Mac & Cheese - Cheap vs Steep #2

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- It's fine. Welcome to my married life. (trumpet fanfare) (logo whooshes) (logo pops) Howdy doodey folks - Hello. - All right. - Yeah. - Welcome to the second Cheap. - Vs Steep. - Vs Steep, yeah, we did that pretty cool! The first one we did we basically did chocolate brownies and you guys absolutely loved it. We just did it as a experiment video really. - Yeah. - And the people we like, "I'd love to see more of this". We did tease the idea of that, so here is, number two! Massive thank you to everyone on Patreon that decided which one we're gonna go for today. We'd said lasagna would be a good one but a lot of people were saying in lasagna, you get like the cheap meat and then the other expensive meat might blend in and it would, they'd rather that we did something more obvious in the meat world, first of all, like a burger. - Right, okay. - Do you know what I mean? So actually the mac and cheese won the poll. Mrs. B makes a phenomenal mac and cheese. - Ah thank you. - And if you just. (grunts) (squeals) Cheap versus steep there. You can come back sorry. - Okay. - So in one bag, we have got, the German supermarket's. I even bought the expensive bag 'cause I don't ever really shop in that particular German one, normally it's the other one which is a little bit closer, if you know what I'm saying. But I ended up having to get a frozen bag, so to replicate that I did the equivalent of that sort of bag-for-life in Waitrose, which was substantially more, this was four pounds for that bag. - Four pounds? - Yeah, and this bag was, oh one pound 49! Actually that's still a lot, I thought is was 40p, they saw me coming. Yeah this bag. - Hang on, it says 10p, did you scan the right, do you think? - (gasp) She started to scan, I said, "Can I have a bag-for-life please?" And she picked up a plastic bag and I said, "That's not a bag-for-life", she said, "Yes it is a bag-for-life!". I was like, "Sorry", oh well I said, "I need something a bit more substantial "to match like one of those, sort of, carrier ones". And she pointed over there. But she must've scanned the bag. - You got a bargain then. - Yeah! So the actual difference, this is three times the cost of this one. We got some extremely cool ingredients in there and obviously your basic ones here. This is just basically, the rules are, it is the same recipe one on one. So, if you had to go out and buy all the ingredients for the recipe, so even for the flour I bought a bag of flour for each one, this is what you would buy. So, it's three times the cost. But there is a substantial difference in some of the ingredients, as you saw in the brownies. Right? - Yeah. - That was bonkers. - Even, this bag smells nice. (laughs) We aren't actually making macaroni. - Why not? - They didn't have macaroni in the German supermarket (laughs). She was like, "We sometimes have it" (laughs). I say, "Ah, what's the closest thing?" So I said, "Oh well just pasta in a tube, like penne pasta?" So we got that. - Yes, that's how I normally make the mac and cheese. - Oh, all right! Okay, I just wanna lay these out as a comparison. So, volume-wise, it is pretty much the same thing. The only thing that we need to split is the mustard powder. I could not find a basic mustard powder in either of the supermarkets. So, I was looking for a brown one like this but I was thinking, "Oh, maybe they have a cheap one", but they didn't. So, this is where - Okay. - it's gonna get split down the middle, all right? - All right. - The first thing here, we've got a bit of an extreme difference right? - Yup, we do. So, we've got the Everyday Essential bread for, what was it, 50p? - Uh that loaf. - 40p? - [Barry] 40p for that loaf of bread, that whole loaf of bread. - And then. - And against, a rye and wheat dark sourdough. - [Rebecca] That sounds nice. - Which was two pound 50. Let that sink in. (laughs) Now the butter was, I mean butter's always generally not the cheapest anyway at one pound 49, which is, this is the stuff I tend to use for videos anyway. It's just, it's butter, it gets you by. This is Lescure Beurre Charentes-Poitou, appellation d'origine protegee, beurre. I think that is French for butter. How much was that? - Wasn't it two pound something? - Two pound 60. - Two pound 60? - Two pound 60 for this, all right. - That better be gold. - We don't need that much of it either. - No. - There's not much difference at all in the initial scent but who knows what it can add to the recipe. - But surely butter's butter? I don't know how it can be more. - Yeah but this is all like how the cows and that are fed and all that and then they're looked after and they're stroked and all that, yeah. Now one thing, this sourdough bread, like, we need about 50 grammes, which is typically like a slice normally? Feel the weight of that! - Is it heavy? - This is two slices, but just feel, it feels so dense. - What do you mean, heavy? - Like yeah, hold (laughs). - Sorry. - [Barry] So, just to show you, we are both, and then I'm trying to do it one-handed (laughs). Slicing up the bread into, just sort of like rough, fairly large crouton chunks really. We're doublin' up the bread just incase, so we're just slicing a disc off of this butter. Look at that. - [Rebecca] Nice! - [Barry] Ah, what have you got, have you got discs? - I've got tiny chunks. - Ah you got cubes! - To make it look fancy. - Yes, but look, they look exactly the same! Ugh, this is why we need a cameraman for videos like this. Some of the people in the brownie video were like, "Uh, do you think it was different "because of the shelf on the oven?" They were so close together that if you look back at that video, the consistency of that chocolate batter was so different. It was like cake batter and mud. - It was, it was so weird. - Yeah, it was really weird. - [Barry] You're doing that so daintily. If that was me I would've poured it all over the worktop by now. Good work, nice! - This one's melted a lot quicker. - [Barry] It's melter a lot quicker? - And look, - That's what you pay for! Ooh is there any difference? - I think there is. - That one looks a bit more neon, doesn't it? - [Rebecca] This one's got like, I'm not sure, do I use the same spoon? - [Barry] No! - I'll wash it. - [Barry] That's like KFC or whoever it was, or Burger King doing a vegan burger and cooking it in the same fat as the chicken or whatever. - But it's not suitable for vegans. - [Barry] (laughs) Yeah. - [Rebecca] Look, it does look different in colour. - [Barry] It does, doesn't it? - Yeah, that's brighter. - Now that it's melted. The cheaper one looks brighter, you say? - [Rebecca] Ooh they smell different. - Do they? Ooh there's more of a smell to the more expensive one. - This one smells more, - Like creamy? - Buttery. - There is a difference in the quality, I'm almost positive. But the actual packs aren't really saying what they are. This one's just like, no, I'm wrapped in gold, I'm more expensive, take me for who I am. So, what we're gonna do is, this is the rye bread. The expensive roughly chopped one. And you got your budget one there, very nice. This is the more expensive butter that we just. - [Rebecca] No it wasn't! - [Barry] Yes it was! (laughs) That was amazing acting, you freaked me out then. Okay, we're just kind of like making croutons I guess. But you can see already there's a difference in the bread which is standing out. It's quite fun though isn't it? Got shiny hands now (groans) all right. - [Rebecca] Seasoning it with regular pepper. - [Barry] Yeah. - On both. - Both of 'em, so yeah, there's no cheap or expensive pepper. Although there are, we're just gonna go with that, yeah? I didn't wanna go that level. Right, so that's going in the oven for around about eight minutes just to crisp up and make sort of like crouton-y things. - Okay. - Whilst that's happening, - Yes. - We need to work on our pasta. - Yum. - That isn't macaroni. (laughs) I think it'll still work though, it's fine. - Course it will. - It's a cheapy pasta. - It's pasta, cheesy pasta. - Yes, the bread is nearly done, we'll take it out in a moment. It is pasta time. - Yes. - [Barry] Penne pasta then. Three pounds difference between the same weight of pasta. - How does any of that translate to penne? I though penne pasta was just penne pasta. Why is it giving. - Well, it's just the shape, yeah, it's the shape isn't it? That's what they call it. - Yeah, penne. - But I don't know why it's, - Not this name. - Oh, yeah but I think that's the brand. It says penne at the top, penne rigate. - Oh! - You see? - I see that now. - It's all right, it's fine, welcome to my married life. It's like that with everything. - What did you just say? - No worry, we're just gonna cook it to package instructions, couple minutes of the top. Interesting, the cheaper one, the cooking instructions, although it's fatter, it's actually two minutes less. - Fatter? Yeah, it's wider. - Oh, I thought you meant the fat as in the nutritional value fat. - I haven't gotten that far down with the menu, it's just pasta ain't it? - It's pasta, that's what I thought. - I think that one just might be made with gold dust or something. - Maybe. - Yeah, not the wrestler, okay, for those of you that know (sucks air). Get it? - Nope. - [Barry] Goat's cheese and honey, it's like a band. - Bit posh. - [Barry] Look at that! - [Rebecca] Posh bag. - [Barry] Yeah was it four quid? - This is where you um, go in Aldi, or other German supermarkets but you take a Waitrose bag to make yourself feel better. (laughs) - [Barry] So in goes the cheap pasta. - [Rebecca] There we go. - [Barry] You nearly used the whole bag, so about 30p's worth of pasta about to cook away. And here is the expensive equivalent. Hello. - Hello. - [Barry] Amongst the steam, we were just about to drain these both off, they've had about two minutes off the cooking time, before we'd go even didn't we? - We did. - In between the two. But look, this is the more expensive one. - Ooh. - Look how much more murky that is. - [Rebecca] Yeah. - [Barry] Interesting. So, we'll drain these off and we got two baking dishes, we haven't got the same one but it's similar size and we thought that we'd go for the expensive one in the clear one because clearly, it should taste better. There we go. Cheap pasta going in. - [Rebecca] Cheap pasta's in. - [Barry] You can tell it is, 'cause it's the, it was slightly thicker wasn't it. There we go, just let that do it's thing. (groans) Doesn't it look more expensive? - [Rebecca] Don't know. - The pasta is cooling down so we can start to focus on the sauce. We'll probably just show one method and then just show you the more expensive version side-by-side as well. So we can concentrate on getting it right. One of the first things that happens is garlic right? - Yes, now I always leave this step out when I make it. - Yes you do and I'm like, "No garlic, just a teeny, weeny just adds that bit off", why do you, why? - I don't like it 'cause it makes you smelly. (laughs) - Brilliant! You couldn't buy bulbs individually at the German supermarket, so I got a pack there of four. - Yeah? - 62p. - Bargain! - Not bad. Then, I'm wandering into the more expensive supermarket and I discover, this. (laughs) - I have never seen anything, when you were describing it to me, I thought you were gonna come out with one of those longer things with all garlic stuck on it. Like you see. - I feel like, I don't know I'll be at like a carnival. Aleh, aleh! This is a grap of garlic. I've never. - So is that how it grows? - I think it must be yeah 'cause it's all attached still. I've never seen that before. So, I was like, "Whoa, I'll get this, "'cause it looks amazing and we can do this". (laughs) Why the hell did we do that? And there is you making these weird noises, do you hate garlic that much? She'll like go, (gags). - Do you know what it reminds me of? - What does garlic remind you of, I don't know? - So, when I was little. - Oh, is it a long story? 'cause people are gonna love this, I just wanna see mac and cheese, I don't want your long story. - Remember my grandparents? - [Barry] Hmm. - Okay, down there, they used to race pigeons and they do something with garlic for their pigeons. - You used to roast pigeons? - Race! - Yeah, I know that, it sound like you said roast. - They used to do something with garlic for them and I don't know why, it just reminds me of that. - So garlic reminds you of pigeons? - Yeah (laughs). - The cloves on these should be massive, they look it. - They do, don't they? - Look at that clove, okay. - Oh my gosh. - Ooh! Or actually no, colours quite similar as well 'cause you do want that sort of pinky colour on there a little bit. Both of them are getting minced up by the Barry Lewis Garlic Rocker, although we'll have to wash it in between 'cause we don't wanna mince our garlics together do we? You don't care do you? - [Rebecca] Ooh, that's like growing out of there. (laughs) (dramatic music) - [Barry] Hello, it's Barry, hope you're well and enjoying this video. This is just a quick reminder to let you know, I'm currently running a crowd-funding campaign to support the next range of gadgets and I'm shipping them worldwide and even signing some of them. So, if you haven't checked it out, check the link in the video or there should be a card in the video too, enjoy the rest of this video and stay stonkin'. (playful piano tune) There is actually more there isn't there? - [Rebecca] There's a lot more there. - So, this is the expensive column in a way. So, obviously the other thing we didn't talk about with the mustard powder, the whole thing they didn't put the bag on the receipt. The mustard powder went on the more expensive shop as well, which is one pound 40, so that should be on the other one too. So it's slightly more expensive than we're actually saying. We've got organic milk, the butter's back, we've got some really super fine, wheat-grounded, plain flour. Amazing stuff that still looks like flour. And the alternative to that, basic plain flour, the butter, the same mustard powder and your standard whole milk. And though actually it was only 15p difference between the milk and the organic milk. - Oh! - So, there you go. I was expecting it to be like about 400 pounds. Milk that's from the udder of a sheep or something I don't know. - That'd be sheep's milk. - [Barry] Well it would, but can you milk a sheep? - You can get, uh, (laughs). - Can you milk a sheep? Ah, they do! - See I told you, I was not stupid, you make me doubt myself! - Well no, it makes sense in a weird way but. - See? - See? - See! - Yeah but, all right, tell me some sheep facts then! Sheep milk is superior and belongs to a class of its own. Who develop intolerances find that sheep milk products are the only dairy products they can safely eat, or drink? Typical sheep or ewe can produce an average of 1/2 a gallon per day. - Are we still talking about sheep's milk? - Yeah. Higher in fat solids and stuff and is often generically, sorry. (yawns) - Sorry. (sighs) - It's used a lot for cheese. Which we'll come on to in a bit anyway. The cheap, and I don't wanna say the word cheap too much, the budget butter's going in. - [Rebecca] Budget butter's in! - Yeah, whilst your here, if you did enjoy the video, the brownie which, hopefully, you enjoy this one too, do let us know what Cheap vs Steep you do wanna see next. Lasagna will happen, a burger will happen. But I wanna see other stuff as well. I love the science of the whole baking thing. - BOT. (gasps) - All right, in goes the garlic and the mustard powder. (silly piano music) Finally we add in the flour of the thicky stuff like that and this will help to thicken the sauce in a minute. (saucepan sizzles) It's like a cauldron, you do have to keep stirring it 'cause you don't wanna burn the bottom of you pan. And as it bubbles away it should thicken up and create a lovely little sauce. You know, after all this Beck. - What? - It butter taste nice. - Yeah. - When it comes to the cheese, the basic one we have got is just your slab of mature chedder and then we've got some Parmigiano-Reggiano like in a standard block like that but I love the fact that it's resealable. Bajajah, bajajah. Hey? One pound 79 for the cheese and two pound 49 for the Parmigiano-Reggiano. (taps) Ah! 250 grammes of mature cheese, the cheap stuff. Now, check this clip out. (refrigerator hums) Wow, cheese heaven, if you like cheese. So, that was me very quickly filming the cheese counter at the Waitrose supermarket. They had so many, they had a Wookey Hole Cheddar that's matured in the caves. We've been there, it's only local to us, a few times and they actually mature the cheese in the caves. It's awesome, they had one called a Tickler, which looked really cool but then when I went to the actual deli counter, it was phenomenal, it blew my mind and I found two cheeses. On the countertop the had a Parmesan as well, which looks about the same amount as the other one, except the difference is, two pound 49 for the budget one. This one was three pound 31 and I think, you've actually got less. (laughs) Got less of this one. Then I spotted this vintage cheese which is 22 pound 50 a kilo and I only got 250 grammes. So, that's what we need and that's what I grated up there but I got 400 grammes in that block. So that is a huge difference. Five pounds 85 for 250 grammes but this is actually a slightly smoked one which is gonna be stonkin'. Off the heat (sings). Pushing the cheese in. Oh my gosh. See, right now that cheese like that, not a fan. Once it melts with the residual heat in the pan, I love it. I'll just whisk it through, start that process. Aheeja! And we need, there's 200 grammes in this big old block and actually only a 150 in that more expensive one that I got. I gotta say this smells incredible. Whisk that through. Duh, duh, duh, duh! Boom! So we'll get the other sauce done and see side-by-side before pouring it on if it looks any different. So can you milk a pigeon? - No you can't. - [Barry] You're grating up that, - Yeah it's so soft. - smoked cheese. Is there any smell to it? - [Rebecca] Yeah. - Does it smell all right so far? - It smells smokey. Whoa! - [Barry] Is that all right? - It's like barbecue-y hands. - [Barry] Boom! Expensive sauce. That looks so smooth, ain't it? - [Rebecca] It does. - [Barry] Lump-free, like a baby's bum. In goes this cheese. It doesn't smell as smokey as I thought it would actually. It's a slightly more tanned colour though. - [Rebecca] You might like this. - [Barry] Yeah. - Do you like barbecue? - I do yeah. That's why I thought I really pushed like, some of the flavour boundaries. 'Cause were quite limited with mac and cheese. (sleek drum tune) That was a bit more stubborn to break down, it's like I had to put it back on the heat again. - [Rebecca] Oh, it's gone all warm. - [Barry] That is smokey now, aint it? - [Rebecca] That is really smokey. - [Barry] (groans) I do like that though. Look it's got warts on it! - [Rebecca] Yeah, it's all plastic-y. - [Barry] That's about as much as I added I think yeah. - Okay. - That's be nice. All right, mix this through and that just disintegrates so quickly in there. Ah, I've gotta say, this smells so much richer. Which might not go down well with the kids. Bingo! Let's just bring the cheaper one over. They actually look quite similar in colour, don't they? - [Rebecca] They do. - [Barry] We have got to probably warm it up to pour it on the pasta, which is what we're doing now but like, I was kind of expecting this to be more, maybe orange-y or tangy in colour? - [Rebecca] Yeah, I thought so too. - But there we go. Okay, we're gonna stick some parsley in the sauce. Just a little optional thing as well. Both are flat-leaf parsley. The budget one 29p for 30grams, the more expensive one, 89p for 25 grammes. The budget one comes from Italy and the more expensive one comes from Morocco. And I don't know if you can see there, that the actual more expensive one does look a bit more darker and sort of richer in colour. Just trying to show it for comparison. Yeah, this is darker in colour. We've just stuck it in the sauce and they both smell really good to be fair, chopped exactly the same way so, as far as I'm concerned, it's just parsley really. (sniffs) ooh that is richer actually (sniffs). Steep, cheap. So we'll get to the steep one done first with the sauce. Pour this on. Ah, yeah! That does smell good. Ah folks, 30 quid mac and cheese basically (laughs). - [Rebecca] I'm just scattering the bread on the top and you've got the cheese. - [Barry] Yeah, just gonna give it an extra coating. Oh my gosh. And now, the cheap. Which I gotta say looks fine. - [Rebecca] It does. - [Barry] The smells really good. (elevator music) - [Barry] Just like to random scatter the bread on, like Mary Poppins would and cheese again. This one smells a lot milder doesn't it, this block of Parmesan? - [Rebecca] It does. - [Barry] Look at that! - [Rebecca] Looks good! - [Barry] Cheap. Steep. - Steep. - [Barry] All right so they're going in for 20 minutes, we'll probably swap 'em around halfway through on the shelves for even consistency stuff. We'll see you then. Ah! - Here we go. - [Barry] How long was that, about 25 minutes in total? - Yeah. - [Barry] We spun 'em round, the smell is sensational. Just got that sort of browned edge on the top, that crispiness with the pasta. What are you thinking, do you wanna have a smell? See which, any difference? - Cheesy. Very cheesy. (laughs) - Okay (gasps). - But you can definitely smell. - There's a depth to that one, isn't it? - Yeah. - I can very minimally smell the cheese in there. It smells cheesy whereas this, is like cheese town. - Yeah. - It's like proper whoo! Okay, let's let this cool down. - Okay. - Have a little taste. That's been on holiday to England, that one Barbados. - Okay. - Should we have a try? - Yes. - All right, so here we go! Starting with the cheap first to set the boundary levels. I'm not gonna have any of the bread, I'm just gonna try it straight up. - You've gone straight in? - Mmhm. - It smells mild. - I think it's quite strong. - Really? - Yeah, I can really taste the cheese. - The pasta is thick though. It's got real good bite to it but it's cooked perfectly. - I really like it. - It's all right ain't it? - Hmm. - There's nothing wrong with that. - No. - That's good. - Very good. - Steep. - Right. - I just love the way the pasta has caught like that bronze, that sort of browning a bit more from the oven. It does smell richer. Ooh. - That's definitely stronger. - That's stronger yeah. - I thought that was strong but this is very strong - And it's slightly more mature cheese. There's a lot more depth going on. The pasta, I actually prefer that pasta? I can definitely, I mean 'cause the cheese is so much stronger and richer for both the Parmesan and the cheddar, you get that overriding sense of that. And I mean obviously that's the main body of it's, really the garlic's not standing out, the herbs or anything like that. - No! - It's really the cheese, isn't it? - That's a good point actually, you can't taste the garlic at all - No. - Maybe you would after you've had a whole bowl full. - I mean, there's only like one clove though in like, - Yeah. - that's the point. - That's not gonna make. - Is it worth spending that much, no? - It's not gonna make you stinky is it? (laughs) - If I could do it now, I'd suddenly turn into a pigeon. Mate, we found out a lot today about pigeons, sheep, bouquets. Mac and cheese, what do you think? I mean here from afar like that, the colour contrast is insane. - I know. - Forget about the price point. - Yeah? - Like, which one would you eat? - This one. - The milder, the cheap one? - I would eat a massive bowl of this. - Yes, I think you might about be about to. I, to me, to be honest, yes, me too. I think the cost of the other one, there's some elements of those ingredients, say like the stronger cheese. The cheap pasta, I preferred that. - Yeah. - I genuinely preferred that. So, you could mix and match and find what works for you but to justify like three and a half times the price. I can't do that. Is that the same for you? - Yeah, I'm the same. - That is very, they're both very moreish. But if you want that mac and cheese here, I mean gourmet mac and cheese really? That was why I wanted to do something like this, something so simple and basic to see if the, you know, if doing those ingredients would change it and it hasn't really. - I didn't think so, I think, yeah. - It's not worth it is it? - It's not, they're very similar in taste, apart from the stronger cheese but other than that, I think, go with the cheaper one. - Yeah. Hope you enjoyed this second Cheap vs Steep, it's actually interesting 'cause I had cheap taste buds for the brownies, you had expensive ones, didn't you? - I did. - We're about to find out what the kids think. But if you've got any suggestions for future Cheap vs Steep, do let us know below, check out the brownies one if you haven't seen us and that's about it. - Yes. - I think we're gonna go eat some mac and cheese. - Yes we are. - All right, bye! - Bye! ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns moustache goatee maybe all three ♪ (electronic drums) - [Barry] All right, this one's number one, this one is number two. - Ah I can't even that one. - [Barry] It's cold, just the way you like it. So take it in, just like last time with the brownies, have a think. (laughs) You just wanna keep eating it? Brilliant. Have we like starved our children? - Yes. - [Barry] Yeah, you like it, cool. This is number two. No, that's the bread Chloe, you're going straight for the bread. It's gonna be hard, it's a crouton. (laughs) You're gonna break the fork! Oh, all right. - Nutritious. (laughs) - The cheese is more like (grunts), like, Spanish. (grunts) - [Barry] Spanish? - [Rebecca] What do you think now? - Very (groans). (laughs) - [Barry] Okay, enough mac and cheesey in. Which one did you like best? - The first one. - [Barry] What do you prefer, one or two? - One. - [Barry] Why? - 'Cause it's not too strong. - It's milder and I like it 'cause it's subtle and smooth. - [Barry] Do you know that number one costs a third of the price the other one. - Really? - That was the really cheap one. - Yeah, I was gonna ask to say how much do you think it cost. - How much would you pay? - It tasted, it tasted. - [Barry] Would they have known like in spite of currency? - No, okay. - Well there we go, I think that we all kind of have cheap taste buds when it comes to mac and cheese. - We do. - All right, save yourself some money, make bland mac and cheese.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 179,365
Rating: 4.9289222 out of 5
Keywords: Cheap v Steep, Mac and Cheese, macaroni and cheese, cheese, how to make mac and cheese, barry lewis, macaroni cheese, the perfect mac and cheese, macaroni, ultimate mac and cheese, mrs barry, cheap vs expensive food, budget food, budget, the food budget vs luxury, luxury food items, baking, recipes, recipe, wife, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, worth it, food challenge, how to, test, mac and cheese recipe, mac n cheese, comfort food, taste test, cooking show, How to make
Id: crCemcGN8Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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