My Cherry Head Red Footed Tortoise Enclosure

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hey what's up guys so I know it's been a minute since the last time I made a video I want to get back into it why don't I start making videos again more for mine containment anything else but today I'm gonna show you a little bit of my tortoise enclosure I have currently two cherry head tortoise so I'm gonna be showing you the enclosure half way I have it set up in the backyard it's South Florida they are very Hardy species so that's why I have them out there sunshine rain you know want to make sure that we have something a species that's been survived well here so starting off with them so it wants anything coolers they're made for them I essentially made a planter box like a raised planter box and then I have two of them in there there you know I got them very little and that was enough space so I'm gonna start growing out the amount of toys I can put in that same enclosure but I can even make sure that they're gonna be Hardy once I'm also gonna show you my committing enclosure I set up a cage already for it I don't have a community yet because I ordered it it's on the way but it took over 19 a lot of delays free shipping so I had to wait for that one to get out of here but should be getting here hopefully in about two weeks so you'll be seeing that but I'll show anything closer to how it's all set up the whole backyard is on automatic misting system so it pretty much missed two times a day automatically to make sure the tories always have that habitat they need for the humidity as well as the chameleon because they are you know obviously for the rain forest and they need all that humidity for them to better survive properly but you're not talking let's get to the video and I'll show you what it looks like unfortunately I have starting this video here because it is pouring into Miami right now and I'll show you it it looks like but yeah this is what a curry looks like a South Florida and it's been looking like this for her above we stopped so this is what the enclosure looks like this is uh my tortoise enclosure for my cherry heads I made this video over the course of a couple days basically over here you can see me I'm going and get Donatello believe to be a male but this is his home he likes to hang out there but I'm soaking him here he kind of looks like he's uh I don't looks funny man when I first saw it I thought he was like drowning old man but that's just and drinking water this is his way of you know I soaked him about 10 minutes every three days or so hey man April just hearing a little bit and this you know they drink their water when they're soaking make sure they keep them hydrated me to keep him healthy but you can see his shells Mike a little more marbleize is beautiful he's not a his head is not as red as April April's headed a little more define a little more red it's a little more beautiful in my opinion as far as you know the colors go but this is him over here by his rocky see that rock there's where I put their food on every single day let's get a little easier to clean up and as well as keeping that beak you know file down when they go to eat if fouls on their beak a little bit so it helps out with that and they don't get such a beak nose or you know because I national they do so it helps out with a little bit it's just keeping it more so so do but you can see over here he's walking around I don't know I just like to see him walk around they did this so funny and he he likes to I don't know he likes a head on that little corner of Everett a lot he doesn't come up very much I think April is more of a social type in than he is he has he a little more used to me but these guys are super smart you put the after a couple days and you exactly where the food was every single day then you were to go get the water they found out their clothes it very quickly but this is April over here she hides under this fern all the time she never goes to the house over there she always goes to this fern she digs a little hole there and she hangs out under it but I'm going to soak her but you can see her colors beautiful her colors over there they're so light she is but her head is very red neither we see when you poke it out right there look at her head it's a beautiful little red color Michelle's vert is very light so the very nice contrast she we knows the female because you know what's a temperature well the breed and the when we got hurt it's a temperature and a lot of snow that's what they said mark and Dawn Salone has one mark on them she kind of said she's looking I'm like where you going he's gonna go over there go eat let's get some food because they're a little hungry I usually so come after so coma I know they go to their food out of the water wakes him up and gets him going but look over here look at her Hannah beautiful it is how red they're just very beautiful creatures when I saw her I fell in love but we needed there April my kids named them Donald telling April obviously Ninja Turtles April cause she's a girl but he seemed over here by the rock they're gonna go they go and eat there every day they know exactly what come on in the mornings and they're waiting for me man they just they know where that food is and if you see there's lost shrubs over here there's a lot of trees I mean like that on purpose a lot of places to hide keep and stay out of the Sun because like I said the South Florida Sun is brutal this house I made over here for specifically with the intention see if you can see they go over here in the corner to go inside and made specifically with intentions of keeping them out of the elements if they want to get out of the Sun if they want to get out of the rain as you guys saw them be good if it was Rhaenys brutal this is that automatic misting system was talking about that water bowl over there you guys saw it fills automatically twice a day pushes out all the old water and puts in new water automatically so I never too worried about it there's two sprinklers and pretty much water is the entire their entire enclosure so the whole thing is full of water besides her at that house in the corner that water bowl it's awesome I'm never gonna put water for them it's just automatically fills takes out all the old water leave the new water it overflows that's how it pushes out all that water it's a very strong strain that's coming out and you see that that flow and this is that automatic misting system from Rain Bird it missed twice a day you can see the times there seven and six and it does for the whole entire backyard because I have it one for the trees and everything hat back there and I love watching these guys eat that's Donatello there he's eating out there he he got soaked a little bit and I missed there comes on they get they go crazy I don't know they just wake up and start one in the feed I feed a little bit of everything in there right now they have some strawberries some zucchini so romaine makes some carrots as a sprinkle a little bit of a calcium on it and I also have some Missouri the Missouri pellets in there this is the enclosure that I did for the chameleon which was not here yet but it is a big hibiscus tree and you can see that made a partial Ruth so we keep the the chameleon out of the number one of the strong full Sun obviously and also the elements ever starts pouring out that has a way to get out of the rain and keep himself out of that but there's two missing system you saw there's one down there we want it there which I haven't put it well but you'll be putting a soon you'll see it I put this rep debark all in all the enclosures in the tortoise enclosure as well as the chameleon closure was about to do now but it's awesome because you know it stays moist the soft it's very good for the enclosures a little pricey each bag of the big bags like that one I'm putting there it's about $30 a bag so a egg put like I don't know four bags but I still have like half a bag left the reason I'm filling in the bottom of this one number one that look nicer obviously but number two is when I go on a long trips which I frequently travel I like to have somewhere I could put the tortoises so it keeps them a little safer number when I put their food there and not have to worry about anything eating it but if they flip over what tortoises tend to flip over very frequently you know they're little it happens they don't they're not exposed to the full Sun just stages cooking they're flipped over cuz in this in this enclosure to have if they flip over they're gonna be soaking and they're gonna be baking that Sun for a bit and that was the main reason so when I leave I put them that come in enclosure and make sure they're safe yes I know as a lot of people say these enclosures should be fully closed they should have you know so nothing get into it out of it I haven't had any issues it's been about two months they have offices to hide and there's a big wall in the back it's just it's a community with a lot of buildings around trees so there's only anybody can see them from the top too much so feeling pretty safe I think it see that corner house there it's very easy to take in and out I can just pull it out that's how I get into an access to clean it and get them out of there you know I have to wake him up to get him to feed and stuff if they're not already awake but that's Donatello beautiful he's a but he's a little bit bigger as we believe is a male you know the way we look on the back that shade to have in the back let's say he's a male but he's a lot more marbleized he's still a beautiful beautiful tortoise and it's just a little bit shy but it's okay but over here I'm just fooling in could pretty much if you see that the corner thing you don't worry about that that's just some foam I sprayed in there that expanding foam to me they make sure that they don't get out because these guys dig I mean they dig and they're still small so I imagine that's why I'm filling all that rep debark make sure everything's you know really filled it's there and there knows there's no way then you dig out of here it's about like I don't know maybe three feet of sand and dirt down there its a mix between both of them so make that into that dirt sauce and make sure to the flood and it's good also for all the fertilization and everything and there's there's are forms in here I have probably about fifty earthworms that I've thrown in there they're not gonna dig either there's no problem but this is the automatic misting system was talking about all my trees you know that's a little bubbler one has it the enclosure it obviously does it at the same time when it kicks on twice a day the community enclosure the snow down here for the trees it can make sure there he stays healthy down there I like to make it all-natural so they have natural enclosures that one top don't want to top they're put through the chameleon and on throughout the entire backyard these are low strong these are jet ones which I'm actually training two misters but they didn't have in the moment and I was leaving on trip so I want to make sure if you had enough water and they didn't die on me but you got tweaked them a little bit but regardless the ones that I have set up there on the fence right now they're too strong so I'm I'm putting in the missing ones which I actually just purchased I got to install them now and like I was talking about this rock as far as feeding goes and you can see you know the the food at their wall gets a little bit and they don't eat it I could put a lot and I'm gonna sure I have enough to eat if they want it but after while you take it off it gets bad but you need to just grab pick up and cleaning you see I just got a hose and I'm clean here maybe looks Esav but I like to clean it off and make sure that everything's clean and there's nothing left you know moldy or anything like that and this is my trees I pretty much recently put new pots this cactus is throw needs a new pot all the cactus need one but I put new parts in them I like to have it I'm like too and I tell my backyard you know try to have a natural but still clean I've little trees all around this cactus needs another pot as well I just recently got these pots but it counted wrong mostly said they were house plants or never the house I'm sorry but low light plants and but they all seem to be doing good out here the Sun shifts a lot like I said so it's not full Durex on the entire day but there is a good amount of Sun for you know expose the time on it but those trees those sorry those cherries I need to get out of there I'm still picking on the backyard and cleaning but it's been raining for days so I'm doing this like in shifts but I want to have everything you know as now I can with trees but still have it looking very clean and nice and this one here got a sunburn it looks like it may be a little too much Sun but it's still doing healthy yeah it's doing good because you can see this new shoots come out of it so you know and I love this trees I think it's beautiful now these little solar plants are sorry light surrounds this one the pots a little too small it's all I had at the moment so I put them in there but he's in ok and then you know I got these over here and as well the little cactus no need to replace it but anyways I actually gotta go to work back to work now we've been in quarantine I've been on my writing my lecture skateboard to work every day but I'm gonna get back to work and see in the next video guys
Channel: TACL
Views: 19,700
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Id: 0nLa4asDvII
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Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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