CHERRY HEAD & Redfoot Season is HERE!

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what are you doing up there what are you doing you  got fed yesterday oh you want some practice today   excuse me do you guys mind sharing  you guys mind you don't mind here   hey what's up Lego she is the cutest little thing   hey what's going on everyone I'm hanging  out here with the Cherry head tortoises   and Darth Maul is out and about the weather is  perfect it is the Goldilocks hour for Turtles   and tortoises these guys are out looking  for food look for something to eat maybe   I'll go ahead and uh head over here to  this really nice Cactus Bush and uh grab   some Cactus I like to come out this time  of day it's my favorite time of day really   to kind of hang out and see how everyone's doing  but oh by the way lobo's hanging with everyone   he's my little farm dog right you're my farm  dog that's my buddy now the cool thing about   what's going on here is it is beginning to be  red foot cherry and cherry head egg laying season we sincerely thank all of you happy campers out  there your support makes a real difference in our   efforts here at Camp Cannon this week's special  shout out goes to George Bernier thank you for   all you do and for loving reptiles that is a fun  time of the deer it's a good time and as you can   see these guys love the cactus I like breaking it  because it'll kind of Stack Up nice and it also   they can smell it they just smell that Cactus  and they go for it so let's break it they'll   each get a piece look she's gonna come on over  here come on Dorothy come on Dorothy Mall come   on Darth Maul had a little snack you know you  want it that's right now this girl is fantastic   She's a Beauty she's been with me a long time  and in fact I thought that this tortoise was   actually a male and I'll show you why um I might  have mentioned it in other videos I'm sure I've   done that but Cherry head tortoise says don't get  the wasping okay that the Redford tortoises get   here's a male he's had that damage shell for many  many years but check this out I'm gonna gently   flip her a little bit easy girl and look at the  underside of her it's a bit concave you can kind   of see it she's got kind of a long tail but to  my surprise after I misidentified her as a male   oh you know which happens and uh what happened  did uh she laid an egg so there you go and then   over here if we look at this male even though  he's got this healed up shell um check this   out look at how really concaved he is and he's  got a really long tail so they are definitely   um uh definitely sexually dimorphic but the  females of the jury heads will have some male   characteristics and we'll throw you for a loop  but these two four are having a little snacky   and I love it and that's what they are all about  these guys as you know don't get large or maybe   you don't know I don't know you might be joining  us for the first time on this channel who knows   but the cool thing is is that they don't get large  what's going on here what's going on here we got   some pine needles moved around which usually  means it is egg laying season so we want to   come over here because I thought I saw a nice  Disturbed area and I did and if I gently poke   let's pull this out and see what we got what  have we my friends what have we here it's an   egg cool Cherry head season has begun that is  the coolest I just gently pull these out and I   don't know when they were laid so let's mark it  with our fingers here you wipe it off there okay   oh look at this this is quite a large clutch  look at that I'm gonna have to go get a bucket   look at that this is great all righty loving it  and we got another wow five eggs that's kind of a   big clutch for Cherry heads that is pretty darn  good holy smokes can you believe it five eggs   from one of my females I don't know which ones but  that's okay it doesn't matter as long as we get   some really beautiful babies I'm happy meanwhile  still good what are you doing up there what   are you doing you got fed yesterday you got fed  yesterday yes you did yes oh you want some Cactus   all right excuse me do you guys mind sharing you  guys mind you don't mind here there's plenty more   where this came from we'll just do this real quick  I can't see his little face little Petro's face is   uh you know sorry oh excuse me nope pardon me get  that big one okay check it out look at the Petra   look at the petrol come on get your Cactus get  your Cactus there you go that's and now Petra my   good girl she's a good lady come on that's sweet  yep I got another one for you stay up here good   deal now I got another one picture here oh come  on rip it up rip it oh no don't worry Petro Petro   here that's it all right a little snack you guys  ate yesterday let's go grab a little bucket and   uh I'll set these guys up I'll pull these eggs  out of here so nothing gets at him rolls them   stuff like that and then we'll go over and we'll  check on the red foots just to see what they're   doing uh it's cool I love this time of year I love  when the eggs I love when the eggs are being laid   um it's always exciting guys and when  you're a reptile person uh when you get   eggs it means you're doing something right  you got the right habitats you got the right   uh environmental parameters for these animals  to reproduce which is fantastic and anytime   you're reproducing Turtles and tortoises you're  doing a good thing because they are some of the   most endangered vertebrates collectively uh  they are the most endangered vertebrate out   of all the other air breathing vertebrates that  is and uh let's just keep keep them going so I   like doing my captain bread babies here we're  gonna just lift and put it in no problem there   and then we'll have a walk and see what's going on  over in redfoot land all right let's go over here   again super cool great little guys and they're  finishing up that Cactus really really quickly   what do you think Lobo you like it yeah good man  all right here we go oh it's good having a little   buddy with me now look he's a good boy I love  my buddy and uh we're just gonna walk over here   hey what's going on red foot land you can  see they don't keep that cherry head like   the Cherry heads do they get a yellow head  after a little while there's one hanging out   there and when I go oh my gosh I fed these  guys yesterday and but when they see me what   are they doing Lobo why are you interrupting them  buddy what are they doing they're making babies   how cool what do you say buddy I love  Lobo he's just so curious about everything   and look at the size remember I said  wasping do you see how the midline here   kind of squeezes in on these guys that's how  you could tell a male one of the ways here's   another male again see it squeezes in there  and there that's called wasping the females   are pleasantly plump they don't have that  but there's a male so that's one of the   ways you can tell the difference between  male and female are the Redford tortoises   um everything's been so beautiful back  in here look at this just gorgeous huh   it's it's just an amazing place what are you gonna  do Lobo you're gonna be a good boy you're going to   go in the water it's been warm but anyway there is  it's just growing up nicely everything's looking   good they get the fresh water right there  I don't know I haven't really seen anybody   digging here so I'm not really sure we're gonna  actually find eggs but I'm gonna go ahead and give   it a little once over just to check because you  never know I could get lucky in which case some   of you may get lucky when you get a tortoise  that was bred and born here at the old Cafe   oh God Lobo you're too funny now this is usually  an area where they like to lay but one thing I   don't know that this looks interesting here  but no again it might be a little too early   for these guys but I'm gently probing  around oh and by the way my fingernails   are green did you notice that they're  green because I've been using acroflavin   and acroflavin is a a drug or a medicine rather  for aquatic turtles it helps fight bacteria and it   helps fight uh fungus so we're using it um where  we got it's it's nice to treat the water sometimes   hmm I don't think we're gonna get it oh hey  what's up Lego here's Lego everybody now   Lego came to me a few years ago and she quickly  endeared herself to me she is the cutest little   thing and you can tell she's got some Metabolic  Bone Disease on this show that's some really what   I would consider very very bad um pyramiding and  bone disease as her spine is attached to the top   of her carapace you can see it's certainly  unlike all the other uh healthy tortoises   out here I don't know where they went but the  healthy ones do not look like this she does eat   she does move and she is a good girl here she's  a cautionary tale so that people understand that   you need to feed these a proper diet in order  to raise them up nice and healthy so my guess   was that the people who sent her to me who  said she was perfectly healthy by the way   um did not understand that this animal is UVB  lighting needs a proper diet and she was raised   indoors her entire life and they probably didn't  do the UVB or a natural diet sometimes people will   feed these animals dog food and that is not what  they eat so that's kind of a bummer but you know   what she's good she's healthy she can live here we  love her we certainly love her again another male   let's have a look at this mail so I can kind of  show you folks besides the wasping look at the   concavity there huh and then again a very very  long tail and that's what gives us a male Red   Foot Tortoise and the other thing is when you  get a Redford tortoise or any tortoise and you   want to check the health oh you gotta pick it up  they should feel much heavier than they actually   are so very very cool tortoises now I want to show  you something over here my plan is that wow look   at this guy go he's jumping everything he used  to be a little Wimp And couldn't jump now he's   getting big and he can jump everything good job  boy don't get too curious over there you know   what's over there so right now Cayman Creek is  full of South American species and Cayman Creek   um I'm hoping I can get you know a no trust logo   I'm not going to leave these here let's bring  them in with us uh we wouldn't want to have   disasters right so just treat him like a  puppy uh and there you go let me open this   Oh there's uh Lucifer's out but we'll come in here  I think I'm gonna put a pair of Redford tortoises   in here but I want I want these plants to get  a little bit more established I want the ones I   want to keep to get more established but all this  little grasses and all these things here I think   it would be cool because the red foots would eat  all those weeds okay they'll eat all the weeds and   I think that would be a really cool way to kind  of have some land animals using this space as well   and a good old Lucifer won't be able to hurt them  at all he wouldn't try it's just not worth it um   so he could just kind of hang out and um oh he's  hissing I know you're in Houston and uh we don't   want to upset you I just want to show everyone  what's going on here with the good old Lucy fur such a beautiful beautiful animal um so yeah  I think it would be really cool they could   walk through this water they could kind of move  about on land and they could kind of explore this   whole place and eat all these little weeds which  would help me I think it would keep things nice   and manicured to a degree but um you know the  reality is is they will eat some of the other   plants so I've got to uh let them get established  so maybe in a couple more months we'll do that but   I think that'll be really really cool uh to have  some tortoises in here and then of course uh in   the other section as well we'll go ahead and put  some in here and they can do the exact same thing   I think it'll be cool let me know what you guys  think do you guys think that's a good idea I like   having multi-species exhibits we have about 34  Redwood tortoises back in their enclosure pick   that up and um man uh I think taking a pair uh you  know would be kind of cool putting them in here   so just let me know what you guys think I like the  multi-species exhibits I like seeing things moving   around I like utilizing all the space I have uh  to kind of spread the animals out it makes them   healthier it makes them happier I think it'd be  cool let's see something here Lobo here level what's he on hey come on boy oh he's on something   we're still working on this people  it's a it's a it's a work in progress   he smells something my Lobo hey all right bye Lobo  come on good boy that's a good boy he gets he gets   a little entranced by a smell or rabbit but he's  such a good guy okay let's see he just sniffed   and moved away that's good that's good I don't  really want them to pay too much attention to   that hey good dog oh my gosh I love you so much  man you're so handsome you're a handsome buddy   so there you have it everybody we just hung out  we did something I didn't even think we would   find eggs but we did and uh we learned a little  bit about red foots and Cherry heads visited   with them so many people think they're a common  animal uh in which they are but I still think   it's worth spending some time with them don't  you just because a tortoise is common doesn't   mean it isn't Fun heck I love red-eared sliders  and turtle turtles a reptile is interesting in   my opinion and uh hey well as you can see things  are looking really good here in the old Recreation   Pond uh-oh Sophia's goggles are at the bottom  we're gonna have to send a child in to get those   but uh yeah man good stuff got some eggs got some  education and more importantly I got to hang out   and enjoy the backyard the camp the kids and I  hope you guys did too so let me know what you   think about that red foot idea and uh I'll see  you guys soon all right thanks a lot with these   two Maniacs what what are they doing what are  these two children doing oh my gosh they are in   Looney you guys are Looney Tunes can you see  this Leo is doing a crazy dance all right I   better end this video and pay attention to those  two little lunatics I'll talk to you guys later
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 49,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, vlog, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, season, cherry, head, cherry head, cherry head tortoise, redfoot, redfoot tortoise, lay, eggs, babies, spend, time, group, habitats, today, show, show off, beautiful, differences, species, related, special
Id: 0dJr3E7H4oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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