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foreign [Music] Banks absolutely no cool Factor you know what I'm saying it's the uh Roy Boyle right well this is a good day also when I get a chance to meet you say it used to be something back in the day I mean personally uh no offense don't see it man all right man this is too soon oh God thank you [Music] all right yeah nice to meet you too [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] bullets flying siren screen with Darkness like I have never seen so I'll close my eyes and pray it's all a dream [Music] so I'll close my eyes and pray it's all a dream [Music] so take me back together [Music] that's my money [Music] sleepless night in the morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so me when I was young [Music] who sat beside me my only son and listen closely [Music] to what I say and if we do this little help to help some sunny day [Music] [Music] we'll take your time don't live too fast troubles will come [Music] I wish there was something I could do oh I forgot to tell you the other night a couple nights ago I I saw a shooting star and I made a wish that I could take all of your pain and bury it in the sand that's what I wish for oh no I said it out loud now it's not gonna come true oh crap hey you must be real proud wearing those dog tags they're so shiny hey guess what today is uh uh is it your birthday no it's not my birthday it's Friday which means China dolls having a famous dumplings I swear to God I could smell them from here you you said you like that smell right yeah I love it yeah Rory come on if we miss out we'll have to wait another week [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and yet another American Soldier has crossed the border to join forces with the extreme radical terrorist group known as the d-tag making him the 13th American Soldier to engage with the group The Soldier's identity is currently being kept confidential for the safety of his family recently the Dutch who all group have claimed responsibility for the latest beheading video of photojournalist Taja rash of Sweden [Music] a lot of people counted prison when I was growing up but these are my roots and this is where the hell are you man cause everybody knows me and I know them and I believe that's the way we were supposed to live I wouldn't trade one thing all day here in small town what's going on Grease Monkey what's up White Lightning hey man you're a little bent out of shape because you lost some money to me the other night come on I'll kick your ass again tonight yeah right there's no way man I am the Chess Master you know what you should do you should go back and play checkers man that's more your IQ Hey listen man I think I'm doing pretty good against you I'd say we're about 50 50. but you know anytime you want to switch off and play a little rummy I'll play Rummy when you play rummy not that Penny of Point Michigan rummy that's too much work man for no payoff come on Hey listen man I'm heading on down the diner get something to eat you want something no no no no I got to finish this for Larry man he hit Bingo jackpot last night and uh now he's got some cash so I'm gonna get some of it if you don't mind get back to work ah got some money they can pay me back that 20 bucks he keeps on borrowing not my problem I'll catch you around man I'll be here I'll see you tonight that's a possibility [Music] okay here we are down my little town where I grew up and I walk cause your City Lights a very good day love you very much oh that would be awesome Cassandra cowboy shirt where I come on in the parking lot no cops [Music] [Music] that old man right there in a rocking chair at the court I swear I'll tell you now he could buy your more coffee Deputy yes please to go I need another dumpling too oh you like Susie's dumplings see Kenny you're a lucky man everybody loves my dumplings of course they love your damn dumplings that's the only thing you know how to cook and don't you got a damn cat or something to save in a tree Susan you're gonna get us both in trouble now oh don't worry it has been no fun hey how you doing guys oh good morning you here for some of Susie's dumplings too oh see Kenny cherish your wife dumplings because we all do go do some damn work so tall last leave my wife dumplings out of this hey woman don't nobody care about all that you didn't say that last night when I was giving you Godzilla oh yeah Godzilla Kush on it Japanese you know we can all hear you right I don't give a damn Luanne I can hear everybody I got one good damn ear I can hear that man belch I can hear him fart I can hear him do chewing every damn thing crazy people I work for you fired but I'm gonna let you know when I hope there's not any meat in this thing because it's good Friday and you know I can't eat meat I mean I can but yeah don't get me wrong I I love meat just not today what excuse me I'm Dr H never mind sorry Jesus Marine um well I am a marine you're never a former or an ex once a marine always a Marine Lieutenant Roy Boyle gotta tell you that Vietnam that was hard get inside one Luann is having problems with that damn register again and I told you to stop feeding these damn bums oh yeah I'm uh not a bum Grant Hodges you sure look like a damn bone you got on dog tags like he was a Marine you weren't no damn Marine you were look at you now damn disgrace clean up boy pitiful beautiful wow come on now that ain't necessary I'm not doing anything wrong oh is that right let me ask you a question those signs that you and every other vagrant carry is there some sort of homeless Union code or something how big the sign should be and tell me this where y'all get the magic markers from the right on the sign who writes them damn signs right stop being a dick all right just stop being a dick you got some mouth on you Street rat oh you said your peace he did nothing wrong with you okay you don't have to rub it in you got beef do it with your wife all right my beat is with your ass you get your [ __ ] together clean up like I said [Music] hey Roy um I I hope you're not angry with me that I told Susie that I was you it's just that um I don't know this is pretty much the only thing I have in my life that means something to me no that's fine I'm not angry at all Grant in fact I'm sure if you're a marine you make pretty amazing soldiers really um thanks Roy um wow thank you what he's back nah you keep Miss Morgan does me okay you forgot again today that was always talking I'm hearing about you knocking people's American flags down after lawn you can't go around doing that just because you're pissed off at the president showed yourself y'all know better than that I hear you doing that one more time I'm gonna lock you up and throw away the key you understand me come on get the hell out of here and go get them damn blueberry pancakes whatever the hell it is thank you better watch that cholesterol boy Johnson oh yes hello sunshine how are you what would you like today Susie's dumplings Maybe [Music] nobody gonna give damn about that I'm gonna get me some Rosetta Stone and learn every damn thing you taught me against the dying of the light there can be no mercy for any Force blocking his path from his righteousness wife is having a bath is that right yep [Music] got everything you need all packed up I'm ready to go right here baby what's there plan [Music] Port City's there battleship checkpoint nice let's do this listen I'm not judging or anything but the first time should be special memorable it was Damiano 15 15 minutes I remember her name Melody you bopping strippers now fully who was that gonna miss these days yeah I'm gonna miss it bro okay okay is this where the party's at yes ma'am God damn put that music up boys it's time to party somebody's going partying over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need a boy who's awake [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] off [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] thank you the other day some group came by and tried to sell me on the idea of building a Paintball Park on my land so they could play war games I mean who the hell needs that all right it doesn't sound that bad you do have a nice piece of land so then you tell me uh Lincoln was on your land one time well I mean that's how all the Scuttlebutts started about these tunnels you know so I guess they connected that with Lincoln that's right those famous tunnels start right here at your house and end up the White House [ __ ] but I tell you what man it's true one of these goddamn things is right here in my basement I mean Larry didn't believe me he came back the other day I showed it to him gotta ask a lot of stupid ass questions man like you think they can get a golf cart in one of those tunnels I mean how dumb is that I don't know I think Larry smokes a little too much of that wacky tobacco they built the tunnels to help Lincoln Escape during the Civil War I don't think they had golf carts back in those days see that doesn't make any sense at all what you're saying right there why would Lincoln escape from the White House and come through a tunnel and end up in the Heart of Dixie it just doesn't make any goddamn sense I mean if there are camels downstairs and say there are it would have to be something a little bit more diabolical about it otherwise that's just urban legend yeah that's a possibility but I know what I got dog you just call me dog that's Urban you know look man I mean let me tell you something the land may be silent but it has a lot to say all the memories of all those Wars all the blood spilled on this land man you referring to the wars between the Indian tribes or the war between the states no no no no I'm talking about the big battle Fort Fisher man where the Union Soldiers kicked the confederate's ass and they had this stupid ass crazy ass gentleman General uh Bragg Ed tried to burn down the whole goddamn City man he burned down all the supply depots but after that all hell broke loose man there were more Wars than you can think of blood was spilled all over this goddamn land said that all the puns were running red with blood that's true I didn't know that all right buddy I got a dope okay come on man where you going where you going how you finish it I got more to tell you of course you're not finished tell me the same damn story every night yeah but I tell you what man it's really sad brothers killing brothers friends killing friends that's what's sad you're right it is said brothers killing brothers but you know what you gotta admire her for sticking to their guns no matter what the cost you're right see you around old buddy I'm here dog [Music] [Music] excuse me gunny I got something you need to listen to thank you must be a fluke they said something about everything's in order but I don't detect a threat here what exactly did you intercept corbel uh transmission stated battleship is secure operation magenta is a go tunnels need securing and checkpoint 72 hours then static honey have you picked up any other radio chatter about battleships native just his message Port City that's a small tourist town they have the USS North Carolina there it's been there since 1962 but that old girl is nothing more than a museum now sounds like we stumbled upon some kids playing war games with their walkie-talkies disregard Corporal Logan is a no threat Roger that carry on [Music] [Music] foreign get rid of him [Music] I am pregnant what really really oh I don't know how cold I don't want anything to drink because please I'm gonna have a little girl oh way to go there okay you know you're allowed to put a helmet on yeah we should congratulate the Boyle family for your newest announced Edition okay may she be blessed and love and and secure knowing that she has two older brothers to protect her not to mention two very capable parents okay Roy has been my best friend for years and tonight we're celebrating his going away party again okay he's headed out there to do what he does best which is protect this great land of ours right as you always do make us proud my friend because in seven months when you return to Port City father husband friend and hero will be here waiting for you I'll be tearing up already dude okay salute Roy um you want to go take a walk with me um it might be fun maybe we could hear more about the uh the troops coming from the tunnel and the battleship oh yeah I'm just gonna crash man huh what ship is she talking about um well sometimes when I'm uh down at the dumpster I hear these people talking and uh I don't know it's probably someone with their TV turned up too loud what are they saying um all right I think it's the show about the military um uh it's about this Battleship that that comes up the Potomac and blows up Washington and uh and then they kill the president and uh take over the country oh boy that sounds action-packed huh I wonder if it stars Bruce Willis yeah it's got to be TV um well I'm off I sure didn't want to come nah I'm good thanks hey buddy come here where's Boyle who Roy Boyle the guy you've been hanging out with uh look Mr I don't know okay I get it you're protecting his whereabouts I understand that but you guys don't need to be on the street look mister I I don't want any trouble okay fair enough tell them to get a hold of TJ farming season's coming up I need some extra hands I don't pay much I could provide you with three Hots a cot safe bathroom ultimately it's a safe place to stay you guys need to be off the streets okay okay then you tell him to talk to TJ [Music] off [Music] all right there's no TV in there [Music] thank you on the crowd I wanna disappear I don't wanna face these Shadows around wondering why Chester what are you doing here everything all right yeah yeah I was uh going to ask you the same thing you left this behind come on in yourself at home forgetting your peace what's up with that man you getting Alzheimer's or something I guess I got a lot on my mind okay I mean it's not that Malaysian chick at the diner is I'm definitely not her and that's a long time ago buddy well you know she's married to a brother I wouldn't piss him off I told you you know I mean I don't think he's all there no you're right about that and what can I say I'm just feeling a little bluesy you don't want me to bust out crying do you no no please don't do that I want to drink no no I can't do that now I gotta go church tomorrow come on here you go no no got a little that moonshine Corey made come on bro no no no no no no no no no no no no killer vanilla here's to our friends who aren't here anymore yeah I'll drink that oh is that a boy I got your boy amen did I say boy I mean Roy that's different [Music] score [Music] all that you need in your soul and you can do this if you try [Music] your smile [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] that's an awesome thing you know it's an awesome time for for us to share the true meaning of Easter make sure you bring her next week there he is my Manchester hey buddy yeah well thanks to you in my head huh you got my message thank you for coming everything all right Bobby no I need to talk to you about something serious come on I'm a bit concerned this is so unlike her perhaps is always here she never misses my services especially Easter when's the last time you saw him middle of last week she uh she wanted a jackpot on Bingo night jackpot well maybe her and Larry took the loot one on down the Myrtle Beach for the night I got to run a few errands I'll head over there and I'll I'll check in on them thank you why don't you worry about a thing about me thank you very much I'll take care of it you are you alone today no no no come come come with me come I have something for you come come come here eat some of Susie's dumplings here we go eat it where's Little Soldier Boy today you scare me you give me a heart attack just like your food what did I say to you what get inside yeah whatever Kung Fu to you too your damn shame you are an embarrassment you and your gutter rat friend keep digging in my trash can I might mistake you for a raccoon jazz and raccoon is some good eating pulling yourself together foreign and that woman with the cleaning every time I walked in the furniture be all moved around sofas would be faced in the opposite direction of the television you know this beautiful little girl has told me a lot about you she did is it is it good or bad because I feel like I'm nerdy and awkward and sometimes I can hear people relax it's all good it's everything to do with the amount of homework you give this little girl well okay that'll actually be true that's a good thing oh hi how are you what can I get you this morning this will shock you but two cheeseburgers first one with fries strawberry shake second one with onion rings and a coke please okay would you like anything to eat uh you know they have some wonderful dessert they have peach cobbler apple pie oh I'm sorry we all had a peach the big Deputy he ate everything he ate all of it do chicken certifiably crazy certified huh I'm telling you I got the shrink bills to prove it back go ahead Sheriff copy that I'll meet you out there in 15. gotta go to Babson Larry Connors you got this i got this all right cool I'll buy the beer the travel spot okay okay so what branch of the service was your husband you sir rich yes Army medic husband I haven't been listening at all but I don't look like a soldier to you she's too beautiful to be a soldier my dad was in Iraq too really that's easy don't talk like that don't do that too fast do you get one of those um ice cream headaches well tell me about it Soldier not a soldier dog I'm a marine that's right Marines aren't soldiers are they they're Marines proud very proud to be a Marine Desert Storm train hand-to-hand combat expert part of the team that launched the first Patriot missile so I mean there is absolutely no question I am a very proud Marine all right you'll find yourself follow your heart and nothing else if you try [Music] is to be satisfied [Applause] [Music] there was a struggle in the other room as well it looks like they fought he drowns her then he comes in here and swallows his pistol not a domestic squabble they were both murdered what's with the playing cards must be some kind of a message all right get a hold of forensics get him over here I want this place going over with fine tooth comb pbn has learned of yet another video circulating the Internet by DJ even though the video is censored tvnn is warning the nature of this video is intended for mature audiences due to the horrific execution of 12 American hostages being tortured and violently killed apologizes for the graphic nature of this video [Music] oh these are unidentified soldiers if anyone can identify the soldiers please contact the tvnn help desk immediately [Music] foreign [Music] what's up bro something's wrong over here but something's wrong what's up what's going on the television dude it's got to ask about executions slow it down go to the tv9 site I think it's going down here you're telling me that the executions are happening here in Port City really lost dude live we have something living here in Port City [Music] I think they're happening here here you need to believe me you've lost it dude we have something living here in Port City we have something living here Port City please calm down and come back to reality think about what you're saying think about what you're saying man this is Port City little Port City honest to God we're on American soul that does not happen on American soil okay no I I know what I thought I saw what I saw I saw it I saw it I saw it DJ I saw it I saw it it's happening here TJ TJ have some of Susie's bad things where's Little Soldier Boys [Music] daddy look it's Uncle Roy he knows you you dick crazy you're not listening to me it was you what the hell is going on hey hey hey hey stop this [ __ ] right now you don't beat the damn bomb baby stop this [ __ ] right now [Music] hmm look I understand why you're hurting you miss him get it bro but you gotta snap back to reality look gocha go to the TV and then say check the video okay why would I make something like this up is that all you've got to say to me is it my daughter is worried to death about you and so is everybody else you've been living on the street for 18 months now 18 months and this is they were killed okay our brothers something something is not right here in America's back door easy Roy no one hears the enemy go on go check it out God Roy Roy do you understand what you're saying you're accusing our town of some kind of home-grown terrorism that's nuts people we see every day people we love that's crazy talk man just crazy talk I know what I saw I know what I saw Grandma's on something Grant the man talks to walls serious judge check it out do some police work instead of being a party fight for this very very town fine I'll check it out but if nothing else to calm you down and yet another American Soldier has crossed the border to join forces with the extreme radical terrorist group known as the detang making him the 13th American Soldier to engage with the group The Soldier's identity is currently being kept confidential for the safety of his family recently the death to all group had claimed responsibility for the latest beheading video of photojournalist Taja rash of Sweden in other world news the world Summit meeting will move forward as originally planned for early may this is the first time each head of state will be meeting together at the White House expect super gridlock and high volume of security during this three-day event your sandwich is almost ready time thank you sweetheart you all right [Applause] it's been a rough kind of day and one friend turned up dead had to put another one in jail a lot on the brain [Music] Deputy Parks told me you would be here [Music] baby girl I'll have the usual what you up to Thomas well not what you think yeah yeah right oh I got the controls what do you own the place home away from home dog turn it down what can I get you um classic martini vodka vodka Olive twist um make it a Twist you got it huh Sheriff you remembered my drink yes ma'am brother's gonna be pissed man you know the two of you men together are like the school children it's very sweet only each other 32 years 32 years man you never could count it's more like 42. I've known you since kindergarten I'm the only black friend you got man um sure Kenny and I talked and uh we don't want to press charges poor man has been through so much we don't want to damage him anymore maybe he should see a doctor or something I gotta get going oh and you got that sandwich tree right here Tom let me get around to Tequilas for uh everybody all right drink up everybody have a good day see you Thomas have a nice one dog I haven't heard about you in the chairs [Music] hey Susie everybody [Music] [Music] Susie oh hi what are you doing here are you okay so thoughtful what are you doing ah [Music] let me go and I tell you I tell you let me go you tell me first I'll let you go okay okay okay the sheriff the sheriff go to Chester's house it's the checkpoint okay I tell you now you let me go sorry I can't I ain't a part of this something wasn't right the street rat came in and then the sheriff popped up in the alley to talk to her and then she snuck off to the bar she fed a lot of people sneak food out to the back to him and then they vanish I didn't think none of it at first hell I didn't even know that we owned this but she didn't know that I could read lips today the sheriff came by and he told her to get ready and that they'll meet at the checkpoint so what do we do I know someone don't know what to do good I checked out your story I dug around and I gotta wait for the sheriff he'll know what to do with this who to call this is State Police military maybe what'd you find out you're right okay I found something what well what'd you find out Freddie you out of here what'd you find out I found these behind the dumpster this isn't a coincidence foreign I was just talking to Roy what's going on buddy hey man I got you one of your favorite sandwiches sorry about having to slip it through the bar roast beef a little swiss cheese pickle a little bit of mayo and a cookie Cola to wash it down probably haven't had one in a long time you don't want to eat that over here hey take it easy there big boy he eat it in his own time all right it's a good thing folks around here still like you and I just spoke with Susie and her and Kenny aren't going to press charges I gotta tell you something and you were really around here I mean nowadays you just carrying the hell out of everyone all this talk about Townsville killing soldiers it's like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater you just don't do that you're gonna put the people in a panic Frenzy and now what the hell is going on son Sheriff I think you you just hold on there Freddie trying to talk to Roy I wish I could say I understand you Roy but I don't but I will tell you this you need to get your [ __ ] together son and be able to stand back up on your feet all right I think I have just been tired I don't know I mean I was wrong for my actions I need to clean up my ACT Roy well what are you doing what do you mean by that deputy you got something on your mind Sheriff Roy was correct I checked into what he said all right over here he just told me he was fabricating the whole story and now what happened but very it's okay I just need rest okay I've been tired I'm tired all right it's cool he can handle this I like somebody better start talking playing here I found these my mind lordy lordy I sure wish you hadn't done that pretty well what just happened hey Put the gun down you go downstairs and lock the door what just happened what just happened so what oh what's happening it's a second in a cause that is long who's due what what are you talking about this was not my intention but it is a necessary evil in the execution of our great Revolution dude you're gonna make any sense oh I'm making more sense than anybody has in a long time it's time for America to Rise From the Ashes there's you out of your mind are you today has finally come when Justice shall be served and a new and greater America will rise from the ash seriously are you out of your mind no I've never known greater clarity then you served this country and so did I I have held good American boys in my arms and watched them die and for what to serve the whims and the financial interest of gutless greedy politicians politicians who would pick the pockets of all good Americans while they filled their own coffers with gold earned by the blood of bitter man you telling me you just killed Freddy and Grant and the others because you're pissed off at the government you are not listening to me Roy Deputy Parks had to die because he could never be a part of this cause and before this night is over many will perish scores will fall friends and family will be sacrificed for a greater noble cause so you just killed innocent soldiers to prove a freaking point there are no Innocents military or civilian the day has finally come for all good Americans to take up a rifle and fight for this cause or die in its wake blood will run through the streets and The Valleys of this nation so that this country can be free again listen to me Roy I want you to be a part of us right I want you to sit down I want you to think what I'm saying to you son they have done you wrong there's a greater goal and there's a greater reason you're out of your mind the nature of this attended for mature audiences a horrific execution of 12 American hostages the Georgia CNN apologize so tell me again what happened questions I would like you to be part of our fine bro you you were a special forces lieutenant you took the oath you served this country with honor and distinction and what did they do for you nothing on the day that you were supposed to be discharged I told you what you don't you don't have a home to go back to it was all swept away by a tornado and your pregnant wife and your children and even your parents who happen to be there visiting on the day of the terrible tragedy were all killed that callous and heartless decision took a piece of your soul the way that you will never get back you come and you be a member of my family Roy a family that will take back this nation from the filthy ideologues that sit on both sides of the table and give it back to we the people so you and stacks think you're going to go up against this country deer insane you're insane I don't know about a thousands just like us trained and eager to fight upon my word and it's a little late to rewrite the Constitution Thomas Jefferson said that when a government can no longer serve as people that it is the duty of its citizens to rise and Revolt and that we shall as we speak tonight the great North Carolina will deploy and sail right into Washington and lay Siege upon the capital this is real dang it we need to do something let's go get everyone oh so you think you can just watch steal an old Battleship and go on notice to sail up there like that you forgot what country you live in oh well look everyone thinks I'm crazy because I chose to live off the grid sir you are batshit crazy it's a new system new government from the people for the people we're going to be heroes to the people no you ain't no hero man you're a punk goddamn terrorist breathing free air the freedom that our brothers of arms defend for you more bunch of sadistic traitor asses yeah that's truly what you should call your army traitors you know I I would have more respect for you if you cross the border and join some other radical group and jump on the hate everyone bandwagon but planning something like this on your own land against your own people taking innocent lives because you think Worthy pump your punk you have a lot of heart Ron and I would have loved that you joined us in this fight but I suppose it's best that you die with the others so that this great country may be reborn they heard the gunshot they want to speak to you [Music] [ __ ] all right folks listen up everything's fine one of our deputies discharged his weapon nobody's hurt but like I don't know what you saw what you think you saw but everything's gonna be all right I want you all to go home and stay home in the morning everything's gonna be fine all right now get on yeah yeah I got good memories when I was a kid you know going camping playing stickball it's a great Tosh man the tennis ball or handball or the handball man use the bat baseball bat it was sewer play to sewer play it was your home run you know and we always challenged all the kids from the neighborhood you know it was a boiled Boys versus all I'm getting you guys in your freaking stickball dude seemed like a different world back then yeah man I I got great memories uh you know my I remember when my brother came home from leave go out there in the living room hang out on the carpet we'd play with those little green army men yeah that was the coolest time ever I mean I'll never forget it yeah I miss him it was really awesome I mean I got some wonderful memories up here how about you dude you well you kept in touch with your boys honey and all since you've been bad my brothers um you know when I think still lives up in there Portland Oregon and um the other one somewhere him and his family up there in New York the last I heard how about you you know that Cassandra was three years old Amanda left this one oh yeah I I know but I mean what happened tough it's tough when Cassandra was born Amanda was she was hooked on drugs man that was really tough I mean when you when you find out your spouse is cheating on you uh everything goes south really quick man it turns everything completely upside down she took a trip to New York City hung out with a friend of hers hooked up with this Thug man I mean to say you're responsible would be a would be a [ __ ] understatement I mean she turned her back on her family you know how tough it is being a single parent you know how tough it is being me and raising a little girl you're a great little girl like that I got a good girl that girl over there she's my angel here you go girl I cut off things like you like man thank you thank you look at you she's my angel all right you say you got a plan let's hear it I got a plan for damn sure I got a plan you know my job it's got its perks okay I make the rounds and and and through making the rounds I can figure out who's got the same likes as I do or the same dislikes as I do in fact is Chester he must have an Armament over there each month he gets a new toy in okay but what good does that do is if they're meeting on Chester's land you know we don't even know if Chester's down with us or not I hope his chest is a brother he must be down with it okay here's a news flash Sheriff white make white man turned out to be the head devil in charge so maybe the brother is is clean Chester keeps his guns in the shop in the back in in this cabinet I mean one time I took coverage from the rain I saw it there it's easy to get into he's got an Arsenal man that's an asset okay but what about the battleship yeah what about that battleship okay guys here's the plan ships here okay we go in we take out the power supply instantly it's an old chip everything shuts down right okay clear the ship from bottom to top okay that's the plan right now the most important damn thing everybody get their ass in gear get out of here grab everything you need and be back in two hours thank you foreign holy [ __ ] you know I'll be back I know that Dad I love you I love you more hey baby make sure you call Uncle Eddie [Music] thank you [Music] hello this is Commander Bauer Uncle Eddie Cassandra hold hold on TJ is going away oh okay okay okay I'm sending a Recon team don't worry [Music] [Applause] [Music] Becca take the OverWatch flow to the bridge TJ ask me is he bringing both cars [ __ ] no didn't bring him [ __ ] do you think bro here come go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] thank you all right thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign let's go back [Music] hey James a man everything he did was cool the way he walked was cool the way he talked was cool we smoked cigarette with the coolest can you imagine James smoking one of these [ __ ] things absolutely no cool Factor you know what I'm planned all right you must be a Roy Boyle right but this is a good day I was hoping I get a chance to meet you say it used to be something back in the day I mean personally uh no offense you guys don't see it man all right man let's do this oh wow oh [Music] all right yeah nice to meet you too [Music] hey foreign Kenny clean the lower deck upper deck's clear quarterback's clear man thanks for being here for me good I'm good all right coming down Kenny and Becca meet us at Old 400 hours at Chapel oh 400 checkpoint gotcha let's finish this thing God damn it all right foreign what's up man who all these people what are you doing with all this equipment man what is that about [Music] all right secure the perimeter I don't want anybody getting in or out I want this completely locked down we have 18 hours to get to checkpoint B in Virginia if that map Larry put together is correct what about the North Carolina boat's about eight miles out and on point it's not a boat man it's a battleship all right who's our contact in Virginia Malloy Jamison Malloy first caliber I normalize good to know your friends you better know your enemies what in the [ __ ] have we got into I don't know what the [ __ ] we got into but I know how the hell we're getting out of it I got Left Flank all right maybe 12 o'clock yeah 12. well let's do this right up guys you stay close it's going down now contact you're both my [ __ ] oh you back now huh covers girl [Music] all right I reckon you're gonna drop that weapon you little hussy [Music] Rock s [Music] [ __ ] traitor um who you you wanted him I'm a soldier all right you got a lot of bleeding [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you never hide us [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] friends killing friends for what foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Nicole go tour my brother [Music] go see your family brother [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you welcome to your life there's no turning back while we sleep [Music] nobody [Music] it's my own desire it's my own remorse help me to the side help me [Music] [Music] so glad we've almost made it everybody wants to [Music] I can't stand this this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trying to take me down trying to take me down no I wasn't looking looking for a fight [Music] coming in my house trying to take me dance [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: REVO Movies
Views: 849,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, free movie, full free movie, Action, Thriller, HD, English, V Movies, Check Point
Id: pO5FmLoe1hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 32sec (5852 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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