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as you know if you watched yesterday's episode we had some people come over yesterday and the people brought little people kids with them and they destroyed this room you did all this water jumped all the baskets out oh my goodness well before we they want me to play with them before we play we need to pick all this up because mommy will not be happy when she sees me we're home alone me and these two girls mommy and Lincoln went to hang out with Grandma and so we have some stuff we'd do today but first first we need to clean up this room before mommy comes and kills us [Music] I just want to show you all one thing it looks kind of messy out here but we could see their toy closet [Music] done great job oh oh not cool no no no go go go Oh not cool [Music] you [Music] what are we playing right now what do you do at the marble game wait something right - I'm all right good thing we cleaned up so a marble in there super works Oh already failed there we go nice nice nice nice nice nice I'm going to make it we did that was pretty cool but I think we can do better point I'm definitely getting stuck yeah [Music] oh well get stuck on these little flippers oh we got jammed up we made it taller we used up all of our pieces besides these straight ones any go ahead let's see if it works we haven't tried this one yet this is bigger than Annie just put one marble in let's see if it goes oh it's going it's going it's going to make it it's this ah and II just made one all by yourself in this epoch wow that was great any I loved it yeah very good that would be hold about it's like the best form of overtime right is way back a nice is faster but that one in way better no what did you what no what you can do with an ease I'm sorry wait I mean better yet you alright all the way all the way all right we go ahead celebra often [Music] in the gym now I'm going to put these rubber mats either just forestall that we got crystal meth but they're way cheaper than if you buy masks that are labeled as gym mats they're like a quarter of the price and it's really nice thick ceilings I want this whole room to be these rubber mat which is going to be kind of painting buttons around cut up right now we just lay them down because there weren't that many we have to cut them to fit all in here so I'm not really sure how many I need like this room has a lot of angles in it like we just put them here because that's a nice square area but there's a lot of weird angles and cutouts and everything so I think seven and you like step and those will fit in here and then I'll classify some more later a lot a better idea - I don't have my choco Meredith borrowed my truck to go help her mom move some furniture so I'm going to go over to my parents house steal my desk truck we can go back for smash bring here first at slash to make sure I can cut these I'm gonna go grab a razor blade that should work I think that's like a square down and you just cut right along it I think I need to cut several times hmm I don't want to ruin it yeah I think that'll work you try it let's see let's go buy some just dropped off the girl with Grandma got grandpa so for me to get sober snowmen we're good let's go these things weigh like a lot of weight [Music] [Music] yeah yeah things to help that I will stay the last guy to help me put these in put a little bit stronger than you curious take your okay well we got the job done I feel like instead of lifting weights I should just lift rubber mats and be really strong my arms are sore my hands are sword dad get everything stored everything hurts fingers especially we get the girls they look tired feel tired I think it may be movie time when we get back I want to figure out the best way to all these River math in here to where I have to cut the least that would be good because I better pretty pain-in-the-butt cut these now I think I'm going to move these three over and I'm going to start at that corner and build out from there so I'll just shift these it's going to be hard and will this jump on there but I think that's going to be bad those and then it'll come to about right here so I'll have to cut a mat to go over here that'll be my first cut right there so it's not angled it's straight be able to cut my teeth on that cut good one that I'm going to screw the square down measure and screw down the exact spot that I need to cut and then I'll be able to just run my blade along it like that that's my thought I think it'll work it's fun work I hope it'll work [Music] that was not as bad a tough movie how am I going to do this I'm already really sweaty on the first one though this would be tricky before we've been going along straight edges now we have an angle that's not a 90-degree angle here and it's rock so you can tell it's not straight it's kind of going in and out okay I got some rubber you got pizza for me oh you're the best let's go eat it I'll be back in a couple seconds for you guys got this one done for the next one interesting how hard that first one was I made a template sure yet another paper you can see right there I measured where it should start and I marked it on the thing and cut it so that once they get over there and see the tips against the wall not as perfect because I would have liked but it'll work get over there I want to do a few more now so that's like this is getting a little bit boring for you so I'll do a couple and I'll show you what I got almost the entire second row done they need to come cut a piece over here but I'm quitting because it's late higher look at these cuts fitting nice all these cuts sitting nice as well I have one and a half more pieces that's how you know for that slice go by one more I think let's use time travel to the future I'll see you there if the next day to go home from work and addy has told me that Meredith has finished your desk you show me everything there is to see about it I'm really excited about this ba-ba-ba-ba-ba oh you did do that whatever you said you just stand it or well you know and then put toilet Holsinger that's six years but it looks really good just rested a little ya know it'll happen on the bracket and it's totally floating I think it looks really good I think about a million cans lighter than what I can do is go to play usually - I know but I dunno so this is just going to be like a homework drawing area this is a weird little hallway here and it's like you don't you don't need it for anything but this kind of life yeah this made it this is perfect for this because it's it's too wide to just be a normal holiday narrow to like put anything in except this good job good job I put a couple extra ones since you saw laughs and almost done we just need to do that area these are all the scraps over here I don't have enough to finish it so I need to go buy two more panels and I actually went today to buy two more panels and they didn't have someone came in and bought all of the format's that I needed the horse all that that I needed so they said they'd haven't been like later this week so I'm going to go back later this week and try to eat them but for now that's what we got I want to show you guys what is so cool about these push mat so we need to stop wait this is tile floor underneath this on top concrete and we'll be able to just it fully protects before which is awesome the several thick should be get something to this but three quarter-inch thick of just solid rubber so we can drop heavy weights on it and if we run four and eat it now that matters merits that you don't like the tile anyway but doesn't look like we'll be able to break the top which is good one thing that I want to thank you guys for is 800,000 subscribers we just cropped over that since we put a flat video you guys are awesome and it's pretty cool cruising for a million and I am about to get my third channel over 1 million subscribers which is pretty awesome I decided I sent off for my gold play button for veteran CH I have not yet received it I decided that was going to go into that clinic because I want to brag about that and they're like there's no other vet clinic with a gold play button it 100% we are quite far the first one to do that so I want to put that up in waiting room but my vet clinic to show off to all my clients and most unrealistic YouTube never heard of this don't you like now what's the big deal very like okay you're my dog shops they don't throw out of care I care and I know you guys care said thanks for being here on demotion ranch first hitting that million on variance in that million and soon I'm hoping hitting a million on this channel but 800,000 is really cool it's a lot more than I thought we would have in this short amount of time of making videos for like six months I think on this channel we're about ten million maybe in another two to four months I would say to if we do really good for if we do average shoot for really good we're still busy at the diabetic right now that I'm having trouble making videos for all the channels I'm taking care of my real life stuff first and then trying to get to this you guys are right once on the moat but I have to take care of athletic stuff first make sure that my new business is growing and successful and then I'm going to focus on you guys so once I get that going sky's the limit it's gonna be crazy thanks for watching thanks for being here thanks to all 800,000 of you guys you guys are awesome you guys make it over Wow why you're not failing people Santa Maria I can't work like this
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 775,903
Rating: 4.9751272 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged, floor, rubber, gym, gym floor, mats, mat, weight, weight room, weights, room, office, desk, chair, build, construction
Id: k01punxpn0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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