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[Music] is a special pasta dish now we normally eat or serve kapakama this is lasagna but as usual and as promised i will keep it simple going okay so first this is a beef ground beef that i ordered from fresh options the answer is [Music] you will wash away the natural flavors of the meat and also magnesium oil suggestion is you get it from a reliable supplier okay so one kilo of uh beef and then maruna yes [Applause] and then i put the garlic so basically this is just a a meat sauce we are preparing a meat sauce and of course you season it with salt i always season it generously with salt at the beginning of the cooking case you have to season by layers so that the finished product will be very tasty [Music] a [Music] so i'm just going to sweat this hindi on a brown [Music] [Music] so this will be your meat sauce for the lasagna so it but when you assemble it you put the pasta the red sauce and melon white sauce or what we call the bechamel sauce no so for the bechamel sauce [Music] with butter and milk kailangan sustainless steel nalux do not use aluminum because magdebus so again it's advisable to use stainless when they did a nonstick or you can use something like this the animal coated so i'm going to put my butter put your butter and you're adding white sauce or you're adding vegetable sauce and then put your flour your measurement option just in case [Music] okay so it will save you time so i'm cooking the flour with the butter and then maruna fresh milk [Music] because you want uh to mix it thoroughly you want the flour and the butter mixture to dissolve completely faraway so this is what you call the bechamel sauce or your basic white sauce sauce i'm just putting processed cheese foreign and cheddar cheese dependence of flavor okay so this one with constant steering sauce [Music] almost [Music] ingredients i have here diced tomatoes you can also use tomato sauce but i like using diced tomatoes and then i'm going to put mushrooms sliced mushrooms tomato paste i like this packaging and tomato paste brown so this is approximately two to three tablespoons if you're wondering back with my tomato chopped tomatoes neglected tomato paste this is to support the flavor and the color and also to keep the the sauce thick concentrated uh okay and then i'm going to season this with more salt i'm using rock salt black pepper and you can also put crushed red pepper this is totally optional may really up to you and then i'm going to put fresh oregano from our garden vedic basil vedic time dried and then as a final touch i'm going to put grated parmesan cheese grated parmesan cheese i make sure that the label says that it's really from italy so this is grated parmesan cheesy more parmesan cheese look at that okay and cheese po is a flavor enhancer also it adds meatiness [Music] foreign [Music] you now call it monet okay so this is now your marine sauce and then we keep on cooking it to make sure now unstable um thickness and of course you can season it with a bit of salt not too much because cheese is already salty so pagoda red sauce meat sauce okay so this is our sauce white sauce the morning and then you have your meat sauce next nothing go in here so now it's time to assemble the pasta [Music] according to the size of my pan this is 10 by 7 disposable aluminum pan but you can use whatever size and type of panda gust turbo broiler okay so now to assemble it it's very simple from your meat sauce to keep the pasta dish moist no and then you put some meat and then mug layers pasta three pieces i think this is whole wheat and then you put meat sauce i always put more cheese cut the layer no and then you put the white sauce and then one more layer meat sauce this pasta dish very affordable and very easy to prepare okay pasta and then one more layer and this is very ideal actually for a small family size white sauce and then the cheese cheese is small so very important then that you put cheese per layer and then last layer of the pasta pasta per recipe and then pina cola white sauce before i put it onto my turbo broiler 175 degrees and then it says 20 minutes [Music] [Music] so let's try this um surprisingly perfect balance as usual okay and what i have learned is you just want to bake the lasagna until you evaporate brown conte and make milk yum cheese do not over bake it 30 to 35 minutes oven or nasa turbo they're actually about 15 minutes long in a turbo broiler but the dry you know because the moisture will evaporate so go on and i look forward to seeing your posts on lasagna happy weekend
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 426,382
Rating: 4.8840289 out of 5
Id: n7qJPblFhS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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