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ladies and gentlemen it's currently August 29th 2023 and today I will be sharing with you the culmination of one of the craziest dramas the Chess World and the entire world in general has ever seen it has been 360 days since Hans Neiman and Magnus Carlson played a chess game in Saint Louis Missouri and that chess game shook up the world the great cheating scandal of Chess this video was broken up into four parts because today we had a massive massive massive final development wrap the box put a little bow on it ship it off it's over it is officially over the papers have been signed in part one of this video I'm going to give you a little bit of background many of you know it but just a little friendly reminder then we are going to talk about today's development and then I'm going to show you some of Hans Neiman's games yes Hans Neiman's games on Hans Neiman is back the lawsuit any future drama about another lawsuit that is all over that is all over and you can take it from the man himself he posted on Twitter today and this is what he said X he posted on X today hello chess worlds did you miss me I'm pleased that my lawsuit against Magnus Carlson and has been resolved in a mutually acceptable manner and then I'm returning to I look forward to competing against Magnus and chess rather than in courts and I'm grateful for my attorneys at over to noven for believing in me and helping me resolve the case I'd like to reaffirm my opinion at the report is defamatory and I challenge their allegations I'd also like to reaffirm the fact that no matter the obstacles that will that I will face no matter how much you try to Blacklist me no matter what you do to try and ruin my career or slander my reputation that these difficult times have only strengthened my resolve and character and have only invigorated me even more to reach the top of chess there will be a day when I will be the best chess player in the world and I think it's time to let my chest speak for itself this is this is incredible stuff there is there is so much to unpack in that video essentially Hans Neiman is now being allowed back on announced this yesterday Hikaru made a video about it Hans Neiman sued Magnus Carlson and hikarnakamura for 100 million dollars uh and I'm gonna take you through that story in this video uh and then we're gonna look at hans's reinstatement it basically seems like he is saying we're gonna end this here I'm not going to sue again uh he still alleges that the report that they put out is defamatory if you don't even know what that is because you just clicked on this video you have no idea what I'm talking about we will get into all that um just just incredible theater I mean chess needs a villain you know I'm kind of a villain not not to this extent but this is this is incredible uh incredible stuff uh and uh whatever side you're on you are uh you know oh you've got somebody that you can cheer for okay my friends let's travel back to September 4th 2022. video is four parts we're gonna end this video analyzing some of Han's games that he played literally today on uh September 4th 2022 uh Magnus Carlson is playing Hans Neiman in the singfield cup Hans Neiman only gets to play in the singfield cup because of a last minute replacement because a player that was participating in the event couldn't travel kovid made things also all sorts of crazy so for whatever reason player was not able was unable to travel Hans Neiman uh Hans demon does participate Hans Lehman was rapidly rising in the rankings his International rating was surging at the time uh this is his chart this is 2022 you know you'll notice that just like a year before he was a 25-20 rated Grandmaster at the age of 1617 that's good but it ain't great he had gained some 160 points to qualify for this game against Magnus and he grinded Magnus down in a nimso Indian he won one of his pawns and uh they it was a it was a it was a crazy end game that ensued that that I thought maybe Magnus was going to be playing for a win and uh well long story short Hans Neiman won this game we're not here to analyze the game game has been analyzed to its death the next day Magnus Carlson tweets out I've withdrawn from the tournament I've always enjoyed playing in the St Louis chess club he'll be back in the future and you see Alexandra botas here doing what we call this is called the um uh engagement Gambit you're trying to get engagement on social media I am also guilty of this but I did not respond to this tweet in particular um uh because I did not I didn't I was scared uh essentially he tweets out a clip of Jose Mourinho and he says if I speak I'm in big trouble September 5th that game was September 4th um and um well one thing leads to another and uh then Magnus Carlson refused to play hunts they had an online rematch and Magnus resigned in one move so at this time the entire Chess World started spinning right and uh during this tournament Hans gave an interview after one of his games where he essentially cleared the air Han said uh himself that he he has cheated online in the past but he would never dare to do it in an over-the-board tournament that's what he said uh he gave an interview uh and he said he's done it when he was 12 and 16 and you know he just did it to get a higher rating to play against the top players and and he would never dream to do it over the board okay that's a massive piece of information that you are dealing with while it is true that if you cheat at the ages of 12 and or 16 years old online it doesn't mean that you're also going to cheat over the board it's very difficult to cheat over the board but you can imagine how that doesn't really help your case right like that that's not a good thing that's called having a record and at this time uh you know Meme started circulating and some by Elon Musk who retweeted and then deleted this tweet actually a copy pasta meme of a person having a vibrating device in their anus which help them play chess better now there have been many ways that people have cheated at chess in the past like going to the toilet and then getting you know your cell phone or by having a person in the room status stand at a certain quadrant there's been many ways that people have cheated in chess in the past and this Theory got picked up by every international news network I like I'm not exaggerating everybody I was contacted by 10 if not more media Publications trying to get me to tell them something about this and if it was even real if you walk on the street right now and say the words um Canal minus C beads to somebody because kids might be like yeah I gotta speak in code um they're gonna associate that with chess not the other thing that it's used for this was so big and also at the time put out something that they called the Hans Neiman report I gotta get a Gotham report by the way where they essentially made a 72-page report of all of their communication the fact that Hans Neiman has had an opportunity to play uh in the past again on that he admitted to and then this was all of the times that Chestnut Kama alleges that he was cheating and you know there's Kenneth there's their statistical evidence discussed here and and and and and and whatnot and so forth and as you heard in the in the clip Hans Neiman says that this report is defamatory so did he admit did he not admit is he rescinding the admission that's where there's a lot of Confusion And this is essentially a massive report about Anonymous confessed Grand Masters who have cheated on which is crazy and then and then and then we have chess Grandmaster Hans Neiman filing the lawsuit right so this came right after this and then it was quiet and then it was quiet for a while nobody could really talk about it you know information is under embargo when there is a lawsuit um and then it got dismissed the lawsuit was dismissed about a month ago July 2023. so some nine months later people you know probably uh conceived the child while having uh after playing chess and the chess they got into because of Hans Neiman and Magnus Carlson imagine that imagine uh there is a cheating scandal and and you and your loved one get into chess together and you have such a passionate time that you conceive a child and then you know your child is born and then the lawsuit is dismissed I mean what a beautiful storyline um they should make a movie about this or something so the lawsuit gets dismissed because of jurisdiction because of the way that you sue somebody and depending if it's defamation you gotta sue them there but Hans Neiman I'm pretty sure is a New Yorker who like lives most of his time abroad or maybe in New York I don't even know where he is in the world Hans demon I mean Magnus Carlson is Norwegian this incident occurred in St Louis but then it was discussed internationally it's it's so it's very very confusing so the lawsuit is dismissed and I thought that was the end of it but it's not quite the end of it because he could still Sue again like some of the claims were not debunked they were just dismissed which means he could bring it back uh to a court but that was all thrown out because as of yesterday put out a statement uh and they said and I'm going to pull it out for you in a second I'm an idiot and I close the tab over here uh on my side monitor but they said uh as of today they have moved on in an in an amicable fashion we are pleased to report we have recent agreement with Hans uh no further litigation and they have reinstated his account um so let's discuss this and let's also discuss one more thing while this was going on and Hans reached the peak rating of 2708. uh over the last however many months he has lost a lot of rating uh and and he has lost some 50 points right like 12.6 13.6 that's 26.2 and that's uh that's I mean it's like yeah 47 you know 40 48 points you round up and this has sort of made people point to the fact that uh the insinuations were right that he cheated here but now that this is happening his rating is decreasing that's you know that's what that that's sort of the the argument that people are making uh that well look at you know and then the lawsuit happen but he is one of the most active look how many chess games this this Luna took place and I say lunatic in a complimentary way okay I could never imagine playing this much chess essentially what's happening to Hans is that ever since the lawsuit happened ever since this this whole incident happened he's not going to get invitations to play closed events physically face to face like if I'm if I'm a chess club organizer and I want to invite Magnus Hikaru all these guys am I also going to invite Hans before all of this happened probably probably not right because of the whole thing that's going on now that this has been dismissed and and they've moved on without further litigation he's being brought back to we gotta analyze what what what what this is we have to analyze whether this is a win whether it's a loss I personally think it's more of a win than it is a loss then it is a negative but I I mean I gotta sit here and wonder what's gonna happen to the next junior player who's 14 15 years of age and is gonna get banned for cheating like I think the public service announcement here is if you watch this and you're a title player they don't really watch my videos they're jealous uh but if you were watching and you're a grand master and you know you're you're gonna cheat and get banned like I don't think you can threaten to sue them for 100 million like Hans did not set a precedent here to get unbanned that's not what this was there was a lot of moving Parts here there was the fact that Magnus insinuated that Hans cheated in the game against him but there's no physical proof there's no you you cannot physically prove somebody's cheating unless you kind of catch them in the ACT it's very difficult it's all statistical it's Behavior at the board but Hans has a pretty big history which he admitted to although he did say the report is defamatory he did admit to it and so this is part of a bigger narrative single-handedly the biggest threat to chess competition is cheating the same cannot really be said from many other sports and I'll explain if a athlete takes performance enhancing drugs they just blood test you they check your pee if you exceed a level they just kick you out right chess is very different if you really can get a microscopic device under your arm you you kind of like the CIA I mean really like you're gonna you're gonna really do some things that these tournaments probably don't have airport scanners they probably can't truly catch you in the act so if a person was dedicated enough I feel like they might be able to get away with it now that's that's a problem right especially and online as well like sitting right here I mean how can you possibly monitor whether I am actively cheating except for the statistics except for the statistics of my play if during prize money events I outperform myself by 25 I'm you know I'm probably cheating but it's you know it's a big problem in chess then we need to align on things like does cheating online get you kicked out of an uh a live event like can that affect only poker has an online and a live component if you cheat in online poker will they not let you into the World Series of Poker does that make sense no other sport has this you can't play online what I cheated and we tennis so they don't let me into the US Open no that's not how that works so we need to get aligned it would be really helpful if the biggest chess websites leeches and so on like are they gonna share information probably not probably not they're not going to share oh we banned this guy on our website but he doesn't you know maybe he's not going to cheat on your website or or whatever it is I it's very tough what do we do what do we do and and do we Grant second chance and third chances to teenagers I don't think a 12 year old should be tried the same way as a 30 year old I don't think right this was a criminal justice system right like I so I don't know there's a lot of moving Parts there's a lot of things to discuss it's not black and white no pun intended because it's chess I don't think that Han's losing 50 points in the last couple of months is indicative of anything every top Grand Master has lost 50 points Magnus freaking Carlson has lost 50 points he was 28.81 and when he played for the world championship against Fabiano he was 28.35 things go up and down you know does it help him he has a history no is everybody going to be suspicious when they play against them in the future probably a little bit like you know what I mean probably a little bit you know is he gonna be able to shake that off I don't know is he lying like is he a villain is he a Moriarty did you miss me it's crazy obviously it's it it's a crazy situation and I can't wait for the interviews as a content creator I am I am salivating over this obviously that like that's not a secret because if this happens more people are gonna play chess if more people play chess more people are going to watch my videos right I mean it's it's an ecosystem I have openly admitted this to you before but we need people like Hans theme and Hans Neiman gets the papers talking ideally we can do this in a more positive way but media loves chaos media loves bad things so this was not really such a Negative for Jess but the Chess World does have a lot of uh things that that we need to address video's not over by the way um those are all my thoughts and uh I you know I hope I was clear and Hans Lehman played some chess today so if you you know you want to look at a few of his chess games on and analyze each one of these right now because now every time Hans plays Hans lost to a 2600. oh I knew it I knew it he's not cheat right like that's this guy is going to be in the spotlight for the next five years probably I I really I I don't know if it's I don't know if it'll ever go away um this was the first game that Hans played in a year on in a year uh this was his first game to play title Tuesday today um and Hans played E4 played Knight F3 went into an open Sicilian against his I am International Master opponent from Romania yes my geography my my Vex vexology skills are pretty good this is a uh a dragon uh White plays F3 E4 stopping this Hans also wants that one's King B1 and and one thing I've realized about Hans over the last few years he's like a chameleon like his opening repertoire very flexible he could play whatever he wants uh and uh his opponent plays D5 which is a very good enforcing line Hans also plays very fast Hans takes on D5 then takes this Knight and then plays Bishop D4 looking to trade this and this to get good pressure and basically just say I'm gonna have a slightly better position okay his opponent goes here this has all been played many many times before and Hans plays the move H4 trying to create an attack with H5 if black overreacts to the attack that actually doesn't stop anything because after Pawn takes I don't take but I go here and if you're too greedy take take Queen G5 Queen H2 I mean you're just gonna get butchered um computer doesn't like this move oh it likes it just not as much as this so now after threatening the attack and doing all of this and kind of locking up his opponent's position Hans completely changes gears kicks out the night with C4 and then plays Queen to D6 which is the best move so he goes for a trade to try to apply maximum pressure to his opponent targeting this Pawn targeting this Pawn this bishop is blocked in behind his pawns this bishop also isn't very good and his opponent in this position plays oh I think the opponent kind of got caught in the spotlight a little bit and attacked The Rook thinking he was gonna get something like this but his opponent forgot that the bishop defends that square so Hans played Knight F6 check in two seconds and picked up a rook and the Knight is able to come back and and his opponent actually didn't even take but now rookie six he trades everything comes to D6 and he is just a full piece up and you don't need to be 2970 to know how to win this position Hans effortlessly zigzags out of the territory and his opponent tries to do a little bit but this is just very clinical two Bishops two pass pawns and uh his opponent resigns a few moves later as he cannot promote his pawn and The Rook is stop okay that was well the next game that Hans played was not so successful 26 42 Blitz player we have a four nights English and this is what I mean by all of hanz's games are now going to get deeply analyzed and Hans had a nice position right he got very good night play in the center got a knight to D3 White had to move oh look at that the bishop sees the queen so in this position he can sack the queen and then take on E7 that's very fancy and now we we got this position and his opponent plays Rook C3 trying to win the pawn on since the gates and pushes the pawn to A3 creating a light squared weakness that the bishop could target white plays here Rook B1 and Knight F4 giving this up because of this and he's gonna win his own pawn and now we we have an end game of Five Pawns each Knight and Bishop Han still trying to put pressure and Hans plays Rook takes D3 because if you take this Rook like this there's this and if you take the other Rook you take the other Rook right so white has an option of which Rook to take but then the Rook is going to take the other Rook but Han's blunder is Rook A7 check insane Hans plays Rook takes Knight and blunder's Rook A7 check and now both Rooks are hanging now Hans is not completely lost but it's a really bad position because white has so much activity white just advances kicks out the bishop and I got really bad news for you this bishop is trapped and F4 and E5 are on the way Hans counter attacks Rook C5 swarming Rook A5 the bishop goes back but unfortunately it's very very difficult to defend yourself here and Hans gets mated with a pawn which his opponent misses but unfortunately the pressure pays off The Rook is trapped and uh Han's just losing too much material second game back on he goes down to a 26-42 I'm just saying every single game that Hans plays from this point forward is gonna get analyzed under a microscope and people are gonna have theories it's gonna be a wild time uh but listen uh he he is in good shape he played a couple of games after title Tuesday against the one and only Daniel nariditsky uh and uh they were some Banger games nowaditski won a good amount of them but Hans came to attack he was pushing his g h pawns bringing his Bishop bringing his Queen uh Knight D2 F5 there played on passant possible Rook G1 and all of this Bishop H3 looking to trade off Daniel's Bishop to fight on the light squares and we got a position that was Knight versus Bishop once again Knight vs Bishop haunts for a second time I think last game he had the bishop this time he has the Knight Daniel looking to create attacking chances over here 3100 Blitz all right I mean really no joke Hans defending himself against mate and now a massive Skirmish breaks out Knight G5 going for checkmate F4 looking to deflect the pieces off the rank D3 Monster counter-attacked by black Bishop pawn queen take Queen takes Pawn Rook G2 and in this position there is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen Daniel played Queen F5 to stop Queen H7 made but Rook F2 if you take the queen it's mate and if you take this it's mate so the only way to survive this by black is to lose everything play something like Rook C2 if King takes Rook C8 check and now there is no Rook hanging there but uh of course it's just completely lost but but he missed it Hans missed it and we went into an end game we went into an end game where Hans tried to attack and when the d-pawn and tried to advance the d-pawn Donya tried to defend an attack and use his g h pawns very complicated game 40 seconds left per player hunts incredible rookie seven looking to sack The Rook put a knight on D6 D5 D6 uh and uh we got into a crazy scramble where the Rook is being removed from the back rank Dania of course one of the fastest chess players on the internet created a meaningful amount of counter play was a very complex back and forth game but it's not title Tuesday and ultimately despite narrow being like I said really one of the fastest players on the internet he succumbed to the pressure so Han's a bit you know a bit all over the place uh his first uh his first day back winning a couple of games lost a couple of games and we did not get a matchup versus Magnus or versus Hikaru but let me tell you something when we do you best believe there are going to be Recaps on this channel to summarize cheating is a very important issue the Chess World has to tackle um it's also not clear where we stand of the online flowing into over the board and whether that means information will be shared or not do we give miners more chances than we give adults uh as far as this entire issue the fact that you have a previous record could affect future performances live over the board but live over-the-board performances are very difficult to prove to be cheating unless you actually catch somebody in the act in this issue what I have realized is every party could have done something better in hindsight should Magnus have withdrawn from the tournament the way that he did probably not should Hikaru have poured it on during the early days probably not even though he might have his own opinions and in his video he said that other people probably also have opinions that they don't come publicly about in the world of Chess like people just keep things to themselves because they don't want to be caught in crossfire you know could have done things a little bit better maybe probably like it's very difficult to Envision and revisionist history is is pointless because we're here so this really seems like it's it seems like we're not going to get any more legal developments Hans Neiman is back and um let's just all enjoy the show get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 779,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: FM3QYQjnk2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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