Cher - Rosie O'Donnell Show (Sonny & Me: Cher Remembers - 1998)

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] favorite chef song i was born in the wagon of a traveling show love that how about this pretty great from her oscar-winning role in moonstruck to her countless best-selling albums our first guest pours a heart into everything she does this wednesday night she pays tribute to the biggest influence in her life the late sonny bono take a look tell me what am i supposed to weigh according to my height 110. [Music] look under men's share they don't have your height under men what it is is i do i do the talking so you know if you think that's easy why don't you just talk and i'll stand here and look away look a little bored right here a little bit and then if somebody can lend me a big nose we can get started and that's the only thing that can affect me lois is kryptonite nothing bothers the big ass please welcome share [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so i enjoy you well how are you well i'm all right it's good to see you thank you you look great as usual thank you i was very lucky that the i think the station of the studio sent me the tape and i got to watch uh last night the special and it's really a beautiful special and a lovely tribute to sonny you should be very proud of it no i am really happy and you know i i worked hard on it and i think that it's as close to knowing exactly what it was like for us on the other side you know behind the scenes right as anybody can ever get without actually having experienced it there were things i didn't know that i found out during their like that when you guys moved in together you were a young kid you had twin beds and you were just friends he said you can move in but i'm not attracted to you or something yeah he said i i said you could come and live in my house i'm not really very i'm not attracted to physically so just you know yeah but so we were like pals actually i was like an annoyance to him not really an annoyance but i you know all the girls that lived in the building next to us like they were all very you know um like that and i was very mm and uh so let me tell you it's better than you know it's not so bad a lot of people would like right but it was before mmm was popular oh that was a little better right all right i understand i'm just waiting for that to come in it'll be good for me now how long did it take before you guys sort of realized you were in love and that was a long time well until my mom found out that i was lying to her because i told her i was living with a stewardess and then she found out i wasn't living with the stewardess because one time she came over unannounced and she found jockey shorts and the tea cup and the tea cupboard and so she realized it wasn't a stewardess and she made me come home and that's when sonny thought that he he missed me and then he realized that he that he liked me yeah and it all started right there yeah the great thing too that i found out on the special was that you guys used to call yourself caesar and cleo yes well because we didn't make you know we made a couple of records of caesar and cleo and uh and i don't know it just everybody had to have some sort of not gimmick but be different than themselves you know right and and so that we thought that that would be a hook that would be like the cool thing to be and then we just decided one day oh it's not so cool we'll just be sunny and share cause they lost your luggage well yes actually they did uh we were on our way to a gig up in oakland and um with the dave clark five and so they lost our luggage and i had this great little um dress with uh what i thought was really cool with a pull away skirt and it had like little hot pants underneath it so the appropriate time in the show whatever that was i would pull away my skirt well anyway they lost it and we had our bobcats and our other our home clothes our daily clothes and we went on in that yeah and that's sort of everybody went crazy all the young kids yes yeah i thought very touching too is the story about how you used to eat in this one italian restaurant martoni's yeah and tell everyone that story how they kicked you well we used to go to this place as a it was um really big in in hollywood all the record people went there and mario and tony owned this place were called martonis and we used to go there constantly and one night this huge man tried to get into a fight with us and he was completely out of line he was really drunk he was horrible and they asked us to leave and so sonny was really hurt i was upset but sonny was really devastated because these guys were italians and they were his friends and blah blah blah so he went home and wrote this song laugh at me and and that's and and it was on the air i think the next day you know so uh it was it was difficult in those days because people looked so straight compared to us right you know and and people were so terrified of of of the way we looked they just couldn't quite figure it out you know they were you know they couldn't put us into any kind of a category and would you think the moment that to find your success view was the ed sullivan show was that when when he called you sonny and sure sonny and sure sonny and sure my little pies on sonny and chur my big my big dream to be on ed sullivan and then he called me church but uh i it was in my estimation like you know proof that you were someplace you know that you had really arrived i don't think we don't have that kind of a show anymore you know but that was elvis was on there and the beatles were on there and and everybody that was really famous was on there along with the little mouse and a couple of other things right yeah yeah i remember watching that show too with my grandma it's like the big highlight of the week yeah get to stay for that and then when they started showing like you know rock and roll acts it was completely exciting because there's a clip of that in the special that uh when you watch it you'll see and there's a look on your face where you look sort of startled that you're i am i'm kind of stunned you know and the weird thing was that while we're rehearsing he wouldn't talk to us he just kind of looked at us like that you know and it wouldn't even come near us but then when when the camera was rolling he was really nice you know but suddenly i were terrified of everybody in that position at that point because everything was much more separated if you were in tv you were in tv if you were in films and if you were on you know if you did music so um and they nobody could figure out they didn't like the way we looked but they knew we were would bring in viewers so they just used to wheel us on wheel us out get them out of here and that was it it really is a wonderful show it's sunny and me share remember it's on wednesday at cbs we're going to talk more about it when we get back don't go away more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back how do you like that a strike and i don't even own a bowling ball [Applause] when i was watching uh last night with about eight of my friends all around my age in their 30s and that part came on and everyone in unison started singing she was a trail a girl man of it's so funny how it comes right back absolutely the part that um i was missing in the special i have to say my favorite the you know boy we're in a pickle pickle we do have it we just didn't get to any kind of food but somebody's eating a huge salami and i came in with the what the apple with the the candy apple yeah i remember what tony curtis was eating he was detective fat i know yeah and i was tinkerbell tinkerbell sweetheart yeah no but there was another skit too that didn't have detective fat in it that was just you guys bouncing around wasn't there yeah but it was every every episode there was some you know storyline and we'd be trying to find something there'd be a detective or there would be whatever and then you they go oh this is a fine kettle of fish that's right we used to do a show at school called the senior follies where all the students would get together and make fun of the teachers sort of you know and that's what me and billy sheeran got dressed up in these big things and we make fun of all the teachers and do it with the food you know boy we're in a jam jam was my favorite part of the show and it's so great to see too that all the stuff with chastity i know is that so sweet so sweet when she's sitting on the vamp thing singing my song i just can't believe it and then she goes she was so cute and it was interesting too how you talk about how that's what she wanted to do she didn't want to go play with kids her age no she wanted to come to work and to do that was that a hard decision for you at the time or just well i tried to put her in school a couple of times but she hated it you know i mean she just didn't like kids very much and i think it's because when she was born we took her on the road when she was six weeks old and she just was around the musicians and all that and then when we started doing the city and share show see for her it seems like a game you dress up in funny clothes and you you know daddy runs around in a superman outfit and you know and that's for her was that was her reality right so she wanted to be a part of it you know she just wanted to be hanging out there one thing that i didn't know uh that i learned from watching the show was that you guys each had your own series after the show after you got divorced yes i didn't know that how long did they run well i don't know how long sons ran but mine i think only run a season and a half and then you did i asked him to come back you called him up and he said i know we're divorced but let's do that show again yeah and what did the network think what are you nuts well no i don't know what they thought you know how networks are you can't even ever know what they're thinking right and but i think it seemed i think it seemed a good idea to them because i was really not enjoying myself and so everybody knew it yeah so so they thought it's better to have them come back and be happy and see you know not have her be such a you know such a yeah okay i didn't know what you were such a uh we're gonna take a break but we'll come back and we'll talk about uh remembering him and what you want people most to remember about sonny moore with [Applause] sheriff [Applause] sonny and me share remembers wednesday on cbs and it really is a wonderful touching tribute to him it really is it's funny i mean it's very funny and it's i think it goes runs the complete gamut as far as i can tell no it's the truth because it is uh you know a heart-wrenching thing when someone dies so young and tragically like that and especially an entertainer and everybody feels connected in some way but the great thing is for the first part of it you're just laughing and remembering how great it was but the ending i have to say we were all crying it really uh it really got us it must have been very difficult for you to get up and give the eulogy and do it really so heartfelt and and brilliantly but it must have been painful it was i mean you know it's like you ha i mean i've never been close i've never had someone so close to me die like someone where it really kind of stopped me in my tracks and and just kind of brought me to my knees and i just think that you you just don't know what happened you don't know what's really happening you're moving your feet and you're opening your mouth and all that but i i think it's uh it's just the strangest experience it's like when you're in an automobile accident and everything's happening very slow and very fast at the same time all your senses don't function properly do you feel it's changed your perspective at all because i think it's life altering when you lose someone close like that i think so i think that it has made me feel that you should make sure that all your relationships are in order and no one has that you you don't stand on any kind of false pride or he said this and she said that you know to make sure that if anyone's really important to you you let them know and and i think that's one of the most important things to learn how would you like people to remember sunny if you could well as a very multi-faceted man a man that was really intelligent who liked to put on a supermen's suit and go swish swish wish i mean who wasn't afraid to do that who was really funny and a really good father and who had been a really good husband too i mean he was a really well-rounded person and i think that sometimes tv and images especially if you can create a a strong one it's almost impossible to ever get rid of it right so i think people just wrote him off as being that funny little short guy that you know cher made fun of right well this really gives you a well-rounded uh view of who he was as a man and an entertainer and and i think it's uh beautiful that you did it i encourage you all to watch it i enjoyed it so much sunny and me sharing remembrance and thank you very much for being here you're doing a movie yes out in italy yeah you come when it's over all right we'll be right back [Applause] you
Channel: Matt Douglas
Views: 159,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Imakmefdwfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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