Grated potatoes‼️ I wish I had tried the recipe before, the result 🔝 😋

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We need three medium potatoes Wash it well and peel it 2 eggs 1tbsp of coriander or parsley 1/2tsp of salt 1/4 tsp of black pepper Mix all well grate the potatoes Squeeze the grated to get rid of any excess liquid In a pan, put 3 tbsp of vegetable oil After the oil is heated up, add half the amount of potatoes And put the egg mixture on it cover the pan Cook over low heat for 7 minutes, until sides and the top are cooked We add some optional sandwich And add the remaining amount of grated potatoes Sprinkle it with a little salt We cook until it gets firm Then turn it over on a plate and return it to the pan to continue cooking on the other side And it's ready! Bon appetite!
Channel: Quick Simple & Delicious
Views: 5,007,850
Rating: 4.8169608 out of 5
Keywords: grated potato recipes, shredded potatoes recipes, recipes with potatoes, potato rosti recipe, rosti recipe, grated potato fry, grated aloo recipe, potato rosti, recipes for potatoes, how to make rosti, recipes of potatoes, fry aloo, how to make shredded potatoes, potato omelette recipe, rosti, rosti potato, rosti potatoes recipe, shredded potatoes, tasty potato recipes, grate potato, grated potato recipes healthy, grated potatoes recipe in a few minutes
Id: l5WxoeQA9K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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