Cheap Japanese Supermarket Bento Taste Test

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hello everybody welcome back to another video hope you guys are having a wonderful day wherever you are today we're gonna head over to our local supermarket to buy some ready-made food for our lunch we're a little bit too lazy to cook today uh we hope you guys enjoyed today's video [Music] alright guys let's go get some food [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] my this video is sponsored by a subscription service that lets you try out a variety of unique and tasty snacks each item sourced from various regions in japan each month they focus on a specific theme so you never get the same treats for example this month they are offering the otsukimi moon festival just in time for the moon festival we've already tried the snacks from this box if you've missed that video make sure to check it out by clicking right up there now many of the items are unique to books as they work with local companies and that's one of the reasons why we love them so much in fact every month we never fail to discover a few favorites of our own if this sounds interesting to you make sure to take advantage of the 10 off your own snack box by clicking on the link in the description below this video you can get up to 44 off your own snack box they offer free shipping and tracking in over 40 countries worldwide we definitely recommend boku so we bought five lunch of bento from maru at the supermarket called marui yes and two salad today's bento is all 398 yen pretty reasonable and very reasonable um yes and you know this is this is only a handful of uh the selections that they have they have a huge variety actually all the supermarkets does and can you believe it 398 yen that's like in american dollars that would be what like three dollars and listen for that less than four dollars so that's kind of insane even the salads it's 98 yen one is on sale 10 off at 88 yen all right so without further ado let's get started i'm starving me too the first one i want to try this one yeah this is very nice yes this one is called onigiri okazu seto fried potato and meatball and egg omelets also a sausage oh sauces yeah yes it's hidden inside and so there are three three rice balls and i wonder if there's like anything on the inside can we check i'm gonna check the the one with the nodi okay i would check this sesame one yeah okay this one is plain it's just plain this one too okay so i think all of them are plain so so i'll i'll take one of this i'll put on my plate here one shaker i uh cut the um in half okay yeah this bento is usually eaten called onigiri bento this is like very very i don't know what you call it it's one of the simplest bento i think yeah i'll take a piece of the karage chicken japanese japanese people love karage yes one uh fried potato okay egg omelettes egg omelette we'll have it and then uh i'll cut the sausage in too as well shall we eat the lucky mosques yes i'm gonna take a bite of my onigiri season with a little bit of salt perfect this is so good that's so easy but it adds it enhanced umami over rice yum and the rice is not like a mushy or anything i hate mushy rice is one of the most popular things um in bentos i think here in japanese i think almost everywhere you go if they sell bento they always have caraca bento like always almost always um how's that i get oh yeah cheese the soy sauce and chicken meat that's what it looks like on the inside super flavorful i love coral nice mmm potatoes there's carrots in here flavorful as well potato sweetness i'm just so happy that we're eating food now sauce on the meatball tasty tasty oh yeah all right i'll have the sausage strategy just about to say that this is an old-fashioned sausage it's red in color kind of reminds me of my childhood days overall it's a great basic onigiri bento it's actually pretty good i'm pretty happy with this one now the reason why we bought some salad is because bentos although i guess well i don't know if i can call them healthy but um a lot of times there's not enough vegetables which is why you can always buy a side salad um you know you know for a nutritional value and so we got the onion salad we got the uh seaweed salad so if you don't mind i'm going to take a bite of the seaweed salad you want some onion salad thank you so much for making the dressing these don't come with dressing you can buy the dressings on the side i think one pack is like five yen or kenyan i'm not sure 10 to 20. 10 to 20 yen okay you know more about salads than i do but um we forgot to pick up the dressings today so um yeah satoshi made some homemade dressing this one has like sesame dressing mine is onion salad so dressing isn't interesting i made with barbecue sauce barbecue sauce nut but it's korean barbecue sauce korean barbecue sauce wow good dressing by the way so my seaweed salad has five different types of seaweed it has red cabbage it has daikon radish cucumber carrots and um some sliced onions as well mine is onion two types of onion regular onions so the next one we have is called koruko raisu plato with chicken katsu once again 390 yen i've never seen torukolai obento me neither now do you remember eating this when we went to nagasaki a long long time no no time ago yeah it's just like before we even started youtube so tonkorais usually has a rice dish usually omurai soup fried rice you know some kind of rice and then there's a spaghetti and then they have a deep-fried meat like tonkatsu or chicken cuts like this one is chicken cuts by the way today's camera is dv1 vlogging camera by sony it's great camera you can you can see these food very clearly yeah it's a great camera focus is amazing yes so i'm going to try the rice i think this is dried mm-hmm yeah it is good it tastes like um you know japanese curry like the seasoning of japanese curry and it's made into fried rice and that's something called durai kale or dry curry here in japan it's a japanese dish by the way so this is chicken katsu with um some kind of sauce i think what is it demi-glace sauce hmm a sweet demi-glace that's right no it's like a sweet gravy meaty gravy yeah and this chicken is very tender i like it a lot i like it i love this combination the napolitan spaghetti is just there for decoration i think i feel like it's a little bit dry there's not enough of it napolitano spaghetti but they pop it up pop it up ingredients in bento yeah they always have it i always wonder i used to wonder why when i was kid like why do they add the naportan spaghetti on the side like a side dish to a rice dish you know i never really understood that next one is very japanese it's rice okay this obento contains much more vegetables yes so i think um even though this is not the most popular type of lentil especially for younger people because they like meaty stuff looks like no i think it's definitely healthier it is it doesn't just look healthy it is healthier and it's obvious yeah the rice looks like mochi rice sticky rice i think it's a combination mmm yeah it's not completely mochi rice there's so much rice but i think it's they also blended regular shortcut rice in it and black rice rice it's nice it's nice all right let's try the salmon um by the way in japanese do you know what this is called a japanese salmon if you said shakke you are correct salmon ishaquet that's your japanese lesson for the day recently i've come to um get cravings for salmon again ever since we tried the salmon in the onigiri that we tried i think a couple of weeks ago do you remember that amazing good the premium onigiri that we had from lawson lost in the family martial family mart i keep getting that mixed stuff so good actually that samantha was better than this salmon but you know that's a premium onigiri so can't really compare it but it's pretty fresh so so what else do you want to eat in the bento pumpkin pumpkin very nice and very sweet tastes almost like chestnut all right we're going to try the kim piragobo [Music] yeah not bad crunchy i like the texture of the burdock the green beans i love um that's what it's called japanese goma is sesame seed means to like mix together goma aya but that's one of my favorite japanese side dishes i'm gonna have the lenco which is the lotus fruit do you mind if i have the lotus fruit all half of the meatball i'll save the half for you i want to see if this is the same as tasty tasty it's really good you know what it's the same chicken meatball that came with the onigiri bento but has a different sauce by the way i just want to say no we usually do not buy five bentos for lunch no we do this only for the videos for you guys so that this can be an entertaining video just want to let you guys know that no okay this one is fried rice and sauce fried noodles set 3.98 it's a combination of carb and carb which people love here carbs are good though and then it also comes with some uh deep-fried krage or japanese style fried chicken most popular okada in japan yes okay so let's try the fried rice first okay yeah fried rice in japanese is called cha hon this one looks like there's eggs and there's green onions and there's some meat in here as well i see carrots as well [Music] i like that i think they are using two kadashi too kadashi is a seasoning for chinese chinese dish in japan yeah in japan yeah in japan not sure if they actually call it that or they have it in china but yeah it has that flavor you know um of the uh it tastes just like the fried rice that you would get at the japanese style chinese restaurant here in japan that i i can't explain it any other way so yeah yeah i love it there's cabbage in here there's me there's benishoga which is pickled ginger in the top there's even uh bean sprouts and carrots there's a whole bunch of stuff in here you took pork you took all the pork no you did not there's more pork underneath it's really good i like it i haven't had yakisoba in a while i love it it's good isn't it the vegetables are still like a little crunchy you know so they're not like mushy or anything so aroma it's really good yeah yeah it really wets my appetite it comes to my nose some spice comes to my nose nose by the way um when we say sauce here in japan it usually means that this sauce is kind of like a cross between ketchup and worcestershire sauce and a little bit of soy sauce add it in and then maybe cut that in half and then make it i don't know blend it in again i can't explain it but it's it's good it's good can i get i'm sure this is the same color again right maybe because if we warm this up or maybe that's right the only we did not warm up the the other bentos we did warm up maybe that's why this color i get really it's soft not firm juicy juicy and the flavor is enhanced yeah yeah it actually tastes better than the first one tastes better yeah so i guess it is better warmed up huh the last one the last one we have is yasai kade or vegetable curry um i'm pretty sure this is like vegetable curry in either pork curry i think it's pork pork okay and of course it always comes with a side of kujinsuke or some pickles [Music] i must be really hungry because everything tastes really delicious to me you tell me if this is good curry i like it very nice dab then i mean it's comforting at the same time i can taste the the caramelized onion in here umami so much umami inside them yeah rich but i need more spiciness you need more spiciness sweet a bit more adult taste it's better yeah so this one is you know typical japanese curry has a carrots it has uh potato onions that's the three vegetables that usually is included in a um typical japanese curry i'm very surprised this is the first time we bought this bento from that supermarket yeah yeah pretty good i have to agree with you especially this curry um this sauce it's really rich tasty yeah you know i'm surprised because the curry oh it tastes you know rich like you just said the dry curry that came in the todoko rice like it has like perfect flavor fried rice right um and even the onigiri was good you know it was very simple nikki but it was really good and the reason why we're surprised is because most supermarkets these days have these 398 yen series of bentos and some supermarkets the bentos are not that great i mean they're okay but it kind of stops there it just stops at okay but like this curry is pretty good and you know like the other stuff that we have you know it's much better tasting than like what you would expect from a 398 yen price so when you come to japan we want you to try this bento box from supermarket it's pretty reasonable proceeds yeah it's very helpful for your budget right and then tasty yeah and you'll probably find a favorite uh supermarket i think it depends on your preference so which one is your favorite oh it's difficult today it's difficult yeah i already got my favorite package rice turkish rice why why did you say that what should i say don't have dry curry flavor it's really good that's what um that's true i could actually just i i want like a um bento with just that rice the the dry curry like i would like to buy that okay um well my favorite is the curry i do like the curry um as you know i i no longer am a big fan of spicy food stomachache and so i like these mild curry i like a little bit spice and this has like pretty much the perfect spice for me yeah the curry is definitely my favorite well we've come to the end of this video guys as always thank you so much for watching please let us know what you thought in the comments down below and once again take advantage of the 10 of your own snack box from bokutsu we would love it if you check them out uh click the link in the description below this video thank you for watching see you next video bye bye guys
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 76,839
Rating: 4.9733477 out of 5
Keywords: tabieats, supermarket food, japanese supermarket, japan, tokyo food vlog, bento, cheap food, fast food, bokksu, best food japan, curry
Id: hORGpeXP-5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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