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good day folks and welcome back to the channel a chin L Bowl chin long Bowl uh-huh okay explain what a chin long bowl is to me chin L was the period around 1700 when this bowl was done well there's there's there's a Chinese stamp on the bottom of it right and this has the date on it even 1795 okay I I think it's beautiful where'd you get it about 52 years ago I bought this okay so at least I know it's at least 50 years old I don't know a whole lot about Chinese porcelain in Europe in the 1700 1800s they were fascinated by Chinese porel they were and it wasn't until I think the late 1700s that they even figured out how to make porcelain in Europe so you're looking to sell it I assume yes yeah how much are you asking uh I'm asking 6,000 I'm assuming if it's a bowl from the 1700s there is a lot of value here what it is exactly I don't know I've seen them on the Internet by the same maker for in the tens of thousand here are times when Pawn Stars made some impressive deals PR in for you today a Game Boy Color Pokémon Limited Edition brand new never opened I remember Game Boy coming out it was every parents dream if you were taking your kids on a road trip this particular system came out I believe in 2001 and it was just a different kind of colored Game Boy console with Pikachu and Pichu on the decal okay so um what are these kind of things going for Pokemon especially the cards have been on fire there there are Charizard cars that are going for literally six figures now and even the games themselves the original ones are going for upwards of five figures depending on the condition Statue of Liberty painting Willie urgently needs Capital to inject into his new company so desperately that he decides to sell his precious Statue of Liberty painting hey how's it going hey how you doing I'm just assuming it's a Peter Max and it is pretty interesting Peter Max has got a a really weird storied life you know what I mean this guy was born in like Nazi Germany but but as family doesn't go like to the states or England they go to China the painting is a Peter Max painting originally painted in 2010 it's uh the Statue of Liberty series I got the painting from a family friend who actually got it from Peter Max himself at an auction in New York I'm looking to sell the Peter Max painting to uh invest money into my new company the Wily has clung to the painting since he got it from a family friend who acquired it from the artist Peter Max he opes to sell for at least $35,000 Peter Max has a very distinctive style and he's still popular today he's done posters for the Olympics the Grammys and a host of other things his work has been known to sell for over $100,000 if this thing is real it will be a great item in my shop though Rick likes the painting and is very interested in purchasing it he decides to dot his eyes and cross his tees before getting down to business so you want to sell this yeah I'm interested in selling it yeah how much are we looking to get out of it based on what the market is I'm trying to get about 35,000 wa I mean it's interesting this looks like it's an original and all that you got paperwork with it yeah I do have paperwork okay let me have someone look at I mean the problem with Peter Max is there he has so so much stuff out there okay I'm not taking away I mean he's really I mean Mega iconic people absolutely love him but I don't know exactly what the Market's like at the moment so can you hang out for a little bit sure absolutely I'm going to go give someone a call Brett the Art Expert inspects the painting and assures Rick that it is original what I'd like to do is just take a closer look I just want to see maybe if it's a printed base that he embellished or if it's a completely one-of-a-kind work a lot of times the image of the Statue of Liberty would be a lithograph and then he would add dollops acrylic on top of it I don't think that's the case with this one I think the VIS was applied with a stencil but I don't think it's a print okay and then he added the acrylic all the different colors and the embellishments around the side so uh it's definitely an original and it's it's certainly a one of a kind okay unfortunately for Willie the good news ends there he's very disappointed when Brett places the painting's value at $225,000 I mean what's the market on this thing I I just cuz I know there's a lot of them out there right right yeah the the good news is this is a fairly iconic image you know the Statue of Liberty he's identified for that so that's a good thing the bad thing is you know he's done a lot of them he's probably done over a thousand of these type of images over the course of his career the other thing is he's he's still a living working artist so he's producing more of these as time goes on in a gallery situation you might see the same work for $50,000 but they're so prevalent you might find the same work selling for $10,000 on the internet so that's the conundrum so I think an appropriate value for a work like this would probably be in the the $25,000 range Rick wastes no time in offering Willie $10,000 Willie shoes for $ 15,000 I mean what would be the best price you take I'm I'm pretty firm on my my $35,000 price it's tough I mean I'll give you 10 grand I mean he said it's worth 25 can you do 15 then Rick snags the item out of steel $112,000 and looks forward to making a handsome profit I'll go 12 Grand that's cash money you can walk out of here I'm stuck with it I hang it on my wall if it doesn't sell it's my problem and you walk away with cash all right you got a deal sweet man follow me and we'll do some paperwork sounds good this way Lou Garrick signed baseball jersey Cory is immediately intrigued when a customer brings in a baseball jersey signed by one of the most famous Yankees Lou Garrick got a jersey autograph by Lou gar oh wow yeah how big was Lou gy looks like he fit Big's leg Kevin the proud owner has even brought a couple of certificates to prove the authenticity of his prize collectible he won several World Series the most famous probably with Murderers Row uh group would be 1927 on team with Babe Ruth right absolutely he was kind of overshadowed by Babe Ruth and Babe Ruth signed a lot more stuff than he did so he's is really very collectible because he signed very few items and this is like the only Jersey I've ever seen that he signed you got any paperwork or anything with it yeah I've got actually three certificates of authenticity with it real yeah okay though Cory feels good about the deal he calls in some backup when Kevin ask for $10,000 for the coveted Jersey all right well give me an idea how much money you're looking to get out of it well I'd like to get P out of it if I could I'd like for my man chumy here to grow a brain but I don't think that's going to happen with the either of us so before I drop a bunch of money on a jersey we're generally kind of leery of sports collectibles let me call my dad up see if he wants to come down and take a look at it and um we'll kind of go from there sure all right let me give him a call Rick's fondness for sports memorabilia and the thousands he has purchased help him inspect the jersey and the certificate after confirming that the items are all authentic Rick the expert steps away for Cory and Chum to seal the deal was this framed up like this when you got it no it was not so you framed it up yeah is there anything on the other side of the Jersey yeah it says uh Marsh Hill is it a team high school team jersey or something yeah it's the only Jersey I've ever seen signed from where it's signed I imagine some kid said could you sign my jersey and then did that and you got any paperwork with it yeah I've had it certified by aaou which is here locally in Las Vegas and then I sent it out to an auction in Pennsylvania and then I had it certified Again by stats which is another Sports [Music] authenticator everything looks legit to me it looks real when Kevin preemptively lowers the selling price to $7,000 Cory smells blood in the water and offers him 2,000 so give me a realistic idea of what you're looking to get out of it I guess I'd take seven I'd offer you about two see as how I got to sell this thing for a profit right yeah two is way too low I can do too the low offer crushes Kevin so much that he accepts $33,000 for the valuable Jersey it's a hell of a piece and I'd love to have it in here um you're just going to have to work with me a little bit more I mean really I do it heartbreakingly for five and I'm really scared to do it but I'll go up to three but honest to God that's really the best I'm going to do on it well I'll tell you I really really really don't want to do it at three but with the economy the way it is and needing the money I'll let it go at three all right Cory certainly outmaneuvered this desperate client to make a nice profit down the road you know I wanted more for it but yeah now that I've taken the three grand I have in my pocket I'm happy guy 00 BC Egyptian Scarab bring Rick cannot hide his interest when a lady presents him with an ancient Scarab bring I have here an Egyptian Scarab ring it was given to me by my father a couple of years before he passed away and I'd like to know if this is the real thing or not all right so was your dad like Indiana Jones or something like that not not in the least she tells Rick that the ring was passed down to her by her father who got it as a gift from her stepmother the Scarab bring is from the 18th Dynasty 1500 B see my father received the ring from his stepmother who was a world traveler I'm selling the ring because I would like to see it go to someone who could really appreciate the artifact the lady even shows him the certificates of authentication and sail from Egypt scarabs are generally cared from Stone and glazed either blue or green it looks like an old Scarab but the question is is it really 3,000 years old oh what is this oh that is the card from the guy that sold it over in Egypt and he wrote on the back that it's guaranteed that is from the 18th Dynasty 1500 BC okay despite all the evidence Rick calls an expert to examine the item before coughing up the $115,000 asking price for the 18th Dynasty ring so I'm assuming you want to sell it yes I do and how much would that be for I would like uh 15,000 for it do you mind have have someone look at it no that would be great I'd really like that I mean this thing is truly is 3500 years old they there something here but I am not a 18th Dynasty Scarab jewelry expert but believe it or not I know someone who is really no kiding yes I I do the expert eyeballs the ring under a magnifying glass while regaling Rick with Tales of how important the Scarab was to ancient Egyptians this Beetle was a dung beetle as these dung beetles would roll this big ball of dung that they would deposit their eggs in that one will die a new Beetle would come from that ball and then turn around start pushing the ball and so for the Egyptians when they looked at that they said well look that thing's magical it's got eternal life and consequently it became a very magical bug to them that is neat eventually the expert confirms the Scarab is genuine because of his delicate golden robe work and intricate Engravings despite the High Praise Rick's expert values the ring at $500 so this is probably a real Scarab though I think that is a real Scarab and from the look of it it looks 3,000 years old okay so what do you think it's worth well you can get a Scarab like that I'm going to say right now for maybe 250 so$ 250 plus like $200 in Gold so you're looking at right around $450 to $500 the lady remains in denial and tries asking for $1,500 the counter Rick's offer of$ 350 okay so obviously it's not going to be $115,000 no I guess not I would give you right around $350 for it um 1,500 no it makes no economic sense for me to do this I can literally make these for $450 when reality sets in the poor lady accepts $360 for the ring and leaves Rick to make a killing 500 no I'm being really really nice at 350 I really am 375 I'll tell you what I will give you 360 bucks all right I'll take it we got a deal then we got a deal follow me right up front I think I'm going to take the $360 my husband and I can go out and have a really nice steak dinner and lobster too Chen L Chinese Bowl Rick is beyond his field of expert when a customer tries selling him an ancient Chinese Bowl after confessing to knowing nothing about agent Pottery the seller gives him a little background knowledge hey what do we got here a chin L Bowl chin long Bowl uh-huh okay explain what a chin long bowl is to me chin L was the period around 1700 when this bowl was done well there's there's there's a Chinese stamp on the bottom of it right and this has the date on it even 1795 okay I I think it's beautiful where'd you get it about 52 years ago I bought this okay so at least I know it's at least 50 years old Rick is shocked to hear that online similar bulls usually sell for $10,000 you know I I just love everything about this I mean remember this was done with no power tools there was no uh massive temperature controls or anything like that you know it was more of an art than a science yeah so do you know much about the chin long Dynasty no I don't okay I don't know a whole lot about Chinese porcelain in Europe in the 1700s 1800s they were fascinated by Chinese porcel they were and it wasn't until I think the late 1700s that they even figured out how to make porcelain in Europe so you're looking to sell it I assume yes yeah how much are you asking uh I'm asking 6,000 I'm assuming if it's a bowl from the 1700s there is a lot of value here what it is exactly I don't know I've seen them on the Internet by the same maker for in the tens of thousands just to be safe Rick calls in an impartial expert to educate him about the B if you don't mind I'd like to have a friend come down he's an expert in Asian Antiquities um he will know everything there is to know about it good and one other thing he dresses a little weird so don't be shocked okay okay I'm going to give him a call I'll be right back all right all right very good the expert Comes Alive as soon as he sees the bowl Dr Phineas Castle praises the iridiscent Bowl's Beauty and speculates on its use in the Royal Court this is a gorgeous gorgeous piece of Chinese ceramic so tell me what you know about it you know what I love about it do you see the iridescence of that bowl the iridescence was actually done by grinding pearls and putting pearls into the glaze itself this bowl was used to hold water and rose petals for the Royal Court I I find it really interesting I find it really cool but is it real so to really know whether this is a chin lung bowl or not is to look on the back as you look at ancient Chinese configurations you're going to get six figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 so when I look at this what I'm seeing here this means CH and this says Ching Chia Ching Dynasty Dr Castle then breaks the bad news while the bowl is authentic it isn't as old as they thought isn't from the ancient chanlong Dynasty but from the Chin Dynasty unfortunately this is not Chan lung this is another Dynasty and the Chia Ching dynasty was after chin L this was the dynasty of his son this lowers its value and causes the expert to appraise it at $3,000 in wholesale value all right so what do you think it's worth okay so I'm going to say a good solid wholesale price on it would be $3,000 well thanks man Rick who knows the real value of the bowl pays the excited sellers 3,800 okay um a final offer would be 4500 you know know I should pay 3,000 for it I'll pay 3500 because I find it a really fascinating piece and I think it'll sell I have been offered more for it would you consider four I'll tell you what I'll go 38 and I'm probably crazy for doing it okay I'll take the 38 okay cool I really appreciate 3,800 is pretty close to the 4,000 that I was really asking I am smiling because I can buy another piece Pokémon game boy Cory finds himself thinking of his childhood when a customer brings in limited edition Game Boy hey how's it going pretty good PR Ling for you today a Game Boy Color Pokémon Limited Edition brand new never open I remember Game Boy coming out it was every parents dream if you were taking your kids on a road trip the customer bought the unopened brand new limited edition Pokemon game boy for $25 that does not stop him from demanding $2,000 for the Game Boy I'm at the pawn shop today to sell my limited edition Pokémon Game Boy Color I acquired this one night when me and somebody's went out karaoke we stopped by an arcade my buddy won it for 20 bucks and I offered him 25 bucks to buy it I'm asking for $2,000 if I make the sale today I'm going to go out and do a little karaoke sing a little Victory song knowing Cory he would likely have called an expert before he paid $25 let alone 2000 the original game boy was so incredibly popular back in 1990 they sold out of their entire inventory in 2 weeks oh wow and they really found like a little niche in the handheld video game market so what are you looking to do with it I'm looking to sell it any idea what you're looking to get out of it I think a fair price probably be about like 2,000 2,000 bucks I can't make you an offer on something I don't know anything about do you mind letting me get a buddy down here to take a look at it no not at all do hang out I'll be back in a little bit okay okay when Cory brings an expert he reveals that though the game boy is not in the best condition it could still fetch good money this particular system came out I believe in 2001 and it was just a different kind of colored Game Boy console with Pikachu and Pichu on the decal okay so um what are these kind of things going for Pokémon especially the cards have been on fire there are there are Charizard cards that are going for literally six figures now and even the games themselves the original ones are going for upwards of five figures depending on the condition unfortunately the hole in the pack a crush corner and indent lowered the value of the Game Boy to $1,200 this does look to be unopen indeed but um unfortunately it's definitely got some flaws as I'm sure you notice um you got you got a crush corner you got a bunch of indents and the worst of all is this sort of puncture in the actual box I Would by no means call this mint it being sealed definitely obviously has is is a bonus it's going to increase the value a lot so what's it worth I would estimate that based on the condition this would probably be worth 1,200 bucks or so would be would be fair all right well I appreciate it after putting up a little fight in the negotiations the seller Parts with a rare Game Boy for $500 all right so you heard everything my guy said um we're talking about 1,200 bucks retail I personally have a huge fear that we are in a video game Bubble right now I'd offer you about 300 bucks for it um I mean I was definitely hoping to get a bit more uh what about like 700 about four I really don't have much more room than that okay yeah we can do the four okay he was definitely a tough negotiator but I got $400 and now it's karaoke time 1966 Batman utility belt when Rick attends to a bubbly lady who wants to sell her Batman utility belt he takes the opportunity cramy history lesson into the chum Le's years man utility bill from 1966 pretty amazing where did you get this obviously Bruce Wayne you idiot I came to the pawn shop today to sell my Batman utility belt from 1966 I got the belt in the' 70s at an antique mall I'm looking to get $117,000 for my belt if I sell my belt I'm going to buy a new car I really need a new car annoyed at the unsolicited lecture shum irritates Rick by declaring that Superman is his favorite superhero it works so well that Rick gets back to work and inspects the utility belt to ensure that all pieces are present I I just find it amazing do you like Batman yeah he's not the best superhero but he's all right what's your favorite superhero the greatest superhero of all time Superman I'm not with you on Superman Superman is what Batman pays millions of dollars to be and guess what Superman was born that way now they're satisfying himself that the item could be real Rick decides to call an expert to ensure everything is above board so what do you want for this 177,000 holy something that's a lot of money my toy guy is just one block away I'm going to give him a call and we'll get a figur it out from there that sounds good I'll be right back Rick expert confirms that the utility belt is authentic and very popular among collectors when the expert notices that the belt's packaging has suffered a tear which lowers its value he appraises it at6 ,000 I'll tell you what to Batman collectors guys this is the Holy Grail it was a toy so it wasn't necessarily meant to hold up and a lot of these didn't because what happened is you opened it up on the way out the store you ripped the belt out of the box you put it on before you even got in the car but this is an incredible shape it has not been removed it has not been played with there's no stress marks on it the only one thing that I see here is there's a little bit of paper tear right there off the Box yeah it's pretty neat but the thing is she is asking $177,000 for this I've seen the belts just by themselves the most common pieces to find sell for thousands of dollars in the case of this I think you've got an absolutely great piece you have tons of Batman collectors tons of superhero collectors so you can't miss on the market I think you have no problem getting $16,000 for this Yes Rick knows the item is worth more because his initial offer is not under half the value he offers her $10,000 and after a brief negotiation she accepts $1,000 I'll give you 10 grand for it oh no no no I would consider $ 15,000 you'd still make $1,000 no I wouldn't make any money if I worked on margins like that I would be out of business I will give you $111,000 12,000 no $150 no $111,000 anything more than that it's not going to make any sense okay all right deal sweet Chum will meet you right over there and do some paperwork with you and get you paid antique ivory Sundi Rick is eager to show the old man an ancient Sundial that a customer has brought in though Rick tries to mock the old man about being old enough to have used a Sund doll to tell the time the old man quickly moves on to business hey how's it going all right how about you all right I got something here I want you look at what do we got here it's old Sund doll okay hey Pops what come here hang on a minute pops come here what do you want you know this thing works no Rick I ain't that old I got a the customer tells them that he got the sundow from his father who got it in Germany while working as a soldier overseas so how did you get this my father picked it up over in Germany when back in World War II he picked it up out of a house or something okay so I take it didn't and buy it I guess it was a war prize it a war prize I think during World War II they let you do that yeah you get all you want yeah I mean all you had to do is F this little boil of War for him boils of War are basically when US servicemen commandeered things during World War I and World War II and it could have been anything all he had to do was spill out some paperwork put a stamp on it and send it home he wants to pwn the sentimental family heirloom for $800 I want to just pwn it and everything you know it is something my father give me and stuff and I don't want to sell it for right okay how much did you want to borrow uh I need $5 $600 shouldn't let be a problem I'd really like someone to look at it first this thing could be worth a lot of money let me call a buddy in here and let him take a look at it we'll figure out what it's worth as the customer demonstrates how to operate the ancient technology Rick is wowed by its excellent craftsmanship neat little thing it's pretty accurate do you know how to use it you hold it up and hold it North let the thing go north and this little string that's on it it cares you what time it is across it don't okay so you hold it you line up that line right there line it up there and then whatever the sun is in your back there it brings through the dial around it there oh that's neat people have been using the sun to tell time for ages and I've seen a ton of Sund dials but I've never seen one that's intricate when the expert arrives he's very impressed by the Sund dial he inspects it closely and discovers some features that the seller hasn't shown Rick this is really an amazing aspect of this particular instrument and I have never seen one that had the original still with it this is 350 years and it's survived there without falling out like it did earlier with you just absolutely amazing if you put this little guy here in the top where it becomes this is a Weather [Music] Vein and I have never seen one that had the original wind vein still with it turns out the Sund dial is so Advan that it can tell time even after the sun sets the cool thing about this is at night when you had a full moon you could actually tell what time it was how in the world did you do that it depends upon the orientation of the moon and the phase of the moon and these little computations down here if you line up the various numbers with what your observation is it'll tell you within 15 minutes what the time of evening is that's amazing it also has the full Julian and Gregorian calendar on the bottom here you have what's known as a lunar Ville it has both the Gregorian and Julian calendar the expert is certain that the bespoke sundal belonged to a rich Noble further inspection reveals that the Sund dial was made by a famous Sund make this is obviously a very detailed delicate instrument it would have been owned by nobility or someone who is very wealthy it's made in Germany it signed Albert carner carner happened to be one of a family of dial makers that was very well known in Germany at the time this is the most incredible pristine example that I've ever seen there is absolutely no doubt that it's authentic he pegs its value at $7,000 what do you think it's worth what do you think we go for an average dial like this might sell from between $3 and $5,000 but one in this exceptional condition they just do not come any better than this there are examples in museum that don't hold a candle to this this one I would say easily could fetch $7,000 thanks for coming by ro I really appreciate it so the seller attempts to begin negotiations at 6,500 so do you still want to pawn it or you want to sell it to me I'm considering selling to you if you'll come up good on me so what do you think is a fair price well you just heard him probably 665 I can't do that I'll give you three grand no I can't take that you heard what he said that's museum piece there yeah but a museum ain't going to give you no money Rick eventually has his way and pays $4,500 for the rare treasure I'll give you 4 grand I mean it scares me I I don't know how long I'm going to sit on this thing that's a lot of money I'll take 45 I'll go 42 that is that is like it let's do this then we're in Vegas let's f up a coin 42 if you get it 45 if I get it you call a coin all right go ahead what the hell Tails head is thank you sir all right let's go do some paperwork my intentions was to Pon it but that was $4,500 my dad would think I was a nut just to keep that right there take the money and go
Channel: X-List
Views: 213,257
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Keywords: pawn stars, pawn stars full episodes, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn stars chumlee, pawn stars old man, pawn stars clips, watch pawn stars, pawn stars best of, pawn stars scenes, pawn stars show, best of pawn stars, pawn stars compilation, history pawn stars, pawn stars episode scenes, history channel pawn stars, pawn stars compilations, pawn stars deals, rare deals pawn stars, pawn stars marathon
Id: -5kjl9J9W4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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