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Many of you are requesting that "Chef, more recipes please that we can do as business but is easy to make and won't hurt our pockets" Of course, when it's affordable and delicious, it's easier to sell it. So today, let's make another Filipino classic. This is Puto Pao or simply Puto that has asado fillings in the inside and also has cheese on it's top. "But chef, how are we gonna do that" "The price of meat nowadays is getting more expensive and expensive." I get you because when the price of an ingredient increases, everything also changes. It's just like us, when we love, and we're also loved, everything would change. Hope we all can experience that feeling, right? But when the price of meat goes higher, okay? It's heavy on our pockets and would make your product's price higher. Possibly, your customers would be turn down. Possibly, they would just find another that is afforable. So today, instead of using the usual meat. Let's use a meat alternative, this is Tofu. The price of grounded meat now is on 300 pesos per kilo, right? Meanwhile the tofu, it's less than 100 pesos per kilo only. Delicious, nutritious and most of all, now, vegetarian plant-based diet, meatless diet are very popular. So you can form a new market or you can open your products to a new market. There it is, right? So let's use tofu. Let's begin it first for the asado filling. So, I will now open my stove and I'll put it a bit of oil. You just put some vegetable oil or any oil that you're available with and then, you just put all the ingredients together. I start with my onions. Garlic, actually you're just gonna saute it quickly. This is your asado. and then I have here 1 cup of chopped shitaki mushrooms. You can also use other type of mushrooms if you want and then I have 1/4 kilo tofu in here. You don't need to fry your tofu anymore. It can also be that your tofu is plain only, just chop it into small pieces. And then, I have some soy sauce in here and then of course, the asado filling. You can really prepare it ahead of time, just put in the refrigerator. So that when you have orders, then you're already ready. 2-3 tbsp of Brown sugar. You can adjust the sweetness, it would just depend on you. If you want it to be sweeter, then add more brown sugar. If you want less sweet, then reduce the brown sugar. You will notice on our filling in here, It's quite a lot, right? So there would be left. But it'll last in the refrigerator, so you cooking it won't be wasted and then this is the slurry, I have here 1 tbsp cornstarch and 2 tbsp water. I'll just dissolve the cornstarch on a small amount of water. Just like that before we pour it over here and then you will see that our filling is already very thick. That's it, it's just as simple as that. It's just also quick like that. So our asado filling is already cooked and I'll just season it with some black pepper. And then you can also put a bit of Chinese five-spice powder on it. This is optional only, if you don't like to put some then you may also not put Chinese five-spice powder. It just makes our asado filling recipe smells good. So there it is. "Can I put it inside the pandesal, chef? or " Can I also have that as my viand?" "Can I put on the top of my siopao?" You can, I would even taste it now because it smells so good and it's really delicious. It seems like I already want to get some rice, now. But I don't want to eat all of this now. So I'll finish this video now and we're gonna make Puto next. So now, let's make the puto. It's very quick to make. First, you will be needing cake flour. You're just gonna sift it all together. Cake flour, baking powder, a bit of salt, right? and sugar, white sugar. So we are gonna sift all of this three times. Why do you need to sift it three times? To make sure that you'd clean the ingredients and you incoporate it with air so that your puto would be fluffy, the finished product of your puto Okay, we're gonna sift it for three times. So 1,2,3 When you sift it for three times, very simple. I'm going to get a wire whisk. You're just gonna pour the fresh milk over there. 1 piece of egg and 1 tablespoon of oil. "Can I use butter?" Yes, you can. You just mix it i using a wire whisk. Until the mixture becomes smooth. Okay, remove all the lumps. Break all of the lumps. The cheese, we have a cheese on here. We will put it on the top of our puto, later. So now, don't overmix it. Because remember than when your puto is too much mixed or any cake mixture, what happens is it hardens. The cake would become rubbery. So you just mix it until like this that you can see it smooth, don't be stressed too much. That's it. And then look, this will just I do, very simple right? Put your meat filling over that side and I'll just put my mold half of puto butter. Just half puto butter and then just put it 1-2 teaspoons of your asado filling. This is the meatless asado filling and settle it again with puto butter until your mold is almost full. These are just puto molds that I've lined with cupcake liner. So there it is, when you want to put it "Can I put that salted egg?" "Can I put that, I want adobo because it would be really unique since there" Oh! I'm confused now I put that first, but this should be the first. When I'm speaking a lot, I get confused sometimes. "I want adobo, is an adobo okay? because my neighbor is using an asado already" So that it would be a win-win situation. Those who love adobo will buy on her or his and those who love asado will buy on me. You really can, no problem at all. Put what would make you happy on there and you know that will make the eaters happy too. You can put salted eggs, right? Very very basic, very simple. So there it is, right? I'll finish on putting it here and we will put that on our steamer which I'm letting boil right now. When we are steaming a puto, it needs to be full steam. It really needs to be so hot so that what you're steaming would rise nicely. So I'm ready to steam the puto, just be very very careful. Okay look, we're gonna put it here on our steamer which is really really hot and how long should we steam it? Around 20 minutes, let's steam it for around 20 minutes. For example: you're doing layers, you're still gonna put another one basket. It's a lot of orders, if that happens, right? Put a cheesecloth so that the lid won't drip, cover it with cheesecloth so that the steam or condensation would not drip at all on your puto so that the surface on your puto would still be nice. So after, there are still about remaining three minutes. So about 17 minutes. I'm going to check it. Look, this is how I check it. I have a paring knife and then I'll just sink it on the midlle part. I just sink the paring knife on the middle. When the inside isn't wet then it's cook already. Look how nice our puto risen, right? and I'm going to turn off the flame. I will put the cheese on top, these are just cheese slices. Jusr cheese slices cubes. So that it would be really like a classic Puto Pao, Okay, just put it on top. It's as easy as that. I'll just put all of the cheese so that it won't be wasted and then when you already put the cheese, because this is a quick melting cheese. I will just cover and left this for around 1 minute or until the cheese melts on a bit. You don't want the cheese to ooze out on top. So just quick and off flame. So after one minute, oh look. That's what you want to achieve only, for the cheese just to drop like that. Feel it if you can already get it. Here, so see. Look how nice. So there it is, right? Because it's still hot, my apologies to you. So there it is. It's still hot. So I'm arranging it here now. It looks very good, right? You can really see that the puto puffs. So since, this is just very easy to make. It's always best to prepare this fresh. If there's an order or what we call as cook to order. And of course, it won't be okay if I don't taste it. So, look how fluffy it is. Right? How fluffy it is and look at the inside, the asado has fallen already. How moist. And when you open it, you can really smell the asado filling and of course, I need to try it while it is smoking. I will get that since I also sanitized my table before working. The perfect balance of sweet and salty, it's very moist and the cheese. It's very easy to make. Super affordable and it's very high class to hear, right? Meatless Puto Pao. Wow, what's that? Of course, your customers would be intrigued. The Puto Pao has become meatless but it is still very delicious. So what are you waiting for? Then make your Meatless Puto Pao already, start earning from it or show your love already to your family. Enjoy and see you soon :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 596,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PpoIWhIs9_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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