balls two strikes remember our monday night baseball games begin on this monday at eight o'clock detroit will be in minnesota and that broadcasters part one of our pregame show two parts going back to harry island it was the first baseball broadcast you'll hear many familiar names red barber mel allen ross hodges rosie rose wall everybody three balls two strikes to recover i fouled out a play i do believe hyundai comes over now honey thinks he's got a shot at it and did have a shot at it wind is blowing and i think it blew it back out of the stands but hundley was very slow heading for it surprisingly enough carmen fanzone who was farther away from the ball when it was hit but he gave up on the ball too he took one look decided it was in the stands but this wind high above candlestick blew it back in the park and it gives him a cubby another chance all the people in the major leagues one of the few you don't want to give another chance is willie mccovey jenkins a cy young award winner against home run champion of other years woody mccovey all four he did not go around so instead of a cubby being out he gets the lease on life and jenkins who seldom gives up a walk walked in here's dave rader [Applause] [Music] popovich in the second inning [Applause] strike one talking about the windier candlestick and then the way they've enclosed it you're taking a look now on fanzona's holding the cubby on there with the left-handed banner raider up is not moving back he's bluffing him and then he's moving back as the pitch is on its way left field could be trouble over comes billy williams but it falls into the chicago bullpen it's time to talk about candlestick park and all the additional seats here and the wind not nearly like it used to be talking about this coming out this morning tony can you believe that candlestick park and it was renovated is the second oldest stadium in the national league philadelphia had at home got a new one last year cincinnati couple years ago across the field they moved out of that pittsburgh same thing the only well the only one older is good old wrigley field chicago or any bank says you play under the only light worth playing under and that's god sunlight i get a chance to watch hundley and uh referring back to that pregame show of bill friend on catching watch hundley how he shifts his feet gives his target to different spots and now joey malpitano the first base coach of the giants caught ferguson jenkins in a ball there are many different ways to block of course with motion or failure complete motion but you can actually put your ball in the glove take it out and put it back in for example and i think that's what fergie might have done there and an alphatano who has come back to the uh giants for the fourth time for the last five years he was a coach with the cubs caught jenkins on that you can do just about anything you want uh when your foot is not in contact with the rubber i think what happened on that is that with his foot in contact with the rubber jenkins thought he had his sign he started his hands and then he dropped them so you cannot do anything to deceive while your foot is in contact with that rubber either the hitter or the base runner and mouthwatano caught it played out by johnny kibbler in first base up our nick colossi did also and they immediately sent mccovey to second base where he's now in scoring position one ball two strikes giants late at two to nothing bobby bonds hit a two-run home run in the last of the third with two out we have one out here and mccovey now down at second base two and two willie mccovey who along with juan marichal and very few others are the last to the old guard of the giants [Music] brilliant now remember as we said jenkins just doesn't want many people he went 14 games last year without giving up a single walk had a three-two count on mccuffie a foul fly that could have been caught fanzone didn't go for it at all honey started late everybody thought he was out of here so given another chance jenkins gave up the walk now he has blocked mccovey to second and has a count of three and two on radar ground ball popovich waits for it goes on the first and raider at least has advanced his man over to third base and allowing dave kingman who lashed a line right at santo that was turned into a double playback in the second have a real chance to drive him in you know king when recently jim had been having a lot of trouble i think he saw his name up at the top of that home run column in the national league and started swinging for home runs as he'll be the first to have met and then just the last game against st louis he cut down his swing it's really a consciously bit quicker a little bit shorter on this wing and they've finally convinced them that as strong and as big as he is the home runs will come just make contact giants have won only six of 32 games at home but kingman has hit 10 of his 14 home runs at home one ball one strike dave is one of those increasing numbers of baseball players and football players that wears glasses and winds up wearing contact lenses while playing the sport [Music] good pitch and he took it one ball two strikes had some films of kingman when he was in the throes of this strikeout slump and it showed where as he was swinging hard his head was actually jerking off the ball before it got the home plate now he's crouching more and keeping his head in [Applause] kind of flipped the bat at that a little late and kessinger glasses down now chasing it in the wind and has it so jenkins gets out uh with somewhat touchy inning no runs no hits one error there was also a block one man left we've gone four foilings now and the giants leave the cubs two to nothing on the strength of the third inning home run by bobby bonds jim simpson tony kubick back at candlestick park first opened in 1960 and jose cardenal who was at bat he had single in the second inning he was about in the fourth he has six home runs 29 rbis and rick mundy found himself picked off first base and that took the bad round of the cardinals hands and took the bathroom out of all of the cubs hands as they had to go out and play defense for a while and so now cardinal is leading off the fifth inning of this two to nothing ball game what a ball player at the age of 17 back in 1961 is a thing called a software el paso he led that league in home runs and in stolen bases have 35 home runs and 64 stolen bases and guess whom he used to play for he was a member of the giants organization steve stone by far and away the most effective starting pitcher in recent starts for the san francisco giants on the mound [Music] [Applause] we have had a chance to see with nobody on base how the giants catch a raider is protecting that hand look at it behind him does not want to take any chance of injuring it with a foul tip a foul ball hitting that meat hand man on base you'll get that hand the bare hand and throwing position alongside the glove to get rid of the ball quicker talking about raider as there's a walk we'll talk about uh him in just a moment but here comes uh ron sandoval jim ronnie sando as most people know i think by now was discovered as a diabetic he's been doing quite a bit of work in diabetes let's show what he has to say about it well 20 i've been a diabetic for 13 years and it came out last year and i'm going to diabetes association chicago greater chicago and i do a lot of speaking with younger children and also go up to camps to diabetic camps and try to help the people understand diabetes and i think that a great example is myself being diabetic for 13 years and playing the major leagues and you just got to be able to understand that's the main thing words of ron seno to diabetics everywhere outside you're talking i started to say tony you're talking about raider how he protects to play with nobody on steve stone the pitcher out there has dave raiders his catcher here but in college he is catching is thurman munson now with the new york yankees of whom you know a little bit about pretty good young prospect santa going for the fences to tie this one up it's two to nothing giants getting the second base on balls given up by stone this manny walk was monday in the last um the top half of the fourth inning and he was picked off the statistic just flashes a pretty good average for nine years a hundred nine hundred over nine years two and one santos right wrist i think i told you he fractured his right hand his right wrist now the wrist is just about as big as a width of his hand i don't know if you can tell it there as he grabs it doesn't paint him like it used to but still it pains him in that wrist very swollen arnold has a lot of speed and so stone checks on him originally it was felt when santo incurred that injury that he might be out oh just a few days or a week but it really has been a pesky kind of thing there goes cardinal and there's the ball wind in the left field caravelle is going to go for third the players in front of henderson here's a throw he sees kingman let it go through him but cardinal might have beaten the throw anyway let's watch henderson again as he feels the ball on the right uh left field line a good strong throw you'll see the short hop off the artificial surface as cardinal comes in hard lifted his head up tony to see where he was the ball hadn't been it was just thrown so hard by henderson that it handcuffed him and now i think uh charlie fox is out the trainer's out i don't know if he was spiked by the hard sliding cardinal or the ball hit him on the wrist but they're having a good look at it may have jammed something down there jim that i think cardinal's hard sliding just uh made king take his eye off the ball just momentarily a little bit of uh what some additional speed can do for a team well you know what you know when you go from first to third here he comes again losing his hand and there it is and now you can see him wave that right hand as he came up one thing to go from first to third on ball's hit to center field and on balls hit to right field but when the ball is hit to left field and got out there very fast was picked up at one hop might have surprised kingman and henderson that cardinal was on his way and everybody's been saying that cardinal has been doing it all for these cubs he's been getting hit stealing bases driving in the runs in critical situations and you just saw him right now make a very important slide where he just knocked the ball loose from kingman's hand well he is waving in someone else because kingman tried to throw the ball to spire at shortstop and when he threw it it slipped off his hand and went way out of the center field when charlie fox saw that he said that's all and waved in somebody else leo hughes in your picture there the trainer of the giants walks up with kingman now when kingman walks out remember he is the man that is leading the ball club in home runs with 14 and an rbis with 38 has great speed steals a lot of bases second only to bobby bonds so the injury to kingman can be very costly no question about that well the fella with all the names gallagher is coming in and i say all of the names i think he's got about six names they call him alan gallagher but his name is alan mitchell edward george patrick henry gallagher watch this again and tony you'll see that hand flip up here watch it again cardinal coming in very high both feet off the ground the throw by henderson just barely has him beat now you see the ball scooting away from kingman even before cardinal hit him but still just the intimidation and the speed and the great hard slide of cardinal set that play up and eventually got kingman out of the ball game there is alan gallagher he is another area resident but right now steve stone has returned to the ball game in which the giants lead to nothing he's in a little bit of trouble with santa on at first how to now running on the pitch racing a third none out only who doubled off the glove of kingman back in the third inning is up again and there's a strike on the outside club finally not only a good catcher but a real team leader for the cubs [Applause] one ball one strike so pencil alan gallagher in a third base and take out dave kingman for the giants randy who as we said used to play for the giants was in the john's organization at least his first four years with the cubs he caught a 153 games on average a year the last two seasons you're watching the giants warm up there that's carriers last two seasons he's only caught 81 games only eight last year so he's gone from an iron man down to a man that has just not been able to play too much because of those knees that is cardinal over at third base and monsanto at first count as three balls one strike now what jenkins do up although a pretty good hitter this is where hundley is really looking for his pitch to swing on three and one and well he didn't think he had it but john kibler calls it strike two you're working with sandy koufax every week and sandy of course a great analyzer of pitchers uh i know sandy appreciate this fellow right here he knows how to work the hitters over three in one county still have confidence enough to come in with a breaking ball he's up there knowing that that hitter hundley is looking for the fastball geared to get something high in the strikes when to hit it to the outfield and he gave him a good breaking fish struck him out [Applause] and cardinal was very nearly picked up raider blopped and then threw down there that's the fifth strikeout for stone has been very tough with men on base now here's jenkins two rbis this year gave up their home run to bobby bombs to put him down two nothing now has a chance to get a run in here ferguson pretty good hitter last year those six home runs also hit 243 and let all of the pitchers in the national league had been about at least 40 times never know about that punk jim he looked like he was going to swing high and away the lead if it up to uh night hitting but contact making don kessinger should ferguson decide to punt of course you know what cardinal's going to do on that third base how many times do you try to squeeze in some situation like this i was going to look down to peter again there's kessinger stone as we said has been very very tough he struck out five walked two one in this inning given up just three hits but as not allowed to run 2-0 he's swinging again ground ball cardinals going to come home bare-handed by gallagher and he's safe drop the ball they said and here comes charlie fox 2-1 line played by gallagher great play and everyone has told us what's this bike gallagher bear handing it everyone has said that cardinal has been doing it all gallagher makes a good play play empire john kibler with a good angle and you just saw with that blazing speed jose cardinale just beat the throw again coming in very hard sliding very hard as he did in the third base he just got an excellent jump no hesitation whatsoever sliding just under the tag from raider fine base running getting the run for the cubs by jose cardinale the elder's choice puts jenkins on at first santa of course has moved to second we're in another one-one one-run ball game giants two cubs one and here is kessinger who struck out and flied to short left field well just you talk about doing it all tony coming home on that play he also went from first to third on the play right in front of him to henderson left field and barely beat that throw now don't underestimate the veteran jose cardenal now kessinger will try to tie the game if he can with a base hit strike good pitch that stone is in around that plate at all times he's a good pitcher he just was intimidated on the base pass by jose cardinale you know cardinal has had a tag put on him throughout his major league career being a little bit moody nonchalant not putting out at all times but he certainly did not display that tendency in the last series of base running he was great thought there that the cubs were five games in front of me so instead of five games behind dick dozier by the way the chicago tribune made the comment to tony in a pre-game interview here that you heard on the air i hope that he thought that the cubs lacked motivation you can chalk up one villa that doesn't at least has not looked at here at cardinal [Applause] that one misses [Music] and it's two balls one strike the kessinger saddle down at second jenkins on at first gorillas continues to warm in the giant bullpen a little pop fly but it's fouling back in the seats two two there's corridors he's been warming for some time now by the way the giants called up randy moffat billie jean king just won the french tennis championship she'd like to win wimbledon which nbc's going to televise in july and her name before she married larry king was billie jean moffatt and randy moffett the pitcher just called up by the giants as her young brother another smaller brother he's 63 about 190 but her younger brother two and two to kessinger [Music] left field foul behind third [Music] [Applause] charlie williams went down and if the name charlie once is not familiar to he is the pitcher that the giants got when willie mays went to new york they sent him down as everyone averaged well over five when he [Music] departed inside it is three or two now you can hear some people clapping in back of home plate i don't think they're clapping for steve stone to stop them i think they're chicago cub fans and uh i almost called you sandy tony tony and i were out walking around last night we saw quite a few people with a cubs helmets on and cubs jackets on and there's a booster club here so the clapping you hear are cubs rooters rooting for kessinger dozier booth now tells us they have 86 cubs booster club members here at the ball game on a little tour two and one they're running on the pitch short center field maddox is over henderson is in there and left and here's a throwback the first pace double play did not throw the second jenkins fight have been guilty of waging back the first thinking they might try to make the play on sanders second and henderson threw a man out one run scores on one base hit there are no errors and one left and let's see this again and you'll see that jenkins is clearly out pretty alert play by henderson seeing santa had already made it back into second base and then he made a long accurate throw and you see the great stretch by mccovey to get jenkins so as we go to the last of the fifth it's the giants two and the cubs won here at candlestick park in san francisco jim simpson along now with dick dose of the chicago tribune dick very interested in hearing your remarks at tony kubeck before the game and you felt that the cubs are a great ball club good pitching good defense a lot of all-stars but they lack motivation i just made the statement that carmel doesn't look like eli no he certainly doesn't however there are times when some of these veteran ball players and cardinal even would be one of those uh in let's say a game that's lost or a game that they're way ahead in it seems to me at times that this team lets down now i think it's probably probably an affliction that maybe reaches ball players when they get on a little bit in years when you don't have a lot of young ball players hustling to make a position hustling to win a job on the team i think you see a little of that and i think it's up to the manager or the coaches to shake them out of this i think they're trying to do it i just think that they haven't yet succeeded well i was just wondering also dick because i have turned to the action on the field here and we'll talk to you and tony wants to ask you some more questions whether or not uh possibly the fact that uh they had a little bit of trouble the last couple years they had a chance to win it all uh two years ago and faded fast and last year they're out of it late and this morning maybe uh extreme disappointment has also set in the score as we now start the last of the fifth is two to one the giants and here is gary maddox who's fly to right field jenkins working on him this a lot of right field carter now coming on and there's that speed again [Music] excellent speed as you can see this team has got a little bit of a different image than it has in the past but probably dick has the finest outfield that leonardo has had since he's been here not only has the finest outfield there's no question about the fact that this is the finest team that has been assembled top to bottom and since uh in the seven years now that leo has been in charge here's tito fuentes single went down the second on a bump by stone back in the third inning and then bobby bonds drove him in ahead of him with his ninth home run of the year two runs three hit stores for the giants one three and oh for the cubs this is right field cardinal going back again and is there and has wendy's [Music] steve stone is up you know you talk about when you say this is the finest ball club uh nick dozier of the chicago tribune you're saying that the cubs should do very well they're five games back and it is your feeling that if you don't do better something has gone wrong and perhaps a lack of motivation is that what you're saying well i'm also saying too though and and tempering that statement some that this team is not doing all that bad they were off two and nine this year and have won uh basically a little more than two out of every three games since that time but they are cast in a division here that's why that's finding it very difficult for them to to catch uh the leaders the new york mets for instance uh off with a lot of early foot and now pittsburgh coming on like everyone thought they would uh they've got a tough job even to catch these teams at the best countess 2-2 now the stone with two out last to the fifth make that strikeout i was talking to dick here and that is strikeout number two for jenkins and it's no runs no hits no errors now we've gone five full innings and the giants are still out in front of the cubs by the score of two to one jim simpson with tony kubeck as we go down to the top of the sixth inning giants lead the cubs two to one we're also talking with chicago tribune and sports reporter dick dozier and dick here's some good news for you the white sox have defeated milwaukee chuck tanner's outfit winning again six to one with tom bradley winning his seventh goal game against two losses and ken bret the loser his record is just the opposite he is now two and seven as we go to the sixth inning it will be popovich williams and fan zone popovich is all for two as he steps in against steve stone dick talking about this cubs ball club with you earlier it seems as we mentioned before to be a team of superstars veterans and yet how do they continually get beat in close ball games as they seem to go to these streaks or slumps well i think it's a team tony that has been a little short on fundamentals or application of fundamentals or maybe concentration on them in spring training you saw a little of it here today uh ferguson jenkins uh failing to bond at one time later struck out couldn't move the runner up giants on the other hand did bunt with their pitcher then jenkins blocking also getting picked off first base things seem to have ganged up on him today that is one day slowing out the lead off hitter popovich another bring up billy williams who is old for two bonds made a nice running catch on him back in the first look we've been kind of talking about lack of motivation and you just mentioned now maybe a little bit of lack of work on fundamentals in spring training we've really kind of been avoiding the name leo deroser in this whole thing i want to put you on the spot does leo have anything to do with this is leo old well you are saying this i i think probably he's certainly seen his better days as a manager he still has a knowledge of the game as much as anyone there is i think he's surrounded himself by a pretty good coaching staff and we in chicago just hope that he he uh you know makes use of them properly i mean pete reese's a fine baseball man larry jansen a great pitching coach there is deroser it's uh william's also retired by pointies here's fanzona for two and you're talking about is he old uh tony leo will be 66 on july 27th i see a lot of 66 year olds around the country saying that's not old here's a base hit first of a fan zone well i think this is uh uh you know it's a young man's game really it's become a young man's game with the rigors of travel and so forth too in recent years you know dick uh talking about reeser had a shot when leo was in the uh hospital with a virus or whatever it was finally diagnosed as being reese took over the club and had a very poor record first pete down on third base as soon as leo came back the club started to move how do you explain it uh that was a little difficult to explain but i think actually the club was trying so hard to win for research that with each succeeding loss uh they got tighter that's the best way i can explain it it was a tight ball club at that point later relaxed and came on with the skills that they had which of course will surface well here is rick monday who has been retired on a great play by gary maddox and then thrown out picked up by stone and he is up for the tying run down at first base in this two to one ball game two out on the top of the sixth inning one with great power five home runs 18 rbis they play him as we sit around to the left to hit to the opposite field think one of the men involved in that supposed clubhouse squabble last year uh whitney derose was kenny holtzman of course the trade was made and here's the man they got for him he's really been a big help club this has been one trade that has certainly helped both clubs holtzman's done a fine job for oakland monday's fit in beautifully in the cub program [Music] three home runs in that one game and just a just super game he played i think i was in philadelphia earlier this year and you're going to have joe pepitone back shortly he's working out with the club is he going to add a little bit to this punch in this place i think he will yes this team is short-handed right now we're playing with 24 players and i don't think a lot of people know too that two or three of them have been playing with minor injuries of course i think you've publicized the one that [Music] ron santo has the bad hand but he's just learning to live with that pain and play with it don kessinger's had a pulled abdominal muscle and that's been bothering him but he doesn't say much about it here is monday now looking for his pitch with a count three and one and two out in fan zone on the first base [Music] how's it all i think a question about the pitching staff of the chicago cubs and of course uh especially important to me i think is the bullpen the bullpen has been a relatively weak spot for the cubs over the past few years but it seems to pick up with some trades or some acquisitions of players haven't yes i think the cubs have a fine gold pen but when you have such good starters that they do frequently your boatland endures long periods of inactivity and that has hurt them on occasions this year they've had people that have been able to withstand that larry jansen has been working out very diligently on this side and they've been able to stay ready and i think that's what a bullpen has to do especially when you get into the middle of the season where you're playing more frequently revolves two strikes cub staff leads nicely in complete games with 22 there is a ball picked up by fuentes he throws out his third man of the inning and we thank you dick dozier of chicago for that fine analysis of the chicago cubs no runs one hit no errors one left we go to the last of the six and those cubs trail the giants two to one thanks dick thank you dave kingman has suffered an injury to his right hand and they're going to have an x-rayed at st luke's hospital bobby bonds last time up with two out hit his ninth homerun of the year to drive in twenties ahead of him and give the giants the two-to-one lead ferguson jenkins on the mound as we now are in the last of the sixth inning [Music] don carrithers has taken a seat in the bullpen for the giants and john cumberland is now throwing well oakland has won number eight in a row five to two over detroit dave hamilton since being called up winning his third straight and mickey lowlitz dropping his fourth of the year's 1-9 32 000 out in detroit to watch out one ball two strikes that would mean that if baltimore wins tonight the orioles will be just a game behind the tigers and here come the birds again new york defeated houston five to three this afternoon so they're going to at least stay ahead of the pirates for a while houston will be looking at the cincinnati and dodger scores of the night bobby vaughn strikes out strikeout number three for jenkins [Music] that'll bring up chris fire who is all for two by the way someone did an analysis the other day tony of speaking of the baltimore girls everybody expected to go out move pal was hitting about 116 points below his average uh brooks robinson was hitting about 70 to 80 points below his average everybody was down anywhere from 30 to 120 points below their average and earl weaver got about last tuesday morning i believe it was at 9 30 in the morning for hitting practice they only had about five hits that night but they came back the next night at 11 2 and now they're on their way again spire this is going into the whole kessinger for the throw and can't beat spiders face it base hit number four off jenkins [Music] aspire not a real pull header and of course kessinger was playing him about straight away maybe a little bit up the middle aspire with an exceptional speed running down the first base had the pipe he even had don made a good throw [Music] you're talking about that orioles team uh i guess it was weaver that also said uh he wonders where they'd be without their youngsters that they brought up through their farm system terry crowley bobby gritsch don baylor they've really produced from earlier in the year oats the catcher right here's anderson twice he's grounded to fan zone [Music] inside backhanded by hundley speaking one more time with earl weaver do you realize last week this well this week really we're at the end of this week that they were under 500 for the first time since he joined them as manager in 68 and had a five-game losing streak for the first time since 1967. now the orioles when they talked about the super birds of other years they lost to pittsburgh in seven last year but they have certainly been a dominant factor in the american league and now they're just if they can win tonight just a game behind the detroit tigers and the all-star break is almost six weeks away spire has a lot of speed but he's not going this is out to short left field william slate breaking in kessinger out williams takes it in front of him now makes a throw back to first base and hustling back to spire two out with willie mccovey over one coming about due to won the score giants lead the cubs and mccovey grounded the fan zone in the second and walked in the fourth after they didn't pick up a foul pop-up of his and was walked down the second base but that's where he stood two runs four hits one error for the giants one run four hits no errors for the cubs [Music] up and in on him with mccovey up i doubt that you'll see the base runner spiral first trying to steal but if he should it'd probably be the first time you'd ever see a third baseman sandal take a throw on an attempted steal he's right near second base with the shift oh looked like woody was going to lay one down the third base line with nobody there on the left side of the screen that's the third baseman santo as we come to the left you will see that there's nobody between him and santa and mccovey there it is was trying to lay one down you know if he tapped the ball just a little bit harder than a bunk down the left field line it would be a double for mccovey and it wouldn't surprise me one bit i mean williams is playing over in left center and santo playing over near second that spire might be able to score all the way from first base [Applause] [Music] now there's 101 to mccubby two outs fire moving off drive deep right deal but high cardinal now comes in a little bit says he has got it and puts it away now one hit noise one leg we have gone six innings and the score san francisco two chicago watch here we are in the top of the 7th inning and here's a fella that's done an awful lot for this ball club jose cardenal today he made the play on the only run drawing a walk in the fifth inning going to third on the base hit to left by santo and scoring ahead of the throw by gallagher at third base on jurgensen's little uh jenkins little tapper to make it 2-1 the two runs for the giants bobby bonds home run in the third and now is one for one he is also single and he scored the only run and made some fine catches in right field and drives this one to center field where gary maddox is and has it that'll bring up ron santo talking about the white sox winning again today chuck tennessen such a great job there i congratulations to chuck today for another reason mark tanner has been signed by the chicago cubs who picked him in the 21st round of this week's free agent draft and mark had gone to penn state where he's both a pitcher and an infielder chuck tanner's got the white sox moving and his son may someday play for the rival cubs here is santo one for two last time up the single steve stone all the way as ferguson jenkins has gone all the way stone born out in cleveland ohio now lives in foster city california two balls one strike has happened so often late in the ball game jim in a close ball game that third baseman guiding the line to prevent against that extra base hit down the line that's gallagher really one oh half a step away from the third base line there's a ground ball into the hole goes spire that's gonna be a low throw but he's got it the mccovey digs it out on one hop that guarding of that line almost cost [Applause] across the base runner to these giants gallagher on the line spire with a fine play way to his right santa with not much speed mccovey with a fine play taking the ball out of the dirt here's randy hundley one for two a double off the glove of dave kingman back in the third inning kingman since removed his right hand is injured he said they're taken to the hospital for x-rays top of the seventh inning giants leaded by a run giants have won six only out of 32 games at home there's a strike [Music] no one strike pitch make it one-on-one look at that houston at new york won by new york this afternoon attendance 54 198 in new york city on ball two strikes that's an important series houston has been taking the the big dive of recent had a lot of injuries down there tommy helms out lee may out jimmy win is probably the most serious injury and harry walker's really had to juggle started the day with his team not too proud of first place on the dodgers and cincinnati two games down but they lost again this afternoon the mets trying to hang on ahead of the pirates three and two must be a pretty encouraging note for yogi too to see kuzmin the winning pitcher in that ball game and uh i don't know if you'll ever see the kuzmin of 1969 again because he has had that arm trouble but if he can get a reasonable facility of a 69 kuzmin he's going to still be a pretty good pitcher hold on on strikes strikeout number six for stone and now we go to the last of the seventh inning with san francisco leading the chicago cubs 2-1 and every player makes it to the major leagues but a lot of guys that could make it are handicapping themselves by playing around with drugs don't let drunk sideline you you'll need a clear mind and a strong body don't blow your mind your body and your chances with drugs all the facts say no to drugs seating announcement was made on behalf of major league baseball you are looking in on candlestick park in san francisco with the giants at bat in the last of the seventh inning lead the cubs two to one listen jim simpson with tony kubeck it'll be dave raider alan gallagher and gary maddox in the last of the seventh the pace ferguson jenkins on the boat then still warming up as he has been well that's the first time we've seen him come on the sat down that is randy moffat that's the younger brother that we told you of billie jean moffatt king the tennis player there he is just called up as charlie williams went down the phoenix loosening up strike to raider and i would imagine maybe larry johnson is simply taking a look at muffin and what he's got you know our first year manager of the uh phoenix club is our director ted nathan is a great fan of his he used to love him when he played for the giants fellow by the name of jim davenport now managing phoenix [Music] that ball looked like it might stay fair off the end of the bat operator foul one of the reasons one of the reasons our director teddy nathanson liked uh davenport is that if you isolate on him there's like brooks robinson of the auras you're bound to see a couple of great plays during the course of a ball game ground ball here is papa busy today at second base drawing on the pandrone and this one out on the san francisco 7. let's watch the catcher randy hundley once again see him avoiding the bat then coming over on the throw from the second baseman backing up at first base well here is al gallagher gallagher hitting a 277 one home run five rbis has only been the bat 65 times this year as charlie fox has been trying to get more power to the lineup and is trying to make a third baseman out of dave kingman who is still learning the job over there gallagher is pretty good feeling third baseman charlie fox uh head down there what a season he has had with his team winning 31 of his ball games and he has been hospitalized on several occasions with kidney stones so it's not been his best year last year everything was coming up roses for the giants who went all the way to the playoffs against the pirates there were some great games val tip that looked like it went off the mask of john kidler mississippi leads texas six to nothing this is an ncaa championship series going on loser of the game is out of the tournament usc won one last night they have won well they're looking for the third in a row i believe ncaa championships they have really turned out some great teams and great players at southern california and uh tell about the name of jake gibbs his coaching i say i guess you say coaching instead of managing in college that mississippi team which lost usc last night a lot of players here in this game today have played varsity baseball rick monday we were talking about arizona state chris fire went to university of california at santa barbara dave kingman usc here's a fly ball right center field overcomes monday over comes carnadal mundy is there and that's the second out of the san francisco sermon stone went to kent state as we told you i recall when jake kids first came up with the yankees and signed one of the largest bonuses ever paid there and mickey mantle and whitey ford were kind of egging them on a little bit and saying son what kind of hitter are you he said well he said mick i'm not much of a home run here like you said i just did a lot of line drive with that southern ball of this between the operators a lot of doubles and triplets here's malek so for two am i correct uh g jake had a long career did not he come up as short stop third baseman shortstop and then murdered him uh catcher tried to make him a third baseman gym and then uh there was a shortage of catchers with ali and yogi getting old so they sent him down on my legs where he kept injuring his hand well cardinal makes the out and that is the third out the runs hits her as we've gone seven innings now in a very close ball game the giants thanks to bobby bond's homerun with a man on leave the cubs by the score of two to one oh gee what a day this is temperature in the mid 60s very sunny lots of blue sky as we go to the eighth inning of a two to one ball game and here's ferguson jenkins and this is the spot that many pitchers like tony they'd like to uh lead off pitching to the pitcher they almost consider this a two out inning however jenkins as we said is a pretty good hitter led all of the nationally getters last year so he is a possible exception to the rule today he is over two he has reached on a fueler's choice maddox playing in and but shaded toward left strike from stone comes bullpen on your left the right-hander tom phoebus that's dan mcginn the left-hander mcginn and phoebus one ball one strike cups 23 and 11 since losing nine of their first 11. right field bobby bonds going back and pulling him as he goes back and he's got it did not expect jenkins to hit it that hard to the opposite field robbie actually took three or four steps almost straight in just misjudged it but you get a chance to see what blazing speed can do for you he just outran the ball getting back into that right field corner look at him go just in front of the fence in that pole oh there's one out maybe a two odd inning for steve stone but he sweated a little bit there that might have tied the ballgame and it carried a little bit farther certainly put jenkins in good base running position here's kessinger oh for three left field foul new york defeated houston this afternoon five to three kuzma the winner wilson the loser raider and cedano hit home run cincinnati montreal postponed because of rain tonight atlanta philadelphia pittsburgh at los angeles there is a big one saint louis at san diego and of course this score here is two to one giants over the cubs in the top of the eight strike two california trails boston three to two wright and curtis the pitchers fisk and harper of homer that's after six cleveland defeated minnesota wilcox over woodson four to one twins have now lost three in a row seven of the last nine oakland won its eighth in a row five to two over detroit hamilton defeating lolwich chicago defeated milwaukee six to one brett losing to bradley detroit's now lost four in a row baltimore's at texas tonight if they win that game with mcnally pitching to be a game behind and new york's kansas city also tonight count the kessinger with one out on the eighth two balls two strikes still now jim seems to be going more with his fastball he was changing speeds on his breaking ball the first part of the ball game he still appears strong he's thrown some fastballs very hard to don kessinger he likes to move around a lot between pitches as you see where the roulette came in a few years ago a pitcher is not able to go to his mouth to wet his hands while on the dirt surface so he moves off a lot to get some moisture left field playing over there was henderson he's going to go to the bolt in and not get it kessinger not a pull hitter he goes with the ball of course better hitter from left side that's henderson walking back to left but as you saw alan gallagher protecting the third base line back in the seventh inning so in this inning at this particular play with the left-hander up it is willie mccovey over at first base protecting the first baseline against that extra base hit as a matter of fact for left-handed hitter gallagher is playing more toward the line of third than which it would for most left-handed hitters because he does make contact so they're protecting both lines and it goes right back through the metal and gets through fifth hit now you know what a good catch that was for bonds after he had misjudged the ball that would have been deep trouble for steve stone long drive by jenkins caught the signal by kessinger here's popovich playing as we said for the injured glenn becker all is all for three nick dozier the chicago tribune talking with us reporting at the cubs are playing a man short there's that chicago cup booster club again clapping it up for the cubs wall rides in under the chinner papa apparently stone is weakening somewhat because i just saw charlie fox peep his head out of the giants dugout look down to the bullpen and signal to don mcmahon his pitcher and pitching coach whether or not the pitcher warming up is ready and the sign came back yes he is there's charlie and raider went out to check with his pitcher waited on the change lines at the left henderson comes in and has it for the second hour [Music] well a big one of the big trouble is kessinger briefly bluffing there that he might go to second here comes billy woods one of the big problems with the giants has been as one man put it today when you call it the bullpen you never know what's going to come out of there here's william's 0-4-3 mons made a fine running catch on him in the first he struck out swinging in the fourth and grounded to fuentes at second and the sixth jim barr is the man that's now warming up randy moffat was just up for loopsie i'm sure and bars had much more experience and was not just called up is warming up [Music] miss williams is dangerous but he pops it up oh so high wendy's now says he's got it and does no runs won't hit no errors and passengers left at first base they go to the last of the eighth inning and those cubs are still trailing the san francisco giants by one run the scores two to one san francisco 20 stone and bonds in the last of the eighth inning of this two to one ball game going against ferguson jenkins so well it's a strike on the outside corner our little unit here our producer today is dick our back our director is ted nathanson and yours truly it's fourth consecutive year that we'll go to england for one of the most traditional and best loved events of all time the all england tennis championships at wimbledon england what a pleasure it is two strikes quickly to fuentes from ferguson jenkins nobody working in the cubs roll pin now but the giant squad pin is quite busy we have front foot of point as he gets up on that po at times he doesn't stride at all which is something relatively new for tito a lot of hitters when they get to over striding or getting the weight on the front foot too far will try to hit that way his left foot pointed directly at the empire catcher looks so uncomfortable like you could never swing in that position well back i tell you we had a shot oh he was up before i think it was from our third base camera and with that very close stance he's got when you look at him head on from third base it looks as though something's wrong with it he does it there he looks natural now here he looks pretty natural too but when you get out in front of him looking in from third base it looks very odd i think you saw that well again he also that left elbow very high while he's in his batting stance but as the pitch comes on the way he kind of lowers it swept bands on the wrist here you are from derby it's like tito can't hold himself up too well [Music] but he lines the single center field battle him all the way and now he's going down to second base and it did the ball actually slowed up on the artificial turf and that's those i think it's a top clutch we're talking about tony rick mundy playing in toward left center field jim the ball just barely getting by papa which there's the swing again by fuentes and now you'll see where doubles are made not from first to second but from home plate to first base he never hesitated for one second he just took off from home plate and that's where your doubles are made i automatically called it a single but it's slowed up and monday coming over from left center field not in time to get the speedy fuentes there's a big difference between a two to one ball game and a three to one ball game and here's fuentes and remember a stone comes up back in the third inning he very successfully bunted fine but right down the first base line and they'd love to move him over to third base and give bonds a chance just to get the ball out of the in field and make it a three to one ball game jenkins an exceptional fielder on the mound santa will be charging popovich will go over to cover first base kessinger holding the runner fronties as close as he can they would like to get him at third base if possible harmony will be directing the play from behind hopefully another responsibility of that catcher there's nobody in the shortstop's position there they're counting on him to bond and he doesn't want to foul i just figured that steve is up there tonight you've been saying to bump the man down kessinger's all the way by second base and santo on the line of third base and he's got the whole left side of the infield open imagine it gets two strikes they might change that kessinger actually behind the runner now at second let's watch randy he'll be the one calling the player jenkins feels it he'll tell him where to go missed the buck hit strike two the catcher the only one on the field who has everything in front of him generally regarded as that team leader kessinger yelled something at jenkins jenkins yelled back don is not behind the runner now he's cheating a little bit toward the hole now moves in again they're figuring it steve is up there to do one thing he is not a good hitting pitcher but demonstrated ken bunt fan zone's way in this is not called a strike it's down in the dirt one ball two strikes fan zone is charging way in actually fan zone and ferguson jenkins will try and cover some of the territory that ron santo normally would because santa is going to try and hold the third base as long as possible until he absolutely has to peel the ball that's a strikeout this time stone does not move the man over and jenkins has strikeout number four giants two cubs one we're in the last of the eighth inning and the giants won another one here comes bobby bonds was grounded the third in a two-run home run his ninth of the year in the third inning and the only runs that the giants have and struck out swinging in the sixth inning his 47th strikeout of the year if you tuned in a little bit late something that could be even more disastrous to the san francisco giants along the stretches dave kingman injured his right hand and that's being x-rayed this afternoon at the hospital lay at their base bonds a big free swinger lower ball jerry johnson that's don mcmahon their short relief man and bullpen coach on the right 1-1 mississippi was beaten by texas nine to eight and they were down six to nothing and texas got nine runs in one inning loser goes home so mississippi and jake gibbs return to oxford mississippi there's that big swing of bonds one ball two strikes fergie coming quite a bit more from the side now to the right hand hitting bobby bonds holding point is not too close either at second base and he's got good speed good steel base kessinger playing over the hole for bonds almost missed outside 2-2 few who's an eyes from the crowd on that one he thought he made the perfect pitch came from the side tried to hit that outside corner low and thought he had it strikeout number five and the second time in a row that bonds has gone down swinging well with fuentes who leg to double still at second base jenkins has struck out the two men that he's faced since that doubled and here's chris fire who is one for three last time up he got a hit in the hole at short kessinger just couldn't throw him out before that it struck out and fly the center drive kessinger's there this time throws on the first base it's up the line but fanzone tags the runner spire now runs one hit wendy's is left at second base no errors we go to the ninth inning it's two to one san francisco and now we will show you what happened at the end here is kessinger racing over or spirals ground ball throws on but his throw is up the line and fanzone has to come up the line toward home plate he grabs it and as far goes by there's fire he tags him right there for the third out now in the ninth inning with the cubs trailing the giants two to one fan zone monday and cardinal between these three men they have 16 home runs here's fanzone who is singled is one for three they only need one to tie it guns have had a very poor home record losing 26 at 32 that's ball one and they've lost their last six in a row love to have steve stone turn it around for them this afternoon ball two on the other hand the cubs are in the thick of the race they started the day five games out in the national league east and the mets one this afternoon so if the cubs drop it they are six games up mccovey and gallagher guarding the lines there's a strike gets two balls one strike gallagher just a yard away from the line of third base the covey about 10 feet away from the first baseline well three and one stone whose walk two is in danger putting the tying run on a base pete reese's the third base coach flashing the signals the carbon fan zone it's up and in high ball four time run with none out goes down to first base here comes rick mundy maddox made a great play on him charlie fox is coming out [Music] then monday walked in the fourth inning and grounded the second in the sixth inning this may be all fox is coming out one in new york now lives down in phoenix where the number one farm club for the giants is located and now racing out is bill north an outfielder and he is going to run for fanzona i'm sure north very speedy takes over first place stone is going to stay in they've got two of them warming in the bullpen now for the san francisco giants stone would love to have the complete game [Music] now monday as we said very good power hitter 501's 18 rbis behind him is jose cardinale who has scored the only run of the game for the cubs north at first base is very fast and so stonewall picked monday off back in the fourth inning checks over there north in the texas league last year led that league in stealing bases with 47 so he's got a lot of speed again they play monday to hit more toward left center than to right center drive to right center field maddox goes back bombs goes back looks up it's gone and it is three to two [Applause] chicago hyundai six for run of the year is 19th and 20th rbis and the cub boosters from wrigley field chicago are thrilled there is charlie fox who walked out talked to steve stone and decided after his conversation with him i'll leave him in one pitch to rick monday and the giants are down three to two well we told you all of those home runs at fan zone monday and cardinal had between them monday connected for the one and the cubs are in front here's conor now taking a strike [Music] they had one they pulled around the left center couldn't have caught it anyway in right center their strike two but that ball was pulled to right center field cleared the fence about 390 feet away the giants must feel as though they are snake bitten before their own crowd one and two in the ninth inning henderson mccaby and raider will be the giant batters no we're not through yet big swing by cardinal who strikes up seven strikeouts for stone will bring up ron santo is one for three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foul out of the second single in the fifth sending continental to third and he later scored on the fewest choice and then uh ron grounded out in the setup the two giant runs on a third inning home run by bobby bonds the tying and going run for the cubs here in the ninth inning on a two and over by rick mundy [Applause] two balls no strikes to santo [Applause] dealing on deck is randy hundley [Music] here's brandon one for three of the day out on a plane well this is the way you stay in a pennant race you're down five games on june the 10th you look up and they can see the scoreboard here that the mets won their game they were in danger of dropping the six and the cubs went to work and did something about it hand zone drawing the walk and the home run by monday two and two well you haven't heard from tony kubak lately because he's been on the way downtown expecting this game to end in the last half of the ninth inning tony do you see the home run or were you [Music] enroute steve stone has pitched quite a ball game struck out seven walked three one of them came home to score as the tying run and allowed the three earner runs here's a long drive left field henderson back and that is long gone [Applause] home run number six for santo awful lot of power in that chicago cup lineup the first three men that they set up in this inning panzone had four monday five cardinal six home run santo at five charlie fox is out again as the cubs have seen themselves come from behind and we're going to get another picture fox doesn't want this to get out of hand stone has worked a total of eight and a third innings he has now given up four runs on seven hits he struck out seven and he walked three and is through for the day as jim barr comes in so there's a break in the action at candlestick park in san francisco with one out on the top of the line the cubs now leave the giant spot to score 4-2 randy hundley the batter ferguson jenkins hopefully for him about to pitch his eleventh consecutive complete game now finds himself instead of trailing two on island front four to two in the ninth [Applause] right when they doubled in the third struck out swinging in the fifth and look to the third call strike in the seventh [Applause] tony can you hear me tell a stage manager if you can face it [Applause] hit number eight off the giant staff as we told you some of the giants told us that when they call on that bullpen down there they don't know what's going to happen here's richer with one out whispering something to jenkins jenkins has tried to one-on-one occasion was unsuccessful last time up in the eighth inning he fooled bobby bonds out in right field and drove him to the wall to haul in his long flight he is all for three [Applause] picked up by bar throws on over fuentes who jumps up in the air and comes down further than the sacrifice but works down the second goes hundley [Music] oh my god a second bar we're talking about how young the giants ball problem is eight rookies six second year men 24 years old just joined the giants last season he's the player representative here's kessinger one for four round wall it went off the mid of steve stone back in the eighth inning and on out in the center field johnson scored three times here in the ninth all scored on home runs monday draw fans own uh they pinched runner for him north ahead of him on a home run and santo added a home run there's a strike remember our monday night game eight o'clock this monday night it'll be detroit and baltimore hot pursuit at minnesota [Applause] ground ball and it's off the leg and the plate the leg of kessinger and also off the plate and john kibra just points down says that's the foul and so it's running back to second is hundley four runs eight hits and oils for the cubs two runs five hits noirs for the giants giants last year as we said won 50 ball games at home they're in danger now of losing their 27th already this year against six victories at home [Applause] how what the home cooking people get the giants have not been getting it another top high bounding grounder income spire throws on to first base and got it a three-run score on three base hits two of them home runs there were no errors and one man was left we go to the last of the ninth and suddenly it is the cubs who leave the giants by the score 4-2 the giants have one more chance well we go to the last of the ninth inning ken henderson william covey and dave raider now remember fanzone was run for in the uh top of the ninth inning by billy north and so jim hickman has gone out to play first base hickman at first base now for the cubs as we go to the last of the night there's jim famous for his what shooting of the last two years his good hitting in the last two years and also being from tennessee many banks used to sing tennessee waltz every time he walked into the dressing room four to two the score anderson is all for three and tony kubeck is now in communication great shard jim [Music] this is foul it is certainly far enough but it is foul and in the upper deck you know jim this uh ball game that stone pitched today is almost a rerun of the ball game that we saw here several weeks ago against atlanta when he got beat by earl williams with a three run home run brazing along appeared to get stronger and all of a sudden they made the one bad pitch on deck what's up two balls one strike what anderson wants to do is get on deck and let this fellow right here swing away because he's got all the power in the world willie mccovey [Applause] [Music] down ball foul it is still 2-2 [Applause] [Music] the wind is continuing to blow toward left but i believe tony pointed out a little while ago with those extra seats here that makes it 3-2 they're enclosed all the way around there's the wind those flagpoles are well below the level of the upper deck as you'll see as we go back to show you but nevertheless there is some wind but it's not like it used to be here's kessinger chasing it in the wind and has the pop fly of ken henderson [Applause] now willie mccovey walked in the second threw a walk in the fourth i should say grounded out on the second drill walking the floor then fly to ride in the sixth cubs four three of those in the top of this the ninth inning giants two one out in the last of the night ground ball and on the shift over there is popovich to throw on and get recovered [Applause] we are one out away [Applause] mccarthy's been our production stage manager and our statistics have been handled by alan roth pleasure to work with alan in person this week instead of talking to him by get all the little goodies here's raider one for three in the last hope jenkins looking for his 11th complete game in a row typically fergie is only allowed one walk and you'll recall that was to mccovey in the fourth inning after he had him on a foul pop-up that was blown back into play but hundley didn't get there and fanzone never made a move for it that gave mccovey an extra chance and he drew the only walk there is a strike it is one ball one strike two out florida to chicago giants in danger of losing their seventh in a row their 27th in 33 games at home missed outside two balls one stroke [Applause] cubs started out on this road trip seven games ago they're five and two [Applause] if they should win this one not a bad road trip at all it went five out of seven away remember they started so poorly losing nine of their first 11. that is gallagher who is on deck hoping to get up well time run coming to the plate tony with two out [Applause] they were going to have a pinch center now left-hander goodson coming up the hit now against ferguson jenkins [Music] jenkins as we said as derosa is going to come out and say a word or two to ferguson probably about ed goodson is gonna come up the whole story is leo as we said will be 66 on july 27th we're talking about jenkins walking only one man that was after mccovey gave a second given a second chance and he turns around and walks dave raider goodson is another one of those very young young players that the giants have he is hitting 302 three home runs 10 rbis he's a first baseman and goodson is a former college player himself as so many of the others are we've been talking about the ncaa championships here's a youngster just making his first appearance this year they went to tennessee east tennessee state and varsity baseball and about four years ago ed was a short stop all america on the second team now he's a first baseman he must have been a huge shortstop he's a big man drives center field monday says he's got it this should be the ball game and he is [Applause] it's the first pitch oh no runs no hits no errors and one left as the ball game is over [Music] and it means that ferguson jenkins is now seven and five it means that he has now pitched 11 complete games in a row it means the giants have now lost seven in a row it means that the cubs are five and two on the current road trip and remain five games behind the new york mets who defeated houston this afternoon and it means believe it or not the giants have now lost 27 out of 33 games at home after last year having second only to the pittsburgh pirates when they won 50 games at home [Music] this is the american forces radio and television service you
Channel: Phenia Films the MLB archives Original Broadcasts
Views: 16,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NBC Game of the Week, MLB 1972, SF GIANTS, Candlestick Park, VHS to Digital, Phenia Films, Sound Control corrections, Steve Stone, Fergie Jenkins Complete Game, Bobby Bonds HR, Randy Hundley, Dave Kingman Injury, Tito Fuentes, Jose Cardenal, Don Kessinger, American Forces Television Service, Willie McCovey, Ron Santo, Charlie Fox Mgr, Leo Durocher Mgr, Artificial Surface, Ernie Banks, Mr Cub, Carmen Fanzone, Chicago Tribune, Jim Barr, Rick Monday, Remastered, Vintage
Id: 2QlKlZAUjgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 41sec (7901 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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