7-11 Epic Japanese Bento Taste Test

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hello everybody welcome back to another 7-eleven video today we are trying out entire section of bentos welcome back guys I'm Shinichi I'm sorry and I'm super excited because I personally never buy bentos from 7-eleven for some reason we always get salads we get breads we get one Nikki do get the sandwiches we get the noodles we get the we get everything else except for the vent holes and so I am really really excited me too the faster been top is assumed I've been told it's 400 to 62 p.m. on this particular bento although you can warm it up it says this bento can be enjoyed at room temperature and it's still delicious and so right yeah I know so I'm really really excited to try it out at room temperature in this mental boxes there are five pieces of shu mai looks delicious mmm and this also comes with a packet of Japanese mustard and soy sauce Japanese mustard because this is Japanese shumai and also they have piece of cara again omelet which cake pickled vegetables potato salad and similar to bamboo shoot and the rice is topped with black sesame seeds and Maebashi P could plan typical of Japanese pentose you have a variety of side dishes along with the main thing which is the shoe mine so let's try the shoe my shall we like you mom I am so hungry it's a room temperature mm-hmm but it has a good taste not it's very very typical Japanese shoe my taste though I think the difference is that Japanese shoe my is not as oily and it's not as juicy which is not neither a bad or a good thing it's just the way Japanese shoe my is mucky that's good all could taste mm-hmm it does it does mm-hmm I'm gonna have a bite of rice cuz I wanna see how the 7/11 bento rice is I know there when you get here I see ah mm-hmm you know rice is good rice is so good and the black sesame seeds give is such a nice flavor toasty sesame seed flavor oh it's a bamboo shoot' fryer it's well similar soy sauce based River how about this potato salad a very small portion of potato salad yeah well I'm gonna have a bite of the karaage which is Japanese fried chicken it's like meriting and still retain the potato texture okay you know this color I like it you know because I don't particularly like Kolkata give fried chicken this is good I think this is made even Scott to be eaten cold the next one is a carriage a bento this is 399 yen which is approximately three dollars and fifty cents in US Dollars and this is a Japanese fried chicken and and there are two flavors of Japanese fried chicken here one is salt and the other one is spice there's some pick up vegetables once again I think it's radish it's a different color those and this rice once again is topped off with some black sesame seeds many Japanese people loves Caracas mmm yeah yeah everybody from adults two kids everyone loves Japanese fried chicken but this manner is very simple just cut out again the rice so I don't know which one this is whether this is a salt one with a spice one I think it's the salted I think so too okay is that the salted one go all right Daiki miles hmm this is definitely the salt one because the taste is simple hmm it's not too salty it's like lightly seasoned fried chicken seasoned with just salt that's what that's what it's like this day is recorded but it has a good mommy still good mommy it does and once again the rice is perfectly cooked I don't know what it is about 70 level rise I think 7-eleven really knows how to cook rice so this is the color I get with the spice flavor you know what the taste is kind of similar I take it back now now that taste is coming to me it's actually a little bit spicy there is a slight kick to where the seasoning is kind of like a subtle version of KFC it kind of reminds of Casey but more subtle and a little bit more refined but Adam is economy Mackintosh mental makunoichi bento is consist of a variety of dishes and rice in a one box this mechanology bento consists of Saba croquette egg omelette Hamburg and this is karaage chicken and some other stuff I noticed that this rice has different topping it's a gosh she's so freaked icky basically its Yukari there's this thing that um this sell in the supermarket it's called you cut it it looks exactly like it if you guys want to see another supermarket video please write that down in the comments below and I will gather more ingredients for you guys did you know that Makoto Chi bento is one of my favorite types of Japanese bento you know because you can eat a variety of dishes yeah I don't like to eat just one type of food I kind of get bored I know that you prefer like a meaty Hardy Benjamin right though that could've been though you like tonkatsu them for some reason I like this mikono ji bento because there's so many different tastes and textures love it love it love it and with that being said I'm going to start off with the fish the Saba which is mackerel I love fish I love any type of fish that's another reason why I like Japan see ya dr. Moss mmm that is good Saba really very good it's it's not right hmm it's good taste it's not fishy mm-hmm once again gotta have some of that rice how's are you can you taste this rice has a different texture from the other two bento it's a little more sticky mm-hmm I don't know why I think with most mikazuchi bentos the rice is a little bit more sticky I don't know why all that topic is so delicious it has a taste of she saw it is so good so I want to leave Crockett okay I'm going to have this thing right here which we didn't explain because we don't know how to explain this one is like a deep fried on road up maybe poor or kind of mean maybe chicken and there's green beans and there's carrots in here in the page mm-hmm little bit sweet tooth Crockett no God dang you know what it still retains the crispiness the outside for some reason this bento is cold but the the batter is still kinda creepy hmm I don't do so spaced hmm I'm gonna have a bite of the Hamburg the Japanese ground beef patty and I feel like this is more like is this hamburger assist tsukune humble yet hmm oh I like this burger patty this is not like a American burger patty and I just had it so sue me so super sweet them sweep them the soy sauce mmm and here it's kielbasa DICOM it's dried radish carrots it's simmered in sweet soy sauce yes this is another typical Japanese side dish oh it's good my mother's wants better news and I'm going to eat you so say it you and I'm gonna have a bite on the culligan because I love karaage Japanese Association hmm but I think it's better than the cheap one it has more meaty flavor and the nicest or you can assume okay and this sausage add snap but it sorry I gotta have a bite of a cuddle Carrie love croquettes Japanese croquettes mmm I like a nice potato texture has little bits of ground beef inside delicious next one we have something car wahoo Kinoko salsa no hamburger bento for 162 yen not a bad price for a bento this is a hamburger patty bento with a Japanese mushroom sauce that's what it means my favourite type your hearty type of bento and this one you can definitely see some mushrooms on the top of the patty the patty is actually quite a big patty it comes with something that looks like scrambled egg I have no idea what that is we have some hijiki here which is seaweed and it is simmered with some carrots and also some edamame and the rice this time I think that's parsley this streak of green is parsley okay Thank You Mouse mm-hmm oh that's good my favorite type of Japanese hamburger steak this is really good hamburger this hamburger patty has a good umami not only meat it has another another Reba scrambled egg sweet hmm it is scramble egg but this is more like any time ago it's kind of like a sweet scramble egg not dry a little bit liquidy and the best way to eat this egg is with the rice right on top of the rice and that's what that's what you should do so Toshi right now can you do it with me okay because this is something my mother used to make me when I was like we didn't yeah I was wondering why they would have scrambled eggs in here but this makes a lot of sense you know I like this type of egg so much I could just have that and rice and I'd be happy I don't need anything else the next one is wahoo methanol cement oh the price is 463 mmm I don't know why they are saying wahoo Japanese just I do mentor because they have another kind of McCune watch bento so they have to differentiate it from the another McCune watch bento so they named Japanese aside wahoo Makino spent all right and plus if you look at the ingredients it's completely Japanese there's nothing Western here mm-hmm like the first makunoichi bento we had they were there there was sausage and there was also hamburger so is it's totally different this Mackinaw bento consists of teriyaki chicken shrimp tempura similarity vegetables and and guru the salmon egg omelet kim pila kein palak Oh Bob konyaku and the sweet potato and the white rice top to Widow white sesame seeds and a membership we could club a lot of yummy goodies in this one a lot of my favorites in this one mmm I love buying Vento's like this and taking it to the park and if it's a beautiful day and I could just sit in the park all alone I actually prefer to go alone so I don't have to within you one so first I'm gonna start off with a grilled chicken mmm-hmm this chicken is definitely Japanese in taste yeah it's grilled with a little bit of soy sauce it's not very sweet so it's not like chicken teriyaki it's actually more subtle than chicken teriyaki the chicken flip are just stronger than the sauce that's true that's true which is very typical of Japanese cooking next we're going for the shrimp tempura in Palau mmm the batter is not the socket top because it is a room temperature but it had a nice flavor nice shrimp flavor yes usually shrimp tempura in these color been tools it's never crispy they actually don't make a crispy the batter is different because it works better in room temperature eventos all right shaaka grilled salmon always gotta have girls salmon in a traditional model makunoichi bento I keep saying mano-a-mano T is the name of a place in Tokyo it is near Tokyo Station it is oh that's nice mmm not too salty this one is kind of sweet it's it's only lightly salted so it lets the flavor of the salmon shine and other vegetables up super vegetables and it has shiitake carrot and something called gamma and gamma is made with tofu isn't it yeah it's like toe it's like it's a mixture of tofu and vegetables oh that looks juicy mmm our Super Duty all that flavor of the dashi was a very good - you play about mmm delicious and keep Peter gobo if you like a ball which is burdock and carrots sauteed with once again like a sweet savory soy sauce mmm then guys for the crunch mmm I love it because everything tastes fresh for some reason even though it's the Bentall sweet potato sweet potato we are going to skip the tamagoyaki right now because we're getting a little full and we got more bad toes to cover mmm-hmm this is simply steamed sweet potatoes so I think I think they prepared this bento very very well almost like a restaurant miss bento is little bit subtle for me mmm yeah I thought so which is why you usually choose things like tonkatsu or hamburger or yakiniku which is like super super intense and taste next we have garlic chicken bento this is 500 yen this is the most expensive one out of everything we chose today and I'm very curious to try this one out I've never tried this one this is a male if awesome you got it yeah it's a bit like kind of like strong and garlic garlic smell to be honest with you I love girly yeah and this one comes with a pat of butter so after you warm it up it actually melts onto the chicken pieces it has a side of spaghetti in ketchup this is very typical of your Shoku dishes and there's one piece of potato with some corn and some sliced onions and the rice once again is topped off with some parsley oh it smells amazing sweet so it's like soy sauce garlic and butter imagine that soy sauce garlic and butter a good combination oh praise are you my mouse this praising my mouse this is something most people will love mmm this is really good this is not subtle in any way super garlicky super buttery and has like a nice teriyaki flavor I have a piece of corn recently I fallen in love with corn all over again because we reviewed the 7-eleven bread and I fell in with the corn bread is incompetent magnesium cornbread that was so good if you guys didn't see that video please watch it click right up there oh that cornbread I fell in love with it Vanessa it is honestly like that Rico Maki go hang on ignosi bento what should I say in English oh okay basically this is a makunoichi bento the typical variety bento made with mixed rice this is a special rice is called gomoku Gohan which usually has the vegetables this one has a burdock carrots and also chicken and the whole thing is cooked in dashi this one has fish this one has that same deep fried thing it has a tamagotchi it has nikujaga which is Japanese meat and potatoes it has that hijiki with the soybeans it has computer COBOL it has that piece of sweet potato but this one looks like it's some sauce on it and then if you look at the rice carefully is a different color this is mixed rice the kamoko Gohan that we talked about this has burdock carrots and chicken so this will looks like a super flavorful bento with a lot of different tastes and textures I am so happy I want to eat from the rice yes let's do that that's a great idea because I feel like maybe this is what makes it special isn't it rice huh okay I'm gonna I'm gonna eat some of the rice with the toppings right on top I'm gonna eat this rice with chicken oh yes baby mmm it's so good you can taste the chicken inside the rice the chicken flavor is infused inside the rice see while Satoshi is still trying to pick up his food like I'll have a bite of the fish I think this is Saba give us mmm nice rice mm-hmm and the sambar is good just as good as the Saba in the other been top hmmm nice juicy not try a little bit of the oily side but that's good I'm not whispering to play ball that's good isn't it now I am curious to try the nikujaga romaine nikujaga on our channel because it's one of the most basic traditional Japanese dishes you know a lot of people they messaged me asking what shall I make my mother who misses Japanese food you know people who moved to America or Europe what I say is why don't you make them you could rock out because Nikko chakra is something that every household makes a long long time ago said if you wanted to be a good wife you have to know how to make me good job that's how important this is the Japanese culture so this is new kochava hmm your job jump dude I've been you could jog ah I love new fedora love love the new coat check out once again this is actually like a restaurant holding you kochava me know that the potato is not soft it's still kind of like firm it's subtle because home a sound you can talk a lot of times that the sauce is kind of like stronger mm-hmm is it too subtle for you maybe the Sacko for me I thought so I could tell by your face see I like both styles I like this style because you can taste the potato more you can actually enjoy the flavor of the potato itself I also like the homemade style because you can taste more of the sauce hmm I love everything in this bento Tama baggies good keeping a gobo the hijiki is kind of the same as the other bento so I'm not gonna try it my I do want to take a bite of the sweet potato because this one has a nice glaze on it I got people it does it is like a cream Oh mm-hmm we made daikaku emo on this channel check it out my mother made it she makes awesome daikaku oh this is good but my mother's died Kikuyu most much better you know daga Kookmin was basically deep-fried pieces of sweet potato and then it's glazed in this sweet soy sauce sauce it's delicious oh all right so we have come to the end we have tried seven different Ben tools from 7-eleven it is time to choose our favorite my favorite bomb that's chicken Gao Rica bento ah I should have guessed I would have gotten it right why was that your favorite I love garlic and it has a nice garlic flavor with chicken I love a chicken juicy chicken using chicken meat so nice for me okay my favorite one is the last one we had is this makunoichi bento i mean first of all it's really hard hard to beat a makunoichi bento for me and i like this one because I like the rice the rice infused with the dashi flavors of the chicken and the burdock I love the Saba I just loved a variety this is my favorite well hope you guys enjoy to this video if you did please press the like button and leave your comments down below I think we have two three four videos left we're gonna be doing from 7-eleven I think we've pretty much conquered the entire store if you guys missed any of our 7-eleven or convenience store videos please check out our gigantic playlist because we did a whole bunch of them if you have never tried Japanese mental please do it see you next time bye bye bye [Music]
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 227,732
Rating: 4.9465346 out of 5
Keywords: 7-11, seven eleven, 7 eleven, convenience store, konbini, conbini, bento, bento box, box lunch, take out food, fast food, japanese food, japan food, food in japan, tabieats, taste test, tasting, trying, try, food haul, reaction, react, japanese convenience store, convenience store food, japanese culture, japanese 7 eleven, japan (country), japanese mukbang, japanese cuisine, 7 eleven japan
Id: 1wT5JqPTyKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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