Cheers - Norm Peterson funny moments Part 1 HD

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can't go to gym sorry no look at Bureau what are you looking at endomorph nothing nothing sir I understand you fellows have a little poker game going tonight yeah every once in a while gunshot you might like to sit in I played poker in years I just hope I don't embarrass myself embarrass yourself you're playin poker with a bunch of guys you can't bet in chew gum at the same time well bars can be very sad places some people spend their whole lives in a bar just yesterday some guys set right here next to me for 11 hours afternoon everybody what you doing mom coach on top of the world it's the dismal spot in Greenland how's your new job coming no I don't bring that up I'm no longer in the employ of Goldstein Borman and co-worker me I discovered that so-called Medical Corporation was a polite term for den of thieves during the business of cheating on taxes oh yeah so you're resigned in protest on up well I took a long lunch in the Academy of course not sometimes a man and a woman are so afraid of being vulnerable to rejection that neither one of them will take the first step of admitting their true feelings no I mean that's beautiful I do have a romantic side Diane I know I make a lot of jokes about Vera but the truth is that women never packed her bags and left me I don't know what I'd do first I can't understand that you know you wonder yeah you're born you grow up you die is that the end is that it oh you know there's various theories about an afterlife code ship oh yeah millions believe in reincarnation you mean like when you come back as a chicken not necessarily as a chicken coach I the Hindus believe that what you come back as depends on your behavior in this life you know what good let a good life do you come back in an elevated state like Colorado no coach more like a king or a prince are you know conversely if you've not got a good life you'll come back in the more Road you lowly condition last time on I must have made a realize that was tough do you know I could tell you how to get Diane back tell you what if you're interested I'll be down at the end of the bar well it's gotta be gonna be good for laughs women have always come pretty easy to you Sammy now you will finally got yourself a Tuffy let me tell you how to handle her now I don't care what we women say when we get dressed up and go on to Phil Donahue show every woman wants to be controlled even you miss egghead they're women right power Sammy wah naked power the reason I stayed with Nick so long was because he had power sure he was a gentleman sometimes like he would take me out to a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant they call our number and he'd go get but once we got behind that bedroom door Sammy he called the shots she's right Sam you know one time I had to get tough with Vera lay down the law next night I came home she was waiting for me wearing nothing but a saran wrap bikini I've never been able to look at a sandwich since I don't know I just said she was cute you could ask her out months oh yeah there's a simple explanation for that that you were riff raff some probably didn't understand I have impossibly high standards for a woman yes she has to like you you know I did be doing her a favor if you asked her out she you know feel more comfortable maybe maybe on the way out cliffie the night's young and it's year-round oh yeah sorry yeah I got a big day tomorrow they asked me to test drive a new postal vehicle and my rope I'll come with you I've got the best safety record the branch coach you never even been near an accident not that you were born yeah comment address to me Paul oh no cliff itself but we're addressed to anybody you probably get lost in the mail if I wasn't wearing this uniform I'd ask you to step outside fewer net uniform we'd all stop by the definition of friendship was clean no I'm an ex out there waiting for me use a dictionary yeah yeah you know I think the friendship is two guys you can remember all the good times they shared oh yeah yeah that's good enough yeah yeah me wrong good times we share yeah listen know if you want a couple of bucks hey remember like when you thought that I was drinking too much and that you felt that I really ought to stop yeah yeah yeah as a friend I appreciated that yeah you were you didn't stop now I decided you were wrong but remember where we were past to Concord and we stopped we took a scored on that guy's long yeah we killed his jack and a pulpit cuz you're married right you're married to a woman like Vera you don't even think about extramarital sex try not to think about marital sex I think there's something you should know yeah they're not gay like one of them tried to hit on me tonight yeah she said they were I said there were two gay men in the bar I didn't say who they were they along with myself have had a wonderful time watching you make complete idiots of yourself yeah the guys I was talking about are still here right guys right
Channel: Roxy Cakes
Views: 577,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheers, Norm Peterson, Norman, Funny, Boston, George Wendt, Sam Malone, Diane Chambers, Ernie Pantusso, Carla Tortelli, Cliff Clavin, Ted Danson, John Ratzenberger, Rhea Perlman, Nicholas Colasanto, Shelley Long
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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