Diving Golf Course Ponds For Thousands of LOST Golfballs!! (Water Hazard)

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it's been five minutes no what's up guys it's jaffee today we're going to be diving the water hazard behind me at this golf course in the past we found over 5 000 golf balls underwater today we talked to the manager he said that no one's dove or searched for golf balls here in over 10 years so we're in hopes to break a record today see this see this problem he's having with his hair i've been telling him to cut it i don't know why he's trying to grow it out so long look if we can i'm gonna make it easy yeah ten thousand likes matter of fact five thousand half five thousand likes on this video tristan cuts it gets a mullet though so it's still cool five thousand likes will you do it for five thousand a mother like oh outlaw like our buddy alvarez look a nice fine-tuned mullet i mean you got enough hair to make it happen five thousand likes you'll get a mullet five thousand so not only do we have two golf carts but we have two scuba tanks and we're gonna be diving today with britain we're not gonna set an amount like we usually do in our golf ball videos but we do have a 55 gallon trash can that we're going to try to fill up with something other than brandon look at me come on what are you doing i'm pulling you up by your boot straps okay oh that's nice ready there you go that was nice that was nice time to get in the water i got one while the boys are diving there's so many golf balls here in the grass so i'm gonna contribute the first ones to the bucket and the boys will do the rest of the hard work all right good luck bro good luck man pick up every golf ball you see it's a few golf balls oh no i dropped one oh my gosh we are working for these golf balls my bag is almost halfway full but the water is getting so murky because of the silt at the bottom of the pond i'm just using my hands and filling around and hopefully finding golf balls we've probably found 100 so far not what we're used to where we usually find like 500 each bag and it happens really quick we're really having to work for these golf balls we're on the bridge right now here's the crazy thing the boys are actually about to dive right through under us but uh the bridge is a little wonky and there's no rails so people could lose whole golf bags here they could actually run the car easily off the bridge so there's no telling what the boys can find here hopefully it's more than just golf balls cool got some nike callaway and tideless these are all good oh pro v1 that's nice balls so we just got out of the water for the first time we got some guys about to tee off and i said they could uh they could have their pick of some of these golf balls all right i'm gonna dump them out and uh you guys just take your pick oh my god look at that this is really cool you guys don't love it hold on love it there's some range balls here seriously make sure not to grab there you go this is fantastic these are great there you go so you're doing this just for your movie you grab the program i can't believe it yeah appreciate it appreciate it that's great thank you so much yeah thank you i appreciate that well good luck we don't end up in the water what should we look for are you typing yappy y-a-p-p-y this is unreal unreal hold on we gotta count all these isn't that cool though they just come up they're like yeah i'll take some balls brandon's channel will be linked below since he's helping me pick these up wow thank you so much cool we got him all right all right good luck guys good luck boys we're gonna go uh count all these balls and dump them in that big 55 gallon bucket oh my gosh god there's so many i got a hundred i got 86 and there's five in there 191 yep 191 191 well minus whatever we gave yeah yeah 200. so close to 200 balls from our very first dive what's crazy is i'm using a different bag than i usually do and it only holds around 200 golf balls and the other one holds around five to six hundred golf balls so we gotta jump back in the water and hopefully find some more and uh if any other golfers come by we'll make sure that we give them some of the golf balls hey drop a comment below if you guys know of any other golf courses or you you work out a golf course or know somebody that owns a golf course and you want us to come and dive in that'll make my life a lot easier we're about to get back in the water but brandon's going to drive me over to where i stopped last time hey this is nice a nice little golf cart ride back to where you stopped searching for golf balls see you at the bottom see you boys in the water oh there's one right here 201 201 right there no [Music] them to you brother no i got it there you go here's your bag 200 400 don't come back so you got more than that we'll see you at the bottom wow we're in the super danger zone by the way right now i've been seeing people stroking balls right here we're on our way to tristan right now he popped out of the water oh big bump i think he found something probably golf ball we got 200 more baby there it is had a baby all right go dump that and then oh crap good heaven i'm gonna jump back in the water and uh get 200 more how many did so he had to about 200 too right yeah something like that let's get back to the water all right so tristan found 200 more we're gonna go ahead and dump them in this bucket all right that's total of 400 balls by tristan i think brenton found another 200 so we're at about 600 so far this corner is like a hot spot so i'm gonna stay right here oh my bag is completely full let's go count them look at all those gold balls we're on the road now baby 300 more found a good spot huh yeah has he come up yet yeah second oh man look at all that balls [Music] yeah pretty sick look at that hold on we got we got three different colors four different colors you got your look at all that look at all them chickens look at this one like i only think you can clean that one oh my gosh is it white or gray i don't know the world may never know wow some of these are not coming back very good wow all right so we're just going to estimate every bag is 200 at this point because we counted out the first bag so this is tristan's 600 uh bag of balls right here and uh we're just keep relaying every time tristan comes up it's a good system we get his bag of balls and then we give them an empty bag and then we just go dump them in the trash can so we could bring the trash can and just put it on that's more fun this way me and millie love driving the car tell you what tristan's doing a good job 600 right here that's all tristan i mean this is my first time doing this so i'm getting the experience that's for sure but it's crazy how many golf balls are in this corner right here i was about to get in the water and i see a few golf balls right here there's one right here oh there we go one more ew that's three golf balls already this is this is what i like about this this golf ball video well the last one was closed down because of coronavirus so we had like the whole course to ourselves but right now these guys are dodging people teeing off dodging golf balls and we're just trying to fill this baby up half of these balls i don't even know what look like what they look like because it's so murky come on you got working dude boy you're back in that wood i don't want to get back you know what that never oh no i'm tired of this crampon come on hop on let's go so we just took a little ride over to the woods we found over 600 golf balls in the water but there's something that we've never done is actually searched around the course in the woods where people usually hit the golf balls just as many balls probably out here in the woods as there are in the water so me and brandon are going to go through the woods and see what we can find it's like easter egg hunting but it ain't easter got one callaway got one got uno golf ball oh i got two oh i got three one two three hey man you stay away from my freaking easter egg location i ain't seen nothing yeah oh they'll jump out and get you boys i'll jump out and get you where are you oh oh i got one four two how many you got i got two i got three four over here three okay uh four in the mud wow that's a briar patch you see me millie these balls are just buried in this mud look at that look at this one right here look at this you just pick them up just like that look at this we got one right there one over here ew one over here another one in the water that's close you see that one this is a 69. toddless 69. this thing is cold this water is colder than it i guess is the spring natural spring all right really how we're going to get you back just step right here melanie hold on hold on hold on brandon come here he was just standing on the edge and he just started slipping down man that just made my day here team yappy we wash each other's back so all of that merely falling in the water four let's see how many golf balls i got 19. i got 22 in a water bottle goodness gracious where's that 41. so add that to the total of 841 golf balls so this is our last dive we're gonna fill up the bag one more time empty it into the big trash can and see how many balls we got here we go so the boys are literally diving right here and uh you guys know we've been above water a guy just hit a ball look where it landed right here check this out we're not going to touch it but it landed right here it's dangerous out here man it's dangerous sheesh all right how long you think that took 30 minutes about 30 minutes and uh i think we filled up another 200 balls so let's dump them in the big trash bin and uh count up how many golf balls we found today for free y'all enjoy it man appreciate it thanks for stopping by that's what's uh really cool about this is just diving out here and then guys come by and like how much for the golf balls we're like for free so if you ever see us on a course just come by stop by she's full i can't close it anymore two full bags let's go double man let's count them up we got a lot of golf balls today last batch of golf balls it's a beautiful beautiful sight still got brenton's too and we still got britain's look at that it's almost full baby no no i that was my favorite one these are my favorite balls we're going to keep them so here all the golf balls that me and britain found today we're going to dump them out and show you guys how many they are ready three two one oh my god holy cow look at all those so today just like every diving for golf balls video you can tell that a lot of people are not very good at golf and we found close to 2 000 golf balls today with me and britain so i want to thank britain also he got us permission to go and dive here so make sure you go and check out his video from today it'll be linked in description below but found thousands of golf balls today it's awesome just being able to dive underwater find these things and resurface them give them back to the pro shop so that somebody can use them again but thank you guys so much for watching this video had a blast and if you guys want to see another video like it make sure you comment below leave this video big thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already and that is pretty much it for me and brandon sitting on a golf course i love you guys and as always anarchy you
Channel: Yappy
Views: 3,285,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yappy, diving for golf balls, dallmyd, man + river, scuba diving for golf balls, found, scuba diving golf course, famous water hazard, returned to owner, diving water hazard, Jiggin with jordan, diving golf course pond, scuba diving, underwater, river treasure, treasure, underwater finds, yappy twan twan, yappy channel, searching
Id: swo6SInUS0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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