Carlsen returns as DrNykterstein for a bullet Titled Arena party

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we have another titled Arena and the doctor is playing in it chess chess party with a DJ magnus's good friend here all right so this is the second titled Arena on Lee chess for the day 1-0 only titled players aloud Rebecca Harris night King oh that's a nice reminder that my sound is still on hello clicks Devils thank you for the prime sub it's been a while since I caught him live for an event so this is two hours of one minute chess I got some payouts here 300 200 100 top three all right first round opponent Mr jagalco many of these players have been playing for several hours today it's not going to go here it's interesting is thinking of moving backwards two two different ways to get into that square potentially okay oh so this is a passer but it really doesn't feel like a passer this guy would really like to be here so first block hating it's not going to be easy to get these guys going how to get this guy circling around okay well forget about that this is a a new square for the bishop first things first defend this base point this is a new best Square for the bishop for sure yeah that's an important move otherwise there's always going to be some back rank issue I think it's the king coming out Bishop going back okay still watching over D6 Bishop right here glues everything together King Improvement go hunting for one of these he wants one Rook off first can't take really okay that was a fancy maneuver doesn't want to go into a strictly rook and pawn end game look at the time my goodness no Forks here swipe that key Pawn under seven seconds for jigalco this is done could time burn he's cruising he's definitely cruising wow time too much down for the count okay where does that put them he's in the third spot he's got a beefy rating here oh my goodness he went up plus 11 from that one why so much okay uh 33.47 is where he stands right now that is ridiculous oh my goodness okay carving out a square here stabilizing the Knight with first A4 before Knight C4 Square given up on e4 this Knight might try and get into D4 this always has to be watched over and the Knight is boxed out if Bishop takes Pawn takes he's going to play on the queen side try and get maybe the queen to C6 increase the pressure here full control over this B file this is the only try for black try and get into this Square yeah okay the queen is there to defend against that what a what a piece right here this Knight on F5 wow that's a passer no fancy Knight moves no sacrifices that I could see here it is going to be defended yeah we got pigs we got resignation and where's that putting them I got the penguin in there too Becca Harris penguins in pause another Plus another plus two okay International Master Green Knight quads here for the Bishops quadruple theme Keto somewhat backward Pawn Queen D6 yeah I don't think the queen could be maintained really or The Rook on that square eventually be kicked away okay no isolated Pawn so feels evenish to be careful of this style and this diagonal here oh yeah that's looking a bit scary you're gonna have to challenge this queen and if she stays here what are you doing hmm okay you want to keep that PIN interesting clocks 36 to 20. this could be defended or Canon and it's going to be a problem okay each side going after the Pawns if this yeah they're just both gonna both be exchanged so try not to make it so easy here okay Rat Race coming up 25 seconds he is cruising probably duck The Night Exchange so you could sneak in some more time burners don't make it where white is able to easily pre-move Green Knight is fine oh there goes a night okay that's three in a row and he is in first just like that 70 players at the moment all titled okay 33.52 yes Dr nickder Stein I'm seeing a question in the twitch chat yes Dr nectar Stein is Magnus all right Boris next up yeah this is titled Arena two one that was created last minute I hear okay this should sting very soon a night here something on F6 okay this square is covered oh that was a blunder yeah if you just recapture there is going to be a fork okay well he was able to get it right back though fortunately with that fork D5 breaking down the dark squares Landing a check in the Knight here into here got three on this recapture first Queen's defending the Knight oh I missed that The Rook was hanging there of the exchange now ah fancy the queen would hang Pawn takes Bishop he takes Pawn taking here next to check might have to give this Rook back or not found coordination Rick is stable he could try to get here he didn't go for that okay yeah this should be leading to me push we got the check on this square and yeah coming up here and then here these squares are covered okay he is cruising so far perfect 12 with fire Matthew G in first penguin all twos so far for penguin here's the first place guy Miss Matthew beat me up in the uh titled Arena a couple games just before this event okay sharp sharp stuff Bishop hair for Carlson and a wild past H pun that just continues to push well black is there just in time okay sorry about my voice it's cracking uh he's winning material here he's up the exchange now resigner no resigner don't even have a pawn for it either gonna track down another one yeah skewer town no fancy night checks or anything to worry about chop here push there a resigner just like that 16 with fire what's his performance okay 3401 at the moment he is cruising what's up very low sodium in the chat night King Bortnick is the next round opponent 3359 what is his uh what is his best rating Carlson somebody check that out fill me in here oh I'm seeing it right now in the chat 3379 is his Peak you may set a a new best here opposite sides castles already has an open file looking to push this unopposed Center 2-0 majority okay that is a dangerous pun to take is it not are you defending this yikes you have to try this takes in here probably getting crush with that wow it doesn't go even doesn't even try oh he's on that square as well that's 20 with fire 33 66. well I definitely think it is possible to see a new best bullet rating wow so far flawless Flawless victories Flawless event he's got the H file to play with solid structure okay this guy what are we doing about this guy and this guy he takes the bishop first and how's he weaseline out of this not really how you want to play it's going to get trapped okay he's gonna have to track down two pawns he's got a a wild night still around it's gonna hug this Pawn not going to be easy to convert we got a jumpy Knight you may track down a third Pawn could push this guy away cutting the king off first of all there goes a third Pawn with check oh uh this is a passer and he's cruising doesn't want to push too soon Knight's pretty good or right where he's at I mean he's a poor piece so help pushing here is going to help the Knight straight away this could be right around the corner it almost felt like for a second there might be a smothered mate there now he has picked up how many pawns it's four pawns versus the bishop yikes three pawns should be enough yeah there's no progress just pushing or jumping around with pieces this is covered clock times shouldn't be an issue ah he's pushing through he's got this one no stalemates what's up Nikki in the chat oh I'm seeing that alireza has the highest rating 33.83 okay that's within reach 24 with fire now 33 67 the penguin Andrew Tang another player who beat me up one game we played okay not the coolest structure here double isolated pawns immediately trying to do something here opposite sides castles a good Square for the night with the best piece maybe in the game okay two Bishops versus two knights staying solid on the light squares doesn't want to see the a file open up black trying to sneak in on the dark squares Queen exchange is oh yeah he's gonna hide over here connected Knights I don't know there's a try there there's the try you could break he's in the center but these Knights he's got good coordination wow King cannot make up his mind where are you trying to go I guess this is right around the corner so it's getting out for this diagonal Tang is in the tank maybe comes back over here now I don't know that he went yeah okay he still had to watch over that he's down a piece Andrew's gonna take this one 20 seconds is way too long if you took here you're getting the Rook on F1 yeah he should be going down for the count yep a resigner here the doctor goes down ooh okay forget about this new high rating that's a minus 36. Andrew why'd you do that okay 24 still in first hour 46 to go fandering 96. from Earth from Earth okay so this is by Design giving up a pawn here by white he's trying to work on that D4 Square first with the queen is trying to get the Knight there black sniff that out he's trying to track down the Knight before it could hop in meanwhile white has gobbled up the queen side pawns and I guess this must be the way to try and make progress there is a pin on the Knight uncomfortable position white is in the tank and now this is getting broken down and have some mating attack and queen takes Queen what a move Knight takes Knight check and that's how you get the queen back so you have to go with this one now but then okay you can take with the Rook you don't have to go with this well trouble here for team Carlson oh he has grabbed a pawn back in a wild Rook appears cannot afford a rook exchange need to keep some pieces on still down the pond have to get behind these guys I would think okay that might have been a move as well The Rook getting back in position yeah this is going to be tough now are you there in time to track it down okay you have to give up peace it's gonna be a rat race the wrong colored Bishop okay he should be able to hold this it is going to be a draw wow 15 minutes in he gets a one for that 25 no fire for the first two feed a master opponent all right let us see no castles just yet I wanted to maybe squeeze something out of the H Pawn maybe some play there there's a pin on the night possible break here there are two pieces on this in case the defile opens up swiping the Knight interesting so the Knight has to recapture oh didn't recapture at the night this is just winning now is there something else I was missing if the Knight recaptured okay that's a pretty fast resigner uh we're seeing uh yeah okay so his rating deviation is at a certain level where you're gonna have still some huge fluctuations with the wins and losses hello GM Sleepless in the chat Bishop A6 is a move with Knight and C5 okay that is a sensitive Point night was intolerable some weakened dark squares watch out for this push safeguarding the dark squares here Queen on B3 oh well a good thing you had that counter attack there okay how's this playing out okay he's tracking this down and yeah it seems like he's getting that he's on the Rook too okay he's simply up the exchange taking here straight away you're gonna get hit with a fork okay opposite color Bishops Carlson's down on the clock feel like it'll be a draw this is looking like a draw should be able to liquidate everything both of these players are just wait here by mutual agreement way too fast so a draw agreed okay still in first 82 players in here 28 24 22. okay chess is not fair yeah okay all I remember going through their their game here is I believe a Blitz game I recently went over in using the real-time mode this is this is the real real time right here okay he doesn't care about these pawns advancing he's trying to just play on the side where he has some space B4 nearby there could be a sacrifice on G4 okay oh this is reminding me of the tall game kale tall versus Tolus yeah I wouldn't be surprised if white wasn't recalling that game no he's on this okay there's a pin on the night opposite color Bishops this guy not doing anything just yet wants to keep the queen around I guess black has the save I don't know who has the safer King this Pawn is scary okay maybe trying to track it down ah now now I like black that capture this helps the king he finally has another Square this one isn't so appealing still wants to keep the Queens on what a monster night okay breaking down the dark squares okay yeah if he went here there was Knight takes oh speaking if Knight takes Rook takes as a mate threat how do you stop it I don't think you can oh what a killer pun he's in the tank he's trying to find something I don't see the something ah you can't defend it it's not even a good check the towel has been thrown in okay 28 24 24. 20 minutes only still a lot of time he's still logged in minus 35. okay fandering okay I usually like having this Knight over here when that structure is in there said better I like having a knight on the F4 Square not so easy to get a knight there okay it's not jumping into B4 is pretty scary oh pinaroni you got that square too careful where you go with the Rook the Knight may hang he says forget about it taking on C5 and what a jumpy night on The Rook it's on the pond but this check is scary okay offers a queen exchange interesting Queen exchange put the king here he's first taking a pawn he's on G7 he has a way to weasel out there's no follow-up check on f8 okay this should be very good I'd say winning for white how how are you gonna stop me and you're not stopping this Pawn now I think the Rook needed to go here first okay gets the W Matthew where's that put him 30 still up by four okay no he's okay taking on these double isolated pawns I guess so covering a lot of squares from from the white Knights interesting play here interesting structure prefer white here clumsy bit it's getting squashed getting squashed planning on taking here white is in the tank for a little bit oh he's found a way out okay I feel like I missed something there going with H4 now oh craps that pawn doesn't care says you got nothing on the B file still continues to press he wants to file for The Rook the H file and hop to it no there's a big Square here oh there goes the night whoa he was that was nearly me nearly as not enough though [Laughter] Square oh my goodness oh man okay white resigns that was scary me if he was here it was me okay he's got fire 32 fire minlay says not so fast right on your heels okay the number 16 guy candidate Master Mr HW let us see nice sticking around here counter punch against the Knight there breaking down the light squares H5 improving the queen first no H5 why no H5 I wonder okay oh Bishop is squashed that hurts ease up the piece the conversion should be squeaky clean pick your favorite way to do it wants to take on this Square surprised this game is still continuing he wants the a pawns to still live yeah it's over down for the count 32 36 call it 28 26 26 penguin okay penguin cutting out the night jump okay he's prepared to meet night there with this it seemed like it wasn't the right way then okay he's playing on the structure playing on the C4 Square a lot of gaps over here on the queen side Knight exchange maybe get another guy here yeah I was thinking Knight D6 there now in this this point is overloaded okay in the Fisher game against Sadie round 11 the championship good coordination here with the pawn and Knight grabbing a pawn okay the Knight does still have very good Square it is getting broken down some the slippery penguin up on the clock not a good sign for the doctor this is secure how do you make further progress is this plan just to push the ponies covering all base points Bishop was in a pin keep going with the a b pawns Queen sneaking over guarding important squares maybe Queen G4 okay here we go the passers are in motion the queen strictly a Defender now he's kicking the bishop back this could be sensitive very soon don't go here the bishop has that square that was up for grabs with check this square is covered he has fought back no he has not fought back on the clock there's checks here and here wants a queen exchange time penguin is way too good he's gonna find a way to burn your clock that's just how it that's just how it is yeah he's too fast and Carlson knows it he knows it he's like why why even wait his Ultra bullet rating is ridiculous is it showing it on that list there okay 15 second chess played like it's just so amazing how fast he is okay minlay misplayed the beginning here big trouble for the the light Square Bishop yeah now these guys are going to be in the crosshairs for sure this one this guy is licking his chops get ready oh boy I mean here this one this one Queen side castles hey bishop out first queen side castles keep the bishop on the diagonal of course maybe this here and here I'll Rook up and over it's looking for this one watch out night gonna get scared away not much you could do about that wow he's okay with the Discover check okay oh he's gonna flick in this one I I thought maybe you go too to maintain the bishop okay still for Choice yeah you can't hide here he's trying to pry open a diagonal file with H5 check first is it leading to mate though I gotta oh oh wait a second though there was a two there was A2 there maybe was that a mouse slip oh I think there was A2 there King A2 now he's given the check first The Rook is off the Knight is off takes Queen check uh there's gonna be Queen check after Rook takes this has gotten away from Carlson um how slippery is the king no boy is there perpetual no that was hitting with check there's a Perpetual now no there's not Queen there but I don't know if you could go with that it might be winning for white with the queen exchange he's going for more three seconds oh he's gonna take it he's swiping everything wow that isn't that was impressive because that that was a that was a rough start to the opening mid lane now and first wow with those weaknesses on E6 and G6 okay what a comeback there by minlay another what are you saying in the chat my minus 25. oh not easy okay rage Hunter fide master seems to be having a good event here number 12. spot clean is covering everything could you get away with King takes okay doesn't want to go there white taking advantage of the PIN a check for other checks are covered watch out can yep cannot allow that Knight to get to F5 what a beast no exchange sacrifice this is how he's defending the pawn okay proving the queen improving The Rook Rook exchange he's cool with huh material account is balanced white should be for choice or yeah it's not going to be easy to get this going he's working on the night position first but where do you go from here yeah not going to be easy if you try for this break your king is going to be out of position King F4 okay he wants this idea so watch out for this if you go here you're asking for this are you not aren't you in trouble he's given the check first really what was that about okay count for this maneuver the Knight is in a prevent there goes upon just goes a check wow in the end how did he manage this amazing King position pawns are running check check there's a queen in a blink another check another check watch out for stalemates careful careful I thought why not King there game's gonna go King here first with then Bishop here what are you doing about that I don't know okay 40 with fire 44 with fire the doctor is in the number two spot okay 90 oh 94 you're pointing out 94 was check oh why am I missing 94 with check good grief that's why the rage Hunter knew okay wild Bishops that are freebie no skewers oh I can't draw an arrow either no skewers with Queen here oh the queen is toast oh man that hurts oh man this queen is so wicked why'd she not putting pressure on watch out check rook's gonna fall we're gonna have a resign her resigner still have this maneuver oh we only knew the strength of a bishop for made in that one okay Midway only one loss from inlay 48 40. both with fire here he is one versus two all right we have our way out okay going hunting for a bishop now trying to break down the light squares soon what's the break C6 flank Pawn hitting the center Pawn continues to expand more expansion this is the diagonal pressure here watch out two on it now three on it sneaky and he's okay going into the pin because he has this move welcoming exchanges and Bishop F6 and then you can move this guy next to defend the Knight there's something better okay they've got this if Pawn takes Queens are off yeah it should be smooth conversion I don't know I don't know with how mainly played that their first game solid structure watch your base points watch your seventh rank continues to push King wants to be on G6 no wrong colored Bishop stuff factoring in in this position how do you break this down that's a very good Bishop it's going to put all his weight on this all of his weight no he's not playing King there interesting it wasn't that going to win the pawn king of five uh King F5 maybe the check I'm missing the checks more than once now a pair of Rooks coming off okay no that's he gets a pawn time though time time time gonna have to go for the the checks or The Rook Exchange yeah that time difference I mean lay had him doubled up on the clock there okay still in the number two spot okay 50 42. keeper or candid Master keep serene let us see unopposed light score Bishop looking for H5 H5 in there this guy is pinned Rook H1 Queen H5 now E6 is falling Bishop takes it's going to be resigner Queen takes is mate okay 50 44 42 41. no games against narditski yet I don't think it's still a lot of time to go penguin again it's got to get the penguin back it's O2 versus Andrew the bishop went there I think you're locked into playing F6 95 is going to be pretty scary it's playing with space there are gaps though being created F4 as a whole his plan is okay I was thinking Knight here in Bishop D6 more aggressive watch out for night here can you can you allow that who he's saying yes I can that's scary Queen here and here holy smokes foreign watch out king there's a lot of pieces around yet and you're in the center can get mated maybe he could he could he could take that night oh he's taking the pawn Knight takes would check now he could take here he's got the knights around wow not gonna be able to get at the king at the penguin resigns midlife still in first Carlson with fire though 46 with fire okay Angelito let's see what do we do this structure these are popular squares for the knights look at that got a pinned Knight now it's uncomfortable all right how do you get out of the PIN oh you're okay oh he's gonna chop here and then here if G4 is played you have to go like this and then you're ready to move the queen you need some more support now you move the queen and then you're ready to move the Knight what's the story here clean here so you have this he's in the tank okay now there was just a connection issue on my end my end I was thinking for a second this that's just gonna hang try and control this Square okay okay now that is in there so this bishop not having the greatest time Bishop H6 I thought Bishop H6 swipe the Knight Knight here actually it'd be end up losing the exchange there should be a draw both sides have okay this is a bit too narrow over here to make progress oh just as I say that now these guys are getting Tracked Down now it's a win or is it yeah should be should be when he's trying to sneak this one in so now the bishop has to stay here and he should make progress like that should be a winner that's his path to Victory since the bishop leaves here you chop there and you're ready to push oh nice defense though he has to try a different way this is his way now the king is finally going to be able to sneak over and track this Pawn down and push time though oh okay there it is oh mate what a game 52.50 for Carlson noraditski right on the doctor's heels okay nearly 40 minutes in all right International master a lot of pawn moves can have an isolated Pawn here oh he didn't take back on that square interesting oh the light squares I'm concerned like in the in the uh the game against Midway E6 and G6 points are holes what do you do you have to give up Bishop for Knight and then work on this Square Bishop takes Knight Queen here probably something like this okay Queen improves watch out can you hold this trying to this break is going to cost a light Square Bishop getting off of the f file it's going to be peeled open by force found a way to defend I believe do you flick this one in otherwise this and then here okay kicking the queen in that way first feels a little bit offsides here yeah something's off with that one glue the knight in and then here Superior minor piece you could chop more exchanges still the better minor piece position for black don't move Bishop you're gonna get hit mate on C2 clean is covering that square now Knight is still there Queen can take Knight is poison mate watch out for a check or a check and your clock gotta watch out for checks and clock and a resigner where's that put him number one spot 54 with fire still anybody's game here anybody's tournament no Rebecca Harris yet minlay again number three okay Bishop on C4 it is trying to grab space on the queen side gonna be castles for black castles okay both sides maneuvering the queen Knights to the king's side and now play in the center space for white more space here push there how we doing it probably one the E5 Advance although you know you give up a big Square here watch out same diagonal here in between or no there wasn't time for this the bishop was going to take the Rook these are flying here so I queen up to trying to hunt the a pawn uh oh it's happening he's getting a piece he knows it he throws in the towel doctor winning another is this updated yet it hasn't a bit of a delay there 58 with fire is where we stand a minute call it an hour 18 remaining okay some Gambit play against jagalco think black will soon be playing with the light Square Bishop Advantage no he's not going for night Knight takes Knight would have forced this as an in-betweener it's working on the king side structure now this guy is in a pin chop there's Bishop B4 as well there's our checks here careful careful careful what's happening after this one the bishop is pinned after D4 A6 is a threat Knight is hit Knight has to maybe defend the queen okay Queen's out of that with check and now he's swiping here swiping there this is covered there's checks over here Queen could no Queen blocks is going to be mate Brooke takes Rook gotta go in the corner back rank a little bit sensitive for the moment watch out on B2 zigalko in the tank tick tick tick 19 18. got a check here maybe a check here if the queen goes too far dark squares that guy must be poisoned okay back rank problems get a piece here if you can crawling up into a ball he's in a prevent try to get to the back rank he's trying to get to the back rank get the queen here somehow get the queen here oh he's getting this it's going to be me he could have did it with the Rook or the queen he takes it where's that put him 62 with fire Rebecca Harris says not so fast 54 for Rebecca Harris KY no narditsky minlay for the fourth time now okay let us see can't take on I don't think the isolated Pawn position okay playing within this structure piece play from here mostly woof okay Rook left can't go here the bishop has that square fancy yeah all these squares were covered okay where are we staying it's the two minor pieces now yeah I forgot that there was a sacrifice there of a piece so two minor pieces versus a rook and two pons imbalance Knight here there's just Rook takes Carlson in the tank what do we do from here could move this Knight now can you clean there this is secure it's a square here as well there's a check night is ready to move and hit the queen maybe Knight C3 Knight C3 is available you're on the queen Knight F4 Knight F4 more aggressive one Rook exchange here should be defendable oh you gotta watch out for mate there King H3 only move watch out for the check here he's getting the Queens off of rat race grabbing a pawn this should be better for white minor pieces should be better he's going to try and do something dangerous here with these three can he weave a mate maybe force Force black to give up the exchange not gonna be easy the clocks stopping the check Rook stopping the king from entering but now the Rook enters check another check anybody's guess oh he could have had the Rook he's getting the pawn should be easier to play here for white the Bishops the king cannot rely upon any one square throw in a check oh with .77 he just barely got that woohoo oh man 66 with fire 59 55 54. hour 14 to go oh okay Matthew G again game number three between these two all right D4 you say all right he's gonna play against a structure take the Knight before they're connected no I'm gonna try and maintain this point okay if you're taking here this is going to be a problem I think pressure on here increases okay now playing against this structure this Pawn is pinned so this guy's up for grabs push here this Falls he's getting off of the diagonal now he's working on the Square C5 black pressing on the king side got a lot of holes in the position watch out night dropping in here oh he missed that one tough road ahead now for white down a piece he's up on the clock that's the only thing taking with the pawn scare that night away it was a fantastic piece knight maintains pressure here he wants this wants to be able to defend this actually King here you're gonna get hit with a skewer got a scary night he wants an open H file trying to find a way to coordinate with the Knight which one does he track down the H pun gotta get this guy yeah it's going to be too easy now for black Rook here push well he didn't go in that direction okay now he's gonna defend the pawn no he's not defending the pawn surprising she'll this will still be winning I just thought there was maybe a cleaner way there for black yeah this goes no further the doctor throws in the towel extinguished Rebecca Harris not extinguished 64 with fire Angelito okay he's going hunting for a dark Square Bishop not so fast to track the bishop down though wants to see maybe castles first watch out for Knight C6 okay now he's taking that and moving the Knight not moving the Knight but he has a square for the queen queen B6 or C7 pressure on C6 two on it how do you maintain this Knight I don't think you can Black's gonna be up a piece shortly any good follow-ups after this capture something happening here I'm not seeing it squeezing the bishop gaining some space opening a diagonal ready to take here next okay two two pawns versus the Knight there was pressure here as well pressure there after this a check doesn't hit anything but the king okay how long can this guy stay in the center I guess we're gonna find out this Pawn is unprotected there's a pin here oh boy oh boy a saccharoni okay conversion you take here okay he's eyeing this up he's ready to give up a piece these three should be able to give mate after a dark Square Bishop sack yeah and the king is still caught in the center down he goes the doctor wins 68-68 the big difference though narditski has fire an hour 11 to go fandering okay let us see space invader he's working with the alpha zero Pawn want to go another no okay this square is eventually blacks okay he's going all the way back I don't like this decision cow he wants queen G4 look at how this king is hiding very fancy this is very deep stuff very strategic play here get out of the way my fpawn needs to play we need a break ah this is the break okay this is the break Rook exchange got a square for the bishop now and the center and the center is a problem D5 is a problem so on the seventh ranked Bishop's in a pin don't take this you're going to get hit with the skewer or a pin in the wind pin and win of the queen ah it's the story here you want to come all the way back maybe probably it's down a piece cannot afford a queen exchange Queen exchange it is followed up with the Knight here oh Bishop there straight away oh very nice play yeah this guy is not a problem two connected passers Black's gonna take that Carlson resigns ooh narditski cruising 76 with fire doctors oh here we go what did I miss looks like a fantasy Karo Khan okay opposite sides castles he wants G5 and it seems like he will get G5 straight away I think that was also possibility two Rooks and a pawn versus the queen doesn't want to enter that situation oh he's he's saying I could get the pawn back in the end I'm on your night okay a draw is the likely results I think maybe we're just gonna have the Perpetual here oh he wants to go for more okay can't take the pawn that's poison get hit with me it's getting the Queens off King position first and only then here oh he's breaking it down like this who's winning the tempo game yeah eventually this King should be forced to move yep and then we're going to have the back and forth draw can't go for this break because you're just going to in the end demote your king a draw correct result there 78 69 no fire oh mainly midlay has fire 64. still a lot of time to go for sure approaching the halfway point penguin again game number four these two okay it's on C4 twice this Pawn is pinned I'm gonna get hit with a fork if you take here straight away b6a4 track down this Pawn okay hang on there's a problem here to take on this Square first and then he's defending like that okay three pieces are on this I don't think you're getting the pawn back he's working on squares though is that a move if you do that right away the night was gonna happen to be for Bishop D2 first clinging to the the main uh his main strength this D6 Square feels like there could be oh that was a sneaky move grab that pawn as soon as the Knight blocked the bishop opposite color Bishops coming up it's a scary Pawn what a bishop if he could get this arrangement in good luck good luck black is for Choice here Pawn up here oh what a monster okay Andrew's down on the clock but he's a wizard he's a wizard Ultra slippery I'm gonna take here no wonderful discoveries I guess six seconds it is not easy to shave seconds off of his clock oh my goodness okay three seconds though come on three seconds can can you shave off three seconds look at how sneaky two seconds five to four oh man holy smokes he's too good this is unbelievable he is the fastest player he is so fast I know I keep saying that but he is so fast he is so fast on I don't know yeah if you don't know what you have to play him he is so fast okay I'm done I think unbelievable unbelievable oh man all right what is going on here just focused on the speed still in that last game what a comeback should should you be surprised okay that was a welcome sight there the dark Square Bishop Exchange this guy is looking pretty good on E5 now how do you challenge him okay now another night here Superior minor piece position one Rook Exchange and let's see how he gets okay he's gone straight into the minor piece ending I didn't want to allow that one okay this guy should be able to be rounded up he's going to go after this point no he didn't try and track that pawn down so what's his plan okay King there there's gonna be the check now he's gonna weasel around coming up this one simple plan ah he's going with that first doesn't want to see any of these Pawn pushes to put a dent in this Duo if this there's going to be another idea to push and unleash the bishop okay he's just working it like this he's saying I'm up the pawn now let's welcome any exchanges really there we go King and pawn ending it's a winner for black all right Rebecca Harris has not lost in a long while 87 with fire the doctor 71. okay let us see all right they've been here before same idea here tracking down the dark Square Bishop okay last time okay very very similar play here we're gonna have this one again and then here maybe this one first okay A6 first he's winning a pawn Queen is there defending okay the queen will be overloaded after this white will get the pawn back so oh he's playing it like that interesting oh what was that about okay that wasn't a good pre-move assuming it was a pre-move queen side castles Rick takes Queen not part of the plan I don't think down for the count he goes 71 he's back 20. how do you overcome 20. oh okay minlay again most frequent opponent Maybe game number five got the unopposed center all right don't move Knight gonna get hurt you're gonna get hurt here too careful careful there's pins Queen is defended all right how are things looking here pawns are exchanged Knight is going to be pretty on that C5 Square okay both kings are excited about the f-file and take here no take he's playing against the structure white is better if the king moved you're gonna have a a night check on E2 so this is your safe home night's not going to bother you for a while scare the night away scare the night away again no okay wow fancy oh he was on The Rook there okay babysitting this and this should be a pretty simple conversion I would expect or is it is it ever simple with this guy still around tricky tricky nights tricky Knights don't take apart you could take a pawn now he's going for The Rook exchange which it should be smoother now Knight takes Pawn you lose the Knight check and he's toast okay 91 ooh naroditsky showing he's human after I don't know it seems like he was playing for a half hour undefeated for about a half hour plus okay 73 for the doctor here we go game number two first one was peaceful they had the same colors in their first encounter so the difference here is this guy is not on H5 so no space this time for white also not a case of opposite sides castles here still playing with this G4 even though it is not and even though there is no King over here desirable break a good night here for black a big fight over the F4 Square neither neither side wants to budge initiate the capture more pressure here white is up the pawn not the healthiest but still up the pond Queens are off and imbalance is now here four versus three on the queen side taking with the Knights still you have to watch over this where'd he go with the King okay he's exchanging upon he's taking first whoa Knight takes pun okay how is this playing out nobody knows nobody knows oh the knights oh careful you're gonna push if you take the Knight can't stop this guy another perpetual he says play on I don't want no perpetual I got a scary past Pawn these are all passed all these guys are passed okay how are you getting this guy is he gonna work with this guy oh wow wow he is there nowadetski's taking this uh he didn't have that check he's got this check though wasn't that going to be me I think that was me okay no time no pieces it's amazing how he's still able to survive for moves Queen there was looking good too I think time in the end Rebecca Harris gets it and just extends the lead okay it's back back to 20. less than an hour to go 108 in here what a cool event okay let us see that was so sneaky given that night up saying I'm gonna push if you take it can't get back here hunting for a bishop we're seeing this a lot trying to track down a bishop for Knight in bounds all right from here what do we do expand we have a square for the queen finally active post this Pawn is pinned this Knight is going to be very good here hmm track down upon exchanging first okay he's there just in time and where's this Knight going it feels a little weird even if there's a battery you could still go here Knight F3 could take and be defending the Rook the Knight is in a pin maybe just here to be safe this is not working there's this he's undermining he's saying the queen is overloaded Rook takes Knight yeah this should be a simple conversion he's up a Pawn on the queen side you have one base point to watch over maybe get this guy going and you could always defend F2 Queen in some way yeah like this way oh there goes a queen okay he wins that one Big Pawn was given up in the center in that game after 95 Knight takes E4 94 75 still has quite a ways to go to catch noraditsuki it's possible what's the with the time remaining but not gonna be easy it's not playing at night here straight away he wants the big center with four minor pieces okay big Pawn is challenged right away what do we do scare the night develop a bishop take and play against a structure Queen takes first Rook takes and he doesn't want to take with the Rook he wants to take with a knight if you take with the Knight I think you're in a pin okay oh wild Rook wild Rook on the second rank stable Rook Rook takes he doesn't want to go with Rick takes Pawn because of I'm not seeing what the story would have been there okay he is up the pawn still he's up the pond and then what are we doing to defend this point it's irritating he says I don't care take the pawn here loses the Knight he wants this guy gonna walk up here try to give mate he is cut off white doesn't want to see it two kings being cut off got checks here okay gotta go for The Rook exchange and play for the clock here shave some seconds off jump around with the Knights a bunch and then move this guy that should be the the winning strategy here for bullet okay I thought maybe more night moves first before making progress making that pawn Advance he's going after the oh he's just pushing through the check you go here there's no stopping it no Forks and there goes the Knight check gotta go for a night okay no night there for check clean promotion and then mate 98 with fire 77 for fire for fire 98-77 both with fire here he is the fastest the fastest guy in the planet the slippery the slippery one okay foreign got a nice Center here don't get into a mouse race with the penguin or you're gonna get hurt you are gonna get hurt okay I got some weaknesses on the king side here let us see cozy or King for white that's the main thing I'm seeing with this position here if the bishop goes back this is gonna fall okay watch out this that this maybe that these Knights are killers there's a fork okay if you take with the queen there's a fork he's gonna land the fork he's waiting to land a fork he wants more Pawn takes you win the queen attacking here though okay now he's going in for that one push push Queen blockade here and then push should have a resigner soon this guy is out of bounds he's thinking though what are you doing you can't oh what just happened there oh there was an issue on my end he played Queen takes G4 my computer is going down for the count for a little bit so he beats the penguin all right what are the standings there 98 and arditski does not have fire 98.81 only 17 back 52. minutes remaining okay let's see does not want to give up that pawn too soon carefully if you take twice here it's a blunder because a queen G4 okay fancy Pawn takes there's this Queen check I know okay I mean look at how he's just leaving this night up for grabs if you move the Knight you're hit with this hit with that okay oh my goodness look at this Beast King here Rook here everything it might have a resigner you can't you can't create any where's where's the counter play to try for this this and a sack okay he doesn't care that you have this Square he's going hunting for this pun look at this absolute Crush here with the positional Crush yeah it goes no further just got these clumsy Rooks that do nothing Bishop on his back foot King stuck this guy is the MVP okay Harris got a hundred Rebecca Harris is in the game the doctor 85 with fire 51 to go get a game yes International master let's see okay getting out of the PIN losing upon he's on F7 doesn't care about doubled C puns oh he's running in Reverse watch out Knight here he's gonna start pushing with the G Pawn he might hook the Knight okay which one do you want to keep he wants to keep the light Square Bishop is this the better diagonal no I was thinking either here or here he says none of the above it's pinning C6 black is up the pawn go here you drop this with check okay black is oh light Square problems light Square problems if you took here in the recapture there's going to be a queen Exchange he tried it for a second the Knight was there defending he's getting a pawn back Knight here in the end Queen here careful oh tick tick tick tick tick he grabbed upon their Knight and grab upon their balanced material and now he's working on the half dead oh the half dead oh I was gonna say he's working on the half dead Pawn a forkaroni pinned B Pawn The Queen Is Gonna Fall ouch that one stings I can assure you that one stinks I think he waited maybe a couple seconds before hitting the resign button and I think it's because that one's that one's done you can't hit the resign button right away if it stings 185 82 79 it is still anyone's tournament what am I doing staring at that Rebecca Harris what did I miss all of this okay we're up to speed here oh man trying to scare the queen away asking for a sack here this is broken this one's broken yeah I think this one's Rook takes Bishop no and then Bishop takes was maybe a threat because the queen was hanging okay he's got a couple pawns for the piece he's lucky to even be surviving right here okay and the clock wow that burned so much time there uh he's gonna resign he's not resigning okay he's resigning wow okay Rebecca Harris getting it two still no fire the doctor of course no fire 85 84 79 still in the two spot been there for a while ready to be overtaken by slippery one next up 48 to go and what do we do going for space he wants the F Pawn to play he's looking to squeeze the bishop trap the Bishop Square is opened up this is a square Queen E6 check no great follow-up after that careful about a pin get the king out of there King H1 all right and what do we do where's that guy going I don't know okay working on this Square F4 exchange once and then take here keep the Rook on okay exchanging Rooks defending this this guy feels awkward an important Defender here get out of the pin always trying to break it down like this queen up next and then you're ready to go here okay no Queen up Queen back no more pin here a pin here more active Queen more active White Queen oh that one stings he's getting the piece is there a check a check right away there's this one throws in the towel there okay 89 no not 89 he's not in the two spot anymore 87. 102.80 987 47 to go let us see let us see a leg feed a master oh he went berserk is this is the first berserk okay Oleg was stunned there didn't know how to respond to that berserk Bishop here gets squashed traperoni stopping the Bishop from getting in here this is his Cozy home oh carving out a square on G5 he's working on the G5 Square black does not want to give that up and he's actually trying to push this guy away you go here there's that careful careful careful oh I feel like there's going to be problems here how to get out of this 14 seconds looking like it was not a good opponent to berserk against I don't know how you win in 10 seconds unless you're Andrew Tang unless you're Andrew Tang Knight takes okay have to do something fast on the dark squares and I'm not seeing it seven seconds now I'm not I'm not seeing it you need a tank tang-like speed yeah three seconds not not happening okay he I think he he he's gonna he learned his lesson here he cannot berserk this player he's too fast okay down for the count he resigns 104 93 87. clinging to the third spot now minlay and narditski both with fire okay get to see this one from the beginning I think I think this is his first game with white against narditsky I believe the first three he had black okay working with a superior structure black with the bishop pair this guy quite the pest canceling by hand the pawns straightened out going after this guy maybe grabbing this Pawn very soon he goes for it he has a past a pawn like still with the bishop pair white would like to exchange dark Square Bishops and plant this guy here he's got two connected passers he's okay giving this point up does it get trapped he doesn't even want to try and trap it I think that would have been a trap these pawns are scary he's giving up a pawn now these pawns what am I we got these pawns that are scary too okay this is this is winning for white what's going on here King here King there take a bishop he's gonna he's ready he's resigning okay I was Tongue Tied there don't berserk oh leg okay all right he didn't berserk him he learned okay he still has time to maybe berserk why watch he's gonna berserk is 80 berserk back okay [Laughter] wow okay oh this is too much fun it's it's it's been it's been a while oh my goodness laughs okay I don't know what's going on all right this is a pretty Square all right now I need to find a new Square so you're down he's down a pawn but it doesn't feel like he's down upon because this Knight is where it's seven watch out for Knight F4 stuff is a really good piece I'm exaggerating with the seven he's a five pointer look at the time oh he drops in there how do you defend get the Rick on the G file you gotta Cruise go go go once a queen exchange jump around with the Knight a check another check Queen exchange grabbing a pawn he has a majority here scary Pawn not gonna be easy allig's gonna take this one again oh a double berserk okay down for the count still in the third spot Rebecca Harris okay let's see that's how he's dealing with the trio E5 E5 stopping the Alpha zero Pawn going after this point it should be an excellent position for black the dark squares better than the light squares yeah still pushing this King has moved okay he's breaking down the f file we gotta check we gotta push the king caught in the centers getting shown him who's boss here for a second check oh for coroni a wild dark Square Bishop in that game okay penguin don't berserk the penguin definitely can't berserk that's you're just asking to lose okay let's see last time we had this guy running in their game and this guy was caught out of bounds here so a different story here at the C5 advance let's see a question first no question first resolve on C5 then go there this guy's poison careful careful careful this is up for grabs this might go go still okay he's up the pawn it's still poison this Knight is out of bounds again okay run away Pawn this could be nearby the night is in a better spot now okay he's up like is up the exchange but it doesn't feel like it how good is that guy this is covered Rook here that's the dream Square when you have these two here how can you do better is this a move it's going to drop this point time don't get caught thinking okay Bishop C7 how do you stop Bishop C7 okay he stays on this yeah it should be a resigner 10 seconds okay he's playing on we got this and then that coming up yeah silly check there's a block block he's going for one mate there okay black resigned simple way to defend that okay you can always just take the Rook as well okay that was probably happening next 113 99 93 the doctor has fire Knight King under 40 to go gonna have to make a run right right around this point let us see it's running mate Knight moves now you could take here that'd be up a pawn and threatening me could take here it's check now you have to defend there's other checks here he wants the bishop to go to C5 with check this guy away first oh boy light Square problems careful careful careful this is this should not end well you could get the Queens off with Bishop there 'll be playing down upon though yeah okay now he wants this okay that's a scary night first pin the Knight get the king up and go after this point maybe he even maybe he takes here if it's defended just to get you to this guy yeah that might have been right around the corner because then there'd be these two connected passers okay so here we're gonna have some fancy Perpetual Maybe I think that's what was right around the corner okay we are having this yeah every look at this guy Super Glue he says what do you got I'm defending everything except this pun okay wild king wild king oh there's gonna be Rook check two Rook takes Pawn look at that monster okay the King was the star piece there 115 for narditski 9997 gotta make a run here Gotta Keep The Fire Maybach contemplating a berserk no berserk let's see space for black how do you playing with the space he wants more space ducking The Exchange threatening to win the night the night is toast resigner no he plays on check here no problem you can move the king block moving the king doesn't want to give up his good for bad Bishop although this is like a best piece track down though he's gonna resign here no wow still continues down a lot of material move the queen threaten a fork or win a Night okay a resigner pretty fast resigner 19 back nardisky and the doctor with fire we're gonna get that pairing our jet ski in the game not seeing them on the list no okay minlay the number three spot two versus three all right this Bishop's defended now oh this square right here he's going for space he's he's going for space okay let's see big Square here he doesn't care if the Knight drops in there interesting Queen position he's hunting for a pawn and it's okay you could take here I was gonna fall in the end he wants the seventh rank duck The Exchange and then take here as Queen as cleaning house here oh man he's up two Pawns all right what's the conversion here the end game Mozart let's see okay that's that's the winning way I mean now the king is cut off that's the winning way we might have a resigner here and there's no time all right I should say there's plenty of time to convert this we're going to have a designer no resigner still no resigner King here there's the resigner okay 120 105 only 15 back nardiski with fire though you're gonna get that pairing is he in a game not in a game let us see the penguin oh the penguin is tough as always okay they are revisiting the same opening I think for the third time now okay one last two this problem here the queen is on D7 that would be a fork oh what a fancy maneuver okay he's going for the imbalance here Knight and Rook versus queen two dangerous nights still around he has good coordination is he looking to kick here and then take here possibly maybe you want to keep a rook on first and then go for this idea keep two Rooks on board that's what he's going for taking on G4 first and now he has to go after G4 maybe keep the Rook on still okay two dangerous nights they could they could do something two nights in a rook can he weave the mate watch out Knight F5 you get hit the King has to play a role this feels like that game against uh yuponishi in the world championship somehow a knight in two ponds I think it's going to be a knight in two pawns very soon he's threatening a sneaky move sound the queen I don't know if he's getting this Pawn oh that was a mouse slipper he wanted Rook A3 he's been extinguished okay one meanwhile narditski has one two 124 124 105 99 33 to go night King next up Bortnick positional Pawn sack no E6 necessary okay cannot allow E6 if the bishop is on C4 all right so we got a pinned Knight where's this guy going he needs a square if he went here there would have been a problem with G4 okay this is a big Square white trying to undermine it he's still around though I think yeah I think he's not going here to take like that he would have captured like this with still the Queen's on okay opposite colored Bishops you fix that pawn he's fixing that pun it's gonna be in the crosshairs it's going to be tracked down Bishop here Queen here he's gonna get this Pawn hmm a queen here right away I'm gonna have a queen exchange he wants a square here this one first you know Bishop here there's Queen takes Pawn Bishop here now Queen Exchange oh he's just tracking the pawn down right here Queen exchange Queen exchange it is okay I feel like uh he's gonna take this one considering the clock and the King so off sides here could try something like this or poke around oh really he went into the repetition ah I don't know can you really yeah I don't know I felt like you need to try try for I I don't think he that was a mistake he didn't he didn't want to really do that but it just happened the three-folder sometimes it's well it's very easy to lose track of the threefold and bullet okay isolated Queen Pawn position let's see I'm gonna have a discovered attack against The Rook if the Rook went to B8 okay Rook on the seventh rank problem here check oh boy where's that jeep on killer Bishop Queen H5 Queen F3 oh moves are happening so fast pigs clean babysitting the important squares Bishop defended oh in the end of a rook is hit there okay black resigns that's a pretty fast one narditski does not have fire 20 back 128 108 has to make a run here to have any chance for first 118 in this event okay candidate master let's see four nights okay and how are we getting that pawn back pressure on the night that's how we're getting the Pawn back and in the end we end up with the bishop pair an unopposed light Square Bishop queen of six playing against the structure okay End Game Land King Improvement you want to play with one Rook on maybe maybe this maneuver okay undoubling the pawns first maybe play there uh to C4 A4 he's gonna take because he has this uh these two pawns hold up these three he's playing up a pawn he's gonna go after this guy this one is in the crosshairs no time to take take and then take here you get back but then this guy is all the way here and it's still one king and pawn ending because this pawn stops these two he's rolling completely tied up take a pawn get ready the H Pawn's running this one's over it's over resigner he got the two 130 110 the doctor has fire 29 to go let's see Midway five and a half one and a half very good score in this event taking with the pawn is also an option there okay keeping the structure as is and working on the dark squares Bishop here scare Knight away as well pressure on the center first maintain the bishop maintaining the bishop now goes with the eight Pawn has a square on B4 hops right to it maybe looks for a break here no just win a pawn hahaha okay um undermined the Knight okay yeah this would have dropped to that point defended this drop to that pressure on F7 he's on that three times holy smokes um why wasn't that captured okay just stick with the game rook and pawn ending it should be a draw um okay he's gonna try the three versus two and why not you're up the pawn here not going to be easy to burn clock yeah you need to keep a bunch of pawn moves still around to try check another check prize that one wasn't pre-moved okay he has this Cozy home if the king advances we got this maneuver and black will be winning in fact black is now winning because of that maneuver nothing you could do about it okay that's how he's doing it kicking him away here first and then here Rook here here and then Rook has to go on the defensive don't three fold it check first Rook here cuts off the king now he's going to take the pawn and defend the pawn he's winning but the clock how's the clock looking the clock is not a problem he's up on the clock a resigner whoa that's a four narditski though 132 with fire okay next up okay oh I'm seeing in the chat The Rook on e4 was hanging in that in that position thank you for pointing that out that's why there was no Queen takes Bishop Queen takes E4 in that game just caught that corner of my eye in the chat thank you Bishop is pinned only has one move no bishop move with check this night feels a little awkward threatening to take and take how's it pulling out after H6 maybe even give a check or even dive in here after H6 okay there was a lot of time spent on that one let's see Queen overloaded we're gonna have a resign or maybe Bishop here the bishop takes Knight I'm sorry Bishop here you got that one Queen takes on B4 that would have fallen oh and the bishop is just cornered didn't have a move the Queen's gonna fall next okay he resigns pretty fast win narditski had a draw it's been extinguished by Matthew 134 118 25 to go Rebecca Harris okay this this is a must win must win this is the opponent you need to oh oh he allowed that uh oh yep we had this happen with uh this happened to minlay Carlson playing White yeah this is just a winning a winning position here for white this structure is horrible light score Bishop continues to press in the center the Knight is in a pin pressing further working on the pin carving out a square on D6 oh just launching ponds opening diagonals opening files Pawn takes with check is there how are you supposed to defend this can't go here the bishop has that you get a rook off scaring the bishop where this square is covered he has survived he may he may be able to get a draw here wow it should be a draw well the clock oh my goodness you had to see that one coming A4 oh that's dings nardiski's taking this one that's too much he's been extinguished 18 back ah A4 bullet tricks oh okay can you hang on a second looks like this looks like he could hang on to second I don't know if you're getting first now I mean he he would have to win everything and nardiski would have to lose a couple two three not seen it oh man I mean the draw was gonna be bad enough but to lose that one the sneaky bullet trick flicking in what was that a for he's lucky to even get into that end game the Drone rook and pawn ending that G4 think white is just winning after G4 okay it's down a piece here got three connected passers can't take here Bishop's pin maintain the pin he's on this point Bishop Rook is pinned cover your second rank it's not going to be easy for black I would say considering the clock 22 seconds okay okay Rook exchange these guys are gonna get going there's gonna be a bunch of checks thrown in okay he got this more checks this this King could hide here yep it's going to be really cozy right here Queen check on H1 no good checks here Queen is covering everything another check right here defend the B Pawn five seconds can't go here wow so getting away with it oh you forced the Queens off he could have probably been Ultra sneaky there but that was unnecessary okay he's taking that one narditski 136 120 16 back narditsky playing against Matthew oh there it is okay 21 minutes let's see Bortnick three to one score let's see okay and a little bit of space going after a light Square Bishop takes it now light squares trying for G4 okay we have a break okay Queens are coming off F4 at some point maybe F3 first okay H3 H3 F4 King F2 I see taking away A Center Square fixing upon on a light Square for this guy okay targeting this one now King position Knight stopping the king position there's a big Square here kicking the knight from a good Square now hopping to this point this guy goes too far Knight here look at how they have been demoted this is progress this is progress maybe a night here how do you get a knight there okay Knight here this is covered I need to swipe a knight soon he's going for this break maybe this break let's see the follow-up after that Knight hops in canopy undermined that's probably this here and then takes maybe takes here okay he spent a lot of time there can't take he's taking there and then going that with that maneuver so well these pawns hold up these threes the problem yeah he has to stay over here going over here is not an option it should be a draw yeah he's too fast yep draw on board oh he's been extinguished only one point and a lot of time came off the tournament clock there 138 narditski lost against midlay neither with fire under 20 to go 17 back penguin okay doesn't get any easier that's for sure okay that was actually a move because there's this tactic there once again recalling the uh it's uh game tall tolosh or that was a a thing one of the variations so check dark Square problems here are there though it seems like this is going to be the big problem how do you get at the the white king here queen f8 says I know my king is more vulnerable let's get the Queens off before you hurt me I'm gonna grab this Pawn in the end no he doesn't want to see the H file open up this is defended don't go too far Queen gonna get mated he's in a prevent once the cleans off this Knight on F5 is going to be really strong even without the Queen's on board oh boy these guys are way too active yeah King here there's going to be a check oh okay the Knight is there just barely to defend start pushing the pawn you get this guy no you don't get this guy still gonna have this problem it's gonna be mate it's going to be May or this guy is going to be pushing through these are two good white will make progress this one is too slow midley so 138 121 116. hmm it's going to be tough to hang on to the two spot men lay and penguin are right there it's ready to take the Knight and play Queen E4 okay this is a blender because of takes and then that it's going to be a problem here oh what's the story with that push interesting Queen there with what is the follow-up he wants this and then that G6 defends the Queens on that one some night move possibly pressure here Rook exchange first Knight in the center black is up the pawn this Knight could be no it's defended problems here take the Knight and then go here it was looking interesting kicking the queen first needs to babysit the bishop take the pawn take the bishop okay got the pawn back now Queen takes C7 keeping pressure here and here clean is going into Pac-Man mode both Queens going hunting for pawns Bishop is pinned Rook is hanging there's a check in the position on E6 Rook is under Fire Knight defending oh my goodness Queen getting back to a better Square Rooks exchanged and going after this guy once maybe Queen here Queen on D4 Queen C3 check Pawn is pin Knight doesn't have to go anywhere just yet G3 Knight F4 checks this bishop not good welcoming a queen exchange declined wow okay move the Knight look for Queen here it's the threat I stand coordinated he has the battery the Knight is glued in and from here Queen B8 Queen B6 what is she doing over here check there goes the B Pawn we have a pass C pawn bishop is hit 10 seconds under 10 for black Queen F4 push push push exchange Queens should be a one oh he's making he he's he was sneaky with that move he was very he was very very sneaky right here don't push that pawn oh now you can push the pawn check oh man time oh a sneaky check along a diagonal how do you pull that move off so fast wow okay he won on time 140 123 116. oh man okay 15 minutes to go let's see um oh I'm not even on the right spot you guys are distracting me here asilius you're distracting me thank you thank you very much for the bits um okay I will address any others that came in that I missed after this event under 15 to go okay two minor pieces versus the rook and two Pawns how can you clamp down on these guys we don't want to get them going we don't want the wheels to be in motion you know this one and then here okay tricky night night C4 can't go too far if you play here there's these two big squares not gonna be easy and he's up on the clock okay he finally has a stable King and squares for the knights yeah these guys could be plucked I think night night F3 okay he's going with the Rook all these squares are covered the with the Knights yeah two nights versus The Rook Knight here defending oh he's gonna go here look at the coordination he's a cat he is a cat he just fine he finds a way here on the fork at night maybe eight how quick that was recognized Knight B8 he always lands on his feet this guy 125 whoa wait a second don't count him out he's only he's only 15 back oh I think I think for a few games I was counting them out is he gonna go berserk no he's still playing it cool a four is still cool he's only 15 back narditski did not have fire I believe okay okay he's on F7 a quick resigner there could be a couple quick resigners and we'll see wow wow let's see light squares break down the light squares kick away this silly night A6 get this guy one day and this guy's amazing okay here we go breaking down the light squares this should be win he's gonna put all his energy on this point this Knight was hit twice it's on his back foot oh there we go going after the a pawn the a pawn it's gonna be passed here oh man that hurts there goes a rook we're gonna resign her no resigner no night move with check this is going to be a resigner no resigner Rook here Queen here pick your favorite resigner here no resigner resigner here whoa 144 129 hasn't updated yet 129 it is 15 back he has fire narditsky in a game not berserk he's in a game against Chicago okay minlay 12 minutes to go hunting for a bishop again g59h5 we've seen this pattern time and time again small pond Center white with space black basically with the bishop pair cannot avoid this Exchange Hedgehog like formation gonna go with the H Pawn oh H4 Exchange open H file you take with the pawn so the King has a square you do you take on the ugly structure this could be dangerous get this guy in this diagonal let's see oh this is his this is his home this is his home he's going for something like this though after a night capture there's King on F2 there is a square here not so easy to activate this guy okay he's pinpointing in the Knight if he just get rid of this guy okay he has a square here this is an excellent position for black excellent position we got a dummy piece just hanging around wow wow wait what a second what's happening with that what a second oh it's mate that's the idea oh look at how dangerous that guy is Knight takes Queen Rook takes Queen GG another w133 only 13 back noraditski does not have fire give them a game throw them in the ring against somebody fide Master Pavel Mart okay no berserk still 10 minutes to go Queens are off he's gonna try and do something here oh this Knight is extra extra jumpy he had B5 now he has C4 looking for B6 he lands what he's not Landing a fork okay this I feel like it should be winning you're on the Rook he's off the exchange a check he can't get castle and then you break down the light squares no A4 just development Bishop to D6 Bishop D6 no now A4 scare away the Knight is the Knight trapped not quite okay he's getting a pawn he's up the exchange clean technique get rid of the dark Square Bishop anything fancy with a bishop move I don't believe so Bishop takes Bishop on Bishop G4 conversion should be simple looking to take advantage of the pin he's got it that was a pretty quick win 137 only back nine whoa nine minutes to go back nine 123 in here is he in a game he's in a game candidate Master is he gonna berserk no berserk 3200 on the nose okay E5 Knight jumping in here he seems like he has kicked it into it seems like he's kicked into a higher gear trying to tame the light Square Bishop Queen exchange ending on board one pair of Rooks and where do we go from here okay B4 could be a move this is going to be a really dangerous Rook if you initiate the capture on B4 White's breaking this down nice needs to maintain this point this Knight is so jumpy what are you doing here you have to go on the defensive this Knight moves this Pawn Falls the king needs to come over here Bishop is defended by The Rook now get over here King oh he's going for The Rook or any fancy Forks defending the Knight this Knight is jumpy stopping Knight C5 with that move hitting the bishop and the pawn threatening to take and then take here pushing the pawn the Knight is pinned push again take the Knight take the pawn has to take on an ugly structure he's winning the pawn he's ready to push he's going to win this one he's on the bishop of no time to take here you could have pushed he wants to just remove the blockade or he's getting the piece is he gonna resign no resign he's up and night versus a pawn here and then here check and then take the pawn another check we're gonna have a resign or a resigner where are we at 153 141 nardicki has fire he's in a game against penguin that's gonna be a big game the Penguin's gonna have to beat him okay minlay have to focus on this game right here penguin needs to win and the doctor needs to win in order for there to be to in order for there to be a comeback I'm pretty sure with only seven and change to go wow let us see Rook B4 is a pivot to increase the pressure here all right A3 what do we do with A3 we're welcoming a queen exchange he would like to get a knight to C5 he's hopping right to it night on C5 it is time to improve the king we bought a knight on C5 and a king on D4 he's going for it these three and it's not the healthiest structure but oh is he just winning this Pawn now Bishop could defend now we're getting a Night Exchange now black I believe is for choice it's not going to be easy as soon as you play this the king takes up a nice post look at these guys not happening at not happening it [Laughter] it's not happening I don't think oh man minlay he's he's not going to lose this one yeah I might have a resigner oh a sneaky move he came back with Bishop there is it winning though I think it might still be a draw a sneaky bishop move out of nowhere he won a piece is he able to get this Pawn it's not going to be easy it's a thinker there he's getting this one oh my goodness he's in he won unbelievable okay and that was a draw okay Rebecca Harris that game he was extinguished he's back how many he's back 10. okay oh my goodness what a move Bishop check King takes bishop and the pawn was a runner wow okay he needs some fast wins here I I don't uh I'm not I'm not seeing it there's just not enough time I don't know if he he needs a couple of really quick wins he needs to get in three games needs to get in three I'm not seeing it okay he has this extra Pawn on the queen side things are looking good in the position but gotta win fast Bishop A4 maybe he's taking a second Pawn would there be a resigner here no resigner here jumpy night strong position here everything is defended King up bishop move this is covered blew the knight in Rook pivot here get to a dark Square dark Square Rook D4 nothing exciting happening here no good sacrifices this is covered the Knight could always move defend here there's a check on this Square maybe go here Target the pawn guarding the base points defend here Bishop there Knight there none of the above Rook entry now the Knight is tied down okay and from here where do we go clock is basically level four in change on the tournament clock a check and push The Rook Gets behind I think this one's going to be tracked down you got to go okay he's getting this guy it's a winning position but white is not making it easy check and that Pawn's getting Tracked Down this guy check and then push what if a knight check what if a knight check King here here you can move the king tightrope okay push the pawn if the Rook takes the pawn there's a check and then the Knight Falls he's got the queen time though Queen here again look at how quickly that was recognized where's the mate there's the mate just under four minutes in the terminal clock nardiski slipped up he has nine uh He's Back Nine okay not happening not happening exciting there for a bit okay I mean he would need he has to go he's going berserk in this next game he has to try double berserk game double berserk you gotta try it okay I think the penguin would have berserked back what do you think he would have berserked back he needed a five and a five okay if he wins this one he has to try berserk on the next one he has to Hope some Hope Chest nardisky has to has to lose a game okay it's three minutes 18 a race against the tournament clock big Square here for a night improving the king first gonna hop in here with the Knight no going after the light the pawns on light okay and yeah if you play here there's Rook entry stuff this is a target uh this bishop not having the oh oh a resigner whoa oh it doesn't matter he's still up narditski he is cruising he's in berserk mode he doesn't care he's still berserking up nine ah he has kept his foot on the gas wow okay no berserk in this one yeah it was a little bit exciting there for a bit a little exciting what an event okay seems one in the two spot are are set in stone there dark squares here Queen D6 is the Knight gonna get jumpy how dark squares dark squares you can't even defend that oh there's a fork would he resign it's not resigning not resigning no push here you have that one covered Rook ooh okay there's a pinned Pawn here he needs to get this one over with in one more game is there still a chance I don't know what the the story is with narditsky's game completely winning position here I'm not seeing any problems here for black the bishop covers this important G7 Square from any made idea pigs take the pawn queen can't go too far has to defend all these squares around here check no repetitions free pigs okay is there okay he's making sure there's not going to be anything fancy okay a resigner where does that put them hang on whoa are you kidding me okay narditsky nardisky okay a double berserk game if he wins this he could win where did that where did that come from double berserk game if he wins this he gets a five and he's ahead of narditsky how did that happen okay oh oh that's that's a problem no he's all pinned up he's in a check oh man oh man yep he resigns oh penguin extinguished the doctor in the end oh just what just when you think oh it wouldn't have mattered nardinski had 164. he won a game [Laughter] okay we're not gonna get another game no more games that's how it's gonna end itzki don't think this one is finishing we're gonna have a 164 157 135 final standings wow what an event that was fun that was it's been a while um uh what what a blast it is to track him live in these events 164 157 135 133 just barely outside the money there the penguin the fastest fastest guy around I think okay let's check out I don't know the top top 50 who else was playing here's Paige three four and we'll do the top 50. top five top 50. okay what other things to note performance rating for the doctor 3205 72 games 68 win rate berserk four nardiski a third of his games berserked 31 16 80 games in there okay shigalko with third tracking down 100 bucks all right fun as always let me throw it a good games all in there all right fun event foreign
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 40,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magnus carlsen bullet chess, magnus carlsen titled arena, carlsen returns as drnykterstein, magnus carlsen July titled arena, chessnetwork, chess network, magnus carlsen plays chess at party
Id: wiaslenkqz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 28sec (7348 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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