Rick Visits RIVAL SHOPS on Pawn Stars

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good day folks and welcome back to the channel that's cool that's a really great flight jacket the history on it is going to blow you away the lugage is really cool too okay so what's the story with the jacket it has all to do with the atomic bomb this jacket was made just for that mission this is incredible I mean it has something to do with one of the most important events in the history of mankind I when we dropped the most powerful bomb in the world on Hiroshima and then a few days later on Nagasaki and you're saying this was from his flight group as far as we know yes if was just for tibits so how much you want for the jacket I'm really I'm in the $115,000 range on the jacket I don't know Rick I think he's jacking him up high here that's a big shot in the dark price on that jacket right there today we'll show you all the best of moments when Rick visits other pawn shops look what the cat drug is that's me welcome this is amazing how many anvils do you have over, 1500 1,500 Anvil there's 88,000 lb of ambl in this room alone so do you have any for sale well this one I put it right there because I knew when you laid your eyes on that it would be like the first time you met your first wife and what would be the price on this for you is 3500 bucks so it's 3,000 bucks no it's 3500 3500 here's why you cannot go buy ambles everywhere they are so hard to find big Mark pawn shop Rick headed to Chester to visit his buddy's pawn shop upon arrival the shop owner big Mark welcomed him they tour the shop and Rick stumbled upon a piece of the Titanic's Hall which intrigued him long time no see you too this is little Mark hello hi mate good to meet you how's it going good good well show me around you have a look around now I've got something here that will blow your socks off okay this is what you've been looking for all your life all right ready ready wow it's absolutely beautiful what is it [Laughter] well you think it's a piece of rusty metal don't you well it is piece of rusty metal remember that really famous ship that would never sink oh the Titanic that's it that's part of the Titanic's hle so is this where it ran into the iceberg or no the opposite side the good side all right they sent down the The Little Submarine and it broke off a piece or it was the massive operation they sent down several submarines that broke off the big pieces 20 tons and brought it up and then from the big piece they took these samples off so got all the paperwork for it not many people have touched that that's amazing isn't it really that is amazing and it's amazing how much it's worth cuz you just can't get it big Mark offered it for £1.2 million but Rick declined so is it for sale everything's for sale mate you know that I'll sell anything how much you want for it this this is a gem I've had an offer on this a few days ago if you can beat it you can buy off me how much how much did you reckon that's a number I have no idea on I just don't I mean I've never I've never tried to research a piece of the Titanic that is going to cost you £1.2 million yeah if you can make anything over 1.2 million that's that's my offer of it add did two days ago 1.2 million P if you could beat that it's yours mate okay so what else do you have um out of my price range he shifted his interest to Elton John's original boots priced at $1600 pound what do you got in like rock and roll stuff I know you're a massive Elton John fan I an Elton John fan yeah Elton John boots These are original Elon John boots as worn by him they would suit you sir those are actually pretty cool when did he wear them I believe early '70s you know Goodbye Yellow bit roads um Rocket Man Crocodile Rock yeah want in that phase of his life with the big glasses you know and the big collars big flare trousers they would actually look good in Vegas that's a Vagas thing isn't it negotiations ensued and Rick settled on 1325 lbs showcasing his pwn broker skills despite the banter Rick and big Mark shared a friendly rivalry each trying to strike the best deal how much you want [Music] for ,700 ,700 but I'll give you a discount cuz your friend so we'll do for ,600 I'll give you £1,000 for he's that the jet lug no he yet like there are you you know I'm going to have to pay to ship him home you know I love you Rick but you are sometimes when it comes to money I mean what's your best price on them listen we known each other for a long time £1,400 all right and you know that's a bargain man so it's a deal 12200 W ,400 May me in the middle 1,350 1,300 1,350 1,300 1,325 and that's the last 1325 yeah 1325 all right in the end Rick secured the boots at a reasonable price asserting his prow as a Savvy negotiator big Mark is the typical Pond broker of course he's going to start high but I'm not going to pay that because if I get him I'm going to get him for a deal because I'm a pond broker Samurai helmet Rick crossed into Utah and stopped at Hurricane a small town in search of food he stumbled upon an antique shop with a peculiar trailer just crossed into Utah and I pulled into a little town named hurricane to look for some food what do we have here and I noticed a little antique shop with a weird trailer out front so I'm going to go inside and see what they got inside the shop he roamed around always on the hunt for Great Deals and interesting finds inside he explored always on the lookout for bargains he encountered a 110-year-old piano player but the price exceeded his budget hello hey how's it going good how are you all right just looking around sure is the player piano for sale well everything has its price what year is it it's 110 years old and it works and everything like that yeah here try it it's the head of the store okay so what would you take for it it'd have to be more than 10,000 that's a little more than I want to pay well I'd be in trouble if I sold it however he discovered a Samurai helmet priced at $300 vastly undervalued Rick and Light the shop owner about its true worth around 2500 this is definitely pretty cool excuse me question yeah do you know anything about this it's on consignment I don't know anything about it looks like some sort of helmet Samurai helmet it looks like you're asking 300 bucks for it I probably shouldn't tell you this but you're not asking nearly enough for this thing um cuz it could retail for as much as 2500 bucks really yeah wow this is actually really cool this is a Samurai helmet from um late EO period when is that early 1600s to basically 1868 I believe somewhere right around in there you know you had the Emperor who was like the king and then you had the samurai which was sort of like the Royal Court they were basically the equivalent of like dukes and Earls in England negotiations ensued and Rick bought the helmet for $650 a fair deal for both so how much will you take for it what will you give me 1250 I got to do a little better than that you only wanted 300 to start with um well I think after what I've learned about it today I think we got to have at least two for it um 1,500 uh come on you can do better than that 17 I'll go 16650 all right 1650 all right let's go right it up the experience showed Rick that small town antique shop can hold surprises just goes to show when you go into an antique store in a small town every once in a while you can find something I think I can sell it quick he felt happy with his fine and was sure that it would sell well showroom in Huntington Beach Spencer and Rick visited a private showroom in Huntington Beach California the vast space intrigued them with its array of fascinating items Spencer and I are at a private showroom in Huntington Beach California this place is massive and has a lot of really cool stuff I'm hoping I'm going to find something awesome to bring back the shop they explored flight jackets luggage and Military memorabilia one notable find was a jacket linked to the atomic bomb missions during World War II they discussed its history and Rarity but the price was high at $155,000 that's cool that's a really great flight jacket the history on it is going to blow you away the luggage is really cool too okay so what's the story with the jacket it has all to do with the atomic bomb this jacket was made just for that mission this is a great incredible I mean it has something to do with one of the most important events in the history of mankind I when we dropped the most powerful bomb in the world on hirosima and then a few days later on Nagasaki and you're saying this was from his flight group as far as we know yes it was just for tibits problem is there's no known photographs of this jacket being worn there's only two of these jackets known to exist in the world it's believed that this was somehow going to deflect okay so that particular color or this odd material on the outside was going to protect you against nuclear radiation you so how much you want for the jacket I'm really I'm in the $115,000 range on the jacket I don't know Rick I think he's jacking him up high here that's a big shot in the dark price on that jacket right there negotiations also revolved around Japanese painted suitcases a U2 spy plane Pilots helmet and a USS Spearfish submarine Battle Flag and where did you get this stuff these are really cool every GI had an overnight bag or an awall bag but you know it was cool during the 50s they painted them the one with the dog face on it it's really cool cuz that's a Japanese soldiers painted suitcase I've had hundreds of American painted suitcases it's the only Japanese one I've ever seen how much you want for this stuff the Japanese case you know 450 bucks after considering expert advice and haggling they settled on various purchases totaling $575 leaving the showroom impressed with its offerings let me look around find some more stuff we'll get a pile together maybe we can make a deal I don't think you'll have a problem finding much in here like that helmet right there oh good choice yeah is that like SR71 or something like that it's a U2 spy plate Pilot's helmet it's a called a K1 is that like a Battle Flag yes it's a battle flag for the USS Spearfish submarine okay can we see him sure so the helmet from Spy plate exactly this is a US Air Force K1 high altitude flight helmet it's one of the first military high altitude helmets and it's just considered an iconic piece this one I actually removed this from the original cardboard box it's never been touched until we touched it so how about you want for this you know it's hard to put a price that one cuz in condition but with the original box I would like to get 5,000 out of it all right now the flag every submarine had a battle flag and it's called a kill flag and what it did was it kept records of how many ships that submarine sunk there was only five issued this is one of the original five made so how much you want for the flag we're at that fantastic $5,000 number you notice the holes in the bottom I did I mean I know they're super collectible um as far as like World War II stuff goes in the Navy this is pretty cool man exactly before we make a deal on any of this I have a question about the nuke jacket I'd like to call my guy about if you don't mind go for it Alex how's it going hey Rick how are you I'm down here in beautiful Southern California I came across this right here whoa that's the atomic bomb patch that's tiis the guy who dropped the bomb that's his group what's it worth had an auction 20,000 all right um I'll tell you what I'll let you know all right good luck all right have a good one man byebye byee let's start at the cheap stuff the mount fui bag I'll give you 150 bucks I would say no to that i' split in the middle I do two okay so look sell at 175 I'll do 175 now this one will be different okay that one let's start the game at 350 four is the bottom on that one so 375 four and a quarter all right I'll take 400 on that done okay so the jacket I'm just going to stay away from it I don't mind that going back in the collection and it could stay as long as it needs to okay the U2 helmet you want 5,000 three grand no I I would pass if if we can't keep it up in 4500 range I I'll keep it I think 3500 is what we should offer you're negotiating with my money I don't think you should pass him this item this is a good piece right here nope all right the flag 4,000 if it was a different sub didn't have the history I might think about it I'd meet you in the middle at 4500 and that's you could say $44.99 I'm going to say no 45 yes I'll I'll I'll you won't regret 4500 on the flag all right so add it all together that's a 5,75 sounds great Seattle Antiques Market during his visit to Seattle Rick slipped away from the event to explore local Treasures he encountered Ken who showed him various items for sale Rick quickly took a lik to a trolley Bell and a water bag agreeing to buy them for $45 and $55 respectively after some negotiations things have been going really well here in Seattle so I snuck away from the event to check out some local Treasures hello oh hi there welcome to Seattle you must be Ken yeah I am thank you it says so on your shirt I've already fell in love with the Bell over there so the trolley Bell 35 or 4 45 you know what I'll buy that for 45 and I need that right there I think I need that the water bag oh yeah let me get it these were used like in the desert Southwest all during the 1920s 30s 40s 50s the bag is porous so when you fill it up water just starts to leak out slowly and when you drive in on the freeway it flies over your radiator and keeps it cooled down how much you want for that uh the bag is 65 all right you got to negotiate a little bit with me no how about 55 we got a deal all right let's do 55 so we got the BT the bag let me see what else you got he also inquired about brass Port holes which were priced at $250 and $350 Rick bargain for a lower price settling at 225 how much you want for the old brass Port holes oh uh there's two two different sizes there but so they're 250 and 350 250 is the best price on this 2 and a quarter all right as long as you're going to buy some more no problem additionally he purchased an Underwood and a Remington typewriter at $150 each impressed by their mechanical complexity how much is the Underwood and the Remington uh they're both 150 150 a piece yes each you know that's more than a fair price they're just mechanical wonders I mean there's got to be 500 moving Parts in these things so 150 for the Underwood 150 for the Remington done in all Rick spent $625 and hoped to make good money from these items okay I got everything together here for you Rick Pi the items that you picked out so 150 150 4550 5 225 that should come out to 625 6 and a quarter right okay um can you ship them to Vegas yeah no problem at all you take cash yes with ID 2000 presidential election voting booth Rick was in Florida assisting his friend Lisa with her struggling pawn shop he discovered a votom Matic punch card machine from the 2000 presidential election and negotiated with the owner who saw $2,000 I'm down in Florida helping out my friend Lisa and her pawn shop basically needs a pickme up so I made a few calls and I think I have found the perfect item to help get more people to her shopy how's it going hey how you doing so this is the Chad machine this is the votom Matic punch card machine from the 2000 presidential election I bought this voting machine 14 years ago and then with this year's presidential election I decided to bring it out and I wanted to put it in the hands of somebody that can really appreciate it I'm looking to get $2,000 for this voting machine Us in Palm Beach County still had sample ballots and Infamous Chads Rick tried it out demonstrating the chat issue so where in the world did you get this Palm Beach County sold these machines a couple years after the election was over and we have the ballot here do we have Gore and Bush on there yeah I have sample ballots and I also have the infamous Chads are still in the machine can I try this out yeah absolutely I'm voting you're not supposed to look so right there if you don't push all the way and here we go see one hanging chad recognizing its historical significance Lisa offered $1,000 eventually sealing the deal so I think you should make an opera on it um what are you asking for it um $2,000 and that's a bargain I give you eight no no what about like 12200 it's a unique piece of world history not just American presidential history I understand that but just like Rick was just explaining this is something that I'm going to have to find a buyer for and even if I can't find a buyer for it that is money I've got invested I'll give you a thousand I can't go any more than that okay I'll take it all right good deal rck believed the machine would attract customers to Lisa's shop akin to his Super Bowl rings this is something you can pull out every election cycle right and you throw it online for sale and you always put like some crazy Reser Reserve so it doesn't sell but you always end up getting a bunch of free press out of it people will come in your shop just because it's there sort of like my Super Bowl rings and stuff like that with a purchase Rick hoped to generate interest and profits for the Shop's Revival Andrew Alexander showroom Rick visited Andrew's blacksmith shop where he encountered an impressive collection of over 1,500 anvils each with its historical value Andrew oh boy look what the cat drug is that's me welcome this is amazing how many anvils do you have over 1500 1,500 Anvil there's 88,000 lb of anvils in this room alone the anvils in this room are considered to be the most historically significant Anvil collection in the world negotiating with Andrew Rick secured a Trenton Anvil for $3,250 so do you have any for sale well this one I put it right there because I knew when you laid your eyes on that it would be like the first time you met your first wife it's a Trenton 311b lb is solid rod iron so Trenton's from Columbus Ohio yes and what year do you think it is I think it's like 1880 1890 that's kind of amazing and what would be the price on this for you is 3500 bucks so it's 3,000 bucks no it's 3500 3500 here's why you cannot go buy ambl everywhere they are so hard to find they're not being made but I will do 3250 32 32 32 all right 32 exploring further Rick examined the Shop's Machinery notably the Little Giant powerhammer but the $10,500 price gave him pause despite Andrew's encouragement Rick ultimately declined the purchase whoa whoa whoa is that what I think it is I think it is that is a little giant that's a little giant power hammer so it mechanically is doing a 50 lb Hammer stroke that you would do on an anvil okay and it just does it really quick and really powerful it's small but it it packs a very heavy punch okay Little Giant was created by three German immigrants in Mano Minnesota this one was made somewhere in the late 1800s early 1900s and weighs 1,800 lb so you willing to sell this thing sure I would sell it how much they're 10,500 woo what do you mean woo it's a lot of money no it is not I don't know what the the holdup is in your head sir but you need to buy this machine you will not be fulfilled unless you do just hit the little the visit concluded in the office for payment arrangements Rick wanted the power hammer but decided not to buy it because it was too expensive he chose to be careful with his money and left without it you know what I do have a 300lb Anvil that's true it's cool it's amazing it's worth every penny of it but my brain says buy it but then I'm going to hold off on that understood all right let's go to your office I'll get you paid for the ill you give me a receipt outstanding let's do it Scottish Highland dress pistols rck received a secretive lead from Alex his weapons expert prompting a trip to London they visited an antique arms and armor dealer the finers the family business spanning over 50 years showcase rare pieces with royal Providence Alex has a longstanding relationship with an antique arms and armor dealer here in London and we're going to go in there we're going to take a look Rick meet the finers um Peter's the father Ro and red also work with him much like I work with my father and in fact Peter and my father have been friends for about 40 years so I've known this family a long time from the looks of it you definitely have some incredible stuff here the business is a family business which was started um over 50 years ago by my father essentially we deal in arms and armor from Roman and Greek times um all the way through to the 19th century Rick Marvel l a pair of Scottish style pistols commissioned by George III and a 1600 stagghorn wheel lock made for the Saxon Court oh so this is where the real fancy stuff is at a l of the pieces here have um fascinating provenance some of which is Royal one of the pieces I'd like to show you guys is this pair of pistols here by John Christie made in Scottish Style by a Scott but made actually in his own private Workshop in the Tower of London George III commissioned John Christie to come down from Scotland to make dress pistols and such like for diplomatic gifts you'd never fire anything like that no they weren't really designed to fire they were designed to look good at in basically informal wear right were completely functional sure no maker would ever make a pair of pistols you know unless they were purely functional what are they made out of them I'm assuming steel barrels they're all steel and then these are guilt brass stocks very unusual very very rare they have a wonderful grotesque face on the on the B of the pistols there what's that one right there the ivory one it's not Ivory no that's Staghorn so this is um made in 1600 and it's made for the Saxon Court in Germany it's one of only few that have ever come onto the Art Market this is a walnut stock that's inlaid with stag horn and then the decoration is dogs and grotesque faces chasing rabbits and so on despite their Rarity and Beauty Rick negotiated the price of the pistols from £100,000 to £85,000 and made the purchase how many did you say three I believe only three have ever come on to the Art Market yeah so how much is the wheel lock the wheel Lock's £140,000 okay um I think I'll pass on this one but how much are these they're £100,000 £100,000 yeah they tick all the boxes they have a great name you know great maker great condition and and they're beautiful they works of art so would you take £80,000 for them no reck I would wouldn't take £80,000 but I would take 90,000 for them would you take £85,000 that's like $105,000 America I'll take 8 £5,000 you have a delighted with the acquisition Rick thanked the finers and left resisting the temptation to linger and buy more just bought those oh yeah I bought them you just bought those I mean they're fantastic I'm thrilled well thanks for bringing me here they're absolutely amazing appreciate the business thanks a lot cheers all right I shouldn't be in here any longer I might buy something else I might want to stay though Model 1830 West Point Cadet musket David a local pond broker showcase a West Point Cadet military musket to Rick claiming it was worth $5,800 due to its Rarity hey what can I help you with hey I the West Point Cadet military musket it came in my pawn shop it's kind of a hard item for me to sell okay in my shop and I want to sell to you guys cuz you guys have the customers um I'm thinking it's worth around 5800 how much you get it for 400 okay he named his price however experts later identified it as a standard Springfield 1816 musket valued at $1,200 so what do you know about it I've done a lot of research on this musket it's got all the US markings the carto marks the inspection marks and I believe it's an 1830 Springfield West Point Cadet military musket and uh there was 307 total made the technology was changing around that time they converted 153 of them to percussion I mean this looks like it was used whether it was used at West Point or not I have no idea it's easy to take old guns and then turn them into do rare guns right I see it all the time you take a common gun you turn it into a rare gun you get a lot more money if everything checks out I would love to have it I mean it's getting harder and harder to find anything pre- Civil War let me get my buddy sea down here he's an expert in arms and armor okay all right sounds good uh so this is it he says it's a Cadet musket I'm kind of DF founded when I hear the word Cadet cuz you just don't see those muskets and it also raises a red flag too because with anything that's a rarity that brings those people to the table that want to to fake it to ascertain whether this is a a true West Point Cadet musket first of all the barrel length if this is not what the specifics are listed in the original records then that's a tip off that it may not be the cadet musket okay okay unfortunately this is not the cadet musket really this is your standard model 1816 the cadet musket Barrel was only 40 and 1/2 in this is 42 in mhm the lock plate was 5 and 5/8 in this one is almost 6 and 3/4 if it were a Cadet musket this thing would be worth anywhere from 5 to 10,000 okay because this is just your standard Springfield 1816 it's worth 1,000 to 12200 that's kind of disappointing to hear negotiations ensued and Rick managed to purchase it for $825 all right so what do you want to do with it sell it how much you want for it about ,000 that's what I'll get out of it if I'm lucky you know how this works you own a pawn chob yeah I wish it was a Cadet musket but it's not so um I'll give you 700 bucks how about nine how about 750 I'm going to get a grand out of it you're making money I'm making money everybody be happy can you go8 and a half 8 and a/ qu you know 8 and a/ qu sounds fair okay do sounds like a deal you want to run them up Qui all right man let's go do some paper work all right T out of firing range confirmed its functionality bringing satisfaction to Rick despite the discrepancy in value so even though this isn't the real West Point Cadet musket I'm going to show you what they had to go through to learn how to shoot one of these muskets so what are we shooting today Sean real musketball how you are my man right ready to follow the orders forward March since Chumley is going to be the cadet I'm a little concerned halt aim your weapon fire when ready woo yeah David's mistake showed how tricky it is to Value old stuff highlighting the need for experts despite feeling let down at first Rick's sensible approach made things turn out well it's a lesson in making sure you know what you're getting when dealing with old items this is where we'll end our video we hope you enjoyed watching make sure to comment hit that like And subscribe button hit that notification Bell for more videos like this share this video to your family and friends see you soon
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Keywords: pawn stars, pawn stars full episodes, pawn stars clips, pawn stars episode, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn stars chumlee, pawn stars old man, pawn stars compilation, history pawn stars, pawn stars show, rick harrison pawn stars, pawn stars do america, rick pawn stars, watch pawn stars, history channel pawn stars, best of pawn stars, pawn stars scenes, pawn stars fake items, pawn stars rick harrison, corey pawn stars
Id: X5w6N6MLySo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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