Cheyenne Rides Again - Full Movie | Tom Tyler, Lucile Browne, Lon Chaney Jr., Jimmie Fox

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] close [Music] Oh we got it cornered man right out now and be careful [Applause] Diane Tommy Oh Tom what is it the restor a holdup hello Diane looking for a fella on the counter Cole prompt it snuck up the stage over on Margo's trail seen anything of him yeah he went into the tree it's just about where you came out didn't see him I heard something cruiser Bosh I thought I jumped a deer come on we still can catch him he's around oh he was a storybook cowboy so handsome graceful and bold and she was an innocent maiden with tresses of fluffy and go [Applause] nice work baby [Applause] say he must have headed to your place Tom there's nowhere else he could get undercover I hope he didn't nobody there but they'll see Andrews and he's more than likely asleep yeah we'll soon find out yeah hey you don't be our office come on snap out of it a nine on a pintle horse came here not over ten minutes ago now where is he no time no no sheriff they ain't but nobody here alright have seen him you wandering no-account the face could be overrun with bandits and restless for all the good you are help him before it hey company to follow search the barn is dead [Applause] I suppose this hombre got away with the Express box no that's the funny part of it he didn't bother the box of the mail maybe he's up there Sadie maybe he is you see this road agent made all of his passengers get down in the road and all he took was a canvas bag longer a cattle buyer for the name of Gleeson hmm that's funny well I must have had a tip yeah how much does this follow Gleeson say he lost Oh somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000 thousand dollar sold house judge or sign if anybody being there [Applause] hey Sheriff I've got a hunch I'll take a look over in that dry Gulch beyond the ranch all right get your horses man we'll see if we can pick up the trail again hey Tom that's good are you sure you didn't meet that fellow Tom coming from the way you did I don't see how I could help them meeting honest Jed I didn't meet us whole you're not thinking I'm hiding your banner do you know I looked up your record before you came here from Wyoming now now that you were mixed up with three Russell outfits up north never heard about my being arrested with any of them did you know seemed like every time a gang was rounded up you always seemed to have a perfect alibi but I'm giving you fair warning your alibis won't go in my territory so she fell for the lure of the debonair Jen and followed her meekly wherever he went though he hadn't the job and he hadn't descent this storybook cowboy so gay yay this storybook cowboy so gay so she fell for the lore of this devenir my my never mind what she fell for did you get discovered sure did it's in the barn and followed a meekly wherever he ways what's up Gerard your horse looks like you've been burning leather they stuck up the stage and got the payoff money from the last herd Rob Gleason er $10,000 why the boss'll point over at that loss it ain't lost yet I know who got it you know yeah if Gleason lost the money that's his hard luck but if I find it well I tell the world what do you mean come on get on your horses I'll tell you as we go and three more is 10,001 correct gosh what a home for a couple of hours work a couple of hours work but a couple of months of planning and the job isn't half finished yet now the next move is to find out who all this money was going to saddle up righto [Applause] you to take care of that local hombre there it is then we're Yahoo I am come on come on elevator Oh back again there where is the shirt come on quit stalling what have you done with it bring in the sheriff and I'll talk to him get him up the sheriff's not in on this this is a private party frisky to cattle detective that's right men I represent the Cattlemen's Protective Association I knew the money Gleason was carrying was paper stolen cattle and I figured if I took it it would bring you rustlers out from under cover seam it to have work yeah should I then even have wait a minute listen Cheyenne I'll give you just 10 seconds to tell us where you've hidden that money I guess you win I'll get it come on come on snap into it [Music] I hate to give this away min but you'll be surprised [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tarnation Tom I owe them a couple of slugs for the crack I got on the head save them you left lend me a change before we're finished with that outfit come on we're heading for town [Applause] [Applause] he got that money and he couldn't have taken it with him then it must be back at the ranch [Applause] [Applause] see what you can learn inside I'm gonna get me a Hadden a couple of guns a few kind of undressed yeah but don't be too long yeah he made a clean getaway and the law was right on his heels [Music] what are they all smoochy give me at all : at all cold when it's gonna be while that dirty crook this is a phony search this joint hayata boy drama huh hey Toby see historical cowboy song alright fellas you feel all oh he was a storybook cowboy so handsome graceful and bold and she was [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] well it doesn't speak well for your maintenance of law that I could be rubbed on the public highway is that so now you listen to me Gleason no one but a SAP Tenderfoot would go around carrying that much cold cash on him in this country all right but you must admit that the thief slip through your hands and you haven't a clue to his identity who says I haven't if you hadn't went off half-cocked you two found out that I'm gonna question a man tomorrow who knows more than he's told yes who is the man Tom Wade better known as Cheyenne Tom a rancher and next cattle thief being still in the same business speaking of the devil aja I [Applause] presume this is mr. Gleeson who lost his money in the holdup you presume it's mr. Gleeson why did you ever see him before no not that I remember guess it was him from the ways Rick doubt well your guest Ryan Grayson Cheyenne Tommy now wait suppose you tell us what you know why should I I don't see any rewards poster for the Bandit or the money suppose there is a reward will you talk well I'll listen to reason oh no you won't I'll run you in for compounding a felony would you mind leaving I want to talk to this man [Applause] see you have to parapets along with it we see right now that blast your hide you come clean don't try Cattleman's Protective Association well I'll be a bowlegged healing on so that's how they got that gang of rustlers I've know it yeah and we hope to get the gang that's worrying you listen Jed here's my plan this man way the sheriff suspects him but he can't prove anything well what are you gonna do I'm gonna bring Rob to Wade's range Cheyenne knows anything about the money the chief will know how to make him talk yeah it was so long I just had to take a little break I think you had enough you better go and sleep it off who you think you're shopping are you just wait'll big guys always get my hair why I think I can take him right Oh Vera wait slams OH how are you how are you what a big pin already sort of pump I think you'll be had enough for both of us he's got a pretty good start I've been with dummy and you're serious and then I let him see you with me I'm supposed to be a stranger in these parts hello Jason didn't see you yeah see the sheriff didn't lock you up listen Gleeson sure has been trying to lock me up for a long time but they don't have any luck how about that reward well the money doesn't belong to me but I can introduce you to the man that owns it he doesn't know it now until he meets my turn where is he well you couldn't find him so I'll bring him to your place tonight good but don't keep me waiting I might decide to keep the whole roll myself I wasn't going anywhere every hue all right then watch where I'm going any ladies going out [Music] telling you're doing all right for yourself here I'm just thirsty I'll go and get Rollins you stay here until the other boys come in all right oh hello mr. Allen I was just going to write you a letter go ahead finish it I like to get letter Shelley how absurd now that you're here I can tell you I want to quit my job watch their trouble I was recommended to you because I know all the cow outfits and cattle brands in this section that's why you hired me isn't it no I took you on because I liked your looks and I thought we might get to be great friends I know all I need to know about how heads ice tipped you off when to run that last punch across the border yes you did and we just missed being nabbed by the law it's not my fault if you and your men bungle the job yeah is that why I'm being watched is that the reason I can't leave this ranch that's one of the reasons yes the other one is but the money for that job was taken off the stagecoach this morning now somebody was tipped off about that money you are not quitting your job and you're leavin here only with me on a blank [Applause] better go to your room I'll talk to you about this later you know that you were the one I love [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is everything all right everything's all wrong I sent your word that they suspected me did you come on oh yes well you shouldn't have done that now they've got us both draft I've had to come along first to get you out in second because I've got to get evidence that'll stand up in court keep inside yeah go ahead now listen when I talk to Rowland you get everything he says on paper all right you're taking an awful chance sure so are you well what have you learned Lenny give me here Shyam Tommy yes bad hombre up in Wyoming mixed up was two or three rustling outfits he claims he knows who stuck up the stage and can recover the money for a fright all right we'll go to this house we'll take enough men with us to never make AC tries to pull anything that's giant Tommy man I was talking about I thought this would be a better place for our meeting than my ranch how did you get in here how'd you get past boys okay nevermind that time here this your teeth while I meet mr. Wade or Cheyenne Tommy he claims he can name the founder that got your money from old on items they named him he's a friend of mine I said I could recover them on here price I bought a new tire you might prove useful to me name your proposition do we have to have women in this powwow let her go to your room Shelly No got another glass head you know it's been my experience that women always give up a man's game yeah I'm just beginning to find that out for myself [Music] well spill it Cheyenne would you better make the terms reasonable or you might have a hard time getting out of this place I get in good night now let's get this great there was something around $10,000 in that bag payment for close to a thousand head of stairs run over the border and a small punches what we all know about that Gleeson they're handled the other end of it for me fine that's just to keep the record straight [Music] where's please he's gone to the rise to take the old man to see Cheyenne Tommy tonight what a blundering fool shyam Tommy's a detective detective yeah and so's that dopey little cow Hannah here hey let me take care of that drum [Applause] [Applause] you call me senior yes bring miss lane here si Senor well then my proposition is settled 10% for me and a job with your uptick right well I'll go get the cash back here in the morning maybe we'd better go with you you know you have a reputation of making quick disappearances yeah so what yourself about that if I wanted to keep all the money I wouldn't have come here I have given orders if you make any attempt to leave this place you will be shot like any other traitor how your suspicions are ridiculous hi Cheyenne hello what's your ID you know each other you bet I know him who is he let him tell you spill it that you're our do ever talking he's a cattle Association detective don't you know go to us dead got to get the money first tipped off about police on the stagecoach on the money well I pushed him that before I throw at him or nothing he tries any tricks you know he did know he's gonna take us to that money well you can write good I get some water if you've got a yelling you save it will be your last it's no good he's clean out time up oh yeah bring him on up here get out of my way I'm going out of here I am armed senorita don't try to get out [Applause] [Applause] you ladies a little what have you done to Tom nothing yet but he comes to his senses I'll find ways to make him talk in the meantime I want some information from you you'll learn nothing from me perhaps when you hear a moment with pain you know wouldn't dare yes I would set out I want to talk to you [Applause] take your choice spill the beans and go with me or else take the other listen to the entertainment I just described you took it down an avant-garde I'm quick I'll follow [Applause] [Music] I'm caught our trail where's Bea wasn't back before class to come around this tree but keep going when I leave you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you look they've coin you ride on I'm going back [Music] you take him up everybody get their guns boys and time up nice work Cheyenne I'm sure Blythe still you thanks Sally she have a tough another job well this doesn't look like you well this is your last case I don't be silly I have to work for a living sorry but the service will not hire married women what are you talking about well what do you think so you five got around to it so she fell for the lore of this debonair gin and followed a meekly wherever he went though he hadn't the job and he had miss sent this storybook cowboy so gay yay the storybook cowboy so gay you
Channel: The Film Detective
Views: 134,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucile Browne, Film, tv, Robert F. Hill, Cheyenne Rides Again, Tom Tyler, Romance, Classic TV Show, shows', Movies, 'episodic, Lon Chaney Jr., TV, Carmen Laroux, Western, Cheyenne Rides Again - Full Movie, Jimmie Fox, Roger Williams, Ed Cassidy, Basil Dickey
Id: cfuuukFNZ34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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