Cher on Oprah 1991

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first of all i sincerely thank you for letting us into your home because i know you haven't even had a chance to be in it myself and make it feel like a home and then i walked in i saw all these crew people i thought she i would not let anybody do this to my house the man said you have a really lovely house i said thank you i hope it's that way after you leave well if it isn't let me know okay okay how do you feel spiritually emotionally are you happy in the space that you are right now well yeah i mean you know it's it's not it's not like a hallmark card where it's the best time of my life and everything is wonderful and all that but i think that with the things that are going on in it i i'm i'm doing pretty well what was the best time i mean do you have a year because i now look i think 26 was really pretty good i think that 40 was my favorite year yeah it just was really it was just really a great year i mean so much happened and it was really you know on my 40th birthday i got a call from the director of witches of eastwick and he said you know i'm sorry you can't play the part that you want to play because you're just not sexy enough and we want someone really you know these love scenes jack and i'm sitting there and my children and my friend are bringing in a cake with a bellhop saying happy birthday i'm sitting there with tears streaming down my face because george miller is telling me that i'm not young and sexy enough and and then i met robert and we had you know we had the best time actually i met him the night before but i didn't talk to him and then i did moonstruck and then i did did suspense too do you approach him he approached you we just looked at each other all night we didn't really either one of us approached either one of us we didn't really meet for three months after that we saw each other but nobody was approachable and uh usually when i like a guy he's the last person in the room i'll talk to really so it was you know it was like and robert kept thinking well she she's looking in my direction who's behind me he said he kept looking to see if there was someone i knew behind him and when you saw him what did you see you saw you thought he had a great behind you thought no i just i thought he had the most beautiful face i'd ever seen really i just thought he would actually i mean i was just looking at him because i thought he was really interesting and i said to paulette i said i just saw that most interesting handsome guy i've ever seen and and it really was i was having a great time because i was thinking i'm 40 now and i was trying to figure out did i feel something different and my friends were all around and we were all dancing this place that we used to go it's no longer there on monday night called heartbreak and and we were just having a great time and i was sitting back and i was thinking well this is not that bad it really isn't that bad and then i saw robert and then the next day was kind of rotten you know and then then that week i did david letterman and i thought you know like somehow i thought my life was going to end some how you know it was going to be completely different because when you're younger 40 is kind of like a cut-off date right it's it's that's so you're not true but you've met robert right how did meeting him change your life i mean did it it seemed to put a light in you that you hadn't thought for a while i don't think ever i never felt that way about anybody and it was just a great relationship and it was a great relationship that didn't interfere with my work because most men just don't want to put up with your work and robert was really supportive and he thought it was great what i was doing and he was very he was just very supportive what went wrong it's very difficult living in a goldfish bowl and and a couple of incidents happened that made it really different than it started out being when we started out it wasn't i wasn't famous but i wasn't hot and so nobody was you know going through my trash or jumping out of my bushes or you know what i thought you were hot well no i mean i wasn't i mean i was i'd done an okay job but i hadn't worked in a long time and i hadn't done really anything that makes you you know you would still share yeah but i mean cher has been like on the in list of people magazine and on the out list it's kind of stupid anyway but what did he give to you he gave me a real feeling of being taken care of really yeah and he was so young yeah he was but of the two of us he always said i was the much younger really so you know it just it was a real interesting time that i'd never had before and it was fun yes it was really fun so what kinds of things would you all do we went to the movies and we played cards and what game i don't know i don't know we played gin and we played um double solitaire would you stay up all night would you read to each other we'd watch each other we'd watch we watched the godfather epic i think every night before we went to bed really and and we you know and he would come with me sometimes like if i had to go to europe or something like that or fight a particularly rough schedule i mean he wouldn't give up his job at the time so he kind of you know could take leaves from it now when you first started dating him did you did you all have a discussion about the share thing and the press and nothing no i told him i said it's not always going to be this way it's always going to be this fun really and then it just got it became such a tabloid thing do you think it would still be with him if it weren't for the tablets and all that that brought well it did bring an unbelievable i mean when he got into the accident it was really it just was kind of it was devastating to our relationship it was devastating to him he felt really embarrassed that he'd smashed up my car and that guy lied and said he was trying to kill him you know and and going to court and it really bothered his family i mean it was it was just it was huge how does family feel about you they like me a lot we i mean they still like me are you still friends with him really now how do you other relationships because you have had other relationships since him i've had one one and there's still a light in your eye when you talk about him well his he's he's really a good friend you know and and you said what was the best time in your life and i think it was that and and you can't bring back those times but you know it was a great it was really great when we come back i know we were talking about whether or not you'd still be with robert if we weren't for the tabloids i want to talk about life in tabloid hell just a bit it's one of my favorite subjects yeah back in a moment over the last week cher has had to call the police three times to keep these people away from her house this has really terrified cher and her kids because you never know whether someone who jumps out of the bushes at night is just trying to get a picture or really trying to hurt them i know i talk about it a lot and i have to stop myself from talking about it because i think people they don't want to hear people who are in the limelight complaining about it but i don't think anybody truly understands and i'm going to let you explain it to them what it's like to have something written about you that is not true you and i have shared several covers um share secret romance with sliced alone well i know sly and and that's it we have the same agent and so when you saw that that you just sort of i actually didn't see that one everyone know the truth i don't really look at them i mean of course some of it gets back to me but i really try to avoid them and do you not read them at all anymore no don't read them i actually never read them i i like looking at the pictures to see what was going on in hollywood what was you know going on all over the world but i i it's so mean now that i i haven't i haven't had one in years and so when you hear about something that's been written about your publicist says and this week we're dealing with how does it make you feel do you like clinch up inside do you you you know it's kind of one of the few things that makes me feel powerless yeah you know you can i know what you mean you can stand up for what you do but it's really difficult to stand up for what you don't do you know it's like a couple of years ago in a french magazine they had arrows pointing to all parts of my body that i was supposed to have had worked on and i thought it was so stupid that i didn't i thought it was stupid and then it came over to this country and and i mean i saw a woman on television once i even made a call she said she was going to have a rib cage some of her ribs removed like i had and it just it was it shocked me that someone would go and do something like that thinking that i had done it and i thought it was really it was yeah they have worn you out with this body thing yeah i mean if you were if you were to believe what you read you would i would this isn't even you sitting here well i went to england and you've been sort of put together i went to england and they had really never seen me perform over there and the audiences were so like i would make a joke about it when i when i came out that they would look at me like i was you know robocop or something and there were really bad interviews done or articles done and i ended up going to a doctor and saying here you know check me up and write down what you see and then let me send it into the newspaper and say you know get off my case what did he write down he wrote down that well i i told you about the reason it started was because this woman said that i was doing an interview and she said and cher looked at me with her surgically enhanced gaze i said that's it yeah you know i said i've had my teeth done i've had my nose done i've had my breasts done i went to the doctor i said all right now you check me out every place and i have a copy of the letter and i sent it to everybody people magazine so you have not had your ribs removed no i mean i don't even know that there is an operation that could remove your ribs because you need your ribs to get around yeah and also it just it wouldn't even occur to me because i have i mean i have a small rib cage it just wouldn't occur to me to do something like that because you've been skinny all your life yeah and also i mean i don't know what people think if you could have your ribs removed you'd have a scar and everyone's seen pretty much all of my body and you know when you have work done you can't remove a rib without having did you ever have any lipo done no no because you have the one of the best butts i've ever seen well i work hard at it so you say you have a breast done did you have more added lifted up down no after after both my kids i just had them reduced like do you ever have a facelift say until yeah sure i mean i don't see you know you know if i wanted to have my face put on my back it's my face you know it doesn't it doesn't you know it's like it's nobody's business what i do with my with myself have you always lived your life that way it's nobody's business it's mine yes i have but i always i haven't felt as comfortable with it i've always done it because i'm really because i know yes i now do i'm now going to the point where i don't have to say yes all the time but i feel guilty about it once i do it so i'm not where you are i'm trying i'm trying to get there to the point where you can do it and say yeah it really is my business sorry yeah well i think that you know us maybe girls especially we're we're supposed to be nice but being nice means do what people say to you and then i don't think you can really be nice i'm a much nicer person now than in the in before my lifetime because i take care of myself first stephen said to me one time because i was in a conversation with him and i'm saying i'm so worried they're going to think i'm not nice he goes you're not nice so don't worry about it you're not nice he goes i go what do you mean i'm not nice he says you're kind and you're generous nice i would never use to describe you which really i thought okay well i'm not nice i can get on with it but nice is kind of it's a boring thing i mean people say what's she like and they go oh she's nice well you know there are lots of things that i'd like to be and and nice just doesn't seem good enough in the best description of yourself how do you want people to view you i'm thoughtful i'm i'm meaning what you send that little card no i mean if someone said no i don't do any of that but i i you know i if someone needs something i'm really great there i will go to you know the end of the earth and i'm very helpful if someone's got a problem i'm i'm really willing to extend myself and you know i are you a good friend yeah i am i think i'm in my own fashion a good mother you know it's not exactly like everyone else's possibly but my children know that i'm there for them and they know that i love them and and i think that that's you know it's really an important thing in my life it's like it's really i was thinking the three best nights of my life were having my children and getting the academy award really so you know so i and i think that i liking yourself is really difficult and i think that that's my goal because all the stuff that we do is more to hide ourselves than it is to like ourselves when you are you uh we talk about the tabloids and we all know and it's like i i you can't even say it enough but when you do say a bona fide article with legitimate press like for instance a vanity fair article i remember you know calling you up and and talking and you were so upset about the article i was thinking well i what was wrong with it i think what i disliked mostly is if i'm going to spend time with someone in a magazine that's not supposed to be a tabloid i expect them to get facts straight and and also they lied to me about the cover and it really pissed me off what about the cover the texture it was supposed to be a headshot and i said i don't really want to show my tattoo this is not the place for it and i just got it as a matter of fact it was infected one of the colors i was allergic to one of the colors they said cher it's just a head shot you've got all this jewelry on you can just use your arm to lean on and but you have don't you have photo approval no oh i thought you did oh because when you said i thought well she had to see the photo so you didn't want the world to see this tattoo i didn't want them to see it like that because you get a certain out of an image you get a certain picture of what that means to me and and what i'm trying to exploit and that you know i didn't know what it meant well no i mean but i mean having a tattoo it's like it's okay in its place but i didn't think that vanity fair you know but they were more interested in doing something sensational than having a nice cover um what else displeased you about the article i'm trying to find it you know what i'm trying i don't know i mean i read it once and then tossed it across okay going to that she endures excruciating plastic surgery and an endless search for self-recognition i wouldn't like that either i i you know i don't i didn't understand it because i explained to him what was the truth but he really didn't want to that wasn't an interesting little copy of what didn't make good copy she's grossing more than one million dollars every week now when i read that i wish i was i went go head yes no i mean i i made a lot of money on this tour but it didn't even approach that ran away from home when she was 16. that's true um you received 50 of the hefty royalties from all the songs you all wrote together we didn't write any songs together sonny wrote them but you know we were married when when we when he when we said we were married and i got the songs that he wrote after we were married he didn't really write very many songs after we were legally married so it sounds good in in copy but it's really nothing 400 000 a night in vegas no i mean i don't but i mean i make great money but it's not anywhere near that but you'd think that they'd be happy enough to print what the truth would be but it's not quite enough now see i read recently that but you can't believe anything you read that sonny had written some things and was not saying kind the kindest things about you they were horrible and i was in europe that was another article about that that i had an affair with when i was married to him which is absolutely not true i mean it's just it's just not and that i kicked him out of our house which is absolutely not true you know and did you want to call him up and tell him to go suck an egg or something i had my lawyer call his lawyer and say you know those things are true you know what is this book and if you think i'm going to lay down for this you're crazy and then they said well he really didn't write it it was the guy that was working with him and i said well then if he didn't write it then ask him to retract it but he didn't see fit to do that what's your relationship like now with him it's non-existent i have of all the people i've ever been with he's the person i know the least really yeah i spent 11 years with him and i have no idea who he is you said something uh in our last interview you said the reason you weren't talking to your mother is because she doesn't know who you are and i didn't explore that then but i will when we come back back so you said your mom doesn't really know who you are no i mean it's it's it's kind of a shame but my my mother and i had a real stormy relationship my whole growing up life but mostly it would always come back to be good and lately it's just you know it's not that i don't love her i just don't really i can't really talk to her and i can't really connect with her and and uh so it just you know i i i'm kind of at a loss so i just i just leave it alone who does she think you are i really don't know i mean it's really difficult i mean like on one hand she would say you know you're just working too hard and in the same sentence say i never see you and in the same sentence say i'm off my on my own and my mother is very mrs flax my mother is very much the child of our family my sister and i were like the grown-ups and my mother is very much like the child and she still is what is it you wanted to know about you that you've not been able to get across like in those i'm sure you've had arguments where you say you don't know who i am i am it's not so much a one-time thing it's you know my mother's very opinionated like my sister and i are except there's only room for one opinion when you're talking to my mother and after a while it's just not worth it you know it's like if you it's it's it's not really fair my sister is 39 and i'm going to be 45. it seems really silly to be able to have really frank open discussions with your friends and have to have your mother's opinion when you talk to her it just seems stupid so it's okay with you the way it is yeah it's fine you have um when we're talking about reinventing yourself and you were talking about that you actually have worked on the fact that you know you have a great behind it wasn't sucked out it's all yours and you've done it and now written a book about it forever fit which is my i mean i think when i resolve all my other stuff perhaps maybe that's that's like a a dream somewhere out there that i think my god is that humanly possible and yet you at 44 are better than you were 24 fit wise you know it's something that happened kind of it was a byproduct really i mean i started to work out because i started to have to dance and i didn't really know how to dance and then it makes me feel much calmer and really much nicer and uh because you're pretty calm now well but maybe i'm i'm happier i feel a lot happier when you're working out yeah when i work out for keeping my weight the way i want to keep it i don't like to eat really late i i like to eat the big my biggest meal early in the day and then have some light in the night but i like to eat i mean i can chow down and i really like to do it but as i get older i can see i have to make changes in the way i eat and what's chowing down for you when you've just chowed pigged out down what have you eaten not a big mac no i tried a big mac and i didn't like them i must say i just i didn't like it thank you all you mcdonald's appetizers i don't care i i think it's awful and uh but i mean is georgian here oh she took me to a hamburger place when we were in maine and it was great it was a fast food place but i had like wendy's it was wendy's it was fabulous okay and and and i had two of them they were the only two i've ever had but i thought they were great the other night we were coming back from las vegas and we stopped in jack-in-the-box i had two tacos onion rings and that's it but that's not the way i eat you know i like i i am lucky enough i have a cook and i also i'm not a complete vegetarian but i don't really like meat i like pasta and i like salads and i like you know i like souffles i like things that are caloric but we make them differently in the house we really are conscious you know is our perception of you accurate are you as confident as as self-disciplined as self-willed as are you as cool as we think you are i'm certainly not as confident but i do have a really strong will and i am really disciplined i didn't i couldn't yeah like i think i'm cool i think you're cold too your choice of clothes is it just how you're feeling or how you and bob mackie are feeling or it's usually how i'm feeling but it's it's a burden too sometimes because like when i'm not working i don't i wear the tackiest clothes you can't imagine i mean i you know i go around no makeup scraggly so clothes aren't important to you they're important to my my work life and also i'm a girl so you know i i like it but in my life it's become a big deal so i consider that what i have to do for my work pressure though isn't it pressure like when you have to go the academy awards last year i just didn't go it was too it was too big a drag i thought they always bust me for what i wear and they always want me to be something different and it's such a big hassle and i'll just i won't go this year really yeah do you feel bad when you get busted as you say for what you wear well actually it's kind of i mean you couldn't wear the things that i wear without thinking you're going to get some flack because you don't expect it's going to take up you know three columns or something or you think that people are going to take it like you take it which is fun fun yeah and so has there been a particular outfit that you you just loved wearing for instance two i think it was two academy awards ago the black ah yeah i thought that was great that was really but i was also really you know it was a very rebellious thing for me because i felt that i had been completely slighted by the academy for mask and i thought and and one of the the things that kept coming up in newspaper articles were well if she didn't you know date younger men and if she had a last name and if she didn't dress the way she dressed maybe the academy could take her seriously are you just attracted to younger men i just you know i've i never ask anybody out you know so i don't i think older men are are a little bit more intimidated younger men are really not i mean i'm not looking for an age opposite i would think younger men i mean for robert to have handled himself as well as he did i mean i would think a younger men share would just be that would just roll their socks up i think it's a kind it's a specific kind of man that i really you know that is attracted to me or that i attract or that i'm attracted to and that is what kind i like kind of street men i like men with like 1940s sensibilities really yeah i don't really like smooth briefcase karen three-piece suitors you know i'm sure they're really nice and i appreciate that but i just i want someone kind of fiery and street yeah really and it doesn't matter what age they are no i mean you know it really doesn't i'm sure i mean i'm sure there must be great guys out there in their 40s but they never seem to approach me and so the first time you asked the younger man out or he asked you it never even occurred to you the flack that you would get or the response that didn't even enter your mind no and also if it had i wouldn't have cared my mother my my mother lived with a guy that was how old was he he was really young my sister i was better at all this stuff i mean he's really young they he wanted to get married and my mother didn't she left and went up to santa barbara but i think he was like 20 years he was a year younger than me really yeah at the time yeah now so is marriage something you ever think about or oh it's something i do think about all the time i'd really love to do it i don't know that i will do it but it's something that i in my in my ideal of what it would be like to have a real happy life i think that marriage would be a part of it but i'm not going to do it unless it unless it seems like it would really work i did really want to marry robert you know i thought that would be a great thing to do and and it didn't work out you know so does it still make you sad sometimes cher that it didn't or have you reached that space where you've both gone on with your lives no i mean it makes me sad that it didn't work out at the moment it doesn't make me sad that it didn't work out today you know i mean because i'm really close to robert and and it would have been a mistake because for some reason something happened between us and we weren't strong enough to get it back together i mean he had his own time frame and when he was ready it was too late and so and so it so that's past now yeah but i mean we have a great friendship you know and it's better my friendship with robert is is better than almost my friendship with anybody that's great when we come back a tour of cher's brand new home starting with the kitchen back in a moment yeah well i mean i didn't do it all alone first of all are these your oreos no they are not my oreos not that i wouldn't eat them but ronnie was here with architectural digest and when they put it on wilson's her decorating right interior and my friend okay and so he wanted to make it lived in so these are his pretzels and his oreos now what's the baby what's the significance of the baby picture we just the other night i was looking at in an aspen magazine and i saw that baby and i have this feeling that if you can visualize something if you're gonna have a picture of something or if you can see something in your mind you can have it so i ripped that picture out and we just put it in there you want a baby well i yeah i think i would i would like to have one more baby because mine are like what 22 and uh 15. grown a baby you want to go through that baby thing again really diapering in it yeah i mean i had a great time doing it now what was it was about this baby that appeal this is a perfect baby picture she's baby i just thought that baby was adorable and it didn't look like a boy or a girl which i liked really yeah so it doesn't matter to you if it's a boy or girl you just want a baby yeah that's great well one of the things i like when i first walked in this house and saw this kitchen because i'm doing a house too and i my refrigerator isn't in yet yes i was really angst about whether or not to get the one with the clear door it's called like the official something something because i this way you have to keep a really straight refrigerator in my last house i had a double one of that the big house is invented clear doors with clear doors and i just always liked it really yeah so when i walked in and saw this i thought i did the right thing because cher has refrigerated like mine i'm so pleased about that i'm gonna go okay going down the wall uh-huh you know what i noticed about this house all the crosses what what is the significance of all these you know what i've been collecting crosses since sunny and i were together and and uh i i just think it's a beautiful symbol wow cause i thought well i didn't know whether you're like overly religious no i'm not overly religious and i mean and not in any way that you could tell but you know i i just i think it's beautiful i mean i think they are too they're really pretty this is my sister's oh my goodness oh my goodness i love this bed it's sweet isn't it now this is oh my god this is actually it's my sister in ebar's room my brother-in-law now that i have a brother-in-law look at this bed can i lift this up what makes it so high because we've got a double computer yeah double comforters and the whole house we have that oh my god it's fabulous and they have a nice view you can't really see it because we've got our shutters in but they look down valley and it's nice i love all the dried flowers tell ron really great touch let me take a peek out the window see the view oh i can see it's unbelievable it's a nice place to bed yourself it sure is yeah we'll be back with a tour of cher's personal fitness room down here is elijah's room because he doesn't want to be near anybody oh really and i had uh i made a little living room for him so when he had his friends over or when he just wanted to be alone or something like that and then so half the room is my gym oh wow so his room is there that's his bedroom oh wanted a small room and so he got one wow where is he now he's at school at school yeah great and then so i i made a little living room for elijah's now what 14 15 15. okay big difference so this is his living room oh and it makes into beds too and so we shared i was gonna have the whole thing for my gym but he needed a place to be so we're sharing nice of you this is his part of it and then that's my part of it neat i have different routines that i do so that i don't get bored but like a typical day and i'll come down here and i'll do 24 minutes on this guy i'll do 24 minutes on livestream yeah wow because i do i do this at what level what level seven or eight and then we have we collect a little room here in the middle to do class because we'd like one day i'll do heavy aerobics and then another day i'll do a class and i'll do weights and not so you're not interested in dieting at all but just in being fit and strong and healthy well i have to i have to be interested in watching my weight now because i couldn't eat everything that i wanted to eat and be thin so it's a trade-off for me now how long do you work out i work out if i have enough time i'll work out two two and a half hours every day well but i don't i mean that's if if i have enough time if i don't i'll come down and do an hour and i never work on sunday you know i give myself time off and if i don't want to work on the weekend i won't do it i mean i'm not i don't think i'm fanatical but it's a really big part of my life do you take vitamins you do that yeah yeah and i i don't really drink i don't really do drugs and i don't smoke and i don't you know i think that i you know i thought it was really interesting when i was reading um in forever fit that caffeine affects you the way it does i can't do it that's the scene in uh yeah that we had to shut down wow because we did the we did i was fine with the snakes but we never did that at this day on this night we hadn't done that part yet and i had to be running out having been with the snakes and i thought i don't really know how what my reaction's gonna be i don't know how i'm gonna play it so because you're not afraid of snakes no i'm not so um so i thought well i know coffee makes me upset and i'll drink i'll drink some coffee well i don't drink coffee and i didn't know that if you drank four or five cups at one time that it would have an effect on you and i've never been so uncomfortable my whole life i was shaking and it was it was frightening wow so if you can't take coffee then you must have never been able to ever do drugs no i did when i was 14 or 13 once i did i did some uh oh uppers white things benzedrine and and i went to my mother i did it on a friday night i went to my mother on a sunday night and i was a mess and my mother said i hope you've learned something from this nice and i and it was the time when you tell your mother you have and you really have i mean it just it just didn't agree with me i mean drugs just don't agree with me and i've never seen them do anything really good for anybody your skin's so great you do eight glasses of water a day you do that i drink a lot of water anyway but i don't like regular water i like fizzy water but i but that's good enough i do too yeah i don't like well i like the fizz i used to think that i liked soft drinks but i like the fizzy part well we're going to go upstairs i think you're going to let me see your bathroom yes i love that i'll let you see a little part of my bedroom and then you have to see that to go into the bathroom okay just a teeny just a little we'll be right back back in a moment going upstairs you know i love bathrooms you're my fitness wow my bathroom is bigger than my bedroom but by next year that won't be the case i haven't taken a bath yet but i'm waiting after i finish all my work that's going to be my as soon as we get out of here oh you know what let me tell you all the things i love about first of all this excites me because i have the same faucet yeah and you have to choose the faucets people don't know you have to do the little we have the same closets we do and i love soaps and brushes and sponges and things and that's how do i i love that and i don't like little soaps i love the fact you don't have those little dinky little noses they're so stupid yeah yeah great great is this is this your idea of pure luxury pure peace and you can sit in the sauna tub and you can i mean surrounded by the mountain right or i can turn around and watch cnn or a tape that's just like in the eye i can hang out in here i don't see anyone want to sit sure but i remember you told me something when i talked to you on the phone about you couldn't afford this house at one time or something or there was another house you couldn't afford lots of houses i couldn't afford i didn't think that when i came up here i was going to buy a condo because i just i want to have an extra house but i just was trying to work it out so it was more sensible than you know spending a fortune and then decorating and all that and but then i found this house and i really loved it and i kept coming back and coming back and so that i feel i mean is there a certain feeling of accomplishment because there was a i read that there was a point where you were almost ready to file for bankruptcy years ago yeah and then you end up with this i mean it's like it wasn't that long ago actually that i i was gonna file for bankruptcy right before i shot witches really yeah there was about a two-year period in there where things were kind of dicey really but you know you have to take that's what i mean sometimes those are the things that you get in life you you know it's it didn't happen thank god and and so i'm sure it made me stronger or did something and do you treat money differently now i actually do i'm still not great with it you know i'm i'm not really as good as my my accountant would love me to be but i i think i have a much i have a better respect for it than i did do you normally i'll just buy whatever makes you feel good do you surround yourself because it looks like you've done that surround yourself with the things that bring you some sense of aesthetic pleasure no matter what it costs no i i try and find things that you know i mean i'm really good to myself and i buy things that i want but like i wanted a painting and it was just it was just more money than i had ever spent for anything and so i just let it go and i found something else that i think is really beautiful not quite as beautiful but i'll be real happy with it i mean there are some things that i i wouldn't scrimp on but i don't know i guess my tastes are good but they're not outrageous i mean i'm not like you know you still look at the price tags on things when you're going to store to buy it depends on what store i'm walking into oh like it was a very expensive store i'd look i remember there was a time where i'd go into venice edwards in new york and just buy you know 20 pairs of shoes and now i look at all the shoes i want and then pick you know pick out of them the ones that i really want i i mean i think that i'm i'm growing up in in certain ways well i tell you what it's a pleasure to be sitting in your bathroom we come back i want to talk about all the things we were really talking about during commercial breaks and you haven't been able to hear but i'll bring up back in a moment you mentioned earlier that one of the happiest moments was having your babies and getting an academy award and um during one of the commercial breaks i ask you is was it do you go to the academy awards the times that you've been and been nominated with the assumption that it's okay if i don't win it's just an honor to be nominated or well it is an honor to be nominated but the moment you don't win you're a loser so you go there as a nominee and everyone's going oh congratulations it's great and then when you lose people kind of shy away from you it's like they're embarrassed they don't want to talk to you and so you just kind of find yourself wanting to to sneak out of the building isn't it almost like not a not in body experience because you you know you hear your name because you've been there when you won and when you didn't win you hear your name but you don't hear it well the first time when i didn't win i was really excited when i heard the other woman's name and then it dawned on me that if she won i didn't win and the the night that i won it was so bizarre because i was sitting there and when paul newman started reading the nominees i just started going deaf i mean really deaf and then when he opened the envelope and he looked down at the paper he took a breath and i thought well i didn't win because you don't need a breath to say share i thought oh that's it and then he said cher and i thought well he said share i guess he needed a breast to say share and then all i knew was that robert was there and chassis was there and they stood up and and i didn't realize that the rest of the place stood up i didn't really realize anything realize how you got from your your seat to this day i remember the only thing i remember was i tripped on my shawl and i lost my earring and i was really pissed off yeah and you said an expletive yes i did and then i i remember getting up there and i've been practicing my speech for years in my shower you know like with my sponge and then when i got up there i didn't i didn't really expect to win really like in the back back back of my mind i just thought it was going to be too much if i won and so then i just made up something at the last minute yeah that's it's an incredible feeling i can imagine and so you went home and had pizza yes well yeah it had been a really rough day and i mean it we i'd done lots of things that day i'd done lots of work and we were just so thrilled and so happy and my feet hurt and so we just went home and ordered pizza we were just all sitting around with the oscar everyone was holding it and did it say anything to you about you as an actress did it really have the significance that it supposedly holds for the rest of the world i i gave it a lot of thought and i and i was thinking you know it's so difficult to say this was the best performance i still have a hard time with that because i just don't think you can compare i mean great work is great work and and i i wouldn't have i would have had a hard time picking you know i mean some years it's easier in some years it's more difficult and i was thinking a lot of it has to do with luck i mean a lot of it has to do with luck i i i think i did a good job but i i think i was just extra lucky and you told me that you thought your fa your favorite movie that you've done so far is masks mask it's the most rewarding feeling i had doing a movie you know it it was there's just something special and i i've met lots of people who had a real profound effect time but fun doing other things but rose fun doing silkwood most fun doing so much most fun doing silkworm because meryl had all the responsibility now i didn't even know where i was supposed to stand you know i really i i was really ignorant and i and i just kind of floated making jokes with the crew and you know having a good time and and also moonstruck was a real i mean it was such an easy movie to make it was really fun and it's hard sometimes when you're making something that's really easy you think it can't possibly be this good because it's just it's like it's like having a good time and getting paid for it great we'll be back you all cannot even imagine what a long day this has been for sure i think she was saying earlier she's got up at six o'clock she's been doing interviews and let us into your home i i don't even know how you say thank you for something like that but uh it's really an honor for me to have been able to sit down and spend this time for me with you i'm glad that we finally got together i mean we've been talking about it for a long time yeah we get together and talk about the tabloids a lot yeah so and i you know you there's a book that i think maya angelou wrote in the middle of the book or the beginning of the book she said you make me proud to spell my name w-o-m-a-n that's how i feel about you thank you really thank you to you
Channel: Nina Hagen
Views: 515,521
Rating: 4.823915 out of 5
Keywords: 1991oprah, Kopi
Id: OkRIXyiy0DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 43sec (2563 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2012
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