Chefs Review 'LIFE CHANGING' Kitchen Gadget | SORTEDfood

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Hey, welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London looking for the exceptional things in food that'll help make our and your lives a little bit better, in amongst closely ribbing each other. Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, well, we'll normal. About every video we make always start with a suggestion from you guys. [MUSIC - JADED, "PANCAKE"] (SINGING) --but I take the cake. I'm gooey the middle baby let me bake. Hello I'm Jamie. And this is Mike. Today, we get a chefs to review something that might actually make a difference to our lives. But then again, it might not. [MUSIC - JADED, "PANCAKE"] (SINGING) --take a bite right now. Ain't no time like a time like now. Put it in my mouth and I'm-- In principle, I think Ben is going to love this one In practice-- He might struggle because there is an element of technology involved. Exactly, yeah. Once you're [INAUDIBLE]. Spin it around. He's impressed already. [GASP] It's a present. [GASP] Oh. Bet you didn't see that coming. (LAUGHING) Yeah. You guys got me an immersion circulator! That's great! Are you actually impressed already then? Yeah, of course. Look at that. Who wouldn't be impressed by that? [LAUGHING] We have ourselves is what I presume to be an immersion heater thermostat for sous vide. This is the Anova Precision Cooker, the world's top selling sous vide machine. It's amazingly easy to set up with outstanding results. The precision cooker links directly to their app via Bluetooth with over 1,000 recipes and cooking preferences for a whole host of ingredients. Just press a button, and the cooker will take care of everything. But before all of that, what is sous vide? Sous vide is French for "under vacuum" and is a method of cooking designed to give restaurant-quality results. You put whatever you want to cook in a Ziploc bag-- hence vacuum-- and cook it in a pan of water that remains at a constant temperature for a set amount of time. This temperature ensures the proteins and ingredients don't denatured too much, thus leaving the inside perfectly cooked without overcooking the outside and retaining all that moisture. You tend to cook at a lower temperature for a longer time in order to get very good results. But keeping that temperature consistent without a water bath or sous vide machine can be hard to change for a home cook-- until now, maybe. I like to read all the instructions before we progress. Just open it up! Rip it open! Turn it on! Yeah. [LAUGHING] Are you going to give me anything else? Are you going to give me like butter, or herbs, or spices, or something. We just want to know if it cooks chicken well, James. Can I have some like herbs or butter-- and butter? I need some salt as well. You thought I'd put a plain chicken breast in a bag, you silly monkey. Yeah, perfect. Yeah, it's really cool. It's loaded with a few recipes, and more importantly, the guides, which means you can kind of jazz and improvise yourself. So if you go Into the guides, I've got salmon. Depending on how you like it, it ranges from sashimi, to soft and buttery, translucent and it's starting to flake, very moist, tender and flaky, to firm, moist, and flaky, all of with them without overcooking. But they do vary in degrees by a little bit. Let's go for translucent and it's starting to flake. It's 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes. Start cooking. This is hooked up to the device. So the temperature is preset. The time is preset. It's going to get up to temperature. And then when the temperature is preheated, it starts the timer. OK, so back to our salmon. It's had its time. So this has been going for about an hour. I say about an hour because the app froze. Aah! Ooh! But that's OK because, you know, you should probably just keep a time check anyway. It's been held at exactly the right temperature, 46 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes. It smells good. Smell it. Can you smell it? Well, when I smell it, it just smells and taste of butter and-- Butter and rosemary. It looks QC. Completely different than a normal chicken. Oh, it's so moist. Let's see, we're aiming for translucent and starting to flake. Beautifully cooked, succulent fish. It is beautifully soft, almost buttery and all the same all the way through. That is a very, very good bit of salmon cooked very, very simply. And again, this was my choice, translucent and starting to flake. We could have gone more soft and buttery. We could have got slightly more firm, but still very moist. But it just melts because none of those proteins have been overcooked. That's beautiful. It's just perfect. You couldn't get that any other way, could you? No. In terms of texture, like it's not that different to if you cook it in the oven. But to get this, you need to cook it in the oven absolutely perfectly, like to the minute perfection. Whereas with this, you can leave it an hour or two, and it's not going to change. It's so juicy. Mine is like really juicy breast. It's juicy. It's a pretty good gadget. Now do we need to do-- It doesn't take that much space. Do you need to do something up here, or do we need to go back there? Let's go back there. It feels weird. Yeah it does feel weird. We're going to go talk to you from behind the bench. Do I make you feel weird? Yeah. It's just too close to you. It's just not comfortable. You knew I'd like this one because it's chefy and unnecessary almost. Yeah, it's good. It's good. You can use it for a lot more than you think. So if you buy it, you might think that you would only ever use it if you're cooking steaks sous vide or whatever. But you can use it for all sorts of stuff. And how much would you pay for it? What this has got built-in is the app, which is super easy to use. It's got all the presets. It's got the Bluetooth. What would I pay for this? 76 pounds. 140 quid or something? So if I said to you that this is 120 pounds, your reaction would be? I will buy it when it is reduced during what's the big-- Black Friday. I will get to it on Black Friday. It's a whole new cooking technique, I suppose that it would open up to something like us that we would never ever find a way of doing it. If you're hosting dinner parties and that kind of thing, I can see. I think this is really cool. It's quite extravagant. I feel like a home cook or even someone like me who is a keen home cook. But useless or not, you decide. So you know what our chefs think. Now is over to you. Would that gadget actually make a difference to your life? Comment down below. I know what's going to make a difference to your life. It's a "Dad Joke of the Week!" And it's neither positive or negative [INAUDIBLE].. So I've been doing a little bit of research. Mm-hmm. Do how you make holy water? I don't. You boil the hell out of it. [MUSIC PLAYING] (WHISPERING) Wednesdays and Sundays at four o'clock, we'll be here. Come back, please. As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Welcome. Today I'm Jamie-- I'm always Jamie.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,236,882
Rating: 4.9254189 out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, kitchen gadgets, chefs, chefs review, chefs review kitchen gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, useless or not, best kitchen gadgets, fun kitchen gadgets, sorted kitchen gadgets, sortedfood kitchen gadgets, amazing kitchen gadgets, zip lock chicken, zip lock fish, salmon dish, chicken dish, boiled chicken, boiled fish, perfect chicken, perfect fish, sous vide cooking, cooking gadget, sous vide chicken, cool gadgets
Id: WmHVbh7qf1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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