This Attack Destroys Even 2500+ ELO Opponents In 10 Moves! 😱

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what's up guys today I'm happy to share with you a powerful and attacking tricky plan for black in the Italian game in a position that we can see right now on the board or any kinds of similar situations again it's super dangerous for white even experienced opponents often find themselves in a losing position in just about 10 moves not exaggerating let's have a look it starts off with white pushing their King's Pawn forward and your Pawn symmetrically after that you may bring your knight out first or your Bishop out first it will often lead to the same position and then white may play you know D3 or Knight C3 or Castle any of these moves and again it will all lead to similar variations so let's say we go Knight F6 we attack this pawn and they defend it with for example D3 or Knight C3 now you go D6 now at some point your opponent is highly likely to play Pawn H3 for example in the given position it's actually the most played move by white because they're worried about you bringing your Bishop out to G4 peeing the Knight and it feels unpleasant and indeed if they never play H3 you may actually go for this plan but in most cases they will play H3 now you respawn symmetrically Pawn H6 they think that you're just doing the same thing you're stopping them from going Bishop G5 so they don't realize the real idea behind this move and the real idea is that you're going to Checkmate them sometimes within the next like five to 10 moves you just go G5 it's a very straightforward bold attacking plan you want to go G4 break open the G file put your Rook here against his King and Checkmate him now it's super simple for you to execute this plan but it's really difficult for white to find any effective counter and very often I've seen games even of 2500 rated players 2900 rated players who went down from here like within several moves as white now what do they usually do um let's say they go Bishop E3 again I think it's the most popular move here just developing a bishop and offering an exchange now generally speaking when they do this you never take there that only helps your opponent and if you're a part of the E Nation you know that in general take is a mistake so just ignore it your Bishop is already defended don't need to worry and push forward with your own plan G4 now think about this we take advantage of the fact that this Pawn is on H3 not H2 which forces white to open up the G file and it's really great for us because if this Pawn were on H2 they could just move their Knight away and they're fine but with the pawn on H3 they can't do this because you not only attack the Knight but you also attack this pawn and also notice one thing you've got this Bishop from C8 which is actually playing crucial role in your attack now they take on G4 you recapture and you actually push this pin down their throat anyway so they try to stop it but you forced it on them now another good thing about this position is that you opened up the G file so you want to play Rook G8 put the Rook against their King and we can see that that actually builds up your attack pretty quickly now they often take here on C5 that doesn't change anything you just recapture and here the most played move is Knight D5 but after whatever moves of white your plan is still the same you're going to go Rook G8 put it against it then maybe some sort of Bishop H3 stuff you can always Castle Queen side if you need to you probably want to bring your other pieces forward maybe your knight can come there maybe the other Knight can go to D4 your queen can come somewhere there so you just you know go forward and attack them that's why I said that the plan is really simple and effective for instance they go Knight D5 again the move doesn't change anything basically this Knight is already defended by the queen so you just ignore them once again and push forward this time you can go Knight D4 and take advantage of this ping now you completely break open their King so they do something like C3 or whatever doesn't help you can take on F3 with either Knight or Bishop the bishop is even stronger in this case now because if your knight they can't recapture with a queen they have to use the pawn but now this king is dead open you bring the Rook right here check to the king it goes and then you'd love to bring the queen out here with a Checkmate but your knight stands on the way so we trade it off and then on the next move Queen H4 checkmate and as I said earlier there are a lot of players who lost games just like this as white so again super simple super effective sometimes in this position your Pawn will put their Pawn to C3 not their Knight again at this point or earlier in the game they have their Pawn here guess what nothing really changes for you you still go for the very same plan Pawn G5 aiming for Pawn G4 but the variations are trickier and that's why you need to know a couple things here now the advantage for right of the this position is that against this plan in G5 and G4 they can now try to counter in the center with a move Pawn D4 and that's where it gets tricky because if they just try to develop anyhow you go for the same thing G4 exchange Bishop G4 Rook G8 and you're going for the kill so D4 is the only move that possibly can confuse you but not after watching this video now you don't want to open up the center because you have another plan in mind you want to attack on the king side so you just ignore it you go with a bishop back now they take on E5 and here is a beautiful moment now you don't take with a pawn you don't take with a knight you once again ignore him completely creating this psychological trauma for your opponent because you're always ignoring him and you go G4 so you Counterattack they attacked your knight you attack theirs and now it's really really juicy line really tricky so if they go for it you take on F3 now you threaten to open their King so they tra take here you go Knight E5 you bring the Knight out and you're also doubling attack this pieces they go Queen E2 and after Queen takes F6 you also bring your queen into the attack and your opponent does not realize it yet but he's already lost because you simply have so many pieces into your attack you've got two Bishops pointing directly towards his King You've got this juicy open file for your Rook you also have your queen and Knight in the close proximity to the king to the queen side so fundamentally virtually all of your pieces except for this rook in the corner are taking part in your attack and white has nothing to do against it sish already gives like minus four for black right here meaning white is completely lost and it's a nice surprise for your opponent because he's thinking hard he thinks that he's good he's up a pawn again he doesn't realize that it's already over and for example if they play a bishop E3 the most natural move they're trying to trade off one of your attacking pieces you're just recklessly open up their King and you're going for the Checkmate if they take you go Rook G8 then Knight F3 Queen H4 all that's stff with a quick Checkmate if they don't take let's say they take on B6 you still ignore him as always in this line which is funny and you break open his King now he takes you go Rook G8 check to the king and then it leads to the same Checkmate Queen H4 there's also another variation which is a lot of fun remember they're trying to attack you in the center first you need to save your Bishop so you drop it back what they take here you don't fall for their plan you instead keep pushing with your plan now with we know that if they take your knight you take theirs and after that usually you're winning very quickly now what if instead of taking here they take your Pawn on G4 well the nice thing for you is that now you can solve the problem of this Knight by moving it Forward which also helps your attack now this Pawn is hanging so they want to take here and you guessed it right we ignore him right we play our moves we go Rook G8 putting the Rook against the king now in most cases they're going to take on C7 they hope for some sort of an exchange of Queens along the def file and that may slow down your attack but you've got nice tactics here you play Bishop takes F2 check to the king the bishop is supported by the Knight therefore the king cannot take it and if they take it with the Rook then we're not going to trade Queens we're going to just win his Queen in one move checking his King and his game over pretty cool even if they happen to notice this thing and move their King away then you take on C7 and you still have extremely Strong attacking position yes you can Checkmate him right on the next move so Queen H2 is not an option because the Knight guards the square but still on the next move you probably want to bring your queen right here on G3 and you are highly likely to win the game within a couple moves because you've got your Rook here your knight your Bishop your queen the king is that open so it's very easy for you probably are going to play Queen G3 then maybe you're going to play Knight E5 and they'll still push this queen H2 idea or something like this or maybe you're going to Checkmate him along the G file after Queen G3 so again very dangerous for white and you're likely to win within the next few moves here are a few important things that you got to know about this position in order to execute this plan successfully now first off of course sometimes white can go for the main line of the Italian game with Pawn to D4 and that's a completely different story black is fine there but you need to know some Theory I don't dive into it right here because I've got a dedicated video about this I'll drop a link below in the description you can check it out there the crash course on the Italian game for black but lots of your opponents will not go off this line because it's heavily theoretical very complicated and many will wish to stay away from that and play something simpler such as Pawn to D3 now another thing notice that in this position we do not want to Castle early because we basically want to go for that kingside attack with H6 G5 and will'll often need to bring our Rook to G8 therefore you do not want to Castle you just wait a little bit you play useful moves which are also somewhat awaiting moves we want him to Castle kingside but you don't want to Castle kide yourself at least for some time because you want to push that plan and only if it doesn't work only then you'll instead just Castle so for now we just play useful moves we go D6 he usually will play H3 at some point here or on the next move after castling you also play this P H6 which is once again like both a useful move because you prevent this bishop G5 move but also an awaiting move we wait for him to Castle and they usually will because it feels like the only like obvious and natural move for them to play here so they castle and as soon as they do so you are ready to go G5 and G4 now this plan is again especially effective when they have their Pawn on H3 if they don't have the pawn there it's better not to go so if the pawn is still there then don't go G5 it doesn't serve your plan so but with this Pawn on H3 now G5 G4 becomes really effective and almost winning for black I actually learned this plan from one of my grandmas friends he played it as black against International master in a real tournament not in online Blitz and he won something like within 15 moves or so and I was surprised that an international Master can lose it as white simly classical you know dry position and then I asked my friend like what's up with this thing like is it that he blundered something and he said no it's actually a very good plan for black and I analyzed it myself and played it myself and especially in bleeds it brings really great results now another question is what if my tries to block this move by going Knight H2 now certainly this passive Retreat cannot be dangerous and in against this you just keep pushing your plan you still play G4 now when you attack your opponent usually it makes sense to sucker a pawn to speed up your attack and to open up some files and that's exactly what you're doing here so after they take it you then play Rook G8 why you can't take here because the pawn is defended twice it's defended by this Knight and the queen therefore you can't take it immediately it would be a blunder so just play Rook G8 aiming to take it on the next move and there's nothing white can do really against it because notice another interesting thing your Bishop from C5 always plays this crucial role in your attack it controls this diagonal therefore white can never push this Pawn for because the pawn is pined so they can't guard this Pawn that way I'll have to play anything else let's say Bishop E3 and then you happily grab this Pawn you open up the file and your Bishop star is being active so another good advantage of having your knight out there is that it opens up this diagonal for the queen so the queen is no longer obstructed with your own knight from F6 as the Knight goes your queen is free to go here and put pressure here or maybe go Queen H4 and put pressure here both cases pretty cool if they take on G4 you recapture and the good thing is that you develop your Bishop with a Tempo you bring your Bishop into an attack and you force your opponent to do something after they play their move whenever now you can fully take advantage of the semiopen file you can go Bishop H3 or F3 this position Bishop H3 would be stronger you attack this pawn and you take advantage of the pin so they can't take your Bishop they have to defend their pawn and after they go G3 even though they haven't invited you you can still go to visit his King and it's going to be Checkmate on the next move they can't stop it overall this plan almost feels too good to be true you just can't believe that strong players plain this as white can go down that easily but it is exactly the case because in fact most players on the level below 2,000 ELO are not good at defense they just don't know how to do well and therefore holding your skills of attack is one of those easy tickets to level up your chest and to go to the next level and if you're interested in reaching the level of 2,000 quicker I've got a dedicated course three steps to 2000 ELO where I show you those few key components that you need to master in order to get to that level and you'll get to know that it's actually a lot more straightforward a lot easier than most players think about it and so if you're interested you can click the link below the video in the description and check this out either way have a great day and let me know if you have any questions
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 38,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italian game for black, italian game counter, italian game counter attack, italian game counter black, chess italian game counter, italian game opening black, italian game chess traps black, italian game attack, italian game attacking ideas, italian game with black, italian game winning plan, italian game opening for black, how to counter the italian opening, how to counter the italian game as black, beat the italian game, crush the italian game, italian game traps for black
Id: LUapeBO8i2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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