Spring is Here! Baby Tortoises Everywhere!

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unfortunately he's got another prolapse what am i going to do with this animal this is now the third time this has happened to him if it happens again guys i'm going to have to remove the penis you know you don't want to have to hey what's up dude beautiful little red foot tortoise motoring on over here hey what's going on everyone ken and here really excited because these baby tortoises are just doing so amazing right now i uh have been feeding them right now they're eating a little hatchling diet and you can see there's some real gorgeous babies in here oh he's a little shy i'm sorry about that little dude but we've got the elongated tortoises we've got some cherry head tortoises we've got some beautiful cherry heads that's what i'm looking at right there and then of course we've got redfoot tortoises but there are tortoises everywhere including tortoises that have just been moved out of the little nursery look at that there's a little yolk sac still being absorbed and this little guy's hiding out in here come here little one soak a little bit uh so these guys are just doing great growing fast uh they range in age from a couple months to literally these guys were born just last week when they came out of the egg and now they're here in the nursery so very very good stuff some of you have been asking me hey how do you set up baby tortoises well i thought i'd do a quick video here showing you exactly how i do it we're of course outside in the beautiful florida sun they still have a lot of shade though when i close this in fact they're only getting sun in one section this way they can move into it and then they are protected from the really relentless sun out here baby tortoises man they can dry out real quick so you got to be careful and you want to miss them down especially here right now in florida when they're outside they actually don't have a lot of rain going on right now so i just missed them a couple of times a day with the hose and they seem to be doing just fine uh i'll also give them some soaks this little guy's coming towards us hey what's up dude beautiful little red foot tortoise motoring on over here oh that's so cute look at this guy he's just so tame he's already following me around there so i like to use a mixture of the reptibark some sphagnum moss and then this ecoworth this coconut husk that fluker has it's compressed coconut fiber really good stuff they also sell this stuff in a bag like the reptibark and what i do is i rehydrate it okay it'll expand in water mix in um some of the wood chips here the reptibark the forest floor and i mix it in a kind of a tupperware or a large concrete mixing tub mix it all together and then i kind of compress it throw my sphagnum on there and that's what you get you get a nice substrate that is going to be perfectly natural for these little guys if they ingest a little bit not a big deal and they're also going to be able to walk on it and burrow into it and most importantly it's going to hold a lot of humidity look at these guys go man these are chow hounds they are starving well they're not starving but baby tortoises and tortoises in general are always hungry that's because in wild these little dudes wander around they eat leaves and weeds and grasses and those don't have a lot of nutrients so they're programmed to eat all the time when food is available so in captivity you can easily over feed your tortoise if you're feeding them too much they basically will store the excess as fat of course and they'll keep getting fat and if you can't get these guys into their shells if they can't go into their shell then you may have an overweight tortoise and that can lead to a lot of health problems as well as rapid growth of the scutes which are these little segments right here and that could cause pyramiding so just got to be careful with that it could cause pyramiding it is not a 100 proven scientists are still figuring it out is it the humidity on these guys is that what's going on uh not enough humidity when they're little as you can see these little elongateds are awesome climbers right there get over here you little wasco man they're all piled into these little fluker half hides these little corner hides that they have that's really cool but guys check out these beautiful light red foots i have this is amazing i get some really really beautiful and light red foot tortoises you want to see a normal red foot let me show you oh my gosh where are they here here's a normal red foot see how dark that is but look at how light some of these guys are so really really beautiful tortoises um doing very well very active we just misted them down and they can smell the food so they're kind of attacking it so basically this is a great little habitat for young tortoises right you got a little shallow water dish you've got a little paper plate i feed them on a little rock that they can kind of climb on and wear down their little beaks and their little nails you see these little nails hey guys what's up but they're really just charging man i like to put the hides out of the sun because as you can see they climb on them and sometimes they'll flip over so you got to be careful to make sure they don't flip over in the sun now another cool thing about elongated is you see some have the light with the dark pattern all right some are more dark and then some i've hatched actually don't have any of the black those are gorgeous oh in fact here you go look at this just really reduced black so beautiful highly variable little animal and i love them to pieces because they don't get big they're hearty and they do very well we're going to let these guys eat and i'll show you as they grow we have some hold backs here there we go a little bit larger these little guys doing really well is there anyone in there oh yes there is oh this little guy see here's a little pyramiding this guy came to me from someone um just it's fine it's not a unhealthy tortoise uh sometimes they get a little bit of pyramiding but if you leave them outdoors in the natural sun don't over feed them that will smooth out we've seen that time and time again with animals that i've got so again a little water bowl here for them just very simple grow out and it keeps them protected of course from any kind of bird predators raccoons there's latches on these and i make sure i lock them up but that's not all that's going on today i wanted to show you uh you may have been following a channel a long time uh if you have then you'll remember this tortoise it's one of my cherry heads but unfortunately he's got another prolapse and it's really frustrating this is a prolapsed penis and uh it's got to be very uncomfortable for this little guy because all this tissue when i found him was scabbed and necrotic so i've scaped off i've had to kind of debride some of the dead tissue i'm soaking him in sugar water this water is filled with sugar and what it does is it kind of um helps maybe shrink the penis so that it can go back in now what am i going to do with this animal this is now the third time this has happened to them i'm going to take him to my friendly vet dr mike gillan at pga animal clinic this week we're going to have him look at it we're going to do uh check for parasites we're going to de-worm him we're going to get him uh treat him for any kind of amoebas and we are gonna see if that helps if it happens again guys i'm gonna have to remove the penis we're gonna have to amputate it um which is kind of a bummer i would never want to do that to anyone but uh this little guy keeps getting into trouble one another reason that this guy could be having it is because of an impaction of some kind but he always does this it's good for months and years at a time and then he just has a problem and i noticed he wasn't moving around and that's how i knew there was a problem so my tortoises when they're not moving something's up uh that's how you can tell if the tortoise is happy and healthy uh at dirt certain points of the day these guys are gonna move around right in the morning and at dusk they're very active that's called crepuscular but if you see them just kind of hanging in one spot not taking advantage of the the kind of goldilocks temperatures that the day may provide then you know that these little guys might be having some kind of issue so we're going to get them worked out we'll figure it out he's not lost any weight his eyes are good he doesn't look too depressed so i'm glad i sorted them out definitely found out what was going on uh you know you don't want to have to snip that that's a circumcision that you don't want to have uh we're checking in on all the tortoises here here is the radiated that i recently got they're doing well we just misted them down they've got some cactus pad to eat uh it did just rain a little bit here not a whole lot but these guys are awesome man just doing great now i noticed they had some ticks on them so what i did was i got a product called diatomaceous earth and diatomaceous earth is actually look at this guys see oh here's a couple more ticks so diatomaceous earth is a natural product that you can get at a feed store and what it does is it actually is a type of dust and you sprinkle it down on the ground and it kills insects by cutting through their exoskeletons so you could see there's a tick right there it's just tick season it's natural it's it is what it is i'm gonna go ahead and remove these guys if this little one will let me i don't know oh he's gonna be shy there's a product front line i have used that has killed ticks on tortoises just as long as you don't get it in their eyes or mouth you shouldn't have any issues um but they are going to be taken care of but this is part of it guys you gotta wander around and you gotta look at your tortoises and check up on them so we treated the earth here but there's probably some eggs that have just hatched so i'm gonna have to retreat it just to make sure that these little guys are okay look at the faces on them aren't they cute gosh i love radiated tortoises oh yeah he's sneezing a little bit let's see if he's got any more ticks on them this is so important to do we're going to tilt you up a little friend uh i don't see any on this guy so that's good news so we're going to treat that other one that i did see them oh right down you go my friend no problem all right man i also wanted to in this video head on out front and we're gonna kind of feed some of the water turtles um in the aquascape ponds that are out front um i also wanted to just check around the area i did find unfortunately a baby reeves turtle my kids found a baby reeves turtle in the skimmer and unfortunately i didn't check it in time and he drowned i tried to revive him and everything but to no avail so let's go over there and then we're going to feed some of these guys um but again really cool area of the yard i love hanging out here there's turtles everywhere this is where the main group of radiated tortoises are we've got indian spotted turtles diamondback terrapins badager turtles or lydia we got all kinds of turtles in here but let's have a look guys this is what i like to do at least once a day you kind of just check things out in here because these pumps are so powerful that if you're a little baby turtle you might get sucked into it so let's see we're just going to let that drain down real quick i'm going to look through here oh it's sucking out the water i don't see anything in there i don't see anything down there but i'll tell you i'm gonna have to do a cleaning on this and it's only been a hey look at this guys look at this i got a crayfish how cool is that wow he's getting me with his little pinchers oh that's awesome my buddy jerry brought me these crayfish over i'm really excited to have it that's cool oh there's another one in there wow they must like it in there very cool all right so i gotta screw this thing back on oh it's getting loud let's pull this out [Applause] all right we've got a lot of pine needles and this filter pad needs to be cleaned out so i'm gonna have to get to work on that but let's go ahead and drop this i don't see any turtles though [Applause] there we go no worries get this back in the pond's gonna get a little bit dirty for a moment but everything is as it should be cool there there it goes all right let's chuck some food in there shall we love the buffet blend it is good stuff and um i have shown you a little bit of the uh ring there but i'm just gonna toss a little bit of food in this pond and then we're gonna go over to sophia's pond i'm gonna have a look around and just see what's going on over there because there's so many little turtles in there and it's been so much fun so hang tight let me just get a little little bit of this in there and now let's see what's happening again guys you can imagine there's so many places to hide if you're a turtle in this enclosure sometimes i find a turtle in there is that a rock or a turtle oh look it is a turtle and this is a turtle that could give me a good little snap it is one of the giant mexican musk turtles they love to bury in the in the sand here oh my gosh and when it rains they become active this guy's really buried down man holy smokes would you guys be psyched to just live in a yard where you can find really cool exotic turtles all over the place let me know in the comments below man but here it is oh yeah it is the salvoni salvador it's actually one of the giant mexican musk turtles but it's the smaller of the two there's the salvoni oh boy and then there's trippercottus yes triprikatus is much larger but these guys are still cool they just don't know what they're doing they're just hanging out in the sand and this is a little female and uh she's just chilling out so let's just see if there was anyone else rooming with her i don't see anybody all right we're gonna put her back because she's happy down there i just wanted to show you guys oh don't bite me with that mouth don't bite me with that mouth mama we're gonna go ahead and bury her up a little bit just barrier up a little bit there we go oh man i just wanted to really show you guys how many different turtles are in this area man it is awesome okay now we got our food really nice and clear water uh the diamondbacks out we're also going to turn on the other gopro and we're going to get some food shots underwater with these characters there are so many beautiful tortoises in here so what i want to do is get everything ready so that you guys can check it on out it is awesome this should be a lot of fun i'm really excited because i've been seeing the uh spotted river terrapins or rather the spotted indian spotted turtles a lot lately and these guys are just doing fantastic they're getting more and more tame and more and more uh friendly oh there's a pink belly side neck awesome and here comes one of those indian spotted turtles so flipping cool huh oh there's another one out back in the pat and back can you guys see it underneath that rock so cool let me get some food out there's also a lot of little babies in here do you guys remember the central american sliders i had well those little dudes are doing fantastic in this enclosure hey what's up pink belly awesome oh guys check it out it's the diamondback terrapin it's one of the diamondbacks that is gorgeous so beautiful man a native turtle and did you know these guys are actually found on the island of bermuda that's right scientists think they may have rafted all the way to bermuda but there's a group of diamondback terrapins that live on the island of bermuda and that's so far away from their continental range as you can imagine so awesome oh look at this here's one of those little baby mesoamerican sliders eating food off the bottom oh my gosh there's always so much happening in the ponds very very cool and the slider turtles are some of the most friendly turtles oh he's in the current but no look at that it's another big giant oh my god this is the best it's a huge hamilton eye man so awesome look at this little cute little babies we got hamiltoni oh my gosh we've got diamondback terrapins you guys are getting a total treat today by seeing how many turtles are living in this pond and then beneath there's a reef's turtle gosh three different four different species from different parts of the world just hanging out right now hey buddy i love it man what do you guys think do you like these ponds do you like seeing turtles in the ponds and how they interact with this natural environment that we've created guys guys let me know in the comments below hopefully you guys are learning a lot by hanging out here at camp cannon i enjoy hanging with you guys and showing all you how i keep my animals and the best way to try and keep these guys healthy and happy it is so important that we as stewards of these animals take good care of them now the indian spotted turtle that you're looking at right now this guy here is actually an endangered species and in fact that's a female so i can't wait till i start to get babies of them it's going to be so cool to have little baby spotted turtles running around amazing up someone's sneaking up on us someone's sneaking up on us mesoamerican sliders it's gonna be neat when these guys get bigger and the cool thing is is when they get much bigger i'll be able to put them in the giant pond out back with all the big turtles but right now we're going to keep them in this front ponds just to make sure they're growing up nice and then of course more pink belly side necks here's our batter borneances over there eating just an amazing experience don't you guys think i love it here man i'm never leaving this spot unless i can afford more land where i can make more turtle head and reptile habitats that's what i'm gonna be doing for sure oh i spilled a little bit of food look at that all right so there you have it everybody a fun video we learned a little bit about baby tortoises how i like to keep them we also saw unfortunately a little guy that needs a little help we're going gonna doctor him up i'll let you guys know how he does and then of course hanging out visiting in the ponds making sure that everything's good up here look at this it is amazing it is like a real natural habitat and they love to walk around and hide under all these grasses and rocks and man it's just really cool to be able to hang out with everybody and do my thing so thanks again guys for joining me don't forget to like and subscribe and i'll see you all soon on another fun camp canon reptile adventure see ya
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 54,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, habitat, terrarium, florida, russian tortoise, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, spring, spring is here, baby, baby tortoise, paul cuffaro, baby turtle, baby animals, red foot tortoise, elongated, cherry head tortoise, growing, look, amazing, fish, vlog, home, perfect, react, nature, wildlife conservation
Id: a3pGAnLHLpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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