Chess Notation Decoded: Mastering the Language of Chess!

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[Music] hello everyone in this video we'll be learning about how to read and write chess notation okay so this will not only be for us to read and understand chess books or articles online but also when playing at chess tournaments in person where chess notation is required all right as we can see we have letters and we have uh numbers alongside our chessboard this system of coordinates will help us uh give a name to each of the moves that we make with our pieces okay so for example we have A1 we have A2 we have B1 we have D4 we have E5 all the way to h8 when making moves we should just write the name of the square where our pieces are landing for the pawns we should just write the name of the square they're moving to in the lower case as we reserve the capital letters for our higher value pieces for the rest of the pieces we use the first letter of each of their names with a capital letter for example for the queen it will be a capital Q the bishop will be a capital B for The Rook it will be a capital R but then we have the king and the Knight which both start with K in this case we're actually going to give the K to the king since it's the most important piece of the in the board and we're going to go to the next letter for the Knight which is the n so we're going to be using the N for the kn now we're going to go ahead and make some moves on the board and write the names okay so we're going to have one E4 C6 2 D4 D5 and now we have nc3 n with capital letter referring to the Knight is moving to the C3 Square all right next move is going to be oh there's a capture so how do we write a capture capture is displayed with an X it's written with an X as in takes it's lowercase as well so in this case it would be D takes E4 all right so D takes E4 we go ahead and in this case the Knight is capturing E4 right so we would do capital N X E4 all right we go ahead we go n F6 remember that the N is capital letter right we retreat n G3 going back there preventing any any traits now in this position we have n D7 but you can tell that both Knights can go to D7 right so in this case we can try to be a little bit more detailed about which Knight is going to the D7 Square in this case we can write it as like n capital n b lower case V7 in lower case so we're saying that the Knight on the B file went to D7 all right now we go capital B C4 then n B6 capital B B3 capital B G4 and then n F3 E6 castles how do we write castles in this position castles is displayed with a capital o dash capital O so it's O and O all right so that's when Castle in in the for the king side you know short castles so here we have capital Q C7 we have C3 just lowercase and now how do we write long castles long castles is written with three O's instead of two o's so it's going to be capital o dash capital o dash capital O for long castles castles on the queen side in this position I would like to show you something that can be tricky to right all right so we can notice that both Knights are on the C file and our next move is Knight E2 so would we write it as like ne2 or NC E2 if we write as like nc2 it'll be a little bit confusing because we were not sure which Knight that was on the C file went to E2 in this case we can try to be a little bit more detailed about it and we can write as a we can write it as nc1 E2 okay so n capital N C1 in lower case E2 in lower case all right we go ahead and in this case we're moving The Rook or our opponent's moving The Rook to d8 so how can we write this one take a second so it will be r capital r R A d8 because capital r referring The Rook that was from the a file went to the D file so r a d8 perfect now how do you do how do you write this one here take a second so it would be r capital r f D1 right so capital r The Rook that was on the f file went to the D file perfect on the next exercise I would like to show you how to write something else in this case it will be a check all right so in this position here y goes uh with the rot to E8 all right so we would write it as like R E8 and check it's displayed with a with a plus sign okay so be like re E8 plus because it's giving a check to the king all right so then we go ahead and we do like RX E8 The Rook the black Rook is taking the Rook on E8 but it's actually taking the E8 Square all right and then we go ahead and we do r x E8 plus because of the check our King is in check and now we have King H7 which is written as capital K H7 we're going to move into this position here and how do we write Checkmate right so in this position we have a Checkmate in one we can see the battery in a way here we have a lot of pressure on the B2 Square all right so if we go like this with a queen it's black to move Queen B2 Checkmate how will we write that it would be as like capital Q xb2 hashtag or the number sign as in Checkmate in this position I would like to show you how to write a promotion a pawn promotion okay so let's say in this position we would like to promote the pawn into a queen so we would do something like this we would write it as d8 equals queen or capital Q right so it be d8 because because the pawn went to d8 equals referring to his promoting into or tring into capital Q a queen okay that's how we write it what if in this case we just promoted into a knight with check how will we write that you'll be d8 equals capital N Plus for the check and if a position were to be a mate in the promotion even instead of the plus sign it will be the number sign or hashtag okay I just showed you some of the important chess notations that you should always consider for your games and to keep track of what you're doing there are some extra notations that could be more helpful for you to remember certain moves that you were thinking oh they were great or they were not so great okay so these are the following one exclamation mark That's consider a great move an exclamation mark followed by a question mark is considered an interesting move a question mark followed by an exclamation mark is considered a dubious move a double question mark is considered blunder a double exclamation mark is considered a brilliant move now that we learn how to read and write chess notation in the algebraic form we'll be able to access some chess books some online articles about Chess and even be ready for our next inperson chess tournament I hope you found this video [Music] brilliant
Channel: CoachVChess
Views: 230
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Keywords: Chess, coachvchess, coachv, chesscommunity, chess community, coach v chess, notation, chess notation, chess language, write chess, chess basics, chess moves, how to write chess, how to, algebraic, algebraic notation
Id: 5Da8rWi9KS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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