how to pick a coleman / camp stove for car camping

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hi this is the Blackbear prepper and today we're going to talk about how to pick a camp stove now camp stove being different than a backpacking stove in the idea these are going to be a car camping we're going to be pulling up with our car unloading it and being able to use it now I like to burn our camp stoves because I can add as many or take us way away as many as I need to so I've done big groups up to a hundred people with basic coleman camp stoves they work very well they'll use your standard pots at home they usually work up to a 10 inch pan very very well or pot and they they work because they're easy light and they stack up nice and you can put them in your closet never worry about it now we're going to talk about the difference between the two different coleman type stoves there are out there there's lots of different types of propane and liquid fuel stoves out there I tend to think in my opinion I've used a lot of different ones from all different companies I like the Coleman the best now I'm not saying that with every single product Coleman makes but their stoves tend to be in my opinion very well made they last a long time I have one of these stoves here these dual fuel type stoves that was made in the early 70s I've seen some to go back all the way back to the 50s and they still work just fine I just happen to have one this one happens to be a $19.99 stove they're printed on the bottom or they'll be printed underneath the Coleman sign right here with the date or on the valve and some of the older ones on the back of the valve here why would we pick one over the other there are some definite advantages to propane convenience is propane's major push it is much more convenient easier to use basically like your stove at home almost as close as you can get if the power goes out you can still light your stove at home by using a match or a lighter very similar in those type ways the problem with propane is it's expensive it tends not to work at cold in cold weather down pass about the 10 degree mark 10 degree Fahrenheit that is so anything below 10 degree Fahrenheit I tend to take a liquid-fueled stove they only work on propane so that is a problem if you run out of propane what do you do so then we come into our our white gas or dual fuel type stoves they have multiple variations of fuel you can run kerosene um now this is they are meant to run on white gas most of them so in the newer ones say that can be ran on dual fuel as in they can be also ran on unleaded gasoline we do not run a run leaded gasoline but I'm not a gasoline they do work now I will tell you that they work just fine on unleaded gasoline even the older ones that is something you will have to figure out on your own and I would recommend you call Coleman and make sure that your personal stove does that for me it's worked fine and I haven't had a problem the I've also used kerosene haven't had a problem the problem with kerosene is you do have to prime it so you'll actually drip alcohol inside the burner to prime the stove because kerosene will not prime through their standard thing so they recommend using white gas or if you have the ability to you buy the extra attachment which is this guy right here this is the propane attachment and this goes right in the exact same spot as your white gas attachment and now you can use propane in your stove so something really cool to think about so now you can run multiple fuels in this stove versus a stove that does very little so in a survival situation do I think these have the advantage yes they do and a everyday cooking you know the power goes out things like that people haven't used this in a long time and this is a procedure that's getting farther and farther away with our new isobutane stoves so now we're running propane it's very very simple now the way we like a propane stove we have a couple different ways we use a lighter we use my favorite the M Co spark lighters these just spark you can find these on eBay definite I recommend having a whole bunch of you just turn the valve on about 3/4 away and hit the button and it almost fires up every single time now this particular one has the electronic ignition I found the Colemans electronic ignition in my opinion works the best so you'll actually take this guys you'll spin it every turn every quarter cup about a quarter turn you'll get a spark so you turn the valve on 3/4 of the way and it kicks on again we it tends the fire sometime we'll see if it continues to work it turned on 3/4 of the way and hit it and it tends to fire up just fine now I have found that in windy situations electronic ignition tends not to work as well but with the Coleman I've had very good luck I almost never I still bring a lighter with me and i still bring spark lighters with me but they tend to work very well and i have both versions with that with and without it is nice especially in a survival situation to be able to ignite without that item now propane has no shelf life which is very nice i can store propane in my house very safely as long you know i have a barn that we keep all the propane tanks in and they'll last basically forever and I can literally I can fill up the little smaller propane tanks and this is something you will have to check and make sure in your areas capable of doing that I can fill these off the big 5 gallon tanks so I do like that feature so that's basically the whole entire process and because the older propane stoves had even more of a problem going they didn't really want to go below 32° what Coleman's done is they've had a regulator on their stove and now it goes down to like I said right around the 0 to 10 degree mark I tend not to bring them if I think it's going to get any colder in about 10 degrees now we get into our dual fuel stoves these guys with gasoline and with white gas the ignition process is basically the same if you are using propane you just turn it on and hit the button and it goes now when you're using the dual fuel or white gas system that they have you want to go ahead Oh real quick let's go ahead and light this guy we're going to talk also about noise factor so let's turn on the stove here and we will get a noise reading so let's crank her all the way up that's a full crank and we're going to get a noise reading looks like about 60 DB on average so about 58 to 60 DB on average so that's kind of that's pretty darn quiet truthfully that's on the pace of if you've seen our whisper light videos that's about the pace of the whisper light so kind of keep in mind we're doing it noise is a factor where a winter camp site want to wake up other people or bother people if we want to have you know hot chocolate at night so with this stove we want to pump the stove which is right here we take the valve we turn it counterclockwise we pump it 30 times and we twist it and close it off ok clockwise and that seals off the valve so it can't back pressure now then we take our adjustment valve here we're going to spin it to the up position to light we're going to go ahead and turn the stove on one full turn and you'll notice we do get a little bit of a yellow flame here now that yellow flame is gonna you know we've got kind of I put it in kind of an area where it's a little shaded here you won't be able to see it as much during the day but it's going to break down after about we're hoping after about a minute so we're going to sit here and let it warm all the way up and you'll notice as I turn it up we're going to see it really crank on here and hopefully block down into that nice blue flame that we really like now after we've ran it for about a minute then we can go ahead and light the opposite side which has a little butterfly valve on this side which I don't know if you guys can see or not but I'm going to go ahead I like opening it if I'm going to use it opening it up all the way so I take I crank it open I open it up and I just I crank it is many times as I really need to now the one thing you will notice is that now that we've got both the flames working really good we got nice blue flame we can go ahead and we can turn them when we turn them down when I turn down this one it's going to turn down this one at the same time so that's why I tend to leave it just cranked all the way up now can I crank this one all the way down and leave this one up yes but it's a little easier if I want to do them both the same time propane doesn't have that problem it's a complete separation so you can turn one up and down and it doesn't affect it so I can sit here and turn them down and I can turn them bolt down at the same time using the one valve here the problem is I can't get this one up too high without turning this one up too high so a lot of times what you do is you're going to put and you're going to cook something you cook it over here and you're going to boil something you'll put it on this one and crank it all the way up and then just adjust the valve based over here now I'll go ahead and I turn this guy off and you probably notice a little bit of a jump in the flame that might take a second to kind of and we're going to go ahead and crank her up if you go nice and easy it tends to be a little better we're going to go and flip it down to the now that we've ran for a minute we're going to take our starter and we're going to turn it down to the bottom position and we're going to go ahead and crank her up what we want to do now is we want to add about 15 pumps now that we've got it started and it's up to pressure we're going to want to go ahead and once I see that nice blue flame pop back up I know I pumped enough that was about 17 pumps but in what about 15 to 20 pumps is usually plenty we don't want to over pump so that's usually the problem that people do is they pump so much you'll see the blue flame the little sparklers on the bottom actually separate away from the burner and you know you've over pumped at at that point it's cool it all the way down take your cap release the pressure in a safe area and let it Andrey pressurize it to the standard one now we're going to go ahead and test this one and not excessively loud as you can hear but I think we're going to find out that it's a little louder than the other one okay now I'll tell you I'm pretty surprised I thought it was going to be a lot louder it was only about two DB higher so we're about 58 59 average right about where the other one was it was about 58 on the other one average about 60 we'll see which one produces better now the nice thing is it's going to burn fairly similar with propane on here but now it's heated all the way up and we're going to do a boil test so why would I why do I have owned these stoves I do a lot of snow Cannon and I go into areas where we're hunting and things like that but I go into areas where it is super cold below the zero Degree mark and when I do that I would much rather have a liquid fueled stove always are they more work are they more dangerous yes because we're dealing with liquids that are fairly volatile where propane is much simpler so in the summertime I use propane stoves and the wintertime I use my dual fuel stoves in a prepping type survival situation which one would I pick I would pick the dual fuel if I had to pick a stove because I can use propane I can use automotive gas I can use kerosene I can use lamp oil all these different fuels that really work well in here so we're going to go ahead and get the burners fired up full blast and we'll do a boil test and we'll see which one technically boils now keep in mind I read a like this one and its data plenty of time to get going here and amazingly it took half a second for this one to get going we're going to go ahead and crank her all the way up so now that we've gotten both pressurized everything's in down position we're using white gas in this particular stove that's what I recommend you use if it there's no problem now why would I use gasoline it's about tenth of the price that's a pretty huge factor it you know I can get unleaded gasoline we remember we don't want to use leaded gasoline but unleaded gasoline I can use unleaded gasoline and these stoves and I can get that it cost me about twelve dollars for a tank of fuel or for a gallon of white gas I like white gas because it's really efficient I can get for twelve bucks for a gallon it cost me $12 it is about four and a half of these bottles so much more efficient there in general as far as cost wise so I get four and a half of these bottles which cost me about five to six dollars a piece and everywhere I go sometimes even more where if I'm buying gasoline which is a dirtier fuel Lata Rita you're going to have to keep it cleaner and things like that when I do that I'm going to set there and I'm going to notice that and you get it for about two dollars and fifty cents right now now that it's not always we're in California I've seen it as high as 450 a gallon but right now it's about two dollars and fifty cents even at four dollars and fifty cents we're still about three times you know cheaper than buying propane so I would definitely recommend if you're going to use propane you fill your own tanks and save your money there and that's where I've been able to find the savings now these choose these two pots are identical you saw a sport out of the same amount of water we used a cup of water so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and let it boil and we're going to see which one boils quicker okay so we're going to put them on bulbs at the same time you'll notice both the burners I don't know if you guys can see this but we've got a red-hot bar here and we have a red-hot two bars on this one so it's anybody's game I have not done this before we're going to find out together and they're both good sized pots I have noticed that the burner on the liquid fuel stove tends to be a little bigger around than the burner on the propane stove but it only has one little cup that kind of reflect the heat back up where this is one giant reflector so we're going to see here we're about 19 seconds now what would you expect to spin on one of these stoves a stove like this is going to cost you new you're from about 60 to 100 dollars one of these stoves is going to cost you knew about 100 to 120 dollars they also make a three burner version for bigger groups that's going to cost you a little bit more somewhere around the era of about $200 so we're looking right now I'm seeing bubbles forming on both of them and keep in mind this is this is you know we're at a minute right now we're getting boiling going we're getting boiling going up both of them we'll see which one hits a rolling boil we're a minute and 20 seconds okay we've got a rolling boil there and a rolling boil there I unfortunately I'm going to have to call this a tie I did not see one of them perform any better so uh a cup boil time about a minute and 20 seconds for both of them and that was a full rolling boil they were definitely boiling within about the minute time and I didn't see any real difference that's kind of interesting I thought that we'd see a big difference between the two so far boil time no difference as far as sound very similar as far as convenience propane stove wins hands down okay convenience wise propane is so much easier cold weather and prepping ones I absolutely pick this stove here can we run these in the summer time absolutely do I think it's necessary let's turn these guys down a little bit here let's give these guys down to a nice little simmer and see which one's going to simmer better so the propane stove I have down to almost nothing and let's see which one is going to do a little bit better simmer Falls we can put them back on and see I've got it down almost nothing here and well it hold a good simmer the propane stove is holding on really oh I went just a little too far and we've got a fairly good simmer okay so we've let our stoves boil for a few minutes here we just cut off the video because there's going to be a little boring just to let it simmer and see which one simmers the best umm I would have to say that adjustability is one on the white gas stove because the dial is so much more precise with the propane stove does it hold a great simmer yes but you've got to kind of tap it to get exactly where you want to be it's hard to get that very last little bit of simmer and I can simmer this one a little bit I mean I'm almost getting just no heat out of this one where this is still getting quite a little bit of heat as you can see I mean there's there's definitely the advantage and simmer ability and then it went out again so so getting it down to that very small boil if you're going to be more cooking things that need a very low heat I would definitely pick the white gas stove over the propane stove so wend affecting it I tend to think that the wind affects that propane one a little bit more because the burner is lower in the white gas stove over the propane stove so something to think about there cost-wise these guys right now are very available I mean this particular stove I paid $18 for okay I have another one I paid $17 for so I see them out there in good quality shape for somewhere in the area of right around twenty to forty dollars versus their 120 dollar price view and especially here in California now in other states that may not be the same because other states this may be the more desirable stove here it's a little easier to use the propane stove and propane is everywhere and we don't have the super low temperatures here in town we're about 300 feet here and we never get snow in Rockland we live so definitely not something I would worry about so but as far as cheaper to run or if I needed to I could walk out to my car and siphon the gas out of the car out of the generator and with very little fuel I mean one of these tanks is going to be about 1/4 of a gallon so you're going to see one of these tanks is going to produce quite a little bit more than your standard propane canister you know also being able to run propane and if you're going to buy one of these stoves I definitely recommend buying the propane version ease of using it's definitely the propane I mean hands down easiest thing to use and very reliable storability I'm storing propane is definitely the winner on that one it's a little harder to store these guys so just kind of keep that in mind when you're purchasing or just spend 50 bucks instead of a hundred and buy two you stoves in the end of the best of both worlds so just kind of keep in mind if you're going to have one of these stoves you want to run kerosene in them you can get the there's a product called fire gel that you can squirt on the top of the burner and then light that that tends to light very easily I do recommend buying a Nemco spark lighter look up em Co online I am CEO simple as it in their Austrian these are awesome I've had these for quite a while now and they just don't have problems especially in the cold weather lighting like an actual lighter and they tend to like every stove I own as far as my white gas MSR stoves to my you know butane isobutane stoves and they don't even like cotton balls on fire so you if you don't have a match to light your cotton ball on fire to start an actual fire itself so if you have any questions please leave them down the bottom I do try to check every single one after a while sometimes I don't catch them all try to be nice about your comments as always and if you have any questions you know that relate to other things we've done feel free to watch some of our other videos there's all kinds of videos that we have several hundred and like it of course if you like our video and share with your friends and tell your friends about us and so we can keep going and I keep showing great videos and give us ideas if you have any ideas but as always have a great day
Channel: Blackbear Prepper
Views: 326,540
Rating: 4.7405124 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, coleman, msr, primas, zombie, apocalypse, scouting, prepping, dooms day, propane
Id: 0c6Dht5oMu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2016
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